709:441:01 Life Span Community Nutrition (4 credit hours) Fall 2014

709:441:01 Life Span Community Nutrition (4 credit hours)
Fall 2014
MTh 9:15–10:35 AM, Ruth Adams Building 206
Index # 02739
Th 2:30–3:25 PM, Ruth Adams Building 206
Douglass Campus
Department of Nutritional Sciences
SEBS – Rutgers University
Barbara L. Tangel (BLT) MS, RD
229B Davison Hall; Phone 732.932.6525; Email bltangel@rci.rutgers.edu
Office Hours: MTThF 10:45-noon
John Worobey (JW) PhD
208 Davison Hall; Phone 732.932.6517; Email worobey@rci.rutgers.edu
Office Hours M 11AM–12 PM and Th 1– 2:15 PM
Open to seniors only or by permission; prerequisite courses: 709:255 Nutrition and
Health, 709:202 Introduction to Foods & Nutrition Laboratory
Course Description
The teaching, science, and philosophy of community nutrition and the programs and
agencies designed to improve the nutritional status of various populations.
Required Text
Nnakwe, N.E. (2013) Community nutrition: Planning health promotion and disease
prevention (2nd edition). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Available at the
Barnes & Noble Bookstore (Somerset Street) and New Jersey Books (Easton Avenue).
Learning objectives
After taking this course, students will:
1. be familiar with US nutrition policy, monitoring, and assistance programs;
2. be able to discuss world hunger, malnutrition, and issues in food security;
3. recognize nutrient and program needs for different segments of the lifespan;
4. identify and appreciate cultural barriers to health promotion/disease prevention;
5. understand research, grantsmanship, and program delivery approaches;
6. know the educational requirements, practice settings, roles, and responsibilities of
community health nutritionists.
Course Requirements
1. Attendance at all class meetings, participation encouraged
2. Community assessment project (100 points), due October 9, 2014
3. Mid-term examination (100 points), October 20, 2014
4. Grant proposal project (100 points), due December 4, 2014
5. Final examination (100 points), December 19, 2014
Course Policies
Regular attendance is required and you are expected to be attentive, participate, stay the
entire period, and arrive on time. Our morning sessions begin at 9:15 AM, so arrange
your travel accordingly—late entry is distracting to your instructors and your fellow
students. To further eliminate distractions, laptop computers are to be used only for
lecture slides or note taking. Cell phones should be in the “off” mode, and texting or
using a BlackBerry or iPad during class is prohibited.
Regarding absences, if you expect to miss one or two classes, please use the University
absence reporting website https://sims.rutgers.edu/ssra/ to indicate the date and reason for
your absence (An email will automatically be sent to us). In cases where you must miss
classes or recitations for periods longer than one week, please contact a Dean of Students
for assistance to help verify your circumstances.
Note to Students re: Academic Integrity
Each and every year, numerous Rutgers students are suspended, expelled, or receive
failing grades due to violations of academic integrity. Many of the students who are
caught cheating were not aware of the consequences or even unaware that their actions
constituted cheating at all. For your own protection please read the university’s
Academic Integrity Policy. http://academicintegrity.rutgers.edu/integrity.shtml
Tentative Topic
Thursday AM
What is Community Nutrition? (BLT, JW)
Ch 1
Thursday PM
Community Assessment guidelines (BLT)
Nutrition screening and assessment (JW)
Ch 2
Thursday AM
US nutrition monitoring
Guest Speaker – Dr. Nurgül Fitzgerald, RD
Ch 4
Thursday PM
Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics resources (BLT)
Nutritional epidemiology
Guest Speaker – Dr. Dan Hoffman
Ch 3
Thursday AM
Hunger and malnutrition (JW)
Ch 7
Thursday PM
Community Assessment workshop I (BLT)
Nutrition and food policy I – US (BLT)
Ch 6
Tentative Topic
Thursday AM
Nutrition and food policy II – NJ (JW)
Thursday PM
US and New Jersey SNAP–Ed
Guest Speaker – Dr. Debra Palmer
Culture, race and health disparities (BLT)
Ch 5
Thursday AM
Cultural considerations in health promotion (BLT)
Thursday PM
Community Assessment workshop II (BLT)
Planning effective community programs (BLT)
Ch 12
Thursday AM
Food assistance programs I (BLT)
Ch 4
Thursday PM
New Brunswick Community Farmer’s Market
Guest Speaker – Sarah Dixon, BA
(Community Assessment Project due)
10/13 Monday
Food assistance programs II (BLT)
10/16 Thursday AM
Behavioral science research methods (JW)
Ch 3
10/16 Thursday PM
Grant Proposal guidelines (JW)
Ch 14
10/20 Monday
*** Mid-term Examination ***
10/23 Thursday AM
Russell Symposium, Neilson Dining Hall, D/C Campus
If staying for lunch you must register
Russell Symposium, Neilson Dining Hall, D/C Campus
10/23 Thursday PM
10/27 Monday
Nutrition during pregnancy
Guest Speaker – Dr. Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, RD
Ch 8
10/30 Thursday AM
Nutrition for infants and toddlers
Guest Speaker – Peggy Policastro, MS, RD
Ch 8
10/30 Thursday PM
Grant Proposal workshop I (JW)
Tentative Topic
Early feeding issues (JW)
Thursday AM
Nutrition in early childhood
Guest Speaker – Harriet Worobey, MA
Thursday PM
WIC Supplemental Nutrition Program
Guest Speaker – Simi Kaur, BS
Ch 9
11/10 Monday
Childhood obesity (JW)
Ch 9
11/13 Thursday AM
Nutrition in adolescence (BLT)
11/13 Thursday PM
New Jersey School Nutrition Programs
Guest Speaker - Erlisa Levin, RD, MPH
11/17 Monday
Body image and eating disorders (JW)
11/20 Thursday AM
Ethics in writing and research (JW)
11/20 Thursday PM
Grant Proposal workshop II (JW)
11/24 Monday
Nutrition in adulthood (BLT)
Ch 10
11/25 Tuesday AM
Nutrition for the elderly
Guest Speaker – Dr. Joshua Miller
Ch 11
11/25 Tuesday PM
Thursday’s schedule, but no PM class)
Ch 15
Happy Thanksgiving
Death and dieting (JW)
Thursday AM
Food advertising to children (JW)
Thursday PM
Working in the community nutrition field
Guest Speaker – Jennifer Shukaitis, MPH
(Grant Proposal Project due)
Wrap-up and review (BLT, JW)
12/19 Friday
*** Final Examination [4:00–6:00 PM] ***
Ch 17