UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY GATTON COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & ECONOMICS COURSE: New Product Development Marketing (MBA 610) MEETING TIMES: Cohort 1 meets for this course between 8am and 12pm. Cohort 2 meets for this course between 1pm and 5pm. The course meets on various days (please refer to overall daytime MBA schedule). REQUIRED BOOK: Crawford and Di Benedetto, New Products Management (ISBN# 978-0-07-352988-2) REQUIRED CASES: Available at Johnny Print PROFESSOR: David Hardesty, Ph.D. ( – Preferred Method Office: 455Q Gatton College of Business & Economics Office Phone: 859-257-9419 OFFICE HOURS: Office hours are by appointment. If you need to speak with me and cannot find me, leave a message at my office. COURSE GOALS, OBJECTIVES, and LEARNING OUTCOMES: Crucial to the success of any business is the service or product it sells. This course examines how marketing research and marketing strategy aid firms in their management of the new product development or service process. Key questions include: (1) How does the firm determine the demand for the new product? and (2) How does marketing research enhance the new product development process? After completing this course, students should be able to analyze data to aid in managerial decision-making related to new product development. ATTENDANCE: You are expected to attend all classes. Exam questions will be based on material covered in class. Excused absences are permitted with proper documentation. Make-up work will be permitted if proper documentation is provided. ACADEMIC HONESTY: The Honor Code is in effect. DISABILITY: I will follow the guidelines set forth by the Disabilities Center. GRADING: Midterm Exam (Individual) Final Exam (Individual) Case Writing Assignments (Group) Why Consumer’s Don’t Buy (3%) eBooks (6%) TruEarth (6%) Cascade (15%) Homework Assignments (Individual) Factor Analysis (5%) Conjoint Analysis (7%) Correlation and Regression (4%) Chi-Square Analysis and t-tests (4%) 25% 25% 30% 20% The grading policy for this course limits the percent of "As" earned to no more than 50%. A grade of "C" will be given for students whose cumulate score in the course is more than two standard deviations below the median class score. EXAMS: The exams are in-class closed-notes exam. CASE SUMMARIES: Each summary should be no longer than three-pages, double-spaced, 12-point times new roman font and should consist of the following unless otherwise noted: A summary statement of the major findings from the research An analysis of the marketing principles described and tested Managerial conclusions regarding the applicability of the findings and theoretical concepts Grading of Case Summaries: The evaluation of case summaries is competitive, i.e., your summary will be graded in comparison to the output of your peers. Group Peer Evaluations: Each student’s grade will be weighted by peer evaluations from the other group members. Each group member will assess the contribution of other group members separately for each case summary. These evaluations will be confidential and will provide an opportunity for you to identify any group members who did not contribute at the same level as others within the group. GENERAL ADVICE and CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) READ material to be covered, before class so that class discussion will be insightful. ATTEND each class. ARRIVE on time. TAKE NOTES. REVIEW class notes. ASK questions if you do not understand. TRY all assignments. If you have difficulty doing the assignment, come see me. CELL PHONES must be silenced during class. NO TEXTING in the classroom. Please leave if you must use your phone. NO INTERNET SURFING as it is disruptive to others. Project CONNECT: Students will also begin work with their Project CONNECT mentors in the area of new product development. Each team will begin with a new product development process audit of their firm. Students will turn in their NPD process audit on November 1. Presentation of the second NPD project will take place the week of December 13th. Practice presentations to the faculty and Jim Potter will occur December 7-10. Throughout the course of this module, students will be required to meet with Jim Potter to develop and meet project milestones, refine their analysis, and gain feedback on their progress. Additionally, students are expected to meet with Professor Hardesty and Professor Vincent on the assigned Project CONNECT meeting days (October 14, October 22, November 1, November 19, and December 1). These times are your only opportunities to consult with faculty regarding the projects and are MANDATORY meetings. Students will lose a letter grade for any unexcused absence for these team meetings. Please sign up for your meeting times in advance with your assigned professor (sign-up sheets will be available on the professor’s office door). Teams consulting with Professor Hardesty: Hitachi Papa Johns Tempur-Pedic Humana Brown-Forman Kaba Mas Lexmark General Electric Teams consulting with Professor Vincent: ACS Trane Valvoline BioRx Sylvania Belcan Alltech Date Tuesday, October 12 Tuesday, October 19 Thursday, October 21 Monday, October 25 Tuesday, October 26 Thursday, November 4 Friday, November 5 Tuesday, November 16 Thursday, November 18 Tuesday, November 30 Thursday, December 2 Monday, December 6 Topics Covered Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning and Introduction to Why Consumer’s Don’t Buy Case Prizm, VALS, MRI data, and Census Data Perceptual Mapping Factor Analysis Multi-Dimensional Scaling Conjoint Analysis BE 105 8-10am King 213F 1-3pm Conjoint Analysis Scale Types, Statistical Tests, Survey Design, and Sampling King 213F 8-5pm Sales Forecasting, Product Use Testing, Introduction to eBooks Case and Midterm Exam Review Chapters 3, 6, 7, and 9 Correlation, Regression, Discussion of eBooks Case, and Introduction to TruEarth Healthy Foods Case Chi-Square Analysis, ANOVA, TruEarth Healthy Foods Case Discussion and Cascade Foods Case Introduction t-tests and Cascade Foods Case Discussion King 213F t-tests and Final Exam Review King 213F Chapters 11 and 15, Correlation, Regression, Chi-Square, ANOVA, and t-tests Assignments Required Text Readings: C&D Ch 3 Required Text Readings: C&D – Ch 6 Why Consumer’s Don’t Buy Case Summary Due Required Text Readings: C&D – Ch 7 & 9 Factor Analysis HW Due Required Text Readings: C&D – Ch 7 & 9 Conjoint Analysis HW Due Required Text Readings: C&D – Ch 11 & 15 Midterm Exam eBooks Case Write-Up Due Correlation and Regression HW Due TruEarth Healthy Foods Case Write Up Due Cascade Foods Case Write Up Due Chi-square and t-test HW Due Final Exam (8am-12pm) Gatton 248 and 309