BIOLOGY COURSE OFFERINGS [Please be advised that course offerings are subject to change due to unforeseen events.] New # L a b C M B E E B 105 117 118 224 251 252 301 302 311 313 314 318 324 326 Course Title Fall 2012 Evolution for everyone [Does not count toward the major] Introduction to organismal and population biology Introduction to cell and molecular biology Basic microbiology [Does not count toward the major] Human anatomy and physiology I [Does not count toward the major] Human anatomy and physiology II [Does not count toward the major] Molecular Genetics Biochemistry Principles of cell biology Cellular neurobiology Staff General microbiology Developmental Biology Animal histology General microbiology lab 2 cr 330 331 334 Genes and Heredity Animal physiology Biological Networks 340 Genetics Laboratory Spring 2013 Summer 2013^ Fall Armstrong Armstrong Staff Tan-Wilson Horwath Staff Marques French/Freeh Staff K. Wilson Van Buskirk Miles Davies Tammariello Freeh Davies/ Marques H. Fiiumera Horwath Frequency Tammariello Tan-Wilson Van Buskirk Fall, Spring and Summer Fall, Spring and Summer Spring Staff Fall and summer Staff Summer Fall and Spring Fall and Spring Fall and Spring Fall Fall Once a year When possible Fall Horwath Fall Fall and Spring (3 cr) also BE202 347 351 (2 cr) Human anatomy and physiology II Mechanisms of evolution H. Fiumera Spring French/ Freeh Parker Spring Spring 1 New # L a b C M B E E B Course Title 352 Marine biology 355 Ecology (lec only) 366 Paleobiology, also GEOL Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Summer 2013^ Frequency Pueschel Fall Titus Fall [Geol is parent] 370 371 Botany, also ENVI Zoology 373 Ecology (4 credit with lab) 374 Wetlands Ecology 2 cr 375 376 377 378 379 402 405 425 426 427 428 435 437 441 450 [formerly named Freshwater Wetland Ecology] Animal Behavior Phycology Flora/Plant Systematics Macroevolution Biology and Conservation of Birds Immunology Vertebrate endocrinology Molecular biology laboratory 2 cr Biochemistry laboratory 2 cr Cell biology laboratory 2 cr Genomics and Proteomics Stein Shepherd/ Miles Summer only Shepherd Fall Clark Fall Horwath Chen 454 455 Behavioral ecology of primates Principles of ecosystem Sauer When possible When possible Fall K. Wilson McGee Spring Spring Fall Michael Zhu Spring Sauer Parker ecology, evolution & animal behavior Cultural evolutionary theory Socio-biology 452 453 Shepherd When possible When possible When possible Spring Stein Human Genetics Biostatistics Molecular Ecology Lab Conceptual foundations in Fall Spring Fall Spring D Wilson Zhu Spring When possible Alternate Fall ecology 2 New # L a b C M B E E B Course Title Spring 2013 Evolution and human behavior, 456 459 also Psyc, Anthr, Soc Biogeography (also Geog 422) Tropical marine biology Tropical ecology & conservation Entomology 471 472 475 476 477 Population Ecology Conservation Biology Bch m 480 480 A-D 480 E-H 480 I-L 480 I-L 480 M-P 480 Q-T 480 U-X 483 483 Fall 2012 By mistake, number denotes lab, will be changed in next bulletin Biochemistry Seminar [For Biochemistry majors only] Biofilm Shepherd/ Andurs Shepherd Parker Fall K Wilson I-Adv Micro Seminar Davies Miles Bioethics Behavior & Disease Topics in Stem Cell Biology Practicum in college teaching 494 Internship 495 Laboratory or field internship Fall and Spring Staff Neurobiology topic 480 485 491 When possible Spring When possible When possible Seminar topics (2 cr) Radiobiology J: Biotechnology and Frequency Summer Summer 2013^ All Bio 480s carry two credits. EVOS seminar can count only twice for credit EVOS seminar might be moving to its own permanent number M Fallon Baust Clark Baust Every semester Every semester + summer Every semester + summer 3 New # C M B E E B Course Title 497 Independent lab or field research 498 Continuing indep lab or field research 496 ^ L a b Independent study Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Summer 2013^ Frequency Every semester + summer Every semester + summer Every semester For the BA Biology, Biology 494-498 courses alone or in any combination, can be used for up to 4 credits of Biology electives. Biology 495/497/498 can be used to fulfill only one lab requirement. For the BS Biology major, it is expected that the work involved will be in the students’ concentration. For the BS Biology with concentration in CMB, Biology 494-498 courses alone or in any combination can be used as CMB electives up to 8 credits. Biology 495, 497 and 498 alone or together can be used to fulfill up to 2 laboratory requirements. For the CMB concentration, these courses cannot be used as a required EEB elective. For the BS Biology with concentration in EEB, Biology 494-498 courses alone or in any combination can be used as EEB electives up to 8 credits. Biology 495,497and 498 alone or together can be used to fulfill up to 2 laboratory requirements. For the EEB concentration, these courses cannot be used as a required CMB elective. There will be more summer courses. Usually the Department strives to offer core courses and one or two courses with lab. However, whether the course actually runs or not has to depend upon enrollment. 4