SUGGESTED WEEKLY SEQUENCE FOR COOPERATING TEACHERS 8 WEEK EXPERIENCE Cooperating Teacher’s Role Student Teacher’s Role Observation and Conferences -Observe cooperating teacher using suggested forms. Informal observations WEEKS -Orient student teacher. -Demonstrate teaching practices. 1 -Review letter of introduction. Decide on project topic and dates of implementation: TPA or ABI (spec. ed.) -Begin long-range planning. -Distribute approved letter of introduction. Formative Observation Form (Pathwise Domain A) -Assist cooperating teacher and provide individual assistance for students. Decide on project topic: TPA or ABI (spec. ed.) Plan and teach 1 lesson 2 -Review lesson plans. -Review lesson plans and newsletter. -Observe specialists using suggested forms. -Continue long-range planning. -Plan and teach at least 1 subject area daily. -Observe and assist cooperating teacher. -Review lesson plans. 3 -Continue long-range planning. -Plan and teach at least 2 subject areas daily. -Share project’s progress. Informal observations Formative Observation Form- Pre-Service Pathwise- Domains A,B,C,D, P (If inexperienced with this form, record evidence for one domain at a time.) Formal Observations Formative Observation Form Weekly Conference Record -Submit items due to cooperating teacher and coordinator. -Create bulletin board / display Formal Observations A-65 Cooperating Teacher’s Role Student Teacher’s Role Observation and Conferences WEEKS -Review lesson plans and provide assistance for all teaching experiences. 4 Formative Observation Form - Teach 2 solo half days. Weekly Conference Record -Assist cooperating teacher. -Review lesson plans and provide assistance for all teaching experiences. 5 -Plan and teach at least 3 subject areas daily. -Submit project to cooperating teacher and coordinator. -Teach 2 solo half days. -Plan and teach at least 3 or 4 lessons a day. -Review project’s progress. -Assist cooperating teacher. Mid-term Three Way Conference (Refer to District Calendar). Formal Observations Three Way Conference Evaluation Form Mid-term Three-Way Conference (Refer to District Calendar) Formative Observation Form -Review lesson plans including solo week plans and provide assistance on all teaching experiences. -Plan and teach 2 solo days. Formal Observations Formative Observation Form -Teach 3 or 4 lessons a day. Weekly Conference Record -Review newsletter / webpage. -Implement project. 6 -Assist cooperating teacher. -Create bulletin board / display. -Publish newsletter / webpage Formal Observations A-66 Cooperating Teacher’s Role Student Teacher’s Role Observation and Conferences WEEKS -Begin to write the Final Student Teacher Evaluation. 7 Formative Observation Form -Complete all projects. Weekly Conference Record -Support student teacher during solo week -Return blue Praxis book. 8 -Solo Week – plan and teach all subjects. -Submit Weekly Conference Record. -Submit the Final Student Teacher Evaluation -2 paper copies -1 online copy. -Teach 50% of the week. -Submit all finished projects and return all materials. -Send out appropriate Farewell Letters. Formal Observations Final Student Teacher Evaluation Report Final Three-Way Conference