English 101: Essay Number Two Critical Perspectives on Education Recommend Turn-­‐in Times: 3/25/14: The first draft of the essay would be due. 4/1/14: The final draft of the essay would be due Staple together your essay packet in the following order: final draft on top, first draft, and prewriting/peer review sheet. The above schedule is what I recommend to space the work out over the course of the semester and provide time for me to give you feedback on your writing. However, the final due date is really the last day of class, which is 6/3/2014. Turn in your work based on a schedule that allows you to perform best. As Gatto would say, “let them manage themselves.” Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. “Brainology” by Carol Dweck “Guitar Zero” by Gary Marcus “The Banking Concept of Education” by Paulo Freire “Against School” by John Taylor Gatto “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work” by Jean Anyon “Why Schools Need Standardized Tests” by Norman Augustine “Classroom Fads and Magic Beans” by Margaret Wente Possible Essay Topics: During the last five weeks, we have read seven articles, five of which have presented ideas that have challenged the status quo of education/learning (articles 1-­‐5). The last two articles by Augustine and Wente support a more traditional approach to education/learning. Option One: Standard English 101 Prompt: In a 4-­‐6 page, MLA formatted essay (12 pt. font, double-­‐spaced, etc.), thesis driven essay, Evaluate to what extent society should adopt and integrate the theories discussed in the class readings. Other Possible Topics: • Comparison/contrast of your own educational experience in relation to the articles that we read. • Using the mode of a definition essay, define education. • Research local schools (either pre-­‐k, elementary, or secondary) and then compare/contrast with theories of Freire, Gatto, and Anyon. • Topic of your own choice. Propose a topic and check with me! Guidelines for all essay topics: • Whether you are in favor of these five theories (readings 1-­‐5) or you support the more traditional approach outlined by Augustine and Wente, you must include both perspectives in the essay. • You must use at least two quotes/paraphrases from three of the five articles that challenge the status quote and at least two quotes/paraphrases from one of the articles that supports the status quo. • This essay should be written in the third person. Avoid using “I” or “You” (unless you write about your own education). • In supporting your thesis statement, you should summarize and analyze the key points in the article you cite in your essay. Final Reminders: • • • • Your essay should include an engaging title, an introduction with a thesis statement, paragraphs with topic sentences, effective transitions, and a conclusion. The final draft of your essay should be carefully edited. You must include an MLA formatted work cited page. See me before class, after class, during my office hours, or arrange for another time to meet if you have questions, concerns, or if you would just like to discuss anything about this essay in further detail! The essay should be oriented toward a general academic audience and will be evaluated according to the grading rubric for this course. Yikes! (0 points) Thesis Statement The essay lacks a thesis statement. Analysis / Supporting Information The essay offers no information to support the thesis statement. The student did not use standard essay structure. Essay Structure Mechanics and Presentation MLA Format Quotes Process The essay has major errors that make reading and comprehending difficult. The essay does not use MLA format The essay has not included any quotes/ paraphrases. The essay does not meet any of the requirements on the assignment sheet. Needs Improvement (1 point) Satisfactory (2.25 points) Advanced 3 points) The essay presents a confused or undeveloped thesis statement that inadequately addresses the question. Only minimal information is offered to support the essay's thesis statement. The student has only some components of essay structure (e.g. some paragraphing) The essay offers a clear thesis statement that addresses the question with satisfactory development. The essay contains a well-developed thesis statement that uses a complex sentence (although clause) and clearly addresses the question. The essay's thesis statement is adequately supported with relevant information. The essay's thesis statement is supported with substantial, relevant information from the required number of sources. The student wrote a structured essay that included an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The essay contains some errors, which detract from the overall quality of the work. The essay some elements of a MLA formatting/ The essay has included few quotes/paraphrase but not formatted correctly. The essay meets some of the requirements on the assignment sheet. The essay contains only minor errors, which do not substantially detract from the overall quality of the work. The student used rhetorical devices in writing a well-structured essay that includes ❑ a title in title case ❑ a formal introduction of the authors and article titles while using the correct format ❑ an engaging introduction ❑ body paragraphs ❑ and a conclusion The essay contains no typographical errors, misspellings, or other grammatical or mechanical errors, is written in 3rd person, and avoids contractions. The essay has most elements of MLA format/ The essay has included some quotes/paraphrase and most are formatted correctly. The essay is in correct MLA format. The essay meets most of the requirements on the assignment sheet. The essay meets all of the requirements on the assignment sheet. The essay included the required number of quotes/paraphrase and all of them are formatted correctly. Total Score 21= A+ 20=A 19 =B+ 16= C+ 15= C-­‐ 14 = D+ Your Score