5-17-13 Lions Roar

Volume 6, Issue 18
Immanuel Lutheran School
18 Clapboard Ridge Rd.
Danbury, CT 06811
What’s Going On?
May 17, 2013
Spring Forward for Sandy Hook
5K Walk/Run
MAY 17:
EARLY DISMISSAL-Teacher PD 12:45pm
MAY 18:
Spring Forward for Sandy Hook 8:00am
MAY 19:
ILC Voters Meeting 12:15pm
Track Meet @ Immaculate HS 12:30pm
MAY 20-24:
7th & 8th Grade Washington DC Trip
MAY 20:
No Track Practice
MAY 21:
5/6 Trip to Medieval Times
Track Practice 3pm-4pm
MAY 23:
Cooking Club 3:15pm-4:15pm
Girl Scouts 6pm
MAY 24:
Casual Dress Day
3-6 Lake Compounce Trip
Track Practice 3pm-4pm
MAY 27:
Memorial Day Parade 9am
NO SCHOOL Memorial Day
MAY 28:
Track Practice 3pm-4pm
Faculty Meeting 3:15pm
MAY 30:
Evening of the Arts 7pm
MAY 31:
Volunteer Luncheon 1pm
Track Practice 3pm-4pm
JUNE 12 at 6pm PreK
JUNE 13 at 6pm 8th Grade
Immanuel Lutheran School will participate in a
celebratory 5K Run/Walk of Strength in Danbury tomorrow Spring Forward for Sandy Hook will
feature 26 "Inspiration Stations" that provide a
message of healing and hope for Sandy Hook
Elementary educators, families and Newtown at large.
For more information on volunteering, walking or
running, please call Kim Merrill at 203-748-7823 or
email her at kim.merrill@immanueldanbury.org.
Jun_ 24 through @ugust 2
18 Clapboard Ridge Road
Danbury, CT 06811
Phone: 203-748-7823
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Please keep the 7th & 8th Grade students and chaperones in your prayers this coming week. They
will be traveling to Washington D.C., Gettysburg, and Hershey, PA on their Middle School trip. If
you want to follow along with the trip you can follow Mr. Palkewick on Twitter @ilsprincipal or
facebook at Principal Palkewick.
We will have a Casual Dress Day on Friday, May 24!
Make sure you mark your calendars for Thursday, May 30 at 7pm, for Evening of the Arts. This is a
wonderful opportunity to see the great artwork students created during the year and hear some
The Teacher Appreciation Luncheon at Brio’s was enjoyed by all. Thank you to everyone who
sent in flowers for their teachers during the week. A special thank you to all who attended
the Murder Mystery—Mr Rios' Legacy and supported this fundraising event for the school.
It was a real stumper (the Doctor did it!).
Field Day is coming up soon. We are in need of volunteers to help out with a variety of things
for this fun filled event. Please sign up on the PTL board or contact one of the PTL officers
if you are interested in helping out.
Upcoming Events…
June 3
ILS Chuck E. Cheese Night
June 5
Honor Roll Breakfast
June 7
Field Day
Volume 6, Issue 18
Page 3
It’s that time again.
Read some crafty clues and see if you can figure out,
Who this article is all about.
As for siblings I have two. Both are brothers just like some of you have too.
I love to travel in a plane. I lived in London for a while and visited Penny
I enjoy doing fun things with hair. Having the same color or style for too long
is rare.
Crafty things are what I love to do. One of my favorite colors is sky blue.
I enjoy playing sports like soccer and softball. But never played basketball
because I’m not too tall.
I grew up with dogs as pets. Now I spend as much time with Addie as my schedule lets.
I’m a girly girl at heart. Getting all dolled up is my favorite part.
I love teaching the little ones. They make me smile tons.
If the rhyming clues did not give me away here are some more facts:
I grew up in Massachusetts, went to college in NY and moved to Danbury after graduating.
Stars are my favorite shape and I love pretty much every color aside from red and forest green.
(except for at Christmas time)
My birthday is Nov. 12 which also happens to be my mother’s and older brother’s birthday as well.
As a side note: Our April Teacher of the Month was Señora Rago and the last Lion’s Roar
Teacher of the Month was Mrs. Person.
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Here he is! This is Benjamin, the dog that ILS helped
PAWS New England to spring from a high kill
shelter in Tipton, TN. We picked the name Benjamin
because it means son of the south. We raised enough
money with our Chapel offerings to get Benjamin out
of the shelter and into a foster home. Since being
sprung on May 10th, he has seen the vet, been
neutered, and was given all of his shots and tests. He
was lucky to have tested negative for heart worm,
which is fabulous because so many homeless dogs
end up with them. His foster mom describes him as
“48 pounds of healthy, playful, loving and active
dog!” Benjamin is approximately one year old and is a hound mix.
When Benjamin comes North in a few weeks, he will need a foster home to begin with, but
even better, he will need a forever home. If you are interested in fostering or adopting
Benjamin, please contact Mrs. Hoke at barbara.hoke@immanueldanbury.org. Keep your
eyes open for updates and pictures, there will be more to come. Thank you and great job,
ILS, for helping to save Benjamin!!
Submitted by Mrs. Hoke
What Did You Do Today?
Our Girl Scouts have been very busy this year! They’ve learned how to
quilt, they’ve gone ice skating, and they’ve even had a lesson
on the art of spinning wool!
If you’re interested in joining Girl Scouts contact Deana
Haitsch at 203-746-2430 or email at
Volume 6, Issue 18
Page 5
The Half Day PreK classes have done such a great job of learning and growing
this year. When we began the year the Three Year Old class was shy and reluctant
to share and play with each other. Now they are kind and considerate of each
other when it comes to sharing. One of their favorite outside activities is playing
tag and everyone is included in the game. The other day they had a great time
with a group art activity. Everyone was seated at a table full of shaving cream,
creating pictures and letters and just having fun together. Not a drop of shaving
cream hit the floor but it was a good thing we were all wearing smocks because
we were up to our elbows enjoying the fun. When asked what they like to do
most at school the Threes gave the following answers:
☺ Vinnie - I like to play with the toys. I like to read a book, go outside and play, be friends. I like to jump. I like
to climb on the playground.
☺ Amrita - I like reading. I like playing. I like playing with my friends. I like playing.
☺ Vilasitha - I play train, paint. I play with pig, horse, cow, zebra, bear, Legos, books.
☺ Kai - I like Legos, tools. I like to play with Samuel, work in the kitchen, eat snack, play bee tag, play tag, just
play regular tag and bee tag.
☺ Samuel - I like to play Legos, tools, and puppets, eat snack, go outside, play on the playground, go up the hill
and run down the hill, play with Kai and Vinnie and Vilasitha and Amrita and Maddie.
☺ Maddie - I like to play everything. I get to have snack. I get to play with my friends. I like to talk to people. I
like to sit next to my friends.
☺ Charlie – Play in the kitchen, make food, do the rice bin, play Legos. I like to play in the kitchen with Vinnie.
The Half Day Four Year Old class has become great readers. We are working just like the “Big Kids” using Book Baggies and reading with Reading Buddies. The majority of the class is reading Level A books, but we even have some
friends reading Level D and E books. Bravo to this class of terrific readers!
We are beginning to get ready for our Graduation Celebration with Miss Brose’s
class and are talking about all the things we have been learning this year. One
discussion was about Community Workers and all the different kinds of jobs that
people do. This group of fours had some great ideas for jobs that they might
have when they grow up. A number of weeks ago when we were doing a vinegar and baking soda experiment simulating an eruption, many friends wanted to
be scientists. (see picture) The girls have all stated at one time or another that
they would love to grow up to be a princess. The other day our discussion was
more serious and the following jobs were their choices:
☺ Dylan wants to be a Chef,
☺ James would like to be a guy that builds stuff,
☺ Chloe wants to be a rock star,
☺ Katie wants to be a Doctor,
☺ Maggie wants to be a Teacher
☺ Connie would like to be a Cook.
If this year of learning and growing is any indication, there is no doubt that no
matter what job they do have in the future they will all be great successes.
Submitted by Mrs. Person
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Immanuel Lutheran
Students of the Week
As God has created us all in his image, ILS
would like to take time to recognize some of his
18 Clapboard Ridge Rd.
Danbury, CT 06811
Phone: 203-748-7823
Fax: 203-748-5022
special creations, the students of Immanuel. The following
children have been honored as Students of the Week:
K-Kieran Edwards
3-Cassie Gwynn
1-Sayooj Dinesan
4-Luke Santoro
2-Kaitlyn Thompson
MS-Justin Goodwin
K-Warren Webster
3-Marina Tonner
1-Zachary West
4-Dionie Smith
2-Christopher Orr
MS-Liam Walker
“Ready, Set, Grow”
II Peter 3:18
This issues student challenge is called a Hink Pink. What's a Hink Pink you ask? Hink Pinks
are fun rhyming word riddles. The answer to the riddle is a pair of words that rhyme with
each other. For example: Large Feline would be Fat Cat.
Write your answers in the spaces provided and turn it in to Mrs. Dice by Tuesday, May 21st
for a chance to win a prize.
1 Move, Female Deer
2 With toys for 24 hours
3 50% giggle
4 A totally cool father
5 A cats foot defect
6 A blue-green moray
7 A boring Choo-choo
8 A boy slug with a shell
9 A cap that got sat on
10 A cloudy 24 hours