Aachen, 13 Absolutism, 12 Académie d'Architecture, 100 Académie

The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System
Jacob Soll
The University of Michigan Press, 2009.
Aachen, 13
Absolutism, 12
Académie d’Architecture, 100
Académie des Beaux-Arts, 100
Académie des Belles-Lettres de Caen,
Académie des Inscriptions et BellesLettres, 100, 109, 128
Académie des Inscriptions et Médaillons,
Académie des Sciences, 100, 109
Académie Française, 31
Académie Française de Rome, 100
Académie Politique of de Torcy, 156
Accounting, 18, 34, 36, 54–58; and Louis
XIV, 60–66
Agendas, 6, 18; made for Louis XIV,
51–66; of Seignelay, 89
D’Aguesseau, Henri de, intendant, 91
Alberti, Leon Battista, 54, 57
Amelot de La Houssaye, AbrahamNicolas, 54, 57
American Historical Association, 11
Amsterdam, 24–25
Ancient Constitution, the, 13, 29, 31,
Ann of Austria, Queen of France, 38, 58
Antiquarianism, 25–33; and government,
152; information management, 143–52;
and politics, 142
Archives, 7, 11; archival pillages, 101–8,
126; de Brienne archive, 103; Colbert
and archives, 37, 104–12; colonial
archives, 113–19; Dutch archives, 24;
ecclesiastical archives, 103–6; Fouquet’s
archive, “la Cassette de Fouquet,” 46;
French parliamentary archives, 43–44,
108; French state archives, 28–30,
101–8; Fugger family archive, 19; genealogical archives, 182–83; medieval
archives, 14–15; nineteenthcentury centralizing state archives,
158–59; openness and archives, 166;
and Orientalism, 105–7; permanent
state archives, 158; Renaissance
archives, 16; and royal authority, 162;
searchable archives, 158; and secrecy,
166; Spanish Archives, 19–21
Archivio di Stato di Torino, 163
Archivio Segreto del Vaticano, 22, 28
Arnoul, Nicolas, intendant, 73–74, 106
Arnoul, Pierre, ‹ls, intendant, 78–79
Ars apodemica, 70–72
Ars mercatoria, 18, 35
Atlantic World, lack of concept of, 115,
The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System
Jacob Soll
The University of Michigan Press, 2009.
d’Aubarède, Vincent, Père, 141
Augsburg, 19
d’Avity, Pierre, 71
Bacon, Francis, 5, 8, 9, 97
Bagni, Nicola Guidi di, cardinal, 39
Bale, John, 22
Baluze, Étienne, 1, 7, 101, 108; administers Colbert’s library, 111–13; manages
information for the Affair of the régale,
143–52; and New World archives, 116;
serves Seignelay, 156; trains with Mabillon, 121–14; works with La Reynie,
banking, 18, 24
Barnier, François, 105
Baronius, Cesar, cardinal, 22, 145
Barret-Kriegel, Blandine, 9
Bastille, the prison of, 130, 138
Bayle, Pierre, 101, 136, 139
Beauvilliers, Paul, duke de Saint-Aignan
et de, 159
Bellinzani, Francesco, 76, 117
Benedictines, 120, 146
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 100
Besson, Joseph, père, 106–7
bibliophilia, 17–18, 102, 104, 162
Bibliotheca San Marco, 21, 28
biblioteca selecta, 95–97, 111
Bibliothèque Mazarine, 40–43
Bibliothèque Nationale, 8
Bicci, Averardo Francesco di, 55
Biterne, Law Firm of, 35
Blair, Ann, 23
Blois, Françoise-Marie de Bourbon,
mademoiselle de, 51
Blondel, François, 110
Blotius, Hugo, 70, 95–97
Bodin, Jean, 30
Boislisle, Arthur de, 9
Bookkeeping, double-entry, 18, 35,
53–58; naval, 74–76
Boniface VIII, Benedetto Caetani, pope,
Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne, bishop, 151
Botero, Giovanni, 55
Bouhours, Dominique, père de, 87
Boulainvilliers, Henri, comte de, 159–60
i nde x
Bourgogne, Louis, ‹ls de France, duke
de, 125, 159
Bourzeis, Aimable, abbé, 108, 122
Boutigny, Roland Le Vayer de, intendant, 151
Boyle, Robert, 115
Bracciolini, Poggio, 16, 17
Brienne, Antoine de Loménie, comte de,
Brienne, Henri-Auguste de Loménie,
comte de, 29; archive of, 103
Brunelleschi, Filippo, 54, 57
Bruno, Giordano, 24
Budé, Guillaume, 30
Bullion, Claude de, 53
Bureaucracy, 3, 11; Colbert’s reforms of
the intendancy, 67; Foucault’s training
for, 123–26; Jesuit, 23, 29, 31; and
scholarship, 106; Spanish, 20; and the
Terror, 166
Busbeque, Ogier Ghislain de, 105
Call numbers, 93
Cambridge University, 1
Cambridge Modern History, 15
Canada, 113–19
Carcassonne, 104
Carcavy, Pierre, 99
cartography, 71–72, 76
Casa de Contratacíon, 20, 28
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico, 8, 76,
Castiglione, Baldessare, 54
Castille, 18
catalogs, 146
categories, 5
Catherine II, the Great, Tsarina of Russia, 162
Catinat de Vaugelay, Pierre, Président de,
Caulet, François-Étienne, bishop,
140–42, 149
censorship, 130–39
the church, and paperwork, 13–14, 16;
scholars of, 120–23
Central Intelligence Agency, 12
Chambers, Ephraïm, 195
Chambre des Comptes, 28, 123, 151
The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System
Jacob Soll
The University of Michigan Press, 2009.
Chamlay, Jean-Louis Bolé, marquis de,
Champaigne, Philippe de, 4
Chapelain, Jean, 101, 157; family accounting ‹rm of, 35
Charlemagne, 14, 140
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 54
Charles VIII, King of France, 109, 141
Charles IX, King of France, 30
Charron, Pierre, 58
Chevreuse, Charles Honoré d’Albert,
duke de Luynes, de Chaulnes et de,
Choppin, René, 28
chorography, 71
Christina, Queen of Sweden, 41
Cicero, 2
Clanchy, M. T., 15
Clément, Nicolas, 122
Clément, Pierre, 6
clerks, 30
Clermont, Collège de, 87, 89, 123
Clinton, William Jefferson, 12
Cluny, 15
Clusius, Carolus, 19
Coffee Houses, 10
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste: and accounting,
34, 36, 50, 60–66; and archives, 7,
107–12; book collector, 101–8,
126–27; and bookkeeping, 35; collapse
of his ministry, 156; and colonial policy, 113–19; correspondence of,
137–39; death, 153; education of,
34–36; family, 34; and ‹nance, 34; and
‹nancial management, 38; fortune of,
36–37; and Foucault, 123–26; his son,
88–93; and historiographical culture,
127–29; information management, 7;
information management, blueprint for
his system of, 86; information management, collapse of his system, 154–59;
information management, cross-checking, 78; information management and
intendants, 68–73; information management and navy, 73–75; information
management systems, 12, 41; innovations, 163–65; and Jesuits, 34; and La
Reynie, 133–39; legacy of, 163–65; li-
brary of 1–3, 95–119, 121, 145; library,
sale of, 156; lobby of, 68; and Louis
XIV, relationship to and education of,
51–52, 59–64; and Louis XIV, reports
to, 91; and Mazarin, 35–40; and
Mazarin’s library, 40–43; and merchant
culture, 34–35; and Gabriel Naudé,
39–42; original name of Mississippi
River, 113; and paperwork, 4, 6, 8, 36;
and the Paris Parlement, 43, 47–49;
Paris Parlement, con›ict with, 80–81;
Paris Parlement, regulation of, 69; and
the Republic of Letters, 127; reputation and historical image, 3–5; rise to
power, chap. 3; Royal Library, 4, 42,
94–101; and science, 98–104; secrecy
of, 44, 47–48
Colbert, Édouard François, comte de
Maulévrier, 155
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, marquis de
Seignelay, education, 84–88; makes enquêtes; and note-taking, 89–93; policy
letters, 138–37; takes over from his father, 153
Colbert, Marie Charron, 36
Colbert, Nicolas, archbishop, 84
Colbert de Croissy, Charles, intendant,
Ambassador, 74, 77, 81, 111–12
Colbert de Terron, Jean, intendant, 45,
73–74, 79, 84
Colbert de Torcy, Jean-Baptiste, foreign
minister, archive and information system of, 156–57
collecting, 19, 101–8, 127
Collegio Romano, 22
colonies, 113–19
Commines, Philippe, de, 109
Committee of Public Safety, 165
Communication Networks, 10
Congress of the United States, 11
Conring, Herman, 101, 127
Corregidores, 72
Cotelier, Jean-Baptiste, 105
Cotton, Robert, 8, 27–28
Council of Finances, 53, 60
Counter, or Catholic Reform, 53, 143
Cour des Aides, 81–82
Courtilz de Sandras, Gatien, 4
The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System
Jacob Soll
The University of Michigan Press, 2009.
Cramoisy, Sébastien Marbre, 102
credit, 160–61
Creil, Jean de, intendant, 81
curia regia, 29
curiosity, 19; Colbert’s lack of in the
New World, 114, 119
Dafforne, Richard, 56
D’Alembert, Jean Le Rond, 4
Dallek, Robert, 11
D’Artagnan, Charles de Batz-Castelmore,
Dassié, F., 110
data, management, 23; search, 146–52
de’Barbari, Jacopo, 55
Delamare, Nicolas, 131, 133
Descartes, René, 3, 5, 41
Desmaretz, Nicolas, 154–55
Dessert, Daniel, 68
Diderot, Denis, 4–5, 95, 110
diplomatica, 101, 121
Diplomats, 17–18, 70–71
Doat, Jean, Président de, 104
Dodart, Denis, 110
Doomsday Book, 15
Doujat, Jean, 80
Dreyfus, Alfred, 11, 165
Du Cange, Charles du Fresne, sieur, 31,
Dumoulin, Charles, 28
Dupuy Academy, 31
Dupuy, Jacques, 27–28, 31, 94, 100, 145,
Dupuy, Pierre, 27–28, 31–33, 100, 145,
Durey de Meinières, Jean-Baptiste
François, 161
Du Tillet, Jean the elder, 30, 33, 89,
East India Company (VOC), 24–25
Eastern manuscripts, 104–6
Ecclesiastical scholars, 120–23, 144
Edict of Nantes, 155
Encyclopédie, 4–5, 95, 110, 161
encyclopedism, 94–101, 104
England, 18, 21; government and information, 26–27; treaties with, 111–13
i nde x
enquêtes, 67, 69, 77; Seignelay trains to
write them, 155
d’Épernon, Bernard de Nogaret de La
Valette, duke, 131
Erasmus, Desiderius, 57
Escorial, el, 20
Evans, R. J. W., 9
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 12
Félibien, André, 110
Fermat, Pierre de, 95
Fernandez de Oviedo, Gonzalo, 114
Files, 17, 23; Colbert’s ‹les, 116, 122;
Colbert’s ‹le on the régale, 147; of police, 80; Seignelay’s ‹les, 89–93, 108
‹nance, 18, 34; and openness, or transparency, 159–61
Flacius, Mathias, 22
Florence, Italy, 10, 16–19, 98
Foucault, Joseph-Nicolas, marquis de
Magny, 43, 48, 78, 80, 90, 123–28,
137, 141–42
Foucault, Michel, 9
Fouillac, Antoine Raymonde, abbé de,
Fouquet, Nicolas, marquis de Belle-Isle,
vicomte de Melun et Vaux, 43–47;
Cassette, or archive of, 46–47; library,
François I, King of France, 30
Frederick II, the Great, King of Prussia,
Freedom of Information Act, 11
Fronde, the, 35, 40, 130, 131
Fugger, Anton, 19, 144
Fugger, Jakob, 19
Fulda, 15
Galileo, 8, 24
Galison, Peter, 11
Galland, Antoine, 125
Gallicanism, 22, 27–32, 107, 123–25,
140–42, 145, 151
Gallois, Jean, abbé de 144, 147–50
Gardiner, George, 116
Gates, Bill, 163
Gaudais-Dupont, Louis, 113
genealogy, policy of, 82
The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System
Jacob Soll
The University of Michigan Press, 2009.
Genoa, 16, 19
geography, 71–72
German states, 18
Gesner, Conrad, 23, 58, 95
Godefroy, Denis II, 128
Godefroy, Théodore, 29–31, 89, 102, 104
Google, 2, 7
government; and paperwork, 6, 22, 60;
and antiquarianism, 25–33, 69
Gracián, Balthasar, 53
Grafton, Anthony, 99
Grands Jours d’Auvergne, 82
Gregory XV, Alessandro Ludovisi, pope,
Grotius, Hugo, 26, 28, 41, 54
Grub Street, 139
Guicciardini, Francesco, 17–18
Guise, Henri II, duke de, 38
Habermas, Jürgen, 10
Hague, the, 24
Hapsburg, empire, 25
Harlay, Achilles de, 151
Harlay de Champvallon, François de, 30,
108, 151
Heinsius, Nicolas, 28, 127
Henry IV, King of France, 29, 52–53, 103
Henry VIII, King of England, 141
Hérouard, Jean, 58
Hevelius, Johannes, 101
history, and politics, 127–29
Hobbes, Thomas, 97
Holland, 18; Dutch Revolt, 21; Dutch
Wars, 122; French competition with,
76; radical books from, 136–39; trade
empire, 24–25
d’Hozier, Charles-René, 83
humanism, 16–19; Colbert’s distaste for,
109; decline of political humanism,
39–40; and political pedagogy, 52;
practical humanism and accounting,
Huygens, Christian, 8, 99, 127
Ianziti, Gary, 17
information, 6; Amsterdam, 24–25; Colbert’s orders concerning, 77; Colbert’s
system of, 97; collection, 68; and colo-
nial affairs, 114; cross-checking, 79;
and genealogy, 82; handling and management of, 23, 41, 52, 56, 62–66; and
ministry of foreign affairs, 156; and
navy, 73–76; networks, 10, 12; overload, 77; and the Parlement, 161–62;
and politics, 144–52; retrieval of, 146;
war room, 148–52
informants, political, 80; religious, 15, 76
informers, 69, 72
Innocent XI, Benedetto Odescalchi,
pope, 141
Intelligence, 12, 68, 72, 80; and historical
documents, 129; scienti‹c, 99
intendants, 67; and enquêtes, 77; as informers, 72; and navy, 73–76
investiture crises, 140–41
James I, King of England, 97
Jansenism, 105, 121, 133–34, 144
Jarry, Nicolas, 65
Jefferson, Thomas, 117–18
Jesuits, 5, 6, 12; and bureaucracy, 23; and
education of Colbert’s son, 89–93; and
New World, 114, 117, 118; and science, 98; and travel, 70–71
Journal (Giornale), 55–56, 62
Kelley, Donald, 30
King, James E., 9
Kircher, Athanasius, 8, 23, 104–5
Koselleck, Reinhard, 10
Kunstkammern, 71
Laffemas, Barthélemy de, 57
La Fosse, Conseiller de, 46
La Hire, Philippe de, 8
Lamoignon, Guillaume de Malesherbes,
Président de, 47
La Mothe Lavayer, François de, 58–59
La Reynie, Gabriel-Nicolas, lieutenant
général du Châtelet, 8; education, 131;
governing Paris, 132; policing of letters, 130–39; works with Baluze, 133
La Salle, Jean-Baptiste, chevalier de, 114,
Lavisse, Ernst, 6, 8, 67
Law, John, 160
The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System
Jacob Soll
The University of Michigan Press, 2009.
Lecointe, Charles, 110
ledgers, 54–58
Le Gallois, Jean, 100
Legal reforms, 47–49
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr
von, 146
Le Laboureur, Jean, 161
Le Maistre, 28
Le Nôtre, André, 1
Léonard, Frédéric, 102
Le Paige, Louis-Sébastien, 161
Le Pelletier, Claude de, 154–55, 157
Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, 67
Le Tellier, Michel, 35–36, 45; family,
libraries: and the Encyclopédie, 5;
Mazarine library, 102; and science, 1,
98–104. See also Colbert, Jean-Baptiste,
Library, Royal, 1, 7, 8, 28, 83, 94–107;
and Louvois family, 158; taken from
Colbert’s control, 154–56
library science, 7
Lionne, Hugues de, 51
Lipsius, Justus, 39, 53–54
Lister, Martin, 1–2, 95
Livy, 129
Locke, John, 5
longitude, 8
Longueil, René de, 80
Longueville, Henri II d’Orléans, duke de,
Louis, Grand Dauphin de France, 50,
Louis XI, King of France, 109
Louis XIII, King of France, 103, 143
Louis XIV, 5, 6, 12, 13, 33, 39, 43, 44,
47–49; breaks up Colbert’s ministry
and system, 154–59; and clandestine
literature, 139; and colonies, 114; education, 58–65; Friday morning reports
from Colbert, 91; patronage, 101, 104;
reading enquêtes, 77; relationship with
Colbert, 50–52; and the right of régale,
Louis XV, 135; purchases Colbert’s
books, 157, 165
Louis XVI, 135, 161, 165
i nde x
Louvois, Camille Le Tellier, abbé de, 158
Louvois, François Michel Le Tellier,
marquis de, 157–58
Louvre, palais du, 95; and the royal press,
Luther, Martin, 141
Lyon, 18
Mabillon, don Jean de, 101, 121–23
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 17
Malesherbes, Guillaume-Chrétien de
Lamoignon de, 135–61
Mallet, Roland, 57
Malynes, Girard, 116
maps, 71–72, 76, 95; Native American,
Marca, Pierre de, archbishop, 28, 121,
Maridor, Jean, Président de, 47
Marie-Thérèse d’Espagne, Queen of
France, 51, 122
Marle, Bernard-Hector de, intendant, 79,
Marsilius of Padua, 141
Mascranni, banking house, 35
Mason Lodges, 10
Maurice of Nassau, 53
Mazarin, Cardinal Jules de, 3, 29, 33; and
Colbert, 35–39, 43–44, 51; and education of Louis XIV, 89, 129; library of,
40–43, 102
McKenzie, Donald F., 115
Medici, bank, 18, 54; family, 34
Medici, Cosimo de’, 18
Medici, Marie de’, Queen of France,
Mellis, John, 56
Mercantilism, 3, 7, 164
Merchants, 18; culture of, 34–35, 62–66;
code of, 86
Merovingians, 13
Mesme, Henri, président de, 188
Mézéray, François-Eudes, 128
Milan, 16–18
Ministry of Finance, 154; falls out of control of Colbert family, 156
Mississippi River, originally called the
Colbert River, 113
The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System
Jacob Soll
The University of Michigan Press, 2009.
Modifort, Thomas, 116
Moissac, Abbey de, 124
Montaigne, Michel de, 58, 115
Montano, Benito Arias, 21
Montchrétien, Antoine de, 57–58, 70
Montespan, Françoise-Athénaïs, marquise
de, 51, 157
Montfaucon, Bernard de, 125–26
Morales, Ambrosio de, 21, 26
Moreau, Jean-Jacob, 162
Münster, Sebastian, 70
Napoléon, Bonaparte, 165
Nattier, Marc, the elder, 85
Naudé, Gabriel, 39–42, 58, 95, 102,
navy, French, record and information
systems, 73–76
Newton, Sir Isaac, 5
Niccoli, Niccolò, 102
Northumbria, 15
notebooks, 18, 48, 54; of Charles Perrault, 129; of intendants, 82; Louis XIV
(Carnets de Louis XIV), 64–66; of
Seignaly, 89
note taking, and accounting, 54–58; and
the Jesuits, 23; and Seignelay’s training,
Observatory, Royal, 8
Ogilvie, Brian, 70
Openness, ‹nancial, 159–61
Orientalism, 105–7
Origen, Adamantius, 22
d’Orléans, Philippe, duke de, 51
d’Orléans, Philippe, duke de, Regent of
France, 123
Orta, Gracia da, 57
Ovando, Juan de, 114
Oxenstierna af Södermöre, Axel Gustafsson, Chancellor of Sweden, 96
Pacioli, Luca, 54–57
Pallavicino, Sforza, 21
Pamiers, 140–42
paperwork, 8, 14; and colonies, 113–19;
and the Italian City States, 16; in
Spain, 20; and secrecy, 45, 59, 79;
Seignelay’s guide to state paperwork,
Parker, Geoffrey, 9
Parker, Matthew, 22
Paris, 1, 18
Parlement of Paris, 28–33, 43–44, 67–68,
80–81; and information, 161–62; and
censorship, 133
Paul V, Camillo Borghese, pope, 21–23
Pedagogy, 6, 52–54, 57; merchant, 86–87;
project for the duke de Bourgogne,
Peiresc, Nicolas Fabri de, 27, 30, 95, 100,
102, 104–5, 125–26, 139
Pellison-Fontanier, Paul, 128
Pellot, Claude, intendant, 81
pendulum clock, 8
Péré‹xe de Beaumont, Paul-Philippe, 58
Perrault, Charles, 128–29
Perrault, Claude, 109
Petrarch, Franceso, 16
Peter the Great, Tsar of Russia, 162
Petty, William, 69
Philip the Fair, King of France, 141
Philip II of Spain, 9, 19–21, 26, 68, 71;
compared to Colbert, 73, 77, 95,
113–14, 166
Philip V, King of Spain, 162
Philippe-Auguste, King of France, 67
philology, 17
Picard, Jean, 9
Pietro Leopoldo, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 10
Pithou, Pierre, 28, 30–31, 145
policing, of letters, 130–39; of Parlement,
politeness, 10
Pombal, Sebastião José de Carvalho e
Melo, conde de Oeiras, marques de,
Pontchartrain, Jérôme Phélypeaux, comte
de, 158
portfolios, 8
The Pragmatic Sanction, 141
Presidential Records Act, 11
printing, 24; regulation of Paris printers,
Priolo, Benjamin, 129
The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System
Jacob Soll
The University of Michigan Press, 2009.
Propaganda, 128
Protestants, 92, 105; policing of, 133–34
Public Sphere, 10–11
publishing, 41
Pussort, Henri, 47–48
radical Enlightenment, 133, 164
Ramus, Petrus, 57
Reagan, Ronald, 12
record keeping, 16–18, 56–58, 74, 107–9,
reference system, 143–52
Reformation, 21–22, 141
regal, royal right of, 126, 140–51
registers, of state funds, 7, 28, 60–63, 89;
parliamentary, 43
reims, 34
relaciones topográ‹cas, 20, 26, 68, 71,
relations, 87
relazioni, 20
Renaudot, Jacques, 136
Renaudot, Théophraste, 32, 136
reports, government, 27, 61; cross-checking of, 79; of intendants, 69, 73; of
Seignelay, 85
Republic of Letters, the, 10, 27–28, 30;
Colbert’s control of, 127, 163–64; and
libraries, 102; policing of, 133–39; and
royal academies, 100
research, 97–104, 151
Revolution, the French, 108, 151, 160,
Ribier, Guillaume, 129–30
Richelieu, Armand du Plessis, Cardinal
de, 5, 29, 31, 34, 52–53, 58, 96, 100,
Richer, Jean, 110
Rigault, Nicolas, 30
Rochefort, port of, 73–76, 84, 87, 114
Roman script, 17
Rome, 16, 17
Royal Press, 109–10, 123
Royal Society, 98
Rudolph II of Bohemia, Holy Roman
Emperor, 25, 120
Sacchini, Francesco, 23
i nde x
Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide,
Sainte-Palaye, Jean-Baptiste de La Curne
de, 161
Saint Just, Antoine Louis Léon de
Richebourg de, 165–66
Sales, St. François de, 109
Sallo, Denis de, 100, 136
salons, 10
Salutati, Coluccio, 17–18
Sandys, Sir Edwin, 26
Sanson, Nicolas, 76
Sarpi, Paolo, 8, 135
Savary, Jacques, 57, 86, 90, 110
Savoy, 162–63
Scala, Bartolomeo, 17
science, 98–104
Scienti‹c Revolution, 3
scribes, in the navy, 74–75, 146
scriptoria, 13, 16
search engine, 7
secrecy, and archives, 107, 129–30; criticism of, 159–60; and the French
monarchy, 47; and government reports
and memos, 80; and modern government, 9–12, 29, 39, 44–45
secret sphere, 33, 168
Secretaries, 29, 36, 44
Séguier, Pierre, duke de Villemor, Chancellier de France, 30, 46
Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de, 115
Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal,
marquise de, 3
Seville, 18, 20
Shapiro, Barbara, 71
Sharpe, Kevin, 9
Shils, Edward, 11
Sienna, 16
Simancas, 20, 28
Simon, Rochard, 134–35
Simonetta, Cicco, 17
Simonetta, Giovanni, 17
Smedley-Weill, Anette, 72
Smith, Adam, 4
Souchu de Rennefort, Urbain, 114
Spain, 20–21, 98; and the Dutch archives,
Spanheim, Ezechiel, 4
The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert's Secret State Intelligence System
Jacob Soll
The University of Michigan Press, 2009.
Spinoza, Baruch, 5
Staatenkunde, 9
Stasi, the, 165
state information system, 22; Colbert’s
design for, 96; collapse of, 154; criticism of, 159; managing of, 60, 67
state secrecy, 9–12, 29, 39, 44–45, 80
statistics, 72–73, 118
Steven, Simon, 53–55
Strada, Octavio, 25
Sublet de Noyers, Françoise de, 35
Suetonius, 109
Sully, Maximillien de Bethune, duke de,
29; archives of, 108
Tacitus, 39, 53, 57, 129, 135
Talon, Jean, 117–18
Taxation, 68, 126
Terence, 109
The Terror, 165
The Thirty Years War, 53
Thou, Jacques-Auguste de, 8, 54, 95, 105,
travel, 70–72; as an element of Colbert’s
training of Seignelay, 87; in the New
World, 114
Trésor des Chartes, 28
Trichet du Fresne, Raphaël, 102
Trithemius, Johannes, 22
trust, 160
Tubeuf, Jacques, intendant, 37–38, 126
Turgot, Ann Robert Jacques, Baron de
Laune, 163–64
University of Pennsylvania, 137
Urban VIII, Maffeo Barberini, pope, 22
Vallière, Louise de, 51
Van Damme, Stéphane, 10
Varillas, Antoine, 128
Vatican, 17–18, 22–23
Vauban, Sébastien Le Prestre, marquis de,
85, 111
Vaux-le-Vicomte, 44–45
Venice, 16, 18; ambassadors, 20, 21; Interdict, 21–22; archival catalog, 22
Vermandois, Louis de Bourbon, comte
de, 51
Versailles, 3, 67, 95, 100; publications
about, 110
Vice President of the United State of
America, Of‹ce of, 11
Victor Amadeus II, duke of Savoy, 163
Vieira, Damiao, 116
Vinci, Leonarda da, 54, 57
Vossius, J. G., 127
Wansleben (Vanslèbe), Johann, Michael,
pere, 106
Wars of Religion, 28
Weber, Max, 3, 13, 15, 154
West Indies, 24
Williams, Robert, 56
Wolfenbüttel Library, 99–103, 146
Wotton, Sir Henry, 104
Ympyn, Jan, 56
Zsámboky, Janos (Sambucus), 25
Zwinger, Theodore, 70