Physical Science Unit 2: Motion Day 1 Daily Schedule Go over Unit 1 Test Lab 1 – Battery Cars Day 2 Finish Lab 1 Postlab Homework Worksheet 1 – Speed Day 3 Go over WS1 Graph the Moving Teacher Flat Ground Day 4 Go over WS2 Day 5 Lab 2 – Paper Airplanes Day 6 Finish Lab 2 & Postlab Distance/Displacement Speed/Velocity Day 7 Quiz Day8 Go over WS3 Graph the Moving Teacher Downhill Day 9 Discuss Moving Teacher 2 WS4 – Graph Matching Day 10 Go over WS4 Lab 3 – Story Graphing WS5 – Once Upon a Time Day 11 Go over WS5 Acceleration WS6 - Acceleration Day 12 Go over WS6 Lab 4 - Throwing Speed Day 13 Go over Lab 3 Gravity Day 14 Go over WS7 Review Day 15 TEST WS2 – Bad Day Boris WS3 – Speed and Velocity WS7 – DareDevil Dan Motion Notes Name______________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Physical Science Unit 2 Lab 1: Battery Car Lab Prelab Questions: Answer questions 1-4 before you start collecting data. 1. What two variables did we decide to study? 2. Define independent variable. 3. Define dependent variable. 4. Which variable will be your independent variable? Which variable will be your dependent variable? Explain your choice. In this lab, your goal is to investigate the relationship between the two variables stated in Q1. Each group should use two different cars. After you decide how you will measure these two variables, make sure to perform at least three trials for each car. Use the space below to draw a data table in which you record your data. Use correct column labels and units. Use the grid below to draw a graph of your data. Plot points for both cars on the same graph but be sure to indicate which points correspond to each car. Draw a best fit line for each car. 5. What is the slope of each best fit line? 6. Do the two best fit lines have the same slope? What does this tell you about the cars? Unit 2 Worksheet 1 Name_________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Constant Speed 1. Consider the position vs. time graph below for cyclists A and B. x(m) A B t(s) 5 a. Do the cyclists start at the same point? How do you know? If not, which is ahead? b. After t=5s, which cyclist is ahead? How do you know? c. Which cyclist is travelling faster at 3s? How do you know? d. Are their speeds equal at any time? How do you know? e. What is happening at the intersection of lines A and B? ©Modeling Workshop Project 2003 1 2. Consider the position vs. time graph below for cyclists A and B. X (m) A B t (s) 5 a. How does the motion of the cyclist A in this graph compare to that of A in the graph on page one? b. How does the motion of cyclist B in this graph compare to that of B in the graph on page one? c. Which cyclist has the greater speed? How do you know? d. Describe what is happening at the intersection of lines A and B. e. Which cyclist has traveled further during the first 5 seconds? How do you know? ©Modeling Workshop Project 2003 2 Grap ph the Mov ving Teacher Part I Physsical Scienc ce Name e ________ __________ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In this lab, you will be graphin ng the positio on of your mo oving teacher. You will be b given a sto opwatch to re ecord how lon ng it takes forr the teacherr to ride a bikke to your possition. You must record r two pieces of in nformation: Your distan nce and you ur time Distance Tim e When n you return to t the classro oom, you willl share your information w with your classsmates and ccreate a data table below Y You will now w take the in nformation from f above, and create a graph of d distance vs. time (time is x axis) Grap ph the Mov ving Teacher Part II Physsical Scienc ce Name e ________ __________ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In this la ab, you will be graphing th he position off your movingg teacher. (aggain) You will be b given a sto opwatch to re ecord how lon ng it takes forr the teacherr to ride a bikke to your possition. You must record r two pieces of in nformation: Your distan nce and you ur time Distance Tim e When n you return to t the classro oom, you willl share your information w with your classsmates and ccreate a data table below Y You will now w take the in nformation from f above, and create a graph of d distance vs. time (time is x axis) Bad Day Boris – WS2 Name:______________________ distance = speed x time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1) Boris the bear is lumbering along at a constant rate of 4 m/s. If he walks for 600 seconds, how far will he travel? d= m 2) Because of his slow walk, Boris missed the bus. Lucky for Boris however, there is another bus stop 1000 meters away. If the bus is arriving in 180 seconds, how fast must he run? S= m/s 3) Despite arriving on time, Boris was not allowed to ride on the bus because of his bear like appearance. Sadly, Boris made the long, 8,000 m walk to work walking at a rate of 3.6 m/s. How long did it take him to get to work? t= s 4) After a long day at work in the coal mines, Boris began his trek home. If Boris walks 300 m in 110 seconds, how long will it take him to make the 10000 m trip home? t= s 5) Finally making it home, Boris realizes that he forgot his keys at work. In a fit of sheer frustration, he yells at the top of his lungs (sound travels at 340 m/s). If his uncle Demetri heard the roar 3.4 seconds later, how far does Boris live from Demetri’s house? d= m 6) Jumping onto his skateboard, Boris starts heading towards Demetri’s house at a constant 7 m/s. While 25 meters from an intersection moving north, another car approaches the intersection traveling east at 20 m/s, from 50 meters. Will Boris get hit by a car to finish his terrible day? Or will he narrowly escape death to be comforted by family? Lives / Dies Pape er Airplane e Lab Physsical Scienc ce Name e ________ __________ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In this lab, your goal is to make e the slowe est possible paper airp plane. You w will be crea ating 3 differen nt paper airrplanes to test, t and yo ou must the en measure e the speed d of your pllane. Materiials: 3 pie eces of pap per, string,, metersticck, stopwattch Using g the 3 piec ces of paper (not this lab), creat e three diffferent paper airplane es. **B Be creative e with your designs** Afte er you have e finished crreating, you must com me up with a method to measure e the speed d of your pape er plane. In n the space e below, wrrite out you ur plan for measuring the speed with your m materials. You will be me easuring eac ch plane’s speed 3 tim mes. This m means you w will calcula ate speed 9 times. Plan ne 1 Plan ne 2 Plan ne 3 Worksheet 3 Speed and Velocity Name___________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Explain the difference between distance traveled and displacement. 2. Explain the difference between speed and velocity. 3. While out trying to find water, Jack decides to take data of his position over time in order to keep track of where he has been. The data is shown in the graph below. a. What is Jack’s total distance traveled? b. What is his displacement? c. At what time is Jack back at his starting point? What is his velocity at this point? d. Describe, in complete sentences, Jack’s motion during his search for water. Make sure to finish the back page as well. 4. From the data below, construct a graph of position vs. time using the space provided. Answer questions a-d using your graph. Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Position (m) 0 2 4 4 7 10 10 10 5 0 a. During what time interval(s) is the velocity of the object zero? b. What is the velocity of the object between t=7s and t=8s? What is the speed of the object during this interval? c. What is the object’s displacement over the entire interval? d. What is the total distance the object travels? 2 Graph Matching – WS 4 Name ___________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Physical Science 7 Directions: The following d vs. t graphs were made of a car’s motion. To the right of each graph choose the logical distances covered by the car as shown by the graph for the time periods indicated. For the first five second choices you will have to decide whether the car was moving or not. For the last five seconds you will have to decide whether the car maintained it’s motion or if it increased or decreased the rate at which it was covering distance. Then choose what a driver would have to do to make such a graph. d vs. t graphs 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 d first 5 s d last 5 s a) 0 m b) 20 m a) 0 m b) 10 m c) 20 m d) 30 m a) car in park b) drive - cruise control c) drive - step on the gas d) drive - step on the brake e) reverse - cruise control f) reverse - step on the gas a) 0 m b) 20 m a) 0 m b) 10 m c) 20 m d) 30 m a) car in park b) drive - cruise control c) drive - step on the gas d) drive - step on the brake e) reverse - cruise control f) reverse - step on the gas a) 0 m b) 20 m a) 0 m b) 10 m c) 20 m d) 30 m a) car in park b) drive - cruise control c) drive - step on the gas d) drive - step on the brake e) reverse - cruise control f) reverse - step on the gas a) 0 m b) 20 m a) 0 m b) 10 m c) 20 m d) 30 m a) car in park b) drive - cruise control c) drive - step on the gas d) drive - step on the brake e) reverse - cruise control f) reverse - step on the gas a) 0 m b) 20 m a) 0 m b) 10 m c) 20 m d) 30 m a) car in park b) drive - cruise control c) drive - step on the gas d) drive - step on the brake e) reverse - cruise control f) reverse - step on the gas 15 15 15 15 15 driver’s actions 8 Lab 3 - Story Graphing G Physiical Science Name e ___________ ____________ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ab, you will be e moving you ur body to maatch a distancce vs. time grraph. In this la Part I - Setup 1- To o begin, your lab group will need to con nnect your motion m detecto or to the com mputers in the e room. 2- Wh hen your equipment is corrrectly plugge ed in, you willl then open tthe logger prro software on n your compu uter (start men nu>all program ms>vernier so oftware>logge er pro) 3- In the logger prro program, open o the file 01b graph matching (file>>open>physiccs with vernie er>01b graph matching) 4- Ha ave your teac cher check your y compute er to confirm m that you arre correctly sset up before e you move o on. ps Part II – first step You n now have a computer grap ph that looks like the grap ph at right. Prediict how you will w walk to create this sam me graph. Be e specific. Now w, using the motion m detecttor, recreate the graph on n the screen. Originall Distance vs Time T Graph Shape S H How did you w walk to create this? BE SPE ECIFIC! Teache er Initialss allenge Part III – The Cha For tthe challenge, you must first open “01a a graph matching” (file>op pen>physics w with vernier> >01a graph ma atching) When n you have th he correct file e open, you will w only see a blank graph h. To receive your challenge click analyyze>graph matcch (analyze is on the top in nformation ba ar). You may click this sevveral times until you have e a graph thatt you like. Complete e the table b elow Originall Distance vs Time T Graph Shape S H How did you w walk to create this? BE SPE ECIFIC! Teache er Initialss Create a new graph and complete again! How did you walk to create this? BE SPECIFIC! Original Distance vs Time Graph Shape Teacher Initials Try and choose a really hard one this time. How did you walk to create this? BE SPECIFIC! Original Distance vs Time Graph Shape Teacher Initials Keep Going! Original Distance vs Time Graph Shape How did you walk to create this? BE SPECIFIC! Teacher Initials Original Distance vs Time Graph Shape Just one more time… How did you walk to create this? BE SPECIFIC! Teacher Initials Once e Upon a Time… T Name e ___________ ____________ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Physiical Science Distance a to create a story where e the action matches with h the motion depicted on the graph. Usingg the graph at right, you are Your story should be at least 2 paragraphs in i length, wriitten on this sheet. Be cre eative; try to make your story enterrtaining to re ead. Your storry must be sc chool approprriate. T Time Physsical Science Unit 2 – WS 6 Accelerration Name e___________ ____________ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1. What is the acceleration of a car that trravels in a sstraight line at a consstant speed d? 2 2. While drriving a carr, what are two ways you y could ccause the ccar to accelerate? 3. A rollercoaster rapidly r pickks up speed d as it rolls down a slo ope. As it sttarts down the slope, its speed is 4 m/s. Th hree second ds later, itss speed is 22 2 m/s. Wha at is its accceleration? 4 4. For the situation below, draw w a qualitattive graph o of position vs. time. vi=0 x 0 25 50 t 5 5. For the situation below, draw w a qualitattive graph o of position vs. time. A Assume the ball does not expe erience any y change in n velocity while w on the e flat part o of the track. vi=0 x 0 25 50 5 t 6 6. When hiit by Bubba a Watson, a golf ball can c reach a speed of 8 87 m/s in 0 0.005 s. What is the accelera ation of the e golf ball? 7. The data set below was taken for a wheel that started at rest rolling down a hill. Use the data to create a graph in the space provided. t x (s) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 (cm) 0.0 5.0 20.0 45.0 80.0 125.0 180.0 a. What is the average velocity of the wheel after two seconds? What is the average velocity of the wheel after four seconds? b. What is the acceleration of the wheel from t=2s to t=4s? Speed of Vertical Throw Lab Name:______________________ Physics 432 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In this lab, we will be determining your throwing speed using physics. Procedure Before going outside, you will need the following: stopwatch, ball, and this worksheet to record your own data. 1) While outside, give yourself room so that you will not bump into another group while throwing your ball. 2) As hard as you can, throw the tennis ball straight up. Your goal should be to have the ball land exactly where it was thrown from. Have your lab partner measure the time that the ball spent in the air. Record your times below. Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Time 3) Help your lab partner record times for their throw. When your whole group has finished timing, return the ball and stopwatch to your teacher. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analysis 1) In the box at right, fill in any known information. Do not perform any calculations yet. 2) Now, use the space below to calculate the other unknown variables. Time= Velocity= Acceleration= 3) At what velocity did you throw the ball? Time= 0 seconds Velocity= Acceleration= 4) At what velocity did the ball hit the ground? [show calculations to prove it!] Post lab questions During the flight of your ball, indicate when: 1) your velocity was at a maximum 2) your distance was at a maximum 3) your acceleration was zero 4) there was a positive velocity and a negative acceleration 5) there was a negative velocity and a positive acceleration 6) Is it possible to accelerate in one direction while moving in another? Explain. 7) Justine the Jock threw the ball for an air time of 6.5 seconds. At what speed did she throw the ball? 8) Leon the delicate threw the ball for an air time of 1.3 seconds. At what speed did he throw the ball? Dare eDevil Dan Name e ___________ ____________ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Physiical Science g airplane, Dan stepped d out a windo ow. If his inittial speed wass 0 m/s, how w long did it 1- Wh hile flying in a perfectly good take him to reach h 50 m/s? g his parachute, Dan decid ded that he was w being too safe. To fix this, Dan cutt off his own p parachute so 2- Affter deploying that he can freely y fall again. Iff his initial sp peed was 5 m/s, m how longg did it take h him to reach 5 50 m/s? an again deployed his para achute and la anded on a mo ountain. Whille leaning ove er a cliff to ssee the bottom, Dan fell 3- Da off th he mountain. If his initial velocity was zero, how fa ast is dan travveling after 22.5 seconds? emembering his h third emergency parac chute, Dan de eployed his paarachute and narrowly esccaped injury. While 4- Re floatting down, Da an decided to once again cut c his parach hute to land iin the water below. His in nitial speed w was not 0. If ok him 4 seco onds to reach 63 m/s, wha at was Dan’s initial i speed?? it too b fill in the missing details d about dan jumpingg off a mounta ain. Show you ur work. 5- In the picture below, Time: 1 seco ond Ve elocity: Accceleration: Time e: 2 second ds Velo ocity: eleration: Acce Time: 3 seco onds elocity: Ve Accceleration n: Time:: 4 seconds Velocity: eration: Accele