C U R R I C U L U M V I TA E : M AT T H I A S M O R Z F E L D Department of Mathematics University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona, 85721 Tel. 520-621 0673 mmo@math.arizona.edu http://math.arizona.edu/⇠mmo E D U C AT I O N University of California, Berkeley University of California, Berkeley Technical University Darmstadt (Germany) Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. M.Sc. B.Sc. 2011 2009 2007 POSITIONS Assistant Professor Visiting Professor Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow RESEARCH Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris (France) Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley Mathematics Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 2015–present 2013, 2014, 2016 2012–2015 2011–2012 INTERESTS Broadly: interdisciplinary mathematical/stochastic modeling, Monte Carlo sampling, data assimilation, stochastic optimal control and reduced order modeling. Specifically: numerical methods for data assimilation – importance/implicit sampling, variational methods, Kalman filters, numerical analysis; data assimilation in applications – geomagnetism, atmospheric sciences and oceanography, combustion, orbit determination; robotics and control – localization, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), path integral control. T E AC H I N G Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona Semester Course Fall 2015 Math 125: Calculus 1 Math 559: Independent study Website http://math.arizona.edu/⇠mmo/math125/math125.html Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley: Semester Spring 2014 Course Math 128b: Numerical Analysis Website http://math.arizona.edu/⇠mmo/math128b/math128b.html Teaching assistant for the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Physics at UC Berkeley (UCB), and for the Department of Electrical Engineering at TU Darmstadt (TUD): Semester Spring 2009 Fall 2008 Spring 2008 Fall 2007 Spring 2004 Course Introductory Physics I Introductory Physics I Engineering Mechanics 2 Engineering Mechanics 2 Control Design for Mechatronic Systems Department/Instructor (school) Physics/Prof. A. Speliotopoulos (UCB) Physics/Prof. R. Jacobsen (UCB) Mech. Eng./Prof. F. Ma (UCB) Mech. Eng./Prof. O. O’Reilly (UCB) Elec. Eng./Prof. R. Isermann (TUD) GRANTS Co-Investigator (Lead-PI: John B. Bell). DOE Advanced Scientific Computing Research, 2014–2016. Combining Data and Simulation to Predict the Behavior of Complex Systems. Total Award: $2.4 M for three years. U N D E R G R A D UAT E A DV I S I N G A N D C O L L A B O R AT I O N W I T H G R A D UAT E S T U D E N T S Christian Pangerl, Mathematics, University of Augsburg, Germany, two three month research visits. Topic: implicit particle filtering in continuous time. Funded by German Academic Exchange Fall 2014 Service (DAAD) through “PROMOS”. Topic: filtering and control in robotics. Funded by DAAD through “Research Internships Summer 2012 in Science and Engineering” (RISE). Insoon Yang, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley. Topic: path integral control. This led to a conference paper (see publications). F E L L OW S H I P S 2013–2015 A N D AWA R D S Robert F. Steidel Memorial Fund in Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley Graduate Researcher Travel Grant, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, Graduate Division, UC Berkeley Exceptional Prelim Award, Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley Undergraduate Research Grant, DAAD Undergraduate Research Travel Grant, DAAD P RO F E S S I O NA L 2011 2010 2008 2008 2006–2007 2004–2005 AC T I V I T I E S Conference/session organizer American Geophysical Union, General Assembly: Advances in Data Assimilation, Predictability and Uncertainty Quantification Non-Gaussian/nonlinear techniques for data assimilation/fusion, predictability and uncertainty quantification Nonlinear/non-Gaussian aspects of data assimilation, data fusion and prediction Particle methods in data assimilation SIAM, Conference on Uncertainty Quantification: Minisymposium on nonlinear methods in data assimilation Seminar organizer Berkeley Applied Mathematics Seminar (http://math.lbl.gov/ams) All talks considered, Berkeley Postdoctoral Association (outreach) The “Secret” Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 2015 2014 2013 2012 2012 2012–2014 2012–2014 2010–2013 Journal reviewer SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Monthly Weather Review, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Physica D, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME Journal of Dynamical Systems, Measurement, and Control,Ocean Dynamics, Journal of Solid Mechanics, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Inverse Problems, Tellus, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Journal of Environmental Informatics, Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science. Member of professional societies American Geophysical Union 2010–present INVITED S E M I NA R S ATMO Seminar Series, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona 2015 Program in Applied Mathematics Brown Bag Seminar, University of Arizona Modeling and Computation Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona Midwest Mathematics and Climate Conference, University of Kansas Computational Science Postdoctoral Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Applied Mathematics Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona Applied Mathematics Seminar, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington Uncertainty quantification Seminar, Sandia National Laboratories Widely Applied Mathematics Seminar, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard 2014 Aerospace Computational Design Laboratory Seminar, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT CIDER Workshop on Geomagnetic Prediction, Berkeley CompFest, Stanford Modeling and Computation Seminar, University of Arizona, Tuscon Geomag Seminar, Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris (France) Data Assimilation Seminar, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading (UK) Hybrid Systems Seminar, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley MSEAS Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT 2013 General Seminar, Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris (France) Applied Mathematics Seminar, University of Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris V (France) Lapack Seminar, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley Meteorological Seminar, Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey Department of Energy - Precision Medicine Interdisciplinary Workshop, San Francisco 2012 All talks considered, Berkeley Postdoctoral Association, UC Berkeley (outreach) Bay Area Scientific Computing Day, Stanford Seminar on the Physics of Oceans and Atmospheres, OSU Corvallis Hybrid Systems Seminar, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley Applied Mathematics Seminar, UC Berkeley 2010 Applied Mechanics Seminar, TU Berlin (Germany) Applied Mechanics Seminar, TU Hannover (Germany) Applied Mechanics Seminar, TU Darmstadt (Germany) Student/Postdoc Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory M AT T H I A S M O R Z F E L D , L I S T AC C E P T E D / I N O F P U B L I C AT I O N S P R I N T J O U R NA L A RT I C L E S A.J. Chorin, F. Lu, R.N. Miller, M. Morzfeld, and X. Tu, Sampling, feasibility, and priors in Bayesian estimation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, special issue in honor of Peter Lax, accpeted (2015). J O U R NA L P U B L I C AT I O N S M. Morzfeld, Implicit sampling for path integral control, localization, and SLAM, ASME Journal of Dynamical Systems, Measurement and Control 137, 051016-1 – 051016-14 (2015). M. Morzfeld, X. Tu, J. Wilkening, and A.J. Chorin Implicit sampling for parameter estimation, Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 10(2), 205–225 (2015). C. Snyder, T. Bengtsson and M. Morzfeld, Performance bounds for particle filters using the optimal proposal, Monthly Weather Review 143, 4750 – 4761 (2015). J. Goodman, K.K. Lin, and M. Morzfeld, Small-noise analysis and symmetrization of implicit Monte Carlo samplers, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, doi: 10.1002/cpa.21592 (2015). F. Lu, M. Morzfeld, X. Tu, and A.J. Chorin, Limitations of polynomial chaos expansions in the Bayesian solution of inverse problems, Journal of Computational Physics 282 138–147 (2015). A.J. Chorin and M. Morzfeld, Conditions for successful data assimilation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118(20), 11522–11533 (2013). E. Atkins, M. Morzfeld, X. Tu, and A.J. Chorin, Implicit particle methods and their connection with variational data assimilation, Monthly Weather Review 141, 1786–1803 (2013). A.J. Chorin, M. Morzfeld, and X. Tu, Implicit sampling, with applications to filtering and data assimilation, Chinese Annals of Mathematics 34B, 89–98 (2013). M. Morzfeld, D.T. Kawano, and F. Ma, Characterization of damped linear dynamical systems in free motion, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization 3(1), 49–62 (2013). D.T. Kawano, M. Morzfeld, and F. Ma, The decoupling of second-order linear systems with a singular mass matrix, Journal of Sound and Vibration 332(25), 6829–6846 (2013). M. Morzfeld, X. Tu, E. Atkins, and A.J. Chorin, A random map implementation of implicit filters, Journal of Computational Physics 231, 2049–2066 (2012). M. Morzfeld and A.J. Chorin, Implicit particle filtering for models with partial noise, and an application to geomagnetic data assimilation, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 19, 365–382 (2012). M. Morzfeld, F. Ma, and B.N. Parlett, The transformation of second-order linear systems into independent equations, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 71(4), 1026–1043 (2011). M. Morzfeld and F. Ma, The decoupling of damped linear systems in configuration and state spaces, Journal of Sound and Vibration 330(2), 155–161 (2011). D.T. Kawano, M. Morzfeld, and F. Ma, The decoupling of defective linear dynamical systems in free motion, Journal of Sound and Vibration 330(21), 5165–5183 (2011). F. Ma and M. Morzfeld, A general methodology for decoupling damped linear systems, Procedia Engineering 14, 2498–2502 (2011). A.J. Chorin, M. Morzfeld, and X. Tu, Implicit filters for data assimilation, Communication in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 5, 221–240 (2010). F. Ma, M. Morzfeld, and A. Imam, The decoupling of damped linear systems in free or forced vibration, Journal of Sound and Vibration 329(15), 3182–3202 (2010). F. Ma, A. Imam, and M. Morzfeld, The decoupling of damped linear systems in oscillatory free vibration, Journal of Sound and Vibration 324 (1-2), 408-428 (2009). M. Morzfeld, N. Avajakom, and F. Ma, Diagonal dominance of damping and the decoupling approximation in linear vibratory systems, Journal of Sound and Vibration 320(1-2), 406–420 (2009). M. Morzfeld, N. Avajakom, and F. Ma, On the decoupling approximation in damped linear systems, Journal of Vibration and Control, 14 (12), 1869–1884 (2008). M. Morzfeld, N. Avajakom, and F. Ma, A remark about the decoupling approximation in damped discrete linear systems, Mechanics Research Communications 35, 439–446 (2008). BOOK CHAPTERS A.J. Chorin, M. Morzfeld, and X. Tu, Implicit sampling, with application to data assimilation, in “Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Control and Approximation” (in honor of the scientific heritage of Jacques-Louis Lions), P.G. Ciarlet, T. Li and Y. Maday (editors), Springer, 2014. A.J. Chorin, M. Morzfeld, and X. Tu, A survey of implicit particle filters for data assimilation, in “State Space Models, with Applications in Economics and Finance” Y. Zeng and S. Wu (editors), Springer, 2013. C O N F E R E N C E P RO C E E D I N G S M. Morzfeld, Implicit sampling for path integral control, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Portland, 6p. (2014). I. Yang, M. Morzfeld, C.J. Tomlin, A.J. Chorin, Path integral formulation of stochastic optimal control with generalized costs, Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC WC), Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 6994-7000, 2014. H.C. Godinez and M. Morzfeld, Estimation and prediction for an orbital propagation model using data assimilation, Paper number AAS 14-35, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Series, Volume 152, pp. 2003-2021(2014) Editors: R.S. Wilson, R. Zanetti, D.L. Mackison and O. Abdelkhalik. A.J. Chorin, M. Morzfeld, and X. Tu, Implicit sampling, with application to data assimilation, Conference in honor of J.L. Lions, Fudan University, Shanghai (2012). F. Ma, M. Morzfeld, and D.T. Kawano, A method and algorithm for transforming damped linear systems into independent equations, Proceedings of 2011 ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, DETC/ CIE2011-47474, 4p. (2011). M. Morzfeld and F. Ma, The decoupling of linear dynamical systems, COMPDYN, III ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Corfu, Greece, (2011). F. Ma and M. Morzfeld, A general methodology for decoupling linear dynamical systems, 12th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-12), Hong Kong, China (2011). M. Morzfeld, N. Avajakom, and F. Ma, Some remarks about the decoupling approximation of damped linear systems, Proceedings of 2009 ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diego, California, DETC2009-86319, 6p. (2009). F. Ma, A. Imam, and M. Morzfeld, Extension of modal analysis to decouple all linear systems in oscillatory free vibration, Proceedings of 2008 ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, New York City, DETC2008-49849, 5p. (2008). M. Morzfeld, N. Avajakom, and F. Ma, Diagonal dominance and the decoupling approximation in damped discrete linear systems, Proceedings of 2007 ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, DETC/ CIE2007-35690, 9p. (2007). M. Morzfeld, N. Avajakom, and F. Ma, Characteristics of coordinate coupling and the decoupling approximation in damped linear systems, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Test and Measurement, Beijing, China, 3841-3848 (2007) . C O N F E R E N C E P R E S E N TAT I O N S M. Morzfeld, A.J. Chorin Conditions for successful data assimilation, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Salt Lake City (2015). M. Morzfeld, A. Fournier, G. Hulot Understanding and Predicting Geomagnetic Dipole Reversals Via Low Dimensional Models and Data Assimilation, American Geophysical Union: General Assembly, San Francisco (2014). M. Morzfeld, D. Hodyss, A.J. Chorin, K. Lin, The ability of EnKF to sample joint and marginal posteriors, American Geophysical Union: General Assembly, San Francisco (2014). X. Tu, A.J. Chorin, and M. Morzfeld, Implicit sampling for data assimilation, American Geophysical Union: General Assembly, San Francisco (2014). H.C. Godinez and M. Morzfeld, Estimation and prediction for an orbital propagation model, American Geophysical Union: General Assembly, San Francisco (2013). M. Morzfeld and A.J. Chorin, Conditions for successful data assimilation, BIRS Workshop on Probabilistic Approaches to Data Assimilation for Earth Systems, Banff (2013). M. Morzfeld, Implicit particle methods for data assimilation, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Boston (2013). M. Morzfeld, Implicit particle filtering for geomagnetic data assimilation, SIAM Meeting on Uncertainty Quantification, Raleigh, NC (2012). M. Morzfeld, A.J. Chorin, R.N. Miller, Y.H. Spitz, and B. Weir, Implicit sampling for data assimilation in geophysics, International Conference on Ensemble Methods in Geophysical Sciences, Meteo-France, Toulouse, France, (2012). B. Weir, E. Atkins, A.J. Chorin, R.N. Miller, M. Morzfeld, Y.H. Spitz, Particle filters in ecological modeling problems, Coastal Ocean Modeling Meeting, Corvallis, (2012). M. Morzfeld, E. Atkins, and A.J. Chorin, Geomagnetic data assimilation with an implicit filter into a one-dimensional sparsely observed MHD system, European Geosciences Union: General Assembly, Vienna (2011). R. Miller, E. Atkins, A.J. Chorin, M. Morzfeld, Y. Spitz, and B. Weir, Implementation of the implicit particle filter for a model of nearshore circulation (solicited), European Geosciences Union: General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2011). M. Morzfeld and F. Ma, The decoupling of second-order linear dynamical systems, 82nd Annual Meeting International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Graz, Austria, (2011). M. Morzfeld, A.J. Chorin, and X. Tu, Implicit filters for data assimilation, American Geophysical Union: Meeting of the Americas, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil (2010). P O S T E R -P R E S E N TAT I O N S M. Morzfeld, A. Fournier, G. Hulot Predicting geomagnetic reversals via data assimilation: a feasibility study, European Geosciences Union: General Assembly, Vienna (2014). F. Lu, M. Morzfeld, X. Tu, and A.J. Chorin, Limitations of polynomial chaos in Bayesian parameter estimation, American Geophysical Union: General Assembly, San Francisco (2014). J. Wilkening, X. Tu, M. Morzfeld, and A.J. Chorin, Implicit sampling for parameter estimation, American Geophysical Union: General Assembly, San Francisco (2014). M. Morzfeld, A. Fournier, and G. Hulot, Prediction of geomagnetic reversals using low-dimensional dynamical models and advanced data assimilation: a feasibility study, American Geophysical Union: General Assembly, San Francisco (2013). M. Morzfeld and A.J. Chorin, Conditions for successful data assimilation, American Geophysical Union: General Assembly, San Francisco (2013). M. Morzfeld, E. Atkins, and A.J. Chorin, Implicit particle methods and their connection to weak and strong constraint 4D-Var, American Geophysical Union: General Assembly, San Francisco (2012). B. Weir, A.J. Chorin, R.N. Miller, M. Morzfeld, and Y.H. Spitz, Estimation of ecological model parameters by implicit sampling, International Conference on Ensemble Methods in Geophysical Sciences, Meteo-France, Toulouse, France, (2012). E. Atkins, A.J. Chorin, M. Morzfeld, and X. Tu, Implicit sampling with application to filtering and data assimilation, Department of Energy Applied Mathematics Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC (2011). E. Atkins, M. Morzfeld, and A.J. Chorin, Implicit particle filters: a numerical case study using the Lorenz attractor, European Geosciences Union: General Assembly, Vienna (2011). M. Morzfeld, X. Tu, and A.J. Chorin, An implicit particle filter for large dimensional data assimilation problems, American Geophysical Union: General Assembly, San Francisco (2011). M. Morzfeld, X. Tu, and A.J. Chorin, Nonlinear data assimilation with an implicit filter for stochastic partial differential equations exhibiting space-time chaos, Department of Energy Applied Mathematics Principal Investigators Meeting, Berkeley, California, USA (2010).