Theory Theorist Other Names Title of Original Work UDM Holdings

Twenty-one Nursing Problems
McGill Model of Nursing
Abdellah, Faye
Allen, F. Moyra
Synergy Model for Patient Care
American Association of Critical Care
Nurse's AACN
Behavioral systems and nursing
Auger, Jeanine Roose
Process of Cultural Competence in the
Delivery of Healthcare Services
Bacote, Campina
Tidal Model of Mental Health Nursing
Barker, Phil
Parent Child Interaction Model
Barnard, K E
Community Nursing Practice Model
Barry, Charlotte & Marilyn Parker
Postpartum Depression Theory
Beck, Cheryl Tatano
From Novice to Expert
Benner, Patricia E.
Nursing as Caring
Boykin, Anne & Schoenhofer, Savina
Other Names
Topology of 21 Nursing Problems
Twenty-one Nursing Problems
Allen Model
Developmental Health Model
Strength Model
Synergy Model
Tidal Theory
Benner's Professional Advancement Model
Title of Original Work
Abdellah, FG, Beland, I.L., Martin, A., &
Matheney, R.V. (1960). Patient Centered
approaches to Nursing.
Allen, M., McGill University., & Sir Mortimer
B. Davis Jewish General Hospital. (1985). A
Professional approach to nursing practice:
The McGill model : October 21, 1985 : Sir
Mortimer B. Davis-Jewish General Hospital,
3755 Côte Ste-Catherine Road, Montréal,
Quebec, Block Amphitheatre. Montréal,
Quebec: Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish
General Hospital.
1. AACN Certification Corporation.
Redefining nursing according to
patients’ and families’ needs: an evolving
concept. AACN Clinical
Issues 1995;6:153-56.
2. AACN Certification Corporation. The
AACN Synergy Model for
Patient Care; July 13, 2005. Available at:
nt. Accessed June 22,
Auger, J.R. (1976). Behavioral systems and
nursing. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : PrenticeHall.
1. Campinha-Bacote, J. (2002). The Process
of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of
Healthcare Services: a model of care.
Journal Of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 181184 4p.
1. Barker P. The Tidal Model: Theory and
Practice. University of Newcastle, 2000.
2. Barker, P. J., & Buchanan-Barker, P.
(2005). The tidal model: A guide for mental
health professionals. Hove: BrunnerRoutledge.
Barnard, K.E. (1978). Nursing Child
Assessment and training. Seattle: University
of Washington.
1. Parker, M. E., & Barry, C. D. (1999).
Community practice guided by a nursing
model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 12 (2),
125– 131
Beck, C. T. (1993). Teetering on the edge: a
substantive theory of postpartum
depression. Nursing Research, 42 ,42-48.
1. Benner, P. (1982). From novice to expert.
American Journal of Nursing, 82 (3), 402-407
2. Benner, P. (1984). From novice to expert:
Excellence and power in clinical nursing
practice. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley
Boykin, A., & Schoenhofer, S.O. (1993,
2001). Nursing as Caring: a model for
transforming practice. New York: NLN
May 2013 jt
UDM Holdings
Out of Print
Only 1 copy listed in First Search for borrowing
… borrowing may be difficult
Framework for professional nursing practice
Out of Print
1. Have
2. Free online
1. No
2. No
1. Can't find
2. To be ordered
Out of Print
print in library
1. Have
2. Have
Have print in library
Article and book
Self-Help Theory
Braden, C.J.
Theory of Cultural Marginality
Choi, Heeseung
The Nurse As Wounded Healer
Conti-O’Hare, M
Corbin and Strauss Chronic Illness
Trajectory Framework
Corbin-Strauss-Model Trajectory Model
Other Names
Self-Help Model
Theory of Integral Nursing
Dossey, Barbara Montgomery
Quality Caring Model (2003)
Duffy, Joanne R.
Theory of Chronic Sorrow
Eakes, Georgene Gaskill; Mary Lermann
Burke and Margaret A. Hainsworth
Modeling and Role Modeling Theory
Theory of Caritative Caring
UDM Holdings
1. Braden, C. (1990). A test of the Self-Help
Model: Learned response to chronic illness
experience. Nursing Research, 39, 42–7.
2. Braden, C.J. (1990a). Learned self-help
response to chronic illness experience:
A test of three alternative learning theories.
Scholarly Inquiry of Nursing Practice, 4, 2341.
1. Have article in print in library
2. Have online: journal name = Research &
Theory for Nursing Practice
Choi, H. (2001). Cultural marginality: A
concept analysis with implications for
immigrant adolescents. Issues in
Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing , 24, 193–
Conti-O’Hare, M. (2002). The nurse as
wounded healer: From trauma to
transcendence. Sudbury, MA: Jones and
1. Corbin J., & Strauss A. (1988). Unending
work and care. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
2. Corbin J., & Strauss A. (1991) A Nursing
Model for Chronic Illness Management
Based upon the Trajectory framework.
Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice , 5 (3),
3. Corbin J., & Strauss A. (1998). The Corbin
and Strauss Chronic Illness Trajectory
Model: an Update. Scholarly Inquiry for
Nursing Practice, 12 , 33-41.
Corbin, Juliet and Anselm Strauss
Interaction Model of Client Health Behavior Cox, C.L
Title of Original Work
Cox Interaction Model of Client Health
Cox, C.L. (1982). An interaction model of
client health behavior: Theoretical
prescription for nursing. Advances in
Nursing Science , 51 (1), 41-56.
Dossey, B. M. and Keegan, L. (2000, 2005,
2009). Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for
Practice, 6th ed.
1. No
2. Have
3. No
1. Eakes, G. G., Burke, M. L., Hainsworth, M.
A. (1998). Middle range theory of chronic
sorrow. Image: Journal of Nursing
Scholarship, 30 (2), 179-183.
Erikson, Helen
Erikson, H.C., Tomlin, E., & Swain, M.A.,
(1983, 2002). Modeling and role-modeling:
a theory of and paradigm for nursing..
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Eriksson, Katie
Eriksson, K. (2007). The theory of caritative
caring: a vision. Nursing Science Quarterly,
20 (3), 201-202.
May 2013 jt
1. Out of print
3. Database does not have issue listed
New title for journal is " Research & Theory for
Nursing Practice"
Duffy, J., & Hoskins, L. (2003). The QUALITYCARING MODEL: blending dual paradigms.
Advances In Nursing Science, 26(1), 77-88.
Theory of Chronic Sorrow
Out of Print
Other Names
Life Perspective Rhythm Model
Fitzpatrick, Joyce
Fitzpatrick Life Perspective
Grounded Theory
Glaser, Barney and Anslem Strauss
Grounded Theory
Middle Range Nursing Theory: Acute Pain
Management Theory
Good, Marion & Shirley Moore
Functional Health Patterns
Gordon, Marjory
Gordon's Functional Health Patterns
Care, Cure and Core
Hall, Lydia
The Three C’s of Lydia Hall
Virginia Henderson's Need Theory
Henderson, Virginia
Henderson Nursing Model
Theory of Community Empowerment
Hildebrandt, Eugenie & Persily, Cynthia
Symphonological Bioethical Theory
Husted, Gladys & Husted , James
Behaviour System Model
Johnson, Dorothy E.
Johnson Behavioral System Model
Theory of Goal Attainment
King, Imogene
King's Theory of Goal Attainment
Title of Original Work
1. Fitzpatrick, J. J., Whall, A. L. (1989, 2005).
Conceptual models of nursing : analysis and
application. Upper Saddle River, N.J. :
Pearson Prentice Hall.
2. Fitzpatrick, J. J. (1988). GN theory based
on Rogers’ conceptual model. Journal of
Gerontological Nursing, 14 (9), 14-16
3. Fitzpatrick, J. J. (1987). Use of existing
nursing models. Journal of Gerontological
Nursing, 1 3 (9), 8-9.
Glaser, B.G. and Strauss, A.L. 1967. The
discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for
qualitative research. New York: Aldine de
Good, M., & Moore, S. M. (1996). Clinical
practice guidelines as a new source of
middle-range theory: focus on acute pain.
Nurse Outlook, 44 (2):74-9.
Gordon, M., (1987, 1994). Nursing
Diagnosis: Process and application.
1. Hall, L.E. (1964). Nursing: what is it? The
Canadian Nurse , 60, 150-54.
2. Hall, L.E. (1959). Nursing: what is it?
Published by the Virginia Nurses Assc.
3. Hall, L.E. (1969). The Loeb Center for
nursing and rehabilitation. International
Journal of Nursing Studies , 6, 81-95.
1. Henderson, V. (1960). Basic Principles of
Nursing Care. Geneva: ICN.
2. Henderson, V. (1964). The nature of
nursing. American Journal of Nursing, 64
(8) , 62-68.
3. Henderson, V. (1966).The Nature of
Nursing: a Definition and its Implications for
Practice and Education. New York:
4. Henderson, V. (1955). Textbook of the
Principles and Practice of Nursing, 5th ed.
New York: Macmillan.
1. Hildebrandt, E. (1994). A model for
community involvement in health (CIH)
program development. Social Science
Medicine , 39, 247– 254.
2. Hildebrandt, E. (1996). Building
community participation in health care: A
model and example from South Africa.
Image , 28, 155– 159.
Husted, G.L., & Husted, J.H. (1991, 1995).
Ethical decision making in nursing. St.
Louis,: Mosby.
2. Husted, G.L., & Husted, J.H. (2001, 2008).
Ethical decision making in nursing and
healthcare: The Symphonological approach.
3rd ed. New York: Springer.
Conceptual Models for Nursing Practice
(1980)(Appleton & Lange)
1. King, I. M. (1976). Toward a theory for
nursing: General concepts of human
2. King. I.M. (1985). A theory for nursing,
systems, concepts, process.
May 2013 jt
UDM Holdings
1. Have
2. Have
3. Have
Print in library
1. free online
2. No
3. No
1. No
2. Have
3. Have
4. No
Print in library
1. On order
4. Out of Print
1. Have
2. Have
1. No
2. Have
1. No
2. Have
Have both print and eBook
Published as Chapter in this book
1. Out of print
Other Names
Title of Original Work
UDM Holdings
1. No
2. Article
3. Article
4. online
Comfort Theory
Kolcaba, Katharine
Comfort Theory
1. Kolcaba, K. (2003). Comfort theory and
practice: a vision for holistic health care and
research. Springer Publishing Company,
New York.
2. Kolcaba, K. Y. (1994). A theory of holistic
comfort for nursing. Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 19 (6), 1178-1184
3. Kolcaba, K. Y., & Kolcaba, R. J. (1991). An
analysis of the concept of comfort. Journal
of Advanced Nursing, 16 (11), 1301-1310.
4. Kolcaba, K. (2010). An introduction to
comfort theory. In The comfort line.
Retrieved November 10, 2010, from
Quality of Nursing Care
Larrabee, June H
Model of Quality
Larrabee, J.H., (1996). Emerging model of
quality. Image - Journal of Nursing
Scholarship, 28 (4), 353-8.
Transcultural Nursing (Transcultural nursing
Leininger, Madeleine
theory is also known as Culture Care theory)
Symptom Management Theory
Levine's Four Conservation Principles
Change Theory
1. Transcultural Care Diversity and
Universality (1985)
2. Leininger's Theory of Nursing: Culture
Care, Diversity and Universality (1988)
Lenz, ER; Suppe, F; Gift, A.; Pugh, L; Milligan,
Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms
Levine, Myra Estrine
Lewin, Kurt
Levine Conservation Model
Unfreezing-change-refreeze model
1. Leininger, M. M. (1985). Transcultural
care diversity and universality: a theory of
nursing. Nursing and Health Care, 6 (4), 2022012.
2. Leininger, M. M. (1991, 2006). Culture
Care Diversity and Universality: a theory of
nursing. New York: National League for
Nursing Press.
3. Leininger, M. M. (1978, 1995, 2002).
Transcultural Nursing: concepts, theories,
and practice. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
1. Lenz, E., Suppe, F., Gift, A., Pugh, L., &
Milligan, R. (1995). Collaborative
development of middle-range nursing
theories: toward a theory of unpleasant
symptoms. Advances In Nursing Science,
17 (3), 1-13.
2. Lenz, E., Pugh, L., Milligan, R., Gift, A., &
Suppe, F. (1997). The middle-range theory
of unpleasant symptoms: an update.
Advances In Nursing Science, 19 (3), 14-27.
1. Levine ME.(1966). Adaptation and
assessment: a rationale for nursing
intervention. American Journal of Nursing,
66 (11), 2450-3.
2. Levine, M. E. (1967). The four
conservation principles of nursing. Nursing
Forum, 6 (1), 45-59.
3. Levine, M. E. (1989). The conservation
principles of nursing: Twenty years later. In
J. P. Riehl (Ed.), Conceptual models for
nursing practice (3rd ed.; pp. 325-337).
Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
4. Levine, M. E. (1996). The conservation
principles: A retrospective. Nursing Science
Quarterly, 9 (1), 38-41.
5. Levine, M. E. (1973). Introduction to
Clinical Nursing. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Lewin, K. (1951). Field Theory in Social
Science. New York: Harper and Row.
May 2013 jt
1. On order
1. Have
2. Have
3. Have
Theoretical framework is depicted in her
model called the Sunrise Model (1997).
Print in library
1. Have
2. Have
1. Have
2. Have
3. Have
4. Have
5. No
#3 is a chapter in another book
#5 is Out of Print
Other Names
Story Theory
Liehr, Patricia & Mary Jane Smith
Technological Competency as Caring and
the Practice of Knowing Persons in Nursing
Locsin, Rozzano C.
Marker Professional Practice Model
Marker, CG
Marker Nursing Model
Nursing Transitions
Meleis, A I
Transitions Model
Gate Control Theory
Melzack, Ronald and Patrick Wall
Gate Control Theory of Pain
Role Attainment
Mercer, Ramona
Attentively Embracing Story
Maternal Role Attainment - Becoming a
Title of Original Work
1. Liehr, P., & Smith, M. J. (2000). Using
story theory to guide nursing practice.
International Journal for Human Caring, 4 ,
13– 18.
2. Liehr, P., & Smith, M. J. (2008). Story
theory. In: Middle range theory for nursing
(2nd ed.). New York: Springer.
3. Smith, M. J., & Liehr, P. (1999).
Attentively embracing story: A middle-range
theory with practice and research
implications. Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing
Practice: An International Journal, 13 (3),
187– 204.
4. Smith, M. J., & Liehr, P. (2005). Story
theory: Advancing nursing practice
scholarship. Holistic Nursing Practice, 19 (6),
272– 276.
1. Locsin, R. (2005). Technological
competency as caring in nursing: A model
for practice. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta
Tau International.
2. Locsin, R. (2001). Practicing nursing:
Technological competency as an expression
of caring in nursing. In: Advancing
technology, caring, and nursing. Westport,
CT: Auburn House, Greenwood Publishing
Marker, C. (1988). The Marker Model for
nursing standards: implications for nursing
administration. Nursing Administration
Quarterly, 12 (2), 4-12.
1. Meleis A.I., Sawyer L.M., Im E., Hilfinger
Messias D.K. & Schumacher K. (2000) Experiencing transitions:
an emerging middlerange theory. Advances in Nursing Science,
23 (1), 12–28.
2. Meleis A.I. & Trangenstein P.A. (1994)
Facilitating transitions:
redefinitions of the nursing mission.
Nursing Outlook, 42 (6), 255–259.
3. Chick,N.,& Meleis, A.I. (1986). Transitions:
A nursing concern. In P.L. Chinn (Ed.),
Nursing research methodology: Issues and
implementation (237-257). Rockville, MD:
1. Melzack R, & Wall PD. ( 1965). Pain
mechanisms: a new theory. Science ,
150: 971–9.
2. Melzack, R. (1996). Gate control theory:
On the evolution of pain concepts. Pain
Forum, 5 (1), 128–138.
1. Mercer, R. T. (1995). Becoming a mother:
Research on maternal identity from Rubin
to the present. New York: Springer.
2. Mercer, R. T. (2004, Fall). Becoming a
mother versus maternal role attainment.
Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 36 (3), 226232.
May 2013 jt
UDM Holdings
1. No
2. Have
3. Have
4. Have
#3 - Journal name change: Research and
theory for nursing practice.
1. No
2. No
#2 Chapter in book.
print in stacks
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. online
1. Have
2. Have
1. No
2. Have
#2 extends the theory to include
phantom limb pain
Utilization of Health Belief Model
Mikhail, Blanche
Uncertainty in Illness Theory
Mishel, Merle
Prescriptive theory of acute pain
management in infants and children.
Moore, Shirley & M.M. Huth
Theory of Moral Reckoning
Nathaniel, Alvita
Betty Neuman's System Model
Other Names
Neuman, Betty
Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Theory
1. Have
2. Have
3. Have
Free online
3. No
1. Newman, M.A. (1986). Health as
Expanding Consciousness. St. Louis: Mosby.
2. Newman, M.A. (1990). Newman's theory
of health as praxis. Nursing Science
Quarterly, 3 (1), 37-41
3. Newman, M.A. (1997). Evolution of the
theory of health as expanding
consciousness. Nursing Science Quarterly,
10 , 22-25.
1. Have
2. Have
3. Have
Newman Health Model
Theory of Florence Nightingale
Nightingale, Florence
Nightingale's Nursing Theory
Nurse Expressed Empathy theory
Olson J & Hanchett E
Orem Self-Care Model; Dorothea Orem's
Self-Care Theory
Nightingale, F. (1992). Notes on nursing :
What it is, and what it is not
(Commemorative ed.). Philadelphia:
Olson, J., & Hanchett, E. (1997). Nurseexpressed empathy, patient outcomes, and
development of a middle-range theory.
Image: Journal Of Nursing Scholarship,
29 (1), 71-76.
1. Orem, D.E. (1971, 1980, 1991, 1995,
2001). Nursing: Concepts of Practice. New
York: McGraw-Hull.
2. Renpenning, K.M. & Taylor, S.G. (2003).
Self Care Theory in nursing - selected papers
of Dorthea Orem. New York: Springer.
May 2013 jt
Health Care Systems Model
Newman, Margaret
Orem, Dorothea
1. Mishel, M.H. (1988). Uncertainty in
illness. Image: Journal of Nursing
Scholarship, 20 (4), 225-32.
2. Mishel, M.H. (1990). Reconceptualization
of the uncertainty in illness theory. Image:
Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 22 (4),25662.
3. Mishel, M.H. (1981). The measurement of
uncertainty in illness. Nursing Research,
30 (5), 258-63.
Huth, M., & Moore, S. (1998). Prescriptive
theory of acute pain management in infants
and children. Journal Of The Society Of
Pediatric Nurses, 3 (1), 23-32.
1. Nathaniel, A. K. (2004). A grounded
theory of moral reckoning in nursing.
Grounded Theory Review, 4 (1), 43– 58.
UDM Holdings
1. Neuman, B.M., & Young, R.J. (1972). A
Model for Teaching Total Person Approach
to Patient Problems. Nursing Research,
21 (3), 264-9.
2. Neuman, B. M. (1982, 1989, 1995). The
Neuman Systems Model . Norwalk, Conn:
Appleton & Lange.
3. Neuman, B. (1974). The Betty Neuman
Health Care Systems Model: a total person
approach to patient problems. In J.P. Riehl
& C. Roy, Conceptual Models of nursing
practice . (pp. 99-114). New York: AppletonCentury Crofts.
Health As Expanding Consciousness
Self-Care Theory
Title of Original Work
1. Mikhail, B. (1981). The Health Belief
Model: A review and critical evaluation of
the model, research, and practice.
Advances in Nursing Science , 4(1): 65-82.
# 3. Book - Out of Print
Originally pub 1859
1. No
2. Have
1. Out of Print
2. eBook and print
Nursing Process Theory
Orlando, Ida Jean
Human Becoming Theory (Man-living-health
Parse, Rosemarie Rizzo
theory (ICPS) )
Theory of Humanistic Nursing
Paterson, Josephine G. &
Zderad, Loretta T.
Health Promotion Model
Pender, Nola J
Theory of Interpersonal Relations
(psychodynamic nursing)
Peplau, Hildegard. E.
Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model
Prochaska, James O.
Other Names
Orlando's Theory of the Deliberative
Nursing Process
Parse's Theory of Human Becoming
Title of Original Work
1. Orlando, I. J. (1972). The discipline and
teaching of nursing process. New York:
Putnam's Sons.
2. Orlando, I. J. (1961, 1990). The Dynamic
Nurse-Patient Relationship: Function,
Process, and Principles. New York: National
League for Nursing. (Reprinted from 1961,
New York: Putnam's Sons).
1. Parse, R. (1992). Human becoming:
Parse's theory of nursing. Nursing Science
Quarterly, 5 (1), 35-42.
2. Parse, R. (1996). The human becoming
theory: challenges in practice and research.
Nursing Science Quarterly, 9 (2), 55-60.
3. Parse, R. R. (1995). Illuminations : The
human becoming theory in practice and
research. New York: National League for
Nursing Press.
4. Parse, R.R. (1981). Man-living-health: A
theory for nursing. New York: Wiley.
UDM Holdings
1. No
2. Have
1. Have
2. Have
3. Have
4. No
Paterson and Zderad's Theory of Humanistic
Paterson, J., & Zderad, L.T. (1976, 1988).
Have - free online
Humanistic nursing. New York:Wiley.
Humanistic Nursing Theory
Pender, N. J. (1982, 1987, 1996, 2002,
2006). Health promotion in nursing
Pender Health Promotion Model
practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
1. Peplau, H. E. (1952). Interpersonal
relations in nursing : A conceptual frame of
reference for psychodynamic nursing. New
York: Putnam.
2. Peplau, H.E. (1988). The art and science
1. Have
Peplau Interpersonal Relations Model
of nursing: similarities, differences, and
2. Have
relations. Nursing Science Quarterly, 1 (1), 83. Have
3. Peplau, H.E. (1997). Peplau's theory of
interpersonal relations. Nursing Science
Quarterly, 10 , 162-67.
1. Prochaska, J. O.,&DiClemente, C. C.
(1986). Toward a comprehensive model
of behavior change. In W. R. Miller & N.
Heather (Eds.), Treating addictive
behaviors: Processes of change. New York:
1. Do Not Have
Plenum Press.
2. Have as eBook
2. Prochaska, JO.; DiClemente, CC. The
transtheoretical approach. In: Norcross, JC;
Goldfried, MR. (eds.) Handbook of
psychotherapy integration. 2nd ed. New
York: Oxford University Press; 2005. p.
147–171. ISBN 0-19-516579-9.
May 2013 jt
1. Out of print
Published her theory of nursing, Man-LivingHealth in 1981: Name changed to Theory of
Human Becoming in 1992
Link to eBook:
Other Names
Theory of Bureaucratic Caring
Ray, Marilyn Anne
Theory of Self Transcendence
Reed, Pamela
Science of Unitary Human Beings
Rogers, Martha E
Rogers Science of Unitary Human Beings
Roper–Logan–Tierney Model of Nursing
Roper, Nancy ; Winifred W. Logan and
Alison J. Tierney
Human Needs Model
Title of Original Work
1. Ray, M.A. (1981). A study of caring within
an institutional culture. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 42 (06).
2. Ray, M.A. (1984). The development of a
classification system of institutional caring.
In M. Leninger (Ed.), Qualitative research
methods in nursing (pp. 81-92). New York:
Grune & Stratton.
3. Ray, M. (1989). The theory of
bureaucratic caring for nursing practice in
the organizational culture. Nursing
Admnistration Quarterly, 13 (2), 31-42.
4. Ray, M.A. (2001, 2006). The Theory of
Bureaucratic Caring, In M. Parker (Ed.),
Nursing theories and nursing practice .
Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
1. Reed, P.G. (2004, 2008). Perspectives on
nursing theory. New York: LWW.
2. Reed, P. (1991). Toward a nursing theory
of self-transcendence: deductive
reformulation using developmental
theories. Advances In Nursing Science,
13 (4), 64-77.
3. Reed, P. G. (1996). Transcendence:
Formulating nursing perspectives. Nursing
Science Quarterly, 9 (1), 2-4.
1. Rogers, M. E. (1970). An introduction to
the theoretical basis of nursing.
Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co.
2. Rogers, M. (1983). Science of unitary
human beings: a paradigm for nursing. In
I.W. Clements & F.B. Roberts, Family
Health: a theoretical approach to nursing
care (pp. 219-227). New York: John Wiley &
3. Rogers, M. (1986). Science of unitary
human beings. In V M. Malinski (eds.).
Explorations in Martha Rogers' science of
unitary human beings (pp. 3-8). Norwalk,
CT: Appleton-Crofts.
4. Rogers, M. (1980, 1989). Nursing, a
science of unitary man.In R.J. Riehl & C. Roy
(eds.). Conceptual models for nursing
practice. New York: Appleton - Century Crofts.
1. Roper, N. (1980, 1985, 1990). The
elements of nursing: a model for nursing.
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingston.
2. Roper, N., Logan, W.W., & Tierney A. J.
(1996). The elements of nursing: A model
for nursing based on a model for living. (4th
ed.). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
3. Roper, N., Logan, W.W., & Tierney A. J.
(2000). The Roper-Logan-Tierney model of
nursing: Based on activities of living.
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone
May 2013 jt
UDM Holdings
2. No
3. Have
4. Have
#2. Book chapter
#3 print in library
#4 Book Chapter - eBook
1. Have
2. Have
3. Have
1. No
2. Have
3. No
4. Have
1. No
2. No
3. No
1. Out of print
2. Book chapter
3. Out of print
4. Book chapter
1 & 2. Out of Print
3. On order
Other Names
Title of Original Work
UDM Holdings
1. Have
2. No
3. Have
4. Have
Roy's Adaptation Model
Roy, Sr. Callista
Roy's Adaptation Model
1. Roy, C. (1970). Adaptation: a conceptual
framework for nursing. Nursing Outlook,
18 (3), 42-5.
2. Roy, C (1976, 1984). Introduction to
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Peaceful End of Life Theory
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Theory of Caring
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General Systems Theory
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Systems Theory in Nursing
Jean Watson's Theory of Caring
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Watson's Theory of Caring
The Helping Art of Clinical Nursing
Wiedenbach, Ernestine
Prescriptive theory
Theory of Illness Trajectory
Wiener, Carolyn & Dodd, Marilyn
Theory of Caregiving Dynamics
Williams, Loretta
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May 2013 jt
1970 and revised in 1976,1984,1997. Then
revised again with Roy & Andrews and Roy &
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1. Have
2. Have
1. Have
2. No
1. Have
2. Have
Title was changed to "Research and theory for
nursing practice." Issue missing from database