There are literally thousands of medical terms. It would be very difficult to memorize the meaning of
each and every word. Most of the terms have a Greek or Latin origin.
However, it is not necessary to learn each and every word. A more efficient approach is to learn the
basic word parts and recognize them in a word.
The vocabulary will be broken down in to 3 categories:
1. Prefix - word part attached to the beginning of a word root and modifies its
2. Root - contains the fundamental meaning of the word.
3. Suffix - word part attached to the end of a word root to modify its meaning.
On Monday and Wednesday at the beginning of the period, you will copy down 5 vocabulary words,
the meaning of each word, and an example of the use of the word.
On Friday, you will take a quiz where you will have to define the 10 words for that week.
6. tendin7. alb8. peri9. nulli10. alve-
not, without. Atresia: A (without) + tresia (perforation). Not having an
beside, beyond. Paracervical: Para beside) + cervical (cervix). Next to the uterine
“para” sounds like
amnion or membraneous fetal sac. Amniocentesis: Amnio (fetal sac) + centesis
(puncture). The removal of a small amount of amniotic fluid for analysis. “amnio”
sounds like “I am new”.
before. Anterior: Ante (before) + rior (foremost). The front portion of a
structure. “ante” sounds like “auntie”.
pregnancy. Pseudocyesis: Psuedo (false) +cyes (pregnant) + esis (condition). A
in which a woman believes she is pregnant. “cyes” sounds like “sighs”.
fibrous band. Tendinitis: Tendin(tendons) + itis (inflammation). The inflammation of
the tendons. “tend” sounds like “ten”.
white. Albino: An individual with a lack of coloring pigment in the skin eyes, and hair.
“alba” sounds like “album”.
around. Pericardium: Peri (around) + cardium(heart). A fibroserous sac that
surrounds the heart and the roots of the great vessels. “peri” sounds like
none. Nullipara: Nulli (none) + para (childbirth). A woman who has not yet
delivered an infant. “nulli” sounds like “no light”.
channel, cavity. Alveolitis: Alve (cavity) + ol (small) + itis (inflammation). An allergic
inflammation of the alveoli.
11.lacrim12.lei13.nephr14.crypto15.aur16. cry17. dia-
tears. Lacrimal gland: Lacrim (tears) + - al (related to), The lacrimal gland
secretes tears. “lacrim” sounds like
“lake rim”
smooth. Leiodermia: Leio (smooth) + derm (skin) + ia (condition). Smooth
skin. “leio” sounds like “lying”.
kidney. Nephritis: Nephr (kidney) + -itis (inflammation). An inflammation
of the kidney. “nephr” sounds like “nephew”.
hidden. Cryptogenic: Crypto (hidden) + genic (origin). A disease whose
origin is unknown. “crypto” sounds like
ear. Auricle: Aur (ear) + i + cle (small). The outer part of the ear. “auri” sounds like
cold. Cryotherapy: Cry (cold) + therapy . Treatment using cold.
across. Diaphragm: Dia (cross) +phragm (muscular wall). The muscle
that goes across the chest cavity. “dia” sounds like “diary”.
18. eti19. bi20. meta-
causing disease. Etiology: Eti (causing disease) + logy (study of). The study of
the caused of disease. “eti” sounds like “eating”.
two. Binocular: Bi (two) + ocular (eye). Having two eyes. “bi” sounds like “bicycle”.
change of exchange. Metamorphosis: Meta (change) + morph (shape) + osis
(condition). A change in shape. “meta”
sounds like “ met a”.
21. exmany
22. noct23. poly24. ecto25. myo26. brady27. dys28. trans29. supra30. eusuffering.
outside, without. Exoskeleton: Ex (outside) + skeleton. The hard outer covering of
night. Nocturia: Noct (night) + uria (urination). Excessive urination at night. “noct”
sounds like “knock”.
many, much. Polymorphous: Poly (many) + morp (shape) + ous (relating to). Changing
in structure or form at different stages. “poly” sounds like “police”.
outside, misplaced. Ectoderm: Ecto (ouside) + derm (skin). The outer layer
of cells in the embryo. “ecto” sounds like “octopus”
muscle. Myocardium: Myo (muscle) + card (heart) + ium. The muscle of the
heart. “myo” sounds like “my O”
slow. Bradypnea: Brady (slow) + pnea (breathing). An abnormally slow rate of
breathing. “brady” sounds like “braid”
painful or difficult. Dysmenorrhea: Dys (painful) + men (month) + rrhea
(bursting forth). Painful menstruation.
across, through. Transducer: Trans (through) + duc (lead) + er (agent of).
An electronic device that sends and receives a soundwave signal.
above or over. Suprapatellar: Supra “above” + patell (kneecap) + ar (related
to). Above the patella.
normal, well, good. Euthanasia: Eu (normal) + thanas (death) + ia (condition). Bringing
about the death of someone with an incurable disease, in an attempt to alleviate
“eu” sounds like “you”
31. pan32. rhabdoA
33. scler34. ton35. sym36. sub37. hemi38. pre39. post40. photo-
all. Panacea: Pan (all) + acea (remedy). A remedy that is imagined to cure all
striated, rod shaped. Rhabdomyoma: Rhabdo (striated) + myo (muscle) + oma (tumor).
tumor of the striated muscle. “rhabdo” sounds like “rabbit”.
hard. Sclera: Scler (hard) + a (singular noun). The hard white membrane covering the
front of the eye. “sclera” sound like “skull”
pressure, tension. Tonometer: Ton (pressure) + 0 + meter (instrument for measuring).
An instrument that measures pressure in the eyeball.
with, together. Symmetry: Sym syn (together) + metry (measure). A correspondence of
body parts on both sides of the body.
under. Subcutaneous: Sub(under) + cutaneous (skin). Underneath the skin.
half. Hemiplegia: Hemi (half) + plegia (paralysis). Paralysis of one side of the
before. Prefrontal: Pre (before) + front (front) + al (related to). Related to
extreme front of the brain.
after, behind. Post Partum: Post (after) + Partum (birth). An example is postpartum care, or “after-birth” care.
light. Photophobia: Photo (light) + phobia (fear). An aversion to light.
41. phon-
voice sound. Phonation: Phon (voice) + ation (process). The production of
speech sounds through the vibration of the voice cords.
42. per43. neo44. multi45. micro46. intra47. inter48. hyp49. hyper50. epi-
throughout. Percutaneous: Per (through) + cutaneous (skin). A
procedure performed through the skin.
new. Neonate: Neo (new) + nate (birth). A newborn baby.
many. Multiparous: Multi (many) + par (birth) + -ous (relating to). Having
given birth to more than one child.
small. Microsurgery: Micro (small) + surgery. Surgery on very small physical
within, inside. Intravenous: Intra (inside) + venous (veins). Inside the veins.
between. Intercostal muscles: Inter (between) + cost (ribs) + al (related to)
muscles. Between the ribs.
below, not enough. Hypoglycemia: Hypo (below) + glyc (sugar) + emia (blood). Low
blood sugar.
above or excessive. Hyperpnea: Hyper (excessive) + pnea (breathing). Abnormally
excessive rapid breathing.
covering, on, upon. Epidemic: Epi (covering) + demic (people). Disease
covering a large
area and many people.
51. andr52. cyst53. biotissue
54. auto55. anor
56. -cele
57. -ectas
58. -pexy
59. -scopy
60. -plasty
male. Androgen: Andr (male) + gen (to
produce). Any hormone that increases
male characteristics.
bladder or sac. Cystectomy: Cyst (bladder/sac) + ectomy (surgical removal). Surgical
removal of all or part of the bladder.
life. Biopsy: Bio (life) + opsy (look at). The examination of a small piece of living
in order to establish a diagnosis.
self. Autoplasty: Auto (self) + plasty (to shape). Surgery in which parts of the patients
own tissues are used to replace other parts.
without. Anemia: An (without) + emia (blood). A condition in which blood in absent,
there is not enough blood.
swelling, hernia. Cystocele: Cyst (bladder) + o + cele (swelling). A swelling of the
of the lung through an opening in the chest.
extension, dilatation. Pharyngectasis: Pharyng (throat) + ectas (stretching). The
of the throat.
surgical fixation. Cecopexy: Cec (cecum) + o + pexy (surgical fixation). Surgery that
reduces the movement of the cecum, or the first part of the large intestine.
visual examination. Rhinoscopy: Rhino (nose) + scopy (visual examination). The visual
examination of the interior passages of the nose.
surgical repair. Otoplasty: Oto (ear) + plasty (surgical repair). Surgery performed on the
external ear.
61. -malacia
62. -opia
63. -penia
64. -coccus
65. -ptosis
66. -plegia
67. -ectomy
softening of tissue. Osteomalacia: Osteo (bone) + malacia (softening). Softening of the
nearsightedness. Diplopia: (Dipl) (double) + opia (near sighted). Double-vision.
deficiency. Leukopenia: Leuk (white) + o + penia (deficiency). Leukopenia is a
deficiency of white blood cells.
berry-shaped bacterium. Streptococcus: Strepto (twisted) + coccus (berry-shaped). A
genus of cocus-type bacteria responsible for a wide range of human diseases.
dropping, falling. Glossoptosis: Gloss (tongue) + o + ptosis (falling). Downward
displacement of the tongue.
paralysis. Hemiplegia: Hemi (half) + plegia (paralysis). Paralysis of one side
of the body.
surgical removal. Mastectomy: Mast (breast) + ectomy (surgical removal).
The surgical removal of a breast.
68. -ician
69. -phobia
70. -rrhage
specialist. Pediatrician: Ped (children) + iatr (treatment) + ician (specialist). A specialist
in the treatment of children.
fear. Claustrophobia: Claustro (closed) + phobia (fear). The fear of enclosed or
bursting forth. Hemorrhage: Hemo (blood) + rrhage (bursting forth).
Profuse bleeding.
Suffix #8
71. -phagia
72. -algia
73. -metry
74. -asthen
75. -itis
76. -osis
77. -stenosis
78. -poiesis
79. -paresis
80. -ostomy
eat, injest. Osteophagia: Osteo (bone) + phagia (consume). A process in which certain
bone cells consume an rebuild bone tissue during growth and repair.
pain. Neuralgia: Neur (nerves) + algia (pain). Nerve pain.
measure. Geometry: Geo (earth) + metry (measure). Literally, the
measurement of the earth.
weakness. Phlebasthenia: Phleb (vein) + asthen (weakness) + ia (condition).
Weakness of a vein.
inflammation. Adenitis: Aden (gland) + itis (inflammation). Inflammation of a gland.
a condition. Narcosis: Narc (drugs) + -osis (a condition). The condition of
being drugged.
narrowing or constriction. Aortic stenosis: The narrowing of the aorta of
formation or production. Leukopoesis: Leuk (white) + o + poesis (formation).
The formation of white blood cells.
partial paralysis. Hemiparesis: Hemi (half) + paresis (partial paralysis).
Paralysis of one half of the body.
surgical opening. Tracheotomy: -otomy Trache (trachea) + otomy (to cut into).
An opening through the neck into the trachea.
81. -gram
82. -megaly
83. -meter
84. -oid
85. -drome
86. -graph
87. -lysis
88. -phragm
89. -ole
90. -centesis
record, drawing. Mammogram: Mamm (breast) + o + gram (record). An x-ray
recording the structures within the breast.
enlarged. Cardiomegaly: Cardi (heart) + o + -megaly (enlarged). A condition in which
the heart is enlarged.
measuring instrument. Thermometer: Therm (heat) + o + meter (measuring
instrument). An instrument for measuring temperature.
resembling. Mastoid: Mast (breast) + -oid (resembling). Resembling the
moving together. Syndrome: Syn (union) + drome (moving together). Signs and
symptoms occurring together and having a common cause.
record. Sonographer: Sono (sound) + graph (record) + er (one who does). A sonogram
break down, detach. Dialysis: Dia (through) + lysis (separate of loosen).
A procedure in which waste materials are removed from the blood of a person
with advanced kidney disease.
muscular wall. Diaphragm: Dia (across) + phragm (muscular wall). The muscular wall
that goes across the thoracic cavity just below the lungs.
small. Bronchiole: Bronchi (air
passage) + ole (small). The small
airways of the respiratory system, form the larger bronchi into the lobes of the
puncture of cavity. Paracentesis: Para (through) + centesis (puncture of cavity). Any
procedure in which fluid is withdrawn from a bodily cavity.
91. -crit
92. -clasia
93. -phasia
94. -ism
95. -stasis
96. -oma
97. path98. ren99. pro100. cortic-
to separate. Hematocrit: Hemato (blood) + crit ( to separate). A measure of the packed
cell volume of red blood cells.
crushing or breaking. Osteoclasia: Osteo (bone) + clas (crushing) + ia(diseased
The degeneration of bone through disease.
speech. Dysphasia: Dys (bad) + phasia (speech). Difficulty in speaking.
state or condition. Autism: Aut (self) + ism (a state or condition). A psychological state
of extreme withdrawl.
stoppage, control. Hemostasis. Hemo (blood) + stasis (stoppage). Stopping of
blood flow.
swelling or tumor. Carcinoma: Carcin (cancer) + oma (tumor). A cancerous tumor.
disease, suffering. Pathogenesis: Path (disease) + o + genesis (origin). The origin of
kideny. Adrenal: Ad (toward) + ren (kidney) + al (pertaining to). Pertaining to the
adrenal gland.
before, in front of. Progeria: Pro (before) + ger (old age) + -ia (diseased condition).
Progeria means early aging.
cortex or outside organ layers. Cortical: Cortic (outside organ layer) + al (relating to).
Related to cortex - as in cortical fracture; a fracture of the outer layers of bone.
101. kerat
102. strepto103. -tome
104. tricho105. hyster
106. myc107. necr108. onychinfection
109. pachy110. placentROOT#12
111. radicul
112. cerebell
113. thym
114. splen
115. thromb
hard, horny. Keratolysis: kerato (hard) + lysis (loosening). The loosening and
shedding of the outer layer of the skin.
twisted. Streptococcus: Strepto (twisted) + coccus (berry-shaped). A
genus of round or spherical bacteria responsible for a wide range of human
cutting instrument. Osteotome: Osteo (bone) + tome (cutting instrument). A
surgical instrument for cutting through bone.
hair. Trichopathy: tricho (hair) + pathy (disease). Any disease involving the
uterus. Hysterectomy: Hyster (uterus) + ectomy (surgical removal). The
removal of the uterus.
fungus. Dermatomycosis: Dermato (skin) + myc (fungus) + osis
(condition). An
infection of the skin.
dead. Necrosis: necr (dead) + osis (condition). The death of localized tissues resulting
from illness or injury.
nail. Onychomycosis: onycho (nail) + myc (fungus) + osis (condition). A fungal
of the nails.
thick. Pachydactyly: Pachy (thick) + dactyly (fingers). An abnormal thickening of the
fingers and toes.
organ that supports the fetus. Placental scan. Imagery used to locate theplacenta and
detect bleeding.
nerve root. Radiculitis: Radicul (nerve root) + itis (inflammation). The inflammation of
spinal nerve root.
posterior portion of brain.: Cerebellospinal: cerebell (the cerebellum) + o + spinal.
Leading from the cerebellum to the spine.
gland in chest. Thymosin: Thym (thymus gland) + osin (hormone). An immunologic
hormone secreted by the thymus gland.
spleen. Splenomegaly: Splen (the spleen) + o + megaly (enlargement). The abnormal
enlargement of the spleen.
clot. Thrombbolytic: thromb (vein) + o + lyt (loosening) + ic (substance). A drug or
agent that dissolves clots.
116. synov
117. oophor
118. stern
119. pupill
120. fibr
synovial membrane. Synovitis: Synov (synovial membrane) + itis (inflammation). An
inflammation of the synovial membrane.
ovary. Oophorectomy: Oophor (ovary) + ectomy (surgical removal). The surgical
removal of one or both ovaries.
sternum, breastbone. Suprasternal: Supra (above) + stern (sternum) + al (related to).
Above the sternum.
center of eye. Pupilloplegia: pupill (center of eye) + o + plegia (paralysis). Paralysis of
the pupil.
fibers. Fibrin: A stringy blood protein formed during clotting.
121. myel
122. myel
123. kyph
124. ischi
125. ili
126. cervic
127. burs
128. fibul
129. disk
130. phalang
spinal cord. Myelodysplasia: myelo (spinal columnd) + dys (bad) + plasia
(growth). Abnormalities of the lower spinal cord.
bone marrow. Myelogram: myelo (bone marrow) + gram (record). A graphic
representation of the different kinds of cells in bone marrow.
hump. Kyphos: kyph (hump) + os (structure). The hump of the thoracic column.
ischium or round portion of pelvis. Ischial spines: ischi (ischium) + al (related to)
Relating to the ischium.
illium or bone of pelvis. Ilioinguinal: ilio (ilium) + inguin (groin) + al (related to).
Relating to the hip and the groin regions
neck. Cervicodynia: cervico (neck) + dynia (pain). Pain in the neck.
fibrous sac between tendons and bones. Bursitis: burs (fibrous sac between tendons and
bones) + itis (inflammation). An inflammation of the bursa.
fibula, smaller of 2 shin bones. Fibular fracture: Fibul (fibula) + ar (related to) fracture.
Relating to the fibula.
circular structure. Diskography: Disk (intervertebral disk) + o + graphy (recoding). The
x-ray examination of individual intervertebral disks.
bones of fingers and toes. Symphalangia: Sym (together) + phlang (bones of fingers of
toes) + ia (diseased condition). A congenital abnormality in which fingers or toes are
webbed together.
131. vulvo-
vagina. Vulvectomy: Vulv (structures covering the vagina) + ectomy (surgical
removal). The removal of all or parts of
the tissues of the vuvla.
132. cec1st portion of large intestine. Cecostomy: Cec (cecum) + ostomy (surgical incision). The
surgical construction of an opening into the cecum.
133. duoden- 1st part of small intestine. Duodenal digestion: Duoden (duodenum) + al (related to)
134. jejun
2nd portion of small intestine. Jejunal feeding tube: Jejun (jejunum) + al (relating to). A
tube inserted into the jejunum to help administer liquids.
135. ile
3rd portion of small intestine. Ileal bypass: Ile (ileum) + al (related to) bypass. A
surgical procedure to treat obesity.
136. celi
abdominal cavity. Celioma: Celi (abdominal cavity) + oma (tumor). A tumor in the
abdominal area.
137. pancreat pancreas or gland in abdomen that secretes insulin. Pancreatitis: Pancreat (pancreas) +
itis (inflammation). Inflammation of the pancreas.
138. palat
hard palate or roof of mouth. Palatine arch: Palat (palate) + ine (pertaining to) arch. The
muscular structure forming the soft palate.
139. polypsmall growth. Polypectomy: Polyp (small growth) + ectomy (surgical removal). The
removal of any polyp in the digestive system.
140. peritoneo peritoneum or membrane lining abdominal wall. Peritoneal fluid: Peritone (peritoneum)
+ al (relating to) fluid. A naturally produced fluid that lubricates the peritoneum.
141. sono
sound. Sonogram: Sono (sound) + gram (recording). Imaging body structures by
recording the reflection of sound waves.
142. ophthalm eye. Ophthalmologist: Ophthalmo (eye) + logist (one who studies), A physician who
specializes in eye treatment.
143. sphygm pulse. Sphygmoid: Sphygm (pulse) + oid (resembling). Resembling a pulse.
144. echoreflected sound. Echocardiogram: Echo (reflected sound) + cardi (heart) + o + gram
(recording). A recording of heart movements from ultrasound virbrations.
145. ventricul small cavity. Ventricular hypertrophy: Ventricul (small cavity) + ar (relating to)
hypertrophy. Relating to the ventricles, an abnormal enlargement of the ventricles.
146. tars
ankle. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrom: Tars (ankle) + al (related to) tunnel syndrome. Relating
the tarsals.
147. blephar
eyelid. Blepharitis: Blephar (eyelid) + itis (inflammation). Inflammation of the eyelid.
148. dacry
tears. Dacryadenitis: Dacry (tears) + aden (gland) + itis (inflammation).
149. stape3rd bone in middle ear. Stapedectomy: stapes (third bone - ear) + d + ectomy
(surgical removal). Surgical removal of the stapes.
150. myring
eardrum. Myringitis: Myring (eardrum) + itis (inflammation). Inflammation of the
151. labyrinth maze-like inner ear. Labyrinthitis: labyrinth (maze-like inner ear) + -itis
(inflammation). Inflammation of the labyrinth.
152. retin
back of eye. Retinitis: retins (retina) + itis (inflammation). Inflammation of the retina.
153. ren
kidney. Renal: ren (kidney) + -al (relating to). Relating to the kindney –as in the renal
154. pyel
collection area inside kidney. Pyelitis: Pyel (kidney collection area) + -itis
An inflammation of the pelvis of the kindey area.
155. gen
cause, become. Pathogenesis: Patho (disease) + gen (cause) + esis (condition). The
origin of a disease.
156. olig
few. Oliguria: Olig (few) + uria (urination). The diminished capacity to form and pass
157. glyc
sugar. Hypoglycemia: Hypo ( low) + glyco (sugar) + -emia (blood condition). Low
158. dips
thirst, condition of. Dipsomania: Dips (thirst) + o + mania (madness). The craving for
alcoholic beverages, or alcoholism.
159. sial
saliva. Sialorrhea: Sialo (saliva) + rrhea (flow). An excessive flow of saliva.
160. men
egg month, menses. Menopause: Meno
(month, menses) + pause (stop).
Cessation of menses.
ROOT #17
161. iatr
162. gnosis
163. opt
164. tonsill
165. viscer
166. somat
treatment or physician. Pediatric: Ped (children) + iatr (treatment) + ic (related
to). The treatment of children.
knowledge. Prognosis: Pro (before) + gnosis (knowledge). Knowledge of how and
a patient will recover.
vision. Optician: Opt (vision) + -ician (specialist). A person who makes, fits, or sells
small masses of tissue in pharynx. Tonsillits: Tonsill ( tonsils) + itis (inflammation). An
inflammation of the tonsils.
internal organs. Visceral: Viscer (internal organs) + -al (relating to). Relating to the
viscera, as in visceral cavity – the space in the abdomen containing the internal organs.
body. Somatotrophic: Somat (body) + o + trop (nourishment) + ic (relating to).
Relating to the growth of the body, as in somatrophic hormone or growth
167. plasia
168. sarc
169. tripsy
170. lith
formation or development. Hyperplasia: Hyper (excessive) + plasia (formation).
Hyperplasia means an increase in the number of cells in the body.
flesh. Sarcoma: Sarc (flesh) + -oma (tumor). A cancerous tumor.
surgical crushing. Lithotripsy: Lith (stone) + o + tripsy (surgical crushing).
The surgical crushing of kidney stones.
stone. Lithiasis: Lith (stone) + -iasis (condition). The formation of calculi, or stones, in
the organs of the body, such as kidney stones.
171. physi
172. spondyl
173. lapar
174. or
175. stomat
176. cheil
177. gingiv
178. gloss
179. pseud
180. meatus
nature. Physiology: Physi (nature) + ology (the study of). The study of the nature of the
human body.
vertebrae. Spondylosis: Spondyl (vertebrae) + osis (condition). A condition in which
the spinal vertebrae are fixed or stiff.
abdomen. Laparotomy: Laparo (abdomen) + tomy (surgical incision). An incision into
the abdominal cavity, usually exploratory.
mouth. Oral temperature: Or (mouth) + al (relating to) temperature. Relating to the
mouth. Stomatitis: Stomat (mouth) + tis (inflammation). Any inflammation of the
lips. Cheilosis: Cheil (lips) + osis (condition). A scaly condition of the mouth and lips.
gums. Gingivitis: Gingiv (gums) + itis (inflammation). Inflammation and bleeding of
the gums.
tongue. Glossopathy: Glosso ( tongue) + pathy (disease). Any abnormal or diseased
condition of the tongue.
false. Pseudocyesis: Pseud (false) + o + cyesis (pregnancy). A condition in which a
woman believes she is pregnant when she is not.
opening, tunnel. Urinary meatus: The exterior of the urethra.
181. encephal
182. polio
183. gangli
184. -edem
185. isch
186. kerat
187. lingu
188. ovi
189. ocul
190. lymph
brain. Encephalitis: En(in) + cephal in) + itis (inflammation). An inflammatory
condition of the brain, cause by a viral infection.
gray matter of brain. Poliomyelitis: Polio (gray matter) + myel (marrow) + itis
(inflammation). An infectious viral disease with symptoms ranging from mild to severe
groups of nerves. Ganglion: Gangli (groups of nerves) + on (unit). A mass of nerves.
excessive fluid. Edematous: Edema (swelling of fluid) + tous (condition of).
deficiency of blockage. Ischemia: Isch (blocked) + emia (blood condition). A condition
in which the supply of oxygen to a part of the body is blocked.
cornea. Keratectomy: Kerat (conrea) + -ectomy (surgical removal). The
removal of part of the cornea.
tongue. Lingual frenum: (Lingu (tongue) + al (relating to) frenum. The band of tissue
from the tongue to the floor of the mouth.
egg. Oviduct: Ovi (egg) + duct (lead). The tubes leading from the ovaries to the uterus.
eye. Ocular: Ocul (eye) + ar (relating to).
lymphatic system. Lymphoma: Lymph (lymphatic system) + oma (tumor). A
cancerous tumor of the lymphatic system.
191. pneumon lungs or the air. Pneumonia: Pneumon (lungs) + ia (condition). An acute inflammation
of the lungs.
192. otoear. Otoplasty: Oto (ear) + -plasty (surgery). Surgery performed on the external ear.
193. plasm
cell or tissue substance. Plasma: Plasm (cell) + -a. The fluid portion of the lymph and
194. vas
195. psych
206. rhin
197. angi
198. arthr
199. ather
200. irid
vessel. Vasodilator: Vaso (vessel) + dilat (open) + or (agent of). An agent that causes
the dilation, or opening, of blood vessels.
mind. Psychology: Psych (mind) + o + logy (the study of). The study of the mind.
nose. Rhinoplasty: Rhino (nose) + plasty (surgical repair). Plastic surgery which
changes the structure of the nose.
blood vessel. Angiogram: Angio (blood vessel) + gram (recorder). A radiographic
image of a blood vessel.
joint. Arthritis: Arthr (joint) + itis (inflammation). An inflammatory condition of the
fats or lipids. Atherectomy: Ather (fat or lipids) + ectomy (surgical removal). The
surgical removal of fatty plaque from the wall of an artery.
iris of the eye. Iridoplegia: Irid (iris) + plegia (paralysis). Paralysis of the sphincter
muscle of the iris.
201. enter
202. gastr
203. gyn
204. hepat
205. heter
206. hydr
207. kary
208. mon
209. neuro
210. osteo
intestines. Enteritis: Enter (intestines) + itis (inflammation). Inflammation of the lining
of the small intestine.
stomach. Gastrointestinal: Gastro (stomach) + intestin + al (relating to). Having to do
with any of the organs of digestion, from the mouth to the anus.
female. Gynecology: Gyneco (female) + logy (study of). The study of the female
reproductive organs.
liver. Hepatitis: Hepat (liver) + itis (inflammation). An inflammation of the liver.
different, another. Heterosexual: Hetero (different) + sexual. A person whose sexual
preference is for people of the opposite sex.
water. Hydronephrosis: Hydro (water) + nephr (kidney) + -osis (condition). Distention
of the kidney due to an obstruction that prevents urination.
nucleus of the cell. Karyotype: Kary (nucleus of a cell) + o + type (characteristic). A
diagram of the total chromosomes of an individual or a species.
one. Mononucleosis: Mono (one ) + o + nucle (nucleus) + osis (condition). An
abnormal increase in the number of mononuclear leukocytes in the blood.
nerve. Neuromuscular: Neuro (nerve) + muscul (muscle) + ar (related to). Relating to
the nerves and the muscles.
bone. Osteoporosis: Osteo (bone) + por (pores) + osis (condition). A disorder in which
bones become porous and brittle.
211. femur
212. esthesi
213. mening
214. crani
215. steth
216. dur
217. phleb
218. polyp
thigh bone. Femoral artery: Femor (thigh bone) + al (relating to) artery. Relating to the
feeling or perception. Anesthesia: An (not) + esthes (feeling or perception) + ia
(condition). The absence of normal sensation, usually induced for medical
membrane. Meningitis: Mening (the meninges) + itis (inflammation). An inflammation
or the infection of the menginges, usually caused by bacterial infection.
skull. Cranial nerves: Crani (skull) + al (related to) nerves. Relating to the cranium.
chest. Stethoscope: Steth (chest) + o + scope (instrument for examining). An instrument
used to help in hearing chest sounds.
hard. Dura mater: Dur (hard) + a (singular noun) + mater (cover). The outermost and
most fibrous of the 3 membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
vein. Phlebotomy: Phleb (vein) + otomy (surgical incision). The surgical incision of a
vein for the letting of blood.
growth. Polyposis: Polyp (growth) + osis (condition). An abnormal condition with
numerous polyps on a body part.
219. coron
220. dipl
heart. Coronary bypass: Coron (the heart) + ary (related to) bypass. Open heart surgery
in which a section of blood vessel is used to bypass damage in a coronary artery.
two or double. Diplopia: Dipl (double) + opia (vision). Double vision.
221. prostate
222. test
223. spermat
224. orchid
225. scrotum
226. uter
227. cervic
228. vagin
229. colpo
230. oscheo
male reproductive system gland. Prostatectomy: Prostate (prostate) + ectomy (surgical
removal). The surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland.
male reproductive gland. Testes: Test (male reproductive gland) + es (plural). The pair
of male reproductive gonads in which sperm is produced.
male germ cell. Spermatocide: Spermato (male germ cell) + cide (kill). A chemical
substance that kills sperm.
testicle. Orchidopexy: Orchido (testicle) + pexy (surgical fixation). An operation to
mobilize an undescended testes.
bag of skin containing testes. Scrotal raphe: Scrot (scrotum) + al (related to) raphe. The
line of union of the two halves of the scrotum.
uterus womb. Uterotomy: Uter (uterus) + o + tomy (surgical incision). A surgical
incision, such as a cesarean section.
cervix, narrow portion of the uterus. Cervicitis: Cervix (cervix) + itis (inflammation).
An inflammation of the uterus.
canal leading from uterus outside of body. Vaginal speculum. Vagin (vagina) + al
(related to) speculum. Relating to the vagina. The instrument used to inspect the vaginal
vagina. Colposcope: Colpo (vagina) + scope (instrument for viewing). A lighted
instrument for examination of the vagina and the cervix.
pertaining to the scrotum. Oscheoma: Osche (scrotum) + oma (tumor). A tumor within
the scrotum.