SLSGB Rescue Watercraft Driver – Unit Assessment Sheet

Unit Assessment Sheet
03741 - SLSGB Rescue Watercraft Driver
Course Number
Lead Trainer Name
Course Type
SLSGB Rescue Watercraft Driver
Assessor 1
Assessor 2
Unit PC15 - RWC Driver - Technical Knowledge
Assessment Criteria
Candidate Names
Learning Outcome 1.X
Explain and demonstrate the technical equipment knowledge needed for Rescue Water Craft Drivers
Example Evidence
1.1 Explain technical information
regarding craft and sled
specifications including all hull and
engine component names (internal
and external)
Verbal communication of
- Craft and sled specifications as well as all hull and
engine component names (internal and external).
1.2 Describe and demonstrate the
drivers pre-operational duties
Observation of Pre-operational Duties:
- RWC bottom and top half hull checks, rescue sled
attachment, front compartment checks, engine bay
checks and rear compartment checks, start and
stop engine tests, PPE provision, essential
1.3 Demonstrate correct and
appropriate use of PPE
Observation of donning of appropriate equiment
prior to beginning a practical assessment
1.4 Demonstrate the drivers
post-operational duties
Observation of Post-operational Duties;
hull, engine and equipment wash-down, engine
run-out procedures and storage.
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1.5 Identify the correct referral for
maintenance and repairs
Verbally communicate who to refer to in the local
Overall Result
Competent / Not Yet Competent / Partial Pass
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Unit PC16 - RWC Driver - General Knowledge
Assessment Criteria
Candidate Names
Learning Outcome 1.X
Explain and demonstrate the general knowledge needed for Rescue Water Craft Drivers.
Example Evidence
1.1 Identify the roles and
responsibilities of a RWC Driver
Rescue Boat Code: - role and responsibilities of a
rescue boat under the National Rescue Boat Code.
1.2 Identify and describe the intended
uses of the RWC
Uses for RWC to include:
- Patrolling and shepherding
- Search patterns
- Rescue
- Other uses in accordance with LOP
1.3 Explain the concept of risk versus
benefit relating to the use of the
Primary safety concerns – risk versus benefit for
use of RWC:
- Water users e.g. lifeguard, casualty, other water
users, casualties equipment
- Consequences of not recovering equipment
1.4 Identify the public image issues
relating to use of the RWC
Public image issues:
- use of RWC for reasons other than its intended
- Driving aggressively and with excessive speed
1.5 Justify your decision making
Risk vs.benefit:
process when undertaking a critical
situation rescue as a Driver
- Protecting the rescuer
- Understanding the rules that underline decision
making in critical situations
1.6 Demonstrate all RWC signals
ILS signals
1.7 Demonstrate 3 international
distress signal
1.8 Identify the flag to recognise a
divers presence in the water
1.9 Identify the principles of safe
manual handling for an RWC
1.10 Demonstrate appropriate knots
Knots - six knot types defined in the manual and
where/when best to use
1.11 Explain how to prepare an RWC for observation of preparing an RWC for transportation
transportation on the open road
on the open road.
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(explanation is possible when boat is required for
operational use)
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1.12 Explain the need and use for
operational paperwork and the
different types of paperwork
required for completion
Operational paperwork:
daily maintenance logs, daily log, other in
accordance with LOP, records in legal proceedings
Overall Result
Competent / Not Yet Competent / Partial Pass
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Unit PC17 - RWC Driver - General Operations
Assessment Criteria
Candidate Names
Learning Outcome 1.X
Explain and demonstrate the general operations for Rescue Water Craft Drivers
Example Evidence
1.1 Describe safety considerations and verbal communication of Safety considerations in
limitations of the RWC
accordance with RWC Manual and LOP
1.2 Demonstrate RWC pre-launch
checks for Drivers
Observation - In accordance with RWC Manual
1.3 Demonstrate the techniques used Observation - In accordance with RWC Manual and
by the Driver to successfully launch LOP
and recover the RWC from a trailer
1.4 Demonstrate launch and recovery
of an RWC as a Driver
Observation - In accordance with RWC Manual and
1.5 Demonstrate how to safely and
effectively crew an RWC whilst
moving within a surf zone
1.6 Demonstrate ability to climb back
Observation of criteria, without assistance and in a
onto the craft quickly and efficiently, timely manner
in water beyond ‘own depth’,
without assistance.
1.7 Demonstrate how to successfully
‘beach’ and RWC
Observation with appropriate:
- Speed
- Consideration of beach layout and environmental
and human considerations
1.8 Explain appropriate maritime
Verbally communicate names and summary of:
- Principles of IRPCS
- Collision avoidance
1.9 Explain the factors that affect
operational readiness
Verbally communicate Operational readiness
according to RWC:
- State
- Position in operations
- Equipment
Overall Result
Competent / Not Yet Competent / Partial Pass
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Unit PC18 - RWC Driver - Hazards and Surf Survival
Assessment Criteria
Candidate Names
Learning Outcome 1.X
Explain and demonstrate the hazards and surf survival skills needed for Rescue Water Craft Drivers
Example Evidence
1.1 Demonstrate and explain the
procedures for the Drivers
‘punching’ manoeuvre
Body position, communication and safety critical
1.2 Describe standard clearance
procedures required after loss of
propulsion, due to impeller fouling
Alternate reverse, forward method
1.3 Demonstrate the procedure
required to safely right an RWC
after a capsize incident.
Orientation of RWC, timing, communication
1.4 Demonstrate the engine-failure
procedure and safely recovering a
disabled RWC to shore
Checks, Returning a disabled IRB to
shore,awareness of hazards and risk to other water
users, communication
1.5 Demonstrate collision avoidance
Communication and body positioning
Overall Result
Competent / Not Yet Competent / Partial Pass
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Unit PC19 - RWC Driver - Rescue Techniques
Assessment Criteria
Candidate Names
Learning Outcome 1.X
Explain and demonstrate the rescue techniques needed for Rescue Water Craft Drivers.
Example Evidence
1.1 Demonstrate the safe rescue of a
conscious or unconscious casualty
and perform essential lifesaving
procedures, as required.
Observation of a single casualty rescue from a surf
zone or unbroken water, including:
1.2 Demonstrate the safe rescue of
unconscious casualty in the surf
zone or unbroken water by a dual
Observation of an unconscious casualty in the surf
zone or unbroken water by a dual crew, including:
1.3 Demonstrate the safe rescue of a
conscious or unconscious casualty
near rocks or obstacles, using the
rescue tube, delivering simulated
EAV as required.
Observation of a single casualty rescue near rocks
or obstacles requiring a Rescue Tube, by dual crew
- A conscious, assisted rescue
- A conscious, ‘presenting the sled’ rescue
- An unconscious rescue by a solo Driver using a
rescue tube
- Rescue breaths using the rescue sled
- Surf zone or short transit pick-up
- Long transit pick-up
1.4 Describe how to carry out mass
rescues, and convey an
understanding of the factors that
govern how to prioritise one’s
actions when dealing with them.
1.5 Describe how alternative rescue
techniques may be utilised for the
purposes of mass rescue.
Overall Result
Competent / Not Yet Competent / Partial Pass
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Unit PC20 - RWC Driver - Casualty Management and Evacuation
Assessment Criteria
Candidate Names
Learning Outcome 1.X
Explain and demonstrate casualty management and evacuation procedures needed for Rescue Water Craft Drivers
Example Evidence
1.1 Demonstrate the safe lifting and
carrying of a casualty from an RWC
1.2 Describe the correct procedure for
the treatment of dive incidents and
hypothermic casualties
1.3 Describe how to correctly engage
the services of an air ambulance or
rescue helicopter for the purposes
of medical evacuation.
1.4 Explain how to safely prepare and
use a landing site, brief members of
the public, and safely liaise with
helicopter crews for the purposes of
medical evacuation.
Overall Result
Competent / Not Yet Competent / Partial Pass
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Unit PC21 - RWC Driver - Patrol, Search and Craft Assistance Procedures
Assessment Criteria
Candidate Names
Learning Outcome 1.X
Explain and demonstrate patrol, search and craft assistance procedures needed for Rescue Water Craft Drivers
Example Evidence
1.1 Describe the responsibilities of the
driver when patrolling and
1.2 Describe how to conduct appropriate
search patterns, based on known
1.3 Describe how to safely tow a vessel
and define the criteria for doing so,
as a driver
1.4 Describe how to safely approach
and recover a windsurfer
1.5 Describe how to safely approach
and recover a kite surfer, as a driver
1.6 Describe how to safely approach
and recover a canoeist/kayaker, as
a driver
1.7 Describe how to safely approach
and recover an inflatable craft, as a
Overall Result
Competent / Not Yet Competent / Partial Pass
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