Longevity of a small shield volcano revealed by crypto-tephra studies (Rangitoto volcano, New Zealand): Change in eruptive behavior of a basaltic field Phil Shane, Maria Gehrels, Aleksandra Zawalna-Geer, Paul Augustinus, Jan Lindsay, Isabelle Chaillou PII: DOI: Reference: S0377-0273(13)00110-8 doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.03.026 VOLGEO 5120 To appear in: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Received date: Accepted date: 29 October 2012 27 March 2013 Please cite this article as: Shane, Phil, Gehrels, Maria, Zawalna-Geer, Aleksandra, Augustinus, Paul, Lindsay, Jan, Chaillou, Isabelle, Longevity of a small shield volcano revealed by crypto-tephra studies (Rangitoto volcano, New Zealand): Change in eruptive behavior of a basaltic field, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research (2013), doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.03.026 This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. 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ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Longevity of a small shield volcano revealed by crypto-tephra studies (Rangitoto volcano, RI P T New Zealand): change in eruptive behavior of a basaltic field Phil Shane a, Maria Gehrels b, Aleksandra Zawalna-Geer a, Paul Augustinus a, Jan Lindsay a, School of Environment, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New NU a SC Isabelle Chaillou a b MA Zealand School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Plymouth University, Plymouth Phil Shane AC CE Corresponding author: PT ED PL4 8AA, UK Email: pa.shane@auckland.ac.nz Phone: 64-9-9237083 1 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Abstract The life-span of small volcanoes in terrestrial basaltic fields, commonly considered T ‘monogenetic’, can be difficult to assess due to a paucity of datable materials capable of RI P providing a 102-103 -year age resolution. We have used microscopic tephra layers (cryptotephra) in lake sediments to determine the longevity of Rangitoto volcano, a small shield that SC represents the most recent volcanism in the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF), New Zealand. Previous studies suggested construction in a relatively short interval at ~550-500 cal yrs BP. NU In contrast, the tephra record shows evidence of intermittent activity from 1498 ± 140 to (at MA least) 504 ± 6 cal yrs BP, a longevity of ~1000 years. Rangitoto volcano is thought to represent about half the magma erupted in the 250-ka-history of AVF. Thus, the AVF has experienced a dramatic shift to prolonged and voluminous central-vent volcanism in its most ED recent history. This demonstrates the difficulty in determining time-erupted volume PT relationships in such fields. Previous AVF hazard-risk modeling based on isolated, short-lived (< 1 year) phenomena at sites that have not experienced activity needs to be revisited in light AC CE of the new Rangitoto chronology. Keywords: shield; monogenetic; basaltic volcano; crypto-tephra; Auckland Volcanic Field 1. Introduction Terrestrial basaltic fields commonly comprise numerous small edifices including cinder cones, tuff rings, maars, shield volcanoes and lava flows. Eruptions are infrequent (10-4 – 10-5 events/yr) (e.g., Kuntz et al., 1986; Condit and Connor, 1996; Conway et al., 1998) and individual events generally emit small volumes of magma (102 - 109 m3) in a short-lived interval lasting days to years (e.g., Wood, 1980). Although infrequent, such volcanism is significant to society where infrastructure has been or will be developed on basaltic fields. 2 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Some small edifices have been considered to be multi-episodic, erupting over thousands of years (e.g., Bradshaw and Smith, 1994), although such longevity has been questioned partly T due to the paucity of datable materials (Valentine et al., 2006). Understanding the life of RI P individual edifices in basaltic fields is critical to assessing future hazards. Auckland City, New Zealand is built directly on the late Quaternary Auckland SC Volcanic Field (AVF) (Kermode, 1992) (Fig. 1). The AVF has been the intense focus of petrological (e.g., Smith et al., 2008; McGee et al., 2011), geochronological (e.g., Cassidy, NU 2006; Cassata et al., 2008), and hazard/risk studies (e.g., Houghton et al., 2006; Lindsay et al., MA 2010; Sandri et al., 2012), because of Auckland city’s large population (~1.4 million people), and its economic significance to New Zealand. These studies are fundamentally based on the concept of ‘monogenetic’ volcanism, where edifices or eruption centres are considered to ED represent short-lived episodes of activity (< 1 year) by comparison to small volcanic PT landforms and eruptions elsewhere (e.g., Wood 1980). Obliteration of stratigraphic sequences by urban development in the Auckland region, coupled with deep weathering in a temperate AC CE climate but limited erosional dissection hinder the evaluation of volcano longevity. Anomalous amongst the small ‘monogenetic’ landforms in the AVF is Rangitoto Island (volcano), a shield volcano representing about half of the estimated erupted magma volume of the field (Kermode, 1992; Needham et al., 2011). The lack of deep exposures on the volcano provides little insight to its history. In addition to its size, the volcano is of particular interest because it is the only site of volcanism in the field during the last 10 ka. The Rangitoto eruptions are also of archeological significance because early cultural layers were buried by the tephra indicating human habitation before and after the activity (summarized by Lowe et al., 2000). The anomalous size of the edifice and type of structure (lava shield) raises the question whether the AVF has undergone a change in volcanic regime to one of ‘polygenetic’ eruptions from a central vent region. 3 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT To investigate the longevity of activity at Rangitoto volcano, we have examined tephra layers preserved in sediments within 10 km of the edifice. Previous tephra studies have T demonstrated the potential of constraining the timing of AVF eruptions where their tephra is RI P bracketed by well-dated tephra layers sourced from other (more distal) volcanoes in New Zealand (Molloy et al., 2009). Unlike previous work, we have also examined microscopic SC tephra concentrations in sediments (crypto-tephra, e.g., Lowe 2011; Pyne-O’Donnell, 2011) that have the potential to record events less favorable for preservation due to highly NU directional wind dispersal or less explosive and/or less voluminous eruptions. We show that MA the crypto-tephra record provides a different perspective on the nature of past activity in the AVF which has implications for the evolution of the field and the assessment of future ED volcanic hazards. PT 2. Rangitoto volcano The AVF is situated in a continental intra-plate setting with a crustal thickness of ~30 AC CE km (Horspool et al., 2006). The field consists of ~50 basaltic cinder cones, maars, and associated lava fields (Kermode, 1992), with an estimated total volume of magma erupted of ~3-4 km3. The known vents are scattered over a 360 km2 area (Fig. 1). Activity commenced at ~ 250 ka (Shane and Sandiford, 2003) and continued intermittently to ~0.5 ka. Rangitoto Island (volcano) is a symmetrical, ~ 6 km wide, shield structure rising ~260 m above sea level, and has an estimated dense-rock volume of 1.78 km3 (Kermode 1992; Needham et al., 2011). The summit region comprises a central scoria cone (Central Cone) flanked to the north and south by remnant scoria mounds and ridges from older cones (North and South Cones). Central and South Cones erupted sub-alkalic basalts of narrow compositional range (~49-50 wt % SiO2; anhydrous whole rock). North Cone erupted lowerSiO2 alkaline basalt (~45-47 wt %). Most of the volcano edifice comprises gently dipping 4 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT (~12° near summit to ~4° near the coastal flanks) pahoehoe and aa lava fields of sub-alkalic basalt, compositionally similar to the Central and South Cones (Needham et al., 2011). T Pyroclastic phases of the Rangitoto eruptions are poorly preserved, occurring as RI P scattered exposures of <50 cm-thick tephra on the adjacent Motutapu Island (Fig. 1). One of the better exposed and documented outcrops (because it is associated with archaeological SC horizons) is known as the Sunde site on the west coast of the island (Fig. 1). Previous sediment coring in several swamps on Motutapu Island revealed two macroscopic basaltic NU tephra layers (Needham et al., 2011). The lower layer has an alkalic basalt composition based MA on bulk-ash analyses, while a single bulk-ash analysis of the upper tephra was reputed to be sub-alkalic basalt, thus reflecting the bimodality of magma compositions erupted from the scoria cones (Needham et al., 2011). However, pyroclastic fragmentation and hydraulic ED sorting of glass and crystal components in tephra makes the interpretation of bulk tephra PT compositions problematic. West of the volcano, two basaltic tephra layers are preserved in lake sediments of Lake Pupuke (Fig. 1) (Horrocks et al., 2005; Molloy et al., 2009). These AC CE tephra layers have been correlated to Rangitoto volcano on the basis of their stratigraphic position above the 1.7 ka rhyolite Taupo tephra from Taupo Volcano, and by the composition of their glass shards. There have been numerous attempts to constrain the age(s) of Rangitoto volcano (summarized by Nichol, 1992; Lowe et al., 2000; Lindsay et al., 2011). A cluster of radiocarbon ages around 550-500 cal yr BP associated with tephra on Motutapu Island, are preferred by Lindsay et al., (2011). The occurrence of two tephra layers variously separated by peat or lake sediments demonstrate more than one eruption occurred, but the hiatus is considered to be short (~50 years, Needham et al., 2011). 3. Sediment cores 5 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT We have focused on tephra recorded in sediment cores to decipher the history of Rangitoto volcano (Fig. 1, 2). Lake Pupuke was the target of our crypto-tephra study because T of the finely-laminated lithology of the sediments deposited in relatively anoxic conditions. RI P Hence, the sediments lack bioturbation that could potentially mask primary crypto-tephra deposition. We also examined tephra in peat on Motutapu Island because thick macroscopic SC tephra occurrences had been reported. NU 3.1. Lake Pupuke MA Core collection, sedimentological and geochemical work on the Lake Pupuke cores have been previously described (Horrocks et al., 2005; Augustinus et al., 2006; 2008). We examined two cores (06-06 and 08-06) containing laminated sediments (Fig. 2,3). The ED laminations are millimeter to sub-millimeter-thick alternating dark and light layers. The PT sediment is mud and comprises diatoms, sponge spicules, fine organic material and minor clastic grains. The laminated appearance results from diatom-rich layers contrasting with AC CE background sedimentation (Augustinus et al., 2008). The Rangitoto eruption is represented by two macroscopic basalt tephra layers of coarse ash and fine lapilli, typically < 1 cm thick, separated by 1-2 cm of lake sediment. Sediments above this tephra are generally massive. Radiocarbon dating was not attempted because of the documented problems with obtaining reliable data on these sediments (Horrocks et al., 2005; Augustinus et al., 2006; 2008). Sediment isotope and chemistry studies suggest erroneous old ages can be attributed to in-washing of old carbon from the catchment, in particular soil-derived bicarbonate. Primary age constraints for the cores include (1) a chemical marker consisting of two black anoxic layers near the top of the sequence resulting from the addition of copper sulphate in AD1932 and 1939 (mid-point ~AD1934 = 16 yrs cal BP); (2) basaltic tephra from Rangitoto volcano using the ages for the two tephra layers (552±7 and 504±5 cal yr BP) considered to best 6 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT constrain the main tephra dispersal event (Needham et al., 2011; Lindsay et al., 2011); and (3) rhyolite Taupo tephra (1718 ± 10 cal yr BP; Lowe et al., 2008), previously identified on the T basis of stratigraphy, mineralogy and glass chemistry (Horrocks et al., 2005; Molloy et al., RI P 2009). We developed an age-depth model for the cores using Bayesian statistics (Bronk SC Ramsey, 2009) that systematically combines age data with other ‘prior’ information such as depth in the core (Table 1). Ages for un-dated basalt crypto-tephra horizons were estimated by NU linear interpolation between the chronologically ordered posterior distributions of the dated MA tephra horizons, similar to the approach described by Wohlfarth et al. (2006). Poisson distribution (P_Sequence) was applied in the age-depth modelling using OxCal 4.1.7 software. This assumes random deposition of a given number of events (parameter k) ED occurring in a fixed interval of time providing approximate proportionality to the depth PT (Bronk Ramsey, 2009). Since the Pupuke cores were sampled in intervals of 1 cm thick, the parameter of k = 1 (100 m-1) is used. In addition, we were able to add the well-dated Kaharoa AC CE tephra (636 ± 12 cal yrs BP; Lowe et al., 2008) to the age model based on the crypto-tephra investigation (see section 6.1). Lake Pupuke is a maar that has been dated at 207 ± 6 ka (Cassata et al., 2008). The tuffring surrounding the lake is a potential source of basaltic detritus in the lake sediments. Thus, we collected samples of coarse ash and fine lapilli through the tuff-ring sequence, exposed in a quarry and the western margin of the lake (Fig. 1), for chemical fingerprinting. Magmatic deposits of well-sorted vesicular, juvenile material are more common in the upper part of the sequence while finer-grained, poorly sorted phreatomagmatic deposits dominated the lower sequence. 3.2. Motutapu Island peat cores 7 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Cores containing at least two macroscopic basaltic tephra collected from swamps on Motutapu Island have been described by Needham et al. (2011). The tephra layers are <10 cm T thick and variously separated by 20-100 cm of peat. In this study, we examined tephra from RI P cores MVC5 and 6 of Needham et al. (2011) to chemically fingerprint the glass shards (Fig. 1, 2). We also collected two additional piston cores from the site of MVC6 (BGS 21 and 23). SC The piston coring involves pushing a 1.5 m long, 3.5 cm wide barrel into the substrate and extracting sediments in 1.5 m long sections. The two cores revealed a stratigraphy similar to NU that found in previous coring (Fig. 2). Core BGS21 contained two macroscopic basaltic layers MA separated by peat. The lower tephra layer was deposited on clay, representing weathered Miocene sandstones/mudstones. The peats in both BGS 21 and 23 cores contain zones of coarse volcanic ash that is difficult to detect by eye. However, they are easily delineated by ED magnetic susceptibility peaks that contrast with the organic-rich background deposits (Fig. 2). PT Macroscopic tephra and high magnetic susceptibility tephra zones were sampled for AC CE geochemical fingerprinting. 4. Laboratory methods 4.1. Crypto-tephra Two Lake Pupuke sediment cores (06-06 and 08-06) were sub-sampled in 1-cm thick contiguous slices (Fig. 4). Methods for extracting dispersed glass shards in sediments have been described elsewhere (e.g., Davies et al., 2005; Gehrels et al., 2006; 2008). Organic matter in the samples was removed via digestion in heated H2O2 solution, and biogenic silica (diatoms, spicules) were dissolved in heated NaOH solution. Fine clays and other silicate materials were removed by wet sieving at 25 microns. For core 06-06 samples, an additional step was applied using sodium polytungsate (>2 gcm3) to remove sponge spicules. This density separated component did not contain glass shards. To test the possible effect of 8 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT chemical treatment on the composition of glass shards, we analysed via electron microprobe aliquots of shards that had been chemically treated and compared them to un-treated shards. T No geochemical differences were revealed. The residue glass shards were spiked with RI P Lycopodium spores to facilitate measurement of glass-shard concentrations, and mounted on slides. The slides were examined at 400X magnification with a polarizing microscope to SC distinguish and count glass shards. The glass shards were recorded alongside Lycopodium spores, a quantification method adapted from palynology. Glass shard concentrations are 4.2. Geochemical analysis of shards MA NU reported as shards per milligram dry weight as described by Gehrels et al. (2006). Glass shards were embedded in epoxy resin, polished, and analysed by a Jeol JXA- ED 840 probe fitted with a PGT Prism 2000 EDS detector at University of Auckland. An PT absorbed current of 1.5 nA at 15 kV was used. The beam was defocused to 20 µm to limit loss of Na. Calibration was achieved by AstimexTM mineral standards. Glasses in Lake Pupuke AC CE core 08-06 were analysed by a CAMECA SX100 electron microprobe at the University of Edinburgh using a10 kV accelerating voltage, 10 nA beam current, and a 4 μm spot size. Analysis times for 'first cycle' elements (Si, K, Mn, Al, Na) were 30 s peak, 30 s background. For Na and Si the 30 s peak time was split into 6.5 sec intervals and a decay curve procedure employed to correct for count rate decrease or increase in Na and Si, respectively. Second cycle elements counting times were 20 s peak and 20 s background. The instrumental settings in both laboratories produce high accuracy and precision, as demonstrated by replicate analyses on glass standards (see Supplementary data). Error values associated with analyses are dependent on elemental abundance, and were assessed from replicate analyses on homogeneous glass (Supplementary data). Analytical totals on unknown glasses are in the range 91-100% (mostly 94-98%); deficiencies being attributed to variable post-eruption 9 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT meteoric hydration, a feature common in tephra of all ages and compositions (e.g., Shane, T 2000). Glass analyses on unknown glasses were recalculated to 100% to aid comparisons. RI P 5. Results 5.1. Glass shard concentrations SC Glass shards in the Lake Pupuke cores were classified based on color and petrographic features. Colorless shards are typically pumiceous or cuspate in morphology and free of NU groundmass microlites, but may contain a few crystal inclusions. They are similar to shards MA found in rhyolite tephra layers in the Auckland region (Molloy et al., 2009). Brown shards display a range of color variants from pale brown to nearly black. They are vesicular or blocky in morphology and a few display fluidal shapes. Groundmass microlites of silicate ED minerals are common. The shards are similar to those found basaltic tephra (e.g., Molloy et PT al., 2009). In core 06-06, we further attempted to subdivide the colored shards into a pale yellow group that are finer grained and highly pumiceous and microlite-rich. They are similar AC CE to shards found in andesite-dacite tephra layers (e.g., Molloy et al., 2009). The shard concentrations are highly variable both within the cores and between the cores (Fig. 4). Excluding macroscopic tephra layers and sediments immediately above them, colorless shards are the most abundant and occur in concentrations up to ~200 shards/mg, but mostly <100 shards/mg in core 06-06 and <60 shards/mg in core 08-06. Brown shards occur in more localized zones or peaks in both cores with concentrations <60 shards/mg. Yellow shards are of distinctly lower abundance. 5.2. Rhyolite and andesite crypto-tephra in Lake Pupuke The low concentration of shards in most samples and their small size (<60 m) made it impractical to analyze the entire sample suite. Instead, we focused on either localized high 10 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT concentrations of shards in the cores or simply shards large enough to analyze (>40 microns) with an electron beam without interference from vesicles or microlites (Fig. 4; Supplementary T data). Previous studies have described the identification and source of tephra layers in RI P Auckland, based on stratigraphy, mineralogy, and glass chemistry (Shane, 2005; Molloy et al., 2009). Although not designed for glass compositions, the total alkali–silica diagram of Le SC Maitre (1984) provides a simple method of classifying tephra layers and recognizing the volcanic provenance (Fig. 5A). The stratigraphy and geochemical fingerprint of rhyolite NU tephra from Okataina and Taupo Volcanic Centres (OVC and TVC) in central North Island MA (Fig. 1) are well established (Nairn, 2002; Smith et al., 2005; 2006; Lowe et al., 2008). Hence, they are the primary tephra horizons for erecting stratigraphic frameworks. The colorless shards in the Lake Pupuke cores are rhyolitic and compositionally match ED tephra erupted from OVC and TVC. Most of the shard populations are heterogeneous, PT variously matching the composition of the 9.5 ka Rotoma, 8 ka Mamaku and 5.5 ka Whakatane tephra (Fig. 5B), erupted from OVC (Nairn, 2002). A few also match Holocene- AC CE aged tephra erupted from TVC, including the 1.7 ka Taupo tephra, the youngest event from TVC. We did not attempt to distinguish between the various TVC tephra layers because of their high degree of similarity in composition (Smith et al., 2005; Lowe et al., 2008). A few shards are peralkaline in composition and are similar to the 7 ka Tuhua tephra from Mayor Island volcano (e.g., Shane et al., 2006). These zones are considered to be the product of reworking (see section 6.1). A peak in colorless (and pale yellow) shards at 65 cm in core 06-06 and 78 cm in core 08-06 (Fig. 4), comprise shards of rhyolite and andesite composition (Fig. 5C,D). The rhyolite composition matches glass in the Kaharoa tephra erupted from OVC (Nairn, 2002) at 636 ± 12 cal yrs BP (~0.7 ka) (Lowe et al., 2008). We consider this horizon to represent an in-situ 11 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT crypto-tephra (see section 6.1). The andesite shards are chemically similar to those erupted from Ruapheu volcano of the Tongariro Volcanic Centre (e.g., Moebis et al., 2011) (Fig. 5D). T Other samples containing andesite shards also display affinity to Tongariro volcanic RI P centre-sourced tephra, including those from Tongariro, Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu volcanoes (Fig. 5D). A few shards also show affinities to tephra from Taranaki volcano (e.g., Shane SC 2005; Platz et al., 2007). We note that the geochemical fingerprint of more widely dispersed tephra from the andesite volcanoes is not well established, and thus individual eruptions MA NU and/or number of eruptions cannot always be delineated. 5.3. Basaltic tephra and crypto-tephra in Lake Pupuke In core 08-06, samples targeted for geochemical analyses were brown shard ED concentration peaks at 105, 75, 66 and 54 cm depths (Fig. 4B,6A), in addition to the PT macroscopic layer at 63 cm depth. In core 06-06, samples analyzed were from small concentration peaks at 138, 125, 101, 42 and 22 cm depths (Fig. 4A, 6B), and the AC CE macroscopic tephra at 59-57 cm depth. Basaltic shards in all of these samples show broad compositional bimodality. A low-SiO2 (~43-47 wt %, anhydrous) shard group with higher K2O (and CaO) can be readily distinguished from a high-SiO2 group (~50-52 wt %) with lower K2O (and CaO) content (Fig. 6A,B). The two shard groups are otherwise similar in petrography and shard size. The various samples contain either one or both of the high- and low-SiO2 shard groups, but there are no temporal trends. As previously documented, the macroscopic basalt tephra layer is preserved as two layers in some cores variously separated by up to 2 cm of sediment (Horrocks et al., 2005; Molloy et al., 2009). However, the separation is not discernable in all cores. The lower layer comprises the low-SiO2 shard group, while the upper layer comprises the high-SiO2 shard group. 12 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Glass shards and interstitial glass in fine lapilli from the Pupuke volcano tuff-ring form a compositional array from ~45 to 50 wt % SiO2, somewhat filling the compositional T gap between the bimodal shards found in the lake sediments (Fig. 6C). Most of the Pupuke RI P volcano tuff-ring shards have SiO2 contents of ~45-46 wt %, but are distinguished from the SC low-SiO2 shard group of tephra in the lake sediments by higher TiO2 (and K2O) contents. 5.4. Tephra on Motutapu Island and Rangitoto scoria cones NU Glass in macroscopic tephra layers in Motutapu Island cores form a compositional MA array similar to the low-SiO2 shard group in Lake Pupuke sediments, but also extend to higher SiO2 contents (~47 wt %) (Fig. 6D). Indeed, most of the shards have SiO2 contents in the range ~46-47 wt %, somewhat higher than the main low-SiO2 shard population in Lake PT same chemical signature. ED Pupuke sediments. All macroscopic tephra layers and tephra-rich zones in the peat display the The tephra outcrop at the Sunde site on Motutapu Island also comprises shards that are AC CE broadly chemically similar to the low-SiO2 shard group in Lake Pupuke sediments and tephra layers in Motutapu swamp sediments. However, the Sunde site shards display slightly lower SiO2 contents for the same K2O content, when compared to shards at other sites (Fig. 6D). The bimodality in whole rock compositions with North Cone comprising alkali basalt, and Central-South Cones (and lava fields) comprising subalkalic basalt (higher SiO2 and lower K2O) (Needham et al., 2011) (Fig. 6D), is also reflected in the glass compositions of these rocks. The glasses display higher SiO2 and K2O than their respective whole-rock host because the glasses lack crystals (mostly plagioclase and olivine). In contrast, much of the compositional array of the tephra glasses in the sediment cores extends to lower SiO2 contents. This is inconsistent with these tephra glasses being crystal-free counterparts of the whole-rock samples, and demonstrates a wider range of magmas were erupted from the 13 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT volcano than that represented by the cones. Interstitial glass in fine lapilli and glass shards from the Central and South Scoria Cones are compositionally homogeneous and match the T high-SiO2 shard group from tephra deposited in Lake Pupuke (Fig. 6D). Glasses from the RI P North Scoria Cone are compositionally unique amongst the samples, plotting separately on SC geochemical diagrams (Fig. 6D). 6. Discussion NU 6.1. Crypto-tephra record MA The sediment in Lake Pupuke records primary and secondary deposition of glass shards from local and distal volcanoes. The tephra from distal rhyolite volcanoes (TVC and OVC) are significant because their chronology and geochemical fingerprints are well ED established (e.g., Shane, 2000; Lowe et al., 2008). Hence, they provide a basis for PT constructing a stratigraphy and assessing reworking as demonstrated in previous studies of the AVF (e.g., Molloy et al., 2009). AC CE In addition to macroscopic tephra layers (1.7 ka Taupo and ~0.6 ka Rangitoto), cryptotephra are pervasive through the sequences (Fig. 4). Core 6-06 (60 m depth) was collected 239 m south of core 08-06 (55 m depth) on the broadly flat floor of the basin. Although synchronous in time, the cores record different patterns of shard abundance. In particular, colorless (rhyolite) shards occur in high abundance in the post-Rangitoto tephra part of core 06-06, but not in core 08-06 (Fig. 4). We note that microscope shard counting was conducted independently by different operators (core 08-06 = MG; core 06-06 = AZ). This could have resulted in some un-detected bias. However, there is no systematic difference for the entire sequence (Fig. 4), and both cores record similar stratigraphic features such as multiple occurrences of basaltic shard zones and rhyolite Kaharoa tephra (see below), beneath Rangitoto tephra. Thus, we consider most of the differences to reflect depositional history. 14 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Spatiotemporal variation in shard deposition is common within lake basins, and is controlled by catchment inlets and basin geometry (e.g., Pyne-O’Donnell, 2011 and others). Localized T lake floor relief can contribute to sediment focusing, and past disturbance events induced by RI P storms, earthquakes and gravitational instability can remobilize sediment subaqueously, resulting in discontinuous deposition. SC In the Lake Pupuke cores, zones of compositionally heterogeneous shards whose compositions match pre-Taupo tephra-age eruptions from OVC and TVC (Fig. 5B) are the NU product of reworking because calc-alkaline rhyolite eruptions of their age (post-1.7 ka) did MA not occur in New Zealand. Most of the shard compositions (including those of peralkaline affinity) match those in tephra layers that occur as macroscopic horizons stratigraphically below the sequence examined here (Taupo, Tuhua, and Rotoma) (Horrocks et al., 2005; ED Augustinus et al., 2008; Molloy et al., 2009). Lake Pupuke is a topographically enclosed PT basin that lacks fluvial or marine sediment inlets due to a surrounding basaltic tuff-ring. The absence of tuff-ring-sourced shards in the cores (see below) indicates that reworking from AC CE external sources was insignificant. Instead, subaqueous remobilization of lake sediments around the margin of the basin and transport into the basin centre is the most likely cause of remobilized shards. Despite the ubiquitous background deposition of shards in the sequences, discrete volcanic events are also preserved. One crypto-tephra zone, beneath Rangitoto tephra in both cores (65 cm in core 06-06; 78 cm in core 08-06), comprises rhyolite shards that match those of the ~0.7 ka Kaharoa tephra erupted from OVC, and do not match other OVC-sourced tephra (Fig. 5C). Their stratigraphic position above the 1.7 ka Taupo tephra precludes correlation to any other event because Kaharoa is the only rhyolite eruption in the time interval (e.g., Nairn, 2002; Lowe et al., 2008). 15 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Discrete concentrations of basaltic shards are found in both cores up to ~80 cm beneath the macroscopic Rangitoto tephra layer (Fig. 4), in the interval between 1.7 ka Taupo T and 0.7 ka Kaharoa horizons (Table 1). Downward density-settling of the shards from the RI P macroscopic layer is seemingly unlikely because of the non-disturbed, sub-mm-laminated lithology of the sediments (Fig. 3) which is inconsistent with the passage of water-saturated SC sediment, or bioturbation. Density settling of tephra is associated with sediment load structures and intrusion (e.g., Beierle and Bond, 2002). It is also unlikely that the basaltic NU crypto-tephra zones represent reworked detritus from the Pupuke tuff-ring because of their MA compositional differences (Fig. 6C). Instead the composition of the basalt crypto-tephra zones in core 08-06 has a distinct bimodality that variously matches the composition of the macroscopic Rangitoto tephra and Central-South cones of Rangitoto volcano (Fig. 6D). There ED is no evidence for post-10 ka volcanism at other sites in the AVF (e.g., Lindsay et al., 2011). PT Thus, we consider the crypto-tephra zones to represent Rangitoto eruptions. Shards in the basaltic crypto-tephra zones in core 06-06 display the high-SiO2 AC CE geochemical affinity (Fig. 6B), while those in core 08-06 display both high- and low-SiO2 affinities (Fig. 6A). This is likely to be another artifact of preservation variability, typical of lake sediments (as described above). Thus, the two cores partly record different phases of the Rangitoto eruption sequence. The cores also contain significant peaks in basaltic shard concentrations above the Rangitoto tephra that display the same compositional bimodality of shards in the macroscopic tephra (Fig. 4, 6A,B). However, their depositional mechanism is less certain. They could represent fallout from eruptions or remobilization of sediments. There is a significant increase in the abundance of remobilized rhyolite shards in the upper part of core 06-06, and the sediments are finer grained and more massive than the rest of the core (Horrocks et al., 2005). This interval also shows a decline in tree pollen and appearance of charcoal and Pteridium 16 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT spores interpreted to reflect Polynesian deforestation in the region (Horrocks et al., 2005). T Hence, there is a strong likelihood for sediment reworking in this part of the core. RI P 6.2. Chronology of Rangitoto volcano The timing and duration of activity at Rangitoto volcano has been extensively SC reviewed (Nichol, 1992; Lowe et al., 2000; Lindsay et al., 2012). Erroneously old ages have been obtained from K-Ar dating of lava due to the presence of excess (non-degassed) Ar NU (McDougall et al., 1969). A limited paleomagnetic investigation of lava flows (Robertson, MA 1996) revealed some scatter in the demagnetized remnant directions, but much of the data is within wide error limits. A cluster of radiocarbon ages on organic material around 550-500 cal yr BP is associated with tephra layers on Motutapu Island. These date a major episode of ED tephra dispersal that previous workers equate to the construction of the volcano in one PT relatively short episode. We note that some of the reported radiocarbon ages are not consistent with stratigraphic order (e.g., MVC6 core; Fig. 2). Thus, some ages are erroneous making AC CE data selection problematic. Interestingly, the only radiocarbon determinations associated with lava flows on Rangitoto Island produced widely disparate ages of 214 ± 129 cal yr BP for wood beneath a lava flow and 1161 ± 72 cal yr BP for marine shells in mud baked by a (different) lava flow. These were dismissed by Nichol (1992) as representing young tree roots penetrating the lavas, and relict shells pre-dating the eruption, respectively. We can make several observations that relate to the chronology of the volcano: (1) Identification of the well-dated Kaharoa tephra (636 ± 12 cal yrs BP) beneath macroscopic Rangitoto tephra in Lake Pupuke is consistent with most of the reported radiocarbon ages for the latter. (2) The composition of the lower macroscopic layer in Lake Pupuke (low-SiO2 group shards) partly overlaps that of multiple tephra layers deposited on Motutapu Island (Fig. 6D), where 17 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT radiocarbon ages have been determined. However, the latter is dominated by geochemically distinct shards. The upper tephra layer in Lake Pupuke is also distinct (high-SiO2 shard T group). This points to multiple tephra eruptions with different dispersal patterns. RI P (3) The composition of the upper Lake Pupuke macroscopic layer matches that of Central and South scoria cones (Fig. 6D). None of the other macroscopic tephra match any of the scoria SC cones. This indicates that the volcanic landforms do not record the entire pyroclastic history of the volcano. We acknowledge our sampling of the scoria cones was not comprehensive due NU to lack of exposure, and more compositional affinities may have been erupted. MA (4) The two tephra layers and zones of tephra-rich peat deposited on Motutapu Island are compositionally identical (Fig. 6D). They are not considered to result from local reworking because the same stratigraphy is found at several sites (Needham et al., 2011; this study). ED Instead, these tephra occurrences reflect episodic eruptions. The sequences lack visible PT rhyolite tephra such as 1.7 ka Taupo tephra, and thus may represent shorter time periods than that recorded in Lake Pupuke. Hence, much of the radiocarbon data for Rangitoto volcano AC CE pertains to just one part of the eruption history. (5) The Lake Pupuke cores contain basaltic crypto-tephra layers that pre-date Kaharoa tephra (636 ± 12 cal yrs BP), extending back to 1498 ± 140 cal yr BP (Table 1). We consider these to represent early Rangitoto eruptions and hence, an extended life-span for the volcano of ~1000 yrs. (6) Most of the crypto-tephra zones contain shards that compositionally match the high-SiO2 group, similar to those of Central and South Scoria cones (Fig. 6). This does not imply that the two cones were long-lived. Instead, the crypto-tephra zones could represent periods of earlier volcanism where proximal deposits are now buried beneath the cones. One cryptotephra horizon (at 75 cm) in core 08-06 matches the low-SiO2 group. Thus, the broad compositional bimodality is a persistent signal through much of the volcano history. Such 18 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT petrologic variability has been recognized at other small volcanoes (e.g., Wolff and Strong, T 2003; Brenna et al., 2011). RI P The lack of deep erosional incision of Rangitoto volcano prevents any proximaloutcrop evaluation of its longevity. Thus, the compositional uniformity of the lava flows SC (Needham et al., 2011) and their broadly similar paleomagnetic directions (Robertson, 1996) could simply reflect a veneer of late-stage effusive volcanism that covers older deposits. The NU volcano is thought to represent about half the volume of the magma erupted in the 250-ka- MA history of the AVF. Prolonged activity suggested by the crypto-tephra record (~1000 yrs) would explain the anomalous volume of the volcano. Tephra dispersal is highly directional, thus the lack of available sediment repositories at other azimuths around the volcano prevents ED the investigation of whether the prolonged activity was near-continuous or occurred as PT discrete episodes. The frequency and locus of activity within a terrestrial basaltic field can change on a AC CE 105-yr scale (e.g., Condit and Connor, 1996). Also, some fields display relatively constant time-erupted volume relations on the 104-105 yr scale (e.g., Kuntz et al., 1986; Conway et al., 1998). However, it is difficult to develop a unified tectono-volcanic hypothesis for the modulation of tempo because of the different crustal settings of the fields. The new perspectives on Rangitoto volcanism support the concept of changing volcanic style and tempo in the AVF over short durations (103-104 yr). Geochronological studies suggest that multiple, small volcanic centres were contemporaneously active across the field at around 30 ka (Cassidy, 2006; Cassata et al., 2008; Molloy et al., 2009). In contrast, there have been few eruptions in the more recent history of the field. Well-constrained evidence for activity in the interval 10-20 ka is scarce (Molloy et al., 2009; Lindsay et al., 2011), and a scoria cone and tuff-ring complex was produced at ~10 ka (Mt Wellington centre, Shane and Zawalna-Geer, 19 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 2011). Thus, the relatively voluminous Rangitoto volcano, perhaps representing over 1000 yrs of activity in the last few millennia, reflects a dramatic regime change to central vent T volcanism. This has significant implications for AVF hazard/risk models that have focused on RI P a short-lived eruption (<1 yr) from a site that has not experienced recent volcanism. Future modeling should consider the possibility of repeat eruptions from volcanic centers and SC prolonged activity. The socio-economic impact would differ from that resulting from short- NU lived phenomena. MA 7. Concluding remarks The value of crypto-tephra in reconstructing the longevity of a volcano is demonstrated where the early history of the volcano is not exposed; datable deposits are ED scarce or stratigraphically ambiguous; and macroscopic tephra deposition was limited by PT highly directional fallout or preservation potential of the landscape. The tephra record of activity at Rangitoto volcano shows it was not a simple ‘monogenetic’ volcano constructed on AC CE a 101-102 yr timescale. Instead, eruptions occurred between 1498 ± 140 and at least 504 ± 6 cal yrs BP, a time span of ~1000 yrs. This prolonged activity could explain why the edifice represents about half the known volume of magma erupted in the AVF over its 250-ka life. Thus, the tempo and style of volcanism in the volcanic field has undergone an dramatic change in the last ~2 ka to prolonged central vent volcanism. This demonstrates that terrestrial basaltic fields can significantly change character during their evolution in a short period of time. Future hazard and risk modeling will have to consider this style of volcanism rather than the traditional view of infrequently erupting, short-lived phenomena producing small volcanic edifices. Acknowledgements 20 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Pupuke coring and radiocarbon dating was funded by Marsden Fund grant UOA0517 to Augustinus (PI). Ian Snowball and Per Sandgrun provided valuable coring assistance. T Lindsay acknowledges funding from New Zealand Earthquake Commission and Auckland RI P City Council. We thank editor Joan Marti and an anonymous reviewer for their comments. SC References NU Augustinus, P.C., Reid, M., Andersson, S., Deng, Y., Horrocks, M., 2006. 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Summary logs of cores containing Rangitoto tephra examined in this study, with magnetic susceptibility data (MS in dimensionless SI units) for BGS 23 and 21. For site 28 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT locations see Fig. 1A and Supplementary data. Macroscopic tephra layer samples used in geochemical studies are marked as depths (in cm, right of log). Ages for MVC5 and 6 are T calibrated radiocarbon data from Needham et al., (2011). The Sunde site is an outcrop on RI P Motutapu Island. SC Fig. 3. X-ray density image of part of Lake Pupuke core 06-06 showing laminated sediments enclosing the interval of a basaltic crypto-tephra at 101 cm. Bright shading reflects high MA NU density, and dark shading reflects low density. Fig. 4. Concentration of shards in sediment samples from Lake Pupuke cores 06-06 (A) and 08-06 (B). Numbers represent depths (cm) of samples used in geochemical studies. ED Macroscopic tephra layers of Rangitoto and Taupo tephra are shown as grey bars. Note PT differences in scaling of shard concentrations (x-axis). AC CE Fig. 5 (A) Composition of individual glass shards from cores and outcrops examined in this study. Compositional fields are from Le Maitre (1984). A - andesite; B - basalt; BA - basaltic andesite; BS - basanite; D - dacite; F - foidite; T - trachyte; TA- trachyandesite; TD trachydacite and R – rhyolite. The tephra grouping represents all macroscopic and cryptotephra layers; cones represent North/Central/South Scoria Cones; and tuff-ring represents Pupuke Volcano. (B) Composition of glass shards in heterogeneous crypto-tephra zones from Lake Pupuke cores 06-06 and 08-06, compared to named Holocene tephra layers from distal volcanoes (compositional fields from Smith et al., 2006; Shane et al., 2006; 2008; Shane unpublished data). (C) Composition of glass shards in a crypto-tephra found in both core 0606 and -08 that matches Kaharoa tephra. Compositional fields as in (B). (D) Composition of glass shards in andesite-dacite crypto-tephra in Lake Pupuke. Compositional field for 29 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Tongariro Volcanic Centre (Ruapehu, Nguaruhoe and Red Crater) from Moebis et al., (2011); T and Taranaki volcano (Platz et al., 2007). RI P Fig. 6 (A) Composition of basaltic shards in crypto-tephra zones of Lake Pupuke core 08-06. See Figure 4 for sample positions. Lower and upper tephra is the compositional fields of the SC Rangitoto macroscopic tephra layers (data from Molloy et al., 2009 and this study). (B) Composition of basaltic shards in crypto-tephra zones of Lake Pupuke core 06-06. Lower and NU upper tephra is Rangitoto tephra as in (A). (C) Composition of glass shards in the Pupuke MA volcano tuff-ring compared to all basaltic macroscopic and crypto-tephra in Lake Pupuke sediment cores. (D) Composition of shards in macroscopic tephra from Motutapu Island cores and the Sunde site; glass from the North/Central/South Scoria Cones; and all tephra and ED crypto-tephra from Lake Pupuke cores. Whole rock (WR) analyses from the scoria cones are AC CE PT shown for comparison (data from Needham et al., 2011). 30 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT NU 16 552 4 7 MA 7 63 66 75 78 105 212 638 12 1718 10 16 553 558 626 634 659 1718 4 7 34 34 12 76 10 ED Core 08-06 Copper Rangitoto Basalt crypto-tephra Basalt crypto-tephra Kaharoa Basalt crypto-tephra Taupo SC RI P T Table 1 Ages for basaltic crypto-tephra layers in Lake Pupuke based on Bayesian modelling Tephra Depth Input age Model age (cm) (yrs BP) ± yr (yrs BP) ± yr Core 06-06 Copper a 5 16 4 16 4 Rangitoto upper 57 504 6 505 6 Rangitoto lower 60 552 7 551 8 Kaharoa 65 636 12 634 12 Basalt crypto-tephra 101 922 35 Basalt crypto-tephra 125 1040 164 Basalt crypto-tephra 138 1498 140 Taupo 159 1718 10 1718 10 AC CE PT Assumes constant sedimentation rate between dated horizons. Poisson distribution using OxCal 4.1 (ShCal04 dataset). Prior parameter k = 1 (see Bronk Ramsey, 2009). Errors = 1 sigma. a copper sulphate geochemical marker horizon represents AD1934 (16 yrs cal BP), the average of two reported anthropogenic additions in AD1932 and 1939 (Augustinus et al., 2006). 31 AC CE PT ED MA NU SC RI P T ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Fig. 1 32 AC CE PT ED MA NU SC RI P T ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Fig. 2 33 AC CE PT ED MA NU SC RI P T ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Fig. 3 34 AC CE PT ED MA NU SC RI P T ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Fig. 4 35 AC CE Fig. 5 PT ED MA NU SC RI P T ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 36 AC CE Fig. 6 PT ED MA NU SC RI P T ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 37 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Highlights Crypto-tephra reveal a previously unrecognized record of volcanism . T Rangitoto volcano considered ‘monogenetic’ but erupted for ~1000 years. RI P Dramatic change in eruption style, volume and frequency in Auckland region. AC CE PT ED MA NU SC Hazard modeling needs to be revisited. 38