Geography is Everthing Quiz

What is Geography?
Answer: Almost everything!
[It is] a science that deals with the description,
distribution, and interaction of the diverse
physical, biological, and cultural features of
the earth's surface
Marriam-Webster's Dictionary
Intro to Grade 9 Geography Quiz
1. How many
provinces and
territories are
there in
Name as
many as you
can right now.
Intro to Grade 9 Geography Quiz
2. What is the newest territory in Canada?
- Nunavut
3. What province was the last to join
- Newfoundland and Labrador in 1949
Intro to Grade 9 Geography Quiz
4. What type of society is Canada?
a. Melting Pot
b. Uniform
5. What does this mean?
We welcome all cultures,
religions, and races to
bring their culture and
customs and integrate
them into our society.
c. Multicultural
Intro to Grade 9 Geography Quiz
6. List some types of food from around the world
you have had (in Canada) and where they are
from. Can you list some uniquely Canadian
ex. Sushi – Japan
Intro to Grade 9 Geography Quiz
7. How many languages are spoken in Canada?
> 100 and the third most reported is Mandarin
8. Why do you think Canada needs immigration?
- To stop our population from declining and our
economy along with it.
Intro to Grade 9 Geography Quiz
9. Where are most of Canada's natural
Depends on the resource …
oil and gas – Alberta
water - Ontario, Quebec Northern Manitoba
forest – Northern areas of most provinces
minerals – Canadian Shield
10. Make a sketch of the basic structure of the
Basic Structure of the Earth
Intro to Grade 9 Geography Quiz
11. Name one country we import a lot from.
- China, India, Japan, etc.
12. Name one country we export a lot to.
- U.S.A., China, Britain etc.
Intro to Grade 9 Geography Quiz
13. Can you name some greenhouse gasses?
- carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides
14. What makes it rain?
- When warm moist air is forced to rise it cools,
the moisture condenses to form clouds and
Intro to Grade 9 Geography Quiz
15. How many countries are there in the world?
~ 190ish
16. What does G.I.S. stand for?
- Geographic Information Systems
Intro to Grade 9 Geography Quiz
17. What do “geographers” do?
Just about everything! This is a huge discipline
linked to science, politics, business etc.