Student Guide for Technology Resources - SharePoint

Student Guide for Technology Resources
Last Revised: December 17, 2009
Table of Contents
Welcome............................................................................................... 1
ECC Web site ...................................................................................... 1
CITS Help Desk .................................................................................. 1
User Accounts – Your Username & Password ................................ 2
ECC on Facebook ............................................................................... 2
E-mail Accounts .................................................................................. 3
Accessing Webmail ............................................................................. 3
Open Computer Labs ......................................................................... 3
SUNY Alert.......................................................................................... 4
Network Storage ................................................................................. 4
Flash Drives ......................................................................................... 5
FTP Access .......................................................................................... 5
Wireless Network ................................................................................ 7
ANGEL for Distance Learning ......................................................... 8
Library Resources .............................................................................. 8
Webadvisor .......................................................................................... 9
Digital Signs ......................................................................................... 9
MyECC Portal .................................................................................. 11
On behalf of the entire College Information Technology Services
(CITS) department, welcome to Erie Community College. At ECC,
we strive to provide students a variety of information technology
resources in order to provide
accessible, affordable,
ECC Web Site
quality education and
Erie Community College’s Web site
services to a diverse
located at provides a
community that includes
wealth of information for new students,
students, faculty and staff.
current students, parents, alumni and the
This guide will provide a
community. The ECC Web site offers
an online application, frequently asked
short introduction to many
questions, ECC sports schedules and
of the information
stats, employment opportunities, career
technology resources that
are available for student use. paths and much more.
Before using any of the information technology resources at Erie
Community College, students need to familiarize themselves with our
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). ECC’s Acceptable Use Policy is
located online at The AUP provides
policies for using information technology resources at the College.
These policies ensure that our resources are being used in a lawful
manner that is consistent in
an academic environment.
CITS Help Desk
To help resolve technical problems, the
College Information Technology
Services department maintains a Help
Desk. Students are encouraged to
contact the CITS Help Desk for general
computing questions, computer lab and
office technical problems and/or network
emergencies. The Help Desk is available
on the web at or
call (716) 851-1835 during normal
business hours. The Help Desk Web site
offers documentation, CITS alerts, a
knowledge base and the ability to open
up a ticket for technical problems.
We welcome your
comments and questions
regarding this guide.
Please contact the CITS
Help Desk to provide any
feedback or request further
information. Our Help
Desk is available via the
Web at or
by phone at
ECC - Student Guide for Technology Resources
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Accounts – Your Username and Password
All access to shared
ECC on Facebook
computing facilities requires
a valid ECC account,
You can now follow ECC on Facebook
consisting of a username and at, or
password. Student user
log on to Facebook and search for
accounts are automatically
SUNY Erie Community College.
created for students who are
properly registered at Erie Community College. Accounts for new
students are available the first day of the semester, unless the student
registers late. Late registered students will have their account created
within 24 hours of registering for a course.
Student accounts use the following naming convention:
Username: first six letters of last name + first initial + two digit day of birth
Note: The username should be in lowercase. If your last name is
shorter than six characters, your entire last name should be used.
Password: last four digits of social security number + two digit year of birth
Name: Virginia R. Taber
Birth date: 05/15/1971
Social Security # 000-00-9231
Username: taberv15
Password: 923171
Name: Ron J. Doe
Birth date: 12/01/1975
Social Security # 000-00-1151
Username: doer01
Password: 115175
Note: For common last names, there is the possibility of having duplicate
account names. If you have a common name or are unsure of your account
name, please visit
On-campus students who have problems logging in should visit their
campus open lab, with a copy of their schedule and one form of photo
identification. Distance learning students can contact the CITS Help desk
at or via the phone at 716-851-1835 to resolve any
account problems.
All username and passwords are assigned to individual users and should not
be shared with others. Users will be held responsible for any misuse of
their ECC account. To protect your account, the College Information
Technology Services department suggests the following:
Always Log Off from your computer when you are completed with your
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session or when you leave your seat.
Select a password which is easy to remember, but difficult for someone
to guess or figure out. An alphanumeric password (one consisting of
letters and numbers) is highly recommended.
Never write down your password, display it on the monitor or print it
out on any document.
Change your password at least once a month. To change your
password, hold down ctrl-alt-del simultaneously after logging on to the
computer. Then click on “Change Password” and enter your old
password. Then enter your new password, enter it a second time to
confirm it, and click “OK”. Distance Learning students may change
their password via After logging into
Webmail, click options in the top right, then change password on the
left-hand pane.
Do not respond to emails which solicit personal information. ECC will
never ask you to email your username, password or any other personal
E-mail Accounts
Access to College E-mail is available for students on the web at from any computer connected to the Internet.
Your E-mail address is your username, followed by
Access to electronic mail (E-mail) is a privilege and designed to assist
users in the acquisition of knowledge and in the efficient
communication with others.
All ECC accounts have the
Accessing Webmail
capability to use E-mail for
1. Open up your Internet browser
internal and external use.
(Internet Explorer is highly
While Erie Community College
recommended for accessing
does not prohibit the use of EECC’s Webmail system).
mail for personal reasons, users
2. In the Address bar type in and press should be aware that the
primary intent of providing ethe Enter key on your keyboard.
mail service is to support the
3. In the username and password
educational mission of the
dialogue box, type in your
college and to conduct its daily
username and password.
4. Click Log on to log into ECC’s
It is the user’s responsibility to
Webmail system.
protect their E-mail address
from unsolicited senders. Users should take precautionary measures
to ensure the security of their E-mail account by only giving out their
address to individuals or mailing lists they wish to receive E-mail
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from and being cautious about using their E-mail address on the
Internet or posting it on a Web page. Erie Community College cannot
protect individuals from
SUNY Alert
receipt of materials which may
SUNY Alert allows students to
be offensive to them. While
receive urgent messages in the case of
confidentiality cannot be
an emergency situation at ECC.
ensured, E-mail is considered
Students who sign up for SUNY Alert
private and confidential,
can choose how they want to receive
except as noted in ECC’s
alerts (phone, email, text message,
Acceptable Use Policy.
etc.). To sign up for SUNY Alert go
Open Computer Labs
While on campus, students have access to the CITS open computing
labs at each campus which offer tutorial assistance and technical
support. Each lab has specialized department software, color printers
and scanning capabilities. A valid ECC ID card (available in the
security office) is required for admittance into the labs. The open
computing lab rooms are:
5201U (in the library) 716-851-1729
For the schedule of each lab, please visit and
click on the CITS site.
Network Storage
Each student user account is assigned 200MB of personal network
storage space that can be accessed from any computer on campus
from the U:\ drive under My Computer. The data on the U:\ is only
accessible by the user account which is logged on. Data on this
network drive is backed up once a night by the College’s enterprise
backup system. The College Information Technology Services
department highly recommends using this network storage to save any
electronic academic coursework while on campus.
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As teechnology evolves, it is inevitaable that
legaccy devices will be replaced
byy newer
and efficient
deevices. Thhis trend iss evident
by computer
manufactuurers phassing out
3.5” floppy disk
drivees. These legacy
flopppy disk drrives are being
replaced by
portaable flash memory drives,
referrred to as flash,
mb or USB
B drives.
The flash drivve is a sm
mall keychhain size
whicch connectts to your computer
v the US
SB port andd acts as
a small hard
d drive.
Erie Comm
munity Colllege has phased
out the 3.5” floppy
drivves from
of ou
ur lab compputers. Wee highly recommend that studennts use a
fllash drive for portaable data storage. USB
flashh drives arre more
reeliable and
d are ablee to store more dataa than a floppy
diskk. These
me in varioous sizes and
a are avvailable inn many stoores and
at popular
W sites. ECC
recoommends that
these devices
shhould be used
when transferrinng coursew
work to com
mputers ouutside of
File Transfeer Protocoll (FTP) acccess allowss students to access files
foolders on their
U:\ froom off cam
mpus. By default,
TP is not tuurned on
foor student accounts. To activatte FTP, loggon to the CITS
Helpp Desk
at Afteer logging in, under the
t Help Desk
liinks, click on
“FTP Accou
click the lin
nk to
activate you
account. After
activating your
account, yo
ou will
b able to access
U:\ fro
g an
Innternet con
nnected com
- Stu
udent Guiide for Teechnologyy Resourcces
Page 5
Accessing your U:\ using Filezilla
1. Download FileZilla from A link to
download the software will be located on the left menu bar.
2. Click the link for the file FileZilla_X_X_XX_setup.exe for the
latest version (where X represents the latest version number).
3. Choose to run the program when prompted. The setup program
will start and accept all the default choices.
4. Once the installation has completed, open FileZilla from the Start
5. Start the Site Manager from the toolbar.
6. Click New Site and name it ECC FTP.
7. Enter for the host, FTPES – FTP over explicit
TLS/SSL for the Servertype, Normal for Logontype, your ECC
account name for User, and your ECC password for Password.
8. On the Transfer settings tab, select Active for the Transfer mode.
9. Press OK to close.
10. To start your session, click the drop down arrow next to the Server
Manager icon and select the connection you just configured.
11. The connection will start and you will see a screen showing the
SSL certificate. You can click the checkbox to “Always trust the
certificate” and you will never be prompted to accept this again,
or you can just click OK and you will be connected and have
accept the session each time you connect.
12. You should now be connected to the FTP and be able to access
your files. The contents of your U Drive will be displayed on the
right side of the main window. The left side of the main window
will display the contents of your local computer.
13. To copy documents from your local computer to your U Drive or
vice versa, click on the file you want to copy and drag it either to
your U Drive or your local computer.
14. For more information, please refer to the FileZilla documentation
or contact the CITS Help Desk at
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Wireless Network
The ECC Wireless Network offers the same resources to students as
any computer on campus. To access the ECC Wireless Network
students are required to have an ECC User Account. The Wireless
Access provides users an option to install Virtual Private Network
(VPN) software to better secure and encrypt all information that is
sent across the Wireless Network.
Library Access
Wireless laptops are available at each campus library for student use.
These laptops can be signed out and used within the library for
students to do course work. All resources are available such as the U:
drive, printer access, e-mail and Internet. For use of library laptops,
see the reference desk in the library on your campus.
Personal Laptops
ECC also offers wireless Internet access to students who have their
own laptops with wireless capabilities. Recommended requirements
are Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Mac OS 10.5 or above. The ECC
wireless network supports 802.11b, 802.11g and in some select areas
802.11n bands. To access the wireless network, first connect to the
ECC-Student wireless network, and then open up your web browser.
You will be redirected to the ECC wireless Cisco Clean Access
system. Please use your ECC username and password to
authenticate to the wireless system. Students will be able to access
all ECC Web resources, but not have access to printers or drive
mappings. For u:\ drive access, students will have to use FTP to
transfer documents.
Wireless Availability
ECC’s wireless access is available in all buildings and select outside
areas. The wireless signal strength will vary depending on your
location. If you experience weak or lack of a wireless signal while on
campus, please contact our Help Desk.
Wireless Troubleshooting
If you have problems connecting to the wireless network, you can
contact the CITS Help Desk or visit the open lab on your campus for
further support.
ANGEL for Distance Learning
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ANGEL is ECC’s web-based course management system and is
designed for Distance Learning and to complement traditional seated
courses. Your Instructors may
Library Resources
use ANGEL to teach online or
to “web-assist” your traditional The ECC Library Resource Centers
offer a number of resources to
seated course. If you are a
students both on and off campus at
student at ECC and your
all times of the day. You can
instructor uses ANGEL, then
access the library’s online catalog,
you will be able to access the
full-text articles, research
system. There are many
databases, citation guides, internet
features of ANGEL and,
search engines and more.
depending on how your
The ECC Library Catalog lets you
instructor designs the course,
check your account; renew books
these may include:
online and place holds on library
Discussion Forums , Online
Real-time Chats and Course Email
Analysis of your activity,
submissions, and grades
Check your assignment, test
and quiz grades
Maintain a personal web-based
calendar and task list
Manage a list of bookmarks
How to logon to ANGEL:
materials. You can also ask
questions, by using the library’s
online Reference/Suggestion Form.
Visit your electronic doorway to
information at:
Note: When you search certain
databases you will be asked for log on
information. Enter your standard ECC
username & password. This verifies
you as an authorized user and you can
proceed with your research.
You will only be able to logon to
ANGEL if you are enrolled in a distance learning course or your instructor
is using ANGEL in their course. If you registered on-time for a course,
your ANGEL account will be available the first day of the semester. Lateregistered students will be able to logon 24-hours after successfully
enrolling in the course.
ANGEL fully supports the following Internet browsers: Internet Explorer
7.0 or above or Firefox 3.0 or higher. Before logging on, you should
disable any Internet pop-up blockers installed on your system.
To logon to ANGEL, type in the Address bar of your
Internet browser (ie: Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc). Then press the Enter
key on your keyboard.
Note: If you have changed your password for your network logon, it will change
your ANGEL password also.
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or offers Errie Commuunity Colleege studentts a one-stoop, allinnclusive ap
pproach to student seelf-service registrationn, billing,
andd more via the
Digitall Signage
Wide Web.
Provided beelow are stteps to
complete so
ome comm
mon tasks inn
thhe Webadv
visor system
T register online:
1. Open a web
w browser (Internet
You will find diigital signs
strateegically possitioned aroound the
City,, North andd South cam
Thesse signs proovide inform
suchh as events, important dates
and reminders
f studentss. Be
sure to check thhe signs on a
regular basis forr current stuudent
Explorerr, Netscape, FireFox, ettc)
and brow
wse to
Click on "Log In" loocated near the top of the
t page.
Enter in your
usernaame, and yoour passworrd. Your usser name is the first
letter of your
last naame in loweer case folloowed by your 7 digit ID
number. Your passw
word is the last six digiits of your social
Select the "Current Student" icon.
Click on “Register for
f Sectionss”. Select “Express
Reegistration”” if you
y want to register forr. Otherwisse, select
know thee course andd sections you
“Search and
a Registeer for sectioons” to brow
wse for courrses.
Click on the “Registter for Courrse”. Enterr the 5 digit number froom the
called the Calll# into the Synonym Box.
Course Schedule
Upon Co
ompletion, click
on Subbmit. This will bring up
u each seleection;
check thaat it is the correct
courrse, time andd campus.
Click on the Action drop downn and select register if the
t course is
i correct.
After reg
If you neeed assistancce, please e--mail the CIT
TS Help
you may view the
Desk att helpdesk@ or call
c 716-851-1835.
account, add/drop
Please prrovide your student id nuumber and thhe exact
o log off.
classes, or
error message you are receiving.
Note: Stu
udents are
ble for downlloading the final
copy off their class schedule
submitting payment by
b the due daate. You willl not receivee a paper billl in the
mail when
n registeringg online. Pleease note thee Billing Dattes listed on Page 1 of
the registrration module.
- Stu
udent Guiide for Teechnologyy Resourcces
Page 9
To make a payment online:
1. Go to and log-in following the step above.
2. Select the "Current Student" icon.
3. Under Financial Profile, click on Make a Payment
4. Enter payment information
Note: If there is a hold on your account, you will not be allowed to register
until it is cleared. Call or go to registration. Also, if you do not meet specific
requirements for a course, you will not be allowed to register.
To check your grades online:
1. Open a web browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, FireFox, etc) and
browse to
Click on "Log In" near the top of the page. Your user ID is the first
letter of your last name in lower case followed by your 7 digit student
ID number. Your password is the last six digits of your social security
Click on “Current Students”
Click on Academic Profile
Click on Grades
Select the Term by clicking the check box and press the SUBMIT button
MYECC Portal
The MyECC Portal is a central repository of information for all ECC
faculty, staff and students. A personal portal area is available for each
user to customize for their liking. Since a portal is an ever changing
environment, information can be easily searched and pages linked to
your personal portal area. MyECC offers a simplified way to share
information with others and is available at
• The homepage lists current ECC news.
• Information such as documents, articles, and people can be found by
using the search box in the upper-right corner of the page.
• Departmental sites can be browsed by using the Sites link from the
• My Site is your personal portal space and can be customized by using
the items on the menu bar. Your Public View is the information other
ECC users will see when they search for your profile. You can make
blogs, wikis, documents, lists, links and additional content available to
other users.
Note: When you log in, enter your ECC username using the following syntax:
ecc\yourusername. Your password is the default ECC account password (see
the accounts section below).
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