Psychology 198: Exam 3 Review Sheet Exam will cover all information presented in the textbook, lecture, films and handouts! Chapter 13: Stress, Coping, and Health Biopsychosocial model Health psychology Nature of Stress stress as an everyday event, appraisal Major types of stress Frustration, Conflict (approach-approach conflict, avoidance-approach conflict, approach-avoidance conflict) Change (life changes, pressure) Responding to stress (emotional responses; types and effects of emotional arousal) Physiological responses (fight or flight response, general adaptation syndrome, brain body Pathways) Behavioral responses (coping, learned helplessness, aggression, catharsis, internet addiction, defense mechanisms, defensive coping, constructive coping) Stress and physical health Type A and Type B personality Emotional reactions, depression, and heart disease Stress, disease, and immune functioning Immune response Factors moderating the impact of stress (including social support, optimism) Positive effects of health Health-impairing behavior Reactions to illness Humor as a stress reduction, relaxation techniques, Ellis’ rational thinking model Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders Medical Model Diagnosis and prognosis Criteria of abnormal behavior Psychodiagnosis: the classification of disorders Prevalence of psychological disorders (epidemiology and prevalence) Anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, phobic disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, OCD, posttraumatic stress disorder) Etiology of anxiety disorders Biological factors (concordance factors) Conditioning and learning Cognitive factors Personality Stress Somatoform disorders Somatization disorder Conversion disorder Hypochondriasis Etiology of somatoform disorders Cognitive factors Sick role 1 Dissociative disorders Dissociative amnesia and fugue Dissociative identity disorders Etiology of personality disorders Mood disorders Major depressive disorder and dhystymic disorder Bipolar disorder and cyclothymic disorder Etiology of mood disorders Genetic vulnerability Neurochemical factors Cognitive factors Interpersonal roots Precipitating stress Schizophrenic disorders General symptoms Delusions and irrational thought, deterioration of adaptive behavior, hallucinations, disturbed Emotions Subtypes, course, and outcome Paranoid, catatonic, disorganized, undifferentiated Positive and negative symptoms Course and outcome Etiology of schizophrenia Genetic vulnerability neurochemical factors structures in the brain, neurodevelopmental hypothesis expressed emotion Culture and pathology Diagnostic problems Psychology disorders and the law Insanity and involuntary commitment Culture and pathology: culture bound disorders Eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa; including etiology Chapter 15: Treatment of Psychological Disorders Clients Therapists Psychologists, psychiatrists Insight therapies Psychoanalysis (free association, dream analysis) Probing the unconscious Resistance Transference Modern psychodynamics Client Centered Therapies Therapeutic climate and processes Group therapies Participant roles and advantages of the group experience Evaluating insight theories 2 Behavior therapies Systematic desensitization Aversion therapy Social skills training Cognitive-behavioral treatments Evaluating behavior therapies Biomedical therapies antianxiety drugs, antipsychotic drugs, antidepressant drugs, lithium Evaluating Drug therapies ECT Current trends and issues in treatment Managed care Identifying empirically supported treatments Increasing multicultural sensitivity in treatment Institutional treatment in transition Deinstitutionalization Mental illness and homelessness GOOD LUCK AND DONT STRESS – JUST STUDY!! 3