DR. PACE TEST PREP DR. PACE TEST PREP Early Fall 2013 Newsletter Early Fall 2013 Newsletter & Schedule www.drpaceseminars.com www.drpaceseminars.com RESULTS OF SPIRITUAL-ACADEMIC APPROACH TO STANDARDIZED TESTING AND CLASSROOM LEARNING Julie B.: Perfect 2400 SAT® Score Of course, God does not limit the grace-filled benefits of a spiritual-academic approach to students directly connected to certain religious orders! We can look to Julie B as a perfect example: Julie, who attends a public school in the Philadelphia suburbs and who does not have an aunt in the MMS community, earned a perfect 2400 score on the SAT® this past October, another remarkable and very rare achievement! For more information on Julie and what her mother has to say, please visit www.drpaceseminars.com. If Shane and Julie aren’t convincing enough that a spiritual approach to learning can help students, consider my nephew Matthew Pace, who was the original inspiration for my Whiz Kids program. Matthew was recently invited by Oxford University to do his postdoctoral research in the Nuffield Department of Medicine. And Matthew is just one of many former Whiz Kids who are accomplishing much good in the world. Stay posted for more information on former and, perhaps, future Whiz Kids. 3 GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE DR. PACE’S SPIRITUAL-ACADEMIC APPROACH TO TEST-PREP AND LEARNING SHANE ZIELINSKI 650 PSAT® to SAT® Point Increase JULIE B. Perfect 2400 SAT® Score MATTHEW PACE Oxford University Matthew Pace: Oxford University My name is Matthew Pace and Dr. Pace is my aunt. She has played an integral role in my educational and spiritual development both at a personal level and through her many programs from the Whiz Kids series to SAT® Prep. Each of these courses yielded tremendous benefits (a 1510 out of 1600 on my SAT and several college scholarships). As Dr. Pace’s nephew, I can say with absolute certainty that she deeply cares about her students—one of the reasons she focuses on spiritual components of test prep. She saw in her academic classes how some of her students were suffering while taking tests, not just academically but emotionally and physically as well. Realizing these non-academic issues weren’t being acknowledged or addressed, she developed several programs to deal with these issues based on her faith and the innate goodness of her students. While my whole-hearted recommendation for Dr. Pace’s classes may appear biased, I can objectively praise her unique approach. First, Dr. Pace loves both teaching and learning. She has a passion for knowledge that she reveals to her students and one of the most important things any of my teachers ever did for me was to show their passion (it’s what led me to my current field of microbiology). Second, Dr. Pace always recognizes and has faith in her students’ abilities. For example, she is not afraid of teaching young students the fundamentals of algebra, presenting them in a simplified, cogent way. While she acknowledges that every student is unique with different learning strengths and weaknesses, she believes that every student can gain some knowledge from the material and anything learned is a gift. This not only makes learning easier but also helps inspire a love of knowledge in her students. This exemplifies how Dr. Pace prioritizes learning and understanding, not just grades and scores. If a student leaves her classes knowing more than when they entered, it is a personal victory for that student and should be celebrated. This philosophy creates a comfortable environment with minimum pressure, a necessity for effective and enjoyable learning. This environment also gives students a peaceful place to understand and confront the outside influences negatively affecting their scores (stress, fear etc.). I cannot overemphasize how much Dr. Pace’s classes and her role of teacher and spiritual guide have helped me in my life. - Matthew Pace SEE BACK PAGE FOR THEIR STORIES! MORE REASONS TO CHOOSE DR. PACE: SAMPLING OF 2013 SAT®/PSAT® POINT INCREASES Student Michelle Billy Mary Kate Curley Jim Gorecki Caroline Silla ORDERED ALPHABETICALLY Point Increase School 260 SAT to SAT Upper Dublin High School 160 PSAT to SAT Gwynedd Mercy Academy 230 SAT to SAT Conwell-Egan High School 130 SAT to SAT Nazareth Academy Grade 11 10 11 11 SAT® is a trademark registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product. PSAT/NMSQT® is a registered trademark of the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which were not involved in the production of, and do not endorse, this product. FOR INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS CALL: 215-725-6568 EMAIL: admin@drpaceseminars.com VISIT: www.drpaceseminars.com ©2013 Dr. Patricia Sisca Pace ©2012 Dr. Patricia Sisca Pace Designer: Amanda Kircher Shane Zielinski’s 650 point increase can be attributed in large part to spirituality— specifically, the SAT® Retreat’s spiritual components, some of which come from the Jesuits and others from the Medical Mission Sisters (MMS). Interestingly, Shane is directly connected to both religious orders: he attends a Jesuit school, Saint Joseph’s Prep, and his Aunt Therese is a member of the MMS community. It would seem that if anyone would be receptive Shane Zielinski: 650 PSAT® to the graces (in double dose!) of to SAT® Point Increase the SAT® Retreat, it would be Shane Zielinski. From my perspective, Shane’s achievement demonstrates how our community in heaven works with our community on earth to produce good effects. Of course, more tangible reasons help explain Shane’s 650 point increase—such as having very supportive parents. But those tangible reasons have been in place for other students and those students haven’t produced such radical point increases. I feel certain about God’s role in this case because I was present, week after week, witnessing goodness and belief, God actually, radiating from Shane’s face as his scores improved while he was taking my course. So I am holding fast to my belief that Shane’s spiritual connections are the primary reason for his quite remarkable achievement. DR. PACE TEST PREP DR. PACE TEST PREP Early Fall 2013 Schedule Early Fall 2013 Schedule 25-Hour Comprehensive PSAT®/SAT® Academic + SAT® Retreat Seminar High School Entrance and Scholarship Programs www.drpaceseminars.com COST: $510 TIME: 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. Seminar Fee Now Includes: Dr. Pace’s Flash Cards (Math, Vocabulary, Grammar & Essay) + revised SAT® Retreat workbook (Essentials Kit)! Fee also includes the newest College Board textbook with DVD, trade book, CD, folder of material, 2 parent meetings, tutorials, and online assistance! COVERS: MATH, CRITICAL READING, VOCABULARY, GRAMMAR, ESSAY + SAT® RETREAT Comprehensive review of Mathematics, Sentence Completions, Critical Reading, Grammar, and Essay Writing, with Dr. Pace’s unique strategies and real practice tests. PLUS the SAT® Retreat: effective motivational, physical, emotional, and spiritual techniques for dealing with the non-academic factors (such as test-anxiety, distractions, and low confidence) that thwart personal best performance. Proven successful! 2-Hour SAT /PSAT Refresher ® ® Brief review of all sections of the SAT®/PSAT®! LOCATION: Archbishop Wood, 655 York Road, Warminster COST: $50 DATE: Friday, October 4 TIME: 5:30p.m. to 7:30p.m. 4-Hour SAT® Refresher Perfect for the November test! LOCATION: Nazareth Academy, 4001 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia TIME: 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. NEW HSPT SEMINAR 10-Hour Academic Program Covers all areas of the HSPT: Math, Reading, Grammar & Cognitive. Dr. Pace includes her unique strategies, a subject review of all areas, practice tests, a daily Progress Report, homework, and a plan of action for the time leading up to the fall test dates. LOCATION: Nazareth Academy, 4001 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia COST: $155 SLAYING THE DRAGONS OF STANDARDIZED TESTS High School Entrance Edition for Students in Grades 6 to 8 and Their Parents Preparation for All High School Entrance and Scholarship Tests Holistic component prepares students physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to perform at their best on highstakes tests. Academic component provides a selection of Math, English and Cognitive problems. At least one parent must attend all or most of the sessions. LOCATION: Saint Cecilia School, 525 Rhawn Street COST: $80, includes student & parent workbooks, CD, and trade book Elena will be attending UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME! Elena was also accepted to the following colleges: DATE: Sunday, October 27 COST: $100 ACT PREP WEEKEND: Academic + Holistic Program Academics cover all sections of the ACT: English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing Includes PowerPoint presentation + Real Act tests Holistic component includes effective motivational, physical, psychological, and spiritual techniques for dealing with factors that thwart personal best performance. ©2013 Dr. Patricia Sisca Pace LOCATION: Nazareth Academy COST: $250 Meaghan Geatens Mount Saint Joseph 380 SAT® Point Increase DATE: October 19 & 20 TIME: 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. Meaghan is a National Merit Finalist! Meaghan has been accepted to the following colleges: New York University; Drexel University – with an invitation to their Pennoni Honors College, with a full tuition Haverford College; (fees not included) $35,135 scholarship/yr Swarthmore College; renewable for total time at Drexel (Meaghan University of Pittsburgh; applied for the five year program); Saint Joseph’s University – with an invitation Ursinus College – with a renewable merit to their Honors Program and a renewable scholarship of $23,000/yr ($92,000 total over Presidential scholarship of $16,000/yr four years); ($64,000 total over four years); DATES: 4 Sundays: September 15, 22, October 6, 13 TIME: 9:00a.m. to 11:30p.m. Elena Silla Nazareth Academy 190 SAT® Point Increase William & Mary, University of Pittsburgh – Honors College – full tuition scholarship; Villanova University – Honors Program – scholarship; Boston College – Honors Program; Loyola Maryland – scholarship; Drexel University – scholarship; St. Joe’s University – scholarship; The Pennsylvania State University – scholarship; LaSalle University – scholarship; Holy Family University – scholarship DATES: Tues/Thurs: September 24, 26, October 1, 3 TIME: 6:50p.m. to 7:40p.m. Caitlin will be attending BOSTON UNIVERSITY! Caitlin was also accepted to the following colleges and received the following scholarships: Arcadia University – Honors Program – Distinguished Scholarship; Hofstra University – Honors College – Presidential Scholarship; Syracuse University; The Pennsylvania State University – University Park; West Chester University of Pennsylvania – Connelly Foundation Scholarship; Wells Fargo Team Members Caitlin Buttari Scholarship; Saint Basil 200 SAT® Point Increase Boston University Grant Naybria received the St. John Vianney Scholarship - $3,000. She has also received the Academic Scholarship at Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls - $2,000. Naybria Brown St. Martin de Porres School Note: Any professional educator planning to sit in on or use Dr. Pace’s teachings and/or techniques needs to call Dr. Pace for licensing fee information. 215-725-6568 Meaghan will be attending Ursinus College! FOR INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS CALL: 215-725-6568 EMAIL: admin@drpaceseminars.com VISIT: www.drpaceseminars.com ©2013 Dr. Patricia Sisca Pace LOCATION: Nazareth Academy, 4001 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia DATES: 1 Sunday and 4 Saturdays: September 7, 8, 14, 21, 28 www.drpaceseminars.com