On the Settling of Spheres Roger F. Gans March 1988 Abstract Four different groups of students measured the settling speeds of a total of eighty nominally three millimeter diameter and eighty nominally six millimeter diameter nominal spheres in nominally pure glycerin. Analysis shows that the Stokes law prediction that the drag coefficient is equal to twenty-four divided by the Reynolds number is obeyed. The precision of the measurements is not high enough to detect discrepancies caused by wall effects. 1 Introduction Nineteen groups of students were asked to perform the following experiment in the junior fluids lab, ME 241: Glass balls, approximately spherical, with nominal diameters of 3 mm and 6 mm, were allowed to fall through nominally pure glycerin in a 2000 ml graduated cylinder to assess the accuracy of the Stokes law prediction that the drag coefficient CD is equal to 24/Re, where Re is the Reynolds number, defined by Re = Ud/ν (1) where U is the speed of fall, d the diameter of the sphere and ν the kinematic viscosity of the glycerin. The drag coefficient is defined in the usual way, such that the drag force FD = CD•ρ U2πd2/8 (2) where ρ denotes the density of the glycerin. Twenty balls of each size were allowed to fall the full height of the cylinder. The first ten of these were timed for nearly the full fall, and the second ten for the bottom half only. Were the time necessary to attain terminal velocity a significant fraction of the measured time, the first set of balls would appear to fall more slowly. This was, in general, observed. However, the fall appears to have obeyed the Stokes law anyway, the acceleration terms being very small, so that a quasisteady Stokes description applies to all the data. The data, properly analyzed, confirm the predictions of Stokes law within experimental error. I will discuss the experiment in detail in this note, and illustrate my conclusions with data from groups 1, 2, 11 and 12. There is nothing special about these groups. They were the groups I was grading at the time I was preparing this note. Procedure The students were asked to weigh each sphere, using a scale that measured "weight" to the nearest 10 mg. As the three millimeter spheres had masses in the range of 30 to 50 mg, this was insufficiently precise to resolve the masses clearly. The errors to be expected for the small spheres are quite large. The larger spheres had masses ranging from 270 to 300 mg, large enough to be measured to within 3% or so. 2 The students measured the diameters of the spheres using a micrometer. The precision of the micrometer was nominally 10 µm, so the precision was adequate for the task. The difficulty that arose here was that the "spheres" were not spherical. After wrestling with this problem, the students appear to have chosen undefined averages for the sphere diameters. As will be seen, this is probably not a large source of error. Dropping and timing the spheres was straightforward. The distances (typically about 300 mm and 150 mm) were measured to within 1 mm, and the timing was by digital timer, manually operated. The timer was read to the nearest 0.01 s, and I estimate the potential timing error to be less than 0.25 s, about 2%. Results I took the students' raw data for mass, diameter and settling speed and calculated the Reynolds number and drag coefficient for each sphere. The Reynolds number was calculated from equation (1) and the drag coefficient from CD = 8{m - ρ πd3/6}g/{πρ d2U2} (3) which is equation (2) with the drag force specified as the difference between the gravity force and buoyancy force on the sphere. Here m and g denote the mass of the sphere and the acceleration of gravity, respectively. I did not have measured values for the physical properties of the glycerin. I used the nominal values ρ = 1258.23 kg/m3 and ν = 0.00118 m2/s. As I needed the results for 160 spheres, I wrote a small Pascal program to do the work. This, together with the output, appears as appendix A.1 (The program is not well commented, but it is simple enough that it ought to be readable.) As the output tables in the appendix make clear, the results for the small balls are difficult to interpret. The Reynolds number is independent of the mass of the ball, and so does not vary dramatically. The drag coefficient depends strongly on the mass and varies wildly. There would be less scatter in the data if all the balls were assumed to have the same mass, that given by 1 Appendix deleted from this text. 3 averaging the mass of many of the balls. One could perhaps do even better by finding a mean density and adjusting the mean mass by the measured diameter. I have not tested these ideas. The large ball data show that the measured drag coefficient is remarkably close to the prediction of 24/Re. The balls that fell the shorter distance fell faster, suggesting that the other balls spent some of their fall at less than terminal velocity. This does not affect the agreement between theory and observation. Apparently the acceleration terms are negligible even during acceleration. (Analysis of the transient problem is possible, but will not be given here. It is beyond the scope of this note.) Figures 1 and 2 show the large ball data and the small ball data, respectively. Both figures have been drawn so that the filled in symbols refer to the short (fast) fall data and the open symbols to the long (slow) fall data. The large ball data have some scatter, but appear to obey the Stokes prediction. The small ball data have a large amount of scatter, too much to be sure which is more significant: (1) that the data are equally placed on both sides of the line, suggesting that the theory is correct; or (2) that the trend seems steeper than theory would predict, suggesting that the theory does not apply. The scatter is presumably caused primarily by the scatter in measured mass. Group 1 (L) Group 1 (s) Group 2 (L) Group 2 (s) Group 11 (L) Group 11 (s) Group 12 (L) Group 12 (s) Theory 3000 2000 Drag Coefficient 4000 1000 Reynolds number 0 0.005 0.015 Figure 1 Small Ball Data 4 0.025 Group 1 (L) Group 2 (s) Group 1 (s) Group 2 (L) Group 11 (s) Group 11 (L) Group 12 (s) Group 12 (L) Theory 300 200 Drag coefficient 400 Reynolds number 100 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 Figure 2 Large Ball Data 3000 2000 Drag coefficient 4000 large balls small balls Theory 1000 Reynolds number 0 1.36e-20 2.00e-2 4.00e-2 6.00e-2 8.00e-2 Figure 3. Data for Large and Small Balls on the same Graph 5 1.00e-1 1.20e- Figure 3 shows all of the data on the same graph, with the theoretical curve. The data are clearly consistent with the theoretical prediction, and with each other. I would guess that the small ball data are dominated by scatter to the extent that the apparently too steep trend is not significant. Discussion and conclusions The basic question about this laboratory is whether one can detect the influence of the walls on the drag coefficient. If the walls were within an Oseen length of the balls, one would expect some influence. The Oseen length is the characteristic viscous length scale for a moving object, n/U. (The question of corrections to Stokes law is a complicated one, beyond the scope of this note. Proudman and Pearson (1957) gave the first clear exposition. A good exposition appears in Van Dyke's book (1975).) For the present experiment the typical velocity for the large balls is 17 mm/s, and for the small balls 5 mm/s. Thus the Oseen lengths, assuming n = 0.00118 m2/s, are 69 mm and 236 mm, respectively. Note that the effects of the wall would be expected to be more important for the small balls, contrary to a simple intuitive idea that the ratio of ball diameter to tube diameter is the important parameter. In any event, it seems likely that some wall effects will exist in both cases. The question becomes whether they can be detected, and whether they have been detected. To answer this question it is necessary to consider the probable errors associated with the calculation of Re and CD. U is calculated from the length of fall, H, and the time of fall t. These are independent, so the relative error in U is the square root of the sum of the squares of these relative errors. The upper bound on these is 0.02, and it is reasonable to set ∆U/U = 0.02. That will be done. The Reynolds number depends on U and d. The error in d is hard to estimate. The reports do not give a result for the degree of out of round, the difference in d at various places on a single ball. It is clearly larger than the nominal precision of the micrometer of 50 µm. A conservative estimate for this error is 0.05, which will dominate the error in U. Adding the sums of the squares and taking the square root gives ∆(Re)/Re = 0.05. The expression for CD, equation (3), is more complicated. Using the rules for combining independent errors and simplifying the various derivatives leads to an approximate expected variation in the drag coefficient 6 ∆(CD)/CD = 2{(∆m/m)2 + (∆U/U)2 + (∆d/d)2}1/2 (4) For the smallest sphere, with m = 30 mg and ∆d of the order of 1 mg, the error is CD can be of the order of 60%. The data are scattered around the nominal theory by about this much, so that no conclusions can be drawn about the influence of the walls. References Proudman, I. & Pearson, J. R. A. 1957 "Expansions at small Reynolds number for the flow past a sphere and a cylinder" J. Fluid Mech. 2 237-262. Van Dyke, M. 1975 Perturbation Methods in Fluid Mechanics 2nd ed. Parabolic Press: Stanford pp149-160. 7