Copyright 1996 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. OO22-3514/96/S3.OO Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1996, Vol. 70, No. 2, 349-361 IQ and Ego-Resiliency: Conceptual and Empirical Connections and Separateness Jack Block and Adam M. Kremen University of California, Berkeley The constructs of intelligence and ego-resiliency are discussed. The personality implications of "pure intelligence" and "pure ego-resilience" were identified. Intelligence (IQ) was indexed by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised and ego-resiliency by an inventory scale. Residual scores measuring "pure intelligence" and "pure ego-resilience" were correlated with the items of the observerbased California Q-sort, used to describe participants. Persons relatively high on ego-resilience tend to be more competent and comfortable in the "fuzzier" interpersonal world; persons defined primarily by raw IQ tend to be effective in the "clearer" world of structured work but tend also to be uneasy with affect and less able to realize satisfying human connections. Gender differences exist in the relations of ego-resilience and intelligence and in their adaptive relevance. (Sternberg, 1985a)—that provide the basis of intelligence. Furthermore, IQ is used as a summarizing index of what may be viewed as a latent "general" factor underlying the diverse measures of intellectual ability that psychologists have used (Jensen, 1993). In the research we report, intelligence is represented by IQ scores. We acknowledge that "although many of us act as though intelligence is what intelligence tests measure, few of us believe it" (Sternberg, 1985a, p. 43). Recent views of intelligence have much enlarged on this traditional but narrow conception of intelligence (e.g., Brown, 1978; Carroll, 1993; Sternberg, 1985a, 1985b). We discuss these current conceptions later. For our immediate conceptual and analytical purposes, it has been more appropriate to accept and work with the familiar and restricted view of intelligence simply as an IQ score. We all know highly intelligent individuals who do not function well in the world in which they must live and who are psychologically maladjusted. And we all have encountered individuals not unusually endowed intellectually who nevertheless have achieved ways of living that are personally satisfying, socially constructive, and adaptationally creative. Such examples suggest that the long-standing emphasis of psychologists on the all-importance of intelligence for life adaptation is wanting; our psychological understandings require conceptual deepening. This article is an effort in that direction. The Construct of Intelligence The study of human intelligence has been a preoccupation of psychologists for over a century. As a consequence, the extant literature is beyond serious compass. Theoretical views abound, and the attendant empiricism in its frequency and detail is overwhelming. Histories of the intelligence concept may be consulted for perspective on the issues and approaches that have been brought forward (see, e.g., Brody, 1992; Steinberg, 1985a, 1990). It was Boring (1923) who offered the tautological view of intelligence as what intelligence tests measure. Psychologists have emphasized and continue to emphasize IQ tests because performance on such tests has been shown to have ubiquitous behavioral and outcome implications. Such tests are presumed to reflect the relatively raw basic processing functions—"the primary mental abilities" (Thurstone, 1938) or "components" The Construct of Ego-resiliency Individuals vary widely in their effectiveness of adaptation, in their ability to equilibrate and reequilibrate in response to their ever-changing being and the ever-changing world. Within a single life, too, it will be observed that at times a person is much more resourceful and adaptively effective than at other times. Because of the recognition of such interindividual and intraindividual differences, a central conceptual preoccupation of the field of personality over the years has been with how to most fruitfully theorize regarding the factors underlying human adaptability. There have been two basic approaches to the characterization of adaptability. The first approach, pragmatically concerned with societal requirements, has focused on the dimension of adjustment. The term adjustment is a conceptually undemanding (even innocuous) layperson's way of saying that an individual is getting along or not getting along in the world as it is. Such "adjustment" is not without societal importance, of course. Ultimately, such adjustment must be taken into account when a person's adaptability is considered. But the term seems also to imply a Jack Block and Adam M. Kremen, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley. This research was supported by National Institute of Mental Health Grant MH 16080. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jack Block or Adam M. Kremen, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-1650. Electronic mail may be sent via the Internet to or to 349 350 BLOCK AND KREMEN conformance to conditions and values that, from an intrapsychological rather than societal standpoint, may not mean psychological health. As Thoreau implied in his remark about lives led in quiet desperation, an "adjusted" person may not be a happy person but rather a person who has settled for less. A related recognition is that a person may be adapted but not adaptable. The individual may have sought and found or fortuitously encountered a niche in which to abide and perhaps hide, one that suffices, one that keeps despairs and anxiety within tolerable bounds. This kind of static adaptation is not publicly troublesome, but it is not what we should mean by adaptability. So, being adjusted, being adapted, is not quite the way to think conceptually about adaptability and psychological health. The second approach has derived from recognition of the insufficiency of societal preoccupation with "adjustment" and the atheoretical view of "mental health" as meaning simply and solely the absence of "symptoms." In response, various concepts have been brought forward as theoretically useful, more psychological abstractions to characterize human adaptability (e.g., ego strength, emotional stability, coping, competence, self-efficacy, hardiness, self-regulation). More recently, a connotatively cognitive terminology has been advanced: "response modulation" (Patterson & Newman, 1993), "executive systems," "decision and adaptive systems" (Kosslyn & Koenig, 1992), "the Central Executive" (Baddeley, 1986), "attentional and effortful control" (Posner & Rothbart, 1992), "meta-cognitive components" of intelligence (Brown, 1978; Sternberg, 1985a), "action control" (Kuhl & Kraska, 1989), "social intelligence" (Cantor & Kihlstrom, 1987; Ford & Tisak, 1983; Keating, 1978), "emotional intelligence" (Salovey & Mayer, 1990), "constructive thinking" (Epstein & Meier, 1989), and "left brain interpreter" (Gazzaniga, 1989), among others. These concepts have been of diverse conjectural origin and have used different terminologies, but all have been proposed to encompass the quite remarkable phenomenon of human adaptability in more articulated, more theoretical ways that might advance our understanding. One of these concepts, formulated more than 40 years ago (J. Block, 1950; J. H. Block, 1951) is the construct of ego-resiliency. (This may have been the first conceptual usage of the term resiliency in psychology.) If the infant starting out in life is to become adaptively attuned to the surrounding psychosocial environment, impulse cannot be allowed free rein; the capacity to regulate or modulate impulse must be developed by the child. By so doing, the potentially dangerous and potentially enticing world beyond the child becomes less fearsome and more controllable. Adverse consequences are not triggered; pleasing consequences become more likely. Such impulse control develops over time through the maturation and experientially derived construction of various personality structures (e.g., mechanisms, routines, schemata, scripts, procedural rules, production systems), many of which involve a strong but by no means exclusive cognitive component. In psychoanalytic terminology, these personality structures serve to bring the individual, otherwise bent on maximizing the "pleasure principle," reluctantly under the governance of the preemptive "reality principle." The interrelated, sequentially organized set and system of personality structures is marshaled to give priority to avoidance of immediate threats to the viability of the individual. Within that overriding con- straint, the personality system is further disposed so as to gratify the individual and to enhance long-term viability (e.g., reproductive fitness). This evolution-derived, dual, but hierarchically organized system is what the term "ego" means in the present context.1 Phenomenologically, when the ego system is functioning well, and the external surround is passably secure, the individual is zestful about life, experiences a sense of coherence and self-esteem (incoherence and an absence of self-esteem are subjective signs to the individual that the ego system is not working decently), is affectively aware and responsive,2 and therefore has developed and now can count on enduring interpersonal relatedness (Epstein, 1994). Examples of specific "ego-functioning" structures (orientations or premises implemented by behavioral routines or perceptualizing schematas) include contextually warranted delay of gratification, rejection of contextually unwarranted nongratification, inhibition of aggression (which might elicit dangerous reactions), caution in unstructured situations, and playfully sentient experiencing of the environment. They may also include what Freud (1933) called "experimental action" (i.e., internal cognitive construction and manipulation of anticipated, alternatively possible behaviors so as to foresee consequences whenever feasible), "working models" of interpersonal relations oriented to effectively access love and prevent abandonment, and so on. The various ego structures involved in impulse control are interrelated. Following system organizational principles, these ego structures are invoked sequentially as the individual responds to and acts upon the flux of experience, facing different contextual demands and different contextual opportunities. Developmentally, these metamotivational dynamics mold an individual personality system. The interrelations and sequencing of ego structures may be effective or ineffective in maintaining the personality system of the individual within the bounds of psychological viability. Psychological viability for the individual entails a tolerable anxiety level, a tolerable mesh with situational impingements, and a tolerable level of impulse expression. The linkages of the ego structures that keep the personality system within tenable bounds or permit thefindingagain of psychologically tenable adaptational 1 As an aside, we note and acknowledge that the word ego troubles many psychologists because they view that term as implying a homunculus, a little man sitting high up in his pineal office, directing the fortunes of his empire. From the scientific perspective of those concerned with the neural organization of the human brain, much to be preferred apparently are expressions such as the "left brain interpreter," offered recently by a well-known neuroscientist. The "left brain interpreter" is defined as a neural system "that allows the organism to generate hypotheses about the nature of its responses, and by doing so, not only presents the human. . . with a mechanism to both form and modify beliefs, but perhaps also frees the human agent from the shackles of environmental stimuli." (Gazzaniga, 1989, p. 951) It is acknowledged that this neural system is thus far unspecifiable. We suggest that these two concepts—ego and left brain interpreter— represent equally homuncular efforts to embody the complexity of adaptive human functioning. The term ego may be preferable because of its historical precedence and neural neutrality. 1 The ego system is affectively aware and responsive, but not to the point of immobilizing hyperawareness. IQ AND EGO-RESILIENCY modes are what is meant by the construct ofego-resiliency. Note that by this definition, the hallmark of psychological health is the complementary coupling of external affordances and constraints with the internal motivations and needs of the individual. The child's learning of impulse control per se, of behavioral inhibitions, of compliance with parental prescriptions, and of reflexive, unthinking deference to internalized proscriptions is developmentally advancing for the child when it occurs. However, such inhibition or compliance does not necessarily represent an adaptively desirable endpoint. Adaptability in the long-term requires more than the replacement of unbridled impulsivity, or undercontrol, with categorical, pervasive, andrigidimpulse control. This would be overcontrol of impulse, restriction of the spontaneity that provides the basis for creativity and interpersonal connection. Instead, and ideally, dynamic and resourceful regulation and equilibration of impulses and inhibitions must be achieved. It is this modulation of ego-control that we more formally mean by the construct of ego-resiliency. It can be said that the human goal is to be as undercontrolled as possible and as overcontrolled as necessary. When one is more undercontrolled than is adaptively effective or more overcontrolled than is adaptively required, one is not resilient Because people differ reliably in their degree of dynamic resourcefulness in maintaining a personally sufficient adaptational system, it follows that individuals toward one end of the ego-resilience continuum may be called ego-resilient and individuals toward the other end of the continuum may be called ego-brittle. Ego-brittleness, given the inevitable stream of oncoming and somewhat unpredictable situations, places the individual at risk for the experience of anxiety (and other negative affects). The presence of anxiety, as well as the strategies desperately invoked subsequently to head off the intrusion of anxiety, encumber flexible modification of ego-control. Both derivatives of ego-brittleness act partly by impeding theflowof information between ego structures, necessary for adaptively responsive linkages. Also, overly predetermined response patterns—leading to automatic invocation of overcontrol or a succumbing to undercontrol— will, in the long run, bring about less successful adaptations to environmental contexts, resulting both in increased negative affect (Tellegen, 1985) and to a less differentiated behavioral repertoire. In the absence of the preemptive influence of anxiety, however, the individual is released to engage in positive and vital exploration of the environment (J. Block, 1982; White, 1959). Thus, ego-resilience is expected to predispose individuals not only to an absence of susceptibility to anxiety but also to a positive engagement with the world, as manifested by positive affect (Tellegen, 1985) and openness to experience. The ego-brittle individual, in contrast, is expected to frequently experience anxieties precipitated, inevitably, by existential uncertainties and difficulties. It follows further that, iffrequentlyexperienced, such anxieties may lead to a chronic dysphoria. Thus, both positive affect and negative affect, although conceptually independent of each other, may be viewed as characterological consequences of ego-resiliency or ego-brittleness. The integrally related constructs of ego-control and ego-resilience represent abstractions intended to encompass the observable phenomena of motivational control and resourceful adaptation as relatively enduring, structural aspects of personality. Note that, as formulated (see, e.g., J. Block, 1950, 1965; J. H. Block, 351 1951;J.H.Block&J. Block, 1980; J.H. Block & Martin, 1955), the definition of ego-resiliency is a particular, theory-dependent one that has sought to express some useful recognitions achieved by psyehodynamic theory and to generate explicit behavioral predictions.3 As specifically conceptualized, ego-resiliency refers to the dynamic capacity of an individual to modify a characteristic level of ego-control, in either direction, as a function of the demand characteristics of the environmental context, so as to preserve or enhance system equilibration. Depending upon impinging psychological presses, ego-resilience implies the ability to change from and also return to the individual's characteristic level of ego-control after the temporary, accommodation-requiring stressing influence is no longer acutely present (J. Block, 1982). The idea of "resilience" implies a generalized, characterological quality of an individual and does not simply apply to a highly specific, one-time behavior. The Connection Between IQ and Ego-resiliency One of the questions raised in regard to ego-resiliency derives from its relation with "intelligence." Measures of ego-resiliency and measures of IQ tend to correlate somewhat. More generally, it is well-known that what are designated somewhat vaguely as executive functions (which we interpret as manifestations of ego-resiliency) correlate with IQ (see, e.g., Lezak, 1983; Lynam, Moffitt, & Stouthamer-Loeber, 1993; Moffitt, 1993). Conceptually, some degree of connection between ego-resiliency (hereafter, ER) and IQ can be expected to exist. This connection may, in part, be definitionally based, if the particular construct of intelligence used is conceptualized very broadly. But indices of human adaptability will relate also to indices of intelligence more narrowly defined (i.e., IQ) for the obvious reason that adaptability is at least a partial indicator of a sufficient functioning of underlying intellective components, such as short-term memory, information, reaction time, et cetera. These recognitions warrant further empirical study. What is the connection between ego-resiliency and intelligence as represented by IQ? And what are the unique contributions that each offers to understanding behavior and adaptation? To proceed with this question, it is necessary to fairly operationally define the constructs. To operationally define the construct of intelligence, we used a standard and widely accepted IQ measure. ER can be evaluated in a variety of ways—by laboratory test situations; by prolonged, well-based observations of individuals in their life contexts; and, most simply in adults, by the use of a specifically constructed questionnaire scale. In the present study, we have used this last method. 3 In recent years, the term resiliency, without the prefixing term ego, has come into other, less formal, simply descriptive use. The term resilience, as now used so broadly by so many, is often nothing more than contemporary jaigon for what an earlier generation of psychologists labeled ego strength. For others (e.g., Hauser, Vieyra, Jacobson, & Wertlieb, 1985; Masten, Best, & Garmezy, 1990; Milgram & Palti, 1993; Rutter, 1990), the idea of resiliency refers to "invulnerable" individuals or the observed phenomenon of "survivorship." Individuals characterized by seemingly successful adaptation, despite seemingly significant challenges or threats to adaptation, are said to be "resilient." This descriptive usage of the term resilience can readily be subsumed by the more conceptual construct of ego resiliency. 352 BLOCK AND KREMEN Given a widely used and generally well-regarded IQ index and a self-report questionnaire scale established to index ER, analyses can focus on the behavioral implications of ER after partialing the influence of IQ and, symmetrically, on the behavioral implications of IQ after eliminating the influence of ER. Method Participants Participants were individuals in the Block and Block Longitudinal Study of Cognitive and Ego Development at the University of California at Berkeley (see J. H. Block & J. Block, 1980, for a comprehensive description of the study during its early years; for later understandings of the study, consult, e.g., J. Block, 1993; J. Block, J. H. Block, & Keyes, 1988; J. Block, Gjerde, & Block, 1991). Participants resided primarily in urban areas and were heterogeneous with respect to social class and parents' educational level. At age 18, 106 participants were assessed; at age 23, 104 participants were assessed. Of these, usable data for the present analyses were available for 95 participants (49 women and 46 men). Measuring IQ At age 18, participants were evaluated by means of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R; Wechsler, 1981). The subscales of the WAIS-R were administered to a participant over several assessment sessions held on different, proximate days. This temporal spreading of testing can be expected to provide a more dependable and representative index of the participant's IQ. The coefficient alpha reliabilities of WAIS-R Full IQ score was .83. The correlations between the WAIS-R Full IQ scores with Wechsler IQ scores measured at ages 4 and 11, uncorrected for attenuation, were very high for both sexes (for the girls, r^_is = .71, = .81; for the boys, r4_18 = .63, /•„_„ = .85. At age 18, the mean WAIS-R score for the female sample was 111.2 (SD = 13.2); for the male sample, the mean IQ score was 115.9 (SD = 14.3). This difference approached statistical significance (p = .09). Table 1 Items ofthe Ego-Resiliency Scale (ER89) Item 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. I am generous with my friends. I quickly get over and recover from being startled. I enjoy dealing with new and unusual situations. I usually succeed in making a favorable impression on people. I enjoy trying new foods I have never tasted before. I am regarded as a very energetic person. I like to take different paths to familiar places. I am more curious than most people. Most of the people I meet are likeable. I usually think carefully about something before acting. I like to do new and different things. My daily life is full of things that keep me interested. I would be willing to describe myself as a pretty "strong" personality. 14. I get over my anger at someone reasonably quickly. Note. ER89 items are responded to by participants using a 4-step continuum: 1 = does not apply at all; 2 = applies slightly, if at all; 3 = applies somewhat; and 4 = applies very strongly. It is desirable to intermix the ER89 items with other inventory items being administered at the same time. the attenuation effect, they become .67 and .51. It merits mention that, in our longitudinal study, the period from age 18 to age 23 seems to be an especially significant developmental time when individuals simultaneously articulate themselves and consolidate themselves psychologically. Across time periods of equivalent length but later in life, after character has become more established, it can be expected that crosstime ER89 correlations would be appreciably higher (see, e.g., J. Block, 1981; McCrae & Costa, 1990). For the purposes of the present analyses, the ER89 scale scores at ages 18 and 23 were standard scored within each sex and then averaged. The resulting averaged score can be expected to be more dependable than either of its elements, as well as more adequately representing the longterm structural nature of ER. An Inventory Scale to Index Ego Resilience Over a number of years, in various studies, inventory items reflecting ego resilience and suitable for usage in nonpsychiatric contexts have been sought and evaluated by the authors (e.g., J. Block, 1965). Like most efforts at scale development, this conceptual effort has proceeded in empirical ways and has involved conceptual decisions that were not fully systematic. Therefore, the history of this sequence of efforts cannot be fully or precisely described. As Eysenck and Eysenck (1976) have remarked in an equivalent context, "Our reasons for accepting or rejecting items were so complex that it would be difficult to objectify them . . . the only possible check on the value of our work must be the validation of thefinalproduct" (p. 47). The present study uses the latest version of an ego-resiliency scale (ER89) and is based on several samples entirely different from the present one. It consists of 14 items, each responded to on a 4-point scale. Table 1 presents the items constituting the ER89 scale. The ER89 items, interspersed among many other inventory items, were administered to participants at both ages 18 and 23. Within the entire sample, the coefficient alpha reliability of ER89 was .76 at both ages 18 and 23. For a brief inventory scale, these reliabilities are relatively high. Across the 5 years between the two assessments, the correlation of the ER89 scores was .51 for the female sample and .39 for the male sample, uncorrected for attenuation. These cross-time correlations are, of course, statistically highly significant; when adjusted for Measuring Personality During Late Adolescence and Young Adulthood: The California Adult Q-sort Participants' personality characteristics were described at ages 18 and 23 by using the standard vocabulary of the California Adult Q-sort (CAQ; J. Block, 1961/1978) The CAQ consists of 100 statements tapping a wide range of personality, cognitive, and social characteristics. The method has demonstrated its usefulness in numerous and diverse research contexts (e.g., J. Block, J. H. Block, & Harrington, 1974; J. Block etal., 1988,1991; J. Block & Robins, 1993). At both ages 18 and 23, participants were assessed not only on a variety of experimental measures but also in in-depth, clinical interviews. When participants were 18 years old, each was described, using the CAQ, by four examiners and two interviewers. When participants were 23 years old, they were each again described, using the CAQ, by a different set of three examiners and three interviewers. Judges described each participant by arranging the items into a forced, quasinormal distribution for each individual by sorting the items, using nine categories, from not at all characteristic or salient to highly characteristic or salient. The Q-descriptions, obtained independently of each other, were then averaged to create a pooled judgment for each participant. The CAQ assessments at ages 18 and 23 were strictly independent of each other. The mean internal consistencyreliabilityof IQ AND EGO-RESILIENCY the 100 Q-items, based on correlations among observers, averaged .59 and .70, at ages 18 and 23, respectively. Statistical Analysis When two variables correlate and one desires, for conceptual reasons, to disentangle them, the technique of partial correlation can be used. Thus, height and weight correlate and yet are clearly and usefully separate concepts. By statistical analysis, indices of what may be called "pure height" and "pure weight" can be developed. One thenfindsthat, in men, "pure height" tends to relate to or predict playing the position of center in basketball better, and "pure weight" better predicts or relates to playing the position of nose guard in football. In the present context, residualized measures of "pure ER" and "pure IQ" were created. The residualized measure of ER, which controls or cancels the effect of IQ, was then correlated with independently evaluated personality variables. Symmetrically, IQ was correlated with personality variables after controlling for or canceling the effect of ER. Thus, it became feasible to identify the differential personality correlates of these two, now essentially disentangled (or "pure") constructs.4 Note that, in the following analyses, there is complete independence of the data domains being connected. Ego-resiliency is indexed by a questionnaire (self-report data), IQ is indexed by the WAIS-R (testbased data), and the personality and behavioral information is represented by the CAQ items (observer-based data). Also, all of the analyses are conducted for the sexes separately. Thus, replication is provided and gender similarities and differences may be noted. Results Relation Between the Ego-Resiliency Index and WAISIQ The correlations between the composite ER scale index and IQ, as measured at age 18, were .10 (ns) in the female sample and .31 (p < .05) in the male sample. The correlation for the sample of girls was somewhat lower than anticipated, given previousfindingsat earlier ages in this sample. We conjecture that this lowering devolves from and is a further reflection of another finding of this longitudinal study—that girls during their adolescence and young adulthood manifest more psychological restructuring of their adaptive modes than do boys, who continue into these years with much the same personalities established earlier (J. Block, 1993). Differential Personality Correlates of "Pure ER " and "Pure IQ" in the Sample of Young Women Table 2 reports the statistically significant personality CAQ correlates of "pure ER" for the sample of young women at age 23. Interpreting the obtained relations, "pure ER" seems to relate to social poise and assertiveness and an absence of self-concern, rumination, and fearfulness. The ER young woman tends to manifest gregariousness, cheerfulness, and playfulness; has a sense of meaning in life and a rich but appropriate emotionality; and shows adaptiveness when under stress.5 She is comfortable with herself and with other people and does not overmodulate her control structures. Accordingly, she is spontaneous and has ready access to sensuous experiences. We may summarily characterize this young woman as a resilient undercontroller. The young woman low on ER is characterized by a brittle overcontrol, a preoccupation with issues of self-adequacy, a chronic sense of vulnerability, and an inability to engage in trusting, 353 collaborative, and satisfying relationships with others. We may characterize this young woman as an unresilient overcontroller. The statistically significant personality correlates of "pure IQ" for the sample of young women are reported in Table 3. Pure IQ correlates, as it conceptually should, with a variety of CAQ intellective variables: intellectual capacity, the valuing of intellectual matters, verbal fluency, a wide range of interests, and esthetic reactivity. However, "pure IQ" in these young women also relates to introspectiveness, a tendency to complicate simple situations, underlying anxiety, and a tendency to ruminate and feel guilty. Overall, we may characterize these young women as unhappily intellective. The young women at the other end of this continuum, relatively low on "pure IQ," tend to be assertive, oriented toward sexuality, self-indulgent, unbothered by or not cognizant of complexities. They seem to be relatively shallow, action-oriented young women with some tendencies toward undercontrol. Neither the high nor the low "pure IQ" women are clearly characterizable in terms of ER. Differential Personality Correlates of "Pure ER " and "Pure IQ" in the Sample of Young Men Table 4 reports the statistically significant personality CAQ correlates of "pure ER" for the sample of young men at age 23. Again, the CAQ item correlates indicate that "pure ER" relates to social poise, gregariousness, cheerfulness, and an absence of rumination and fearfulness. The ER young man is especially characterized by a capacity for committment, responsibility, ethical behavior, and sympathetic caring in his relationships with others. He displays a rich and appropriate emotionality. Like the ER young woman, the ER young man is comfortable with self and with the world he lives in. In contrast, the low ER young man is extrapunitive, manifests hostility, feels cheated in life, is rebellious, is irritable, and hasfluctuatingmoods. Overall, his dealings with others and with the larger society are chronically frictional. The statistically significant personality correlates of "pure IQ" for the sample of young men are reported in Table 5. Again, "pure IQ" is characterized as it should be by a set of intellective variables: intellectual capacity, the valuing of intellectual matters, a wide range of interests, ambitiousness, productivity, and an objective style. The young men characterized by high "pure IQ" are dependable, doggedly persistent, predictable individuals who are not troubled by self-concerns. At the same time, they also tend to be critical, fastidious, avoidant of or uneasy with sexuality, and emo4 Partial correlations may not fully reduce the influence of a variable being controlled if the control variable is unreliable or lacks validity (Cliff, 1987). However, in the present instance, both control variables are relatively reliably measured. By tautological definition, the IQ score used is a valid index of IQ; on conceptual grounds and on the basis of the network of empirical relationships that surround it, the ER89 scale may be considered to be usefully valid. However, to the extent that measure unreliability and invalidity are still present, the relations to be reported have been attenuated. 'Note that the item "expresses hostile feelings directly" in this context does not mean that "pure ER" correlates with having a high level of hostility. Rather, it means that when hostility happens to be present, that hostility is expressed directly rather than indirectly. 354 BLOCK AND KREMEN Table 2 CAQ Correlates ofEgo Resilience Controlling for Intelligence in Women CAQ item 92. 57. 4. 15. 52. 88. 18. 43. 84. 99. 20. 35. 58. 56. 67. 98. 74. 54. 96. 94. 31. 22. 72. 30. 40. 48. 25. 55. 78. 45. 68. 9. 36. 79. 47. 97. 69. 14. 23. 38. 49. 85. Has social poise and presence. Is an interesting, arresting person. Is a talkative individual. Skilled in social techniques of imaginative play. Behaves in an assertive fashion. Is personally charming. Initiates humor. Is facially and/or gesturally expressive. Is cheerful. Is self-dramatizing; histrionic. Has a rapid personal tempo; behaves and acts quickly. Has warmth; capacity for close relationships. Enjoys sensuous experiences. Responds to humor. Is self-indulgent. Is verbally fluent. Unaware of self-concern, satisfied with self. Emphasizes being with others; gregarious. Values own independence and autonomy. Expresses hostile feelings directly. Regards self as physically attractive. Feels a lack of personal meaning in life. Concerned with own personal adequacy. Gives up and withdraws from frustration, adversity. Is vulnerable to real or fancied threat; fearful. Keeps people at a distance, avoids relationships. Tends toward overcontrol of needs and impulses. Is self-defeating. Feels cheated and victimized by life. Brittle ego defense; maladaptive under stress. Is basically anxious. Is uncomfortable with uncertainty and complexities. Is subtly negativistic; undermines and obstructs. Tends to ruminate and have preoccupying thoughts. Has a readiness to feel guilt. Is emotionally bland. Is sensitive to demands. Genuinely submissive; accepts domination comfortably. Extrapunitive; tends to transfer or project blame. Has hostility towards others. Is basically distrustful. Emphasizes communication through nonverbal behavior. sr .52** .51** .50** .49** .46** .46** .44** .44** .43** .41** .39** .37* .37** .36* .36* .36* .34* .33* .33* .30* .29* -.60** -.56** -.55** —.51** -.46** —.44** -.44** -.43** —.42** -.40** -.39** —.39** -.39** -.38** -.37** —.35* —.34* —.32* -.31* -.29* -.29* Note. N = 49. CAQ = California Q-sort. sr = semipartial correlation. *p<.05. **p<.0l. tionally bland. Behaviorally overcontrolled within the context of intellective productivity, these young men may be characterized as resilient overcontrollers. At the other end of the continuum, the young men low on "pure IQ" are impressively self-indulgent, volatile, limit-testing, sexually oriented, inarticulate, maladaptive, and self-defeating. Overall, the young men low on "pure IQ" may be characterized as unresilient undercontrollers. Differences in the Correlates of "PureER"and "PurelQ" An especially clear way of highlighting the difference between "pure ER" and "pure IQ" is to identify the CAQ personality variables in which the correlation with "pure ER" is significantly different from the correlation with "pure IQ." Table 6 presents these very different correlations for the sample of young women. Relatively, "pure ER" is characterized by assertiveness, direct expression of feelings, positive self-regard, social poise and presence, playfulness, an ability to establish interpersonal relationships, and an absence of self-concern, ruminativeness, and fearfumess. Relatively, "pure IQ" is characterized by a set of intellective variables but also by internal preoccupations, the indirect expression of angry feelings, an absence of interest in members of the opposite sex and an uneasiness with sensuous experiences, avoidance of selfindulgence, and submissiveness. For the sample of young men (see Table 7), the very different CAQ correlations indicate that "pure ER" is characterized by the direct expression of feelings, gregariousness, cheerfulness, protectiveness, a capacity for warmth and intimacy, and a relative absence of distrust of others and of interpersonal hostility. "Pure IQ" in the young men is characterized by the expectable set of intellective variables but also by condescending behavior, being unconcerned about self-adequacy, unexpressiveness, and interpersonal detachment and coldness. Gender Differences in the Correlates of "Pure ER" and "PurelQ" There are similarities between the sexes in the CAQ correlates of "pure ER" and "pure IQ." A simple way of quantifying the degree of these similarities is to correlate the vector of 100 CAQ "pure ER" (or "pure IQ") partialed correlates of the young women with the vector of 100 CAQ ER (or pure IQ) partialed Table 3 CAQ Correlates ofIntelligence Controlling for Ego-Resilience in Women CAQ item 8. 51. 3. 66. 16. 87. 98. 90. 60. 68. 76. 57. 71. 79. 47. 52. 80. 29. 53. 86. 95. 9. 11. 54. Appears to have high intellectual capacity. Genuinely values intellectual and cognitive matters. Has a wide range of interests. Enjoys aesthetic impressions; aesthetically reactive. Is introspective. Complicates simple situations. Is verbally fluent. Concerned with philosophical problems. Has insight into own motives and behavior. Is basically anxious. Projects own feelings and motivations onto others. Is an interesting, arresting person. Has high aspiration level for self. Tends to ruminate and have pre-occupying thoughts. Has a readiness to feel guilt. Behaves in an assertive fashion. Interested in members of the opposite sex. Is turned to for advice and reassurance. Unable to delay gratification. Denies unpleasant thoughts and experiences. Tends to proffer advice. Is uncomfortable with uncertainty and complexities. Is protective of those close to him or her. Emphasizes being with others; gregarious. sr .61** .57** .52** .52** .49** .46** .45** .39** .37** .37** .37** .35* .31* .30* .29* —.38* -.37** —.36* -.36* —.32* -.32* —.31* -.31* —.30* Note. N = 49. CAQ = California Q-sort. sr = semipartial correlation. *p<.05. **p<.0l. 355 IQ AND EGO-RESILIENCY Table 4 CAQ Correlates ofEgo Resilience Controlling for Intelligence in Men CAQ item sr Is a genuinely dependable and responsible person. Appears straightforward, candid. Is protective of those close to him or her. Has warmth; capacity for close relationships. Behaves in a sympathetic or considerate manner. Is productive; gets things done. Behaves in an ethically consistent manner. Clear-cut, internally consistent personality. Is cheerful. Emphasizes being with others; gregarious. Behaves in a giving way with others. Is turned to for advice and reassurance. Unaware of self-concern, satisfied with self. Favors conservative values in a variety of areas. Tends to arouse liking and acceptance. Responds to humor. Tends to proffer advice. Has social poise and presence. Has a wide range of interests. Is a talkative individual. Calm, relaxed in manner. Is fastidious (perfectionist). Genuinely submissive; accepts domination comfortably. Has a readiness to feel guilt. Has high aspiration level for self. Is basically distrustful. Is self-defeating. Characteristically pushes limits. Feels a lack of personal meaning in life. Is guileful and deceitful; manipulative. Unpredictable and changeable behavior, attitudes. Tends to be rebellious and nonconforming. Feels cheated and victimized by life. Has hostility toward others. Brittle ego defense; maladaptive under stress. Tends to ruminate and have preoccupying thoughts. Extrapunitive; tends to transfer or project blame. Gives up and withdraws from frustration, adversity. Is subtly negativistic; undermines and obstructs. Delays or avoids action. Has fluctuating moods. Engages in personal fantasy and daydreams. Is sensitive to demands. Values own independence and autonomy. Keeps people at a distance, avoids relationships. Overreactive to minor frustrations, irritable. Is basically anxious. Evaluates the motivation of others. Emphasizes communication through nonverbal behavior. 39. Thinks and associates ideas in unusual ways. .60** .55** .53** .53** .52** .50** .50** .47** .47** .46** .45** .45** .43** .42** .40** .40** .38* .34* .33* .33* .32* .31* .31* .31* .31* -.58** .56** -.56** -.53** -.53** -.51** .51** -.50** -.48** -.47** -.46** -.45** -.42** -.41** -.41** -.41** .38* .38** -.38** -.37* -.36* -.33* -.32* 2. 77. 11. 35. 17. 26. 70. 75. 84. 54. 5. 29. 74. 7. 28. 56. 95. 92. 3. 4. 33. 6. 14. 47. 71. 49. 55. 65. 22. 37. 50. 62. 78. 38. 45. 79. 23. 30. 36. 42. 82. 46. 69. 96. 48. 34. 68. 44. 85. -.32* -.30* Note. N = 46. CAQ = California Q-sort. sr = semipartial correlation. *p<.05. **p<.01. correlates for the young men. The resulting values are, respectively, .47 for "pure ER" and .61 for "pure IQ." Thus, broadly, there is appreciable patterning correspondence between the sexes. However, there are important differences as well between the sexes. Table 8 presents the CAQ correlates of "pure ER" that significantly differ between the sexes. The "pure ER" woman, rel- ative to the "pure ER" man, values her independence, is selfindulgent, colorful, interpersonally skilled, relatively less overcontrolled, and not submissive. In contrast, the "pure ER" man, relative to the "pure ER" woman, is characterized by ethical and responsible behavior to others, by conservatism, by predictability and internal consistency, and by an acceptance of the limits provided by society. The significantly differing gender CAQ correlates of "pure IQ" also are presented in Table 9. Although the number of differences is relatively small, their content is psychologically coherent. In allfiveinstances, the young men are relatively more unemotional, unintrospective, personally secure, emphasizing of calm and critical rationality. As a way of summarizing the core of our many gender-related findings, it is useful to invoke a prototype approach (J. Block, 1957, 1961/1978). Each of the 100 CAQ items has a value indicating its conceptual salience in defining ego control. These values were derived by having psychologists arrange the items so as to portray their understanding of the prototypical overcontroller. The Table 5 CAQ Correlates ofIntelligence Controllingfor Ego Resilience in Men CAQ item 8. Appears to have high intellectual capacity. 90. Concerned with philosophical problems. 51. Genuinely values intellectual and cognitive matters. 24. Prides self on being "objective," rational. 3. Has a wide range of interests. 1. Is critical, skeptical, not easily impressed. 25. Tends toward over-control of needs and impulses. 26. Is productive; gets things done. 98. Is verbally fluent. 6. Is fastidious (perfectionist). 71. Has high aspiration level for self. 33. Calm, relaxed in manner. 2. Is a genuinely dependable and responsible person. 97. Is emotionally bland. 83. Able to see to the heart of important problems. 74. Unaware of self-concern, satisfied with self. 53. Unable to delay gratification. 67. Is self-indulgent. 50. Unpredictable and changeable behavior, attitudes. 55. Is self-defeating. 65. Characteristically pushes limits. 73. Perceives many contexts in sexual terms. 85. Emphasizes communication through nonverbal behavior. 59. Concerned with body and adequacy of its functioning. 45. Brittle ego defense; maladaptive under stress. 30. Gives up and withdraws from frustration, adversity. 89. Compares self to others. 82. Hasfluctuatingmoods. 9. Is uncomfortable with uncertainty and complexities. 56. Responds to humor. 62. Tends to be rebellious and nonconforming. sr .72** .64** .61** .57** .55** .54** .50** .48** .46** .42** .42** .36* .34* .33* .32* .30* -.57** -.48** -.41** -.36* -.35* -.35* -.35* -.34* -.33* -.32* -.32* -.31* -.30* -.30* -.30* Note. N = 46. CAQ = California Q-sort. sr - semipartial correlation. *p<.05 **p<.01. 356 BLOCK AND KREMEN Table 6 Significantly Different CAQ Correlates of "Pure ER " and "Pure IQ" in Women CAQ item 52. 92. 58. 4. 54. 67. 53. 29. 15. 95. 84. 96. 18. 74. 80. 56. 94. 99. 20. 43. 91. 68. 8. 25. 22. 79. 40. 47. 87. 51. 72. 48. 45. 14. 90. 30. Behaves in an assertive fashion. Has social poise and presence. Enjoys sensuous experiences. Is a talkative individual. Emphasizes being with others; gregarious. Is self-indulgent. Unable to delay gratification. Is turned to for advice and reassurance. Is skilled in social techniques of imaginative play. Tends to proffer advice. Is cheerful. Values own independence and autonomy. Initiates humor. Unaware of self-concern, satisfied with self. Interested in members of the opposite sex. Responds to humor. Expresses hostile feelings directly. Is self-dramatizing; histrionic. Has a rapid personal tempo; behaves and acts quickly. Is facially and/or gesturally expressive. Is power oriented. Is basically anxious. Appears to have high intellectual capacity. Tends toward overcontrol of needs and impulses. Feels a lack of personal meaning in life. Tends to ruminate and have pre-occupying thoughts. Is vulnerable to real or fancied threat; fearful. Has a readiness to feel guilt. Particularizes situations. Genuinely values intellectual and cognitive matters. Concerned with own personal adequacy. Keeps people at a distance, avoids relationships. Brittle ego-defense; maladaptive under stress. Genuinely submissive; accepts domination comfortably. Concerned with philosophical problems. Gives up and withdraws from frustration, adversity. Z score ER IQ 3.95 3.51 3.11 3.03 3.00 2.88 2.84 2.78 .44 .52 .36 .50 .32 .35 .22 .20 -.34 -.16 -.26 -.08 -.29 -.23 -.35 -.36 2.72 2.69 2.60 2.59 2.58 2.54 2.49 2.39 2.31 2.30 .49 .23 .43 .32 .44 .34 .14 .36 .30 .41 -.03 -.32 -.08 -.20 -.07 -.18 -.36 -.12 -.18 -.05 2.27 2.23 2.05 -3.66 -3.40 .39 -.06 .44 .00 .15 -.27 .38 .35 -.01 .60 -3.35 -3.31 -.43 .60 .24 .00 -3.31 -.38 .28 3.26 -.51 3.18 -.37 3.10 -.15 .12 .27 .46 -3.02 -2.77 .01 .57 -.55 -.05 -2.74 -.46 .07 -2.28 -.42 .03 -2.18 -2.16 .34 .04 .10 .39 -2.00 -.53 .17 Note. N = 49. CAQ = California Q-sort. ER = ego resiliency. p < .05. for all comparisons. composite of these prototypes proved to be highly reproducible (coefficient alpha of .90). In the present study, the congruence of the prototype with each participant's observer-based age-23 CAQ was calculated. A congruence score, when high, indicates the person is relatively overcontrolled; when low, it indicates the person is relatively undercontrolled. These ego-control congruence scores were correlated with both "pure ER" and "pure IQ," separately by sex. For the young women, "pure ER" correlated -.47 (p < .001) with overcontrol, whereas "pure IQ" correlated .14 (ns) with overcontrol; the difference between these two correlations is highly significant (p < .001). In contrast, for the young men, "pure ER" correlated .25 (ns) with overcontrol, whereas "pure IQ" correlated .46 (p < .002). The difference between the sexes in regard to their correlations of pure ER with the prototype-based index of ego control is itself highly significant (p < .001). Thus, relative undercontrol seems to characterize the resilient young women, whereas relative overcontrol tends to characterize the "pure-IQ" young men. Discussion The results of this study indicate that deep differences exist in the personality and adaptive implications of ego-resiliency and IQ when measures essentially "purified" of the overlap between the two constructs are used. Certainly, the differences between "pure ER" and "pure IQ" require additional, more refined efforts at understanding. Even now, however, the findings testify to the characterological consequentiality, in both sexes, of both ego-resiliency and IQ. Although in the natural world, ego-resiliency and IQ by their respective natures must depend on or reinforce each other, the somewhat artificial way of en- Table 7 Significantly Different CAQ Correlates of "Pure ER" and "Pure IQ" in Men CAQ item 54. Emphasizes being with others; gregarious. 56. Responds to humor. 11. Is protective of those close to him. 17. Behaves in a sympathetic or considerate manner. 35. Has warmth; capacity for close relationships. 4. Is a talkative individual. 95. Tends to proffer advice. 43. Is facially and/or gesturally expressive. 59. Concerned with body and adequacy of its functioning. 18. Initiates humor. 75. Clear-cut, internally consistent personality. 84. Is cheerful. 5. Behaves in a giving way with others. 28. Tends to arouse liking and acceptance. 29. Is turned to for advice and reassurance. 1. Is critical, skeptical, not easily impressed. 8. Appears to have high intellectual capacity. 90. Concerned with philosophical problems. 9. Is basically distrustful. 79. Tends to ruminate and have preoccupying thoughts. 69. Is sensitive to demands. 44. Evaluates the motivation of others. 51. Genuinely values intellectual and cognitive matters. 96. Values own independence and autonomy. 38. Has hostility towards others. 37. Is guileful and deceitful; manipulative. Z score ER IQ 3.47 3.28 3.20 .46 -.25 .39 -.29 .53 -.10 3.00 .52 -.07 2.79 2.70 2.70 2.32 .52 .33 .37 .25 2.27 2.21 .13 -.34 .29 -.17 2.21 2.14 2.13 2.03 2.03 4.00 .46 .02 .04 .46 .45 .02 .40 -.02 .44 .04 -.25 .54 3.68 3.04 2.95 .06 .06 -.57 .69 .62 .00 2.80 2.39 2.25 -.46 -.38 -.32 .10 .12 .15 2.25 .17 .57 2.14 2.00 1.96 -.38 -.47 -.51 .06 -.07 -.13 Note. N = 46. CAQ = California Q-sort. ER = ego resiliency. p < .05 for all comparisons. -.02 -.23 -.19 -.24 IQ AND EGO-RESILIENCY Table 8 Sex Differences in CAQ Correlates of "Pure ER" CAQ item Z score Women Men 96. Values own independence and autonomy. 62. Tends to be rebellious and nonconforming. 67. Is self-indulgent. 50. Unpredictable and changeable behavior, attitudes. 99. Is self-dramatizing; histrionic. 65. Characteristically pushes limits. 57. Is an interesting, arresting person. 73. Perceives many contexts in sexual terms. 53. Unable to delay gratification. 20. Has a rapid personal tempo; behaves and acts quickly. 15. Is skilled in social techniques of imaginative play. 47. Has a readiness to feel guilt. 14. Genuinely submissive; accepts domination comfortably. 7. Favors conservative values in a variety of areas. 25. Tends toward over-control of needs and impulses. 70. Behaves in an ethically consistent manner. 2. Is a genuinely dependable and responsible person. 11. Is protective of those close to him or her. 17. Behaves in a sympathetic or considerate manner. 5. Behaves in a giving way with others. 6. Is fastidious (perfectionist). 75. Clear-cut, internally consistent personality. 3.45 .32 -.38 2.72 2.72 .08 .35 -.46 -.21 2.61 2.59 2.56 2.33 .08 .41 .00 .48 -.44 -.11 -.50 .03 2.13 2.06 .28 .22 -.17 -.21 2.01 .39 -.01 1.99 -3.30 .49 -.37 .11 .31 -3.18 -.34 .31 -3.05 -.21 .41 -2.81 -.43 .14 -2.76 -.09 .46 -2.67 -2.45 .04 .07 .54 .53 -2.42 -2.37 -2.05 .06 -.02 -.15 .52 .45 .27 -2.00 .07 .46 Note. Nwomen = 49; iVmen = 46. CAQ = California Q-sort. p < .05 for all comparisons. forcing their distinctiveness used here provides some important recognitions regarding their unique implications: The ER person tends to be more oriented toward, competent, and comfortable in the "fuzzier" interpersonal world, in which life is largely led; the person denned too exclusively by raw IQ tends to be Table 9 Sex Differences in CAQ Correlates of "Pure IQ" CAQ item 1. Is critical, skeptical, not easily impressed. 24. Prides self on being "objective," rational. 33. Calm, relaxed in manner. 74. Unaware of self-concern, satisfied with self. 97. Is emotionally bland. Z score Women Men -2.30 0.12 0.54 -2.06 -2.75 0.15 -0.24 0.53 0.33 -2.09 -1.98 -0.18 -0.08 0.26 0.33 Note. Women, N = 49;JMen, N = 46. CAQ = California Q-sort. p < .05 for all comparisons; 357 admirably productive and effective in the "clearer" world of work, but tends also to be uneasy with affect and less able to realize satisfying human connections. In regard to the ER89 scale used to index ER, it appears that the scale elicited, in both sexes, a set of observer-based CAQ findings that, by their conceptual coherence, reciprocally support its construct validity.6 Other research further testifies to the encompassing possibilities afforded by the ER89 scale (e.g., Zuckerman, Kuhlman, Joireman, Teta, & Kraft, 1993). Consideration of the item content of the scale suggests that the individual scoring high has energy and zest about life, is curious and open to new experience, recovers readily from stressful experiences, does not hold grudges, is likable to self and to others, and likes other people and is generous with them. In short, the scale describes a personally secure and vital individual who savors being. Although incremental ER89 scale refinements may be expected, further usage of the scale in its present form would seem to be appropriate. Notwithstanding the important gender similarities characterizing the implications of "pure ER" and "pure IQ," important gender differences also were found. We suggest that the differential implications of "pure ER" for the sexes may be understood in terms of the different sex roles prescribed by societal institutions, customs, and normative scripts. The different socialization pressures experienced by girls, as opposed to boys, are known to affect the forms, styles, and repertoire of ways in which the interpersonal world is negotiated (J. H. Block, 1983). In particular, it has been noted that often, and in some subcultures even normatively, girls tend to be oversocialized to control impulse, with the goal of reinforcing caution and compliance. In the present study, "pure ER" was associated with a moving away from overcontrol in the young women. We suggest that the relative undercontrol of the ER young woman may function to alleviate pervasive, often unacknowledged societal pressures to overly inhibit impulse. Such pressures often may lead to constriction of affect, to indecisiveness, to passivity, and to the unhappy pattern of symptoms conventionally labeled as intemalization disorders. In contrast, in successfully achieving impulse expression within the given societal parameters, the ER young woman has become a spontaneous, poised, autonomous individual, gratifying to self and to others. For boys, socialization serves the goal of developing structures that function to modulate aggression, an important function of ego-resilience. It will be noted that a number of the CAQ items uniquely associated with "pure ER" depict the capacity of these young men to engage in close, warm, and intimate relationships and to exhibit responsible and ethical behavior toward others. These young men have learned to mitigate and modulate the antisocial, hostile, and interpersonally destructive behaviors associated with ego-brittleness. In young women, the interpersonal achievement of controlled and reduced aggres6 It is relevant to note the correlation between ER scale scores (based on self-report) and ER CAQ prototype scores (based on observer data). For the young women, the correlation between these two kinds of scores is .50 (.69 when adjusted for attenuation); for the young men, the correlation is .61 (.84 when adjusted for attenuation). Thus, these two method-different ways of operationally denning ego-resilience display appreciable construct convergence. 358 BLOCK AND KREMEN siveness is not as highly associated with ego-resiliency because of their generally lower characteristic levels of aggressiveness. As noted above, there are meager differences between the sexes in their respective CAQ-item correlations with "pure IQ." We suggest that the relative absence of gender differences in IQ correlates may be due to intrinsic limitations on the ways in which, developmentally, intelligence can be manifested or shaped. In Piagetian terms, movement toward intelligence is linked to increasingly veridical perceptions and logical recognitions regarding the physical world. These perceptions and recognitions are achieved and articulated regarding a world that provides consistent and predictable feedback. Such adaptations to an inexorable physical world thus offer less opportunity for modification by gender role influences. In the interpersonal world, however, feedback and reinforcement are often inconsistent and admit of varying meaning-making constructions. In such a fuzzy world, more varied (and gender-role influenced) pathways to adaptation may be found (J. Block, 1982). Despite these strong correspondences between the sexes in the personality implications of "pure IQ," there still remain a few gender differences. These may be regarded, tentatively, as differences in flavor or quality in the adaptive significance of intelligence for the two sexes. In particular, "pure IQ" was associated with overcontrol in men but not in women. Along with intellective abilities and productivity, the personality items linked to "pure IQ" in the sample of young men denoted tendencies to be critical, sometimes condescending, unemotional, and overly constricted. The high-IQ young men, in the relative absence of ER, seem to have internalized a sense of self as competent and superior to most others; they have developed a highly agentic view of themselves, perhaps through their successful mastery of the physical world. These achievements may have been realized at some personal (and unacknowledged) cost of achieving interpersonal intimacy. In particular, in the absence of ego-resiliency, the intelligent man may overly rely on intellective strengths that may foreclose his spontaneity and emotional openness. In contrast, in the high-IQ young women, it is not apparent that their intelligence has contributed to a sense of self as highly competent, agentic, and masterful. Rather, beyond the usual items depicting intellective abilities and an intellectual orientation, the high-IQ young woman is characterized by a tendency toward anxiety, rumination, guilt, and introspectiveness. The low-IQ young man seems vulnerable to self-doubt and is pervaded by a sense of being unable to overcome the obstacles in his world. The low-IQ young woman, compared with the lowIQ young man, is less preoccupied by feelings of inadequacy and is less sensitive to the adverse life consequences of her own undercontrol. It may be conjectured that, in this society, IQ per se is not as crucial to female adult-life options or to self-esteem as it is to male adult-life options and self-esteem. The less intelligent young woman can still develop social competencies and other bases for attraction and affirmation that permit her to feel comfortable with self. For young men, however, striving for success and respect is paramount and intelligence is often crucially required. Low-IQ men are likely to falter in this race, know they have faltered, and come to believe their world is uncontrollable and unresponsive. These results suggest that IQ may serve as a personally pro- tective (albeit not optimizing) factor for men in the absence of ego-resilience, whereas it is not so closely linked to private adaptation in young women. Intelligence may serve to support or complement a sense of self in men, which is already defined in terms of agency, by enabling increased agentic mastery of the world. That is, for men, intelligence represents a means through which they can implement the agentic, masculine roles prescribed by sex-linked socialization patterns, and, therefore, when intelligence is present, it serves to shore up self-esteem. However, intelligence, as measured by IQ tests, is less of a prerequisite for competence in the interpersonal world, the arena of competence which is especially valued in feminine, communal models of self. Thus, high intelligence may have less affirmative significance for a sense of self in young women than does, for a prime example, physical and social attractiveness. When beginning to orient themselves toward interpersonal connection, thoughtful girls will be anguished by the societal insinuation that brainy girls are likely to be less desirable. Accordingly, selfuncertainties evolve and their self-esteem may suffer (J. Block & Robins, 1993). In this connection, it merits mention that IQ and depression are positively linked in young women and negatively related in young men (J. Block etal., 1991). For larger theoretical reasons, we may return now to consider views of intelligence that go well beyond narrowly defining it in terms of IQ. For an attractive and influential example, Sternberg (1985b) has defined intelligence as "consisting] of those mental functions purposively employed for purposes of adaptation to and shaping and selection of real-world environments" (p. 1111). Steinberg's aspiration for an all-encompassing theory of intelligence with practical implications and real-life validity has led him, with others (e.g., Cantor & Kihlstrom, 1987; Ford & Tisak, 1983; Keating, 1978) to expand the conceptual domain of intelligence to include and even emphasize the idea of social competence or "social intelligence." These enlarged views seem to us to have introduced many new considerations. Central among them is the explicit introduction of an "executive" or of "executive processes" directing and sequencing more elementary perceptual, knowledge, and action processes. Carroll (1976) has observed that "the assumption of an executive process [for intelligent behavior]. . . seems an intuitive necessity if one is going to get the system in operation" (p. 31). Sternberg (1985b) found it helpful to characterize "[intelligence as mental self-government" (p. 1117). Campione and Brown (1978) noted that "intelligence differences are attributable to variations in the efficiency of the executive, or in the quality of control that executive exerts" (p. 297). Many thinkers—on intelligence and on cognition more generally—when viewing the complexity and organization of behavior have found it theoretically required to posit or presume some such wide-ranging, albeit difficult to specify, systemregulatory executive principle (e.g., the "Central Executive" of Baddeley, 1986). However, as Dennett (1981) has observed, Any time a theory builder proposes to call any event, state, structure, etc., in any system (say the brain of an organism) a signal or message or command or otherwise endows it with content, he. . . implicitly posits along with his signals, messages, or commands something that can serve as a signal-reader, a message-under- 359 IQ AND EGO-RESILIENCY slander, or commander, else his signals will be for nought, will decay changing complex of desires and reality constraints—that is the unreceived, uncomprehended. (p. 12) primary basis of long-term adaptability. It is in the regulation of Thus, it appears that cognitive psychologists have not escaped the dreaded homunculus. Specification of this nebulously definable but inescapably required integrative system is a continuing, slowly progressing goal of psychology. Headway is being made (see, e.g., Posner & Rothbart, 1992), but the way is long. In the meantime, even though as yet unspecifiable, the concept of an integrating "executive" can serve as a useful, even necessary heuristic. Certainly, the more recent and broader "executive" representations of intelligence are attractive because of their greater real life relevance for the way individuals indeed function. However, it should be recognized that these elaborated, executive-emphasizing descriptive formulations of intelligence, although using different terminology or metaphor systems, overlap considerably with the construct of ego-resiliency advanced above. Both conceptual approaches involve "executive processes." There is a crucial difference, however, between intelligence as now often broadly conceived and the construct of ego-resilience that, we suggest, should not be blurred. The biosocial problem of the individual is adaptation. Insufficiencies of adaptation are signaled to the individual by the intrusion of affect. Yet, current expanded conceptions of intelligence have remained "cognitive" and still largely ignore affective and motivational aspects of behavior. Although intelligence is often fused and even equated with adaptation (Charlesworth, 1976; Piaget, 1954), there are ways of emotion-resolving adaptation that do not use cognition in the usual sense of information processing or rational solving behavior addressed toward proximal and readily specifiable problems.7 The capacity for cognitive problem-solving behavior has evolved as a most powerful means of affective adaptation, but it must be remembered that it is adaptation that is the key, and "intelligence" is but one way. Some affect-managing adaptive structures and processes exist as inborn (e.g., reflexes of various kinds, genetically providedfixedor modal action patterns promoting the adaptive strategies of perseveration and exploration). Other affectmanaging strategems are achieved by the individual (e.g., nonfalsifiable attributions, intellectualization, rationalization, deliberate uninvolvement in should-be involving situations, niche-picking to avoid anxiety-inducing circumstances, the invoking of paranoia or retreat to hysteria, narcissism, and so on—all personality constructions that may provide adaptive affect resolutions for the individual). Intrapsychic construals or redefinitions or action patterns may be formed within the individual as affect-regulating adaptive solutions (even if formally irrational or "unintelligent"). Moreover, these often go undiscorroborated or are interwoven with otherwise effective means of adaptation. The existence of psychologically "satisficing" adaptations that may seem to be "unintelligent" from a strictly "rational" standpoint makes it necessary to recognize the large domain of motivation and personality. • Within that domain, "intelligence" and much of what is viewed as cognition can be viewed as providing a means—an extraordinarily versatile and effective means often, but not the only means—of achieving or enhancing adaptation. More than intelligence per se, we suggest it is ego-resiliency—the capacity of the individual to effectively modulate and monitor an ever- the individual's affective and motivational pushes and pulls, given the existing possibilities and constraints in the social environment, that the construct of ego-resiliency comes into play. On such passionate, "hot" matters, even the contemporary, enlarged cognitive constructions of intelligence seem to be unavailing and "cold." Finally, we remark specifically, if only briefly, on the relation of ego-resiliency to the popular and frequently referenced concept of "social intelligence" (as compared with what may be called "intellective intelligence"—i.e., IQ). There has been a long "search for social intelligence." For useful historical reviews of the several ways in which the construct of social intelligence has been construed, see Brody (1992), Sternberg and Smith (1985), and Walker and Foley (1973). As we have already observed, the emphasis on social intelligence has sought to go beyond a definition of intelligence solely in the narrow, cognitive information-processing, IQ sense. A recent study by Kosmitzki and John (1993) of the common understandings underlying the idea of "social intelligence" has usefully identified the following qualities as "most central" to the meaning of the concept: understanding people, being good in dealing with people, being warm and caring, being open to new experiences and ideas, having perspective-taking ability, knowing social rules and norms, and having social adaptability. Reasoning from the psychological meaning of our reported constellation of findings, we suggest that these various aspects of "social intelligence" may well be subsumed under the construct of ego-resiliency as defined and elaborated here. The present study has brought forward the importantly different personality implications of ego-resilience and intellective intelligence (IQ), which previously have been obscured because the concepts are also related. Although further study of the links between ego-resilience and intelligence will be useful and productive, understandings will be advanced if the two constructs are considered as conceptually distinct. 7 Damasio (1994), the eminent neurologist, has recently argued equivalently in decrying the preoccupation of neuroscience with cognition as the denning feature of brain function. For Damasio, emotions evolved to provide "leverage for survival" (p. 261) and crucially influence reason. References Baddeley, A. (1986). Working memory. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press. Block, J. (1950). An experimental investigation ofthe construct ofegocontrol. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Stanford University. Block, J. (1957). A comparison between ipsative and normative ratings of personality. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 54, 5054. Block, J. (1965). The challenge of response sets: Unconfounding meaning, acquiescence and social desirability in the MMPI. 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