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Life Styles Inventory 1™
The Life Styles Inventory 1 (LSI 1) is a statistically validated assessment that enables
executives to take a close, revealing look at themselves—for insights that direct and
drive performance improvements. The LSI 1 is normed on the responses of over 9000
individuals from organizations of varying sizes and descriptions.
In 20 to 30 minutes, a person completes the 240-item LSI 1 by
responding to phrases in terms of the extent to which they
describe him or her. These phrases measure 12 unique
patterns or “styles” of thinking and behaviors people demonstrate as they complete tasks and interact with coworkers. By
transferring LSI scores to the Circumplex, the person creates a
profile or “picture” of his or her styles of thinking and behavior.
Life Styles Inventory 2™
The Life Styles Inventory 2 (LSI 2) provides information to
address the “blind spot” that can derail performance improvement. With the LSI 2, executives can gather feedback on
others’ perceptions of their behavior—coworkers, direct
reports, or bosses.
The LSI 2—completed by five trusted associates—shows how
others perceive an individual in terms of the same 12 styles
measured by the LSI 1. The LSI 2 takes 20-30 minutes to
complete and contains the same 240 items as the LSI 1. By
comparing LSI 1 results with LSI 2 results, individuals can
identify gaps between how they see themselves and how
others see them. These gaps point to areas of development
toward which individuals can direct their improvement
efforts. Results are aggregated into a composite profile to
examine group strengths and development opportunities.
Life Styles Inventory 3: Concept-of-Self Index®
Life Styles Inventory 3: Concept-of-Self Index (LSI 3) is an in-depth psychological
instrument designed to help managers develop a better understanding of their own
behavior and personality. It was developed as a tool to provide a detailed look at the
personality of normal adults. The instrument contains over 312 questions measuring
thirty-six psychological variables influencing human behavior. These variables fall into
two broad categories: measures of personality styles associated with certain behaviors,
and measures of underlying factors causing behavior.
LSI 3 synthesizes many different theories of personality and motivation. It is an
extremely useful tool for measuring the personality and effectiveness of higher-level
managers and senior executives. Specifically, LSI 3 provides helpful information about
the way a manager views his or her work as well as styles of working with others. This is
measured by assessing the following: goodness of fit to current job; the utilization of
time; an orientation to achievement; openness to others; level of motivation; and
willingness to work effectively with others.
388 Pleasant Street, Belmont, MA 02478
P 617.484.4355
F 617.484.4385
© 2004 Samuel R. James and Associates. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks,
registered trademarks or service marks are the property of Human Synergistics.
Samuel R. James and Associates
Organization Development Consultants
LSI Stylus®
A computerized application of the LSI 1 and 2, LSI STYLUS® converts an individual’s
inventory results to a fully customized report.
Each LSI STYLUS® report is a “mini-planner” that makes the development process
easier and more effective. The report contains a wealth of information, including:
· A discussion of strengths and development
opportunities and the impact of these thinking and
behavioral styles on work performance and
· Practical, results-oriented recommendations to help
individuals build on strengths and improve areas
needing development
· A complete, easy-to-use action plan for setting
development goals and committing to strategies for
achieving them
LSI STYLUS® reports are generated based on an individual’s
LSI STYLUS 1 and/or 2 inventories. Each inventory contains
240 items and can be completed in 20-30 minutes. Results
are available in either self report (LSI STYLUS 1) or 360°
feedback (LSI STYLUS 1 and 2).
LSI STYLUS® results can be aggregated to create a composite profile so that group strengths and development
opportunities can be examined.
388 Pleasant Street, Belmont, MA 02478
P 617.484.4355
F 617.484.4385
© 2004 Samuel R. James and Associates. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks,
registered trademarks or service marks are the property of Human Synergistics.
Samuel R. James and Associates
Organization Development Consultants
Leadership/Impact (L/I) is a 360° assessment that provides leaders with targeted
feedback on their impact on others, as well as the strategies and techniques that
account for their impact. The L/I self inventory contains 156 items, and the L/I
others inventory contains 172 items. Reliability and validity analyses on the L/I
scales were conducted based on a sample of 849 focal managers who were
described by 5,746 others. L/I is relevant when focusing on
self-development, leadership, cultural change, and
organizational development. Results can be presented in
individual coaching initiatives or in group settings.
L/I assesses the effectiveness of leaders along three
interrelated areas of leadership: Effectiveness, Impact on
Others and Leadership Strategies
L/I adds an important new dimension to the information
typically available to managers and executives. Direct
reports, peers, and/or bosses use L/I to describe not only
the strategies used by the leader, but also how these
strategies impact their own on-the-job behavior and
ability to perform to their potential. L/I assesses the extent
to which a leader motivates or drives others to behave in
Constructive, Passive/Defensive, or Aggressive/Defensive
To target areas needing improvement, L/I enables the
leader to determine the impact he or she ideally would like
to have on others. By comparing the “current” to the “ideal”
impact, the leader can identify opportunities for change
that will move his or her impact toward the “ideal.” Leadership strategies are presented as the potential levers for
changing the leader’s impact.
The L/I inventories can be completed in 15-20 minutes. Following the L/I assessment and scoring processes, each leader receives his or her own L/I Personalized
Feedback Report. In addition to presenting assessment results, this helpful resource
enables the leader to plan and implement the changes needed to improve his or
her impact—for enhanced personal and organizational effectiveness. A composite
report is also available so that group strengths and development opportunities can
be examined.
388 Pleasant Street, Belmont, MA 02478
P 617.484.4355
F 617.484.4385
© 2004 Samuel R. James and Associates. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks,
registered trademarks or service marks are the property of Human Synergistics.
Samuel R. James and Associates
Organization Development Consultants
Stress Processing Report™
The Stress Processing Report (SPR) is a unique self-assessment that helps people to
determine how they currently manage change and other stressful situations, and
what they can do to manage these situations better in the future. As individuals
work to improve their thinking and behavior using the SPR, they also enhance their
job performance.
The SPR measures 19 distinct but interrelated orientations
of thinking that individuals use when faced with change or
stressful events. These 19 orientations form four major
clusters or domains:
· Self- Personal belief systems and self-perception
influence how individuals cope with stress. Orientations
in this cluster include self-image, past view, control,
approval, growth, and effectiveness.
· Others- Stress levels are affected by how individuals
perceive their relationships. Orientations in this cluster
include inclusion, interpersonal, intimacy, and trust.
· Process- How individuals perform tasks adds to or
detracts from feelings of stress. Orientations in this
cluster include receptiveness, synergy, cooperation,
time orientation, and time utilization.
· Goals- What individuals choose to do and their attitude
toward accomplishments has a specific impact on their
stress levels. Orientations in this cluster include
satisfaction, directedness, expectations, and future
The SPR can be completed in 20-30 minutes. By responding to 160 descriptive statements, individuals use the SPR
to create a “picture” or profile of their tendencies toward 19
specific ways of thinking or “styles.” These styles determine
how people respond to stressful situations and are linked to stress symptoms,
including medical problems.
Using the SPR Self-Development Guide, individuals find out how well they currently
deal with change and discover the consequences of continuing certain behaviors.
From there, they can plan ways to modify their approach—to reduce or eliminate
stress symptoms and behave more proactively in stressful situations. Finally, using
the SPR Post Test, individuals can complete the SPR again and again to determine
progress toward improvement goals.
388 Pleasant Street, Belmont, MA 02478
P 617.484.4355
F 617.484.4385
© 2004 Samuel R. James and Associates. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks,
registered trademarks or service marks are the property of Human Synergistics.
Samuel R. James and Associates
Organization Development Consultants