IMC Group Assignment [Nokia Lumia 1020]

Toon Hoi Theng 1001128790
Aditya Pratama Putra 1001129192
Lau Meow Yean 1001130096
Jacqueline Sornia Lourdes Paul Xavier
Chong Seakny 1001334694
best known for its revolutionary wireless
communication technologies, which have connected
billions of people through networks and mobile
Before 90s = glory years of Nokia
After 90s = began of downhill rapidly
development of Nokia was present through the
partnership in between Nokia and Microsoft
Lumia = series is a line of smartphones and tablet
computers designed and marketed by Nokia
USP of Lumia 1020 : offers an amazing camera
experience with a solid Windows Phone 8 experience
in a modern smartphone with different color of
Perception Mapping
Brand Value
Nokia Lumia 1020
Samsung Galaxy S4
Apple iPhone
Low Price
High Price
Sony Xperia
Nokia Lumia 1020
Product Value
SWOT Analysis
1.Cell phones have become
the camera of choice for
2.Using the latest
operating system Windows
Phone 8
3.Updated specifications
1.Price is expensive
2.Poor battery life
3.Non-removable battery
1.Upgrade the accessibility
and connectivity to the
social media
2.Reset the price of Nokia
Lumia 1020
3.Advertise the product
through different series of
integrated marketing
1.The market is quite
cluttered with very strong
global brand players
2.Consumers unwilling to
try the product due to
being influenced by the
3.Design of new
preferences is too playful
Samsung Galaxy S4, Apple Iphone, and Sony Xperia due
to all of these smartphones was focus on their camera
as well
Problem Statement
Nokia sales started to drop and started losing
customers to its competitors in 2007
losing out to its competitors because it does not update
its model
was late to venture into the smartphone business
the specification and features of Nokia smartphone
fails to capture the audience
Consumers unwilling to try a new feature of a phone as well
as losses their confident towards the brand of Nokia
Target Audience
Young adult aged 18 – 30
People who love camera first above other mobile
phone gadgets
Modern, youthful, tech savvy and high
Thinkers and survivors
unwilling to
try Windows
phone and
lost trust
(Current Situation)
attracted to
the new
Nokia Lumia
(Hopeful Situation)
To increase sales of Nokia Lumia 1020.
To create the needs for the consumers of using
Nokia Lumia 1020. (Public Relations)
To increase the brand awareness of Nokia Lumia
1020. (Branding)
To reach 60% of the target audience. (Advertising)
Charm pricing : the price for Nokia Lumia 1020 is RM 1199
Qualitative promotion
extended warranties
a free good quality neon color phone case worth RM100
Four colors of Nokia Lumia 1020 which is yellow, black,
white and red will be place neatly at the counter
‘active shelving’ to encourage purchase of the product
 Good services always left good impressions
 Training includes the service knowledge,
interpersonal skills and information about Nokia.
Physical Evidence
 Nokia Lumia 1020’s packaging- Neon
 attract the consumer
 the first smartphone with neon color packaging
 the origin of the product, the progressions of
making the product and the end product and its
 Two steps: Linear , Connection -> the timeline
from their first mobile phone to the current Nokia
Lumia 1020
Press Agentry
Gadget Magazine
Youtube Vlogers (Video Bloggers)
Gadget Bloggers
Social Media
◦ Facebook
◦ Twitter
◦ Instagram
◦ Using photographer’s statement to support the
Unique Selling Point (USP) of our product.
◦ E.g. Hiring 3 photographers on Asia to testify that
Nokia’s camera is the best camera compare to other
◦ Road show
 To promote the product and to provide platform
for consumers to gain more knowledge about our
◦ Q&A Section in our website
 To answers the costumers questions about the
product as well as helping to give them
suggestions about the products.
Brand Value
Nokia Lumia 1020
Samsung Galaxy S4
Apple iPhone
Low Price
High Price
Sony Xperia
Nokia Lumia 1020
Product Value
Brand Story
 Unique product color
 Megapixel of the camera
 Multiple camera applications
 Longer usage battery life
 To fulfill consumer’s need in the market
 Follow the latest trend
Brand Strategy (Brand Architecture)
 House of brand under Microsoft
 First window phone
 Develop a brand new operating system that
couldn’t found in other competitors
Advertising is all about reaching to the mass audience in large.
 Advertising is kept straightforward to the point and it is brief.
- 41 megapixel camera.
 Grabs attention with the creative plan.
 Using ATL (Above-The-Line) which is TV Commercial and Online
Components (Youtube).
 It’s a different kind of noise which would help to achieve the
objective which is to have a large reach and frequency.
 Best value for money, though its costly but larger reach
 Money and Placement : Experiencers
- People who live with the social circle – ‘experiencing’ the
atmosphere and surrounding.
- Highly motivated with : Brands that reflect peer acceptance
targeted people by using photographers as
their ambassadors as well as to gain more
trust from people
hire few vloggers and bloggers to review
about the features of the phone and also the
camera as their number one USP
meeting them directly and give them more
knowledge of the product