Il mondo degli animali Web quests Web quest – Intermediate Il lupo selvatico in Italia How can we preserve the native wolf of Italy? Italy has the greatest biodiversity in all of Europe. There is a wide variety of flora, fauna and habitats. There are animals in Italy living in the Alps and Appennini regions that are endangered, such as the chamois of Abruzzo, the deer from Sardegna and the marine turtle along the coast. Some work has been done to relocate some of these animals, but the animal that is often misunderstood yet requires assistance is the native wolf of Italy. Task: To prepare a flier to convince people of the need to preserve the native wolf of Italy. The following tasks and links should provide you with the information you need to make an informed response to this task. If you wish, you can prepare your flier in English. Task 1: What animals are native to Italy? (in English) Task 2: What are the characteristics of the native wolf of Italy? (in English) (in Italian) Where does the native wolf live and how big is the population? (in English) Task 3: Why is the wolf misunderstood? (in English) Task 3: What is happening in Italy to improve the numbers of the native wolf? (in English) Task 4: Folklore and the wolf Do you know about the legend of Romulus and Remus? Find out at: (in English) 35 Il mondo degli animali Web quests Web quest – Advanced L’orso bruno d’ Italia Task: Collect information about the brown bear from various Italian websites and then make your own webpage about this animal for a school audience. Use the table on the next page as a guide for preparing the webpage. Task 1: What are the characteristics of the brown bear of Italy and where does it live? (in English) (in Italian) (in Italian) Task 2: How many are currently living in Italy? (in Italian) Task 3: Why is it under threat? (in Italian) (in Italian) Task 4: Conservazione of the brown bear in Italy (in Italian) 36 Il mondo degli animali Web quests L’orso bruno d’ Italia La tabella Habitat Cibo Personalità Diffusione in Europa Diffusione in Italia Popolazione in Italia Cause del calo della popolazione Soluzioni 37