November 5, 2012
Chair and Members
Committee of the Whole
REPORT NO. CS2012-132
– Operations and Administration
FROM: Hazel English, Director, Information Technology Services
PREPARED BY: Chris Harrington, Utility IT Project Manager,
Business Solutions
Contract for new Customer Information Billing System Water, Wastewater and
A. THAT Report No. CS2012-132 Ent itled “Contract for new Customer
Information Billing System Water, Wastewater and Rentals” BE RECEIVED; and
B. THAT City Council APPROVE the award for the Customer Information Billing
System Water, Wastewater and Rentals (RFP12-085) to the parent company
N. Harris Computer Corporation 1 Antares Drive, Suite 400 Ottawa, Ontario
K2E 8C4, for a sum NOT to exceed $718,025.00 inclusive of software, fees, expenses, contingency and taxes; and
C. THAT the total funding be allocated from existing Information Technology
Reserve Fund RF0217 $568,025.00 and Customer Service Reserve Fund
RF0232 $150,000.00; and
Report No. CS2012-132
Date: November 5, 2012 Page 2
D. THAT the Clerk BE DIRECTED to place the contract with “N. Harris Computer
Corporation ” on a Signing By-law for approval by City Council.
To present to Council the results of the evaluation of the proposals received for Utility
Water Wastewater Rental Billing System solution (RFP12-085).
The Public Utilities Commission (P.U.C.) of Brantford implemented the Daffron Customer
Information System (CIS) billing system in 1990. The system was considered a total
Enterprise Resource Planning system, which included an integrated transit scheduler, financial information, human resources, asset inventory, water, waste water and electrical billing.
With the amalgamation of P.U.C. services the City inherited the Daffron system. Since then, we have produced one consolidated bill combining all City and Brantford Power services. Over the years many of the Daffron modules have been replaced with other software solutions while water, wastewater, rental assets and electrical billing remain within the core of the system. The current software lifecycle plan shows an upgrade/replacement path in 2013 for the Daffron platform.
Daffron has evolved into a highly tailored solution used primarily for the electrical markets. Over the years, Daffron and Associates along with City Information Technology resources have patched, upgraded, customized and maintained the software for the City and the Ontario Electricity Market. The system allows Customer Service departments of
Brantford Power Inc. and the City to manage daily activities on behalf of both entities.
The Ontario Electrical Energy Board has complex requirements for Brantford Power, which also directly af fects the City’s ability to use this cross functional platform.
Implementing new functionality, rate changes and upgrades requires both Brantford
Power staff and City of Brantford staff to thoroughly test the system and give approval that each e ntity’s functionality, processes and reporting remains intact and operational as expected.
In April 1, 1999, the Ontario Energy Board issued the Affiliate Relationship Code for
Electricity Distributors and Transmitters. The current release of the Code, dated March
15, 2010 states there must be a degree of separation between the utilities data and it’s respective affiliate. The current Daffron CIS billing system has data for both the City and
Brantford Power within the same tables.
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Date: November 5, 2012 Page 3
Goal #2 of the Strategic Plan "High quality of life and caring for all citizens".
A prominent change in demographics experienced by many Canadian municipalities includes more Internet savvy population, aging population and multi-cultural population.
Presenting online 24x7 consumption data for water, wastewater and rental services through the City’s website provides improved customer service.
Goal #3 of the Strategic Plan "Managed Growth and Environmental Leadership" includes the following long-term desired outcomes:
The City of Brantford’s IT strategy to standardize our technology infrastructure will identify us as a leader in providing solid municipal services and we will be recognized as a City whose accomplishments will exceed expectations of a city of our size.
Paper billing can be reduced with a new system capable of electronic online billing solutions for citizens.
Goal #4 of the Strategic Plan "Excellence In Governance and Municipal Management".
Integrating the water, wastewater and rental billing systems with corporate applications and the web site help streamline current business applications, thereby eliminating a number of manual processes. In turn this helps the City keep all systems updated and synchronized.
The Request for Proposal (RFP) Evaluation team consisted of representatives from the following IT departmental services:
Technical Support - Scott Hall and Dale Hagen.
Security and Integration - Ben Barnes
Utility Conversion specialists - Bob Beauchamp.
IT Management and resources - Hazel English, Jan Chalk and Chris Harrington.
Representing Finance:
Manager of Water Wastewater Customer Services - Daniela Di Francisco
Procurement - Soloman Wedderburn
Legal Department
Assistant City Solicitor – Sara Sirouspour
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Date: November 5, 2012 Page 4
Why We Need A New System:
Current Technology Is Old
The Daffron system was developed in the late 80’s and billing software systems have advanced significantly in the 24 years since Daffron’s non windows based technology was first introduced.
Desired integration of Daffron to Avantis, the City’s corporate Asset Management and Work Order system, has significant technical challenges, not present with newer technologies. These technical challenges between Avantis and Daffron have prevented us from moving forward with complete implementation for water distribution. The new software recommended, will allow us to synchronize work orders between the two systems, providing greater visibility for the Customer
Services representatives who are corresponding with citizens.
Addressing inefficiencies in how we manage meter location, property and customer information is an IT Services goal. The implementation of a Water,
Wastewater, and Rental billing system provides an opportunity for IT Services to address the gaps in our property and client management processes. o These changes will provide more flexibility in how data is shared between systems while ensuring data integrity through defined data sources, creation and maintenance procedures. Moving forward, these changes will better position the City for integration with future software solutions requiring property and/or client information. o We need one definitive data source to maintain all the relationships for properties, including meter locations, and customers. Each system has its own identifier and storage tables for this information. A central data store provides the ability to keep it organized. It ensures that the same location address, owner name, and mailing address, for instance, is consistent across all systems. o Once fully implemented, we will be able to better serve citizens by having easy access to all of their interactions with the City. It also positions us to move to a single card system for accessing City services and facilities.
The complexity in the current Daffon Utility billing system is driven by the heavily regulated electrical market. Rate changes, features and customization require costly programming changes through external Daffron programmers with no benefit to the City’s water, wastewater or rentals management.
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Date: November 5, 2012 Page 5
With a combined system, each entity must thoroughly test to give approval on functionality when changes to rate structure or system software are updated.
With a new Water, Wastewater, and Rental billing system, future upgrades and enhancements will be specific to these business functions.
Why Now?
Since the Daffron system is scheduled for replacement in 2013, we are in reality moving the water, wastewater and rental implementation project slightly ahead of schedule. The current initiative to separate the Water, Wastewater, and Rental bill from the Power bill, gives us the opportunity to implement a separate system for each. This sets the stage for two independent and distinct projects for the City and Brantford Power to provide long-term modern Utility management solutions. This will enable the resources in IT
Services and Customer Services to handle consecutive projects with focus specific to each industry’s unique issues.
This Request for Proposal utilized a three-stage competitive bid process, including a
Stage I Technical and Functional evaluation, a Stage II Demonstration and Interview evaluation and a Stage III Price Evaluation.
The three-stage process resulted in Advanced Utility Systems as the highest scoring proponent.
Advanced Utility Systems is wholly owned by N. Harris Computer Corporation (Harris).
Advanced is recognized as its own entity with the organization. Harris in turn is governed by Constellation Software Inc. a publicly traded company on the Toronto Stock
Recommended Solution
The Advanced Utility water, wastewater, and rental billing system provides improved access to customer data, increased flexibility for users and follows the
“best of breed” approach adopted by the City. Key improvements to integration, reporting, customer service and administration efficiency comprise:
The Customer Information System chosen provides out-of-the-box interface options to support integration with existing technologies and corporate applications for which the city has already invested. This flexibility provides options to satisfy both our current and future requirements as the needs of our users and/or processes and procedures change e.g. streamlined meter location
Report No. CS2012-132
Date: November 5, 2012 Page 6 management. Work order location and details can be displayed on a map within the software and viewed by the Customer Service representatives in a single screen versus the current solution which requires accessing multiple applications.
The new software will allow users to quickly enter key pieces of information and generate reports as needed. Reports can be exported and emailed to various customers, departmental users and management. Bill consolidation for large commercial customers can be supported, easily exported and delivered to customers on time.
The system will allow a more timely and efficient response to customers and improved workflow between City departments. It provides easier access to historical customer billing data, and is an opportunity to revise, standardize and upgrade several business processes incorporating today’s modern best practices.
Rate changes are configured by users with elevated security clearance, thereby eliminating costly vendor changes each time a rate change is required. Role based security for users is an available option in the Advanced system solution.
Bill print changes can be customized by lead users, eliminating the reliance on the
Information Technology department.
The recommended solution for Utility Water, Wastewater and Rental billing system supports a complete separation of customer data. Data will be extracted from Daffron and imported into the new Customer Billing Information system for city services, thereby satisfying the Affiliate Relationship Code.
Implementing the new Customer Billing Information system will require internal resources currently on staff within the City of Brantford’s Information Technology
Department and the Finance Department. The Finance department
’s Customer Service representatives will be fully engaged during several phases of the project, from discovery of processes to training and data conversion confirmation. The project implementation timeframe is 11 months from contract signing to go live.
There have been annual contributions to reserve funds in anticipation of this new system. The total funding will be allocated from existing Information Technology
Reserve Fund RF0217 ($568,025.00) and Customer Service Reserve Fund RF0232
The amount of $718,025.00 allocated to the PROJECT (RFP12-085) is inclusive of consulting, fees, expenses, contingency and taxes.
There will be no change in support staff requirements for the ongoing maintenance and operation of the upgraded platform and software. Current IT Services staff will perform
Report No. CS2012-132
Date: November 5, 2012 Page 7 all support requirements. Yearly maintenance fees are $38,000 and will commence in
2014 as an increase to the Water and Sewer Budgets.
All conditions set forth in the City’s Purchasing Policy pertaining to the award of the
Contract resulting from RFP12-085 have been met. It is the opinion of the IT Services and Purchasing Departments that the proposal received from Advanced Utility Systems represents the best value to the City of Brantford.
We recommend proceeding with the contract for a new Customer Information Billing
System, Water Wastewater and Rentals implementation project.
Hazel English
Director, Information Technology Services
Darryl Lee,
General Manager, Corporate Services
Attachments (if applicable)
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