An Economic Analysis of Coral Reefs in the Andaman Sea of Thailand 1 Udomsak Seenprachawong Abstract The focus of this study is the valuation of coral reefs and how the information derived from the valuation can be used to improve coral reef management in Thailand. The study focuses specifically on the Phi Phi islands, off the west coast of southern Thailand, in the Andaman Sea. The Phi Phi are rich in reefs that are seen by government planners as an ecotourism destination. The annual benefit from the recreational services of Phi Phi estimated using a travel cost method was 8 216.4 million baht (US$205.41 million), or about US$6 243 per hectare per year. Assuming the real value of this recreational value remains the same over 30 years, and using a real interest rate of 5 per cent, the present value of recreation of Phi Phi is US$3 157 million. A contingent valuation method (CVM) was used to estimate utility values associated with coral reef biodiversity at Phi Phi. The mean willingness to pay (WTP) per visit was estimated at US$7.17 for domestic visitors and at US$7.15 for international visitors. From this, the total value of Phi Phi’s coral reefs was estimated to be US$0.147 million a year for domestic visitors and US$1.24 million a year for international visitors. Using CVM the study also calculated the mean WTP of domestic vicarious users at US$15.85. From this, the total value (use and non-use) of the reefs was estimated to be US$497.38 million a year, or US$15 118 per hectare per year. It is recommended that an instrument that captures the tourists’ consumer surpluses, a user fee, be introduced. Determining that fee for Phi Phi is quite straightforward, as the value that people obtain from visiting the Phi Phi reef site is US$7.15 to 7.17 per visit. Based on these numbers, this study suggests a basic entrance fee of US$1 per person per visit, and a user charge for additional services from the variety of recreational sites being offered at Phi Phi. Introduction Powerful economic forces are driving the observed destructive use of coral reefs, often delivering short-term, and sometimes very large, economic profits to selected individuals. However, coral reef protection is usually presumed to conflict with economic development, and to require the sacrifice of economic growth. Meanwhile, some of the most important values of coral reefs, such as their value to future generations and intrinsic values, cannot be quantified. The omission of these benefits in conventional economic analysis means that coral reefs are undervalued, and this can result in their unsustainable use. This is of particular concern for coral reefs in areas such as the Southern Seaboard Development Project (SSDP) area, a proposed new economic area intended to alleviate the urban concentration around Bangkok and to create a more equitable spatial balance in the country. Unfortunately, this option could result in the destruction of pristine coral reefs. Because local communities in the Andaman Sea are totally dependent on the coral reefs, and because the rapid rate of coral reef destruction is evident throughout Thailand, sustainable coral reef management options urgently need to be identified for the area. The research discussed in this paper aims to value the benefits of coral reefs on the west coast of the project development area in the Andaman Sea. It is hoped that the results of this research will prove useful to policy-makers and other relevant parties involved in planning the use of coastal areas in the provinces. School of Development Economics National Institute of Development Administration Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240, Thailand. Email: or 1 An Economic Analysis of Coral Reefs in the Andaman Sea of Thailand 79 The SSDP area is endowed with a variety of existing and potential tourism resources, including beaches that co-exist with good urban amenities in Phuket. One of the nature-based islands with high potential for ecotourism development is Phi Phi. The island has high use values (e.g. recreational and tourism, educational and scientific research) and high non-use values (e.g. genetic resources, and both known and unknown future uses of ecological functions). In fact, Phi Phi is being used as an important reference site for conducting coral reef valuation. The results from Phi Phi may be transferred to other coral reef sites, such as coral reefs in the Gulf of Thailand, and specifically to those adjacent to the coastal town of Ban Hin Krood in Prachuab Kirikun province where it is proposed that a thermal power plant be built. Methods Analysis of the economic values of coral reefs can be based on their many functions, each of which has an economic value. Following the environmental economics literature (Dixon 1995), we can distinguish extractive direct use values, non-extractive direct use values, indirect use values, and non-use values. In this study, no attempt is made to calculate the total economic value. Total economic value is made up of use value and non-use value of the coral reefs. Values are calculated for two non-extractive direct uses – recreation and tourism. There are two major difficulties in recreation and tourism valuation (Cartier and Ruitenbeek 1999). Firstly, the recreation and tourism direct use value attributable to a coral reef is usually estimated by accounting for tourism revenue generated by a particular coral reef holiday destination. From a utility perspective, this value ignores the consumer surplus generated by the recreational experience and hence underestimates the values. Secondly, there are problems relating to the bundling of a vacation destination’s attributes. When a coral reef is just one attribute of the bundle, tourism revenue cannot be attributed solely to the reef. Most studies focusing on coral reef recreation/ tourism values estimate consumer surplus using a travel cost method (TCM) or a contingent valuation method (CVM) (see, for example, Driml 1999; Hundloe et al. 1987). The current study employed both TCM and CVM to generate estimates of reef values at Phi Phi. Initially, TCM was used to estimate the consumer surplus for 80 domestic and international visitors to Phi Phi. However, the estimated value from TCM may include all the attributes of Phi Phi valued by tourists who have come to view coral as part of their vacation package. The CVM study was used to isolate the consumer surplus associated with visits to the coral sites. It focused only on tourists visiting the reef sites. Travel cost method TCM is based on the idea that, although the actual value of the recreational experience does not have a price tag, the costs incurred by individuals in travelling to the site are an indication of their WTP for the experience, and so can be used as surrogate prices. From these and other data, it is possible to estimate an area’s consumer surplus – its value to users as a recreational resource. The survey approach collected information about visitors’ trips, as well as their age, income, sex and other socioeconomic factors. Of the 850 questionnaires distributed, 630 domestic visitors and 128 international visitors returned completed forms, an 89 per cent response rate. This study employed the individual travel cost method (ITCM). The demand curve in this model relates an individual’s annual visits to the costs of those visits. A functional form relating the dependent variable (visits per year) and independent variables (travel cost and socio-economic variables) has to be identified to obtain a more accurate demand curve. The choice is between two functional forms: linear and double log. This study used the double log demand function: (1) Vi = number of visits of individual i Dci = dummy variables referring to individual i Xji = socioeconomic features of individual i and other variables referring to i Pi = price paid by individual i (integration variable) i = 1,…,n index of observations c = 1,…,l index of additive dummy variables j = 1,…,k index of socioeconomic variables αo = constant αc = coefficients of the additive dummy variables βj = coefficients of socioeconomic variables βp = coefficient of the price variable εi = error term WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs Once estimated, the model is expressed in the following form: (2) For each single individual, the consumer surplus (CS) is the integral of the demand function V with respect to the price P between the lower bound pli and the “choke price” or the upper bound pui. The choke price is the price that leads to a demand equal to zero. The indefinite integral of the demand function is: annual value. The entire future stream of annual recreational values must therefore be included. Because they happen in the future, economic theory dictates this stream of benefits be discounted to make them comparable with the present. Assuming that the annual value of recreation is constant over time, the present value of the stream of future benefits can be calculated using the following formula: (9) Contingent valuation method (3) The integral between pl and pu is: (4) The consumer surplus for each individual is computed by plugging into the above formula the values for each individual dummy variable Dci, the travel cost pli, the choke price pui, and the value of the explanatory variables Xji: (5) The annual consumer surplus per individual can be computed by summing up the consumer surplus estimates from all observed consumers (N) and dividing this by N: CS per individual = (6) The annual consumer surplus per visit is calculated by dividing the annual consumer surplus per individual by the annual sample average number of visits: CS per visit = CS per individual/Sample average visits per year (7) The CS per visit is then multiplied by the total number of visitors to Phi Phi during the year to obtain the annual total benefit of Phi Phi. Thus: Total benefit (TB) = CS per visit x Total visitors (8) Loss of a site usually means loss of all future recreational opportunities, not just the current CVM is a technique that allows the value of environmental goods and services to be estimated by asking people directly, usually by means of a survey questionnaire, about their WTP for a change in the availability of such environmental goods and services. The individual maximum WTP for an environmental change is assumed to be the value the individual attaches to such a change. The major advantage of this approach compared with revealed preference methods is that CVM can elicit both use and non-use values. Another attraction of CVM is that it may be applied at varying levels of complexity according to the time and financial resources available for the research. CVM was used to see how much people would be willing to pay for the conservation of Phi Phi’s coral reefs. A total of 400 domestic visitors and 128 international visitors were interviewed. The people questioned were given information about the current conservation situation in Phi Phi. They were told that the reef at Phi Phi is about 25 per cent degraded, and that if nothing is done scientists estimate that it will become 40 per cent degraded in about 20 years. Respondents were asked whether or not they would be willing to pay a pre-determined amount to a trust fund to restore the coral reefs at Phi Phi totally. The amount ranged from US$1 to US$50 a year. The amount suggested was varied randomly among respondents to reduce the possibility of answers being biased by the question itself. Hanemann (1984) shows that, if there exists a representative consumer who has an indirect utility function V(P,M,Q,S), the level of utility accruing to the consumer depends on price (P), income (M), socio-characteristics (S) and the quality (Q). The respondent is asked if he or she would pay to help restore the coral reefs around An Economic Analysis of Coral Reefs in the Andaman Sea of Thailand 81 Phi Phi at the given price, P. The respondent will say yes if: (10) Equation (10) shows that the respondent will answer yes if his or her utility deriving from improved reef quality (Q1) and paying the price (P) is higher than not having improved reef quality (Q0) and not paying the price (P=0). If is the observable component of the utility, the probability of the respondent saying yes is: Table 1. Coral reef benefits based on the travel cost method Sample size Domestic (n=630) where is an unobservable component of the utility. Assuming that the random variable follows a logistic probability distribution: (12) The recreational benefit of the hypothetical market (to improve the coral reefs around Phi Phi) is measured as WTP and is defined as: (13) Hanemann shows that if is linearly specified, the probability of the respondent saying yes is: (14) Parameters α0 , β1, β2, and βi will be estimated parametrically. The mean maximum WTP for coral reef restoration can be calculated using formula (15). (15) Results Using TCM, the survey found that the total benefits of the recreational services offered by Phi Phi were about US$1.75 million a year for domestic visitors and US$203.66 million a year for international visitors. Adding these two numbers gives a figure of US$205.41 million a year (or US$6 243 per hectare per year) for the total recreational benefit that Phi Phi provides. Assuming this remains the same over 30 years,and 82 Number of visitors (1998) 20 540 US$85 International (n=128) US$1 494 136 277 Total benefits US$1.75 million US$203.66 million Table 2. Coral reef benefits based on the contingent valuation method Users Domestic International (n=400) (n=128) Prob(yes)= (11) Consumer surplus per visit WTP per visit US$7.17 Number of 20,540 visitors (1998) Total US$0.147 benefits million US$7.15 Non-users Domestic (n=200) WTP per person US$15.85 136,277 Number in labor 31.3 million force (1998) US$1.24 million Total US$496 benefits million using a real interest rate of 5 per cent, the present value of recreation of Phi Phi is US$3 157 million (or US$95 957 per hectare). Using CVM, the mean maximum WTP was found to be US$7.17 per year for domestic visitors and US$7.15 for international visitors. From this it was calculated that the total value of Phi Phi’s coral reefs was US$0.147 million a year for domestic visitors and US$1.24 million a year for international visitors. This study, using CVM, also calculated the mean WTP of domestic vicarious users as US$15.85. From this, the total use and non-use value (excluding international non use value) of the reefs was estimated to be US$497.38 million a year, or an average of US$15 118 per hectare per year. Discussion Phi Phi is representative of many coastal areas in Thailand with potentially rich coral reefs in need of improved management so that economic and other benefits can be restored and enhanced. It is apparent from this analysis that, because the reefs generate a large consumer surplus, local and national governments in Thailand can justify greater expenditure on improving coastal resource management. One way to capture the net benefit values of Phi Phi (and so raise the money needed to improve management) would be to directly charge consumers. WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs Tourists could be charged a fee to participate in activities that physically use the environment, such as water sports (specifically including snorkeling boats, and dive operations), swimming and beach activities. This study used CVM to estimate utility values associated with coral reef biodiversity at Phi Phi. WTP was estimated at US$7.15 to US$7.17 per visit. Based on this number, this study suggests a basic entrance fee of US$1 per person per visit to Phi Phi. Given that Phi Phi provides numerous recreational experiences for the visitors, additional user charges for some special and fragile recreational sites could be imposed. For example, an extra fee of US$3.75 could be charged to visitors choosing to visit the coral reef at Maya Bay. This user charge would help raise additional revenue for the park by targeting high-income consumers while leaving low-income visitors unaffected. At the same time, charging an additional fee at the reef site would help reduce the number of visitors and hence decrease the negative pressure on the fragile marine environment. This additional fee could also be higher during times when the marine environment is more sensitive to disturbance, and so provide an incentive for tourists to visit at other times. References Cartier, C.M. and H.J. Ruitenbeek. 1999. Review of the biodiversity valuation literature. In H.J. Ruitenbeek and C.M. Cartier (eds). Issues in applied coral reef biodiversity valuation: Results for Montego Bay, Jamaica. World Bank Research Committee Project RPO#682-22 Final Report, World Bank, Washington D.C., USA. Dixon, J. A. 1995. Ecology and microeconomics as joint products: the Bonaire Marine Park in the Caribbean, p. 127-145. In C.A. Perrings , K.G. Maler, C. Folke, C.S. Holling and B.O. Jansson (eds). Biodiversity conservation: problems and policies. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Driml, S. M. 1999. Dollar values and trends of major direct uses of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Research Publication 56. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville, Australia, p. 1-12. Hanemann, M. 1984. Welfare evaluations in contingent valuation experiments with discrete responses. Am. J. Agric. Econ. 66:332-341. Hundloe, T., F. Vanclay and M. Carter. 1987. Economic and socio-economic impacts of crown of thorns starfish on the Great Barrier Reef. Report to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville, Australia. Critical issues remain to be further explored before the optimal policy for benefit value capture can be determined. These include policy procedures and processes for implementation, including information sharing and consultation, and the administrative arrangements for implementation and enforcement. This would best be conducted through the responsible management authority, the Phi Phi Management Committee. Acknowledgements The author wishes to acknowledge a research grant from the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) and valuable comments provided by H. Jack Ruitenbeek. An Economic Analysis of Coral Reefs in the Andaman Sea of Thailand 83