ZFOURGE The Four-Star Galaxy Evolution Survey Kim-Vy Tran Dept. of Physics & Astronomy Texas A&M University zfourge.tamu.edu ZFOURGE Survey ZFOURGE Survey Ivo Labbé, Kim-Vy Tran, Casey Papovich, Caroline Straatman, Adam Tomczak, Ryan Quadri, Vithal Tilvi, Nancy Kawinwanichakij, Ben Forrest, Rebecca Allen, Lee Spitler, Glenn Kacprzak, Themiya Nanayakkara, Glen Rees, Michael Cowley, Karl Glazebrook, Eric Persson, Pat McCarthy, Andy Monson, Pieter van Dokkum How do galaxies assemble in the past 11 Gyr ? Stellar Mass Functions Star Formation Histories Scaling Relations (e.g. size evolution) Role of Galactic Environment Active Galactic Nuclei zfourge.tamu.edu ZFOURGE Survey Ivo Labbé, Kim-Vy Tran, Casey Papovich, Caroline Straatman, Adam Tomczak, Ryan Quadri, Vithal Tilvi, Nancy Kawinwanichakij, Ben Forrest, Rebecca Allen, Lee Spitler, Glenn Kacprzak, Themiya Nanayakkara, Glen Rees, Michael Cowley, Karl Glazebrook, Eric Persson, Pat McCarthy, Andy Monson, Pieter van Dokkum How do galaxies assemble in the past 11 Gyr ? Stellar Mass Functions Star Formation Histories Scaling Relations (e.g. size evolution) Role of Galactic Environment Active Galactic Nuclei zfourge.tamu.edu ZFOURGE Survey Four-Star: Near-IR camera on Magellan (11’x11’) J1J2J3~25.5 HlHs~25 Ks~24.5 Builds on NMBS (wide-field component; PI van Dokkum) see talks by Whitaker, Marchesini NEWFIRM 1.2” K 12 hours NMBS Four-Star 0.4” K 30 minutes ZFOURGE ZFOURGE Survey CANDELS/GOODS-S CANDELS/UDS CANDELS/COSMOS Galaxy Populations ZFOURGE - accurate zphots - hi-res images (K-band+CANDELS) UVJ diagram Wuyts+2007 Williams+2009 NMBS (NEWFIRM) Whitaker+2011 ZFOURGE Survey Stellar Mass Functions How stars are distributed at a given epoch? Stellar Mass Functions ZFOURGE + CANDELS F160W Adam Tomczak (TAMU), 2014, ApJ ZFOURGE ULTRAVISTA NMBS Star-forming Quiescent NMBS (NEWFIRM) Whitaker+2011 ULTRAVISTA Muzzin+2013 Stellar Mass Functions ZFOURGE + CANDELS F160W + NMBS Adam Tomczak (TAMU), 2014, ApJ Star-forming Quiescent zfourge.tamu.edu Stellar Mass Functions ZFOURGE + CANDELS F160W + NMBS Adam Tomczak (TAMU) et al. 2014, ApJ ZFOURGE Survey ZFOURGE + CANDELS F160W + NMBS Adam Tomczak (TAMU) ZFOURGE Survey Star Formation Rates How quickly do galaxies assemble their stars ? Tracking Star Formation Colors (rest-frame optical) Spectral Emission (rest-frame optical) Mid-Infrared Emission z~2 MOSDEF KMOS ZFIRE Star Formation vs. Stellar Mass ZFOURGE + Spitzer + Herschel Adam Tomczak (TAMU), in prep also Whitaker+14 Salim+07 Mid-IR GOODS (Dickinson) S-COSMOS (Sanders) SpUDS (Dunlop) GOODS-H (Elbaz) CANDELS-H (Dickinson) SF vs. Mass vs. Redshift ZFOURGE + Spitzer + Herschel Adam Tomczak (TAMU), in prep ZFOURGE Survey Connection between Star Formation and AGN ? ZFOURGE Radio AGN Quiescent Hosts @z<1 Star-Forming Hosts @ z>1.5 12.0 log(Stellar Mass) [M ] 11.5 11.0 10.5 MHalo = 1012.0 10.0 9.5 Ks-band selected High-luminosity radio-AGN with quiescent hosts High-luminosity radio-AGN with star-forming hosts Low-luminosity radio-AGN with quiescent hosts Low-luminosity radio-AGN with star-forming hosts 9.0 8.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Zphot Glen Rees (Macquarie), Spitler, et al. ZFOURGE AGN X-ray, Radio, & IR selected AGN: Hosts have higher SSFR −7 0.2 0.8 < z < 0.8 1.8 Hosts trol Sample 0.8 1.8< <z z< <1.8 3.2 AGN Hosts Control Sample log(sSFR/yr-1) −8 −9 −10 −11 ΔsSFR −12 21 dex 11.0 −13 9.5 −12 −10 −8 Log sSFR [yr-1] 10.0 ΔsSFR ~0.21 ~0.42 dex 10.5 11.0 log (M/M ) −12 −12 −10 −10 −8 −8 -1]] Log Log sSFR sSFR [yr [yr-1 9.5 9.5 10.0 10.0 ΔsSFR ΔsSFR ~0.42 ~0.35 dex dex 10.5 10.5 11.0 11.0 log log (M/M (M/M )) − L 11.5 9.5 Michael Cowley (Macquarie), Spitler, et al. ZFOURGE Survey How does the Milky Way form ? Where most stars are in the Universe Milky Way Progenitor ZFOURGE + CANDELS Papovich (TAMU) et al. 2015, ApJ Milky Way Progenitor Papovich+2015 ZFOURGE Survey Any galaxies at z>7 ? Ly ZFOURGE LBGs @z~7 Vithal (TAMU) et al., 2013 ApJ ZFOURGE Large Scale Structure Millenium Simulation Mock : 1.95<z<2.05 Kitzbichler & White 2006 True Redshift z = 0.02(1 + z) z = 0.1(1 + z) ZFOURGE Large Scale Structure optical bright NIR Yuan+2014, ApJ Letters; Spitler+2012, ApJ Letters ZFOURGE Galaxy Cluster @z=2.1 ZFOURGE + MOSFIRE Tran/Glazebrook/Kewley Spectroscopy of Galaxy Clusters @z~2 see talks by Yuan & Kacprzak (Thursday) SED Composites: From Imaging ! ZFOURGE: >5000 galaxies at 0.5<z<3.0 (see Kriek+2011) Ben Forrest (TAMU), Josha van Houdt (Leiden) Tran, Labbé, Kriek UV to IR Spitzer + Herschel ZFOURGE Survey Lots of interesting results, more to come in 2015 ! - Sizes of massive quiescent galaxies at z~4 (Straatman) - Star formation histories since z~3 (Tomczak) - ZFOURGE survey paper (Straatman & Labbé) - AGN host galaxies (Rees, Cowley) - Sizes of cluster galaxies at z~2 (Allen) - Satellite galaxies at 1<z<3 (Kawinwanichakij) - Composite SEDs for 1<z<3 (Forrest, van Houdt) zfourge.tamu.edu Thanks Observatories ! Keck Spitzer Hubble Magellan Herschel Thank you public & legacy surveys ! ZFOURGE Summary - Stellar Mass Functions for 0<z<3 - Star Formation Histories at 0<z<4 - AGN Hosts at 0.5<z<4 - Milky Way Progenitor at 0<z<3 - Lyman Break Galaxies at z~7 - SED Composites (Library) at z>1 … More to come ! −7 0.2 < z < 0.8 0.8 < z < 1.8 1.8 < z < 3.2 AGN Hosts Control Sample log(sSFR/yr-1) −8 −9 −10 −11 −12 −12 −10 −8 Log sSFR [yr-1] −13 9.5 10.0 ΔsSFR ~0.21 dex 10.5 11.0 log (M/M ) zfourge.tamu.edu −12 −10 −8 Log sSFR [yr-1] 9.5 10.0 ΔsSFR ~0.42 dex 10.5 11.0 log (M/M ) −12 −10 −8 Log sSFR [yr-1] 9.5 10.0 ΔsSFR ~0.35 dex 10.5 11.0 log (M/M ) 11.5