UoS Outline approved

Unit of Study Outline
Unit Code MMGT6008
Unit Title Global Marketing Management
Intensive October, 2013
Pre-requisite Units: N/A
Co-requisite Units: N/A
Prohibited Units: N/A
Assumed Knowledge and/or Skills: You are assumed to have high level critical thinking skills
Unit Coordinator: Ms. Megan Davis
Address: Room 547, The Business School Building(H69), The University of Sydney NSW 2006
Email: M.Davis@econ.usyd.edu.au
Consultation Hours: Please go to Blackboard for details of all staff consultation times.
Class Day(s): Please go to Blackboard for class times and locations
Required Text / Resources:
Jain, Haley, Voola and Wickham 2102 "Marketing: Planning and Strategy - 1st Asia-Pacific Edition",
Cengage Learning, Melbourne, Australia
This Guide to Unit Learning Content and Assessment MUST be read in conjunction with the Business School
Student Administration Manual for information about all processes
(sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/student_information/student_administration_manual) and the
Business School unit of study common policy and implementation information that apply to every unit of study
offered by the Business School (http://sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/policy). In determining
applications and appeals relating to these matters it will be assumed that every student has taken the time to
familiarise themselves with these key policies and procedures.
Version: 2013 Business School
1. Unit of study information
A core skill for managers in an increasingly competitive world is applying marketing principles within the
context of the international marketplace. This unit is designed to equip students with key
decision-making tools, helping them answer critical questions about managing the marketing effect in
the global market place. The course introduces fundamental marketing concepts and theories, and
demonstrates their practical application within the international arena. Topics include market and
competitive analysis, market segmentation and product positioning, brand and product management,
pricing issues, integrated marketing, communications, measuring return on marketing investment, and
managing the international organisation and external relationships responsible for successful
implementation. Case studies are used to illustrate concepts and their practical application.
This unit is only available to students enrolled in the Master of Management or Master of Management
2. Program learning outcomes
1. Business Knowledge: Our Masters programs develop each graduate to be a knowledgeable
business practitioner leading to students who are able to demonstrate an integrated understanding of
key concepts, techniques and trends in one or more fields of business practice and the challenges
and opportunities involved in applying this knowledge in diverse contexts. (Assured in capstone unit)
2. Critical Thinking: Our Masters programs develop each graduate to be an autonomous and
constructive critical thinker leading to students who are able to question, assess and respond
independently and creatively to assumptions, propositions and debates within one or more fields of
business practice. (Assured in capstone unit)
3. Business Analysis and Problem-Solving: Our Masters programs develop each graduate to be a
capable business analyst and strategic problem-solver leading to students who are able to apply a
range of quantitative and qualitative research skills to identify and diagnose complex and unfamiliar
problems and to use the evidence and findings generated to formulate strategically appropriate
solutions within one or more fields of business practice. (Assured in capstone unit)
4. Communication: Our Masters programs develop each graduate to be a persuasive communicator
and negotiator leading to students who are able to use a range of communications strategies to
reach agreement with others about appropriate responses to complex and unfamiliar problems within
one or more fields of business practice. (Assured in capstone unit)
5. Team Working: Our Masters programs develop each graduate to be a capable team leader in
work-related contexts leading to students who are able to influence others to work collaboratively to
address complex and unfamiliar problems within one or more fields of business practice. (Assured in
capstone unit)
6. Ethical and Social Responsibility: Our Masters programs develop each graduate to be an
ethically- and socially-responsible professional leading to students who are able to demonstrate
ethical and social awareness and responsibility in personal decision-making and behaviour within
one or more fields of business practice. (Assured in capstone unit)
3. Unit learning objectives
Version: 2013 Business School
At the successful completion of the unit students should be able to:
Explain the key strategic marketing principles and the relationships between them that contribute to
Marketing Strategy as a multidisciplinary area of study.
Demonstrate sound analytical and problem solving skills required to make informed strategic planning
decisions and recommendations for "real" marketing issues.
Demonstrate high level crtical thinking skills which will question conventional theoretical assumptions
and present a clear and persuasive argument.
Version: 2013 Business School
4. Assessment
Assessment Name
Work Type
Strategic Marketing Analysis
Strategic Marketing Plan (Presentation)
Strategic Marketing Plan
Final Exam
Academic Honesty
Program Learning
Outcomes Assessed
1, 2, 3, 6
2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Weight Due Date
Closing Date
2500 words
20 mins
3 hours
Week 4
All Assessments are Compulsory. This means you must undertake all assessments. If you do not
undertake a particular assessment you will receive zero for that assessment.
** Students must complete the Academic Honesty module in Blackboard with a mark above 80% by the
final day of exam, or an Absent Fail (AF) grade will be given for the entire unit. Students can complete the
module multiple times until this grade is achieved. Students who completed the module with a score of
80% or above in any previous semesters do not need to do it again.
*** The due date for an assessment is the last day on which you can submit the assessment without
penalty. If you submit the assessment after that date, you will receive a late penalty, unless excused by
special consideration, special arrangement or disability services adjustment. The closing date is the last
day on which an assessment will be accepted for marking. A task occurs over a number of weeks, e.g.
class presentations, due and closing date are both the first occasion of the task.
✔ Conditions of Assessment
The Business School has standard conditions governing assessments such as late penalties, word
length and so on. Please go to the Business School policy and implementation information at
✔ Referencing Style
Students should adhere to the Business School Referencing Guide at
Assessment details
Task Description
The case study discussion in lectures is the primary means of assessing participation, however it is
also important to participate during the actual lecture. Therefore students are required to read and
understand the week's lecture topics and case study for discussion.
Participation includes the responsibility to share understanding and ideas with the class in order to
advance the group's collective skills and knowledge. Participation scores will be based on the quality
and quantity of each student's input in class. The emphasis is on constructive discussions; therefore
Version: 2013 Business School
arguments and viewpoints expressed without justification and context will not enhance your grade.
The participation marks will be assessed from October 14th to November 11th.
Assessment Criteria
* Knowledge of theory
* Analytical and problem solving ability
* Conceptualisation
* Rationale behind the argument
* Critical reasoning/thinking
* Reflection / evaluation
* Initiative
Other Information
Participation will be used to assess your ability to critically think about the underlying theories,
concepts, assumptions and arguments in Strategic Marketing Theory and your ability to identify,
access, organise and communicate knowledge orally. As there are often no clear answers available to
strategic marketers (only various alternative strategies), it is important to develop skills that allow you
to justify your assertions and to be persuasive in your arguments
Strategic Marketing Analysis
Task Description
Extensive research across a range of sources is essential: academic journals, industry and general
publications and importantly discussions with your clients. Each group will be assigned a marketing
project. Assume you have been hired as consultants for a company that wants to develop a strategic
marketing plan for either the company itself or one of its products. A first step in developing a strategic
marketing plan is to understand the context (both the internal and external environments) and more
importantly how it informs marketing strategy.
The final mark for Strategic Marketing Analysis will be 50% client and 50% my assessment of your
Assessment Criteria
Conforming with instructions (e.g. word length, font, other instructions)
Clarity of expression (including grammar, spelling, referencing)
Presentation, communication & structure
Use of literature/ Knowledge of theory
Analysis / critical reasoning / evaluation
Problem solving / synthesis or evaluation / reflection
Other Information
The strategic analysis will involve intimiately understanding the external environments:which may
include an analysis of the customers, competitors, the market place, the broader environments (eg.
economic, technological). Furthermore, the internal analysis may include; identify core competencies
and financial capabilities. This analysis should then be the foundation for developing your marketing
strategy. Please highlight the key implications of your analysis without going into detail. This detail will
be elaborated on in Part B, Strategic Marketing Plan.
Please see Blackboard for a comprehensive marking criteria
Version: 2013 Business School
Strategic Marketing Plan (Presentation)
Task Description
These presentations assess your ability to synthesise complex marketing arguments and deliver
persuasive, unique recommendations for the firm, based on strong evidence. Your group will be
required to present the key themes of your marketing plan. More details will be provided closer to the
Assessment Criteria
Conforming with instructions (e.g. word length, font, other instructions)
Clarity of expression (including grammar, spelling, referencing)
Presentation, communication & structure
Use of literature/ Knowledge of theory
Analysis / critical reasoning / evaluation
Problem solving / synthesis or evaluation / reflection
Other Information
Please see balckboard for a more comprehensive marking criteria.
Strategic Marketing Plan
Task Description
Developing the strategic marketing plan will include suggestions relating to the recommended
marketing strategy and issues relating to implementation based on your strategic analysis. The plan
must be comprehensive, evidenced based, persuasive and broadly adopt the strategic framework we
have adopted - the where, who and how?
Extensive research across a range of sources is essential; academic journals, industry and general
publications and importantly, discussion with your clients.
The overall mark for the strategic marketing plan will be 50% from the client and 50% my assessment.
Assessment Criteria
Conforming with instructions (e.g. word length, font, other instructions)
Clarity of expression (including grammar, spelling, referencing)
Presentation, communication & structure
Use of literature/ Knowledge of theory
Analysis / critical reasoning / evaluation
Problem solving / synthesis or evaluation / reflection
Other Information
Some key questions to be addressed in the plan may include;
Which markets should we enter / exit?
What core competencies do we require and how do we develop them?
How should we position the firm and how is this related to our competitive advantage? Should we
consider re-positioning?
How should we implement our marketing strategy? (This will be related to the marketing mix)
Is it real? (provide a brief budget and the rationale for your proposed budget)
Please see Blackboard for a comprehensive marking criteria.
Version: 2013 Business School
Final Exam
Task Description
This exam will assess the student's understanding and critical evaluation of the concepts, tools and
frameworks covered in the course as well as issues relating to their application. It will also assess
student's ability to question existing marketing assumptions.
The exam will cover all material in the course including lecture material, textbook references and
supplementary readings (Case studies provided etc.)
Assessment Criteria
Conforming with instructions (e.g. word length, font, other instructions)
Clarity of expression (including grammar, spelling, referencing)
Presentation, communication & structure
Use of literature/ Knowledge of theory
Analysis / critical reasoning / evaluation
Problem solving / synthesis or evaluation / reflection
Other Information
The exam will be three hourse duration at the conclusion of the course.
The format will include a case study analysis and extended reponse essay style questions.
5. Other suggested resources for students
All lectures and seminars are recorded and will be available within Blackboard for student use. Please
note the Business School does not own the system and cannot guarantee that the system will operate
or that every class will be recorded. Students should ensure they attend and participate in all classes.
Students are encouraged to consult periodicals such as Business Review Weekly (BRW); The
Economist; The Wall Street Journal and Business Week which can be accessed via the Factiva data
base available in Fisher Library.
It is also recommended to read any relevant material from academic journals such as Strategic
Management Journal; Journal of Marketing; Journal of Strategic Marketing and Harvard Business
CAPS aims to help students build strengths, improve well-being and achieve academic success.
School of Business liaison librarian (Sue Thomas) is available for consultations on all library related
matters, including assistance with new units of study, acquiring library materials and supporting
students. e: sue.thomas@sydney.edu.au
Version: 2013 Business School
6. Feedback and improvements made in response to feedback
The Business School seeks feedback from students and staff in order to continually improve and
innovate all units offered. For information on previously collected feedback and innovation made in
response to feedback, please see
Version: 2013 Business School
7. Unit schedule
Materials (e.g. readings)
14 Oct
Text Chapters 1 & 2.
Marketing and the concept of Course overview and Introduction to
planning and Strategy.
marketing strategy
Strategic Marketing
Discussion: case
study 1 - Red Bull (text
page 358)
Overview of the Strategic
Marketing Plan project
Form groups for
Strategic Marketing
14 Oct
21 Oct
21 Oct
Text chapters 3 & 4
Corporate Appraisal
Understanding Competition
Text chapters 5 & 6
Focusing on the customer
Scanning the Environment
28 Oct
Strategic Market Analysis
28 Oct
Text chapters 7 & 8
Measuring Strengths and
Developing Marketing
Objectives and Goals
4 Nov
4 Nov
Text Chapter 9
Strategy Selection
Lecture/Seminar/Problem Based
Learning Session
Presentation from client
Assessments Due
Discussion: Case Study 3 - IBM's
Rise and Fall (text page 366)
Discussion: case study 8 - What ever
happened to Premium Peter? (text
page 406)
Strategic Marketing
Analysis Plan due:
5pm Monday 28th
October, 2013
Discussion: case study 19 - Roses
Only (text page 459)
Text Chapter 13
Market Strategies and
Marketing Mix
11 Nov
Final Strategic Marketing
Plan Presentations
11 Nov
Course Review, conclusions
and Exam Preparation
Version: 2013 Business School
Strategic Marketing
Plan due: 5pm
Monday 11th
November, 2013