CDU APA STYLE GUIDE CDU APA 6 th Referencing Style Guide (Updated November 2013) Charles Darwin University Page 1 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. General guidelines ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Personal items & communications ................................................................................................................................... 4 Secondary Citation ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Block quotation ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Examples .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2. Books ................................................................................................................................................................... 6 eBook with doi (Digital Object Identifier) ....................................................................................................................... 6 eBook without doi (Digital Object Identifier) .................................................................................................................. 6 Book with one author ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Book by two or three authors ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Book by more than three authors ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Book or work by an association or institution .................................................................................................................. 8 Edited book ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Chapter in an edited book ................................................................................................................................................ 9 3. Conference papers............................................................................................................................................. 10 Individual published paper ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Individual unpublished paper ......................................................................................................................................... 10 4. Dictionary .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 5. Encyclopedia ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 6. Government publications .................................................................................................................................. 11 Report known by its title rather than by its authors ....................................................................................................... 11 Produced by a government agency ................................................................................................................................ 12 Produced by a government agency with personal authors acknowledged ..................................................................... 12 7. Images or Artworks .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Image from a book ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Image from a website ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 Artwork you have viewed personally ............................................................................................................................ 13 Charles Darwin University Page 2 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE Journal articles.................................................................................................................................................. 14 8. Article with DOI ............................................................................................................................................................ 14 Article without DOI ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 Article from a website .................................................................................................................................................... 15 Lecture notes/unit readings ............................................................................................................................... 15 9. Article from eReserve .................................................................................................................................................... 15 Powerpoint slides from a Learnline Module .................................................................................................................. 15 10. Legislation and cases ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Case Law........................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Acts of Parliament or a Bill............................................................................................................................................ 16 11. Multimedia & Social media .............................................................................................................................. 16 YouTube/Streaming video ............................................................................................................................................. 16 Television programs ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Video recording OR DVD ............................................................................................................................................. 17 Podcast ........................................................................................................................................................................... 17 12. Newspaper articles ............................................................................................................................................ 17 Newspaper article from print source .............................................................................................................................. 17 Newspaper article from fulltext database ....................................................................................................................... 18 Newspaper article from a website .................................................................................................................................. 18 Newspaper article-no author .......................................................................................................................................... 18 13. Standards .......................................................................................................................................................... 19 14. Statistics ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 15. Theses ................................................................................................................................................................ 19 Print version ................................................................................................................................................................... 19 From an Institutional database/Espace ........................................................................................................................... 20 16. WEBSITES ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 Entire website (not a specific document or page on the site) ......................................................................................... 20 Document from website with author .............................................................................................................................. 21 Charles Darwin University Page 3 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE Document from website no author ................................................................................................................................. 21 Website material that has no author, no year and no page numbers .............................................................................. 21 Common Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................... 22 17. 1. GENERAL GUIDELINES Your references should appear at the end of your essay/report with entries listed alphabetically by author (or by title if there is no author). APA style reference list uses the hanging indent format, the first line is flush left and the next lines are indented. Before you write your list of references/bibliography check with your lecturer/tutor for the bibliographic style they prefer. When using a direct quote from the text, or paraphrasing a specific section of the text, you must include page numbers (where available) in your in text citation. For more than three authors cite names in full the first time and then ‘et al.’ (and others) may be used in place of additional authors names in the text of your essay, but all the names must be written in the reference citation list. When citing more than one publication at a time (in text) it is recommended that the authors’ names be ordered alphabetically inside the brackets. Use a semicolon to separate the works cited inside the brackets. An ampersand (&) is used to connect authors’ names within brackets, but not when they appear as part of a sentence. ie: White & Perrone You may occasionally need to use a reference for a source for which the examples below do not provide specific guidance. In this case choose the example that is most like your source and follow that format and if in doubt provide more information than less. Don’t forget that the whole point of referencing is to enable readers to retrieve, check and use the sources quoted. All examples are based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association th (6 ed), Washington (2009) Available in the Library at call number REF 808.06615 PUBL. To find out what has changed see APA site What’s new in the sixth edition If you are using EndNote software to manage your references you will be advised throughout the text of the recommended EndNote Ref Type. Personal items & communications Your references should identify an item (book, journal article, web page, image from flickr) in sufficient detail so that others may identify and consult it. Personal items & communications, such as personal unpublished photos, conversations, interviews, unsourced lecture material, personal files, telephone conversations, letters and e-mail messages are not available to others and so details are not included in the reference list. Cite personal communications in text only. Give the initials as well as the surname of the communicator, and provide as exact a date as possible (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. (2009). Washington: APA. Charles Darwin University Page 4 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE (R. Smith, personal communication, January 28, 2008) R. Smith (class handout, January 28, 2008)… th As per chapter 6.20 APA Manual 6 ed. Secondary Citation Note: If you wish to cite from a work quoted in another source, you need to give the details of the source that you found the reference in. e.g. Kellog in McWilliams (1996, p. 73) OR Kellog (as cited in McWilliams, 1996, p. 73) The reference list would then only refer to McWilliams’ publication. McWilliams, S. (1996). Personal construct theory: a psychology for the future. Townsville, QLD: The Australian Psychological Society Ltd. th As per chapter 6.17 APA Manual 6 ed. Block quotation Any quotations of more than 40 words need to be placed on a new line and indented from the rest of the text. Do not use quotation marks to enclose block quotations. Double quotation marks are only used to enclose any quoted material within a block quotation. They found Snow Buntings in some numbers on the tops and had a lovely 200 foot snow slide to help them down. They had a less good walk back, simply because they hit the upper waters of the north west river at the wrong place and had to walk two miles upstream to cross it. In the middle of the crossing Thelma found a thalloid liverwort and to Hugh’s astonishment stopped to collect it. (Davies, 2010, p. 62) Examples th Here are some basic examples of CDU-APA 6 style. More detailed examples are included throughout this guide, but where no exact example is provided then these general principles should be followed. Book: author date book title edition place of publication publisher nd Gimenez, J. (2007). Writing for nursing and midwifery students. (2 ed.). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. What is a DOI? The DOI (Digital Object identifier) links directly to a specific article just like a URL. A live DOI link can lead you to the fulltext of the article if the library has a subscription to the electronic journal it is published in. If a DOI is not provided, use the URL of the database you found the article in preceded by the words ‘Retrieved from’. Charles Darwin University Page 5 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE Journal article with DOI: authors date journal article title journal title volume(issue) Fowler, M. D., & Davis A. J. (2013). Ethical issues occurring within nursing education. Nursing Ethics, 20(2), 126-141. doi: 10.1177/0969733012474290 doi pages Journal article without DOI: author date journal article title journal title volume(issue) Barry, B. (1990). How to defend library institutions. British Journal of Political Science, 20(1), 1-14. Retrieved from pages URL Web page: editors date web page title publisher Scollo, M. M., & Winstanley, M. H. (eds.) (2008). Tobacco in Australia: facts and issues. Cancer Council Victoria, Retrieved from webpage URL Examples are also provided in this guide for in text citations. You will sometimes have to use your own discretion to correctly include referencing information while also writing clearly. 2. BOOKS eBook with doi (Digital Object Identifier) IN TEXT CITATION: (Shiraldi, 2001) REFERENCE LIST: Schiraldi, G. R. (2001). The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook: A guide to healing, recovery and growth [Adobe Digital Editions version]. doi:10.1036/0071393722 eBook without doi (Digital Object Identifier) Charles Darwin University Page 6 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE IN TEXT CITATION: Professionals, policy makers and the general public now find clinical materials and data more accessible through technology, particularly new and emerging technologies (Brownson et al., 2003). Or Brownson believes “the concept of evidence based medicine has grown in prominence in recent years” (Brownson et al., 2003, p. 5). REFERENCE LIST: Brownson, R., Baker, E., Leet, L., & Gillespie, K. (2003). Evidence-based public health. Retrieved from Ovid eBooks th As per chapter 7.02 examples 19-22 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use electronic book Book with one author IN TEXT CITATIONS: Mikolaj (2005, pp. 25-26) examines the phenomena of stress and critical incident stress in the emergency services professions. Or Environmental and personality stressors are identified as contributing to stress levels in emergency services professionals (Mikolaj, 2005, pp. 25-26). Or Mikolaj states that; “environmental and personality stressors are identified as contributing to stress levels in emergency services professionals” (Mikolaj, 2005, pp. 25-26). Note: when using a direct quote from the text, or paraphrasing a specific section of the text, you must include page numbers in your citation as shown above. th As per chapters 6.04, 6.05 & 6.19 APA Manual 6 ed. REFERENCE LIST: Mikolaj, A. A. (2005). Stress management for the emergency care provider. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall. th As per chapter 7.02 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Book Book by two or three authors Charles Darwin University Page 7 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE IN TEXT CITATION: White and Perrone (1997) describe the ways in which society responds to crime in the Australian context. Or There are many ways in which crime is dealt with in society including formal and informal methods (White & Perrone, 1997). Or The authors state, “the doctrine of precedent is meant to ensure that radical change of differential treatment of any kind is difficult to achieve” (White & Perrone, 1997, p. 89). Note: An ampersand (&) is used to connect authors’ names within brackets, but not when they appear as part of a sentence. REFERENCE LIST: White, R. P., & Perrone, S. (1997). Crime and social control: an introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. th As per chapter 6.12 APA Manual 6 ed EndNote Ref Type; use Book Book by more than three authors IN TEXT CITATION: The authors make the distinction between backward and advanced economies or between traditional and modern ones (Gillis, Perkins, Roemer & Snodgrass, 1987). Use et al. for subsequent citations; They document a number of cases which support their argument (Gillis et al., 1987). Note: et al. (and others) may be used in place of additional authors names in the text of your essay, but all the names must be written in the reference citation list. REFERENCE LIST: nd Gillis, M., Perkins, D. C., Roemer, M., & Snodgrass, D. (1987). Economics of development (2 ed.). New York: WW Norton & Company. th As per chapter 6.12 & Table 6.1 APA Manual 6 ed EndNote Ref Type; use Book Book or work by an association or institution Charles Darwin University Page 8 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE IN TEXT CITATION: Chapter 5 discusses the nature of a workable global emissions trading system (Prime Ministerial Task Force Group on Emissions Trading, 2007). REFERENCE LIST: Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading. (2007). Report of the task group on emissions trading. Canberra, ACT: Dept. of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. th As per chapter 7.03 examples 31-34 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Report Edited book IN TEXT CITATION: Swingland (2003) provides an excellent examination of the concept of capturing and conserving biodiversity. REFERENCE LIST: Swingland, I. R. (Ed.). (2003). Capturing carbon and conserving biodiversity: the market approach. London: Earthscan Publications. Markandya, A., & Halsnaes, K. (Eds.). (2002). Climate change and sustainable development: prospects for developing countries. London: Earthscan Publications. th As per chapter 7.02 APA Manual 6 ed EndNote Ref Type; use Edited book Chapter in an edited book IN TEXT CITATION: …and according to Tuppen (1998) “departure rates for those people with manual and less well-paid jobs have risen progressively” (p. 250). REFERENCE LIST: Tuppen, J. (1998). France: Tourism comes of age. In A. M. Williams, & G. Shaw (Eds.), Tourism and economic development (pp.243-268). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley & Sons. Note: the initials of the editors should not be inverted for a chapter of an edited book th As per chapter 7.02 APA Manual 6 ed EndNote Ref Type; use Book Section Charles Darwin University Page 9 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE 3. CONFERENCE PAPERS Note: For published collections of conference papers use the edited book example. Individual published paper IN TEXT CITATION: Coates & Hill (1996) addresses the cost of natural disasters in terms of lives lost from the early 1800’s onwards. REFERENCE LIST: Coates, L., & Hill, P. (1996). An overview of fatalities from some natural hazards in Australia. In R. L. Heathcote, C. Cuttler and J. Koetz (Eds.), NDR96 Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction. Canberra: Institution of Engineers, 4954. Retrieved from th As per chapter 7.04 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Conference Paper Individual unpublished paper IN TEXT CITATION: “Developing countries are relying increasingly on leapfrog communication technologies to narrow the gap between themselves and developed countries” (Banerjee, 2007, p. 1). Note: when using a direct quote from the text you must enclose it with quotation marks “..”. When direct quoting or paraphrasing a specific section of the text, you must include page numbers in your citation as shown above. REFERENCE LIST: Banerjee, A. (2007, July). Fixed mobile substitution and lessons for broadband. Paper presented at the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Regulatory Conference, Brisbane. th As per chapter 7.04 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Conference Paper 4. DICTIONARY IN TEXT CITATION: The Penguin dictionary of psychology (2001) defines the term psychogenesis as “the origin and development of the psyche” (p. 580). Charles Darwin University Page 10 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE REFERENCE LIST: rd Psychogenesis. (2001). In A. S. Reber & E. S. Reber. (Eds.) The Penguin dictionary of psychology (3 ed., p. 580). Sydney: The Macquarie Library Pty Ltd. th Sub-judice. (2010). In The Macquarie dictionary online (5 ed.). Retrieved from th As per chapter 7.02 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Dictionary 5. ENCYCLOPEDIA IN TEXT CITATION: Vesper, (2005) discusses the range of sources of heavy metal contamination of cave waters. REFERENCE LIST: Vesper, D. J. (2005). Contamination of cave waters by heavy metals. In D. C. Culver & W. B. White (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Caves, (pp. 127-131). Burlington: Elsevier. Or Menkhorst, P. (2001). A field guide to mammals of Australia. South Melbourne: Oxford. Or when no author; E-commerce. (2010). In Encyclopaedia Britannica Online, (Academic ed.). Retrieved from th As per chapter 7.02 examples 27-30 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Book Section 6. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATI ONS Report known by its title rather than by its authors Note:APA style does not support the Australian convention of referring to the Chair or informal titles .eg the Little children are sacred report would be referenced as: IN TEXT CITATION: “In our law children are sacred because they carry the two spring wells of water from our country within them” (Little children are sacred, 2007, p. 1) Charles Darwin University Page 11 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE REFERENCE LIST: Chief Minister’s Department. Rex Wild QC & Patricia Anderson (2007). Report of the Northern Territory board of inquiry into the protection of Aboriginal children from sexual abuse 2007. “Little children are sacred”. Retrieved from Produced by a government agency IN TEXT CITATION: “39% of agencies have reported facing at least one challenge in regards to the employment of people with a disability” (Australian Public Service Commission. [APSC], 2006, p.107). Note: If the organisation is recognised by an abbreviation, cite the first time in full (as above) then abbreviation thereafter – (APSC, 2006) Also when using a direct quote from the text you must enclose it with quotation marks “...”. REFERENCE LIST: APSC – see Australian Public Service Commission Australian Public Service Commission. (2006). State of the service report 2005-06. Canberra: Author. Note: if the publisher is the same as the author, then just use “Author” as above. Or Australian Public Service Commission. (2006). State of the service report 2005-06.. Retrieved from th As per example 7.03 examples 31-35 APA Manual 6 ed. Produced by a government agency with personal authors acknowledged IN TEXT CITATION: This report highlights the public perception towards smoking in the workplace during the years 1985-95 (DHFS, 1998). Note: Your citation refers only to the agency as author. If you choose to use an acronym of the agency name, you will need a see reference in your reference list (as above). REFERENCE LIST: Department of Health and Family Services (1998). Public Opinion towards drug policies in Australia 1985-95. Prepared by T. Makkai & I. McAllister. Department of Health and Family Services. Canberra. Retrieved from$File/o pinions.pdf Note: The name of the Commonwealth department responsible may have changed but the citation details should be those on the title page of the source document. th As per example 7.03 – 31-35 APA Manual 6 ed. Charles Darwin University Page 12 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE EndNote Ref Type; use Report 7. IMAGES OR ARTWORKS Image from a book IN TEXT CITATION: The relationship of language to country is clearly represented in the photograph Kalkatungu Country, Queensland (Robb, n.d.) REFERENCE LIST: Robb, J. (n.d.). Kalkatungu Country, Queensland, photograph in D. Nathan (Ed.). (1996). Australia’s indigenous languages, Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia, Wayville. EndNote Ref Type; use Brochure Image from a website IN TEXT CITATION: The image of the rash (Scarlet fever rash picture, n.d.)….. REFERENCE LIST: Scarlet fever rash picture [Image] (n.d.). Retrieved from EndNote Ref Type; use Electronic Source/Web Page As per examples on Artwork you have viewed personally IN TEXT CITATION: Ngarrgoorroon Country (Jandany, 2001) depicts the….. REFERENCE LIST: Jandany, H. (2001). Ngarrgoorroon country. [natural ochre on canvas]. Charles Darwin University Art Gallery, Casuarina, NT. EndNote Ref Type; use Artwork As per examples on Charles Darwin University Page 13 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE 8. JOURNAL ARTICLES Articles can be found on the web, in databases via CDU Library subscriptions and within a printed or bound issue of a journal. In APA, where you come across a DOI you must cite it in your reference list. DOI stands for Digital Object Identifier. It is a persistent means of identifying materials. If you found an article on the internet without a DOI you must include the URL for the homepage of the journal, magazine or newspaper. Note: A print article may also have a DOI, if not just quote as below without the DOI in the reference. Article with DOI IN TEXT CITATION: The authors also discuss current eBusiness applications and models and how these may be used to position eBusiness initiatives into the future (Wall, Jagdev, & Browne, 2007). REFERENCE LIST: Wall, B., Jagdev, H., & Browne, J. (2007). A review of eBusiness and digital business applications, models and trends. Production Planning and Control, 18(3), 239-260. doi:10.1080/09537280601127245 th As per chapter 7.01 example 1 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Electronic Article Article without DOI IN TEXT CITATION: The author argues that liberal institutions (freedom of speech or religious worship) will naturally be supported by liberals, and then poses the question; what arguments can be addressed to non-liberals? (Barry, 1990). Or Barry seeks to show “that the possession of liberal ideas is a sufficient condition for supporting liberal institutions” (1990, p. 2). Note: When using a direct quote from the text, or paraphrasing a specific section of the text, you must include page numbers in your citation. REFERENCE LIST: Barry, B. (1990). How not to defend liberal institutions. British Journal of Political Science, 20(1), 1-14. Retrieved from th As per chapter 7.01example 3 APA Manual 6 ed. Note: Capitialise only the first word of the article title and subtitle. EndNote Ref Type; use Electronic Article Charles Darwin University Page 14 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE Article from a website IN TEXT CITATION: The author outlines the difference between the MICE sector in tourism; in that business communication, not leisure, is the underlying motivation (Johnson, 1999). REFERENCE LIST: Johnson, L. (1999). MICE, size of the meeting sector, Journal of the Bureau of Tourism Research, 1(1), 9-18. Retrieved from th As per example 7.01 Examples 3-17 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Electronic Article 9. LECTURE NOTES/UNIT R EADINGS Article from eReserve IN TEXT CITATION: Bryce (1998) discusses bereavement, loss and mourning REFERENCE LIST: Pitt, Bryce. (1998) Coping with loss: loss in late life. British Medical Journal, 316(7142), 1452-1454. Retrieved from Powerpoint slides from a Learnline Module IN TEXT CITATION: Bed-sharing in relation to breastfeeding is considered to be a controversial topic amongst some parents (Johnson, 2012) REFERENCE LIST: Johnson, A. (2012). Week three: Breastfeeding [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from HEA441, Charles Darwin University Blackboard Online: 10. LEGISLATION AND CASES AGLC is the approved style for those studying Law subjects, do not use CDU APA. Charles Darwin University Page 15 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE th The APA style bases it’s legal styles on The Bluebook: A uniform system of citation (Bluebook; 18 ed., 2005) which is not appropriate for Australian environment, please consult the Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers (6th ed., 2002) instead. Only cite details in text; you will not need to include the details in the reference list. IN TEXT CITATION: Case Law Mabo and others v. Queensland, 175 CLR 1 (1992). Acts of Parliament or a Bill National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992. (Cth) s 3 th As per appendix 7.1: References to Legal Materials APA Manual 6 ed. 11. MULTIMEDIA & SOCIAL MEDIA As well as consulting the APA Manual the APA Style blog provides useful guidance on how to refer to online multimedia materials. YouTube/Streaming video IN TEXT CITATION: The YouTube video Welcome to CDU Library (2008) shows the libraries at Casuarina, Palmerston and Alice Springs. OR Fukuyama (2006) demonstrates the use of various pieces of equipment for interval training. REFERENCE LIST: Charles Darwin University (2008, July 22). Welcome to CDU Library, [Online video]. Retrieved from Fukuyama, M. (2006). Done in 30 minutes. [Streaming video]. Hanover, MA: Healthy Learning. Retrieved from Television programs IN TEXT CITATION: The ABC Four corners interview with Lance Armstrong……..(ABC Television, 2013). Charles Darwin University Page 16 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE REFERENCE LIST: Lance and the truth (2013, February 4). [television broadcast]. Retrieved from th As per Chapter 7.07 example 51 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Film or Broadcast. Please include episode AND series title in the TITLE field to ensure title of episode and series is included in your reference. Video recording OR DVD IN TEXT CITATION: Filming in the BBC’s The secret life of plants (1995) has set a new benchmark in quality for nature shows. REFERENCE LIST: BBC (Producer). (1995). The secret life of plants [DVD]. UK: Author Note: if the publisher is the same as the author, then just use “Author” as above. th As per chapter 7.07 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Film or Broadcast. Please include episode AND series title in the TITLE field to ensure title of episode and series is included in your reference. Podcast IN TEXT CITATION: The Late Night Live program discusses the question of Palestine and the performance of US President Barack Obama (2010). REFERENCE LIST: Boserio, G. (Producer)., & Bjarnesen, T. (Presenter). (2010, October 13). Tariq Ali on Palestine and President Obama. Late Night Live [audio podcast]. Retrieved from th As per chapter 7.07 example 50 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Film or Broadcast 12. NEWSPAPER ARTICLES Newspaper article from print source Charles Darwin University Page 17 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE IN TEXT CITATION: Oprah’s guests were all chosen to boost tourism according to Anita Heiss (2011, p. 13) REFERENCE LIST: Heiss, Anita. (2011, January 12). An O-mazing day. The Koori Mail, p. 13. Newspaper article from fulltext database IN TEXT CITATION: The West Australian reports that teenage tantrums may be related to suicide (Lampathakis, 2007) REFERENCE LIST: Lampathakis, P. (2007, August 11). Tantrums seen as suicide warning. The West Australian, p. 26. Retrieved from EBSCO database. th As per chapter 7.01 example 10 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Newspaper Article Newspaper article from a website IN TEXT CITATION: .. four cars had their windows smashed (Adlam, 2010) …. REFERENCE LIST: Adlam, N. (2010, July 29). Crime rampage in blacked out city. NT News. Retrieved from th As per chapter 7.01 example 10 APA Manual 6 ed. Note: Locate and include the home page of the newspaper. Give the URL of the home page when the online version of the article is available to avoid nonworking URL’s. EndNote Ref Type; use Newspaper Article Newspaper article-no author IN TEXT CITATION: st April the 1 was the proposed date for the big Cane Toad Day Out (Don’t be a fool, 2008). Charles Darwin University Page 18 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE REFERENCE LIST: Don’t be a fool; kill as many cane toads as you can: pollie. (2008, August 18). Northern Territory News, Retrieved from th As per chapter 7.01 example 9 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Newspaper Article 13. STANDARDS IN TEXT CITATION: Standards associated with children’s clothing……(Standards Australia, 2007) REFERENCE LIST: Standards Australia. (2007) Size coding scheme for infants’ and childrens’ clothing-Underwear and outerwear (AS 11821997). Retrieved from 14. STATISTICS IN TEXT CITATION: Latest population and housing data is now available for the Darwin area (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2008) Note: If the organisation is recognised by an abbreviation, cite the first time in full (as above) then abbreviation thereafter – (APSC, 2006) REFERENCE LIST: Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2008). Census of population and housing: B01 selected characteristics postal area 0812. Darwin, NT: Author. Retrieved from Australian Bureau of Statistics website: 15. THESES Print version IN TEXT CITATION: Rorrison (2006) examines the central role of the practicum in secondary preservice teacher training. REFERENCE LIST: Charles Darwin University Page 19 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE Rorrison, D. (2006). Jumping through spinning hoops, chance or a carefully constructed learning journey? A critical view of learning in the secondary practicum. (Unpublished Master’s thesis). Charles Darwin University, Northern Territory, Australia. th As per chapter 7.05 – APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Thesis From an Institutional database/Espace IN TEXT CITATION: Campbell’s (2004, p. 2) concern is “the prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide at a rapid rate.” REFERENCE LIST: Campbell, K. (2004). Family food environments as determinants of children’s eating: implications for obesity prevention. (Doctoral dissertation, Charles Darwin University, 2004). Retrieved from th As per example 7.05 examples 40-44 APA Manual 6 ed. EndNote Ref Type; use Thesis 16. WEBSITES Web-based materials do not always include all the data required for referencing. The APA style blog provides guidance on what to do in this situation. Note: The basic web material reference template is made up of four pieces of information in the following order: Author, date, Title [with format in brackets if necessary], and source (the URL). See example on p. 6. Entire website (not a specific document or page on the site) IN TEXT CITATION: A wealth of tourism related information is provided by the Tourism Research Australia’s website at REFERENCE LIST: Note: When citing an entire website, it is sufficient to give the address of the site in text as above so is not included in Reference list. As per example at EndNote Ref Type; use Web Page Charles Darwin University Page 20 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE Document from website with author IN TEXT CITATION: The importance of using sun protection while exercising as stated by Queensland Health (2009). or Behaviour modification (Atherton, 2005) can be discussed with the psychologist….. REFERENCE LIST: Queensland Health. (2009). Sun safety and physical activity. Retrieved from Atherton, J. (2005). Behaviour modification. Retrieved from Document from website no author IN TEXT CITATION: (Behaviour modification, 2010). Note: Cite in text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year. REFERENCE LIST: Behaviour modification. (2010). Retrieved from Note: When there is no author for a web page, the title moves to the first position of the reference entry. As per example at EndNote Ref Type; use Electronic Source/Web Page Website material that has no author, no year and no page numbers IN TEXT CITATION: Note: Because the material does not include page numbers, you can include any of the following in the text to cite the quotation: A paragraph number, if provided; alternatively, you could count paragraphs down from the beginning of the document An overarching heading plus a paragraph number within that section A short title in quotation marks, in cases where the heading is too long to cite in full Charles Darwin University Page 21 27/11/2013 CDU APA STYLE GUIDE REFERENCE LIST: Note: Because there is no date and no author, your in text citation would include “n.d” for no date, and paragraph number (e.g., “Indigenous peoples and substance abuse,” n.d., para 1). The entry in the reference list might look something like this: Indigenous Peoples and Substance Abuse (n.d., para 1). Retrieved from As per example at EndNote Ref Type; use Electronic Source/Web Page 17. COMMON ABBREVIATIONS app. art. chap. div. ed. eds. et al. n.d. no. nos. n.p. p. pp. par. pt. rev. sec. ser. suppl. s.v. trans. vol. Charles Darwin University appendix article chapter division editor, edited by, edition editors and others (Latin et al) no date number(s) no place page(s) paragraph part revised section series supplement under the word (Latin sub verso) translator(s) volume Page 22 27/11/2013