IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON [E303/ISE3.3] DEPARTMENT of ELECTRICAL and ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING EXAMINATIONS 2004 EEE/ISE PART III/IV: M.Eng., B.Eng. and ACGI COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS There are FOUR questions (Q1 to Q4) Answer question ONE (in separate booklet) and TWO other questions. Question 1 has 20 multiple choice questions numbered 1 to 20, all carrying equal marks. There is only one correct answer per question. Distribution of marks Question-1: 40 marks Question-2: 30 marks Question-3: 30 marks Question-4: 30 marks The following are provided: ì A table of Fourier Transforms ì A “Gaussian Tail Function" graph Examiner: Dr A. Manikas 2nd Marker: Dr P. L. Dragotti Information for candidates: The following are provided on pages 2 and 3: - a table of Fourier Transforms; a graph of the 'Gaussian Tail Function'. Question 1 is in a separate coloured booklet which should be handed in at the end of the examination. You should answer Question 1 on the separate sheet provided. At the end of the exam, please tie this sheet securely into your main answer book(s). Special instructions for invigilators: Please ensure that the three items mentioned below are available on each desk. - the main examination paper; the coloured booklet containing Question 1; the separate answer sheet for Question 1. Please remind candidates at the end of the exam that they should tie their Answer Sheet for Question 1 securely into their main answer book, together with supplementary answer books etc. Please tell candidates they must NOT remove the coloured booklet containing Question 1. Collect this booklet in at the end of the exam, along with the standard answer books. Communication Systems Page 1 of 7 The graph below shows the Tail function TeBfwhich represents the area from B to _ of the Gaussian probability density function N(0,1), i.e. Tail Function Graph TeBf œ ' B _ " È#1 .expŠ C# # ‹.C pB TeBf TeBf pB Note that if B 'Þ& then TeBf may be approximated by TeBf ¸ " È#1 Þ B Þexpš B# # › FOURIER TRANSFORMS DESCRIPTION 1 Definition FUNCTION gÐtÑ TRANSFORM GÐfÑ =' _ gÐtÑ.ej#1ft dt - TABLES DESCRIPTION FUNCTION 14 Rectangular function rect{t} ´ œ _ TRANSFORM " # " ! if ± t ± 9>2/<A3=/ sin 1f sincÐfÑ= 1f 2 Scaling gÐ Tt Ñ |T| . GÐfTÑ 15 Sinc function sincÐtÑ 3 Time shift gÐt TÑ GÐfÑ . ej#1fT 16 Unit step function uÐtÑ =œ 4 Frequency shift gÐtÑ . e j#1Ft GÐf FÑ 17 Signum function 5 Complex conjugate g* ÐtÑ G* Ð fÑ 18 Temporal derivative Decaying exponential Ðtwo-sidedÑ e|t| 6 d8 dt8 # "+Ð#1fÑ# 7 Spectral derivative Ð j21tÑ8 .gÐtÑ d8 df 8 19 Decaying exponential Ðone-sidedÑ e|t| .uÐtÑ "j#1f "+Ð#1fÑ# 8 Reciprocity GÐtÑ gÐ fÑ 20 Gaussian function e1t 9 Linearity A . gÐtÑ B . hÐtÑ A . GÐfÑ B . HÐfÑ 21 Lambda function 10 Multiplication gÐtÑ . hÐtÑ GÐfÑ * HÐfÑ A{t} ´ œ 22 Repeated function 11 Convolution gÐtÑ * hÐtÑ GÐfÑ . HÐfÑ 12 Delta function $ ÐtÑ " 23 Sampled function 13 Constant " $ ÐfÑ . gÐtÑ 8 Ðj#1fÑ . GÐfÑ . GÐfÑ rectÐfÑ "ß !ß sgnÐtÑ = œ >! >! "ß "ß >! >! # " # $ ÐfÑ j 1f e1 0 1t 1t 0ŸtŸ1 if if " Ÿ t Ÿ 0 repT egÐtÑf = gÐtÑ * repT e$ ÐtÑf combT egÐtÑf = gÐtÑ.repT e$ ÐtÑf j #1f # sinc# ÐfÑ | T" |.comb "T eGÐfÑf | T" |.rep "T eGÐfÑ f The Questions 1. This question is bound separately and has 20 multiple choice questions numbered 1 to 20, all carrying equal marks . You should answer Question 1 on the separate sheet provided. Circle the answers you think are correct . There is only one correct answer per question. There are no negative marks. Communication Systems Page 4 of 7 2. A signal 1Ð>Ñ having the probability density function (pdf) shown below is bandlimited to ) kHz. pdf: ¼ -4 0 4 g (Volts) The signal is sampled at the Nyquist rate and is fed through a 4-level uniform quantizer. a) Calculate the end points b3 and the quantizer levels m3 of the quantizer. [5] b) Calculate the average signal to quantization noise power ratio (SNRq ). [6] c) Calculate the average information per quantization level. [3] d) Design a prefix source encoder to encode the output levels from the quantizer. [7] e) Find the average codeword length per symbolß i.e. l ß at the output of the source encoder. [3] f) Calculate the information rate and data rate associated with above single-level source encoding approach. Communication Systems [6] Page 5 of 7 3. A discrete channel is modelled as follows: Ô Šm1 ,0.25‹ × Ù ŠŒ,p‹=Ö Õ Šm2 ,0.75‹ Ø Estimate: a) The probability of error at the output of the channel. [6] b) The conditional entropy H(‘ ± Œ), where Š‘,q‹=Šr1 ,Pr(r1 )‹,Šr2 ,Pr(r2 )‹Ÿ denotes the ensemble at the channel output. c) The amount of information delivered at the output of the channel. Communication Systems [12] [12] Page 6 of 7 4. 1 2 3 For the convolutional encoder shown in the above figure find a) the code rate and the constraint length [5] b) the generator polynomials [6] c) the Generator Matrix †- [9] d) the encoded output sequence for the input sequence "!""!"!!ÞÞÞ where the first (oldest) input bit is on the left [10] [END] Communication Systems Page 7 of 7