Name: Date Due: 15/6/15 Picton High School Year 11 Biology Weighting – 20% Assessment Task 3 Research Task Comparing Systems This research assessment task is to be handed in on: Term 2 Week 9, Monday 15th June 2015 Make sure the following details are filled in as proof of submission. Date and time handed in: ………………………………………………………………………………….. Teacher signature: ………………………………………………………………………………….. Student signature: ………………………………………………………………………………….. This Research Assignment has been set with the following objectives: o o o To research the Focus Section (The relevant syllabus pages are attached below). To demonstrate skills appropriate to researching secondary sources of information and the presentation of information (see directly below). To understand the three columns of each syllabus page more clearly. Skills Outcomes addressed within this task: P12, 13, and 14 P12 discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources 12.3 Gather information from secondary sources by: a) accessing information from a range of resources, including popular scientific journals, digital technologies and the Internet b) practising efficient data collection techniques to identify useful information in secondary sources c) extracting information from numerical data in graphs and tables as well as from written and spoken material in all its forms d) summarising and collating information from a range of resources P13 identifies appropriate terminology and reporting styles to communicate information and understanding in biology 13.1 Present information by: a) selecting and using appropriate text types, or combinations thereof, for oral and written presentations b) selecting and using appropriate media to present data and information c) selecting and using appropriate formats to acknowledge sources of information e) using a variety of pictorial representations to show relationships and present information clearly and succinctly P14 draws valid conclusions from gathered data and information 14.1 Analyse information to: 12.4 Process information to: e) assess the reliability of first-hand and secondary information and data by considering information from various sources a) b) d) e) identify trends, patterns and relationships as well as contradictions in data and information justify inferences and conclusions predict outcomes and generate plausible explanations related to the observations make and justify generalisations 14.3 Use available evidence to: a) design and produce creative solutions to problems b) propose ideas that demonstrate coherence and logical progression and include correct use of scientific principles and ideas Relevant Syllabus Focus Section 3. Plants and animals have specialised structures to obtain nutrients from their environment 4. Gaseous exchange and transport systems transfer chemicals through the internal and between the external environments of plants and animals Students learn to: Students: identify some examples that demonstrate the structural and functional relationships between cells, tissues, organs and organ systems in multi-cellular organisms describe the role of teeth in increasing the surface area of complex foods for exposure to digestive chemicals explain the relationship between the length and overall complexity of digestive systems of a vertebrate herbivore and a vertebrate carnivore with respect to: – the chemical composition of their diet – the functions of the structures involved explain the relationship between the requirements of cells and the need for transport systems in multi-cellular organisms identify data sources, gather, process, analyse and present information from secondary sources and use available evidence to compare the digestive systems of mammals, including a grazing herbivore, carnivore and a predominantly nectar feeding animal NOTE: YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO LINK COLUMN TWO INTO COLUMN THREE use available evidence to discuss, using examples, the role of technologies, such as the use of radioisotopes in tracing the path of elements through living plants and animals Questions/Tasks – with marking guidelines 1. (5 marks) With the aid of clearly labeled hand drawn diagrams, explain the relationship between the length and overall complexity of digestive systems of a vertebrate herbivore, a vertebrate carnivore and a predominantly nectar feeding animal with respect to: * the chemical composition of their diet, * the functions of the structures involved.(Word limit: 400 words maximum) Marking Guidelines High 5 marks Medium 4 – 3 marks Low 2 – 1 marks Clearly explains the relationship between the length and overall complexity of digestive systems of a vertebrate herbivore, a vertebrate carnivore and a predominantly nectar feeding animal. Clearly explains the relationship between the length and overall complexity of digestive systems of at least 2 organisms from the list below: vertebrate herbivore, a vertebrate carnivore and a predominantly nectar feeding animal – with minor errors. Attempts to explain the relationship between the length and overall complexity of digestive systems of at least 2 organisms from the list below: vertebrate herbivore, a vertebrate carnivore and a predominantly nectar feeding animal – with errors. Clearly discusses the chemical composition of diet for each organism and the functions of the structures involved. Attempts to discuss the chemical composition of diet and the functions of the structures involved for at least 2 of the organisms. DOES NOT attempt to discuss the chemical composition of diet for at least 2 organisms and the functions of the structures involved. Uses clear hand drawn diagrams to support the answer, correctly referenced. Uses poorly drawn diagrams to support the answer, correctly referenced. Writes a concise answer within the word limit indicated, using correct scientific language. Writes a clear answer within the word limit indicated, attempting to use correct scientific language – with some errors. Provides poor diagrams (not hand drawn) to support the answer, attempting correct referencing. Writes a poorly expressed answer within the word limit indicated, attempting to use correct scientific language - with many errors. 2. (Word limit: 400 words maximum) Using a table, compare and contrast the roles of the respiratory, circulatory and excretory systems. You must include each system’s function and importance in the body. 5 marks Marking Guidelines High 5 marks Medium 4 – 3 marks Low 2 – 1 marks Clearly compares and contrasts the 3 systems. Includes full function of each system and includes key components of each system. Each system is accurately contrasted and the need for different systems is identified. The 3 systems are compared and contrasted, however some information is incorrect and/or missing. Most functions of each system are included and their need is identified. Key components are identified for each system. Not all systems addressed and no/little comparison or contrast between systems has been made. Only some components identified for each system and the need for the system is vague or irrelevant. Writes a concise answer within the word limit indicated, using correct scientific language. Writes a clear answer within the word limit indicated, attempting to use correct scientific language – with minor errors. Writes a poorly expressed answer within the word limit indicated, attempting to use correct scientific language – with errors. 3. (5 marks) Identify and compare, the gaseous exchange surfaces in an insect, a fish, a frog and a mammal. Include labelled diagrams of each gaseous exchange surface with a 150 word (max.) description of how that organism exchanges gasses with its environment. Also include specifically which gasses are taken in and excreted and why these gasses are needed for the body. 5 marks High 5 marks Medium 4 – 3 marks Low 2 – 1 marks Clearly identifies and compares the gaseous exchange surfaces in each organism and identifies the function of each surface. Labelled diagrams are simple, either hand drawn or printed, and hand labelled. Concise and accurate description of how the organism exchanges gasses with the environment. Absorbed and excreted gasses for each organism are accurately identified and gas function is identified. Identifies and compares the gaseous exchange surfaces in each organism and identifies the function of each surface. Labelled diagrams are simple, either hand drawn or printed, and hand labelled with some missing/incorrect information. A description of how the organism exchanges gases with the environment is included, however not complete. Absorbed and excreted gasses for each organism are identified, function is missing or irrelevant. Not all organisms addressed in the comparison of gaseous exchange surfaces. Function of each is identified. Diagram is printed with no labels or incorrect labels. Description of how the organism exchanges gases with the enviroiment is weak and/or incorrect. Absorbed and excreted gases for each organism are not identified and function is missing or irrelevant. Writes a concise answer within the word limit indicated, using correct scientific language. Writes a clear answer within the word limit indicated, attempting to use correct scientific language – with minor errors. Writes a poorly expressed answer within the word limit indicated, attempting to use correct scientific language – with errors. 4. (5 marks) Discuss the role of technologies, such as the use of radioisotopes in tracing the path of elements through living plants and animals (Word limit: 400 words maximum) Marking Guidelines High 5 marks Medium 4 – 3 marks Low 2 – 1 marks Clearly discusses the role of technologies, such as the use of radioisotopes in tracing the path of elements through living plants and animals. Attempts to discuss the role of technologies, such as the use of radioisotopes in tracing the path of elements through living plants and animals. Describes the role of technologies, such as the use of radioisotopes in tracing the path of elements through living plants and animals. Writes a concise answer within the word limit indicated, using correct scientific language. Writes a clear answer within the word limit indicated, attempting to use correct scientific language – with minor errors. Writes a poorly expressed answer within the word limit indicated, attempting to use correct scientific language – with errors. 5. (5 marks) Complete a bibliography for this task showing that you have used a variety (at least 3) different media types (Books, Internet, Journals, Video, etc). Marking Guidelines High 5 marks Medium 3-4 marks Low 1 – 2 marks Accurately completes a bibliography for this task using (at least 2) different media types (Books, Internet, Journals, Video, etc). Attempts to complete a bibliography for this task, using (at least 2) different media types (Books, Internet, Journals, Video, etc). Lists resources, using (at least 1) different media types (Books, Internet, Journals, Video, etc). Total Marks Comment: /25