USA Update 2014 Current Issues and Challenges in American Politics Dr. Markus Hünemörder, LMU München you can download this presentation at Ups and Downs: Obama’s Victories and Frustrations 2 USA Update 2014 Treehouse of Horror XIX The Simpsons, 2008 20th season This episode was aired on November 2, 2008 – two days before the presidential election between Barack Obama and John McCain. Despite the apparent voting fraud in Springfield, Obama won the 2008 election by a large margin. 3 USA Update 2014 The Obama Presidency: Success and Failure in 2008, Obama won the presidency with promises of “change”, “hope”, and “yes, we can” he began with a progressive reform agenda and even got Congress to pass a landmark health care reform however, in 2010 Republicans, energized by the ultra-conservative Tea Party movement, won a majority in the House of Representatives Congress is now divided between a Democratic-majority Senate and a Republican-majority House Republicans in the House have effectively blocked nearly all legislation since early 2011 Americans are deeply divided over the Obama presidency 4 With Republicans in control of the House of Representatives, Obama does not have much room to maneuver. USA Update 2014 The Presidential Election of 2012 in early 2012, Obama’s chances for re-election did not look good however, some factors improved Obama’s chances: recovering economy the Republican candidate Mitt Romney turned out to be less than ideal Obama’s vastly superior campaign organization Obama was re-elected with a slim, but clear majority especially women, minorities, and the young favored Obama 5 Mitt Romney greatly hurt his candidacy when he claimed that 47% of Americans were “dependent on government” and that it was not his job “to worry about those people.” USA Update 2014 Presidential Election of 2012 Obama: 65,899,660 popular votes (51.0%) 332 electoral votes 6 Romney: 60,932,152 popular votes (47.2%) 205 electoral votes USA Update 2014 Election Analysis: Gender 7 USA Update 2014 Election Analysis: Race / Ethnicity 8 USA Update 2014 Election Analysis: Religion 9 USA Update 2014 Homer Votes in 2012 – Some Explanations in several states, Republicans tried to install voter ID laws in an attempt to reduce poorer and minority voters extreme critics of Obamacare said there would be “death panels” deciding to let older patients die “magic underpants” is an unflattering nickname for Mormon temple garments, while “going commando” means not wearing underwear Romney’s health care reform in Massachusetts was a role model for Obamacare Romney refused to reveal most of his tax returns during the campaign Obama accused Romney of outsourcing jobs to China during his business career 10 USA Update 2014 Homer Votes in 2012 This is an ad for the Simpsons 24th season, and also a running gag on the election joke of 2008. This segment was aired again as part of an episode two days before the presidential election. 11 USA Update 2014 Got Insurance? The Controversial Politics of Obamacare 12 USA Update 2014 The Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) about 15% of Americans have no health insurance in early 2010, a still Democratic Congress passed the ACA, better known as “Obamacare” it requires all Americans to buy commercial, but highly regulated health insurance and pays subsidies to those with low incomes it also offers states money to expand Medicaid, the health insurance program for the poor conservative critics protest the cost of Obamacare, the increase in federal power, and the expansion of “European style socialism” in the United States 13 The ACA was passed almost exclusively by the Democratic Party (the donkey), therefore most Republicans (the elephant) reject the law. USA Update 2014 The Fight over Medicaid another important part of Obamacare is the expansion of Medicaid in 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that states do not have to implement the Medicaid expansion most Republican stated opted not to expand Medicaid, even though federal funds were offered for 90% of the cost as a result, the poor in many of the poorest states did not gain access to health insurance a few Republican governors have defied party conservatives and expanded Medicaid anyway 14 Missouri is one of the states opting against Medicaid expansion USA Update 2014 The Botched Start of Obamacare in October 2013, the federal website opened for business for weeks, it did not work – which gave conservatives a great boost by the end of 2013, the site worked better, but was still plagued by problems some insured people lost their old insurance because it did not conform with Obamacare rules – in violation of an Obama promise also, fewer young and relatively healthy people have signed up than the system needs by now, 7 million Americans have signed up for Obamacare via the website, more than expected 15 This is an advertisement for Colorado Obamacare, aimed at college students. USA Update 2014 Divided We Stand? Partisan Division and Fiscal Politics 16 USA Update 2014 The Basic Conflict: How Much Federal Government? the biggest ideological conflict in the US is about the amount of federal power comparable to the debate about the EU in Europe liberals want the federal government to actively tax and legislate for social justice, and expand the social insurance net conservatives want the federal government to interfere as little as possible in individuals’ lives and keep taxes and federal spending to a minimum this explains the political conflict over Obamacare and federal spending in general 17 Ronald Reagan (1981): “Government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem.” This remains the conservative credo. USA Update 2014 The Republican Party (“GOP”) Today like the Democratic Party, the Republican Party is a diverse coalition of competing groups, e.g. national security hawks vs. deficit hawks social conservatives vs. libertarians hard-core ideologues vs. pragmatic deal-makers Republicans are “conservative”, but they differ on what that means and how to pursue it low taxes as common ground increasingly, the GOP is the party of native-born, older white voters, esp. men in recent years, conflict between pragmatists and radicals (esp. Tea Party) has grown much sharper 18 What is the face of the Republican party? Today, most of these former presidents would hardly recognize their political home. USA Update 2014 The Tea Party Movement grassroots movement uprising of uncompromisingly conservative Republicans against GOP establishment protest against federal spending, deficit, taxes: TPM wants a radically smaller federal government often extreme (sometimes racist) rhetoric, not always rational primary challenges against established Republicans: goal is to transform the Republican party and rid it of moderates won several House and a few Senate seats in 2010, pushed the Republican Party further to the right, esp. in the House 19 The Tea Party hates Obama, but their main targets are “establishment” Republicans or Rinos (“Republican in name only”) USA Update 2014 Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson The Simpsons, 2012 23rd season Homer becomes a successful conservative talk show host and launches the “gravy boat” movement – a parody of the Tea Party Movement. 20 USA Update 2014 A Nation Divided? much of the partisan division is due to divisions among the American people modern, younger, multi-ethnic, urban Americans tend to favor liberalism traditional, older, white, rural and suburban Americans tend to favor conservatism political division influences (and is shaped by) choosing where you live, where you shop, what you eat, where you send your kids to school, etc. for many Americans, the “other” America is increasingly alien 21 recently, conservative secession movements have sprung up in Northern Colorado and Western Maryland, aimed at separation from increasingly liberal, urban parts of the state USA Update 2014 Deficit Reduction, the Debt Ceiling, and Sequestration deficits have been high for years, they rose dramatically after 2008 Democrats want tax raises for the wealthy, with few cuts to social programs Republicans oppose any tax raises, insisting on radical cuts to federal spending, especially social programs repeated clashes for years, esp. over congressionally mandated debt ceiling Budget Control Act of 2011 led to across-the-board spending cuts (“sequestration”) since 2013 that both parties did not really want in 2013, deficit fell to “only” $680 billion or 4.1 % of GDP 22 Obama once said he wants to cut the deficit with “a scalpel, not a machete”. Radical Republicans seem to have a scythe in mind. USA Update 2014 Fiscal Crisis: Government Shutdown most federal government spending is mandated by permanent law, e.g. Social Security or Medicare other spending is funded annually by Congress, e.g. National Parks, NASA, or the EPA during the 2013 budget negotiations, House Republicans (pressured by Tea Party radicals) refused to make a deal with the Senate Democrats as a result the federal government was shut down for two weeks before Republicans backed down Republicans were strongly criticized for the shutdown 23 Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner is part of the Republican business wing, but bowed to Tea Party pressure. USA Update 2014 We Did Stop (the government) Saturday Night Live, 2013 Pop singer Miley Cyrus appeared on Saturday Night Live with a parody of her own song “We Can’t Stop”. SNL actor Tarim Killam takes on the role of John Boehner, while Cyrus plays Michelle Bachmann, a Tea Party radical in the House of Representatives. In this video, the Republican Party is … a party! 24 USA Update 2014 ¿Hablas español? The Politics of Immigration Reform 25 USA Update 2014 Illegal Immigration legal immigration (ca. 1 million per year) is largely undisputed however, several hundred thousand immigrants come to the US illegally each year, mostly from Mexico and central America roughly 11.5 million undocumented immigrants live in the US border enforcement? legalization/amnesty? for over 25 years, Congress and presidents have failed to find a workable solution building a fence along the Mexican border is politically popular but also expensive and probably ineffective 26 critics of building the border fence ask the question: why stop with the Mexican border? USA Update 2014 Coming to Homerica (“The Simpsons”, 2009) In this episode, the people of Ogdenville immigrate to Springfield when their barley-based economy crashes. In Springfield, they find work as day laborers, domestic servants and other low-paid jobs. In in satirical twist, the Ogdenvillians are of Norwegian (not Mexican or other Hispanic) ancestry. 27 USA Update 2014 The Politics of Immigration Reform most Hispanic voters support the Democrats, in part because they (including Obama) support amnesty for illegal immigrants Republicans also need more Hispanic votes, but they are divided between moderates willing to accept amnesty and radical conservatives who reject amnesty absolutely in August 2013, the Senate passed a bipartisan immigration reform compromise bill including both amnesty and more money for border enforcement however, the more conservative House of Representatives is unlikely to pass immigration reform this year 28 With their harsh rhetoric against illegal immigrants, Republicans have built a wall that has alienated Hispanic voters. USA Update 2014 Coming to Homerica (“The Simpsons”, 2009) In this episode, the people of Ogdenville immigrate to Springfield when their barley-based economy crashes. In Springfield, they find work as day laborers, domestic servants and other low-paid jobs. When the wall between Springfield and Ogdenville is finally finished, the people of Springfield realize their mistake. 29 USA Update 2014 Yes We Can, but do we want to? Obama‘s Foreign Policy 30 USA Update 2014 Iraq and Afghanistan ending the Iraq War was a central campaign promise Obama fulfilled in 2011 on Afghanistan, two positions: Joe Biden: focus on terrorists in Pakistan Hillary Clinton: stabilize Afghanistan in 2009, Clinton’s position prevailed, leading to a massive troop surge however, since 2011/12, Obama has come around to Biden’s view and is preparing withdrawal currently, the big question is whether the US will leave any troops in Afghanistan and how many 31 Obama’s decision to shore up US efforts in Afghanistan met only limited success USA Update 2014 Obama’s War on Terror Obama changed the tactics of the War on Terror, but not the goal end to CIA torture but failure to close Guantanamo prison camp Obama pursued a more focused “War on Terror” no new invasions of “rogue states” strong reliance on special forces and drones targeted killings of suspected terrorists leaders widening operations against Al Quaeda to Yemen and North Africa more effective against terrorists, but esp. targeted drone killings are extremely controversial 32 Obama may very well be remembered as the “drone president” USA Update 2014 The Syrian Crisis Obama wants no new war in the Middle East – US population is war weary however, suffering in Syria has made the conflict an international priority some Republicans like McCain call for US intervention, but other Republicans and the Democratic left wing oppose any involvement Cold War style conflict with Russia increasing radicalization of Syrian opposition Obama painted himself into a corner by threatening Assad over the use of chemical weapons deal on dismantling Syria’s chemical weapons saved face for US and Russia, but will likely keep Assad in power 33 For Obama, Syria is a no-win situation. USA Update 2014 The Ukraine Crisis until recently, US and EU policy on Ukraine was often at odds with one another return of cold war style conflict apparently surprised both US and EU US supports more stringent sanctions against Russia, but has also deferred to European initiative Obama has identified Russia as a “regional power” that is not a major threat to the US newly aggressive Russian foreign policy will strengthen (East) European reliance on NATO, and especially US power US will protect NATO members, but also call for greater military spending in Europe 34 Does the Ukraine crisis mean the return of the Cold War? USA Update 2014 Obama’s Retrenchment Strategy Obama’s main foreign policy strategy is to limit military involvement, esp. in the Middle East however, Obama is by no means a pacifist ending Iraq War withdrawing from Afghanistan no intervention in Syria nuclear negotiations with Iran quality over quantity in the military letting EU lead on Ukraine crisis anti-terrorism ops (drones, etc.) expansion of military bases in the Pacific region Middle East reduction is also tied to policy of energy independence 35 While Obama’s foreign policy is hardly pacifist, he seems committed not to involve the US in any new wars. USA Update 2014 The Diplomatic Fallout of Edward Snowden Edward Snowden’s “revelations” have created a privacy debate in the US, but it is mostly about surveillance against Americans, not foreigners little sympathy for European (mostly German) protests – after all, European intelligence services aided US efforts Merkel’s phone affair is diplomatically embarrassing, but substantially unsurprising US has never claimed not to spy on allies 36 The NSA wiretapping of Angela Merkel’s phone has created some embarrassment, a lot of amusement, and little debate in the US. USA Update 2014 Let Go, Let Gov South Park, 2013 In this episode, Eric Cartman infiltrates the NSA only to discover they don’t care about him, despite the fact that he constantly blogs and twitters about NSA spying. Ironically, Cartman signed up for a new microblogging system called “Shitter” that publishes everything he thinks to the world. And then, he finds out the horrible truth… 37 USA Update 2014 The Permanent Campaign The Elections of 2014 and 2016 38 USA Update 2014 Congressional Elections in 2014 2014 elections could potentially break congressional deadlock however, Democrats face many problems: Obama’s approval rating is low midterm elections are almost always bad for the presidential party Republican base has higher turnout in midterm elections many House Republicans have safely conservative districts Senate elections include many vulnerable Democrats a Democratic victory is very unlikely Republicans have about a 50/50 chance of winning the Senate most likely, divided Congress and deadlock will continue 39 Republican voters are older and often more committed to vote in midterm elections. USA Update 2014 The Presidential Election of 2016: Democrats earlier than ever, talk of 2016 is in full swing Obama cannot run for reelection – “lame duck” For Democrats, the obvious front-runner is Hillary Clinton. Potential competition or replacements: Joe Biden various (former) governors: 40 Andrew Cuomo (NY) Martin O’Malley (MD) Mark Warner (VA) Elizabeth Warren (sen. MA) as the left-wing candidate most seem to expect a Hillary Clinton candidacy, but what if she does not run? USA Update 2014 The Presidential Election of 2016: Republicans For Republicans, it’s all about the establishment vs. radical split Establishment Radicals Chris Christie (gov. NJ) Jeb Bush (former gov. FL) Paul Ryan (Romney’s VP) Rand Paul (sen. KY) Ted Cruz (sen. TX) Unclear 41 Marco Rubio (sen. FL) Scott Walker (gov. WI) Stark vs. Lannister in 2016? or rather Clinton vs. Bush? USA Update 2014 The Kid is All Right The Simpsons, 2013 25th season Lisa befriends a new student named Isabel Gutierrez. She is thrilled until Isabel reveals that she is a Republican – and a radical conservative to boot. Since the Republican Party is desperate to attract Hispanic voters, they scheme to support Isabel for class president against Lisa. 42 USA Update 2014 Steven Spielberg’s “Obama” 2013 White House Correspondents' Dinner 43 USA Update 2014 Thank You for Your Attention! you can download this presentation at 44 USA Update 2014