CENTRE FOR SELF-HELP DEVELOPMENT (CSD) Self-Help Banking Program Statement of Income and Expenditure and Balance Sheet FY 2064/065 (2007/08) ,'f. Centre for Self-help Development (CSD) P. O. Box 8852 Dillibazar, Kathmandu Tel # 4425597/4424787/4424766 Fax # 977-1-4430363 ~-:7 ~&~./ i ,/ ~ ~'o-~ \t~~ CENTRE FOR SELF-HELP DEYELO'PMENT(CSO) SELF-HELP BANKINGPROGRAM (SBP) Balance Sheet as on 31 Ashadh 2065 (15 July, 2008) Particulars Previous Year Rs. Schedule Current Year Rs. ASSETS 191,614.20 2,938,290.87 124,113,200.08 15] ,057,886.40 /57,498,090.00 6.440,203.60 4,172,325.35 2,953.107.32 40,652.00 1,362,191.50 584,872.14 ~] \i1i (453,410.59) I 2 3 4 Cash in Hand Cash at Bank- Current Account 1 I 1 Cash at Bank -Interest Bearing Deposits Loan Portfolio 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4./ Loan Outstanding 4.2 ProvisionJor Loan Loss 5 Investment in S.B. Bank Ltd. 6 Sundry Debtors & Advances 7 Service Deposit 8 Property and Equipment 9 Stationery Stock 10 Branch Account Total 286,960,729.27 206,319.;36 6,837,725.04 168,955,452.59 ]85, 179,394.80 /93,457,047.00 8,277,652.20 3, ]47,553.35 3,738,329.07 88,402.00 1,834,427.47 669,121.47 2,685,342.00 373,342,067.15 LIABILITIES 1,153,998.25 193,095,996.00 I 2 3 4 (I 8,588,693.77) 69,240,306.00 5 477,345.02 34,065,199.90 6 5,020,986.47 7 54,311.40 8 9 2,400,000.00 41,280.00 10 Loan (Grameen Trust) Bank Loan (Deprived Sector) CSD, General 10 II 129,226.25 232,42 I,662.00 Clients Deposit Interest Payable General Reserve Other Funds Sundry Creditors Project Advance (Supporting Agencies) Development Reserve ]2 13 14 15 16 17 18 (22,00 I,811.66) 108,377,519.50 451,580.14 43,819,041.11 7,040,368.73 695,075.68 2,400,000.00 9,405.40 Total 286,960,729.27 0,~: 1:\..~ Executive DIrector 373,342,067.15 Governing Board of Directors y 0.~~........... N. K. "-_0 loshi& Co. Ch al}ef~d.A c'c~uritants 1/~~, ..'- -., :":_~ '<!;',:~ o-? . ~-.' ~.- ~c= . -0,.- c-- 1 CENTRE FOR SELF-HELP DEVELOPMENT (CSD) SELF-HELP BANKING PROGRAM (SBP) Statement of Income and Expenditure Shrawan 1, 2064 - Ashadh 31, 2065 (July 17, 2007 - July 15, 2008) Particulars Previous Year Rs. Schedule . INCOME 33,034,738.30 Current Year Rs. I. Interest Income 982,099.46 2. Other Income 19 48,247,752.73 20 670,680.53 Total 34,016,837.76 48,918,433.26 EXPENDITURE 13,756,759.88 1. Operational Expenditure 21 21,827,192.22 22 199,242.00 9,967,186.94 3. Interest Expense 23 14,787,121.37 5,530,040.02 4. Provision for Loan Loss Expenses 24 1,997,270.20 176,285.00 2. Program Support Expenditure '.) , Total 38,810,825.79 Surplus 10,107,607.47 29,430,271.84 4,586,565.92 Appropriation A/C 91;7,11.31 I. Provision for Protection Scheme(Livestock ) 202,152.15 45,865.66 2. Provision for Staff Welfare Fund 101,076.07 22,932.83 3. Provision for Staff Training Fund 50,538.04 4,586,565.92 4. Net Surplus transferred to General Reserve 9,753,841.21 Total 34,016,837.76 48,918,433.26 Governing Board of Directors ....0\ ~ r" .~?7' \/' 't-kA \-J.~"" C I L~ w~"" ~ :> ~:y-~\r~'........... Executive DIrector N. K. Joshi & Co. Chartered Accountants t£~.~... ~~ """"""""""" ~h ~~ ~ . .. . ~ ' .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. l.~:..lt~..... ." ,-' "'.::-. C:,' ':'-';»._- . .. .. . . .. .. . ,<. .. .. . .. ... ~PU .,-p~ :..:: 1 Schedule - I (Page-I) SBP-Details of Cash and Bank Balance Total ( A+B) S.N. Pa rticu lars Amount Rs. Cash & due from Bank Cash in Hand Cash at Bank (Current Account) Short Term Investment (Saving & Fixed) I 2 Amount Rs. 7,044,044.40 206,319.36 6,837,725.04 168,955,452.59 Total 175,999,496.99 A. Head Office, Kathmandu Particulars S. N. 1 2 Amount Rs. Cash & due from Bank Cashin Hand Amount Rs. 3,163,417.66 3,163,417.66 Cash at Bank (Current Account) Short Term Investment (Saving & Fixed) 167,303,813.09 Total ~ 170,467,230.75 B. Field Office Particulars S.N. ----' 1 2 -- -. _'n__' ,-- - - - n- ,- - - ---- . -- Cash & due from Bank 1.I Cash in Hand 1.2 Cash at Bank (Current Account) Short Term Investment (Saving & Fixed) Amount Rs. ----., - - Amount Rs. --, 3,880,626.74 206,319.36 3,674,307.38 1,651,639.50 M :.. Total i SBP-Details II ! l i" 1,651,639.50 5,532,266.24 of Bank Balance 1 Head Office. Kathmandu I S.N. Particulars 1 Bank Balance (Fixed Account & Savings Account) 1.1 Development Credit Bank 1.2 Global Bank Fixed 1.3 Development Credit Bank 1.4 Development Credit Bank 1.5 Machhapuchhre Bank Ltd. 1.6 Machhapuchhre Bank Ltd. 1.7 NDEP Bank Ltd. 1.8NDEP Bank Ltd. 1.9 NDEP Bank Ltd. 1.10 NDEP Bank Ltd. 1.11 NDEP Bank Ltd. 1.12 R. B. Bank 1.13 Kumari Bank 1.14 Sidhartha Bank Ltd. 1.15 Sidhartha Bank Ltd. 1.16 A.D. Bank 1.17 Global Bank Ltd. Bank Balance (Current Account) 2.1 Himalayan Bank Ltd. 2.2 Nabil Bank Ltd. 2.3 Nepal Bank Ltd. 2.4 Nepal Investment Bank Ltd. 2.5 R. B. Bank (JFPR) 2.6 Standard & Chartered Bank Ltd. 2.7 NIC Bank Ltd " '! t . t ., ! 2 I / \; Laxmi Bank (Current) 0003456 \ Ale.; Type AIC No F603411 FD 04 Fixed Fixed 116010000060' Fixed F603411 FD 03 03411SC Saving 16015240099 Call Deposit Fixed 014440/07 Fixed 1031000034 Fixed 1031000037 Fixed 1O31000098 Fixed 1031000096 1081000022 Call Deposit 136001643610 Saving 012252400210102< Saving Fixed F7028961FOI 004-028961 S Saving 100575 Saving 0108010005281 Saving Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current 10005970018 101O11679501 0135-11-0002236 1653800 136000230901 0419869 0 I 019510C-l 3456 Amount Rs. 167,303,813.09 30,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 856,605.74 1,266,199.32 7,500,000.00 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 17,191,857.03 133,570.15 896,975.91 5,990,000.00 175,980.90 3,024,327.53 268,296.51 3,163,417.66 32,264.32 47,872.23 2,760,/9/.25 /58,601.84 10,000.00 63,541.20 80,22;.Q o'ui:jfiir.52 Total 1\ \ , ~/~~r . f\l:... -- -- ~/ I I r 170,46'7;;230.75 \. r1 r - :', ',-. ~ Schedule - 1 (Page-2) SBP-Detailsof Cash and Bank Balance Field Office S.N. 1 4 5 4.1 Nepal Bank Ltd. (Current) 3061/60 SBP, Lamahi 3 6 7 8 9 I 10 11 I ! 12 i Amount Rs. SBP, AO, Kathmandu 1.1 Machhapuchre Bank Ltd. (Saving) 22283/86 SBP, AO, Ghorai 2.1 Agriculture Development Bank (Current)034230 SBP, Tulsipur 3.1 R.8o Bank (Current) 1619 3.2 R. 80 Bank (Saving) 11727 SBP, Ghorahi 2 Y Particulars 328,029.88 283,315.63 5.1 R. B. Bank (Saving) 7481 SBP, Lubhu 6.1 Cash 445,526.51 6.2 Agricultural Development Bank 010290 (Current) SBP, Sankhu 3,691.00 441,835.51 442,585.77 7.1 Nepal Bank Limited (581) (Current) SBP, Bungamati 8.1 Neapl Bank Ltd. (Saving)# 16256/110 8.2 Shikharapur Cooperative (Current) SBP, Banepa 9.1Agri. Dev Bank (Current) SBP, Chuchepati 10.1 Nepal Bank Ltd. (Current ale) 1330 SBP, Taukhel 442,585.77 11.1 Agriculture Dev. Bank (Current) 340,078.42 559,889.95 505,385.95 54,504.00 407,666.94 407,666.94 318,065.53 318,065.53 340,078.42 SBP, Bhaktapur 138,974.48 138,974.48 82,143.58 50,584.82 31,558.76 514,332.50 146,854.10 223,047.44 18.2 Nepal Bank Ltd. (Current ale) 517 SBP, Thimi 235,760.00 19 19,1 Nepal Bank Ltd. (Current) 475 SBP, Sandhikharka 20,1 Cash 163,355.65 20 20.2 R.B Bank (Saving) 19203 SBP, Dhadingbesi 21.1 Cash 132,965.00 18 21 /A C-,t?<----I --. - . . (\t;; ... ---- 5,812.00 29,775.40 171,898.48 171,898.48 223,047.44 235,760.90 0.90 133,179.11 214.11 ' : ,':. Total . 'Qm"''" .- >f\'h 'J ,. .,q' AA==p. ....-- .......- .." - - " 458,181.9-8\ ,,/' .',0. 5,033.00. 453,148.08 2 I. 35,587.40 163,355.65 21.2 R.B.Bank (Current) 4627 - 22,773.80 17.1 Machhapuehhre Bank Limited 20-22-524 (Saving) SBP, Lele 18.1 Cash 17 r; 439,562.71 12,400.63 427,162.08 367,478.40 16 I 23,421.47 23,421.47 14.2 Nepal Bank Ltd, (Current ale) 1330 SBP, Narayanpur 15.1 Cash 15.2 Agricultural Development Bank 044730 (Current) SBP, Kirtipur 16.1 R.B.Bank (Current) 999 SBP, Panauti 15 : 48,204.64 22,773.80 12,1NepalBank Ltd. 19-11-12106(Current) 13 SBP, Panchkhal 13.1AnnapumaBikas Bank(Current)00019SD 13.2MachhaapuehercheBank(Saving)021395 14 SBP, Chautara 14.1 Cash f Amount Rs. 48,204.64 " ? 0"" :. . ,"' -v" -. . -_. , :ot "..-- ii , S. N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 'f S~hedule- 2 SBP - Details of Loan Outstanding Particulars sap sap sap Sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap Amount (Rs.) 19,955,980.00 18,849,570.00 ] 1,384,800.00 10,783,620.00 17,470,615.00 8,605,920.00 ] 1,871,720.00 14,673,620.00 10,509,810.00 11,227,600.00 9,475,570.00 8,843,880.00 6,515,320.00 8,312,430.00 7,769,070.00 4,176,260.00 7,759,560.00 Tulsi ur Ghorahi. Lamahi Lubhu Sankhu Bun Bane a Chuche ati Badegaun Bhal Panchakhal Chautara Nara anpur Kriti ur Paunati Lele Thimi Sandhikharka Dhadingbesi 3,125,842.00 2,145,860.00 Total 193,457,047.00 Schedule- 3 SBP - Details of Provision for Loan Loss S.N. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~ Particulars sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap sap Amount ffis.) 830,096.80 Tulsi ur Ghorahi Lamahi Lubhu Sanhku Bun amati Bane a Chuche ati Bade aun Bhakt ur Panchakhal Chautara Nara an ur Kriti ur Paunati Lele Thimi Sandhikharka Ohadingbesi 868,353.60 466,908.00 756,44'6.00 724,385.20 344,236.80 474,868.80 586,944.80 420,392.40 477,728.80 375,638.80 353,755.20 260,612.80 332,497.20 3] ],162.00 170,263.00 3] 2,328.00 ]25,200.00 85,834.00'Jr.. Total Lr--J 1- ~ ~oh: (~. (}?V' ( ')0-- /' ~ '0~. /' -/I r. F/, ri\~Y(~3~ ~ ~.,." 8,277,652:20 \\ ,,< ' ~'/;/-0 \," ,~' ~. ~, , .', ~~ 'I Schedule- 4 SBP - Details of Investment (SB Bank) Loan Portfolio S.N. Particulars I 2 Swabalamban Bikas Bank (CSD-Loan) Swabalamban Bikas Bank -(GT- Loan) Total Amount Rs. 3,018,327.10 129,226.25 3,147,553.35 Schedule- 5 (page-I) SBP - Details of Sundry Debtors S. N. \ , I Particulars A SBP. Total Staff Advance B Others 2,570,383.13 A. SBP- Details Staff Advance Particulars S-:-N. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~i Amount Rs. 3,738,329.07 1,167,945.94 Amounffis. CSD/SBP Kathmandu SBP (AO) Ghorai SBP AO) Kathmandu SBP Tulsi ur SBP Ghorahi SBP Lamahi SBP Lubhu SBP Sankhu SBP Bun amati SBP Bane a SBP Chuche ati SBP Bade aun SBP Bhakta ur SBP Panchkhal SBP Chautara SBP Nara an ur SBP Kirti ur SBP Panauti SBP Lele SBP Thimi SBP Sandhikharka SBP Dhadingbesi 74,238.94 24,000.00 3,000.00 75,480.00 132,050.00 51,969.00 132,969.00 45,400.00 18,500.00 79,100.00 78,482.00 35,564.00 80,000.00 3,900.00 73,700.00 50,050.00 18,700.00 44,723.00 22,720.00 73,450.00 42,950.00 7,000.00 Total 1,167,945.94 ff I II b~~\4"~ '\ 1 ~ --:x1 ~y ~ ~~ ~ (\~-~ r -.'" '""""- i Schedule- 5 (page-2) , B. SBP- Details of Other Sundry Debtors S.N I 2 3 I 2 Particulars CSD Kathmandu Other Swabalamban Bikas Bank Ltd. Janakpur Magnus consulting Groups S.B.Bank Ltd (Receivable) SBP CSD/SBP Field Other Receivable (Ghorahi) Receivable from JFPR - (Banepa) Amount Rs. 2,540,730.13 - 2,400,000.00 120,000.00 20,730.13 29,653.00 13,938.00 15,715.00 Total 2,570,383.13 Schedule- 6 SBP-Details of Service Deposit S.N. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to II ]2 13 14 ]5 ]6 17 1, ~ Amount Rs. 12,652.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,750.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Particulars Nepal Telecom,Tulsipur Nepal Tececom, Lamahi Nepal Telecom, Sankhu Nepal Telecom, Ghorahi, AO Nepal Telecom, Ghorahi, BO Nepal Telecom, Chuchepati Nepal Telecom, Badegaun Nepal Telecom, Bhapktapur Nepal Telecom, Panchkhal Nepal Telecom, Narayanpur Nepal Tececom, Kirtipur Nepal Tececom, Lubhu Nepal Tececom, Thimi Nepal Tececom, Banepa Nepal Tececom, Panauti Nepal Tececom, Sandhikharka Nepal Tececom, Dhadingbesi Total 88,402.00 ~~ ~H :~~ ~~~ -~ -" L .-' -~ .; /' \~/ 0f\~ J~l~ . 1J. ~~~. ~..., .." ~ A ---- Particulars SoNo/ I I Steel I Wooden Office I I Field Other Total I I Furniture Furniture - - Head Office Kathmandu 2 IAreaOffice Ghorai 6,644.00 Equipment Vehicle Equipment 10,947.50 42,849.50 68,524.93 92,147.50 672,657.05 - - 3,192.00 164,797.19 6,528.40 9,961.72 42,123.61 - Ghorahi 7,980.00 9,379.75 25,043.66 - 3,231.50 Lamahi 6,184.56 14,942.63 31,001.84 - 7,063.39 8,073.36 14,623.75 8,406.00 - 8,484.75 Bun amati 13,015.00 19,455.50 7,231.50 3,982.70 - - 58,913.73 4,470.00 50,104.91 2,892.48 62,084.90 39,587.86 - - 82,538.50 43,588.75 3,886.75 - 32,848.00 6,584.00 3,863.00 Chuche ati 11,064.92 19,86\.25 5,812.75 4,643.25 4 1,382.I7 Badegaun 10,474.92 15,832.50 6,976.00 - 3,603.15 36,886.57 15,168.00 20,568.75 6,773.50 - 3,882.00 - 46,392.25 6,338.00 - 5,233.00 555.00 44,191.00 52,014.10 ISBP Chautara I ISSP Kriti ur 18 ISBP Paunati 18,415.00 23,817.70 15,465.80 7,358.30 - 5,372.30 - 11,340.00 17,725.00 15,188.00 - 3,825.00 - 48,078.00 14,244.00 19,346.50 6,165.65 4,889.00 - 44,645.15 3,714.43 - 33,110.99 - 36,955.00 12,952.10 13,273.12 - 4,064.00 21,090.00 - 6,631.00 4,094.00 38,631.00 18,874.00 4,201.00 - 4,865.00 280.00 36,188.00 5,742.75 - 34,493/75 7,748.00 14,521.00 2e ISBP Thimi 6,816.00 7,968.00 Sandhikharka 22 ISBP Ohadingbesi Total 9,216.00 13,597.50 5,937.50 233,053.96 337,728.16 992,938.80 ' rr 160,673.43 92,568.84 ' 1- h£ - .--.-.- - 3,171.34 10,622.00 - 19 ISBPLele ISSP 300.00 12,814.00 13,650.00 21 - 9,587.00 Bane a 17 741,539.28 1,900.00 4 1.00 - - 65,456.37 43,891.55 34,606.05 357.30 1,323.50 13,093.14 23,939.75 I 3,691.87 10,573.00 20,009.00 I Equipment 3 Sankhu Books assets Non-durable T"--'' dl \ 53--- 300.00 357.30 16,806.98 1,834,42'f7'1I' "0 """ ..''c . . "I , I Schedule-8 SBP Formats I Pass Book I Total Head Office Kathmandu 50,095.97 2 SBP/AO Ghorai 72,383.51 3 ISBP/AO Kathmandu 47,889.29 4 SBP Tulsipur 10,689.78 1,053.15 11,742.93 SBP Ghorahi 32,178.92 34,309.82 SBP Lamahi 15,615.92 2,130.90 - 7 SBP Lubhu 50,950.44 4,849.25 55,799.69 8 SBP Sankhu 29,103.52 6,207.65 35,311.17 9 ISBP Bungamati 12;910.11 864.58 13,774.69 10 ISBP Banepa 13,122.89 1,318.64 14,441.53 11 SBP Chuchepati I III 65 20,60].34 54,910.0 I - 125,607.32 72,383.51 47,889.29 15,615.92 20,130.82 2,273.65 22,404.47 12 SBP Baoegaun 6,500.94 1,666.00 8,166.94 13 SBP Bhaktpur 14 SBP Panchakhal 30,452.37 39,879.42 18,952.42 9,427.05 72.52 15 SBP Chautara 20,782.30 3,099.30 23,881.60 16 SBP Narayanpur 17 SBP Kritipur 24,700.64 2,334.40 27,035.04 15,480.45 1,487.5D 16,967.95 18 SBP Paunati 19,464.41 1,505.35 20,969.76 SBP Lele 15,838.67 18,600.37 SBP Thimi 22,870.09 2,761.70 - I 19 120 If 21 SBP Sandhikharka t Others Stock 1 . - of Stationery Stationery Particulars S.N. - Details ! II 22 I I' - 7,263.77 SBP Dhadingbesi 12,910.95 --- 19,024.94 22,870.09 7,263.77 2,270.30 15,181.25 - I Total 550,288.18 20,601.34 98,231.95 I t 669,121.47 " ...... ~j, ? :; Schedule- 9 Details of SBP - Branch Account Amount Rs. Particulars S.N. Account in Transit - I SBP P.O. Bardibas 2 SBP AO Ghorahi 3 SBP AO Koteshwor 4 SBP B.O. Tulsipur (708,712.31 5 SBP B.O. Ghorahi 60,829.14 6 SBP Sub-B.O. Lamahi 93,827.52 7 SBP B.O. Lubhu 8 SBP Sub B. Sankhu 9 SBP Sub. B.O.Bungmati 517,787.15 51,715.24 (608,350.94' , 1,510,955.76 (850.36' 10 SBP Sub. B.O. Banepa 550,783.32 11 SBP Sub-B.O. Chuchepati 366,761.36 12 SBP Sub-B.O. Taukhel 333,323.08 13 SBP Sub-B.O. Bhaktapur (13,728.97) 14 SBP Sub B.O. Panchakhal 145,114.46 15 SBP Sub B.O. Chautara (11,048.38 7,116.37 16 SBP Sub B.O. Narayanpur 8 17 SBP Sub B.O. Kirtipur (5,356.73 18 SBP Sub B.O. Panauti (33,199.60 19 SBP Sub B.O.Lele 25,614.20 20 SBP Sub B.O. Thimi (6,183.66) 21 SBP Sub B.O. Dhadingbesi (2,986.00) i. 104,831.35 22 SBP Sub B.O. Sandhikharka 23 SBP Sub B.O. Damauli 76,800.00 24 SBP Sub B.O. Gorkha 69,000.00 25 SBP Sub B.O. Putalibazar Svania 89,300.00 26 SBP Sub B.O. Tamghas Gulmi 72,000.00 I ii ]1 . !1 : Total S. N. Particulars 1 ICSD General (SBP) , 1, d I " 2,685,342.00 Amount Rs. 22,001,811.66 H [II I I ~~ I Schedule-I 0 SBP - Details of Grameen Trust Loan S.N. 1 2 3 4 Amount Rs. Particulars Hathilet Branch Fund 1.1 Loan fund for disbursement 1.2 Loan fund for operating cost Dhalkebar Branch Fund 2.1 Loan fund for disbursement 2.2 Loan fund for operating cost Gaushala Branch Fund 3.1 Loan fund for disbursement 3.2 Loan fund for operating cost Lahan Branch Fund 4.1 Loan Fund Scaling-up (SBP Lahan) 4.2 GT Opetation Fund Amount Rs. 129,222.00 123,773.89 5,448.11 7.00 1.00 6.00 (2.50) (2.50) 0.25) I' II (1.22 ) 0.97 Total 129,226.25 I' .~ ~ Schedule-II d . SBP - Details of Loan From Other Institutions ParticularsILoan S.N. 1 Amount Rs. 3,351,662.00 Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) 1.1 NRB -Pove 2 Alleviation Loan- Dang Loan RMDC 3,351,662.00 835,000.00 72,000,000.00 1,235,000.00 3 2.1 RMDC Loan (2061/62) 2.2 RMDC Loan (2063/64) 2.3 RMDC Loan (JFPR) Loan From Commercial Bank 3.1 Himalayan Bank Ltd. (D.S.) > 3.2 Nepal Investment Bank Ltd. (D.S.) 3.3 Standard Chatered Bank Ltd (D.S.) 3.4 NIC Bank Ltd. (D.S.) 45,000,000.00 45,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 25,000,000.00 3.5 Laxmi Bank Ltd. (D.S) 10,000,000.00 I, Amount Rs. 74,070,000.00 155,000,000.00 232,421,662.00 ~ ->~ I -,.-- ~ r I i Schedule- 12 (Page- 1) SBP - Details of Clients' Deposits Particulars I EJ Amount Rs. I A I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I Total Fund of SBP Tulsipur 2,627,900.00 782,431.00 3,640,633.00 1,582,169.00 76,767.00 - Centre SavinJ?;s Interest on Centre SavinJ?;s Group SavinJ?;s Personal SavinJ?;s Welfare Fund Education Fund Pension Fund 2,242,371.00 - WeddinJ?;SavinJ?;s/ Wibaha Bachat Parba Bachat Interest on Education SavinJ?; Interest On Pension SavinJ?; Interest on WeddinJ?; SavinJ?;s/Wibaha Bac 9, /87.00 223,678.00 - B Total Fund of SBP Ghorahi 1 2 Centre SavinJ?;s Interest on Centre SavinJ?;s 3,100,550.00 3 4 Group SavinJ?;s Personal SavinJ?;s 3,060,385.00 1,434,424.00 5 Welfare Fund Education Fund 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9,530,353.00 678,568.00 45,860.00 238,930.00 Pension Fund . WeddinJ?; SavinJ?;s/Wibaha Bachat Parba Bachat Interest Interest Interest Interest on Education Saving On Pension SavinJ?; on WeddinJ?; SavinJ?;s/Wibaha Bac On Parba Saving C Total Fund of SBP Lamahi 1 Centre SavinJ?;s 2 Interest on Centre Savings 3 Group Savings 4 Personal SavinJ?;s 5 Welfare Fund 6 Education Fund 7 Pension Fund 8 WeddinJ?;SavinJ?;s/ Wibaha Bachat 9 Parba Bachat 10 Interest on Education SavinJ?; ] 1 Interest On Pension SavinJ?; 12 Interest on Wedding Savings/ Wibaha Bac f5- 13 .861,850.00 17,610.00 /0,870.00 25,001.00 54,021.00 1,680.00 604.00 6,770,937.00 /,685, /00.00 239,532.00 /,962,643.00 1,925,141.00 32,727.00 8,070.00 858,146.00 " 680.00 482.00 58,406.00 /0.00 Interest On Parba Saving ......, """' f _'-J ~ -4f5 ~ ~\~.'~'. ~~ ~ .'-, I 11,185,136.00 13 InterestOnParbaSaving '~ Amount Rs. ~r .4MJ ~~ , I D I Total Fund of SBP Lubhu CentreSavin5?:s 2 Interest on Centre Savins;;s 3 GroupSavins;;s Personal Savinf!s 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~ "'" Interest On Pension 12 13 Interest on Weddins;; Savins;;s/ 5,432.00 Wibaha Bac Interest On Parba Savinf! 5 6 7 Welfare Fund Education Fund Pension Fund 8 9 Weddins;;Savins;;s/Wibaha Bachal Parba Bachat 10 Interest on Education Savins;; II Interest On Pension Savins;; 2 3 2,848,425.00 - 4 1 50,562.00 Savins;; Total Fund ofSBP Sankhu CentreSavinf!s Interest on Centre Savinf!s Group Savinf!s Personal Savinf!s - 11,184,158.00 3,031,477.00 2,695,918.00 3,074,724.00 106,326.00 2,040,387.00 - 29,270.00 206,056.00 - 13 InterestOn Farha Savins;; - F 1 2 3 4 5 Total Fund of SBP Bungamati 6 7 13 Education Fund Pension Fund Weddinf! Savinf!s/ Wibaha Bachat Parba Bachat Interest on Education Savinf! Interest On Pension Savins;; Interest on Weddins;;Savins;;s/Wibaha Bac Interest On Parba Savinf! G I 2 3 Total Fund of SBP Banepa Centre Savins;;s Interest on Centre Savins;;s Group Savinf!s 1,602,404.00 4 5 6 Personal Savins;;s Welfare Fund Education Fund 1,356,340.00 39,410.00 -., / Centre Savinf!s Interest on Centre Savinf!s Group SavinRs Personal Savinf!s Welfare Fund Wens/on fund 8 Weddinf! Savins;;s/Wibaha Bachat 9 Parba I0 Interest Bachat on Education 7,936,692.00 1,569,283.00 1,666,882.00 3,414,120.00 37,762.00 - 1,153,445.00 - 1,628.00 93,572.00 , - I i -" 5,970,833.00 1,703,001.00 - , .' I, 155,465.UU 7,689.001' Saving II Interest On Pension Saving 12 Interest on Weddins;;Savins;;s/Wibaha Bac 13 Interest On Parba Savinf! i' - 12 Interest on Weddinf! Savinf!s/ Wibaha Bac 9 10 11 12 ~ - Welfare 'Fund Education Fund Pension Fund Weddins;;Savinf!s/ Wibaha Bachal Parba Bachat Interesl on Education Savins;; 8 ., 652,448.00 2,169,535.00 3,723,004.00 10 11 E , Schedule-12(Page-2) 9,449,406.00 ~'/0~~~~~'\l~~~~'S~-M1>~~ -. 106,524.00 - . ' ,,' :.:;, , .',' ,- ' ,','~ r-"'-Y\~ t-'J .., -H I -2 -3 -4 5 6 -7 8 9 -10 -II -12 -13 -I -1 2 Schedule- 12 (Page- 3 7,904,780.00 1,469,710.00 1,593,973.00 2,944,082.00 46,415.00 1,670,140.00 47,923.00 132,537.00 7,735,352.00 921,850.00 I 105 1,752,010.00 3,240,657.00 27,853.00 -6 -7 1,792,982.00 II t , 1 'L I. t I I 1 .. i 8 9 -10 -11 -12 13 -I -1 -2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 J 1 2 3 4 -5 -6 -7 -8 9 10 ]1 12 13 ' 6,302,388.00 135,130.00 1,650,366.00 2,073,198.00 33,008.00 2,240,310.00 170,376.00 2,682,818.00 504,250.00 43,252.00 877,667.00 518,350.00 17,503.00 671,790.00 " . 1 . 4,491.00 ~4 45,515.00 - ~~ , Schedule- 12 (Page- 4) 1,974,807.50 1,575.00 642,992.00 364,950.50 10,798.00 f 902,760.00 I t 51,732.00 3,095,967.00 220,000.00 41,238.00 971,775.00 748,851.00 13,608.00 - 1,039,400.00 61,095.00 7,727,876.00 1,090,313.00 I 1,007,109.00 4,350,968.00 38,619.00 1,170,491.00 t;. 70,376.00 I I L 2,821,231.00 11 184,502.00 I I 752,814.00 686,731.00 12,233.00 l 1,106,315.00 4,504.00 74,132.00 ~~ -' 'Q.-<-~ ,/ ~; ~~ ~ ~ ~ f- , Schedule- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 'I I I I e! , ; i ~ # ~ I, I 12 (Page- 5, 1,422,544.00 330,926.00 39/,394.00 388,817.00 6,524.00 288,390.00 /6,493.00 P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 4,078,911.00 /59,792.00 823,483.00 /,866,/07.00 /5,3/0.00 /,209,549.00 4,670.00 439,795.00 Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 90,/50.00 /,742.00 /32,/65.00 /35,862.00 /,290.00 77,630.00 956.00 Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 163,535.00 2/,875.00 92,900.00 /7,721.00 118.00 .'://' ;:~. . 30,705.00 a11:.".0.4 2/6.00 ~IJ\ ~ ~~ ;'-:. \r'~~~ l3 r C'I\~'\r \Nlt~ S~ ~ -- -Ai.---~I~ ~~ r- .-, 1\ Schedul I ] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 12 (P 6), 108,377,519.50 Total Deposits Of Clients Centre Savins Interest on Centre Savings Group Savins 19,499,832.00 1,786,763.00 27,487,048.00 33,846,216.50 612,693.00 2,287,387.00 21,320,164.00 17,610.00 121,674.00 231,539.00 1,164,299.00 1,680.00 614.00 Personal Savings Welfare Fund Education Fund Pension Fund Weddin Savin?;sl Wibaha Bachat Parba Bachat Interest on Education Savin Interest On Pension Savin Interest on Weddin Savinsl Wibaha Bac Interest On Parba Saving I III Total Deposits Of Member I 108,377,519.50 r . Schedule- 13 SBP - Details of Interest Payable Particulars S.N. Amount (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) 451,580.14 Total Interest Payable I 1 2 3 5 I Interest Payable (OT Interest Payable (OT Interest Payable (OT Interest Payable (OT [I " 2 1,855.36 2,671.71 53,391.96 373,661.11 Dhalkebar Branch) Oaushala Branch) Hathilet Branch) Seed Capital) Total 451,580.14 I i I I ~' Schedule- ]4 SBP - Details of General Reserve S.N. 1 Particulars Amount (Rs.) Equity Previous Year's Equity Current Year's Savin Amount (Rs.) 43,819,041.11 34,065,199,90 9,753,841.21 Total ~~ 'v--.~...~ ~~ '.,./ ?V\\i<~ / 43,819,041.11 ~1 ~ ",'::>' ~~ # '"., ',., ",' '~ . , ', :::""' '\" , ,', , , t..J " j{ " ', , ' ~~, -: Schedule- 15 SBP - Details of Other Funds S.N. . A I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 13 ]4 15 16 17 18 19 . [ t I t \ I I I J I j ~i JJ I I i rII , . Particulars Life I Housin Protection Life & Housin, Protection Life & Housin: Protection Life & Housin: Protection Life & Hou:;in Protection Life & Housin, Protection Life & Housin, Protection Life & Housin: Protection Life & Housin, Protection Life & Housin, Protection Life & Housin, Protection Life & Housin, Protection Life & Housin, Protection Life & Housin Protection Life & Housin, Protection Life & Housini Protection Life & Housini Protection Life & Housin Protection Life & Housin Protection Life & Housm Protection I Fund Scheme (Tulsipur) Scheme (Ghorahi) Scheme (Lamahi) Scheme (Luvu: Scheme(Sankhu) Scheme(Bungmati) Scheme(Banepa) Scheme (Chuchepati) Scheme (Badegaun) Scheme (Bhaktpur) Scheme (Panchakhal) Scheme (Chautara) Scheme (Narayanpur) Scheme (Kirtipur) Scheme (Panauti) Scheme (Lele) Scheme (Thimi) Scheme (Sandhikharka) Scheme illha51iI1gbesi) Amount (Rs.) 683,161.00 485,050.00 189,300.00 339,050.00 3 I0, 150.00 ]90,050.00 858,030.00 158,350.00 100,990.00 196,500.00 72,150.00 83,750.00 57,350.00 69,750.00 50,200.00 30,375.00 22,850.00 21,900.00 22,450.00 LivestockProtection Scheme B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection Livestock Protection C I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Others Passbook Fund SBP Communi Oevelo ment Fund SBP Oevelo ment Fund StafTGratui Fund (SBP) Photoco Maintenance fund (New) Self-bel livestock Insurance Fund Self-bel livestock Protection Fund Livestock P.S. Fund ~ Amount (Rs. 3,941,406.00 {2,582.00 Scheme-EO Tulsipur Scheme-EO Ghorai Scheme-Sub. BO Lamahi Scheme- BO. Luvu Scheme-Sub. B. Sankhu Scheme- SBO Bungmati Scheme-SED Banepa Scheme-SED Chuchepati Scheme-SED Badegaun Scheme-SED Bhal Scheme-SED Panchakhal Scheme-SED Kritipur Scheme-SED Lele Scheme-SED Thimi Scheme-SED Sandhikharka Scheme-SED Ohadingbesi (2,884.00) 180.00 (10,370.00 8,103.00 300.00 2,442.00 1,260.00 870.00) (8,531.00 504.00 3,320.00 340.00 3,624.00 ~ ) ,t 'to f t III 3,101,544.73 446,875.50 5,652.00 804,439.74 1,04],081.58 101,155.00 3,436.87 184,607.98 293,883.46 73,470.87 ]46,941.73 9 . Trainin fund (SBP) 10 Staff Welfare fund (SBP) ~~ --J~~\ .)y~~-- ~ 'Q...~ <,v-a.. - II; , ." 7 ,Q~tO,368..73 Total ( A+B+C) v .-' ~. ".,. ~ .~ ~. c~ '0~ ." ~ 1 Schedule- 16 SBP - Details of Sundry Creditors S. N. 1 CSD/SBP HO & Field Offices (Start) 2 SBP HOIBOISBO (Other) Other payables payable AlC (SBP) Other payables (Tuslsipur) CIT (Employes Provident fund)- HO CIT (Employes Provident fund)- Field Repro Vision Press (P) Ltd. Baneshwor Sundry creditors ( Others) INAFI Manahari Khadka, Satdobato, Lalitpur Pradip Lal Kama Ram Prasad Oahal I II Particulars Amount (Rs.) 13,040.00 59,896.93 5,000.00 131.38 4,142.80 10,000.00 512,542.50 79,725.95 2,100.00 600.00 500.00 Sanjib Chaudhary P-a/c Janga Bahadur Khadka t I Amount (Rs.) 3,862.12 691,213.56 1,000.00 2,534.00 Total (1+2) I 695,075.68 I J Schedule- 17 i I .~ 1 , SBP - Details of Supporting Agencies Project Advance Particular S.N. I Plan IntKtm. (SBP Makwanpur) Amount (Rs.) 2,400,000.00 Total 2,400,000.00 ~ r'l " I \ SBP - Details of Development Reserve S.N. 1 SBP Kathmandu 2 3 4 SBP Tulsipur SBP Ghorahi SBP Lubhu 5 6 SBP Sankhu SBP Narayanpur , Particulars Amount (Rs.) 1.00 1,795.40 6.00 2.00 1.00 7,600.00 Total 1 Schedule-IS 9,405.40 " tI ~ , ;t \. '--.:!' "'"""'-... -- -- I I :a.. Schedule ~ - 19 . SBP - Details of Interest Income S.N. \ Particulars Amount (Rs.) Interest on Loan 41,698,507.00 1.1 SSP Tulsipur 4,430,873.00 1.2 SSP Ghorahi 4,188,061.00 1.3 SSP Lamahi 2,597,789.00 ", 1.4 SSP Lubhu 3,393,199.00 1.5 SSP Sankhu 4,146,437.00 2,325,738.00 2,707,304.00 2,938,377.00 2,370,679.00 ei t I I \ 1.10 SSP Bhaktpur 2,943,285.00 1.11 SSP Pancchkhal 1,894,930.00 1.12 SSP Chautara 1,656,6 I8.00 1.13 SSP Narayanpur 1,299,641.00 1.14 SSP Kritipur 1.15 SSP Panauti 1,513,915.00 1.16 SSP Lele 956,476.00 1.17 SSP Thimi 586,650.00 J. I8 SSP Sandhikharka 180,619.00 I.I 9 SSP Dhadingbesi 2 3 ~' 1,477,583.00 90,333.00 , Interest On Loan Fund 90,671.18 2.1 Interest income on SB Bank Loan 55,797.34 2.2 Interest income on Social Loan (Staff) 34,873.84 6,458,574.55 Interest on deposits (FiJ{~(L~Savings ale} 3.1 SBPHeadOffice 6,443, 119.57 3.2 SSP Tulsipur 6,618. IO 3.3 SSP Lamahi 1,845.00 3.4 SSP Bungamati 2,739.01 3.5 SSP Panchkhal I 925.73 3.6 SSP Panauti \I 3.7 SSP AO Koteshwor 1,444.91 4 11.23 3.8 SBP Sandhikharka 1,471.00 Total(1+2+3) ':fft A , C )~~ .~~ 'y <"~~~ ~'.-,. ~ 48,247,752.73 +~ .....~..>...,'," .. l~i' ~~~ / ' .t"..,../~ ~, ~ . ' rJ 'l\ .' 0\~ ~ I I r Schedule - 20 SBP -Details of Other Income Particulars S. N. 1 Amount (Rs.) SBP Head Office 252,674.45 0.00 2 2 SBP AO Koteshwor 3 SBP Tulsipur 23,179.56 4 SBP Ghorahi 13,848.00 5 SBP Lamahi 20,471.75 6 SBP Lubhu 12,177.32 7 SBP Sankhu 23,148.40 8 SBP Bungamati 9 SBP Banepa 30,571.00 10 SBP Chuchepati 13,125.00 11 SBP Badegaun 43,253.46 12 SBP Bhaktpur 70,325.32 13 SBP Pancchakhal 3,603.00 14 SBP Chautara 1,903.00 15 SBP Narayanpur 16 SBP Kirtipur 3,000.00 501.00 17 SBP Panauti 9,229.72 18 SBP Lele 1,050.00 138,131.55 10,488.00 Total rl ~~~ I ~ t J I 1~ i f 1 1. I . I , . g I I ~ L- ---L 670,680.53 ill 7 r-- - , Schedule - 21 SBP-Details of Program / Project Operational Expenditure 5.N. 1 n I £ (" Depreciation Expense Expense Expense 2,568,257.37 CSD/SBP, Kathmandu 2,019,787.76 79,437.98 Total . .Expense 4,667,483.11 196,932.00 119,301.15 8,094.87 324,328.02 3 SBP AO Kathmandu 196,127.79 164,557.56 26,857.79 387,543.14 191,952.23 7,869.41 1,265,347.58 SBP Tulsipur 1,065,525.94 5 SBP Ghorahi 994,306.60 256,415.40 6,798.35 1,257,520.35 6 SBP Lamahi 797,871.10 209,040.95 7,544.10 1,014,456.15 7 SBP Lubhu 1,093,079.15 193,640.35 7,163.42 1,293,882.92 8 SBP Sankhu 1,153,880.92 227,083.88 11,865.75 1,392,830.55 710,46330 173,986.69 5,905.00 890,354.99 10 SBP Banepa 784,535.60 153,053.55 6,049.00 943,638.15 11 SBP Chuchepati 843,784.10 255,155.60 6,466.38 12 SBP Badegaun 675,874.95 175,876.42 6,345.48 SBP Bhaktpur 945,537.70 190,089.04 7,507.00 14 SBP Panchakhal 626,320.68 147,250.91 5,271.00 778,842.59 15 SBP Chautara 650,947.01 142,885.39 4,906.74 798,739.14 16 SBP Naarayanpur 668,602.50 99,894.60 4,688.50 773,185.60 17 550,941.60 156,51453 5,490.80 712,946.93 18 SBP Panuti 522,947.80 136,932.33 3,786.64 663,666.77 19 SBP Lele 481,328.90 110,121.26 5,504.00 596,954.16 SBP Thimi 229,931.80 85,515.52 2,559.00 318,006.32 SBP Sandhikharka 213,907.00 119,788.66 2,466.00 336,161.66 SBP Dhadingbesi 205,108.97 97,457.20 2,101.25 304,667.42 13 ~I Administrative SBP AO Ghorai 9 r Personnel 2 4 I Particulars 20 21 22 SBP Bungamati SBP Kirtipur Total 5,426.300,98 16,176,212,78 224,678.46 1,105,406.08 858,096.85 1,143,133.74 21,827,192.22 1 \. , ;-~~ ~. {/I I 1 , I 1 I. -~ ~~~~ '0P ~ -- ------ ~.~~~ \ 0~;(- ,\~?,.It J i T'1 , r . ~ .. - Schedule 22 SBP- Details of Program / Project Support Expenditure S. N. Particulars Amount Rs. Amount Rs. 1 CSD/SBP Kathmandu 125,659.50 Training Expense(SBP-Extemal ) 25,096.50 Review and Planning Expense SBP 12,946.00 CSD Rating Expenses (SBP) 86,617.00 Observation Fee Expenses (SBP) 1,000.00 2 SBP AO Ghorahi 20,396.00 Training & Seminar Expense 20,396.00 3 SBP, AO Kathmandu 2,354.00 Training & Seminar Expense 2,354.00 4 SBP Tulsipur Training & Seminar Expense 14,115.00 14,115.00 5 SBP Lubhu 7,090.00 7,090.00 Training & Seminar Expense 6 SBP Banpa 9,372.00 9,372.00 Training & Seminar Expense 7 SBP Chautara 11,890.00 Training & Seminar Expense 8 SBO Sandhikharka 11,890.00 Training & Seminar Expense 8,365.50 I: 8,365.50 Total 199,242.00 h'r~ f~ ~ ~ a I , , '-. u - ... .... - Schedule 23 SBP-Details of Interest / Expense Particulars S. N. Amount Rs. Interest on Loan Interest expense on Himalayan Bank Ltd. - D.S. Interest expense on Nepal Investment Bank Ltd. - D.S. Interestexpense on NIC Bank Ltd. - D.S. Interestexpense on Standard Chartered Bank Ltd. - D.S. Interestexpense on RMDC loan (SBP) Interestexpense on RMDC loan (JFPR) Interestexpense on Poverty Alleviation Loan (NRB), SBP Dang Interestexpense on Laxmi Bank Ltd. - D.S Interestexpense Development Credit Bank Ltd. - FOR Loan. 2 Interest on Client Savings 2.1 SBP Tulsipur 2.2 SBP Ghorahi 2.3 SBP Lamahi 2.4 SBP Lubhu 2.5 SBP Sankhu 2.6 SBP Bungamati 2.7 SBP Banepa 2.8 SBP Chuchepati 2.9 SBP Badegaun 2.10 SBP Bhaktpur 2.11SBP Panchakhal. 2.12 SBP Chautara 2.13 SBP Narayanpur 2.14 SBP Kirtipur 2. I5 SBP Panauti 2.16 SBP Lele 2.17 SBP Thimi 2. I8 SBP Sandhikharka 2.19 SBP Dhadingbesi Total Amount Rs. 8,433,182.37 1 ~ .. . 288,504.85 1,204,247.72 1,067,923.82 1,143,835.66 .4,383,735.00 106,615;00 154,176.50 14,335.48 69,808.34 6,353,939.00 699,33) .00 581,365.00 398,781.00 677 ,328.00 689,408.00 536,724.00 386,847.00 452,593.00 460,522.00 374,978.00 148,848.00 94,205.00 164,868.00 349,568.00 132,545.00 72,793.00 125,575.00 5,838.00 1,822.00 14,787,121.37 Schedule - 24 SBP-Details of Provision for Loan Loss Expenses I S.N. ~r I 2 "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Particulars Amount Rs. 1,997,270.20 Amount Rs. Provision for Loan Loss SBP Tulsipur SBP Ghorahi SBP Lamahi SBP Luvu SBP Sankhu SBP Banepa SBP Chuchepati SBP Badegaun SBP Bhaktpur SBP Panchakhal SBP Chautara SBP Narayanpur SBP Kirtipur SBP Panauti SBP Lele SBP Thimi SBP Sandhikharka SBP Dhadingbesi 88,527.60 126,900.40 62,048.00 64,608.00 79,103.60 51,985.20 182,972.00 67,862.80 6 I,797.60 136,146.40 141,930.80 84,3 16.80 135,245.20 120,096.80 70,367.00 312,328.00 125,200.00 85,834.00 Total I rr: !. i --L \/' ~~'--~ I/'. d rfll~ - _:n/~_.- ~~ . 1,997,270.20 .- \."Jtv.- . ._~~..P'-.Jt n~v- 1 ~~-- ~ - ~~/Y.. " /