Unit 3: The Design Process

Unit 3: The Design Process
Enduring Understandings
In this unit, the student will do the following:
Understand the meaning of each step of the design process.
Demonstrate understanding of design process by analyzing its use in the development of a product.
Apply the design process to build and test products.
Essential Questions
What does each step of the design process mean?
How do you determine if the design process was used to design an item?
What are some things to consider when modifying a product?
What design criteria should you consider when designing a product?
Unit 3 Vocabulary
Step 1: Create Flashcards for Unit 3 Vocabulary words using Flashcard Machine.
Step 2: Print the Flashcards and show for a daily grade.
Step 3: Go through the Study Session in Flashcard Machine until you know the definitions and
then take the quiz until you get 100% correct. Once you’ve received 100%, you will be given a
crossword puzzle to complete without looking at the definitions for another daily grade.
October Sky Movie and Worksheet
You will receive a participation/discussion grade for watching the movie, "October Sky." Plus... a
completion grade for the worksheet (1 per Group). You will complete the worksheet. After
completing it, you will print the worksheet and turn in for a grade.
Design Process Worksheet
Step 1: Using the Design Process PowerPoint provided, complete the Design Process Worksheet
Step 2: Insert a Blank Page in your Worksheet and list the 10 Stages as it related to October Sky
Step 3: Print the Worksheet (print on both sides) and turn in for a grade.
10 Tallest Buildings Assignment (Creating a Table in Word)
Step 1: Follow the instructions on the Instruction Sheet provided on the website, create a Word
Document that lists the top 10 tallest buildings in the world.
Step 2: When you have completed the table, show your final results to the instructor for a grade.
Paper Tower Challenge
Group Project – Build a paper tower using the specified materials. It must stand alone for at least 10
seconds. There will be a contest for the tallest, most durable, and most creative Towers. Assessments
will be given for the following:
1. Individual Practice tower
2. Group Work Ethic (cooperative learning)
3. Final tower
4. Follow-up Worksheet
Unit 3 Test
Covers Unit 3 Vocabulary & Steps in the Design Process