Minerals and Rocks Unit Test Review Answer Key

Name ____________________________
Date ____________________ Class _____________
Minerals and Rocks Review for the test
___B__ 1. An example of a mineral made up of a pure element is
a. coal. b.copper. c.quartz. d.glass.
Luster_ 2. Which term is used to describe how light is reflected from a mineral’s
_Yes__ 3. Can metamorphic rocks form other metamorphic rocks?
_C__4. Halite is a mineral formed by
a. crystallization of hot water solutions on the ocean floor.
b. cooling of magma.
c. evaporation.
d. cooling of lava.
Coarse Grained 5.When all the grains in a rock are large and easy to see, the rock is
described as ___________________
6. Which igneous rock has large crystals surrounded by smaller crystals?
Note: Granite is large grains surrounded by smaller grains
D__ 7. An igneous rock commonly used as building material is
a. sandstone.
b. marble. c. slate. d. granite.
Deposition 8. The process by which sediment settles out of the water or wind carrying
it is called ________________________
Metamorphic Rock___9.Heat and pressure deep beneath Earth’s surface can change
any rock into what type of rock?
10. The splitting of a mineral along flat surfaces is a property called __Cleavage__.
11. The sedimentary rock called _______limestone___ is used in making cement.
12. The texture of slate is said to be __fine-grained__ because its mineral particles can be seen
only with a microscope.
13. An igneous rock that is formed from lava is called a(n) __extrusive___ rock.
14. As layer upon layer of sediments are deposited, the process of ___compaction___ presses
them together.
True or False: If the statement is true, write true. If it is false, change the
underlined word or words to make the statement true.
_True_______ 15. Particles of minerals called grains give a rock its texture.
16. A mineral with a hardness of 6 will scratch a mineral with a hardness of
more than 6.
17. The faster magma cools, the smaller the mineral crystals form.
18. Granite is an igneous rock made up of the minerals quartz, mica, feldspar,
and hornblende.
___sediment___ 19. The small particles of rock or the remains of living things that make up
sedimentary rocks are called cement.
Name ____________________________
Date ____________________ Class _____________
Using Science Skills
Use the figure below to answer the following questions in the spaces provided.
20. What step in the rock cycle creates the sediment from which sedimentary rock is formed?
Erosion of igneous and metamorphic (as well as other sedimentary rocks) provides some of the
sediment from which sedimentary rocks form.
21. Describe a pathway through the rock cycle in which magma becomes sedimentary rock.
Magma could cool and harden to become igneous rock, which could erode to become sediment.
The sediment, through compaction and cementation, could become sedimentary rock.
22. Describe two pathways through the rock cycle in which igneous rock can become
metamorphic rock.
Igneous rock can undergo high temperature and pressure and turn into metamorphic
rock. Or, igneous rock can undergo erosion to form sediments that get compacted and
cemented to form sedimentary rock. Then the sedimentary rock can undergo high
temperature and pressure to become metamorphic rock.
Name ____________________________
Date ____________________ Class _____________
Minerals and Rocks (continued)
Using Science Skills
Use the figure below to answer the following questions in the spaces provided.
27. Which minerals in the table will scratch quartz?
topaz, corundum, and diamond ____________________________________________
28. What would happen if you rubbed a piece of fluorite against a piece of feldspar?
The fluorite would be scratched but the feldspar would not be scratched.
29. What would you expect to happen if you rubbed a mineral of hardness 7.5 against a piece of
The mineral would scratch the quartz. _______________________________________
30. If an unknown mineral has a hardness between 5 and 9, what could you do to the mineral to
find out more about its hardness?
You could try scratching it with feldspar, quartz, and topaz.
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