Welcome to the College of Nursing! Welcome Pre-Professional Nursing major! The College of Nursing’s Office of Student Affairs is dedicated to the support and guidance of students through their academic career as they prepare for admission to a professional nursing program. Students typically apply for admission to the professional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Program toward the end of their second year. Math Placement Overview math.arizona.edu/placement/freshman placement@math.arizona.edu Math Test: College of Nursing Math Requirements: All incoming freshmen students are required to take the UA Math Placement test. If you did not take the UA ALEKS Online Math Placement test, please do so as soon as possible through your Next Steps Center. If you do not have an appropriate Math Placement test percentage, you will not be able to register for Math or Science courses. Please consult your Orientation schedule for Math advising times and locations. If you did test, your test percentage is available in the back of your student calendar on your Student Advising and Information Form. Nursing requires MATH 109C or a higher level Math course. Retesting: Students who wish to retake the placement test will need to take a proctored test by appointment through the UA Testing Office through an online proctoring service called ProctorU. There is a retesting fee; see the Math website for more information. Retesting for Fall 2014 registration must be done by September 3, 2014. For more information see math.arizona.edu/placement/freshman Students with college-level math credits like AP, CLEP, or CC dual enrollment credit should see a Math advisor. Out-of-state courses must be evaluated through an online form available through math.arizona.edu/placement/credits Please note that students often repeat courses for which they already have credit in order to be more successful at the UA. To speak with a Math advisor please consult your orientation schedule for times and locations. Please Note: Admission to the UA does not guarantee placement into a UA Math course. Some students will need review through ALEKS learning mode, or a review course. All students are encouraged to review before taking a UA math course. Please choose a sequence of courses from each category: »» English Composition: English 101 & 102 or English 109H (Honors) Please note that students can retest, but should review before doing so. Find retesting, links to test review, ALEKS Learning Mode, and other information online at math.arizona.edu/placement See the chart below for your course and placement options, according to your Preparation for College Algebra (CALG/PCLG) or Preparation for Calculus (PCAL/PPCL) placement percentage. Math test scores expire after 1 year. Prep for College Algebra (CALG, PCLG) Prep for Calc (PCAL, PPCL) Eligible Courses Options Notes: 0-29% 0-24% Math 100AX and SAS 100AX Study and retest. Students will have to retest to get a higher course. Students should consider taking a summer review course or trying ALEKS Learning Mode. 30-54% 25-44% MATH 100 (Prep for College Math) Study and retest. Students who take MATH 100 have to place into the next level math course. Students should consider taking a summer review course or trying ALEKS Learning Mode. 55-100% 45-100% MATH 109C OR MATH 112 (College Algebra) Students can take either MATH 109C or MATH 112. MATH 109C or MATH 112 satisfy the prerequisite to MATH 163, MATH 263 and other statistics courses. 55-100% 45-100% MCB 181 R 88-100% 65-100% MATH 163 (Basic Statistics) OR ISTA 116 (Information Science Technology & Arts) or SBS 200 (Introduction to Statistics for Social Science). Students who place at this level should take one of these statistics courses and do not need College Algebra. See your advisor if you are interested in taking a nonmath department statistics course. Students who place at this level are not eligible for PSY 230 unless they have College Algebra credit. College of Nursing Requirements Include: »» General Chemistry Lectures & Laboratory: CHEM 101A, 101B & 102 (Recommended) or CHEM 151 & 152, or CHEM 105A, 106A & CHEM 105B, 106B (Honors General Chemistry) Please choose an individual course from each category: »» Introductory Biology Lecture: MCB 181R »» Human Nutrition: NSC 170C1 or NSC 310 »» Lifespan Development: FSHD 117, FSHD 200, PSY 200, or EDP 200 Transfer Credit: Math Placement Requirements & Options »» Microbiology Lecture: MIC 205A AP Math Credit for Nursing: It is the student’s responsibility to adjust his/her schedule after AP Math scores are processed into the UA system. Review the information in the chart below. »» Human Anatomy and Physiology I: PSIO 201 AP Exam Score UA Credit Options Notes »» Human Anatomy and Physiology II: PSIO 202 Calculus AB or AB sub score on the BC exam 3, 4, 5 MATH 125, Calculus I Eligible for ISTA 116, MATH 163, MATH 263, PSY 230 or SBS 200. Statistics course is required. Calculus BC 3 MATH 125, Calculus I Eligible for ISTA 116, MATH 163, MATH 263, PSY 230 or SBS 200. Statistics course is required. 4 or 5 MATH 125 and 129, Calculus I and II Eligible for ISTA 116, MATH 163, MATH 263, PSY 230 or SBS 200. Statistics course is required. 3, 4, 5 MATH 163, (3) Basic Statistics Foundation math satisfied. MATH 163 and 263 are not prerequisites to any UA Math or Science course. Students need an appropriate Math Placement test score, or other math credit. »» Statistics: CPH 376, ISTA 116, MATH 163, PSY 230, or SBS 200. If you have AP Credit, Dual Enrollment Courses, Transfer Courses, or other transferable credits for these requirements, please have a Nursing Academic Advisor evaluate your credits/courses for applicability to the Nursing Requirements. The College of Nursing does not accept major changes during orientation sessions. Please contact the College of Nursing after your orientation session for more information on the admissions process at entry@nursing.arizona.edu and keep in mind– Pre-Health Professions and Pre-Law are not majors. Students cannot graduate with a pre-major. Find out more at: prehealth.arizona.edu prelaw.arizona.edu Statistics MATH 263 (4, 5) Intro to Stats & Biostats Success in Mathematics at UA: The placement process does not guarantee a passing grade in any particular course. Many students can greatly increase their chances of success in UA Math by taking a review course in order to build a stronger foundation of fundamental skills. College math is different from high school math, even though some topics are similar. College math classes meet less frequently than high school, have little or no review, and are faster paced. Overall grades are based primarily on exams. Most of the learning is done by the student outside of class. Students need to attend class, actively participate in class, keep up with homework, attend instructor’s office hours and tutoring, and should expect to spend at least two hours working outside of class for each hour spent in class. Second Language Placement Bachelor of Science: Demonstrate second semester proficiency in a second language by (1) completing a second semester or higher language course at the college level (e.g., at the UA or a community college); (2) passing a proctored language proficiency examination at the second semester level or higher; (3) earning a 3 or higher on the Advanced Placement Exam; (4) earning a 4 or higher on the International Baccalaureate Higher Level exam; or (5) earning an appropriate score on the College Level Examination Program language test. Writing Placement: Writing Program Overview How to complete the First-Year Writing General Education and Foundation Requirement 2014-2015 Orientation Quick Guide to Placement | College of Humanities (520) 621-1048 College of Nursing Computer Adaptive Proficiency Exams are available for students who have studies or know French, German, Latin, Russian, or Spanish. For information concerning these exams or information about other languages at the University of Arizona, please visit humanities.arizona.edu Department of English Writing Program p: (520) 621-3553 f: (520) 621-5410 uawriting@email.arizona.edu sbs.arizona.edu/coh/webcape/english/ UA students must complete the first-year writing sequence (Foundation Composition). Depending on your placement, you should plan to take three to seven composition units. Office of Student Affairs [1] HOW IS MY PLACEMENT DETERMINED? Your placement is determined by the sum of your SAT/ACT + GPA, which means most students are placed before they arrive at UA. We cannot determine your placement if we don’t have both scores, and thus, you may be required to take a writing placement exam. Based on your sum or exam, you are placed into English 101A, English 101, or English 109H (Honors). Score 100-100.9 101-101.9 109-109.9 Placement ENGL 101A ENGL 101 ENGL 109H Is this placement right for you? If you believe that you have been placed in a course that does not reflect your writing abilities, see a Writing Placement Advisor TODAY for information regarding our placement diagnostic. College of Nursing, Room 112 College of Nursing Advising Contact Information 1305 N. Martin Ave. P.O. Box 210203 Tucson, Arizona 85721 Phone: (520) 626-3808 Academic Advising www.nursing.arizona.edu/prebsn e: entry@nursing.arizona.edu [2] WHAT DOES MY PLACEMENT MEAN? [3] WHAT IF I HAVE AP, IB, DUAL ENROLLMENT, OR TRANSFER CREDITS THAT SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT? Your placement score determines which writing courses you’ll take to satisfy this requirement. English 101 & 102 together satisfy the requirement; however, passing English 109H with a “C” or better also fulfills the writing requirement. If you believe your placement is incorrect, please contact the Writing Program regarding eligibility for a placement review. If you earned a 4 or higher on the AP exam OR a 5 or higher on the IB exam… then you are placed into ENGL 109H. You must earn a “C” grade or higher to fulfill the writing requirement. If you have transfer credits from another college/university OR dual enrollment credit… then you will either satisfy the requirement OR you are required to take UA writing course(s). Evaluation of your credit determines whether or not you have to take 101 and/or 102, or if your credit satisfies the writing requirement. To request this information in an alternate format (Braille, digital, tape, or large print) please contact Evan Boldt, (520) 621-6625. Introduction to Math, Second Language, and Writing Placement at UA The UA Math, Second Language, and Writing Placement process is described in this guide. Each of these areas has a strict set of rules that are used to place students. The overall purpose of our placement processes is to determine, based on your background and current demonstrated ability, which Math, Second Language, and Writing courses are appropriate for you. All students greatly benefit from review, either through a course or on their own. We want students to do well in our courses. College courses are different from high school courses for many reasons, and placement is an important part of helping you start out with the right foundation. Please note that placement into a particular course does not guarantee a passing grade.