The Bellringer The parish newsletter of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church June 2015 525 N. Fifth Avenue Sequim, WA 98382 360-683-4862 From Father Bob Each Sunday, we exchange the peace of the Lord in the midst of our worship as part of the liturgy. It is a remarkable time in the service, when our attention shifts from the front of the church to the people around us. It is also a very important expression of a deeply spiritual reality. The passing of the peace in not merely a kind of greeting; instead, it is a reflection of one of God’s most remarkable gifts. What’s Inside?? Calendar 2 Birthdays 3 Directory Course Offering 4 Chet Miller Scholarships Bits & Pieces 5 Music Live Tutoring Wrap-up 6 Disaster Preparedness If you look closely at the Resurrection appearances of Jesus in the Gospels, you will find that Jesus often greets the startled disciples with the words “peace be with you”. Before he teaches, sometimes, even before they recognize him, the gift of peace is extended to touch anxious hearts. It seems to me that there are three aspects of this peace that are remarkable. First, there is the kind of peace which brings calm in the midst of a storm. When things seem out of control, and life is in turmoil, this dimension of peace quiets the troubled soul and brings comfort in any situation. Particularly when we are overwhelmed, this peace can be an unexpected and remarkable gift. Second, there is an active dimension to the peace of God. It is not only the absence of conflict, or the abatement of tension, it is also the presence of the Holy Spirit that enables us to bring His peace to others. Often, ministry to those dealing with some type of crisis involves this gift of peace which comes in a very human form through someone else. Third, peace involves not only our mind, but also our spirit. It is more than psychological calm. It is that “peace which passes understanding” and touches our soul. This is the peace which comes through the recognition of the presence of God, His love and compassion. It is the peace that often comes through meditation or contemplation. In the midst of busy lives and many concerns, may we remember this wonderful gift of peace, the first of many we receive through faith. The Bellringer June 2015 Page 2 Special Events at St. Luke’s for June 2015 Sun Mon Tue 1 2 8:00am Men’s Spirituality Brkfst. 1:00pm Daughters of the King 7 8 9 9:00am Pancake Breakfast . 14 Food Bank Day 15 Wed 3 16 Thu 4 Fri Sat 5 6 12 13 9:30am Eucharist at Sherwood 10 11 Noon Healing service w/Euch. 9:00am Safeguarding God’s Children 17 18 9:15am School on Sunday 1:00pm Ginger Coonelly Memorial Service 19 20 26 27 9:30am Eucharist at Sherwood Bazaar Workshop Sale 21 Father’s Day 9:15am School on Sunday 28 22 23 24 7:00pm Taizé Service 9:00am Women’s Spirituality 29 30 25 Kid’s Summer Lunch Program Volunteers : 1:30pm Vestry Meeting 9:15am School on Sunday Every Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 8:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite I 8:00am Cursillo Men 8:30am Eucharist 8:30am Matins 10:00am Cursillo Women 9:00am Choir Practice 8:30am Matins 9:00am Cursillo Men 10:30am Bible Study (Interactive) 9:00am Altar Guild 3:30pm Choir Practice 10:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II 9:00am Helping Hands 10:30am Don Freeman Study Group 10:00am Prayer Quilt Workshop and Bazaar Workshop Noon Mid-week Eucharist 11:30am Centering Prayer 1:00pm Cursillo Women 4:30pm Wire Choir Practice 11:30am Light Lunch The Bellringer June 2015 Page 3 Ministries & Ministers of St. Luke’s Rector Rev. Robert Rhoads, OSF Associate Clergy Assisting Clergy Deacon s Parish Counsel Secretary/Bookkeeper Treasurer Clerk Rev. Bill Tarter, OSF Rev. Maggie Bourne-Raiswell Rev. Diane Moore, Rev. Lani Hubbard Rob Onnen Laura Fierro Mary Frye Sue Clary Vestry Harry Alford Mari Chesser, Junior Warden Peter Haglin Barbara Heckard, Senior Warden Bill McCorkle Pat Oden Linda Petersen Jim Reker Kelly Steward Convention Delegates Bill & Judy Newblom, Rob and Dianne Onnen Alternates Linda Bond, Sue Clary, Gail Melvin, Maggie Peterson Adult Education Bob Rhoads 683-4862 Altar Guild Karen Junell 477-3157 Altar Servers Sherry Niermann 683-5936 Bazaar Workshop Roberta Griset 681-0962 Centering Prayer Judy Palumbo-Gates 683-3131 Choir/Organist Lorraine Martin 417-6898 Columbarium Harry Alford 683-2594 Cursillo Christine Hill 582-0989 Roger Uhden 681-7450 Daughters of the King Suzi Schmidt 683-4215 Eucharistic Visitors Diane Moore 683-5936 Flower Ministry Lynn Cain 681-3729 Helping Hands Linda Petersen 681-2375 Light Lunch Kara Selby 683-2895 Little Sisters of St. Clare Sr. Karen Anne 681-7195 Men’s Club Roger Uhden 681-7450 Men’s Spirituality Bill Chisham 582-1598 Music Live with Lunch Sammy Greenwood 681-0556 Newcomers Moore/Niermann 683-5936 Office Volunteers Laura Fierro 683-4862 Outreach Diane Moore 683-5936 Prayer Chain Kelly Steward 461-9893 Prayer Quilt Workshop Virginia Reker 681-5363 Receptions Suzi Schmidt 683-4215 School on Sunday Sherry Niermann 683-5936 Stewardship Earth Jim Aldrich 582-3038 God’s Resources Kelly Steward 461-9893 Taizé Sr. Karen Anne 681-7195 Ushers 8 AM Martin Gutowski 797-1655 10 AM Bill McCorkle 302-1748 Women’s Spirituality Mari Chesser 797-1831 Fr. Bob: Staff Fr. Bill: Email: Laura/Office: June Birthdays 06/01 Jean Hicks 06/19 Linda Dow 06/04 Karen Williamson 06/19 Chloe Morton 06/05 Mari Chesser 06/20 Paul Slyh 06/06 Kelli Carr 06/24 Pat Andrews 06/10 Sam Sutherland 06/24 Jim Reker 06/13 Linda Neal 06/25 Carolyn Braun 06/16 Martin Gutowski 06/28 Carl Kaiser 06/16 Paula Slyh 06/30 Andrew Davis 06/17 Candy Cameron 06/30 Barbara Van Vorst May thy peace which passes understanding abide all the days of their lives. Sunday, June 7 Serving from 9:00am to 9:40am The Men’s Club June Breakfast will feature: Dave’s TenderSweet Pancakes Summer’s Here Fruit Medley Pancakes RaisedWell Creamy-style Scrambled Eggs Link and Patty Sausages Donations go to the Chet Miller-inspired St. Luke’s Initial Post-Secondary Gifting Program. Questions about the Gifting Program? Contact Roger Uhden at 681-7450. The Bellringer June 2015 Page 4 New Course Offering … from the Don Freeman Study Group Living the Questions is an open-minded alternative to studies that attempt to give participants all the answers. The series strives to create an environment in which participants can interact with one another in exploring ideas, controversies, and theological perspectives. Brueggemann, John Dominic Crossan, Helen Prejean, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, and John Shelby Spong. Participants will view a video each week, followed by discussion to share insights or ask questions. Topics for this month include: June 3rd Taking the Bible Seriously June 10th Thinking Theologically June 17th Stories of the Creation June 24th Lives of Jesus July 1st A Passion for Christ: Paul The Don Freeman Study Group meets each Wednesday at 10:30am in the Fireside Room. All are welcome to join This course features the insights of over twenty-five theo- us, even if for just one session. Questions can be directed logians and teachers, and continue throughout the sumto Alan or Mary Jo Camagna at 683-5767. mer. Among the contributors are Marcus Borg, Walter In November, 1995, Chet Miller established his namesake College Loan Fund at St. Luke’s with a grant of $100,000 placed in an annuity. The Scholarship Committee conducted a comprehensive review of the College Loan Fund soon after Mr. Miller passed away. Subsequently, the College Loan Fund changed to authorize grants as scholarships instead of loans. All loans previously made under the program were forgiven. Chet Miller Scholarship Committee By Barbara Heckard In accordance with the Fund’s policy, the annual amount of money available for scholarships is determined by the earnings of the Fund during the previous year, reported on March 1. Applicants must be current members of St. Luke’s parish in good standing, or the child or grandchild of a current member of St. Luke’s in good standing, and who have been so for at least one year. The applicant becomes eligible upon satisfactory completion of one year of college or vocational school, enrolled at least part time. As a former educator, it was an honor to be part of this Committee. Reviewing applications and learning about these fine students gave each of us on the Committee great joy and pride in our young people. We congratulate the following students who have been awarded $1,400.00 each for the 2015-1016 school term: William F. Carr III, son of Frank and Kelli Carr. Washington State University, Major: Psychology; Senior Kate Monkovic, granddaughter of Galen Yanagihara. Cornell University; Major: Asian Studies; Senior Mia Monokovic, granddaughter of Galen Yanagihara. Johns Hopkins University; Major: International Studies; Junior Andrew J. Otis, grandson of Dave and Ruth Otis. Texas A&M University, and Binn College; Major: Finance; Junior Naomi Otis, granddaughter of Dave and Ruth Otis. Lancaster Bible College; Major: Social Work; Junior Jacquelyn Pratt, granddaughter of Candace Pratt. University of Colorado Boulder; Major: Communications; Junior Justin Pratt, grandson of Candace Pratt. University of the Pacific; Major: Music Performance, Voice; Senior The Chet Miller Scholarship Committee included: Senior Warden Barbara Heckard, Junior Warden Mari Chesser, and the following members-at-large: Claire Alkire, Sue Clary, Andrew Davis, Mary Frye, Peter Haglin, and Rob Onnen. June 2015 Page 5 The Bellringer Bits and Pieces Music Live with Lunch! TAIZÉ Service: Our monthly Taizé gathering will be held on Monday, June 22 at 7:00pm. Please join us in this prayerful, meditative church service. Contact Karen Williamson (681-7195) for more information. Our final concert of the season was a spectacular finale and a glorious nod to the coming summer. Karen Pritchard, our featured soprano soloist, gave a magnificent performance accompanied by our exquisite Lorraine Martin on the piano. Samuel Barber's evocative piece Knoxville: Summer of 1915 transported us to rocking chairs on front porches and memories of a young boy (James Agee) as he recalls his father and growing up in Tennessee. Lorraine asked Kristina Holtrop of the Aspire Academy to interpret the piece by dance. The audience was moved by the synergy and emotion of our three performers. Summer Lunch Volunteers Needed: Please consider helping out as a volunteer with this important program. The same program which offers free and reduced-price lunches to students during the school year offers a summer lunch to them also. In Sequim, the program is managed by the Boys and Girls Club, and lunches are served by volunteers at four locations in town. Our weeks are June 22-26 and August 3-7. We need 8 people each day. Sign up for as many days as you are able. Volunteers who have not completed Safeguarding God's Children training within the last five years will need to attend the next session offered on Thursday, June 11, from 9:00am to noon. Please contact Sue Clary (683-3552) if you have questions. Summer Concert at St. Luke's: Save the date of July 16!! We will welcome the Selwyn College Choir of the University of Cambridge, UK, to sing for us! Dinner and concert tickets are now on sale on Sundays or in the church office during weekday business hours. Tickets for the gourmet dinner and concert are $50. Concert tickets only will go on sale on June 21 at $20 each. There are a limited number of tickets, so get yours now. Meanwhile, we invite you to put the name of the choir into YouTube on your computer, and listen to beautiful music. It’s a fine sample of what the Selwyn College Choir will bring from England to Sequim during their Pacific Northwest Tour. The wafting aroma of barbecued chicken beckoned us to the parish hall and lunch prepared by Debby Kubly and crew who have done such an outstanding job all season. The macaroni salad was delicious! We had a steamer pan left over to share with “Light Lunch” the following Saturday. The dessert was Lemon Lush, for which we had five requests for the recipe. Jack and Janet worked like a well-oiled machine on the dishes. and we were all out by 2:00pm! Thanks, too, to our snowbirds Ruth and Dave Otis. Dave played piano for our guests as they processed through the parish hall for the concert. Many people stopped to tell him how much they loved the music. So a big salute to Debby and crew for all their inspired lunches, and to Annie Gilbert for managing ticket sales all year. Thanks to Kelly Steward for an extraordinary job on preparing programs, and to Lyn Michalski for providing lovely table decorations. We now take a summer break ‘til September. Enjoy. - Sammy Greenwood The Bellringer June 2015 Page 6 The St. Luke’s Educational Outreach Tutoring Team has finished its first year’s work at Sequim Middle School. We have been so very successful. We helped 34 sixth-grade students to improve their math skills. These students were identified by their teachers as needing a little help in reaching classroom goals. On average, our students improved their test scores by 20 percent. Our goal was to help the students we tutored to feel better about themselves by improving their math skills. If you had looked at their faces Math Tutoring Wrap-Up and had seen the twinkle in their eyes, you would have known our success. Some students have been with us all year, while others needed our help occasionally. ALL were betteroff for working with us. Last month, our Earth Stewardship Ministry presented a video discussing the dangers of earthquakes and the resulting tsunamis that will someday affect our area. From the discussion that followed the screening, those present agreed that while most of us are aware of the potential dangers, few have a concrete plan to deal with those risks. What should we do to prepare for the possibility that our homes may be damaged, electricity may be out for an extended period, phone service may be interrupted or spotty, water supplies may be contaminated, and with shortages of food and other critical supplies? Many years ago, one of our members developed a list of parish members who might need assistance in a disaster, and mapped their locations. Continued on back page The members of the St. Luke’s Tutoring Team are: Linda Bond Bob Bond Mari Chesser Sue Clary Mary Frye Barbara Heckard Sherry Niermann Jerry Oden Dianne Onnen Virginia Reker Diane Moore Dennis Heckard Kay Snowhook Jeanne Clark Mike Chesser Pat Oden I cannot thank the tutoring team enough. We have exceeded expectations because of their commitment and dedication to these students. They came on Tuesdays, sometimes when it would have been easier not to come. They attended content lessons to ensure that we gave our students the best help we could. They were flexible when we encountered what we didn’t expect. We thank our faculty liaisons, Shannon Paselk and Dave McGinnis; Sequim Middle School Principal, Vince Riccobene; and, Sequim School District Volunteer Coordinator Patsene Dashiell. Without their help, we would have not gotten this program started. This has been an effort of love from the beginning. Our willingness to extend ourselves to our community has made this Outreach effort very rewarding. - Mike Chesser Though told, ‘No need for thank you notes’, I struggled to decide, Decision loud and clear came from A louder VOICE inside. Thank you MUST be written For your care - but even more, Outpouring LOVE from you That seeped down deep into our core. We’re blessed by our church family, And both of us agree, That we were pampered “to the max” And felt like royalty! The prayers, the gifts, the cards, the calls, The flowers and good deeds, Filled up our house with STUFF As well as filled our every need. WE THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE AND STUFF, WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED, INDEED! Judy Palumbo-Gates & Patient Robert Emergency Prepardeness Continued from page 6 Most likely, neighbors might be the only source of help available to those people in an emergency situation. Since the original list has became obsolete, the Vestry decided that the concept of communicating with parishioners during emergency events should be re-instituted. As a result, all parishioners have been grouped according to neighborhood location. Some of you will be asked to be a contact person for your area. In case of a natural disaster or other emergency, contact people will check-in, if possible, with those parishioners on their list, and serve as the liaison between those members, St. Luke’s clergy, and disaster relief providers. In addition, preparedness information developed by the Red Cross will be provided to those who are interested. This material will include instructions on preparations you can make in your own home, and what services you can expect from your local Red Cross shelter (St. Luke’s has been designated as one such shelter). It is hoped that this information will help you to be ready on a personal level, and that the neighborhood group structure will facilitate communication during a time of crisis. Look for future notifications in The Bellringer and on our web site as this project continues to develop. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church PO Box 896 Sequim, WA 98382