IPES @ the University of Greenwich

IPES @ the University of Greenwich
lot from them. For example, understanding their life styles and
their countries, and sharing their working and life experience. Also,
Li Uen Yan
my English and Mandarin improved a lot. At the beginning in the
BEngIE Yr-2
UK, I was so frightened to talk in English or Mandarin and I could
not even speak in complete sentences as I was not very good at
It was a really special summer vacation for me this year. Why was
them. At last, I overcame it and talked to them in English or Man-
it special? It was because I had this precious experience and chance
darin without any fear.
to work overseas, learn their life and working style and meet different people.
I am grateful that the Co-operation Center and the CMS research
group in the University of Greenwich offered me a chance to do my
The place I did my internship was in the University of Greenwich
internship in the UK. I was really pleased to be there. I think this
in the UK. The environment of this university is very excellent.
is the most wonderful summer holiday I have ever had before and I
There are lots of gardens and museums on campus or near the
achieved lots and lots of things beyond gaining working experience.
campus. After having worked for a whole day and when feeling
tired, I could relax in the garden or take a walk in the museums.
The project I did was about prognostics and health management
which was an approach to find out the remaining useful life of a
system. It was a new subject to me and I have not heard about this
thing before. Also, I did not know how to start my project, as I did
not know how to search useful and suitable information for my
project. I felt really frustrated at the beginning. But, I was so
The Big Ben
pleased and grateful that my supervisor and colleagues in the university provided a lot of support to me. Without their kind help
and support, I was afraid that I might not finish my project
Apart from working, I also went out and visited those famous
attractions in the UK, such as Cambridge, Oxford, the Big Ben and
the British Museum. The architecture there is totally different
from that of Hong Kong. There are lots of historical buildings and
I do like them very much. I really like the sculptures on the buildings.
I even cannot use any pertinent words to describe those spectacular and gorgeous buildings. Also, I had chances to see two well-
University of Greenwich
known operas, Les Miserable and the Phantom of the Opera, in
London. These two operas were very incredible. The songs and the
performance were really outstanding that I cannot help recalling
every part of the operas. I hope I can have chances to see other
operas in the UK again.
Last but not least, the things I enjoyed most was that I could meet
different people and make friends with them. They came from
different countries, such as Scotland, Ireland and China. I learnt a
Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong