Adam Simon Levine Department of Mathematics Princeton University Fine Hall, Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08544 (609) 258-6457 (office) Academic Positions and Fellowships Princeton University Princeton, NJ • Assistant Professor, 2013–present Brandeis University Waltham, MA • National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2010–13 Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Berkeley, CA • Program Associate, Spring 2010 Education Columbia University New York, NY • Ph.D. with distinction, Mathematics, 2010 Advisor: Peter Ozsváth Thesis: Applications of Heegaard Floer homology to knot and link concordance • M.Phil., Mathematics, 2008 • M.A., Mathematics, 2006 Harvard University Cambridge, MA • A.B. magna cum laude, Mathematics, 2005 Advisor: Dylan Thurston Thesis: Quasiconvexity in word-hyperbolic Coxeter groups Phi Beta Kappa 1 Publications and Preprints 1. Non-surjective satellite operators and piecewise-linear concordance, preprint (2014), arXiv:1405.1125. 2. (With Daniel Ruberman) Generalized Heegaard Floer correction terms, to appear in Proceedings of Gökova Geometry-Topology Conference 2013, arXiv:1403.2464. 3. (With Daniel Ruberman and Sašo Strle, and with an appendix by Ira M. Gessel) Non-orientable surfaces in homology cobordisms, to appear in Geometry & Topology, arXiv:1310.8516. 4. (With Matthew Hedden) Splicing knot complements and bordered Floer homology, to appear in Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, arXiv:1210.7055. 5. (With Sam Lewallen) Strong L-spaces and left-orderability, Mathematical Research Letters 19 (2012), no. 6, 1237–1244. 6. (With John A. Baldwin) A combinatorial spanning tree model for knot Floer homology, Advances in Mathematics 231 (2012), 1886–1939. 7. Slicing mixed Bing-Whitehead doubles, Journal of Topology 5 (2012), 713–726. 8. Knot doubling operators and bordered Heegaard Floer homology, Journal of Topology 5 (2012), 651–712. 9. On knots with infinite smooth concordance order, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 21 (2012), no. 2, 1250014. 10. Computing knot Floer homology in cyclic branched covers, Algebraic & Geometric Topology 8 (2008), 1163–1190. Teaching Experience Instructor, Princeton University • Calculus I • Algebraic Topology (graduate) Fall 2013, Fall 2014 Spring 2014 Instructor, Brandeis University • Applied Linear Algebra • Algebraic Topology (graduate) Fall 2011, Spring 2012 Fall 2011, Spring 2012 Instructor, Columbia University • Linear Algebra • Calculus II Summer 2008 Summer 2007 2 Teaching Assistant, Columbia University 2006–09 Tutor, Columbia Mathematics Help Room and private practice Assisted high school and college students in precalculus, calculus, linear algebra, abstract algebra, and topology. 2005–09 Invited Talks • Scientific Session on Geometry and Topology of Manifolds in Low Dimensions (CMS Winter Meeting, Hamilton, Ontario) December 2014 • Special Session on Algebraic Structures Motivated by Knot Theory (AMS Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Greensboro, NC) November 2014 • Knots and Low Dimensional Manifolds ICM Satellite Conference, Busan, South Korea • UCLA Topology Seminar August 2014 May 2014 • Philadelphia Area Topology / Contact / Hyperbolic Seminar March 2014 • Berkeley Topology Seminar January 2014 • University of Virginia Colloquium October 2013 • University of North Carolina / Duke Topology Seminar October 2013 • Low Dimensional Topology, Knots, and Orderable Groups Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques July 2013 • Low-Dimensional Geometry and Topology in Toulouse Institut de Mathématiques Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier June 2013 • 20th Gökova Geometry / Topology Conference June 2013 • Stony Brook Topology Seminar April 2013 • 47th Annual Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference Central Connecticut State University March 2013 • Princeton University Topology Seminar March 2013 • Special Session on Knots, Links, and Three-Manifolds (Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA) January 2013 • Rice University Topology Seminar January 2013 • Symplectic and Low Dimensional Topologies in Interaction Simons Center for Geometry and Physics December 2012 • University of Virginia Topology Seminar November 2012 • Special Session on Knot Theory and 4-Manifolds (AMS Central Sectional Meeting, Akron, OH) 3 October 2012 • Indiana Graduate Student Geometry and Topology Conference April 2012 • Tokyo Workshop on Low-Dimensional Topology March 2012 • Caltech Geometry and Topology Seminar March 2012 • Harvard Gauge Theory Seminar February 2012 • Special Session on Knot Theory (Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA) January 2012 • Knots in Washington XXXIII / Colloquium George Washington University December 2011 • City University of New York Topology Seminar September 2011 • Special Session on Gauge Theory and Low-Dimensional Topology (AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting, Ithaca, NY) September 2011 • Homological Invariants in Low-Dimensional Topology Workshop Simons Center for Geometry and Physics • Indiana University Topology Seminar June 2011 March 2011 • Michigan State University Topology Seminar (four lectures) February 2011 • Boston College Topology Seminar October 2010 • Brandeis University Topology Seminar October 2010 • Knot Concordance and Homology Cobordism Workshop Wesleyan University July 2010 • Wesleyan University Topology Seminar April 2010 • Berkeley Topology Seminar February 2010 • Special Session on Geometric Aspects of Link and 3-Manifold Invariants (Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Francisco, CA) January 2010 • Knots in Washington XXIX George Washington University December 2009 • Boston College Topology Seminar November 2009 • Columbia Symplectic Geometry and Gauge Theory Seminar October 2009 • Princeton Graduate Topology Seminar February 2009 • Columbia Graduate Topology Seminar April 2008, January 2009 • Columbia Summer Topology Seminar June 2007 • Harvard Undergraduate Mathematics Colloquium This talk won the Robert Fletcher Rogers prize. May 2005 4 Service and Synergistic Activities Referee, Algebraic & Geometric Topology, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Geometry & Topology, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, Journal of Sympletic Geometry, Michigan Mathematical Journal, Quantum Topology. 2010–present Co-organizer, Princeton Topology Seminar 2013–present Co-organizer, Brandeis Topology Seminar Created a public online calendar of all the topology seminars in the Boston area. Teacher, National Havurah Committee Summer Institute Taught a four-session course on the history of mathematics in rabbinic literature to an audience of all ages at a Jewish retreat in Rindge, NH. 2010–13 August 2011 Co-organizer, Columbia Graduate Topology Seminar Helped run a weekly informal seminar for graduate students about topics in low-dimensional topology, with a focus on the papers of Ozsváth and Szabó on Heegaard Floer homology. 2008–10 Speaker, Columbia Undergraduate Mathematical Society Gave several talks to undergraduates about topology and other subjects. 2006–09 Miscellaneous • Programming languages: C++, Mathematica. • Languages: Strong proficiency in French; reading comprehension and basic conversational ability in Hebrew; mathematical reading comprehension in Spanish. • Citizenship: United States. Last updated: September 9, 2014 5