XLReporter for Water Wastewater
Excel Reports and Forms for Industry
Understand your process with automatic, easy-to-grasp Excel reports.
XLReporter offers features developed from 20 years of
experience in Water and Wastewater applications with
over 400 installations throughout the USA.
♦ Excel Reports for Everyone
At the heart of XLReporter is a report template, built
with Excel as the “design studio.” Any State form
provided in Excel format can be plugged right into
XLReporter. No need to waste time recreating a
template in an environment that is unfamiliar to you
and end up producing a report that is in a format
which cannot be submitted to the State.
Flow Summary
The flow summary report summarizes water
consumption for the day, month and year. The yearly
summary shows the month with the minimum and
maximum flow. It is updated once a day, adding the
daily volume to each monthly report sheet. XLReporter
performs all of this automatically, generating a complete
“Ready-to-use” XLReporter package includes
FastStart templates that will have you reporting in
♦ Quick Return On Investment
XLReporter seamlessly integrates into any existing
system. No additional hardware is required. It can
start as a standalone workstation generating reports
automatically and grow to a team of workstations,
each entering data into a database and requesting
custom reports.
Data connectors for proprietary interfaces, industry
standards and business standards are included.
♦ Manual Data Entry Management
A large quantity of data submitted in regulatory
reports is from LIMS, operator observation, and
manual data recording.
XLReporter brings the entire process of collecting,
modifying and storing manual data to a level which is
ideal for a facility. Design a form template in Excel,
and use it on a PC or tablet to collect manual data
and have all the information stored automatically in a
central database, it’s that easy. FastStart form
templates are provided for Turbidity readings, BOD
calculations, Digester Analysis and more, right out of
Manual data entry forms can be used from a
standalone workstation, an HMI/SCADA display or
remote clients. They can also be downloaded onto a
tablet and used offsite, in which case, can be
uploaded back to the database with a click of a
button. When the forms are complete, they can be
locked to prevent further edits.
Monthly Operating Report (MOR)
The MOR differs from State to State. The report records
turbidity and residual chlorine data used for a facility with
surface water sources. XLReporter can enter the
repetitive data retrieved from the HMI system. In most
installations, some manual data must be entered before
the report is complete.
Discharge Monthly Report (DMR)
The Discharge Monthly Report is filed by wastewater
facilities. Many States make these reports available on
their web site; this example shows the report required for
the State of Indiana.
XLReporter creates a new report for each month,
entering the day of the week information on a daily basis
and, dependent on how many data points are available
from the automation system, fills in as many values as it
Turbidity and Chlorine Residual Report
Turbidity values that exceed the maximum NTU
must be carried forward for up to 3 months to
determine violations in the current and future
months. Valid turbidity measurements for the
individual filters start 4 hours after every
These reports clearly require an automated
solution that provides periodic data sampling
and a sophisticated calculation engine that
determines whether the plant turbidity was within
regulation over the course of a month. The oldfashioned data collection method, where an
operator is recording values on a clipboard,
cannot deliver the requirements of these new
♦ Features
 Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 & 8, Windows
Server 2003, 2008 and 2012.
Support for Excel 2007, 2010 or 2013.
Report automatically, on time or process events.
Publish to Excel, PDF or web pages.
Export worksheets to XML, CSV or databases.
Distribute reports with e-mail, ftp and fileserver.
SyTech, “The Report Company”, develops software for reporting
and data management systems.
Get an evaluation copy at www.TheReportCompany.com.
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