, Concert of VOICES h T rd o hum niz (,e I rc.:y fl ,rtm n, I u no h m ar in - Concert of VOICEJ An Anthology of World Writing ih English edited by Victor J. Ramraj broadview anadian I ata ataloguin in Publi ati< Main entry un er itlc: n ert f ·11 r ' er n · In Jude ,in in e ·. 1- I ntur..'. n Ii h lit r tun: - ...0th 1. 1 1- 14 .77 .11nl \I i l r mm n ' I 1 () 1- B tn I.. f p \\ un ii, th nd th RI dmr iJ, \ J< 0111 r r. nL T rt rt u l lh Ii hin n ntr Table of Contents x xv Table of Contents: Genres Table of Contents: Regions Acknowledgements Introduction XXll1 XXV1 Chinua Achebe (Nigeria) Girls at War (st01y) Arna Ata Aidoo (Ghana) 1 -:k- uJc»A.-~ No Sweetness Here (st01y) Agha Shahid Ali (Pakistan) Snowmen (poem) Mull< Raj Anand (India) Duty (st01y) Jean Arasanayagam (Sri Lanka) I Have No Country (poem) We Have Our Genealogies (poem) Ven Begamudre (India-Canada) Honestly, as in the Day (story) uise Bennett (Jamaica) Anancy an Ticks (folk tale) Neil Bissoondath (Trinidad-Canada) Man as Plaything, Life as Mocke1y (story) Gerry Bostock (Australia) Here Comes the Nigger (play) ionne Brand (Trinidad-Canada) Return I (poem) . .. Seen (story) Edward Kamau Brathwaite (Barbados) Red Rising (poem) Dennis Brutus (South Africa) I Am Alien in Africa and Everywhere (poem) I Am Out of Love with You For Now (poem) 14 29 30 35 36 38 47 49 60 68 69 72 75 75 CONTENTS/ v Buhkwujjencne ( an·d ) Nanaboozlzoo reate<; the World (folk tfll J Willi h n (Trinid ad) As am '. Iron 78 !test (story) Au tin I rke B r The Man {.Ho ) d 77 n· 1 n 2 10 1 I p m 1 107 1 1 ') 11 111 11 \i ( u Lrali.1 J H 711/t f am" ) p \' JJo k lJ/ack foacr ir r ')) LJ ( .\IOI) ) u1 In d atholic fother (p •m J Ret11m (po 'm) um 1 L j_ k.i I Ind i 1 1 1 - n leer? ( rorr J 1 i a H g d rn Philippin TI1e on of Bullet (poem) vi I CONCERT OF VOICES 1 Claire Harris (Trini dad-C anada ) Framed (poem) And So . .. Home (poem) Backstage at the Glenbo w Museum, Calgary (poem) 140 141 142 ---------...... ...__~&·&..,on Harris (Guyana-UK) naima (story) Bessie Head (South Africa) The Collector of Treasures (story) K i Hulme (New Zealan d) Hooks and Feelers (st01y) Witi Ihima era (New Zealan d) A Game of Cards (st01y) Sally Ito (Canada) Sisters of the Modern Mind (poem) Arnol d Itwaru (Guyana-Canada) arrival (poem) roomer (poem) separate ways (poem) Sunita Jain (India) Fly the Friendly Skies (st01y) Ruth Prawe r Jhabvala (India-USA) The Old Lady (st01y) Jamai ca Kincaid (Antigua-USA) My Mother (st01y) On Seeing England for the First Time (essay) Thomas King (Cana da) Coyote Goes to Toronto (poem) Joy Kogawa (Cana da) What Do I Remem ber of the Evacuation (poem) When I Was a Little Girl (poem) Shirley Geok-lin Lim (Malaysia-USA) Ah Mah (poem) To Li Poh (poem) Jayant a Mahap atra (India) The Aband oned British Cemete1y at Balasore (poem) e Marac le (Canada) . . . -Charlie (st01y) Damb udzo Marec hera (Zimbabwe) Black Skin What Mask (st01y) 145 152 170 181 186 189 189 190 191 194 204 209 214 216 217 218 219 220 222 229 CONTENTS I vii }u • na U ) tn th ' lntlt '\ (5tm} J Pauline Mel illc ( The Tmth H 2 ude h Mi hra ( iji) 21 2 The Black Pa oda. onarnk (pn 'Jn J Mt. Abu . • t. av1er'.\ C/111rch (poem J In i· - R na , .. I nz-rn1.1 - rna a T _7 K tendra R. n: / u trali hn Mudr j bul _,..., It: ( 111/t one/ ,tronc.m 11t u r: u l r Ii 1 _.:/' n r nu ) rl) K th\\ I ·r; Gooboora, the dent Pool (poem) 71e Pa t (po w1) viii I CONCERT OF VOICES u tr fr _-.J Gabri el Okar a (Nigeria) The Snowflakes Sail Gently Down (poem) Michael Onda atje (Sri Lanka-Canada) Light (poem) Sasenarine Persa ud (Guyana-Canada) Tiger Swami (poem) M. Nour bese Philip (Trinidad-Canada) She Tries Her Tongue; Her Silence Softly Breaks (poem) Transfiguration (poem) Jean Rhys (Dominica-UK) I Used to Live Here Once (story) Salman Rushdie (India-UK) "Commonwealth Literature " Does Not Exist (essay) Samuel Selvon (Trinidad-UK-Canada) Bracldey and the Bed (story) Turning Christian (story) Olive Senior (Jamaica) The Boy Who Loved Ice Cream (story) Vikram Seth (India) from The Golden Gate 12.1-12.8 (poem) Philip Sherlock (Jamaica) The Warau People Discover the Earth (folk tale) Leslie Marm on Silko (USA) Yellow Woman (story) · Wole Soyinka (Nigeria) The Trials of Brother Jero (play) Subramani (Fiji) Sautu (story) 355 357 360 362 362 364 366 374 378 385 397 401 405 414 438 Mary TallMountain (USA) 447 Edwin Thumboo (Singapore) 448 M. G. Vassanji (Tanzania-Canada) 450 Alafina Yuki (Fiji) 459 Fred Wah (Canada) 461 There is No Word for Goodbye (poem) mysse s by the Merlion (poem) The London-Returned (story) Four-Year Wisdom (poem) from Brea thin ' my name with a sigh (poem) CONTENTS I ix Derek Wale tt ( t. ucia) Ruins of a reatl fom e (po m J A Letter from Brook/ •n (poem ) Midsumm er !JI poem ) Al rt W n<lt W st ern 7 m I rocodile (5/ory) re Ma W n ( in Th e. hm ud (po I· n I •m ) Arthur m111d ( 111 I I 7 t e:-1 nnc r' nd t!t:ll uhk\ uij n •nc anabo 77 hoo 7 n 1 n ) x I CONCERT OF VOICES Saros Cowasjee (India-Canada) His Father 's Medals Manoj Das (India) Encounters Jack Davis (Australia) White Fantasy-Black Fact Pay Back Anita Desai (India) Swface Textures Nadine Gordimer (South Africa) Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? Wilson Harris (Guyana-UK) Kanai ma Bessie Head (South Africa) The Collector of Treasures Keri Hulme (New Zealand) Hooks and Feelers Witi Ihimaera (New Zealand) A Game of Cards Sunita Jain (India) Fly the Friendly Skies Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (India-USA) The Old Lady Jamaica Kincaid (Antigua-USA) My Mother Lee Maracle (Canada) Charlie Dambudzo Marechera (Zimbabwe) Black Skin What Mask Pauline Melville (Guyana-UK) Th e Truth is in the Clothes Rohinton Mistry (India-Canada) Swimming Lessons Tololwa Marti Mollel (Tanzania-Canada) A Night Out Toshio Mori (USA) Slant-Eyed Americans 98 113 115 124 133 145 152 170 181 191 194 204 222 229 235 248 273 277 CONTENTS I xi u h fri c- Es'kia Mphahlcle ( 2 Tiie offee-Cart ·;r1 Bharati Mukherjee (rn i - 2!1 J!indw V. . ip ul ( rinid ' dB. WordHmrtll ra , n (In 1a R. K. Motlier ond an Mu<lr ,r r in f rmcrl f H.\ lonnn Wn1tld I I I 1· • lin c hn on- Au tr iii· IJ n I J an Rh ·un h ;• hul hili r 1/1 I rth 1_11 u raman1 (1111/l , \ c.1 .rnji 1n:rrni.1- an.1 1 1/1 Lo ndvn-Rt111m I rt\\ ndl \\ L LLrn ro odtl m a- c ,. .: p ' (11 m J n Di nn Br n Renun I Ed\ rd K rn u Br thw it R d Ri in xii I CONCERT OF VOICES anka n <l Dennis Brutus (South Africa) I Am Alien in Africa and Everywhere I Am Out of Love with You For Now Rienzi Crusz (Sri Lanka-Canada) Roots Fred D'Aguiar (Guyana-UK) Home Cyril Dabydeen (Guyana-Canada) Senorita Elephants Make Good Stepladders David Dabydeen (Guyana-UK) Catching Crabs The New Poetry Kamala Das (India) An Introduction The Looking Glass 75 75 103 104 106 107 108 109 110 111 Eunice de Souza (India) Catholic Mother Return Nissim Ezekiel (India) Case Study Lorna Goodison (Jamaica) Survivor Jessica Hagedorn (Philippines-USA) 17-ze Song of Bullets Claire Harris (Trinidad-Canada) Framed And So ... Home Backstage at the Glenbow Museum, Calgary Sally Ito (Canada) Sisters of the Modem Mind Arnold Itwaru (Guyana-Canada) arrival roomer separate ways Thomas King (Canada) Coyote Goes to Toronto Joy Kogawa (Canada) What Do I Remember of the Evacuation When I Was a. Little Girl 129 131 132 137 140 141 142 186 189 189 190 214 216 217 CONTENTS I xiii ) im ( hirley e k-lin 21 21 Ah Mah To Li Poh tr (India Jay nta Mah The Abandon d !Jnfl~h m •/'I}' nt flrrla r• 2 217 M rvyn rri ( m- i 2 To an f-pntriat !-ri 'nd Famil • P1ct11rc\ I Kath Vii ·er; / u tr tlia \II ri I ·ink.1 - 1n 1 I 1 n irinL crsau I 1u , in 1- · 1n · 1 ) 1. ,- iknm /.] ) -. 1b\ d\\ in ( hum in , .1 r Ht: 4.J /rm.!. b\ the.• ,\I rl1u1 1 I fin Vuki ,-I ljl four-) c 1r H ,,cfom cln d Bnmr/1111' m\ name \'itli xiv I CONCERT OF VOICES (I I i/r :/ 1 Arthu r Yap (Singapore) 474 2 Mothers in a HDB Playground Drama Gerry Bostock (Australia) 60 Here Comes the Nigger Wole Soyinka (Nigeria) The Trials of Brother Jero Essays Jamaica Kincaid (Antigua-USA) 2()f) On Seeing England for the First Time Timothy Mo (Hong Kong-UK) 268 One of Billy's Boys: A Memoir V. S. Naipaul (Trinidad-UK) 306 Jasmine Satend ra N andan (Fiji) 312 Njabulo S. Ndebele (South Africa) 336 Salman Rushdie (India-UK) 366 Return to a Certain Darkness Guilt and Atonem ent: Unmasking History for the Future "Comm onwea lth Literature " Does Not Exist Table of Contents: Regions Africa Chinua Achebe (Nigeria) 1 Girls At War (story) Arna Ata Aidoo (Ghana) 14 No Sweetness Here (story) Dennis Brutus (South Africa) 75 75 I Am Alien in Africa and Everywhere (poem) I Am Out of Love with You For Now (poem) Nadine Gordimer (South Africa) Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet? (story) Bessie Head (South Africa) The Collector of Treasures (story) Dambudzo Marechera (Zimbabwe) Black Skin What Mask (story) / ~ 133 152 229 CONTENTS I XV T l lwa Marti M ll el ( A Night n7 ni · , ) n ut (s·tory 2 E 'kia Mphahlc lc ( uth Afri • The offee- art 1rl (story Nja ul de Jc fri ·) uilt and Atoncm nt Ii nmn ·in I Ii t ry nr th haur I \II p W le 111 I ll •' .. I JI uJ ll l'lmU 'n 1lom \tly, o ii tr1 I j t uhk\ jj<.:nt.:n<.: 'annba(rito I trkc !11 e Mnn ' <> ,...... rl · u tin Ri n1i ru Root' ( ) 1 ana a ril 0< d Ftp/ 1dtf n rinid · d- ..rnada l ir H rri Fr med (poem ) And o. fl om e (po mJ Back..ra c t th t.: lenbow M/t\ wm xvi I CONCERT OF VOICES JO 1-10 l .Jl J ..:_ Sally Ito (Cana da) Sisters of the Modem Mind (poem) Arnol d Itwaru (Guyana-Canada) arrival (poem) roomer (poem) separate ways (poem) Thomas King (Cana da) Coyote Goes to Toronto (poem) Joy Kogawa (Cana da) What Do I Remember of the Evacuation (poem) When I Was a Little Girl (poem)217 Lee Marac le (Cana da) 186 189 189 190 214 216 222 Charlie (story) Rohinton Mistry (India-Canada) Swimming Lessons (story) Tololwa Marti Mollel (Tanzania-Canada) A Night Out (story) Michael Ondaa tje (Sri Lanka-Canada) Light (poem) Sasenarine Persaud (Guyana-Canada) Tiger Swami (poem) Sam Selvon (Trinidad-UK-Canada) Brackley and the Bed (story) Turning Christian (story) M. G. Vassanji (Tanzania-Canada) The London-Returned (story) Fred Wah (Canada) From Breathin ' my name with a sigh (poem) 248 273 357 360 374 378 450 461 Caribbean Louise Bennett (Jamaica) Ananc y an Ticks (folk tale) Neil Bissoondath (Trinidad-Canada) Man as Plaything, Life as Mockery (story) Dionne Brand (Gren ada-C anada ) Return I (poem) ... Seen (story) Edwar d Kamau Brathwaite (Barbados) Red Rising (poem) 47 49 68 69 72 CONTENTS I xvii illi ' hen rin1 · Ii \/(\1011) 7 ,f\\om\ fron Mhd ust in Ictr c.: 1Ii< , fan (\Inn J n· > 1· n 2 an ·1- U ) I ./ 1< d I •pf dd r. ( I 10 m) 10 1 1 2 14 J.Jl m 14- z.r tn I ! 1 I l 1u I I - ./ K \ . ()() H )(l\lrlillt' ( t'\ 06 I\' ) ·n - n· 1. 'ht! I rt s lftr 1 on Tran fi trmion ( xviii I CONCERT OF VOICES · (poem) Jean Rhys (Dominica-UK) I Used to Live Here Once (story) Sam Selvon (Trinidad -UK-Can ada) Bracldey and the Bed (story) Turning Christian (story) Olive Senior (Jamaica) The Boy Who Loved Jee Cream (story) Philip Sherlock (Jamaica) The Warau People Discover the Earth (folk tale) Derek Walcott (St. Lucia) Ruins of a Great Ho1tse (poem) A Letter from Brooldyn (poem) Midsumme r Lii (poem) 364 374 378 385 401 462 464 465 The Indian Subcontinent Mulk Raj Anand (India) Duty (story) Jean Arasanayagam (Sri Lanka) I Have No Country (poem) Ven Begamudre (India-Canada) Honestly, as in the Day (story) Rienzi Crusz (Sri Lanka-Canada) Roots (poem) Kamala Das (India) An Introductio n (poem) 17ie Looking Glass (poem) Manoj Das (India) Encounter s (story) Anita Desai (India) Surface Textures (story) Eunice de Souza (India) Catholic Mother (poem) Return (poem) Nissim Ezekiel (India) Case Study (poem) Jessica Hagedorn (Philippines-USA) 17ie Song of Bullets (poem) Sunita Jain (India) Fly the Friendly Skies (st01y) 30 35 38 103 110 111 113 124 129 129 131 137 191 CONTENTS I xix '4 ./7 .r; ( J k Au trili · H 711re ,.a/lfm\ - l /ack ,.act 1 n P y Back ('ton•J · ,j uJ_J 170 nd 1 1 XX I CONCERT OF VOICES Satendr a Nandan (Fiji) 312 Return to a Certain Darkness (essay) Mudroo roo Narogin (formerly Colin Johnson; Australia) A Missionary Would I Have Been (story) Ngitji Ngitji (formerly Mona Tur; Australia) 344 The Possum Woman (story) Oodgero o Noonuccal (formerly Kath Walker; Australia) Gooboora, the Silent Pool (poem) The Past (poem) Subram ani (Fiji) 327 353 354 438 Sautu (st01y) Alafina Yuki (Fiji) Four-Year Wisdom (poem) Albert Wendt (Western Samoa-New Zealand) Crocodile (st01y) 459 466 UK&U SA Fred D'Aguia r (Guyana-UK) Home (poem) David Dabydeen (Guyana-UK) Catching Crabs (poem) The New Poetly (poem) Jessica Hagedo rn (Philippines-USA) The Song of Bullets (poem) Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (India-USA) The Old Lady (st01y) Jamaica Kincaid (Antigua-USA) My Mother (st01y) On Seeing England for the First Time (essay) Shirley Geo.k-lin Lim (Malaysia-USA) Ah Mah (poem) To Li Poh (poem) Pauline Melville (Guyana-UK) The Truth is in the Clothes (st01y) Toshio Mori (USA) Slant-Eyed Americans (st01y) Bharati Mukherjee (India-USA) Hindus (st01y) 104 108 109 137 194 204 209 218 219 235 277 292 CONTENTS I xxi V. . ip ul ( nni dB. Wordsworth (Hnn•J Jasmin e ( Ha ) J n Rhys mini I U. d to In" J!, •r Im n Ru h ic (In i, -U ) tf " ommonw alth I it •mt11r " f an i l 1 7 xxii I CONCERT OF VOICES Fred Wah from Breathin' my name with a sigh my father hurting at the table sitting hurting at suppertime deep inside very far down inside because I can't stand the ginger in the beef and greens he cooked for us tonight and years later tonight that look on his face appears now on mme my children my food their food my father their father memme the father very far very very far inside FRED WAH I 461 Biographical Notes ACHEBE, Chinua (b. 1930) Born in Ogidi, Nigeria, he studied in Ibadan and London. His novels include Things Fall Apart (1958), A Man of the People (1966), and Anthills of the Savannah (1986). He has published stories, poetry, and essays, and has held teaching positions in Nigeria and the United States. He has been awarded honorary degrees in Canada, the USA, and the UK. AIDOO, (Christina) Arna Ata (b. 1942) Born in Ghana, she was educated there and at Stanford University and now lives in the USA. A poet, playwright, and novelist, she has written the novel Our Sister Killjoy (1977), the play Anowa (1970), and several short stories. ALI, Agha Shahid (b. 1949) Originally from Kashmir, he was educated in India and the USA. He currently lives in the USA, where he has taught at several universities and colleges. His publications include The Half-Inch Himalayas (1987) andA Nostalgist 's Map of America ( 1990). ANAND, Mulk Raj (b. 1905) Born in Peshawar, India (now in Pakistan) , he was educated in Punjab and in London. He earned his PhD in Philosophy in 1929. Actively involved in India's struggle for independence, he served later as cultural advisor to the government. Untouchable (1935) was the first of many novels, stories, essays, and children's books. ARASANAYAGAM, Jean (b. 1940) Born in Sri Lanka into a Dutch Burgher family, she was educated there and in Scotland. She has published six volumes of poetry, including Out of our Prisons We Emerge (1987) and Red Water Flows Clear (1991), a collection of short stories, and a novel. She lectures at a teachers' college in Sri Lanka. BEGAMUDRE, Ven (b. 1956) Born in South India, he moved to Canada when he was six years old. He studied in the USA, Paris, and Ottawa. His publications include a collection of short stories, A Planet of Eccentrics (1990), and a novel Van de Graff Days (1993). BENNEIT, Louise (b. 1919) Born in Jamaica, she originally wrote poems in Standard English but abandoned that for Jamaican creole. She went to England on a drama scholarship and had a regular programme on the BBC. Now based BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES I 477 in J maica, he h (J ), and h try tncludin Jamaica Labn h eral pu lic;hed collec11 n . rm1d d, he came to Up me in al ittle h rn1c.:n c f) <nd h.1 k turc.:c.J m 111 1 \\ \\ r aun ht f ·who in r up 10 c, rt- CO() wm r, II te m Kin of rhe ). 478 I CONCERT OF VOICES COWASJEE, Saras (b. 1931) Born in India, he studied at Agra University and the University of Leeds and now teaches English at the University of Regina. He has written two novels, including Goodbye to Elsa (1974), two collections of stories, and several essays and commentaries, and has edited several volumes of Indian stories. CRUSZ, Rienzi (b. 1925) Born in Sri Lanka of Portuguese ancestry, he was educated at St. Joseph's College in Colombo and later taught there. In 1951 , he studied library science in London. He immigrated to Canada in 1965 and has worked as a librarian. His volumes of poetry include Flesh and Thorn (1974) and A Time for Loving (1986). D'AGUIAR, Fred (b. 1960) Born in London, he grew up in Guyana, but returned to England, where he now resides. A poet and dramatist, his volumes of poems include Mama Dot (1985) and Airy Hall (1989). DABYDEEN, Cyril (b. 1945) Born in Guyana, he came to Canada in 1970 and attended Queen's University. He has published several volumes of poetry, including Distances (1977) and Coast/and (1989), two volumes of short stories, and two novellas. DABYDEEN, David (b. 1955) Born in Berbice, Guyana, he immigrated to England when he was thirteen years old. He attended the universities of Cambridge and London. His publications include a scholarly work, Hogarth's Blacks ((1987), several volumes of poetry, including Slave Song (1984) , and a novel, The Intended (1991). DAS, Kamala (b. 1934) Born and educated in India, she has written several volumes of poetry, including The Descendants (1967), short stories, and an autobiography, My St01y (1975) . DAS, Manoj (b. 1934) Born in Orissa, India, he has written several volumes of short stories, fables, and fantasies, including The Vengeance and Other Stories (1980). DAVIS, Jack (b. 1917) Born in Australia, he has been active as a poet, dramatist, and critic since the 1960s. He was the editor of the Aboriginal magazine Identity. His poetry collections include The First-Born and Other Poems (1970). DESAI, Anita (b. 1937) Born in India to a German mother and Bengali father, she has written several novels, including Fire on the Mountain (1977) and Baumgartner's Bombay (1988), children's books, and a volume of short stories, Games at Twilight (1978). She currently teaches in the USA and Delhi. DE SOUZA, Eunice (b. 1940) Born in Poona, India , she was educated in the BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES I 479 and in lum m f h ·re -;he is n w I ccturer tn n llsh. he ha written , and children ' includin ~ nys of B longing (I rcnl , he..., cr," nd d nfini hed I /f · cdu t, tl nd ·d the Uni er 1t · eral h .,.;rnt n nd Hennen e h "'4. 0 rd5 II \ II nm tr, , m 1n1a ( I H o 11 v n ep11 w B mm ri (K 1 ahu ) n I th e bone people ( 1 v n r H n. ri fi and erry B ker Priz . M ri liter tur nd th 1 H 480 I CONCERT OF VOICES n cb r IHIMAERA, Witi (b. 1944) Born in New Zealand of Maori and Scottish ancestry, he has published several novels and stories, including Tangi (1973), The Whale Rider (1987), and Dear Miss Mansfield (1989). He has written an opera, Waituhi: The Life of the Village (1985), and a cultural history, Maori (1975). ITO, Sally (b. 1965) Born in Alberta, Canada, of Japanese ancestry ("my mother having come from Japan and my father being a third generation Japanese Canadian"), she studied in Japan and at the University of British Columbia. Her poems have appeared in Canadian magazines. ITWARU, Arnold (b. 1942) Born in Guyana, he immigrated to Canada in 1969. He has written three collections of poetry, including Entombed Survivals (1987), a novel, Slumti (1988), and three non-fiction works, the most recent being The Invention of Canada: Litermy Texts and the Immigrant Imagination (1990). JAIN, Sunita (b. 1941) Born in India, she has studied in the USA and India. She writes in both Hindi and English and has published two volumes of stories, including Eunuch of Time and Other Stories (1982). JHABVALA, Ruth Prawer (b. 1927) Born in Germany to a Polish/Jewish family, she immigrated to Britain in 1939. Educated in England, she lived in India for 25 years after her marriage. Her novels include The Householder (1960) and Heat and Dust (1975). She has written several collections of short stories and screenplays. She has been living in the USA since 1976. KINCAID, Jamaica (b. 1949) Born in Antigua , she now lives and writes in the USA Her fiction includes At the Bottom of the River (short stories, 1984) and Annie John (novel, 1985). She has written many critical essays. KING, Thomas (b. 1943) Born in Canada of a Cherokee fa ther and a Greek-German mother, he was Chair of Native American studies at the University of Minnesota. He also teaches at the University of Guelph, Canada. His publications include Green Grass, Running Water (novel, 1993), a number of short stories, poems, and a children's book. KOGAWA, Joy (b. 1935) Born in Vancouver, Canada, of Japanese ancestry, she grew up in Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. She and her family were interned during the Second World War. Her volumes of poetry include A Choice of Dreams (1974). She has written a novel , Obasan (1981), based on her experiences during the war. LAM, Dominic Man-Kit Raised in Hong Kong, he attended the University of British Columbia, and now divides his time between Hong Kong and Texas; he is a scientist as well as an internationally recognised artist. LIM , Shirley Geok-Lin (b. 1843) Born in Malaysia, she immigra ted to the USA and is a poet , critic, and academic. Her poetry collections include Crossing the Peninszda, which won the 1980 Commonwealth Poetry Prize. She is BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES I 481 f Th F rhtdd n ftfch: n nt ( . I Ph '\JC'> f r m n car m Th f.ol • . 'rort (I v. rd<., r h1 M II P R ,J I f·, I ·c 1mm rs ·d 1n th (h. I 'iO 1· I ~nd ultur Htm m an Wi men• AnJholofjj ( 1 rn nd educated m alcutta India, he .. I re h ... Wnlten thirteen \:Olume of ay nd h . h n 1 rie and rt-lime wnter he lum 1a. pie in Ariti h n 1 • 01owner r Tmth and 11 I th r 11 I f·. P.1uhn1.: n. v. r in m · nu ·nth rll IR . R I I1 (n na 482 I CONCERT OF VOICES ~· I. n h f r h tn MORRIS, Mervyn (b. 1937) Born in Jamaica, he was educated there and at Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship. He has published several collections of poetry, including The Pond (1973), has edited a number of anthologies, and is a journalist and theatre critic. He teaches at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica. MPHAHLELE, Es'kia (b. 1919) Born in Pretoria, South Africa, he has taught at universities in the USA and in South Africa, where he currently lives. His publications include The Wanderers (novel, 1971 ), Man Must Live (stories, 1946), and The African Image (essays, 1962, rev. 1974). MUKHERJEE, Bharati (b. 1940) Born and educated in Calcutta, India, she attended universities in India and the USA She spent some years in Canada before returning to the USA in 1981. Her publications include Wife (novel, 1975), Darkness (stories, 1985), and The Sorrow and the Terror: The Haunting Legacy of the Air India Tragedy (1987), with Clark Blaise. NAIPAUL, V. S. (b. 1932) Born in Trinidad and educated at Queen's Royal College, Trinidad, he left for Oxford University in 1950, and has lived in England since then. His novels include The Mystic Masseur (1957), A House for Mr Biswas (1961), The Enigma of An·ival (1987), and A Way in the World (1994). He has published several collections of essays and travel books, including Among the Believers (1981) and India: A Million Mutinies Now (1990). NANDAN, Satendra (b. 1939) Born in Fiji, he was educated the in UK and Australia. He moved to Australia after the Fijian coups in 1987. He has published several volumes of poems, including Voices in the River (1985), and a novel The Wounded Sea (1991). His autobiography, Relics of a Rainbow: A Fijian Story, is due in 1995. NARAYAN, R. K. (b. 1906) Born in Madras, India, he has spent most of his life in Mysore. He has published fourteen novels including Swami and Friends (1935) and The World of Nagaraj (1990) , and ·numerous collections of stories, essays, and memoirs. He has travelled and lectured in the USA, and has received India's highest literary award, the Padma Bhushan award. NAROGIN, Mudrooroo / Colin Johnson (b. 1938) Born in Narogin, Western Australia, he changed his name to reaffirm his tribal identity. He writes poetry, fiction, and literary criticism. His publications include Wild Cat Falling (novel, 1965) and The Song Circle of Jacky and Selected Poems (1986). He has taught Aboriginal Literature at Murdoch University and at the University of Queensland. NDEBELE, Njabulo S. (b. 1948) Born in Johannesburg, South Africa , he was educated there, at Cambridge University, and the University of Denver. His BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES I 483 pu ltca t1 n<i mclu d Fool ~ ond La rat11r and 11/tllr ( 1 4) th r tori ~ ( l nd ) g1tj1 / n· f ur Hrn in u n teach ·r nd tr· nsla < r c n ;\ n mi1l lltcratu rc m Id ntity. owh frican try and ~ \I, nu en ) r ducated at rn m K.cny·1, he w ) (I H11cn1 of in (,, cA lu in d n lll1U:il ·1n cultu ral , nd rn1cn pla in ngu I o f'olitic 171 I· th \Im I l e ha n h. h Sllrl'S, n l R HDI Im n ( . 1 484 I CONCERT OF VOICES to rn in -1 7 ) RH rn n Tnni .id ~ ) B rn in m y In Ru hd1 at Rugby and Cambridge, England, graduating with a degree in History. His novels include Grimus (1975), Midnight 's Children (1981), and the controversial The Satanic Verses (1988), which led to death threats against him. He has published also Jmaginmy Homelands: Essays and Criticism (1991 ). SELVON, Sam (1923-94) Born in Trinidad, the son of an East Indian father and half-Scottish mother, he immigrated to England in 1954 and moved to Calgary in 1978. He wrote ten novels, including An Island ls a World (1955), The Lonely Londoners (1956), and Moses Migrating (1983), numerous short stories, essays, screenplays, and plays for radio and television. SENIOR, Olive (b. 1941) Born in Jamaica, she was educated there , in Canada, and in Britain. An editor and journalist , her publications· include Talki.ng of Trees (poems, 1985), Summer Lightning (stories, 1986), and The Arrival of the Snake Woman (stories, 1989). SETH, Vikram (b. 1952) Born in Calcutta, India, he left India at the age of eleven to study in England. A graduate of Oxford and of Stanford, his publications include Mappings (poetry, 1982), From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang and Tibet (1983), The Golden Gate (a novel in verse , 1986), andA Suitable Boy (novel, 1993). SHERLOCK, Philip (b. 1902) Born in Jamaica, he became Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West Indies. He is the author and editor of more than fifteen volumes of poetry, history, and folk tales, including Anansi the Spider Man (1954). SILKO, Leslie Marmon (b. 1948) Born in New Mexico, she is of mixed ancestry, part Laguna, part Mexican, and part white. She is the author of the novel Ceremony (1977), and several collections of stories, including Laguna Woman (1974). Storyteller (1981) is a selection of her poems and stories. SOYINKA, Wole (b. 1934) Born in Nigeria and educated at universities in Ibadan and Leeds, he has published several novels and volumes of essays, plays, and poetry, including A Dance of the Forests (play, 1963), T71e Interpreters (novel, 1965), Poems from Prison ( 1969), The Man Died: Prison Notes of Wole Soyinka (1972), and Mandela 's Earth and Other Poems (1988). He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986. SUBRAMANI (b. 1943) Born in Fiji, he has studied in Suva, New Zealand, and Canada. His publications include The Fantasy Eaters (1988) a collection of stories and a number of critical essays. He now teaches at the University of the South Pacific in Suva. TALLMOUNTAIN, Mary I Mary Randle (1918-94) Born in Alaska, the daughter of a Koyukon-Athabascan Indian mother and Scottish-Irish father, BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES I 485 h rt !'.tone~ mclud n I , and I 1 ht on rh pu II. hcd ~\er I collccttc ns c f n Wnrd f nr Po ms (I 7 ), Th r ' h ) all I JI lJ ( . I 1 I rn 1n in , · lcctu r · a the ·1 ·, includm • G f 11 hm 1n Ti n1 r • 10 a T mil f ther and a f ). f lh t1 r. \ 11rin.1 uth I .i in .m \\I · . I l lc h 'l I rn in \\ 1 rn m. A rn 1n ommonplnce ( 1 1 ·L ) lu m 486 / CONCERT OF VOICES n of ur H ilt n ke Apple nd Other Poc1