French Twist: Masterworks of Photography from

 French Twist: Masterworks of Photography from Atget to Man Ray NB: all works are gelatin silver prints unless otherwise noted Angelo, Pal Funk Street of the Drunks, ca. 1925 15 1/2 x 11 3/4 inches Atget, Eugene
Rue Mouffetard, ca. 1910
9 x 7 inches
Arrowroot print
Atget, Eugene Bassin de la Villette, ca. 1900 6 x 8 inches Albumen print -2Atget, Eugene Boulevard de Strassbourg, 1911 8 3/4 x 7 inches Printing‐out paper Atget, Eugene The Miserable Sleeper, 1899‐1900 9 x 7 inches Albumen print Atget, Eugene Misericordia, ca. 1900 8 x 6 inches Albumen print -3Atget, Eugene Windmill, Abbeville, ca. 1900 8 x 6 inches Albumen print Atget, Eugene Nymphaeas, Versailles, ca. 1900 6 x 8 inches Albumen print Atget, Eugene Flowering Apple Tree, ca. 1900 8 x 6 inches Albumen print -4Atget, Eugene Fountain, rue de Sèvres, ca. 1900 8 1/2 x 7 inches Albumen print Atget, Eugene Rue Egynard, 1901 8 1/4 x 7 inches Albumen print Atget, Eugene Stairway, rue des Blancs Manteaux, ca. 1900 8 1/4 x 6 3/4 inches Albumen print -5Bing, Ilse
Avenue du Maine, Paris 1932
8 x 11 1/8 inches
Bing, Ilse Champ‐de‐Mars from the Eiffel Tower, 1931 7 1/2 x 11 inches Bing, Ilse On the banks of the Seine, 1931 11 x 6 1/4 inches Bing, Ilse Greta Garbo, Paris, 1932 8 3/4 x 11 1/8 inches -6Bing, Ilse Lanterns and Oriflammes, Bastille Day, Paris, 1933 11 1/8 x 8 1/2 inches Bing, Ilse Puddle, rue de Valois, 1932 11 1/8 x 8 ¾ inches Bing, Ilse Ballet Errante, Paris, 1933 11 1/8 x 8 3/4 inches -7Bing, Ilse Street Fair, Paris, 1933 11 1/8 x 8 1/2 inches Bing, Ilse Quai along the Seine, 1932 7 3/4 x 11 1/8 inches Bing, Ilse Chair, Champs Elysées, 1931 11 1/8 x 8 3/4 inches Bing, Ilse Cancan dancers, Moulin Rouge, 1931 10 1/4 x 13 3/8 inches -8 Bing, Ilse Men reading Yiddish theater posters, Paris, 1932 8 1/4 x 11 1/8 inches Bing, Ilse Avenue du Maine, Paris (night view), 1932 8 3/4 x 11 1/8 inches Bing, Ilse Boarding‐house for young women, Tours, 1935 11 1/8 x 7 1/2 inches Bing, Ilse Cobblestones, Paris, 1933 8 7/8 x 11 1/8 inches -9Bing, Ilse Blerancourt tree shadows, 1933 8 5/8 x 11 1/8 inches Bing, Ilse Old woman beggar, Paris, 1931 9 x 6 5/8 inches Bing, Ilse Solarized hat display, Paris, 1934 11 1/8 x 8 3/4 inches - 10 Blanc, Théo and Antoine de Milly 32 rue des Anges, Lyon (ʺmerdeʺ), ca. 1935 Blumenfeld, Erwin Draped Nude, Paris, 1936 13 3/8 x 10 5/8 inches Brandt, Bill At the flea market, Paris, 1929 10 1/2 x 8 1/4 inches Brandt, Bill Sunday in the Bois de Boulogne, ca. 1935 6 5/8 x 8 7/8 inches - 11 Brassaï
“Le Balajo” dance hall, rue de Lappe, ca. 1936
9 x 6 ¼ inches
The Quarrel, Bal des Quatres Saisons, rue de Lappe, ca. 1932
11 ¾ x 9 1/8 inches
Couple at the bistro counter, ca. 1932
11 ½ x 8 ¾ inches
- 12 Brassaï Lovers, Bal Musette des Quatre Saisons, rue de Lappé, ca. 1932 10 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches Brassaï Lovers, Bal Musette des Quatre Saisons, rue de Lappé, ca. 1932 9 3/8 x 7 inches Brassaï At Suzy’s, introductions, ca. 1932 10 1/2 x 7 5/8 inches - 13 Brassaï Cesspool workers, Paris, ca. 1933 9 x 7 inches Brassaï Streetwalker near the Place dʹItalie, Paris, 1932 15 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches Brassaï The pick‐up, ca. 1932 11 1/2 x 8 3/4 inches - 14 Brassaï Building façade, rue de lʹHotel de Ville, ca. 1936 11 1/2 x 9 in Brassaï Café, rue de Lappé, ca. 1932 11 x 7 3/4 inches Brassaï At Suzy’s, the presentation, ca. 1932 9 ¼ x 6 5/8 inches - 15 Brassaï Courtesans in a bar, Blvd Rochechouart, Montmartre, ca. 1932 19 x 15 ¾ inches Brassaï Transmutation (unclothed woman of Seville), ca. 1932 8 7/8 x 6 3/8 inches Brassaï Street toughs from Grand Albertʹs gang, ca. 1931 19 7/8 x 15 ¾ inches - 16 Brassaï Toilette in a transient hotel, Rue Quincampoix, ca. 1932 7 ¾ x 11 inches Brassaï At Suzy’s, fille de joie in mirror, 1932 9 1/16 x 6 1/4 inches Brassaï The ballerina Ludmilla Tcherina backstage, Sarah Bernhard Theater, 1945 11 1/8 x 8 1/4 inches Brassaï Avenue de lʹObservatoire, ca. 1937 11 1/2 x 15 1/4 inches - 17 Brassaï Nude, ca. 1933 6 7/8 x 8 3/8 inches Brassaï Fille de Montmartre playing Russian billiards, Blvd Rochechouart, 1932‐33 11 1/4 x 8 1/4 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri On the banks of the Marne, 1938 13 1/2 x 19 7/8 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri A refugee recognizes her Gestapo informant, Dessau, 1945 6 3/4 x 10 inches - 18 Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Alicante, Spain, 1932 6 7/8 x 9 7/8 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri An unemployed man and his child, Madrid, 1933 6 5/8 x 10 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Andalusia, 1933 10 1/4 x 15 1/8 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Brussels, 1932 6 5/8 x 9 13/16 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Cardinal Pacelli, Montmartre, Paris, 1938 6 1/8 x 9 1/8 inches - 19 Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Cordoba, Spain, 1933 13 3/8 x 9 1/4 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Two Prostitutes, Mexico, 1934 9 1/4 x 13 3/4 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Seville, 1933 15 1/4 x 23 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Seville, 1933 6 3/4 x 9 3/4 inches - 20 Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Tivoli, Italy, 1933 9 x 6 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Allée du Prado, Marseille, 1932 10 x 7 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Valencia, 1933 6 x 9 inches - 21 Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Coronation of King George VI, London, 1938 10 x 7 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Italy, 1933 3 1/2 x 5 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Budapest, 1932 9 7/8 x 7 3/8 inches Cartier‐Bresson, Henri Hyères, 1932 7 7/8 x 11 5/8 inches - 22 Delton, J. The Brothers Godard, ca. 1890 9 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches Albumen print Dubreuil, Pierre Festival Lights (ʺLes Lanternes Vénitiennesʺ), ca. 1908 10 x 8 inches Oil print Kertesz, André
Mondrian’s Pipe and Glasses, Paris, 1926
6 ¼ x 7 ½ inches
- 23 Kertesz, André
Chez Mondrian, 1926
10 x 8 inches
Kertesz, André Still life (with bathroom implements), 1928 6 5/8 x 7 1/2 inches Kertesz, André Clochards by the Seine, ca. 1928 7 x 9 7/8 inches Kertesz, André Distortion #29, 1933 8 x 10 inches - 24
2 Kerteszz, André Villa Caauchemare (A
Arc‐en‐Ciel Marionette Theater, Montpaarnasse), 19330 8 1/8 x 7 1/16 inchees Krull, G
Germaine Les Amiees (Girlfriendds), ca. 1924 6 3/4 x 88 3/4 inches Lartigu
ue, Jacques‐‐Henri Flight off my cousin Bichonade, Paris, 1905 2 1/8 x 22 9/16 inchees Lartigu
ue, Jacques‐‐Henri First fligght of Gabriel Voisin 3 x 3 in
nches - 25 Maar, Dora
Man in Manhole, London, ca. 1935
12 x 9 3/8 inches
Maar, Dora
L’Orangerie, Chateau de Versailles, 1935
11 ½ x 9 ½ inches
Maar, Dora Footprints in the Sand, 1931‐34 11 3/4 x 9 1/2 inches - 26 Maar, Dora Nude with Mirror, ca. 1938 11 3/4 x 9 1/2 inches Man Ray
Self‐Portrait with Studio Camera, 1932
9 x 7 inches
Man Ray
Rayograph with lock of hair
9 3/8 x 7 inches
- 27 Man Ray
Rayograph (nude with vapor), 1930
11 ½ x 8 ¾ inches
Man Ray
Portrait of Dora Maar, 1936
9 x 6 7/8 inches
Man Ray Kiki de Montparnasse, 1923 11 x 8 3/4 inches - 28 Man Ray Erotique Voilée (Meret Oppenheim in Louis Marcoussisʹ studio), 1933 9 7/8 x 8 1/8 inches Man Ray Nude, 1930 11 5/8 x 8 7/8 inches Model, Lisette Promenade des Anglais, Nice, 1934 13 ½ x 10 1/2 inches - 29 Model, Lisette Young man asleep, Paris, 1937 8 7/8 x 11 1/4 inches Steichen, Edward Three Pears and an Apple, Voulangis, France, 1921 Stone, Sasha Nude, Paris, 1933 15 ½ x 11 5/8 inches Thiollier, Felix Tipping a Coal Bin, ca. 1900 11 ¾ x 15 ¾ inches - 30 