Compensation & Benefits Course Code : HR653 School of Business and Economics Program MBA Semester Fall 2015 Credit Hours 03 Management, Organization Behaviour, Human Resource Mgt Mr. Sami Ullah Bajwa, Assistant Professor Room No.5, Department of Management (Business Administration) Pre requisites Resource Person Contact information Course Description Compensation represents both the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards employees receive for performing their jobs. Together, both intrinsic and extrinsic compensation describes a company’s total compensation level. Effective compensation systems achieve three key goals. They provide a firm internal consistency, market competitiveness, and means for recognizing individual achievement. An internally consistent compensation system clearly defines the relative value of each job among all jobs within a company, providing an objective justification for their differences in pay. Market competitive pay systems allow firms to attract and retain the best employees by setting pay levels consistent with a firm’s competitive strategies. Finally, a compensation system that recognizes individual achievement can boost both employee morale and firm performance by effectively rewarding key contributors. This course is designed to provide students with concepts, tools and experiential exercises so that they are able to improve and develop compensation systems, which achieves the abovementioned goals. Learning Objectives On completion of this course, students will be able to understand: The concept of Strategic Compensation and Benefits and its significance for survival in today’s dynamic business environment To comprehend the foundations and framework of Strategic Compensation and Benefits and understand how effective compensation systems facilitates survival and effectiveness of organizations in turbulent business environments Page 1 of 5 Understanding three key goals of Compensation Systems, including internal consistency, market competitiveness, and means for recognizing individual achievement. Learning Tools and their application along with critical analysis of the contexts of organizations with regards to Compensation and Benefits Application of learned concepts and tools in Pakistan’ s business environment Sr. Course Learning Objectives Link with Program Learning Objectives 1 To learn the concept of Strategic Compensation and Benefits and its significance for survival in today’s dynamic business environment To inculcate business knowledge and analytical skills in graduates to think decisively in order to develop innovative solutions to problems in a business environment 2 To comprehend the foundations and framework of Strategic Compensation and Benefits and understand how effective compensation systems facilitates survival and effectiveness of organizations in turbulent business environments To steer an organization through the difficult and turbulent global environment and enable the development of an implementable business plan 3 Understanding three key goals of Compensation Systems, including internal consistency, market competitiveness, and means for recognizing individual achievement. To provide a progressive and structured framework to graduates that enables them in developing and applying knowledge set of critical, social responsibility and ethical evaluation 4 Learning Tools and their application along with critical analysis of the contexts of organizations with regards to Compensation and Benefits To craft graduates’ expertise in order to increase their resourcefulness 5 Application of learned concepts and tools in Pakistan’ s business environment To develop practical knowledge and contemporary professional capabilities Textbooks &Supplies Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach (8th Edition) By: Joseph J. Martocchio Prentice Hall 2014 Counseling Time Monday 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Thursday 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Friday 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Page 2 of 5 Teaching & Learning Methodology Teaching methodology for the course is designed to augment participants’ learning through 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lectures and discussions Case discussions Presentations Videos Experiential exercises Tests and Grading COMPONENT WEIGHT DESCRIPTION FINAL EXAM 25% Constitutes topics covered throughout the course. The Exam will be subjective type. MID TERM 15% Constitutes topics covered till session No.7 The Exam will be solution based. CLASS PARTICIPATION 10% Positive, healthy and constructive class participation will be monitored for each class. Quality class participation endures questioning and discussions which enhance learning opportunities. QUIZ (N-1) 15% Four quizzes (MCQs + Subjective) will be conducted. Three best quizzes will be counted in evaluation. CASE STUDIES 10% Four case discussions, followed by presentations, will be conducted. CLASS ACTIVITY 5% Each group is required to bring at least 1 laptop for 2 class activities. PROJECT 10% Will be submitted on group basis. Further details about project will be provided through moodle. ASSIGNMENTS 10% Three Assignments will be given on individual basis Total 100% The participant should get registered and regularly visit the online Moodle subject forum and prepare/review/analyze the uploaded files, articles, cases on weekly basis. No relaxation/substitution will be given for quiz, assignments, presentations and case studies. Participants are required to adhere to the punctuality policy and come in the lecture room before the start of the designated time. Students are encouraged to visit the office of resource person during counseling hours for clarifying any confusions or resolving any problems pertaining to the subject matter. They are also strongly encouraged to contact the resource person via email for any confusions or ambiguities. Page 3 of 5 Calendar of Activities Sr. Topics 1. Introduction 1. Knowing more about each other and scope of course, Course outline and Learning Methodology 2. Moodle registration 2 Strategic Compensation 1. Describe compensation and summarize evolution of compensation practices 2. Discuss differences between strategic and tactical compensation. 3. Identify the stakeholders of the compensation and summarize their stake in the work compensation professionals perform. Chapter 1 Lecture and Discussion 3 Essentials of Compensation 1. Name and summarize the goals of compensation professionals. Chapter 1 Assignment 1 due 4 Contextual Influences on Compensation Practice 1. List and discuss laws that apply to compensation tactics 2. Explain how labor unions influence compensation practices Chapter 2 Quiz 1 Class Activity Building Internally Consistent Compensation Systems 1. Explain the concept of internally consistent compensation systems. 2. Summarize the practice of job analysis. 3. Describe the practice of job evaluation. 4. Explain how internally consistent compensation systems and competitive strategy relate to each other. Chapter 6 Case 1 Describe seniority and longevity pay practices. List elements of merit pay. Understand performance appraisal methods. Explain how compensation professionals can strengthen the pay-for-performance link 5. Discuss limitations of merit pay programs. Chapter 3 Quiz 2 Assignment 2 due 1. Provide a contrast between incentive pay methods and traditional pay methods. 2. List three categories of incentive pay plans. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of group incentive plans. 3. List and summarize five factors in the design of incentive pay programs. Chapter 4 Case 2 5 6 Traditional Bases for Pay Learning objective of this topic 1. 2. 3. 4. 7 Incentive Pay 8 Mid Term (Scenario based) Readings Activity Course Outline Lecture and Discussion Page 4 of 5 Sr. Readings Activity 1. Explain the concept and practice of personfocused pay. 2. Summarize the varieties of person-focused pay programs. 3. Contrast person-focused pay with job-based pay. 4. Provide an explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of person-focused pay plans. Chapter 5 Lecture and discussion Discretionary Benefits 1. Give an overview of discretionary benefits. 2. List the three broad components of discretionary benefits. 3. Explain the benefits and costs of discretionary benefits. Chapter 9 Case 3 Building Market Competitive Compensation Systems 1. Explain the concept of market-competitive compensation systems 2. Discuss how compensation professionals integrate job structures with external market pay rates. 3. Present the basic concepts of two compensation policy types: pay mix and pay level. Chapter 7 Quiz 3 Assignment 3 due 12 Legally Required Benefits 1. Discuss Government of Pakistan’s enacted employee benefits. 2. Summarize main components of legally required benefits. 3. Indicate the main benefits and costs of legally required benefits. Chapter 11 13 Building Structures that Recognize Employee Contributions 1. Explain the concept of pay structures. 2. Specify and explain the five steps necessary to construct a pay structure. 3. Discuss considerations in designing merit pay systems and person-focused pay program design. Chapter 8 Case 4 14 Challenges Facing Compensation Professionals 1. Explain the impact of economic recession and underemployment on compensation practice 2. Describe the influence of changing workforce demographics on employee benefits practice. Chapter 16 Quiz 4 9 10 11 Topics Person-Focused Pay Learning objective of this topic Class Activity 2 (Bring laptops) 15Fin Final Project Presentations Note: In each class context of Pakistan, with regard to compensation and benefits, will be discussed. Page 5 of 5