Unit 3: The Design Process Enduring Understandings In this unit, the student will do the following: • Understand the meaning of each step of the design process. • Demonstrate understanding of design process by analyzing its use in the development of a product. • Apply the design process to build and test products. Essential Questions • What does each step of the design process mean? • How do you determine if the design process was used to design an item? • What are some things to consider when modifying a product? • What design criteria should you consider when designing a product? Unit 3 Vocabulary Step 1: Create Flashcards for Unit 3 Vocabulary words using Flashcard Machine. Step 2: Print the Flashcards and show for a daily grade. Step 3: Go through the Study Session in Flashcard Machine until you know the definitions and then take the quiz until you get 100% correct. Once you’ve received 100%, you will be given a crossword puzzle to complete without looking at the definitions for another daily grade. October Sky Movie and Worksheet You will receive a participation/discussion grade for watching the movie, "October Sky." Plus... a completion grade for the worksheet (1 per Group). You will complete the worksheet. After completing it, you will print the worksheet and turn in for a grade. Design Process Worksheet Step 1: Using the Design Process PowerPoint provided, complete the Design Process Worksheet Step 2: Insert a Blank Page in your Worksheet and list the 10 Stages as it related to October Sky movie Step 3: Print the Worksheet (print on both sides) and turn in for a grade. 10 Tallest Buildings Assignment (Creating a Table in Word) Step 1: Follow the instructions on the Instruction Sheet provided on the website, create a Word Document that lists the top 10 tallest buildings in the world. Step 2: When you have completed the table, show your final results to the instructor for a grade. Paper Tower Challenge Group Project – Build a paper tower using the specified materials. It must stand alone for at least 10 seconds. There will be a contest for the tallest, most durable, and most creative Towers. Assessments will be given for the following: 1. Individual Practice tower 2. Group Work Ethic (cooperative learning) 3. Final tower 4. Follow-up Worksheet Unit 3 Test Covers Unit 3 Vocabulary & Steps in the Design Process