Cultural Studies, Chapter 2, Lesson 1: Test Bank

Cultural Studies, Chapter 2, Lesson 1:
Multiple Choice
1. What country is in East Asia?
a. China
b. India
c. Nepal
d. Afghanistan
2. Where are Japan and the Koreas located?
a. North Asia
b. Middle East
c. South Asia
d. East Asia
3. What country is in South Asia?
a. Vietnam
b. India
c. Tibet
d. Laos
12. Why do Hindus value karma in their lifetime?
a. It determines a person’s destiny
b. It brings honor to a deceased ancestor
c. It is necessary to attain heaven
d. It is rewarded in this life
13. What is a characteristic of Buddhism?
a. Ancestor worship
b. Personal spiritual development
c. Monotheism
d. Redemption from sin
14. What do Buddhists value in the path to enlightenment?
a. morality, meditation, and wisdom
b. the universal soul
c. spiritual exercises
d. the offerings of the people
Where are Afghanistan and Pakistan located?
a. North Asia
b. East Asia
c. South Asia
d. Middle East
15. What is the dominant culture of East Asia?
a. Japanese
b. Korean
c. Indian
d. Chinese
What did Confucius claim is aligned with moral order
but depends on human beings to carry it out?
a. Analects
b. Tian
c. Tai chi
d. Good works
16. What island does China insist is one of her provinces?
a. Hong Kong
b. Singapore
c. Taiwan
d. Mongolia
What was a major belief of Confucius?
a. The use of martial arts
b. Ritual propriety
c. Respect for ancestors
d. Spiritual exercises
17. What country is one of the most homogenous in the
a. China
b. North Korea
c. Japan
d. India
What exercises does Taoism value?
a. Tian
b. De
c. Li
d. Tai chi
18. What is a characteristic that distinguishes IndoEuropeans from Europeans?
a. More universities
b. Lighter skin
c. A language closer to Chinese
d. A different alphabet
What key concept does Taoism teach?
a. That which is naturally so
b. Full reincarnation
c. The duties to the many gods of Taoism
d. The value of meditation
19. What is a characteristic that Indo-Europeans and
Dravidians share?
a. Inhabitants of Indian subcontinent
b. Followers of Islam
c. Live in the countries that bear their names
d. Speak the same language
What invisible spiritual beings are valued by the
a. Kami
b. Tian
c. Dao
d. Brahman
20. Who are widely thought to be the earliest inhabitants
of India? [K, p. 147, SOB 9]
a. Indo-Europeans
b. Sindhis
c. Tajiks
d. Dravidians
10. What is an important practice of Shinto?
a. Joining a monastery
b. Visiting shrines
c. Conversion of others
d. Believing in the transcendental
21. What is the most widely spoken language of the
Turkic people?
a. Afghani
b. Azerbaijani
c. Turkish
d. Persian
11. What do Hindus believe in?
a. Enlightenment
b. One god
c. Cycle of birth, death, and rebirth
d. Dedication to kami
22. What faith do most Turkic people follow?
a. Christian faith
b. Muslim faith
c. Buddhist faith
d. Hindu faith
23. What is the largest archipelago in the world in terms
of area?
a. Philippines
b. Indonesia
c. Malay
d. Hawaii
24. What is the world’s most populous Muslim country?
a. Malaysia
b. Indonesia
c. Philippines
d. Pakistan
25. What country has been called “a real hot spot of
cultural diversity”?
a. Indonesia
b. Malaysia
c. Philippines
d. Papua New Guinea
The world’s highest mountain is_____ __________.
Of the many rivers that flow through East Asia,
China’s ________ and ________ are the most
Hindus embrace the concept of ________, a universal
eternal soul, who created all and is present
Buddhism accepts the doctrines of karma and
In addition to Taiwan, the other majority-Chinese
nation is the island of ______________.
True or False
Nepal is located in South Asia.
a. True
b. False
Confucius was a Japanese philosopher that had great
influence throughout Asia.
a. True
b. False
Taoism is rooted in Chinese customs.
a. True
b. False
Hindus believe in one god, Brahman.
a. True
b. False
Mao Zedong established the People’s Republic of
China, a democratic government.
a. True
b. False
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