Year 2 - Word Journeys #2 co, com together, with coexist cohesive coincidence combine commiserate committee communication compare compatible to live together without any problems sticking together a sequence of events happening together that although accidental, seems to have been planned to put two things together to feel sorry for someone; to get together with someone to feel sadness a group of people who meet together to discuss a topic the act of talking with someone and discussing something together to put things together to see how they are the same able to live together and get along; things that can go together without problems Hink Pinks Hink pinks are riddles. The answers to the riddles are words that rhyme with each other and contain the same amount of syllables. 1. Move, Female Deer 2. 24 hours with toys 3. 50% giggle 4. A totally cool dad 5. A birds foot defect 6. A blue-green moray 7. A boring Choo-choo 8. A boy slug with a shell 9. A cap that got sat on 10. A cloudy 24 hours Hink Pinks courtesy of