22 INTB 3080 001 Global Business Environment Spring, 2015

22 INTB 3080 001
Global Business Environment
Spring, 2015
Ana S. Leonard
Office hours:
Wednesdays and Fridays from 3PM to 4PM and by appointment
Class meeting times: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30AM to 10:50AM
Class location:
Lindner 112
Hill, Charles W. L. and Hult, G. Tomas M. (2016). Global Business Today, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill
ISBN 9780078112911
Course purpose:
This class is designed to introduce you to a carefully selected mix of the social, political, and economic
environments of global business. The text offers a solid foundation of the concepts and theories. The
classroom experience balances the text by offering you challenging interactive discussions regarding
Course policies:
1. This course will follow a lecture-discussion format.
2. You are responsible for all the principles and concepts that are mentioned in the book as this is a principles’
oriented course.
3. You will watch current videos in some of the sessions and will be responsible for the material covered in
those videos.
4. It will not be possible to offer make-up sessions if you miss a video presentation.
5. Make-up exams, if requested, may be more difficult and of a different format.
6. Some cases that will be used in classroom discussions have been identified in the schedule. I may announce
additional cases or supplemental articles in class.
7. I may design and offer extra-credit-earning activities at any point during the course.
8. Feedback from the class may be used periodically to make changes during the quarter to facilitate your
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9. Attendance will be taken, mostly so that I will get to know specifically who you are.
A course website has been set up in Blackboard (http://blackboard.uc.edu) which will be accessed via can
accessed via Canopy (http://canopy.uc.edu).
Blackboard will be used as a means for making course materials available
to you. I will post overheads used in class and other course materials.
Blackboard will also be used to make announcements and post changes to
the class. It is important to check Blackboard daily!!
Grades will be assigned based on the following weights and scale:
(20 pts.)
(20 pts.)
(20 pts.)
(10 pts)
(10 pts.)
(10 pts)
(5 pts)
(5 pts.)
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Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
Group Presentations
Self Evaluation
Peer Evaluation
94 points or higher
From 90 to 93.9
From 87 to 89.9
From 85 to 86.9
From 80 to 84.9
From 77 to 79.9
From 75 to 76.9
From 70 to 74.9
From 65 to 69.9
From 60 to 64.9
< 60
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Self Evaluation:
(5 pts.)
It is my expectation that you will be prompt and regularly attend class
sessions. Also, class participation is a major component in this course.
You are expected to read the assigned material and be prepared to discuss
it in class and to participate in in-class activities/exercises. Participation
involves active engagement as well as substance (quality and quantity).
Excused absences include illness and my limited interpretation of
"extenuating circumstances" when I have been notified in advance. Given
that we have a limited number of class meetings, missing more than one class will result in a reduction of
your class contribution points. In addition, leaving early will be interpreted as an absence. You will provide,
at the end of the semester, your grade as you perceive it. A form will be provided and will be due back to me
by the last class in the semester. As described below, I will also consider feedback from your group members
in determining your class contribution grade for which a form will be provided.
Peer Evaluation:
(5 pts)
You will evaluate each member of your group based on their performance on the group project.
(10 pts)
You will be offered approximately 11 quizzes during the semester.
The questions will be either multiple choice or T/F and the quiz will probably be online. It will be due
10 minutes before class and will be open approximately 24 hours before class begins. It will cover the
chapter that is due for that day. It will be open book open notes. You must take it alone or it will be
considered as a case of cheating.
Group Presentation: You will be given a case to analyze and prepare for a presentation in
(10 pts.)
class. A rubric will be made available on Blackboard. I will also consider feedback from your group
members in determining your class contribution grade. Groups will be assigned the during the first class and
cases shortly afterwards.
course policies:
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 Cancelled classes. If the University cancels classes on a regularly
scheduled class day, any assignments will be due at the next regularly
 Incomplete. Incompletes will be given only in rare cases where
arrangements have been made with me in advance. Otherwise, if you do
not complete all course requirements, you will be assigned the letter grade
corresponding to the number of points you have received.
 No extra credit assignments or projects will be given under any
circumstances in this course.
 Grade appeals. If you have a concern about a grade that you receive in
this class, you are invited to submit to me a written appeal within one week of receiving the grade in
question. The appeal should outline your specific concerns with the grade and provide evidence supporting
why the grade should be changed. I will then review your appeal and respond as quickly as possible,
probably during the next week.
Talking in the classroom (other than to participate meaningfully in the ongoing academic discourse) or
leaving class during a lecture happens to be my pet-peeve, will negatively impact your grade.
There are three other things which are sore points with me in the classroom, any of which will result in a
reduction of your grade:
o Cell phones, Blackberries, PDAs, etc: please leave them on vibrate during class. If you
anticipate an emergency for which you must be available, let me know before class and then take
the call in the hall.
o No, absolutely NO, texting or “IM”ing during class. Seriously, I will deduct 10 points from your
grade. It is absolutely disrespectful both to me and the class in general.
o Laptops. Please see me if you must use your laptop during class.
Special needs policy. If you have any special needs related to your participation in this course, including
identified visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical impairment, communication disorder, and / or
specific learning disability that migh0t influence your performance in this course, you should meet with me
during the first week to arrange for reasonable provisions to ensure an equitable opportunity to meet all of the
requirements of this course. At the discretion of the instructor, some accommodations might require prior
approval by Disability Services.
Academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty as defined by University
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policy (e.g., plagiarizing, cheating, etc.) will not be tolerated in any form.
The University Rules, including the Student Code of Conduct, and other
documented policies of the department, college, and university related to
academic integrity will be enforced. Any violation of these regulations,
including acts of plagiarism or cheating, will be dealt with on an
individual basis according to the severity of the misconduct.
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T 8/25
Introduction, First Day, Syllabus,
Team Formation
R 8/27
Chapter 1
Case – Professor: Who Makes the Apple IPhone (p.32)
T 9/1
National Differences in Political,
Economic, and Legal Systems
Chapter 2
Case -- Team 1: Ghana: An African Dynamo (p.57)
Quiz 1 on Chapter 1
R 9/3
National Differences in Political,
Economic, and Legal Systems
Chapter 2 (continued)
Quiz 2 on Chapter 2 (in class – bring PC)
T 9/8
National Differences in Economic
Chapter 3
Case – Team 2: Revolution in Egypt (p. 86)
Quiz 3 on Chapter 3
R 9/10
T 9/15
Differences in Culture
Chapter 4
Quiz 4 on Chapter 4
Differences in Culture
Chapter 4 (continued)
Case – Team 3: World Expo in Dubai, UAE (p. 122)
R 9/17
Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility,
and Sustainability
Chapter 5
Case – Team 4: Bitc.oin as an Ethical Dilemma (p. 154)
Quiz 5 on Chapter 5
T 9/22
R 9/24
T 9/29
R 10/1
T 10/6
Exam 1 Review
Exam 1
Covers Chapters 1 - 5
International Trade Theory
Chapter 6
Quiz 6 on Chapter 6
International Trade Theory
Chapter 6 (continued)
Case – Team 5: The Rise of India’s Drug Industry (p.187)
Government Policy and International
Chapter 7
Case – Team 6: China Limits Exports of Rare Earth Materials (p.
Quiz 7 on Chapter 7
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R 10/8
T 10/13
R 10/15
T 10/20
R 10/22
T 10/27
Foreign Direct Investment
Chapter 8
Quiz 8 on Chapter 8
Foreign Direct Investment
Chapter 8 continued)
Case – Team 7: Foreign Retailers in India (p. 248)
Class Cancelled:
Fall Reading Days
Exam 2
Covers 6 – 8
Regional Economic Integration
Chapter 9
Regional Economic Integration
Chapter 9 (continued)
R 10/29
The Foreign Exchange Market
Chapter 10
Quiz 10 on Chapter 10
T 11/3
The Foreign Exchange Market
Chapter 10
Case – Team 9: The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Yen (p. 308)
R 11/5
The International Monetary System
Chapter 11
Quiz 11 on Chapter 11
T 11/10
R 11/12
The International Monetary System
Chapter 11 (continued)
Case – Team 10: Currency Trouble in Malawi (p. 334)
Exam 3
Quiz 9 on Chapter 9
Case – Team 8: I Want my Greek TV! (p. 282)
Covers 9 - 11
T 11l17
The Strategy of International Business
Chapter 12
Quiz 12 on Chapter 12
T 11/24
The Strategy of International Business
Chapter 12 (continued)
Case – Team 11: Ford’s Global Strategy (p. 367)
Entering Foreign Markets
Chapter 13
Case – Team 12: JCB in India (p. 392)
Quiz 13 on Chapter 13
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T 12/1
Thanksgiving Holiday
Classes Cancelled
Exporting, Importing, and Countertrade
Chapter 14
Quiz 14 on Chapter 14
R 12/3
Exporting, Importing and Countertrade
Chapter 14 (continued)
Case – Team 13: MD International (p. 415)
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Bring copies of Professional (self-eval.) and Group forms
Covers 12 - 14
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