Nguyen Dong Yen Sex: male Date of birth

Nguyen Dong Yen
Date of birth:
August 15, 1958
Place of birth:
Me Linh, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam
Family status:
married; one daughter
Institute of Mathematics
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road
10307 Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel.: (+84-4)37563474 (Ext. 213), Fax: (+84-4)37564303
Alley 106, No. 5/15, Hoang Quoc Viet Road,
Hanoi, Vietnam. Tel.: (+84-4)38361293.
Foreign languages: English, Russian, French (basics).
Sex: male
- May 1985 - September 1988: PhD student at the Hanoi Institute of Mathematics. Main subject:
Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization.
- September 1976 - July 1981: University student, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Byelorussian State University, Minsk, Belorus. Main subject: Differential Geometry.
Full Professor (December 2007), High-level Researcher (March 2008).
- Habilitation Doctor Degree [=Doctor of Sciences Degree] in Mathematics (September 1999, Faculty
of Mathematics, University of Lodz, Poland; the thesis was defended in January 1999 and the
committee resolution was approved by the Polish National Committee for Scientific Degrees and
Titles, Warsaw, in June 1999).
- PhD Degree in Mathematics (September 1988, Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam).
- University Diploma with Honor in Mathematics (July 1981, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, The Byelorussian State University, Minsk, Belorus).
Fields of Research:
Optimization Theory, Nonsmooth Analysis, Set-Valued Analysis, Variational Inequalities, Numerical
Analysis and Scientific Computing.
Scientific Distinctions:
- Prize of “National Program for the Development of Mathematics until 2020”, Vietnam, for a research
paper published in 2013 (the paper was written jointly with Nguyen Thi Thu Huong and Pham
Duy Khanh).
- Prize of “National Program for the Development of Mathematics until 2020”, Vietnam, for a research
paper published in 2012 (the paper was written jointly with Nguyen Van Tuyen).
- Research Fellowship at the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (1 April 2012 31 July 2012).
- One of the 10 most cited papers in the journal Mathematical Programming (September 2011; a
paper written jointly with B. S. Mordukhovich and N. M. Nam).
- Senior Associate of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy) from 1
January 2008 until 31 December 2013.
- Plenary Invited Talk on Optimization and Scientific Computing at the 7th Congress of Vietnamese
Mathematicians (Quy Nhon, Vietnam, August 4–8, 2008).
- Brain Pool Research Fellowship of the Korean Foundation of Scientific and Technology Societies
(KOFST) for senior foreign researchers (February 2001 - February 2002; research carried at Department of Applied Mathematics, Pukyong National University, Pusan, Korea).
- Scientific Prize of the Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, for a series of research papers (September
1995, on the occasion of the 25-year anniversary of the foundation of the Institute).
- Research Fellowship of the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) for young non-Italian
mathematicians (October 1993 - March 1994; research carried at Department of Mathematics,
University of Pisa, Italy).
January 1982 - now: Researcher (High-level Researcher: March 2008-now, Senior Researcher: October
1999 - February 2008, Researcher: January 1982 - October 1999), Full Professor (2007), Associate
Professor (1996-2007), Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
(formerly: National Center for Natural Science and Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science
and Technology), Hanoi, Vietnam.
• Director of the Postgraduate Training Center, Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi (from November 1,
2013, until now).
• Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal Acta Mathematica Vietnamica (2000-now).
• Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi (May 2000-now).
• Head of Department of Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing (1998-2001, March 2012 October 31, 2013).
• Member of the Mathematics Board of the Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology
Development (NAFOSTED) (June 2012-now).
• High-level Researcher (March 2008-now), Senior Researcher (1999-2008).
• Secretary of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi (May 2000-June 2007).
Other Scientific Duties:
• Associate Editor of Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (December 2010-now).
• Member of the Editorial Boards of Set-Valued and Variational Analysis (October 2012-now), Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis (2011-2012), International Journal of Optimization: Theory, Methods and Applications (April 2009-2011), Nonlinear Analysis Forum (2003-2012), Vietnam
Journal of Mathematical Applications (2003-now), Vietnam Journal of Mathematics (1998-2001).
• Guest Co-Editor of a Special Issue of Optimization Letters (2011).
• Guest Co-Editor of a Special Issue of Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis (2011).
• Member of the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Society of Applied Mathematics (2005-2010).
• Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (1988-now).
Vietnamese Mathematical Society, Vietnamese Society of Applied Mathematics, American Mathematical Society.
Visiting Professorships at
• Pusan Fisheries University, Pusan National University of Technology, and Kyungsung University
(Pusan - called Busan from the end of 2001, South Korea): May - July 1996 (seven weeks).
• University of Messina (Messina, Italy): September 1997 (one month).
• University of Catania (Catania, Italy): September 2000 (one month).
• Pukyong National University (Busan, South Korea): March 2001 - February 2002 (one year), June
2005 (three weeks), May - June 2007 (three weeks), December 2009 - February 2010 (two months),
November 2010 (one month), November 2012 (three weeks).
• Chungbuk National University (Cheongju, South Korea): June 2004 (two weeks).
• The Wayne State University (Detroit, USA): January - May 2005 (five months).
• National Sun Yat-Sen University (Kaohsiung, Taiwan): March 2006 (one month), August- December
2006 (five months), August 2007 - February 2008 (seven months), September 2008 - July 2009 (ten
months), December 2010 - January 2011 (two months), July 2013 - September 2013 (three months).
• The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong, China): January 2007 (one month), AugustSeptember 2008 (3 weeks).
• University of Paul Verleine - Metz (Metz, France): May 2007 (one month).
• National Institute for Applied Sciences (Rouen, France): June 2007 (one month), May - July 2008
(two months).
• Kyungpook National University (Taegu, Korea): July 2008 (three weeks).
• Naresuan University (Phitsanulok, Thailand): April 2013 (one week).
• Portland State University (Portland, USA): February 2014 (4 weeks).
Research Fellowships at
University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy), Pukyong National University (Busan, South Korea), University of
Limoges (Limoges, France), University of Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Germany), University of New
South Wales (Sydney, Australia), The Wayne State University (Detroit, USA), The International
Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy).
Member of the Scientific Committees or the Organizing Committees of
- Korea-Vietnam and Vietnam-Korea Joint Seminars “Mathematical Optimization Theory and Applications” (Pusan 1998, Hanoi 2000, Pusan 2001, Ho Chi Minh City 2004, Busan 2006, Nha Trang
City 2008, Busan 2010, Dalat 2012).
- International Meeting “Generalized Convexity and Monotonicity 7”, Hanoi 2002.
- International Conferences “High Performance Scientific Computing” (Hanoi 2000, 2003, 2012).
- International Conference “Nonconvex Programming: Local and Global Approaches. Theory, Algorithms and Applications” (December 17-21, 2007, Rouen, France).
- International Symposia on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis ISNACA 2006 (October 27–
29, 2006) and ISNACA 2007 (November 22–24, 2007), College of Science, National Sun Yat-Sen
University (Kaohsiung, Taiwan).
- International Symposium on Variational Analysis and Optimization - Dedicated to Professor Boris S.
Mordukhovich on his 60th birthday (November 28–30, 2008), Department of Applied Mathematics
of the National Sun Yat-Sen University (Kaohsiung, Taiwan).
- International Symposium on Optimization and Optimal Control -Taiwan-Russia Joint Conference
(February 2–6, 2009), Department of Applied Mathematics of the National Sun Yat-Sen University
(Kaohsiung, Taiwan).
- The Sixth International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis (March 27–31, 2009),
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
- Training program “Optimization Theory and Applications” (February 10–14, 2010), Department of
Mathematics, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.
- International Conference “Optimization and Its Applications” (February 16–18, 2010), Department
of Mathematics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
- CIMPA-UNESCO-VIETNAM School “Variational Inequalities and Related Topics” (May 10–21,
2010), Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Summer School “Variational Analysis and Applications” (June 20–25, 2011), Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Summer School “Variational Analysis and Applications” (May 28–June 03, 2012), Institute of Mathematics and Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Special Session “Control Theory / Optimization” at the Asian Mathematical Conference 2013 (AMC
2013, June 30–July 4, BEXCO, Busan, Korea).
- Session “Mathematical Analysis”, The 8th Vietnamese Mathematical Conference (Nha Trang, August
10-14, 2013).
Participated in
- Applied Mathematics International Conference 2010 and The 6th East Asia SIAM Conference, (June
22–24, 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- International Congress of Mathematics (ICM2010, August 19–27, 2010), Hyderabad, India.
- The 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP2012, August 19-24, 2012),
Berlin, Germany; [a special session organizer and chair, invited speaker at another special session].
- Workshop “Optimization Theory and Applications”, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, April 22–26, 2013.
- The 6th Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC2013, June 30–July 4, 2013), BEXCO, Busan, Korea;
[a special session chair].
Current Research Project:
- Head of the project “Qualitative Aspects and Solution Methods for Some Classes of Optimization
and Equilibrium Problems”, 2012–2014, funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and
Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number 101.02-2011.01.
Past Research Projects:
- Head of the project “Joint research and training on Variational Analysis and Optimization Theory,
with oriented applications in some technological areas” (Vietnam-United States), 2010–2012, funded
by the Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology under grant number 55/2011/HD-NDT.
- Head of the project “First-Order and Second-Order Subdifferentials, and Applications in Optimization Theory”, 2010–2011, funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology
Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number
Undergraduate Courses:
1. Calculus III (4 units = 60 classroom hours, Department of Mathematics, The Wayne State University, Detroit, USA, Spring 2005)
2. Differential Equations and Matrix Operations (4 units, Department of Mathematics, The Wayne
State University, Detroit, USA, Spring 2005)
3. Optimization Theory (4 units)
4. Methods of Computation (4 units)
5. Linear Programming and Integer Programming (36 classroom hours; summer school mini-course
for selected university students).
6. Linear Optimization (3 units = 45 classroom hours; a basic course for third-year selected university
7. Advanced Optimization (3 units = 45 classroom hours; a basic course for forth-year selected
university students).
Graduate Courses:
1. Modern Analysis (4 units = 60 classroom hours; master course)
2. Ordinary Differential Equations (24 classroom hours; mini-course for international master students).
3. Convex Analysis (3 units, 54 classroom hours; master course at the Department of Applied Mathematics of the National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Fall 2008)
4. Set-Valued Analysis (3 units = 45 classroom hours; master course)
5. Variational Analysis (3 units, 54 classroom hours; master course at the Department of Applied
Mathematics of the National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Spring 2009)
6. Optimization Theory in Infinite-Dimensional Spaces (3 units, 54 classroom hours; master course
at the Department of Applied Mathematics of the National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung,
Taiwan, Fall 2008)
7. Mathematical Control Theory (4 units; master course)
8. Seminar in Optimization (3 units, 54 classroom hours; master course at the Department of Applied
Mathematics of the National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Spring 2009).
9. Variational Inequalities (3 units; master course)
10. Numerical Analysis (4 units = 60 classroom hours; master course)
11. Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Optimization Problems (3 units; master course)
Ph.D. Students:
1. Nguyen Nang Tam (defended successfully his Ph.D. thesis in 2000) [Supervisors: P. H. Dien,
N. D. Yen]
2. Bui Trong Kien (defended successfully his Ph.D. thesis in 2003) [Supervisor: N. D. Yen]
3. Nguyen Quang Huy (defended successfully his Ph.D. thesis in 2004) [Supervisors: N. D. Yen,
T. D. Phuong]
4. Tran Ninh Hoa (defended successfully her Ph.D. thesis in 2006) [Supervisors: T. D. Phuong,
N. D. Yen]
5. Nguyen Huy Chieu (defended successfully his Ph.D. thesis in April 2011) [Supervisors: N. D. Yen,
N. N. Tam]
6. Thai Doan Chuong (defended successfully his Ph.D. thesis in July 2011) [Supervisors: N. D. Yen,
N. Q. Huy].
7. Nguyen Thi Toan (defended successfully her Ph.D. thesis in April, 2012) [Supervisors: B. T. Kien,
N. D. Yen].
8. Nguyen Thanh Qui (defended successfully his Ph.D. thesis at the first-level committee in June,
2013) [Supervisors: N. D. Yen, B. T. Kien].
9. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong (began her Ph.D. studies in October 2010; to defend her Ph.D. thesis
in 2014) [Supervisors: N. D. Yen, P. T. Long].
10. Pham Duy Khanh (began his Ph.D. studies in May 2011; to defend his Ph.D. thesis in 2014)
[Supervisors: N. D. Yen, T. C. Dieu].
11. Hoang Ngoc Tuan (began his Ph.D. studies in August 2011; to defend his Ph.D. thesis in 2014)
[Supervisor: N. D. Yen].
12. Nguyen Thai An (began his Ph.D. studies in April 2012) [Supervisors: N. D. Yen, N. M. Nam].
13. Nguyen Thi Van Hang (began her Ph.D. studies in June 2013) [Supervisors: N. D. Yen,
L. D. Muu].
Master Students:
1. Nguyen Thanh Dung (defended successfully the master thesis in 1995), 2. Nguyen Huu Nhan
(1995), 3. Bui Trong Kim (1999), 4. Nguyen Xuan Hung (2000), 5. Le Xuan Nam (2002),
6. Nguyen Nang Ly (2003), 7. Nguyen Huy Chieu (2004), 8. Nguyen Quynh Mai (2004),
9. Nguyen Anh Tuan (2005), 10. Nguyen Thi Thao (2005), 11. Nguyen Thanh Hao (2006;
she has a research paper published in Acta Math. Vietnamica Vol. 31, 2006, No. 3, pp. 283–289,
but she couldn’t have enough time to defend her thesis before going to the Texas A&M University
in July 2006 for a Ph.D. course), 12. Nguyen Trung Phuc (2008), 13. Le Thi Anh Nguyet
(2008), 14. Nguyen Van Manh (2009), 15. Nguyen Ngoc Luan (2009), 16. Nguyen Van
Tuyen (2010), 17. Hoang Ngoc Tuan (2010), 18. Duong Kim Huyen (2012), 19. Nguyen
Thi Vinh (2012), 20. Nguyen Tuyet Mai (2012), 21. Duong Thi Viet An (2013), 22. Hoang
Minh Co (2013), 23. Vu Thi Huong (2013), 24. Phan Hong Anh (to defend her master thesis
in 2014), 25. Bui Ngoc Muoi (to defend his master thesis in 2014), 26. Vu Xuan Truong (to
defend his master thesis in 2014).
1. Nguyen Hai Ha (defended successfully the university diploma thesis in 2011), 2. Phan Hong
Anh (2012), 3. Nguyen Huu Thinh (2012), 4. Nguyen Nang Thieu (2013), 5. Le Van Dai
(to defend his university diploma thesis in 2014).
Nguyen Dong Yen
I. Books and Theses
1. (with G. M. Lee and N. N. Tam) Quadratic Programming and Affine Variational Inequalities:
A Qualitative Study, Series: “Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications”, Vol. 78, 345 p. + xiv,
Hardcover, ISBN: 0-387-24277-5, Springer Verlag, New York, 2005.
2. Lectures on Set-Valued Analysis (in Vietnamese), Series: “Books on Higher Mathematics” (Institute
of Mathematics, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology), 218 p., Science and Technology
Publishing House, Hanoi, 2007.
3. Variational Inequalities and Stability of Optimization Problems, Habilitation Thesis, University of
Lodz, Lodz, Poland, 1999.
4. Some Contributions to the Theory of Set-Valued Maps and Their Applications to Optimization
Theory (in Vietnamese), PhD Thesis, Hanoi Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam, 1988.
5. The Galileo Manifolds (in Russian), Diploma Thesis, The Byelorussian State University, Minsk,
Belorus, 1981.
II. Research papers
84. (with D. T. V. An) Differential stability of convex optimization problems under inclusion constraints. Accepted for publication in Applicable Analysis.
83. (with N. T. Qui) A class of linear generalized equations, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 24 (2014), No. 1, 210–231.
82. (with G. M. Lee) Coderivatives of a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker point set map and applications, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 95 (2014), 191–201.
81. (with N. T. T. Huong) The Pascoletti-Serafini scalarization scheme and linear vector optimization,
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Online First, DOI 10.1007/s10957-013-0294-8
(March 5, 2013).
80. (with H. N. Tuan) Convergence of Pham Dinh–Le Thi’s algorithm for the trust-region subproblem,
Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 55 (2013), No. 2, 337–347.
79. (with N. T. T. Huong and P. D. Khanh) Multivalued Tikhonov trajectories of general affine
variational inequalities, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 158 (2013), No. 1,
78. (with N. T. T. Huong, T. N. Hoa and T. D. Phuong), A property of bicriteria affine vector
variational inequalities, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 91 (2012), No. 10, 1867–1879.
77. (with G. M. Lee and N. N. Tam) Stability of linear-quadratic minimization over Euclidean balls,
SIAM Journal of Optimization, Vol. 22 (2012) No. 3, 936–952.
76. (with H. A. Le Thi and T. Pham Dinh) Behavior of DCA sequences for solving the trust-region
subproblem, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 53 (2012), No. 2, 317–329.
75. (with D. S. Kim and N. N. Tam) Solution existence and stability of quadratically constrained
convex quadratic programs, Optimization Letters, Vol. 6 (2012), No. 2, 363–373.
74. (with N. V. Tuyen) On the concept of generalized order optimality, Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 75
(2012), No. 3, 1592–1601.
73. Linear fractional and convex quadratic vector optimization problems. In “Recent Developments in
Vector Optimization”, Q. H. Ansari and J.-C. Yao, Eds., Springer Verlag, 2012, 297–328.
72. (with H. A. Le Thi and T. Pham Dinh) Properties of two DC algorithms in quadratic programming, Journal of Global Optimization Vol. 49 (2011), No. 3, 481–495.
71. (with N. Q. Huy) Minimax variational inequalities, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica Vol. 36 (2011),
No. 2, 265-281.
70. (with N. T. Qui) Some properties of polyhedral multifunctions, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex
Analysis Vol. 12 (2011), No. 3, 483–499.
69. (with G. M. Lee) Fréchet and normal coderivatives of implicit multifunctions, Applicable Analysis
Vol. 90 (2011), No. 6, 1011–1027.
68. (with N. H. Chieu, T. D. Chuong and J.-C. Yao) Characterizing convexity of a function by
its Fréchet and limiting second-order subdifferentials, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis Vol. 19
(2011), 75–96.
67. (with J.-C. Yao) Monotone affine vector variational inequalities, Optimization Vol. 60 (2011),
No. 1-2, 53–68.
66. (with T. D. Chuong and J.-C. Yao) Further results on the lower semicontinuity of efficient point
multifunctions, Pacific Journal of Optimization, Vol. 6 (2010), No. 2, 405–422.
65. (with J.-C. Yao) Parametric variational system with a smooth-boundary constraint set. In “Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation in Optimization and Control. In honor of B. S.
Mordukhovich”, R. Burachik and J.-C. Yao, Eds., Springer Verlag, Series “Optimization and Its
Applications”, Vol. 47, 2010, 205–221.
64. (with X. Q. Yang) Structure and weak sharp minimum of the Pareto solution set for piecewise linear multiobjective optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 147 (2010),
No. 1, 113–124.
63. (with N. H. Chieu and J.-C. Yao) Relationships between Robinson robust stability and Lipschitzlike behavior of implicit multifunctions, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications
Vol. 72 (2010), No. 9-10, 3594–3601.
62. (with G. M. Lee and N. N. Tam) Stability of a class of quadratic programs with a conic constraint,
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics Vol. 13 (2009), No. 6A, 1823–1836.
61. Parametric optimization problems and parametric variational inequalities, Vietnam Journal of
Mathematics Vol. 37 (2009), No. 2-3, 191–223.
60. (with J.-C. Yao) Coderivative calculation related to a parametric affine variational inequality,
Part 2: Applications, Pacific Journal of Optimization Vol. 5 (2009), No. 3, 493–506.
59. (with J.-C. Yao) Coderivative calculation related to a parametric affine variational inequality,
Part 1: Basic calculations, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica Vol. 34 (2009), No. 1, 157–172.
58. (with J.-C. Yao) Pointbased sufficient conditions for metric regularity of implicit multifunctions,
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 70 (2009), No. 7, 2806–2815.
57. (with B. S. Mordukhovich and N. M. Nam) Subgradients of marginal functions in parametric
mathematical programming, Mathematical Programming Vol. 116 (2009), No.1-2, Ser. B, 369–396.
56. (with J.-C. Yao) Vertical tangent vectors to the graph of a multifunction, Taiwanese Journal of
Mathematics Vol. 12 (2008), No. 5, 1293–1302.
55. (with N. N. Tam and J.-C. Yao) Solution methods for pseudomonotone variational inequalities,
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 138 (2008), No. 2, 253–273.
54. (with B. T. Kien and J.-C. Yao) On the solution existence of pseudomonotone variational inequalities, Journal of Global Optimization Vol. 41 (2008), No. 1, 135–145.
53. (with J.-C. Yao and B. T. Kien) Covering properties at positive-order rates of multifunctions
and some related topics, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol. 338 (2008), No. 1,
52. (with G. M. Lee and N. N. Tam) Normal coderivative for multifunctions and implicit function
theorems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol. 338 (2008), No. 1, 11–22.
51. (with G. M. Lee and N. N. Tam) Continuity of the solution map in parametric affine variational
inequalities, Set-Valued Analysis Vol. 15 (2007), No. 2, 105–123.
50. (with N. M. Nam) Relationships between approximate Jacobians and coderivatives, Journal of
Nonlinear and Convex Analysis Vol. 8 (2007), No. 1, 121–133.
49. (with T. N. Hoa, N. Q. Huy and T. D. Phuong) Unbounded components in the solution sets
of strictly quasiconcave vector maximization problems, Journal of Global Optimization Vol. 37
(2007), No. 1, 1–10.
48. (with G. M. Lee and N. N. Tam) Continuity of the solution map in quadratic programs under
linear perturbations, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 129 (2006), No. 3,
47. (with G. M. Lee and N. N. Tam) Lower semicontinuity of the KKT point set in quadratic
programs under linear perturbations, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics Vol. 34 (2006), No. 4, 411–
46. (with B. S. Mordukhovich and N. M. Nam) Fréchet subdifferential calculus and optimality
conditions in nondifferentiable programming, Optimization Vol. 55 (2006), No. 5-6, 685–708.
45. (with T. N. Hoa and T. D. Phuong) On the parametric affine variational inequality approach
to linear fractional vector optimization problems, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics Vol. 33 (2005),
No. 4, 477–489.
44. (with T. N. Hoa and T. D. Phuong) Linear fractional vector optimization problems with many
components in the solution sets, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 1 (2005),
No. 4, 477–486.
43. (with T. N. Hoa and T. D. Phuong) Bicriteria strictly quasiconcave maximization on noncompact
sets, Nonlinear Analysis Forum Vol. 10 (2005), No. 2, 137–144.
42. (with G. M. Lee and N. N. Tam) On the optimal value function of a linearly perturbed quadratic
program. Journal of Global Optimization Vol. 32 (2005), No. 1, 119–134.
41. (with N. Q. Huy) Contractibility of the solution sets in strictly quasiconcave vector maximization
on noncompact domains, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 124 (2005), No. 3,
40. (with N. Q. Huy) Remarks on a conjecture of J. Benoist, Nonlinear Analysis Forum Vol. 9 (2004),
No. 2, 109–117.
39. (with V. Jeyakumar) Solution stability of nonsmooth continuous systems with applications to
cone-constrained optimization, SIAM Journal on Optimization Vol. 14 (2004), No. 4, 1106–1127.
38. (with G. M. Lee and N. N. Tam) Some recent results on quadratic programs and affine variational
inequality problems under linear perturbations, in “Fixed Point Theory and Applications” Vol. 5
(Y. J. Cho, J. K. Kim and S. M. Kang, Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2003, 59–77.
37. On a problem of B. Ricceri on variational inequalities, in “Fixed Point Theory and Applications”
Vol. 5 (Y. J. Cho, J. K. Kim and S. M. Kang, Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2003,
36. (with N. Q. Huy and T. D. Phuong) On the contractibility of the efficient and weakly efficient
sets in R2 , in “Equilibrium Problems and Variational Models” (P. Daniele, F. Giannessi and A.
Maugeri, Eds.), Vol. 68 of the series “Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications”, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2003, 265–279.
35. (with N. X. Hung), A criterion for the compactness of the solution set of a linear complementarity
problem, in “Fixed Point Theory and Applications” Vol. 2 (Y. J. Cho, J. K. Kim and S. M. Kang,
Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2001, 135–141.
34. (with B. T. Kim) Linear operators satisfying the assumptions of some generalized Lax-Milgram
theorems, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica Vol. 26 (2001), No. 3, 407–417.
33. (with G. M. Lee) A result on vector variational inequalities with polyhedral constraints, Journal
of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 109 (2001), No. 1, 193–197.
32. (with H. X. Phu) On the stability of solutions to quadratic programming problems, Mathematical
Programming Vol. 89 (2001), No. 3, 385–394.
31. (with G. M. Lee) Some remarks on the elliptic regularization method, in “Fixed Point Theory and
Applications” (Y. J. Cho, Ed.), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2000, 127–134.
30. (with N. N. Tam) Stability of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker point set in a general quadratic programming problem, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics Vol. 28 (2000), No. 1, 67–79.
29. (with T. D. Phuong) Connectedness and stability of the solution set in linear fractional vector
optimization problems, in “Vector Variational Inequalities and Vector Equilibria” (F. Giannessi,
Ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000, 479–489.
28. (with G. M. Lee) On monotone and strongly monotone vector variational inequalities, in “Vector
Variational Inequalities and Vector Equilibria” (F. Giannessi, Ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, 2000, 467–478. (See also “Generalized convexity and Optimization for Economic and
Financial Decisions”, Pitagora, Bologna, 1999, 347–358.)
27. (with N. N. Tam) Continuity properties of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker point set in quadratic programming problems, Mathematical Programming Vol. 85 (1999), No. 1, 193–206.
26. (with G. M. Lee, D. S. Kim and B. S. Lee) Vector variational inequality as a tool for studying
vector optimization problems, Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 34 (1998), No. 5, 745–765.
25. (with P. Cubiotti) A result related to Ricceri’s conjecture on generalized quasi-variational inequalities, Archiv der Mathematik Vol. 69 (1997), No. 6, 507–514.
24. (with G. M. Lee) Solution sensitivity of a class of variational inequalities, Journal of Mathematical
Analysis and Applications Vol. 215 (1997), No. 1, 48–55.
23. (with P. H. Sach) Convexity criteria for set-valued maps, Set-Valued Analysis Vol. 5 (1997), No. 1,
22. Stability of the solution set of perturbed nonsmooth inequality systems and application, Journal of
Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 93 (1997), No. 1, 199–225.
21. (with W. Oettli) An example of a bad quasicomplementarity problem, Journal of Optimization
Theory and Applications Vol. 90 (1996), No. 1, 213–215.
20. (with W. Oettli) Quasicomplementarity problems of R0 type, Journal of Optimization Theory
and Applications Vol. 89 (1996), No. 2, 467–474.
19. Lipschitz continuity of solutions of variational inequalities with a parametric polyhedral constraint,
Mathematics of Operations Research Vol. 20 (1995), 695–708.
18. (with W. Oettli) Continuity of the solution set of homogeneous equilibrium problems and linear
complementarity problems, in “Variational Inequalities and Network Equilibrium Problems” (F.
Giannessi and A. Maugeri, Eds.), Plenum Press, New York, 1995, 225–234.
17. (with T. D. Phuong and P. H. Sach) Strict lower semicontinuity of the level sets and invexity
of a locally Lipschitz function, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 87 (1995),
No. 3, 579–594.
16. A mean value theorem for semidifferentiable functions, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics Vol. 23
(1995), No. 2, 221–228.
15. On G-semidifferentiable functions in Euclidean spaces, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 85 (1995), No. 2, 377–392.
14. Hölder continuity of solutions to a parametric variational inequality, Applied Mathematics and
Optimization Vol. 31 (1995), No. 3, 245–255.
13. On an existence theorem for generalized quasi-variational inequalities, Set-Valued Analysis Vol. 3
(1995), No. 1, 1–10.
12. On a class of discontinuous vector-valued functions and the associated quasi-variational inequalities,
Optimization Vol. 30 (1994), No. 3, 197–203.
11. (with G. Mastroeni and M. Pappalardo) Image of a parametric optimization problem and
continuity of the perturbation function, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 81
(1994), No. 1, 193–202.
10. (with P. H. Sach and B. D. Craven) Generalized invexity for multifunctions and duality theories,
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization Vol. 15 (1994), No. 1-2, 131–153.
9. (with P. H. Sach) On locally Lipschitz vector-valued invex functions, Bulletin of the Australian
Mathematical Society Vol. 47 (1993), No. 2, 259–272.
8. (with B. D. Craven, P. H. Sach and T. D. Phuong) A new class of invex multifunctions, in
“Nonsmooth Optimization: Methods and Applications” (F. Giannessi, Ed.), Gordon and Breach,
London, 1992, 52–69.
7. (with P. H. Quang) New proof for a theorem of F. Giannessi, Journal of Optimization Theory
and Applications Vol. 68 (1991), No. 2, 385–387.
6. (with P. H. Dien) On implicit function theorems for set-valued maps and their application to
mathematical programming under inclusion constraints, Applied Mathematics and Optimization
Vol. 24 (1991), 35–54.
5. (with P. H. Dien) On differential estimations for marginal functions in mathematical programming problems with inclusion constraints, in “Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences”,
Springer Verlag, Berlin, Vol. 143 (1990), 244–251.
4. (with T. C. Dieu) On local controllability of nondifferentiable discrete-time systems with nonconvex constraints on controls, Optimization Vol. 20 (1989), No. 6, 889–899.
3. Implicit function theorems for set-valued maps, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica Vol. 12 (1987),
No. 2, 17–28.
2. Local controllability for Lipschitzian discrete-time systems, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica Vol. 11
(1986), No. 2, 172–179.
1. (with P. H. Dien) A remark on Clarke’s tangent cone. Acta Mathematica Vietnamica Vol. 10
(1985), No. 1, 144–147.
III. Preprints and papers under development
1. (with Nguyen Thi Vinh, Do Sang Kim, and Nguyen Nang Tam) Duality gap function in
infinite dimensional linear programming, Preprint, 2014. (Submitted)
2. (with Nguyen Huy Chieu and Gue Myung Lee) Second-order subdifferentials and optimality
conditions for C 1 -smooth optimization problems, Preprint, 2012.
3. (with Nguyen Huy Chieu and Jen-Chih Yao) Convexity of sets and functions via second-order
subdifferentials, Preprint, 2013.
4. (with Nguyen Thi Thu Huong) The adaptive parameter control method and linear vector optimization, Preprint, 2013. (Submitted)
5. (with Pham Duy Khanh and Jen-Chih Yao) The Mordukhovich subdifferentials and directions
of descent, Preprint, 2013. (Submitted)