Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory

[ Resource Directory
Chicago Neighborhood
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Chicago Neighborhood
Resource Directory
97 • chicago resources
1 3 9 • G a g e Pa r k
1 8 4 • N o r t h Pa r k
1 0 6 • A l b a n y Pa r k
140 • Garfield Ridge
1 8 5 • N o r w o o d Pa r k
107 • Archer Heights
1 4 1 • G r a n d B o u l e va r d
186 • Oakland
1 0 8 • A r m o u r S q ua r e
1 4 3 • G reater Grand Crossing
187 • O’Hare
109 • Ashburn
145 • Hegewisch
1 8 8 • P o r ta g e Pa r k
1 1 0 • Au bu r n G r e s h a m
146 • Hermosa
189 • Pullman
1 1 2 • Au s t i n
1 4 7 • H u m b o l d t Pa r k
190 • Riverdale
1 1 5 • Ava l o n Pa r k
1 4 9 • H y d e Pa r k
1 9 1 • R o g e r s Pa r k
1 1 6 • Av o n d a l e
1 5 0 • I r v i n g Pa r k
192 • Roseland
117 • Belmont Cragin
1 5 2 • J e f f e r s o n Pa r k
194 • South Chicago
1 1 8 • B e v e r ly
153 • Kenwood
196 • South Deering
1 1 9 • B r i d g e p o rt
154 • Lake View
197 • South Lawndale
1 2 0 • B r i g h to n Pa r k
1 5 6 • L i n c o l n Pa r k
199 • South Shore
121 • Burnside
1 5 8 • L i n c o l n S q ua r e
2 0 1 • Up to w n
122 • Calumet Heights
1 6 0 • L o g a n S q ua r e
2 0 4 • W a s h i n g to n H e i g h t s
1 2 3 • C h at h a m
162 • Loop
2 0 5 • W a s h i n g to n Pa r k
124 • Chicago Lawn
165 • Lower West Side
206 • West Elsdon
125 • Clearing
1 6 7 • M c K i n l e y Pa r k
207 • West Englewood
1 2 6 • D o u g l a s Pa r k
168 • Montclare
2 0 8 • W e s t G a r f i e l d Pa r k
128 • Dunning
1 6 9 • M o r g a n Pa r k
210 • West Lawn
1 2 9 • E a s t G a r f i e l d Pa r k
170 • Mount Greenwood
211 • West Pullman
131 • East Side
1 7 1 • N e a r N o rt h S i d e
212 • West Ridge
1 3 2 • E d g e w at e r
173 • Near South Side
2 1 4 • W e s t To w n
1 3 4 • E d i s o n Pa r k
174 • Near West Side
217 • Woodlawn
135 • Englewood
178 • New City
219 • source list
137 • Forest Glen
1 8 0 • N o rt h C e n t e r
1 3 8 • F u l l e r Pa r k
1 8 1 • N o rt h L a w n da l e
D e pa r t m e n t o f Fa m i ly & S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s N e i g h b o r h o o d R e s o u r c e D i r e c t o ry
(eU& the Neighborhood
R e s o u r c e D i r e c t o ry !
This Directory has been compiled by the Chicago Department
of Family and Support Services and Chapin Hall to assist
Chicago families in connecting to available resources in their
communities. Assembled using public information, this Directory
contains listings of services available to Chicago families in
the areas of health care, nutrition, social services, education,
senior services, and employment organized geographically by
Chicago’s 77 Community Areas. The providers listed in this
Directory are a combination of city- and state-funded providers
as well as private schools and providers.
Information is represented as clearly and as accurately as
possible based on the time of data collection.
Before visiting an agency, you should verify the service area
of the agency, its days and hours of operation, and any
identification requirements.
Finally, inclusion of the service provider in this directory does
not constitute an endorsement of that provider by the Chicago
Department of Family and Support Services.
D e pa r t m e n t o f Fa m i ly & S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s N e i g h b o r h o o d R e s o u r c e D i r e c t o ry
There are many services available citywide in Chicago that may not be
captured in single community profiles. The following is a list of resources,
including hotlines and internet listings, which are available to Chicago
residents throughout the city.
D e pa r t m e n t o f Fa m i ly & S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s N e i g h b o r h o o d R e s o u r c e D i r e c t o ry
Resources for Seniors and Caregivers
There are a variety of resources available to help aging Chicagoans maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.
Chicago Regional Senior Centers
For life-threatening emergencies, please call 9-1-1.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Program in Chicago:
Information & Assessment line:
Emergency Response Teams
Emergency Response Teams are on duty 24/7 to assist with non-life threatening situations. Call 3-1-1 for
shelter, food, relocation, and social services in situations that don’t pose an immediate life threat.
The Homelessness Prevention Call Center
The call center’s Information and Referral Specialists screen callers experiencing a shortterm, one-time
crisis and determine if fund resources are available, such as the City’s Rental Assistance program, the
State’s Homelessness Prevention Fund, or the Emergency Fund organization’s Financial Assistance
program. Eligible callers are referred to the appropriate social service agency that will process their application.
City of Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line
The Help Line provides toll free, confidential, multi-lingual 24 hour referral assistance for victims of domestic violence. Trained advocates provide callers with immediate information about their options, and direct
victims and those concerned about victims to community based providers including shelters, counseling,
legal advocacy, and civil legal services.
1-877-863-6338 (1-877-TO-END-DV)
TTY: 1-877-863-6339
Elder Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
The Chicago Department of Family and Support Services, Senior Services-Area Agency on Aging has a wide
array of services and interventions that can support victims of elderly abuse. We can provide in-home services, home delivered meals and adult day services. Emergency funds are also available to provide 24-hour
care in a nursing home on a limited basis.
To report or inquire about elder abuse the following phone numbers are available:
• Chicago
Department of Family & Support Services - 312.744.4016
• Office
of Domestic Violence - 1.877.863.6338 (TTY) 1.877.863.6339
• Illinois
Department on Aging Help Line at 1.866.800.1409.
All calls are confidential and callers may remain anonymous.
Benefits CheckUp
The Chicago Department of Family and Support Services provides Benefits CheckUp, which helps Chicago
residents age 60 and over determine their eligibility for more than 70 city, state and federal benefits. Call
or email to receive a Benefits Eligibility CheckUp application or ask questions about the program.
In-Touch Hotline
The University of Illinois at Chicago runs the Chicago Counseling Center, which is available to all.
D e pa r t m e n t o f Fa m i ly & S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s N e i g h b o r h o o d R e s o u r c e D i r e c t o ry
D e pa r t m e n t o f Fa m i ly & S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s N e i g h b o r h o o d R e s o u r c e D i r e c t o ry
In-Home Services
• Adult
Day Services
TTY: 312-744-6777
• Case
TTY: 312-744-6777
• Guardianship
TTY: 312-744-6777
• Heavy
Duty Chores
TTY: 312-744-6777
Resources for Persons with Disabilities
• Home
Delivered Meals
• Nursing
Home Pre-screening
• Homemaker
• Respite
• Housing Relocation Counseling
TTY: 312-744-6777
• Legal
• Short Term
TTY: 312-744-6777
• Meals
on Wheels Chicago
Telephone: 312-744-4016
TTY: 312-744-6777
Transportation Services
• Mayor
Daley’s Senior Shuttle Service provides Chicago senior citizens with transportation assistance to
purchase groceries.
TTY: 312-744-6777
• Door-to-Door
Service, through a cooperative effort with the Chicago Transit Authority’s (CTA) Taxi Access Program
(TAP), offers specialized transportation services for eligible seniors.
TTY: 312-744-6777
• Emergency
Medical Transportation Service helps Chicago seniors in need of emergency medical transportation
receive life-sustaining treatments.
Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities
MOPD provides people with disabilities information to assist in making more effective use of the health,
education, training, economic and social resources available to them.
Family Resource Center on Disabilities
Family Resource Center on Disabilities provides information about special education rights, laws and training for families.
Designs for Change
Designs for Change provides training and information to parents of infants, toddlers, school-aged children,
and young adults with disabilities and the professionals who work with their families.
Family to Family
Created by ARC of Illinois, Family to Family is a health resource center for families and friends of children
and youth up to age 21 who have special health care needs, disabilities and chronic illnesses.
866-931-1110 or 708-560-6703
• Senior
Building Transportation Service, through a partnership with H.O.M.E. (Housing Opportunities and
Maintenance for the Elderly), offers Chicago seniors residing in senior buildings throughout Chicago with transportation services to complete basic errands.
TTY: 312-744-6777
Golden Diner Program
Administered by the Senior Services Area Agency on Aging, The Golden Diner Program provides Chicago’s
seniors (over 60 years of age) with hot, nutritious lunches in a communal setting at nearly 70 community
sites throughout Chicago each weekday. In addition to meals, seniors can participate in a variety of activities, from health education and exercise classes to field trips.
312- 744-4016
TTY: 312- 744-6777
D e pa r t m e n t o f Fa m i ly & S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s N e i g h b o r h o o d R e s o u r c e D i r e c t o ry
Children and Youth Services
Parenting Resource Network Warmline
Parenting Resource Network’s Warmline provides friendly advice for new parents. The Warmline offers
parents referrals, support and advice of a non-medical nature.
Child Support
To open a child support case, or for general information:
Child Care Assistance
Care Aware provides information about types of child care, state licensing, accreditation, and how to choose
high-quality care. Child Care Finder has information about where to find local child care providers and available
child care subsidies.
D e pa r t m e n t o f Fa m i ly & S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s N e i g h b o r h o o d R e s o u r c e D i r e c t o ry
Free Fast Track Immunization Clinics
Immunization clinics offer free immunizations for children under age 2 at the following locations:
• Austin Health Center of Cook County
4800 W. Chicago Avenue
Chicago IL 60651
• Englewood
Health Center
641 W. 63rd Street
Chicago IL 60621
• Lower West WIC
1643 W. Cermak Road
Chicago IL 60608
• Trina
Davila Community
Service Center
4345-47 W. Armitage Avenue
Chicago IL 60639
• Englewood
Family Health Center
1135 W. 69th Street
Chicago, IL 60621
• Greater
• Roseland
Community WIC
11255 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628
• Uptown Neighborhood Health
845 W. Wilson Avenue
Chicago, IL 60640
Lawn WIC
4150 W. 55th Street
Chicago, IL 60632
• Child
• Early
Childhood Program Locator. Find and learn about early childhood programs by searching around your
home or work address.
After-School Chicago Program Locator
Find and learn about afterschool programs and clubs for teens, including academic, job readiness, religious, sports programs and more.
Youth Ready Chicago
Youth Ready Chicago is the portal for Mayor Daley’s Youth Ready Chicago program, which connects young
people, ages 14 - 24, with internships, apprenticeships and jobs within Chicago’s public and private business sectors. Each opportunity offers youth hands-on experience and an opportunity to gain marketable
skills, supporting a successful transition from school into the workforce.
General Social Services
Community Service Centers
Department of Family and Support Services’ Community Service Centers provide onestop shopping for
emergency food, infant formula, domestic violence resources, housing and shelter options, rental assistance, medical services, weather relief, and job training and placement.
• Garfield
10 S. Kedzie Avenue
Chicago, IL 60612
• King
• South
8759 S. Commercial Avenue
Chicago, IL 60617
• Englewood
4314 S. Cottage Grove Avenue
Chicago, IL 60653
845 W 69th Street
Chicago, IL 60621
• North Area
4740 N. Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60640
• Trina
4357 W. Armitage Avenue
Chicago, IL 60639
Medical Care
• Medicaid/All
Kids Hotline provides information about child and adolescent health insurance.
TTY: 877-204-1012
• The
Greater Chicago Food Depository will help you find a food pantry, soup kitchen or shelter near you.
• Food Stamps Hotline provides information about how to obtain monthly benefits to help low-income families buy food.
• The WIC
Program provides coupons that are redeemable for food for lowincome pregnant and breastfeeding
women and mothers of children (newborn to age 5 years).
D e pa r t m e n t o f Fa m i ly & S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s N e i g h b o r h o o d R e s o u r c e D i r e c t o ry
D e pa r t m e n t o f Fa m i ly & S u p p o r t S e r v i c e s N e i g h b o r h o o d R e s o u r c e D i r e c t o ry
Veterans Resource Office
N at i o n a l R e f e r r a l N u m b e r s
The City’s Veterans Resource Office helps U.S. veterans and family members navigate the maze of government
benefits and civilian resources.
Al-Anon/Alateen Hotline
Mental Health America
800-273-8255 or
Homeless Services
The city’s two mobile clinics make services readily accessible to homeless people. They bring a full range
of medical and social services directly to the individual. To request that a mobile clinic visit a site in your
community, call 3-1-1.
Al-Anon en Español
Alzheimer’s Association
E m p l o y m e n t A s s i s ta n c e
Chicago Workforce Center Services for Job Seekers
Chicago’s five Workforce Centers and over 30 community-based affiliate organizations offer a range of
services to help Chicagoans find and keep good-paying jobs. Chicago residents can go to any of the
Workforce Center locations, regardless of where they live.
• Sheridan Workforce
4740 N. Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60640
• Pilsen Workforce
1657 S. Blue Island Avenue
Chicago, IL 60608
7500 S. Pulaski Road
Chicago, IL 60652
• Garfield Workforce
• Mid-South Workforce
4314 S. Cottage Grove Avenue
Chicago, IL 60653
10 S. Kedzie Avenue, Room 134
Chicago, IL 60612
Gay & Lesbian National
Illinois Skills Match (ISM) Website
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
and Transgender Helpline
Selects and matches the best qualified job seekers with the most suitable employers.
• Southwest Workforce
Childhelp National Child
Abuse Hotline
National Suicide
Prevention Lifeline
National AIDS Hotline
National Center for
Victims of Crime
National Youth Crisis Hotline
Rape, Abuse, and Incest
National Network
National Crisis Help Line
National Domestic
Violence Hotline
US Department of Health and
Human Services - Center for
Substance Abuse Treatment
800-662-HELP (800-662-4357)
800-487-4889 (TDD)
877-767-8432 (Spanish)
National Runaway
Head Start
Working in the Schools Hibbard School
Albany Park Community Center
3244 W Ainslie......................312-751-9487
3403 W Lawrence Avenue......773-433-3204
World Relief
Albany Park Pulaski
3507 W Lawrence Avenue.....773-583-9191
4909 N Pulaski........................773-539-1974
Youth Outreach Services Albany Park
Public Elementary School
Albany Park Multicultural Elem
4751 N Kedzie Avenue..........773-539-7605
4929 N Sawyer Avenue...........773-534-5108
Housing Assistance
Edison Elementary Regional
Gifted Cntr
Albany Park Community Center
3403 W Lawrence Avenue.....773-539-3828
4929 N Sawyer Avenue...........773-534-0540
DFSS Community
Service Center
Trina Davila Center
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Albany Park Community Center
3403 W Lawrence Avenue......773-433-3204
Korean American Senior Center
5008-14 N Kedzie Avenue......773-478-8851
World Relief - Chicago
3507 W Lawrence Suite 208...773-583-9191
Adult Literacy - General Education
Hanul Family Alliance
5008 N Kedzie Avenue............847-439-5195
Haugan Elementary School
4540 N Hamlin Avenue...........773-534-5040
Hibbard Elementary School
3244 W Ainslie Street..............773-534-5191
Community Partnership Program
Albany Park Community Center
Parenting Training
Volta Elementary School
Chicago Public Library
Mary & Tom Leo & Associates
Archer Heights
4950 N Avers Avenue..............773-534-5080
Public Preschool
Haugan Elementary School
4540 N Hamlin Avenue...........773-534-5040
Hibbard Elementary School
3244 W Ainslie Street..............773-534-5191
North River Elementary School
Erie Dental Health Center
4751 N Kedzie Avenue............312-432-4360
Heartland Health Center at
Roosevelt High School
3436 W Wilson Avenue...........773-751-1700
Palmer Elementary School
Albany Park Community Center
5051 N Kenneth Avenue.........773-534-3704
Volta Elementary School
3507 W Lawrence Avenue......773-583-9191
Food Pantries
3403 W Lawrence Avenue......773-433-3202
Hanul Family Alliance
5008 N Kedzie Avenue............773-478-8851
Albany Park Food Pantry
3253 W Wilson Avenue...........773-478-7941
Korean Self-Help Center
4934 N Pulaski........................773-545-8349
Senior Congregate Dining
Hanul Family Alliance
H e a lt h C a r e Early Head Start
Erie Helping Hands Health Center
5008 N Kedzie........................773-478-8851
Senior Services
4759 N Kedzie........................312-666-3494
General Senior Services
Heartland Health Center at
Roosevelt High School
Korean American Community
Services - Senior Housing Koram
3436 W Wilson Avenue...........773-534-5000
Early Head Start
Golden Diner Program
DUI Alternatives Treatment
Center, Inc.
El Hogar Del Nino
Hanul Family Alliance
5008 N Kedzie Blvd.................312-744-4016
4444 N Harding Avenue..........773-583-6616
Korean American Community
Services - Senior Housing
2656 W Montrose Avenue.....773-463-0500
4924 S Keeler..........................312-829-5419
Head Start
Edwards Elementary School
Social Services
2656 W Montrose Avenue.....773-267-5795
Albany Park Community Center
Substance Abuse Resources
Mental Heath Clinics
World Relief
5055 S Archer Avenue.............312-747-9241
5008-14 N Kedzie Avenue......773-478-8851
3403 W Lawrence Avenue......773-433-3204
4448 N Kimball Avenue..........773-463-5441
Workforce Development
Korean American Senior Center
Thresholds-James House
Community Health Centers
3401 W Ainslie........................773-539-5907
Dental Clinics
3401 W Ainslie........................773-509-5657
Albany Park Community Center
2656 W Montrose Avenue.....773-267-5795
4416 N Troy Street..................773-534-0590
3403 W Lawrence Avenue......773-509-5657
Albany Park Community Center
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
5051 N Kenneth Avenue.........773-534-3704
Albany Park Community Center
3401 W Ainslie........................773-539-5907
Englewood Center
Ed u c a t i o n
Special Education
Albany Park Community Center
Bilingual Bicultural Comm
2931 W Eastwood Avenue.....773-463-2787
Palmer Elementary School
3403 W Lawrence Avenue......773-433-3204
DFSS Community
Service Center
French Link Le
4416 N Troy Street..................773-534-0590
Chicago Public Library
Child Care
Interpretation and Translation
5100 N Tripp Avenue.............773-777-6895
North River Elementary School
4950 N Avers Avenue..............773-534-5080
4400 W Lawrence Avenue .....312-744-1254
Mary & Tom Leo & Associates
Extracurricular Youth Activities
4815 S Karlov Avenue.............773-535-4875
El Hogar Del Nino
4924 S Keeler..........................312-829-5419
Private Elementary School
St. Bruno School
4839 S Harding Avenue..........773-847-0697
Workforce Development
HVAC Technical Institute
4532 S Kolin Avenue...............800-769-4822
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
Macneal Health Care Center
5101 S Kildare Avenue............773-581-9650
social services
St. Richard School
Extracurricular Youth Activities
5025 S Kenneth Avenue..........773-582-8083
St. Bruno Teen Club
Private Preschool
4751 S Harding Avenue..........773-523-3467
3334 W Lawrence Avenue 3rd Floor............
773-583-1387 x203
St. Bruno School
Housing Assistance
4839 S Harding Avenue..........773-847-0697
Albany Park Theatre
St. Richard School
Lawndale Christian Health Center
Albany Park Community Center Youth Net 17/Albany Park
3403 W Lawrence..................773-583-5111
Albany Park Neighborhood Council
5100 N Ridgeway Avenue......773-866-0875
Chicago Park District - Eugene
Field Park
5025 S Kenneth Avenue..........773-582-8083
Public Elementary School
5100 N Ridgeway..................773-478-9744
Edwards Elementary School
Christ Evangelical Lutheran
Church Brain Booster - After
School Mentoring Program
4815 S Karlov Avenue.............773-535-4875
3253 W Wilson Avenue..........773-478-7941
Our Lady of Mercy Church
5122 S Archer Avenue.............773-843-3004
Substance Abuse Resources
DUI Counseling Center At 47th &
4059 W 47th Street.................773-254-9122
Public Preschool
Edwards Elementary School
4815 S Karlov Avenue.............773-535-4875
4432 N Troy Street.................773-588-2620
Princeton in Chicago Schools at
Roosevelt High School
3436 W Wilson Avenue..........773-935-5669
Roosevelt High School
3436 W Wilson Avenue..........773-534-5000
4848 N Kedzie Avenue............773-478-0085
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Private Elementary School
Private Elementary School
Pui Tak Christian School
Ashburn Lutheran School
2301 S Wentworth Avenue.....312-842-8545
3345 W 83rd Street.................773-737-2156
Santa Lucia School
Lordanchild Christian Daycare
3017 S Wells Street.................312-326-1839
St. Jerome School
Englewood Center
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
Ed u c a t i o n
4440 W 83rd Street.................773-884-2020
St. Therese School
247 W 23rd Street...................312-326-2837
Private Preschool
Private Preschool
4440 W 83rd Street.................773-884-2020
St. Bede the Venerable School
3017 S Wells Street.................312-326-1839
2701 S Shields Avenue............773-534-9050
Public Preschool
Haines Elementary School
247 W 23rd Place...................773-534-9200
Ward J Elementary School
2701 S Shields Avenue............773-534-9050
2353 S Wentworth Avenue.....312-747-8013
Workforce Development
Child Care
Chinese American Service League
Chinese American Service League
2141 S Tan Court....................312-791-0418
Chinese American Service League
310 W 24th Place...................773-791-0509
Early Head Start
Near South Side Children’s Development Center
2214 S Federal Street..............773-548-3614
Head Start
Chinese American Service League
2141 S Tan Court....................312-791-0418
Near South Side Children’s
Development Center
2214 S Federal Street..............773-548-3614
Chicago Public Library
Haines Elementary School
Community Partnership Program
Ed u c a t i o n
247 W 23rd Street...................312-326-2837
Ward J Elementary School
senior services
General Senior Services
China Town Elderly Apartments
300 W 23rd Street...................312-225-4609
Lifelink - CASL Senior Housing
2108 S Princeton Avenue........312-808-8010
Pui Tak Center
2216 S Wentworth Avenue.....312-328-1188
Golden Diner Program
Armour Square Apartments
3120 S Wentworth Avenue.....312-744-4016
Chinese Community Center
250 W 22nd Place...................312-744-4016
Chinese Community Center
250 W 22nd Place...................312-553-2805
Armour Square Apartments
3120 S Wentworth..................312-744-4016
Chinese Community Center
250 W 22nd Place...................312-225-6198
Shields Senior Center
344 W 28th Place...................312-744-4016
Ashburn Community Elementary
8300 S Saint Louis Avenue......773-535-7860
Carroll Elementary School
2929 W 83rd Street.................773-535-9414
St. Therese School
Chicago Public Library
310 W 24th Place...................312-791-0418
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
2801 S Princeton Avenue........312-842-7668
247 W 23rd Place...................773-534-9200
2141 S Tan Court....................312-791-0418
Englewood Center
St. Jerome School
Chinese American Service League
Chinese American Service League
DFSS Community
Service Center
Santa Lucia School
Public Elementary School
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
Public Elementary School
2301 S Wentworth Avenue.....312-842-8545
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
310 W 24th Place...................312-791-0418
Pui Tak Center
2216 S Wentworth Avenue.....312-328-1188
St. Bede the Venerable School
2801 S Princeton Avenue........312-842-7668
Pui Tak Christian School
DFSS Community
Service Center
3344 W 79th Street.................773-434-4918
social services
Chinese American Services League
2141 S Tan Court....................312-326-5244
Chinese Community Center
4101 W 79th Street.................312-747-0193
8530 S Kedzie Avenue.............312-747-2696
250 W 22nd Place...................312-225-0303
Child Care
Pui Tak Center Tutoring Program
Ada S. McKinley Wright Renaissance
2216 S Wentworth Avenue.....312-328-1188
Wentworth Gardens Park
3770 S Wentworth Avenue.....312-747-6996
Housing Assistance
Chinese American Services League
2141 S Tan Court....................312-791-0418
7939 S Western.......................773-476-8805
Community Partnership Program
Chipper Preschool
8225 S Kedzie.........................773-778-5757
Teddy Bear 2
3800 W 84th Street.................773-284-2141
Interpretation and Translation
Early Head Start
Chinese Language Interpreter
7939 S Western.......................773-476-8805
2802 S Shields Avenue............312-842-6287
Asian Human Services
211 W 22nd Place 2nd Floor...312-842-1056
Disability Services and
Lifelink - CASL Senior Housing
2108 S Princeton.....................312-808-8010
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Center Of Higher Development
2242 S Princeton Avenue........312-225-5340
Chinese American Service League
Ada S. McKinley Wright Renaissance
Head Start
Ada S. McKinley Wright Renaissance
7939 S Western.......................773-476-8805
Chicago Youth Centers
3418 W 79th
Learning Tree
8128 S Kedzie
Pink’s Child Care Academy
8236 S Kedzie
Teddy Bear 2 School
Dawes Elementary School
3810 W 81st Place..................773-535-2350
Durkin Park Elem School
8445 S Kolin Avenue...............773-535-2322
Hampton Elementary Fine & Perf
Arts Sch
Social Services
3434 W 77th Street.................773-535-4030
Workforce Development
Owen Elementary Scholastic
Doggone Rite Dog Grooming
Barr Harris Children’s Grief Center
- Little Company of Mary
8247 S Christiana Avenue.......773-535-9330
3784 W 79th Street.................773-582-0905
2800 W 95th Street.................312-922-7474
Stevenson Elementary School
Universal Family Connection
8010 S Kostner Avenue...........773-535-2280
7949 S Western Avenue..........773-925-2222
Extracurricular Youth
Public Preschool
Ashburn Community
Elementary School
8300 S Saint Louis Avenue......773-535-7860
Carroll Elementary School
2929 W 83rd Street.................773-535-9414
H e a lt h C a r e Chicago Park District - Hayes Park
Mental Heath Clinics
Chicago Park District - Rainey Park
Human Resources Development
Institute - Western Ave
4350 W 79th Street.................773-284-0696
8151 S Western Avenue..........773-863-1452
2735 W 79th Street.................773-436-8850
Carroll/ Rosenwald Br
2541 W 80th Street.................773-535-9355
Dawes Elementary School
Food Pantries
Durkin Park Elementary School
Arab American Ed. Council
Hampton Elementary Fine & Perf
Arts Sch
3777 W Columbus Avenue......773-581-1083
3600 W 79th Street.................773-581-1115
St. Rita High School
7740 S Western Avenue..........773-925-5029
Universal Family Connection
7949 S Western Avenue..........773-925-2222
Senior Congregate Dining
Substance Abuse Resources
3434 W 77th Street.................773-535-4030
Hayes Park
Stevenson Elementary School
2936 W 85th Place.................312-747-6177
Le Penseur Youth & Family
Services, Inc.
2437 W 79th Street.................773-476-8600
8010 S Kostner Avenue...........773-535-2280
Special Education
Senior Services
3473 W Columbus
Universal Family Connection
Infinity School of Chicago-South
Golden Diner Program
7831 S Lawndale Avenue........773-582-8820
Hayes Park
7949 S Western Avenue..........773-925-2222
Elim Christian Church
First Christian Church
3810 W 81st Place..................773-535-2350
8445 S Kolin Avenue...............773-535-2322
2936 W 85th Street.................312-747-6177
New Hope Community
Service Center
2559 W 79th Street.................773-737-9555
2936 W 85th Place.................312-744-4016
310 W 24th Place...................312-791-0418
Chinese American Service League
- Youth Center
2326 S Canal Street................312-808-0280
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Jelly Learning Center
8501 S Ashland
Little Hands And Feet
7801 S Wolcott
Lotts of Love
8759 S. Commercial Avenue...312-747-0331
Morgan Elementary School
Chicago Public Library
1350 W 89th Street.................312-747-6291
Child Care
Accounters Community Center
1155 W 81st Street.................773-994-5514
Childserv Englewood
7928 S Ashland
Ezzard Charles School
7946 S Ashland Avenue..........773-487-0227
First Church of Love & Faith
2140 W 79th Street.................773-873-9155
Greater Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church
Emmanuel Christian School
Ezzard Charles School
7946 S Ashland Avenue..........773-487-0227
L H Day Lower School
Marva Collins Preparatory School
8035 S Honore Street..............773-962-0101
Ryder Elementary School
8524 S Green..........................773-535-3350
8716 S Wallace Street.............773-535-3843
Nguzo Saba Moorish Science
Jackson Elementary School
1929 W 87th Street.................773-298-1900
Joplin Elementary School
St. Ethelreda School
8734 S Paulina Street..............773-238-1757
St. Sabina Academy
7801 S Throop Street...............773-483-5000
Timothy Lutheran School
917 W 88th Street...................773-535-3341
7931 S Honore Street..............773-535-3425
8407 S Kerfoot Avenue...........773-535-3366
Oglesby Elementary School
7646 S Green Street................773-535-3060
Public Preschool
Barton Elementary School
7946 S Ashland Avenue..........773-487-0227
Early Head Start
Marva Collins Preparatory School
Childserv Englewood
8035 S Honore Street..............773-962-0101
7928 S Ashland
St. Ethelreda School
8748 S Aberdeen Street
8734 S Paulina Street..............773-238-1757
St. Sabina Academy
7801 S Throop Street...............773-483-5000
Timothy Lutheran School
1724 W 83rd Street.................773-874-7333
Cook Elementary School
Public Elementary School
8150 S Bishop Street...............773-535-3315
Barton Elementary School
First Church of Love & Faith
7650 S Wolcott Avenue...........773-535-3260
2140 W 79th Street.................773-873-9155
Cook Elementary School
Gresham Elementary School
8150 S Bishop Street...............773-535-3315
8524 S Green..........................773-535-3350
Cuffe Math-Sci Tech Elementary
Henry Booth House
1414 W 87th Street
8324 S Racine Avenue............773-535-8250
Jackson Elementary School
Foster Park Elementary School
917 W 88th Street...................773-535-3341
New Direction Academy
8422 S Damen Avenue...........773-239-2342
Morgan Elementary School
8301 S Damen Avenue...........773-239-6829
Ezzard Charles School
Special Education
Charity In The Community
7810 S Ashland Avenue..........773-371-0074
Dudley Beauty College
Cook Elementary School
Lena’s Artistic Beauty College
8150 S Bishop Street...............773-535-3315
1140 W 87th Street.................773-994-5257
Cuffe Math-Sci Tech Elementary
PTC Security Training Academy
8324 S Racine Avenue............773-535-8250
St. Sabina Employment Resource
8754 S Ashland Avenue..........773-445-8566
7909 S Racine.........................773-783-3760
Gresham Elementary School
8524 S Green..........................773-535-3350
Jackson Elementary School
h e a lt h c a r e
917 W 88th Street...................773-535-3341
Community Health Centers
Joplin Elementary School
Auburn Gresham Family Health
7931 S Honore Street..............773-535-3425
Morgan Elementary School
8234 S Ashland.......................773-874-1400
8407 S Kerfoot Avenue...........773-535-3366
7859 S Ashland Avenue..........773-723-7400
Ark Tutoring Program
7800 S Racine Avenue............773-483-4333
BRASS Foundation - Youth Services
8000 S Racine Avenue............773-994-2708
Chicago Park District - Foster Park
Workforce Development
1550 W 88th Street.................773-321-0233
1440 W 84th Street.................312-747-6135
7628 S Ashland Avenue..........773-994-7490
1120 W 79th Street.................773-846-3018
Victory Apostolic Faith Church
8053 S May Street..................773-723-1071
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
1106 W 79th...........................773-651-6690
senior services
General Senior Services
Auburn Gresham Satellite Senior
7800 S Racine Avenue............773-483-0900
1440 W 84th Street.................773-994-9316
Kidstart Youthnet
1210 W 78th Place.................773-483-4333
Kidstart Youthnet
1440 W 84th Street.................773-994-9316
Leo High School
7901 S Sangamon Street........773-224-9600
Progressive Beulah Pentecostal
8754 S Paulina Street..............773-881-0106
Providence Missionary Baptist
8401 S Ashland Avenue..........773-238-5831
Southside Tabernacle Church
7724 S Racine Avenue............773-488-3443
1040 W 79th Street.................312-745-4797
St. Ethelreda Church
Golden Diner Program
St. Kilian Church
Auburn Gresham Senior Satellite
8725 S May Street..................773-651-4000
1040 W 79th Street.................312-744-4016
8000 S Racine Avenue............773-994-2708
Foster Park
Catholic Bishop - St. Sabina
Room at the Cross Ministries
Human Resources Development
Institute - Professional Counseling
2124 W 82nd Place.................773-487-0551
Rock of Love Missionary Baptist
Church Food Pantry
St. Sabina Parish
8501 S Green Street................773-488-5900
8530 S Wood Street................773-535-2725
7625 S Halsted Street.............773-224-5683
7650 S Wolcott Avenue...........773-535-3260
Foster Park Elementary School
New Joy Divine
8014 S Ashland Avenue..........773-487-4310
CARC - West Englewood Center
AFC World Outreach Center
1432 W 87th Street.................773-881-8883
CRC Technical Institute
8550 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-651-1104
Extracurricular Youth Activities
8700 S Emerald Avenue..........773-651-8446
Gresham Elementary School
CARC - Mock Center
Greater Mt. Vernon Baptist Church
New Gresham
1720 W 87th Street.................773-779-7487
8560 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-651-1100
8000 S Wood Street................773-723-8083
8700 S Laflin Street.................773-238-6688
Emmanuel Christian School
Chicago Youth Centers
CARC - Halas Center
7859 S Ashland Avenue..........773-723-5400
Community Partnership Program
7650 S Wolcott Avenue...........773-535-3260
Family Cares Mission Pantry
8716 S Wallace Street.............773-535-3843
Barton Elementary School
Fola Community Action Services, Inc.
8110 S Racine Avenue............773-873-4141
Private Preschool
Head Start
Disability Services and
Private Elementary School
8130 S Racine Avenue............773-873-5392
7946 S Ashland Avenue..........773-487-0227
1140 W 79th Street.................312-747-0881
Church of Jesus Christ Intern.
8959 S Beverly Avenue............773-239-0112
1159 W 79th Street.................773-483-3696
Substance Abuse Resources
8716 S Wallace Street.............773-535-3843
Agape Love Academy
Chicago Division of Mental
Health - Southwest Center
1140 W 79th Street.................312-747-0881
Food Pantries
Ryder Elementary School
Ezzard Charles School
Greater Auburn-Gresham
Development Corp.
Ryder Elementary School
1724 W 83rd Street.................773-874-7333
New Pisgah Day Care Center
8407 S Kerfoot Avenue...........773-535-3366
8301 S Damen Avenue...........773-239-6829
Ed u c a t i o n
Housing Assistance
Abraham Lincoln Centre - MI
Chicago Division of Mental
Health - Southwest Center
1139 W 79th Street
8130 S Racine Avenue............773-873-5392
South Chicago Center
social services
1950 W 87th Street.................773-239-1133
New Pisgah Day Care Center
DFSS Community
Service Center
Mental Heath Clinics
8734 S Paulina Street..............773-238-1757
St. Sabina Church - Youth Career
Development Center
7909 S Racine Avenue............773-783-3760
True Believers Baptist Church
Youth Outreach Ministry
7801 S Wolcott Avenue...........773-994-6770
Oglesby Elementary School
7646 S Green Street................773-535-3060
8530 S Wood Street................773-535-2725
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Salvation Army Columbus Park
Learning Network
Key Elementary School
5911 W Midway Park..............773-378-7076
517 N Parkside Avenue...........773-534-6230
Spencer Elementary Math & Science Academy
500 S Central..........................312-921-4162
Northwest Inst for Contemp Acad
Leland Elementary School
214 N Lavergne Avenue..........773-534-6150
Trinity Resources Hope for Youth
5108 W Division Street............773-921-2800
5221 W Congress Parkway.....773-534-6340
Young Elementary School
San Miguel School - Gary Comer
Lewis Elementary School
1434 N Parkside Avenue.........773-534-6200
819 N Leamington Avenue.....773-261-8851
5035 W Ohio..........................773-626-8254
Lovett Elementary School
St Paul Lutheran School
6333 W Bloomingdale............773-534-3130
YMCA Austin School
846 N Menard Avenue............773-378-6644
501 N Central Avenue.............773-287-9120
St. Angela School
May Elementary Community
YMCA West Side
1332 N Massasoit Avenue......773-626-2655
512 S Lavergne Avenue...........773-534-6140
5900 W Iowa..........................773-626-0323
Trinity Resources Progressive
True Vine
5080 W Harrison.....................773-955-3100
Circle/Rock Preparatory School
Nash Elementary School
5945 W Madison Street..........773-287-8980
Bethel New Life School
1120 N Lamon........................773-626-7760
Home of Life
Douglas-Tubman Child Development Center
4650 W Madison....................773-626-8655
5010 W Chicago Avenue.........773-268-3053
Lutheran Family Mission
Fresh Start Day Care
4920 W Madison Street..........773-921-4960
6924 W North Avenue............773-479-2870
Lutheran Family Mission North
Galewood Nursery School
5615 W Race Avenue..............312-746-5038
North Austin
5251 W North Avenue............773-637-2344
5724 W North Avenue............312-746-4233
Lutheran Social Services of
Illinois - North Austin
West Chicago Avenue
4856 W Chicago Avenue.........312-743-0260
1500 N Mason........................773-237-1930
Marcy Newberry Austin Town Hall
Child Care
5610 W Lake Street.................773-261-1505
Bethel New Life
4950 W Thomas Street............773-473-7870
Salvation Army Columbus Park
Bethel New Life School
500 S Central..........................773-921-4162
1120 N Lamon........................773-626-7760
Westside Holistic Family Services
Douglas-Tubman Child
Development Center
4909 W Division......................773-867-7350
5010 W Chicago Avenue.........773-268-3053
501 N Central Avenue.............773-287-9120
Fresh Start Day Care
Ellington Elementary School
4837 W Erie Street..................773-534-6125
5926-30 W Madison Street.....773-854-1662
223 N Parkside........................773-534-6361
Onward Neighborhood House
Marcy Newberry Austin Town Hall
Emmet Elementary School
5654 W Division Street
5610 W Lake Street.................773-829-7555
5500 W Madison Street..........773-534-6050
Salvation Army Columbus Park
McKinney’s Home Day Care Center
Spencer Elementary Math & Science Academy
214 N Lavergne Avenue..........773-534-6150
Young Elementary School
1434 N Parkside Avenue.........773-534-6200
Public Preschool
Brunson Math & Sci Specialty
4942 W Division Street............773-261-0075
Shorebank Neighborhood Institute
5100 W Harrison Street...........773-854-4360
South Austin Coalition
5660 W Madison....................773-287-4570
South Austin Job Referral Service
5082 W Jackson Blvd..............773-626-1113
Tabitha Community Services
Healing Temple
St. Angela School
4941 W Chicago.....................773-287-6964
214 N Lavergne Avenue..........773-534-6150
1332 N Massasoit Avenue......773-626-2655
139 S Parkside Avenue............773-534-6800
High Mountain Head Start
Tiny Town for Tots
Ellington Elementary School
919 N Lavergne Avenue..........773-626-3997
5654 W Division Street
St. Martin’s C.C.S. Day Care
224 N Central Avenue.............773-534-6361
Community Health Centers
Home of Life
Trinity Resources Hope for Youth
5710 W Midway Park..............773-379-4419
Emmet Elementary School
4650 W Madison....................773-626-8655
5900 W Iowa..........................773-626-0323
Public Elementary School
5500 W Madison Street..........773-534-6050
Austin Family Health Center
Howe Elementary School
Trinity Resources Prince of Peace
720 N Lorel Avenue................773-534-6060
5450 W Van Buren..................773-626-3977
Armstrong L Elem Math & Sci
5345 W Congress Parkway.....773-534-6365
Hay Elementary Community
Leland Elementary School
Brunson Math & Sci Specialty
1018 N Laramie Avenue..........773-534-6000
5221 W Congress Parkway.....773-534-6340
Trinity Resources Progressive
True Vine
Little Leaders of Tomorrow
5035 W Ohio..........................773-626-8254
932 N Central Avenue.............773-534-6025
301 N Mayfield Avenue
Trinity Resources Unlimited
Lutheran Family Mission
1210 N Waller Avenue............773-626-3974
4920 W Madison Street..........773-287-2921
Westside Holistic Family Services
4909 W Division Street............773-921-8777
5365 W North
Lutheran Family Mission North
YMCA Austin School
Bethel New Life School
5251 W North Avenue............773-637-2344
501 N Central Avenue.............773-287-9120
1120 N Lamon........................773-626-7760
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois - North Austin
YMCA Austin School
4647 W Washington...............773-626-8655
Lutheran Family Mission
North Avenue Day Nursery
4920 W Madison Street..........773-287-2921
5929 W Walton
Lutheran Family Mission
North Avenue
YMCA West Side
5251 W North Avenue............773-637-2344
Head Start
5080 W Harrison.....................773-955-3100
Angel Wings
Brunson Math & Sci Specialty
Hay Elementary Community
1018 N Laramie Avenue..........773-534-6000
Catalyst Circle Rock Elem School
5608 W Washington Bl...........773-534-1633
Clark G R Elementary School
1045 S Monitor Avenue..........773-534-6225
Depriest Elementary School
139 S Parkside Avenue............773-534-6800
Ellington Elementary School
Howe Elementary School
550 N Pine Avenue.................773-261-1100
Young Creative Minds
4726 W Race..........................773-272-8675
2211 N Oak Park Avenue........773-622-5400
Austin Health Center of
Cook County
4800 W Chicago Avenue.........773-826-9600
Chicago Department of Public
Health - Austin
4958 W Madison Street..........312-746-4872
Chicago Department of Public
Health - Circle Family Care
4909 W Division Street............773-921-8100
Circle Family Care
5002 W Madison Street..........773-379-1000
Habilitative Systems Teen Parent Service
515 N Pine Avenue.................773-854-1676
Loretto Hospital
645 S Central Avenue..............773-626-4300
Mental Heath Clinics
Austin Adult Day Treatment
501 N Central Avenue.............773-287-9120
Circle Family Care
5002 W Madison Street..........773-379-1000
HGI Behavioral Health System
Hartgrove Hospital - Austin Treatment Center
4909 W Division Street............773-921-7805
Habilitative Systems - Behavioral
Health Services
415 S Kilpatrick Avenue..........773-854-1812
Loretto Hospital
h e a lt h c a r e
645 S Central Avenue..............773-626-4300
5835 W North.........................773-745-1200
Food Pantries
Austin Health Center of Cook
Amazing Grace Resources Christ
Lutheran Church
4800 W Chicago Avenue.........773-826-9600
1511 N Long Avenue..............773-637-4800
720 N Lorel Avenue................773-534-6060
Chicago Department of Public
Health - Circle Family Care
Austin People’s Action Center
Leland Elementary School
4909 W Division......................773-921-8100
5221 W Congress Parkway.....773-534-6340
Circle Family Care Parkside
Circle Urban Ministries
Lewis Elementary School
115 N Parkside........................773-921-9669
1431 N Leamington Avenue...773-534-3060
PCC Austin Family Health Center
Lovett Elementary School
335 N Mason..........................773-378-3347
6333 W Bloomingdale............773-534-3130
5125 W Chicago.....................773-378-8760
115 N Parkside Avenue...........773-854-1609
First New Life Baptist Church
900 N Waller Avenue..............773-921-8170
Fraternite Notre Dame
Dental Clinics
502 N Central Avenue.............773-261-0101
Circle Family HealthCare Pediatric
Dental Clinic
5701 W Jackson Blvd..............773-522-1077
1434 N Parkside Avenue.........773-534-6200
224 N Central Avenue.............773-534-6361
May Elementary Community
Private Elementary School
Emmet Elementary School
512 S Lavergne Avenue...........773-534-6140
5500 W Madison Street..........773-534-6050
Nash Elementary School
5120 W Jackson Blvd..............773-473-4600
Greater St. John C.O.G.I.C.
4837 W Erie Street..................773-534-6125
5058 W Jackson Blvd..............773-638-6103
Hay Elementary Community
Healing Temple COGIC #1 Pantry
5610 W Lake Street.................773-261-1505
Christ English Lutheran School
1018 N Laramie Avenue..........773-534-6000
Sayre Elementary Language
May Elementary Community
5335 W Le Moyne Street.........773-622-4563
Howe Elementary School
1850 N Newland Avenue........773-534-3351
Circle/Rock Preparatory School
720 N Lorel Avenue................773-534-6060
1500 N Mason
932 N Central Avenue.............773-534-6025
Marcy Newberry Association
Depriest Elementary School
5701 W Midway Park..............773-379-5533
139 S Parkside Avenue............773-534-6800
Marcy Newberry Austin Town Hall
512 S Lavergne Avenue...........773-534-6140
1850 N Newland Avenue........773-534-3351
Janaston Mgmt and Dev Corporation
Depriest Elementary School
4920 W Madison Street..........773-921-4169
1109 N Laramie Avenue..........773-379-1685
Little Folks Cottage
430 N Cicero Avenue..............773-287-2290
1045 S Monitor Avenue..........773-534-6225
Lutheran Family Mission
McKinney’s Home Day Care Center
Nash Elementary School
Sayre Elementary Language
5108 W Division Street............773-921-2800
Home of Life
5610 W Lake Street.................773-261-1505
5010 W Chicago Avenue.........773-626-6581
Introspect Youth Services, Inc.
Spencer Elementary Math &
Science Academy
4941 W Chicago.....................773-287-6964
Marcy Newberry Austin Town Hall
5911 W Midway Park..............773-378-7076
5545 W Harrison Street...........773-534-6316
Clark G R Elementary School
415 S Kilpatrick Avenue..........773-261-2252
1256 N Waller Avenue............773-261-1700
849 N Leamington..................773-534-6100
415 S Kilpatrick Avenue..........773-261-2252
Northwest Inst for Contemp Acad
Habilitative Systems
Marcy Newberry Association North Austin Headstart
McNair Acad Center School
Plato Learning Acad Elem School
500 S Central..........................312-921-4162
Healing Temple
Learning Network
Douglas-Tubman Child
Development Center
Habilitative Systems
932 N Central Avenue.............773-534-6025
Early Head Start
1500 N Mason
1776 N Narragansett..............773-889-3334
4837 W Erie Street..................773-534-6125
1109 N Laramie Avenue..........773-379-1685
6924 W North Avenue............773-479-2870
Lutheran Social Services of
Illinois - North Austin
4651 W Madison Street..........773-728-4030
Grace Health Career Center, LLC
Garfield Center
Alternative Schools Network Satellite Office
4820 W Walton Street.............773-534-8980
118 N Central Avenue.............773-854-1615
Chicago Public Library
Workforce Development
McNair Elementary School
Community Partnership Program
Ed u c a t i o n
Private Preschool
DFSS Community
Service Center
845 W. 69th Street..................312-745-8285
1431 N Leamington Avenue...773-534-3060
Shriners Hospital for Children
Young Elementary School
Chicago Jesuit Academy
Friends of Columbus Park
5701 W Midway Park..............773-921-4990
Loretto Hospital
4941 W Chicago Avenue.........773-626-9454
645 S Central Avenue..............773-626-4300
Hope Food Pantry
5912 W Iowa Street................773-261-2730
118 N Central Avenue.............773-854-1615
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Pine Avenue United Church
1015 N Pine Avenue...............773-287-4779
Sheridan Carroll Charity Works
2015 N Harlem Avenue...........773-237-4937
St. Mark ICC - Food Pantry
832 N Leclaire Avenue............773-378-4601
St. Martin de Porres
5112 W Washington Blvd........773-287-0206
Star of David Outreach
5515 W Division Street............773-473-4315
Tabitha Community Services
550-552 N Pine Avenue..........773-261-1100
United Mission in Christ Church
1500 N Mason Avenue...........773-528-1975
Westside Service Center
4940 W Flournoy.....................773-378-3127
Westside Youth Council Committee
5237 W Lake Street.................773-261-1400
Soup Kitchen
Fraternite Notre Dame
Cluster Tutoring Program - ‘Hit
The Books’
Yanba Young American Ntl
5460 W Augusta Blvd.............773-378-5530
Youth Outreach Services
4909 W Division Street Suite...773-921-7805
Comprehensive Community
5910 W Division Street............773-379-3600
Hartgrove Hospital
900 N Lockwood Avenue........773-921-4183
5730 W Roosevelt...................773-413-1700
Youth Outreach Services - AustinSt. Angela’s
Family Academy
1325 N Menard Avenue..........773-261-9320
Loretto Hospital
4939 W Van Buren Street........773-287-2592
5524 W Harrison.....................773-854-5290
Youth Outreach Services - Cicero
Friendship Baptist Church
6117 W Cermak Road
PCC Austin Family Health Center
5200 W Jackson Blvd..............773-378-6600
335 N Mason Avenue.............773-378-3347
Greater St. John Center of Hope
Rape Victim Advocates
1256 N Waller Avenue............773-378-3300
5846 W Madison Street..........312-672-9960
Habilitative Systems
Westside Holistic Family Center
415 S Kilpatrick Avenue..........773-261-2252
4909 W Division Street............773-921-8777
Help Save our Children, Inc.
Youth Outreach Services
5000 W Congress Parkway.....773-306-1266
5910 W Division Street............773-777-7112
Hope Community Advent Church
Disability Services and Education
5900 W Iowa Street................773-921-2243
social services
Hartgrove Hospital
5414B W Roosevelt Road........773-921-3200
Habilitative Systems
502 N Central Avenue.............773-261-0101
415 S Kilpatrick Avenue..........773-854-8332
Habilitative Systems
Habilitative Systems - Case
415 S Kilpatrick Avenue..........773-261-2252
Tabitha Community Services
550 N Pine Avenue.................773-261-1100
Westside Health Authority
5816 W Division Street............773-786-0226
Austin Clinic
4909 W Division Street............312-746-4797
Bethel WIC - Austin
4800 W Chicago.....................773-826-9600
Bethel WIC - Westcare
5110 W Jackson......................773-921-5112
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
5125 W Chicago.....................773-378-8760
senior services
General Senior Services
Austin Satellite Senior Center
5071 W Congress Parkway.....312-743-1538
Catholic Charities Chicago Westside Service Center
4940 W Flournoy Street..........773-378-3127
5414B W Roosevelt Road........773-921-3200
Loretto Hospital
645 S Central Avenue..............773-626-4300
ManagCare - Mayfield Care Center
5905 W Washington Blvd........773-261-7074
Golden Diner Program
Austin Satellite Senior Center
5071 W Congress Parkway.....312-744-4016
211 S Cicero Avenue...............773-854-1798
La Follette Park
1333 N Laramie Avenue..........312-746-5316
ManagCare - Mayfield Care
Haven of Rest
7901 S Stony Island Avenue....773-375-4489
Messiah/St. Bartholomew
DFSS Community
Service Center
King Center
Extracurricular Youth Activities
5660 W Madison Street..........773-278-4570
Chicago Public Library
8100 S Dante Avenue.............773-721-3988
4938 W Chicago Avenue.........773-379-1750
Parenting Training
Local Motions
Circle Family HealthCare Network
6246 W North Avenue............773-622-3267
4909 W Division Street 3rd Floor.....................
Child Care
5729 W Chicago Avenue.........773-921-2063
Hartgrove Hospital
NEBC Youth Development Service
5730 W Roosevelt...................773-413-1700
8435 S Stony Island................773-375-7000
358 S Laramie Avenue............773-626-3797
Lively Stone Missionary Baptist
Mt Olive Baptist Church
South Austin Coalition Community Council
Westside Holistic Family Center
Extracurricular Youth Activities
North Austin Homework Hangout
4909 W Division Street............773-921-8777
Academy of Scholastic Achievement
1256 N Waller Avenue............773-379-5000
One Way Family Center
4651 W Madison Street..........773-921-1315
5758 W Fillmore Street............773-626-2321
Alpha and Omega Ministries
Original Providence Baptist
515 N Pine Avenue.................773-378-5678
1351 N Waller Avenue............773-879-5216
Peace Corner Youth Center
Bethlehem Unity Missionary
Baptist Church
5014 W Madison Street..........773-261-5330
Rising Sun Baptist Church
Habilitative Systems - Willie Mae
Johnson Transitional Shelter
415 S Kilpatrick Avenue..........773-854-1669
851 N Leamington Avenue.....773-626-0525
Tabitha Community Services
8148 S Stony Island Avenue....312-747-5234
All Nations Development Center
South Harper Montessori Preschool
South Harper Montessori School
8640 S South Chicago Avenue.773-731-9100
8358 S Stony Island Avenue....773-734-0303
Substance Abuse Resources
Head Start
Recovery Cafe, Inc.
South Harper Montessori Preschool
1516 E 87th Street..................773-437-4118
Universal Touch Center
5948 W Roosevelt Road..........773-378-0950
Ashunti Residential Management
Systems, Inc.
Avalon Park Elementary School
816 N Laramie Avenue............773-287-9418
Chicago Park District - Amundsen
Victory Outreach
4944 W Huron Street..............773-379-6984
Caldwell Elementary Acad of
Math & Science
6200 W Bloomingdale Avenue.312-747-5003
West Side Holistic Family Services
Habilitative Systems
Westside Health Authority
415 S Kilpatrick Street.............773-261-2252
Chicago Park District Columbus Park
5437 W Division Street............773-378-5034
Loretto Hospital DUI Program
World Vision Chicago - Youth
Empowerment Project
645 S Central Avenue..............773-854-5820
Chicago Park District - LaFollette
5001 W Harrison.............. 773-921-3900 x24
Windows Of Opportunity Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
Worldwide Family Center
619 W Harrison Street.............773-378-3623
1333 N Laramie Avenue..........312-746-5316
4945 W Division Street............773-378-1758
NID-HCA Webber
South East Alcohol and Drug
Abuse Center
Chicago Area Project Affiliates
4909 W Division......................773-921-8777
Housing Assistance
8612 S Stony Island................773-375-7932
Public Elementary School
5610 W Lake Street.................773-287-7658
8210 S Cornell Avenue............773-978-6000
McCann’s Daycare Center School
8358 S Stony Island Avenue....773-734-3120
300 N Central Avenue.............773-261-1421
Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church
Parenting Training
550 N Pine Avenue.................773-261-1100
Campaign For A Drug Free Westside, Inc.
1215 E 83rd Street..................312-747-6015
Community Partnership Program
Substance Abuse Resources
Chicago Park District - Avalon
8543 S Story Island Avenue.....773-375-8253
820 N Central Avenue.............773-921-0744
4836 W 13th Street
Avalon Park Community Church
8358 S Stony Island Avenue....773-734-3120
5655 W Madison Street..........773-287-1393
118 N Central Avenue.............773-854-1613
1526 E 84th Street..................773-734-2300
Ed u c a t i o n
Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs
5853 W North Avenue Suite 57....773-622-4674
Circle Urban Ministries
St. Felicitas Church
social services
5905 W Washington Blvd........773-261-7074
500 S Central Avenue..............312-746-5046
8255 S Dante Avenue.............773-721-3232
4314 S. Cottage Grove Avenue.......................
1140 N Lamon Avenue Third Floor..................
335 N Mason Avenue.............773-378-3347
Chicago Park District - Austin
Town Hall
Food Pantries
8210 S Cornell Avenue............773-978-6000
5151 W Madison 2nd fl..........773-379-0077
Lutheran Child and Family
Services of Illinois - Homeless
Prevention Rapid Rehousing
Faith Tabernacle Church
Kingdom Community, Inc
New Birth Christian Center
Austin Youth League
8164 S Chicago Avenue..........773-978-8680
Housing Assistance
PCC Austin Family Health Center
Sullivan House School
4636 W Washington Blvd........773-379-2668
1251 N Parkside Avenue
Special Education
4718 W West End Avenue.......773-287-1273
South East Alcohol And Drug
Abuse Center
8640 S South Chicago Avenue.773-731-9100
8045 S Kenwood Avenue........773-535-6615
8546 S Cregier Avenue...........773-535-6300
Public Preschool
Avalon Park Elementary School
8045 S Kenwood Avenue........773-535-6615
Caldwell Elementary Acad of
Math & Science
8546 S Cregier Avenue...........773-535-6300
501 N Central Avenue.............773-287-9120
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Public Preschool
New Way Learning Center
2300 N Narragansett..............773-622-1551
Avondale Elementary School
2945 N Sawyer Avenue...........773-534-5244
Linne Elementary School
3221 N Sacramento Avenue...773-534-5262
Reilly Elementary School
3650 W School Street..............773-534-5250
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
Ed u c a t i o n
Child Care
A Karrasel Nursery School &
3030 N Kedzie........................773-463-6151
Community Partnership Program
A Karrasel Nursery School &
4854 W Montana Street..........773-237-7131
3030 N Kedzie........................773-463-6151
Head Start
The Grand Child Care Center
3516 W School Street..............773-267-9461
DFSS Community
Service Center
5945 W Grand Avenue............773-622-8022
Trina Davila Center
2712 N Laramie......................773-637-3156
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
Food Pantries
3043 N Francisco Avenue........773-478-9705
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Senior Congregate Dining
Northwest Copernicus Senior Regional Center
3160 N Milwaukee..................312-744-4016
Wicker Park Learning Center
Heartland Human Care Services,
3300 N Whipple......................773-463-2980
5551 W Belmont..........773-252-8715 x6353
Youth Biz
Chicago Public Library
3253 N Kedzie Avenue............773-604-4658
Northwest Copernicus Regional
West Belmont
3104 N Narragansett Avenue.. 312-746-5142
3160 N Milwaukee Avenue.....312-744-6681
Head Start
3221 N Sacramento Avenue...773-534-5262
Golden Diner Program
Falconer Elementary School
Private Elementary School
Northwest Copernicus Regional
Lloyd Elementary School
St. Hyacinth School
3160 N Milwaukee Avenue.....312-744-4016
Linne Elementary School
3640 W Wolfram Street...........773-342-7550
Private Preschool
social services
A Karrasel Nursery School &
3030 N Kedzie........................773-463-6151
St. Hyacinth School
3640 W Wolfram Street...........773-342-7550
Public Elementary School
Avondale Elementary School
2945 N Sawyer Avenue...........773-534-5244
Garcia Lorca Elem School
3231 N Springfield Avenue.....773-534-1100
Linne Elementary School
3221 N Sacramento Avenue...773-534-5262
Logandale Middle School
3212 W George Street............773-534-5350
Reilly Elementary School
3650 W School Street..............773-534-5250
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago
2858 W Diversey.....................312-733-2102
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Antonia Pantoja High School
................................... 3121 N Pulaski Road.
773-252-0970 x223
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoLogandale Club
3212 W George......................773-534-5350
Chicago Park District - Brands
3259 N Elston Avenue............773-478-2414
East Village Youth Program
3643 W Belmont.....................312-275-0440
Logan Square Neighborhood
2840 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-384-4370
The Children’s Forum
3253 N Kedzie Avenue............773-539-2925
Wicker Park Learning Center
3259 N Elston Avenue............773-463-1980
Tiny Tot Day Care Center
Toddler Town Daycare Too
5934 W Diversey.....................773-622-9433
Ed u c a t i o n
Resurrection Food Pantry
General Senior Services
2820 N Narragansett..............773-622-6272
St. Genevieve School
Christopher House
senior services
Pegasus Children’s Center, Inc.
3131 N Mason Avenue...........773-622-3022
Workforce Development
Trina Davila Center
3101 N Parkside Avenue.........773-237-2993
St. Ferdinand School
DFSS Community
Service Center
Noah’s Ark Preschool of Christ
Lutheran Church
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
3020 N Lamon Avenue...........773-534-3560
Public Elementary School
Belmont-Cragin Elementary
2456 N Mango Avenue...........773-534-2900
Burbank Elementary School
senior services
Camras Elementary School
Workforce Development
General Senior Services
3000 N Mango Avenue...........773-535-5840
Anixter Center - CALOR
Kelvyn Park Satellite Senior Center
Falconer Elementary School
5038 W Armitage Avenue.......773-385-9080
2715 N Cicero Avenue............312-744-4016
3020 N Lamon Avenue...........773-534-3560
Illinois Employment and Training
Center - Diversey
Golden Diner Program
2035 N Mobile Avenue...........773-534-3000
Lloyd Elementary School
2103 N Lamon Avenue...........773-534-3070
4931 W Diversey Avenue........773-889-6820
Lyon Elementary School
Mega Driving School, Inc. -2
2941 N McVicker Avenue........773-534-3120
2103 N Lamon Avenue...........773-534-3070
Northwest Middle School
Private Elementary School
Prieto Math-Science Elementary Sch
Chicago Christian Academy
5252 W Palmer Street.............773-534-3250
Kelvyn Park Satellite Senior Center
2715 N Cicero Avenue............312-744-3799
6105 W Belmont Avenue........773-804-0500
social services
h e a lt h c a r e
2231 N Central Avenue...........773-534-0210
Community Health Centers
PCC Salud Family Health Center
5110 W Diversey Avenue........773-205-5102
Schubert Elementary School
PCC Salud Family Health Center
5359 W Fullerton Avenue........773-836-2785
Grace English Lutheran School
2727 N Long Avenue..............773-534-3080
5359 W Fullerton Avenue........773-836-2785
Disability Services and Education
2725 N Laramie Avenue..........773-637-2250
Public Preschool
Mental Heath Clinics
Blackhawk Park
ICCI Academy
6435 W Belmont Avenue........773-637-3755
New Way Learning Center
2300 N Narragansett..............773-622-1551
St. Ferdinand School
6041 W Diversey.....................773-534-3318
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois - Linkage/Case Management
Belmont-Cragin Elementary
5825 W Belmont.....................773-637-0487
2456 N Mango Avenue...........773-534-2900
2318 N Lavergne Avenue........312-746-5014
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Brickyard Bible Church
6334 W Diversey Avenue........773-622-5340
Chicago Christian Academy
2035 N Mobile Av enue..........773-534-3000
5026 W Diversey Avenue........773-205-5102
4854 W Montana Street..........773-237-7131
Food Pantries
Falconer Elementary School
Private Preschool
3020 N Lamon Avenue...........773-534-3560
Iglesia Evangelica Emmanuel
3131 N Mason Avenue...........773-622-3022
St. Genevieve School
A-Karrasel Nursery School
5510 W Fullerton Avenue........773-637-1022
Chicago Christian Academy
5110 W Diversey Avenue........773-205-5102
Galewood School
5504 W Fullerton Avenue........773-637-1022
Grace English Lutheran School
2725 N Laramie Avenue..........773-637-2250
ICCI Academy
6435 W Belmont Avenue........773-637-3755
Burbank Elementary School
Hanson Park Elementary School
5411 W Fullerton Avenue........773-534-3100
5016 W Armitage Avenue.......773-237-1645
Senior Congregate Dining
Chicago Park District - Blackhawk Park
2318 N Lavergne Avenue........312-746-5014
Chicago Park District - Cragin Park
2611 N Lockwood Avenue......312-746-5065
Chicago Park District - Riis Park
2103 N Lamon Avenue...........773-534-3070
Kelvyn Park Satellite Senior
Prieto Math-Science Elementary
2715 N Cicero Avenue............312-744-4016
Healthcare Alternative Systems,
Inc. - Fullerton
Lloyd Elementary School
2231 N Central Avenue...........773-534-0210
Schubert Elementary School
2727 N Long Avenue..............773-534-3080
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
4622 W Diversey.....................773-205-6575
6100 W Fullerton....................312-746-5363
5005 W Fullerton Avenue........773-745-7107
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox
6041 W Diversey Avenue........773-622-5979
New Dimension Christian Center
6115 W Fullerton Avenue........773-804-1420
New Life Family Center/ El Centro
Familiar Vida Nueva
2910 N Central Avenue...........773-237-0639
New Way Learning Center
2300 N Narragansett Avenue.. 773-622-1551
Northwest Church
5318 W Diversey Avenue........773-205-0222
Notre Dame High School
3000 N Mango Avenue...........773-622-9494
Prosser Career Academy
2148 N Long Avenue..............773-534-3200
St. James Church
5730 W Fullerton Avenue........773-237-1474
St. Peter’s United Church
Private Elementary School
Beacon Therapeutic Day School
9240 S Hoyne Avenue.............773-779-3329
1808 W 99th Street.................773-239-8822
Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc.
5005 W Fullerton Avenue........773-745-7107
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
- Belmont
5825 W Belmont Avenue........773-637-0487
10200 S Washtenaw Avenue..773-445-4737
1808 W 99th Street.................773-239-8822
St. Barnabas School
10121 S Longwood Drive........773-445-7711
10354 S Charles Street...........773-535-2625
Kellogg Elementary School
9241 S Leavitt Street...............773-535-2590
Public Preschool
Barnard Elementary Comp Math
& Sci Ctr
10354 S Charles Street...........773-535-2625
Special Education
Beacon Therapeutic Day School
10650 S Longwood Drive........773-881-1005
Community Partnership Program
Workforce Development
Small Stride Academy School
Feminique School of Beauty
Henry Booth House
1855 W 95th Street
Strategic Human Resources
1805 W 95th Street
10225 S Western Avenue........773-239-5332
Samland Institute of Allied
Health and Technology - Chicago
10146 S Western Avenue........773-238-7800
UCAN Uhlich Children’s Advantage Network
TEECH - Bethany Union Church
10046 S Western Avenue........773-429-0300
1750 W 103rd Street..............773-269-4435
Universal Family Connection
UCAN Uhlich Children’s Advantage Network
Holden Elementary School
1104 W 31st Street.................773-535-7200
McClellan Elementary School
3527 S Wallace Street.............773-535-1732
Sheridan Elementary Math &
Science Acad
533 W 27th Street...................773-534-9120
Public Preschool
3400 S Halsted Street.............312-747-8990
Armour Elementary School
Child Care
Healy Elementary School
Central Baptist Bridgeport
Holden Elementary School
950 W 33rd Place...................773-535-4530
3010 S Parnell Avenue............773-534-9190
3053 S Normal Avenue...........312-842-5566
1104 W 31st Street.................773-535-7200
1350 W 103rd Street..............773-881-1711
Fellowship House Day Care Center
McClellan Elementary School
844 W 32nd Street..................312-326-2282
3527 S Wallace Street.............773-535-1732
10046 S Western Avenue........773-429-0300
Disability Services and
Community Partnership Program
Special Education
h e a lt h c a r e
Beacon Therapeutic Diagnostic
and Treatment Center
Central Baptist Bridgeport
One Hope United (formerly Kids
Hope United)
Mental Heath Clinics
Beacon Therapeutic Diagnostic
and Treatment Center
1912 W 103rd Street..............773-298-1243
Food Pantries
TRCDO Harvest for the World
1415 W 104th Street..............773-881-7710
Senior Congregate Dining
Bethany Union Church
1750 W 103rd Street..............773-779-0123
social services
Head Start
9240 S Hoyne Avenue.............773-779-3329
9510 S Prospect Avenue.........773-535-2690
10317 S Western.....................773-239-0040
Chicago Public Library
Christ the King School
Vanderpoel Elementary Magnet
2121 W 95th Street.................312-747-9673
Ed u c a t i o n
9916 S Walden Parkway..........773-239-7635
10015 S Leavitt Street.............773-535-2580
Chicago Public Library
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
Beverly Montessori School
Sutherland Elementary School
Ed u c a t i o n
Englewood Center
10650 S Longwood Drive........773-881-1005
Barnard Elementary Comp Math
& Sci Ctr
8759 S. Commercial Avenue...312-747-0331
DFSS Community
Service Center
St. John Fisher School
Public Elementary School
South Chicago Center
3010 S Parnell Avenue............773-534-9190
10121 S Longwood Drive........773-445-7711
10200 S Washtenaw Avenue..773-445-4737
DFSS Community
Service Center
Healy Elementary School
St. Barnabas School
St. John Fisher School
950 W 33rd Place...................773-535-4530
2501 W 103rd Street..............773-233-0033
Huggie Bear Christian Academy
2867 S Throop Street...............312-326-6243
Armour Elementary School
Ridge Academy
Beacon Therapeutic Day School
St. Barbara School
Public Elementary School
Huggie Bear Christian Academy
Parenting Training
Substance Abuse Resources
Christ the King School
Private Preschool
5359 W Fullerton Avenue........773-836-2785
844 W 32nd Street..................773-243-7300
10650 S Longwood Drive........773-881-1005
2805 N Linder Avenue............773-283-1932
PCC Salud Family Health Center
Fellowship House Day Care
Beacon Therapeutic Diagnostic
and Treatment Center
1912 W 103rd Street..............773-298-1243
1912 W 103rd Street..............773-298-1243
Extracurricular Youth Activities
African American Images, Inc.
1909 W 95th Street.................773-445-0322
Bethany Union Church
1750 W 103rd Street..............773-779-0123
Child And Family Connections
1757 W 95th Street.................773-233-1799
Educational Specialties, Inc.
9923 S Wood Street................773-445-1000
Head Start
Central Baptist Bridgeport
3053 S Normal Avenue...........312-842-5566
Fellowship House Day Care
844 W 32nd Street..................312-326-2282
McClellan Elementary School
3527 S Wallace Street.............773-535-1732
St. Barnabas Church
Private Elementary School
10134 S Longwood Drive........773-779-1166
Bridgeport Catholic Academy
Parenting Training
New Outlook Family Care Services
3700 S Lowe Avenue..............773-376-6223
St. Barbara School
2867 S Throop Street...............312-326-6243
10450 S Western Avenue........773-233-1033
Private Preschool
Psychodiagnostics Ltd.
Bridgeport Catholic Academy
8941 S Western Avenue..........773-445-1544
New Outlook Family Care Services
Substance Abuse Resources
10450 S Western Avenue........773-233-1033
1350 W 103rd Street..............773-881-1711
Psychodiagnostics Ltd.
3053 S Normal Avenue...........773-842-5566
Universal Family Connection
8941 S Western Avenue..........773-445-1544
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
3700 S Lowe Avenue..............773-376-6223
514 W 31st Street...................312-949-4051
senior services
General Senior Services
Benton House
3052 S Gratten Avenue...........773-927-6420
Golden Diner Program
One Hope United (formerly Kids
Hope United)
844 W 32nd Street..................312-326-2282
One Hope United (formerly Kids
Hope United)
514 W 31st Street...................312-949-4000
social services
Workforce Development
Fellowship House
Parenting Training
3052 S Gratten Avenue...........312-744-4016
3052 S Gratten Avenue...........773-927-6420
3616 S Halsted Street.............773-523-4912
Benton House
Benton House
Westside Youth Network - Halsted
514 W 31st Street...................312-949-4000
Disability Services and Education
McGuane Park
2901 S Poplar Avenue.............312-747-6497
h e a lt h c a r e
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Community Health Centers
Benton House
Midwest Physician Center
3201 S Wallace Street.............312-326-1615
St. Patrick Family Health Center
3303 S Halsted Street.............773-523-9550
Food Pantries
Benton House
3057 S Gratten Avenue...........773-927-6420
3052 S Gratten Avenue...........773-927-6420
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoLouis L. Valentine Club
3400 S Emerald.......................773-927-7373
Chicago Park District - Wilson
Community Center
3225 S Racine Avenue............312-747-7001
Chicago Youth Centers Fellowship House
844 W 32nd Street..................312-326-2282
Nativity of Our Lord
653 W 37th Street...................773-927-6263
Shields Elem School
4250 S Rockwell Street...........773-535-7285
Public Preschool
Brighton Park Elementary School
3825 S Washtenaw Avenue....773-535-7237
Burroughs Elementary School
3542 S Washtenaw Avenue....773-535-7226
Calmeca Acad Elementary School
2744 W Pershing Road............773-535-4180
Columbia Explorers Elementary
DFSS Community
Service Center
4520 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-535-4050
Davis N Elementary School
DFSS Community
Service Center
Englewood Center
3014 W 39th Place.................773-535-4540
King Center
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
Gunsaulus Elem Scholastic
4314 S. Cottage Grove Ave.....312-747-2300
Ed u c a t i o n
Chicago Public Library
4420 S Sacramento Avenue....773-535-7215
Ed u c a t i o n
McKinley Park
Public Elementary School
2744 W Pershing Road............773-553-3661
Brighton Park Elementary School
Washington H Elementary School
4314 S Archer Avenue.............312-747-0666
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Partnership Program
Community Health Centers
Kiddy Kare Learning Center
Kedzie Family Health Center
9130 S University Avenue........773-535-6225
St. John’s Church
4555 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-523-1581
3213 W 47th Place.................773-254-6044
Housing Assistance
Columbia Explorers Elementary
Mental Heath Clinics
Brighton Park Neighborhood
4520 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-535-4050
3638 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-927-7050
4444 S Kedzie.........................773-247-6642
Head Start
Thresholds - Bridge Southwest
Kiddy Kare Learning Center
4444 S Kedzie
4477 S Archer Avenue.............773-523-7110
Substance Abuse Resources
Advance Counseling Services, Inc.
4250 S Rockwell Street...........773-535-7285
Food Pantries
Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc.
Private Elementary School
Saint Vincent DePaul: Immaculate
Shields Elem School
Pope John Paul II Catholic School
4325 S Richmond Street..........773-523-6161
Private Preschool
Pope John Paul II Catholic School
1136 E 93rd Street..................773-454-8352
4125 S Archer Avenue.............773-503-6345
4534 S Western Avenue..........773-254-5141
senior services
General Senior Services
social services
Burroughs Elementary School
3542 S Washtenaw Avenue....773-535-7226
2916 W 47th Street.................773-254-9595
Calmeca Academy Elementary
Extracurricular Youth Activities
2744 W Pershing Road............773-535-4180
Independent Baptist Church
Columbia Explorers Elementary
Kelly High School
3743 S California Avenue........773-247-9055
4520 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-535-4050
4136 S California Avenue........773-535-4914
Davis N Elementary School
M.E.D.A. Hispanic Technology
Grant A Wish Inc
1244 E 93rd Street..................773-721-0903
Misericordia Heart of Mercy South
4420 S Sacramento Avenue....773-535-7215
Food Pantries
3358 W 38th Street.................773-847-5747
Disability Services and
Gunsaulus Elementary Scholastic
Saint Ailbe Faith Apartments
Public Elementary School
3014 W 39th Place.................773-535-4540
9130 S University Avenue........773-535-6225
Word of Truth Deliverance Min.
social services
3825 S Washtenaw Avenue....773-535-7237
Washington H Elementary School
2745 W 44th Street.................773-523-1402
4325 S Richmond Street..........773-523-6161
Brighton Park Elementary School
Public Preschool
Jane Addams Hull House Association
8753 S Greenwood Avenue....773-374-9451
Extracurricular Youth Activities
University Of Illinois Extension Chicago South
8751 S Greenwood Avenue....773-768-7779
Substance Abuse Resources
Hardin House / Drexel Counseling
Services, Inc.
936 E 93rd Street....................773-731-5395
4051 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-523-4166
Scholarship & Guidance Association
(Brighton Park)
3542 S Washtenaw Avenue....312-663-0305
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Public Preschool
Lenart Elementary Regional
Gifted Ctr
Davis Dev Cnt
8101 S La Salle Street.............773-535-0040
9101 S Jeffery.........................773-535-6209
McDowell Elementary School
1419 E 89th Street..................773-535-6404
Warren Elementary School
650 E 85th Street....................773-535-3435
Westcott Elementary School
9207 S Phillips Avenue............773-535-6422
4314 S. Cottage Grove Ave.....312-747-2300
409 W 80th Street...................773-535-3090
Carc/Mary Alyce Remedial Center
DFSS Community
Service Center
8701 S Bennett Avenue..........773-731-1161
King Center
4314 S. Cottage Grove Ave.....312-747-2300
Child Care
Dorsey Developmental Institute
2050 E 93rd Street..................773-375-4300
Community Partnership Program
Dorsey Developmental Institute
Ed u c a t i o n
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation Avalon Park
Chicago Public Library
8101 S La Salle Street.............773-535-0040
Whitney M. Young, Jr.
7901 S King Drive...................312-747-0039
Pirie Elementary Fine Arts &
Academic Center
Community Partnership Program
650 E 85th Street....................773-535-3435
Chatham Senior Satellite
Westcott Elementary School
8300 S Cottage Grove............312-744-4016
8750 S Stoney Island Avenue..773-221-3737
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Chicago Association for Retarded
Merrill Avenue Baptist Church
Head Start
Trinity Advocate Hospital
McDowell Elementary School
2320 E 93rd Street..................773-967-2000
Mental Heath Clinics
Community Mental Health
9037 S Harper Avenue............773-734-1386
8704 S Constance Avenue......773-734-4033
Private Preschool
9037 S Harper Avenue............773-734-1386
Food Pantries
Public Elementary School
St. Ailbe Mens Ministry
Black Magnet Elem School
9101 S Euclid Avenue.............773-535-6390
Earhart Elem Opt for Knowl
1710 E 93rd Street..................773-535-6416
Hoyne Elem School
8905 S Crandon Avenue.........773-535-6425
McDowell Elementary School
1419 E 89th Street..................773-535-6404
Warren Elementary School
9239 S Jeffery Avenue.............773-535-6625
Lenart Elementary Regional
Gifted Ctr
501 E 90th Place.....................312-747-7608
St. Ailbe School
8306 S Saint Lawrence............773-535-3834
Tuley Park
2050 E 93rd Street..................773-375-4300
St. Ailbe School
Dixon Elementary School
Illinois Employment and Training
Center - Stoney Island
8701 S Bennett Avenue..........773-731-1161
Private Elementary School
Burnside Elementary Scholastic
8840 S Stoney Island Avenue..773-768-6700
h e a lt h c a r e
1419 E 89th Street..................773-535-6404
Public Preschool
650 E 91st Place.....................773-535-3300
Workforce Development
Ed u c a t i o n
Neil Elem School
Pirie Elementary Fine Arts &
Academic Center
Buckingham Special Education Ctr
King Center
8801 S Indiana Avenue...........773-535-3669
8555 S Michigan Avenue........773-535-3000
9239 S Jeffery Avenue.............773-535-6625
Special Education
DFSS Community
Service Center
McDade Elem Classical School
9100 S Merrill Avenue.............773-375-4155
Chesterfield Tom Thumb School
9214 S Cottage Grove............773-847-3985
Head Start
409 W 80th Street...................773-535-3090
Special Education
9015 S Harper Avenue............773-374-2345
Dorothy Sutton Branch
South Central School-Main
Vernon Park Church Of God Community Center
8601 S State
1021 E 83rd Street..................773-483-0900
St. Ailbe’s Church
8950 S Stony Island Avenue....773-721-6919
Substance Abuse Resources
Community Mental Health
Council, Inc.
8704 S Constance Avenue......773-734-4033
9047 S Harper Avenue............773-374-2345
South Central Community Service, Inc.
8316 S Ellis Avenue
South Central Community Services, Inc
33 E 83rd Street......................773-488-2801
senior services
General Senior Services
Chatham Satellite Senior Center
8300 S Cottage Grove............312-745-0401
Workforce Development
South Central Community Service, Inc.
Diversified Behavioral Comprehensive Care
Tiny Tots Villa
1140 E 87th Street..................773-375-0700
Golden Diner Program
8128 S King Drive
Entourage Beauty College
Chatham Satellite Senior Center
Private Elementary School
701 E 79th Street....................773-602-1732
701 E 79th Street....................773-602-1732
7956 S King Drive...................773-224-0439
South Central Community Service, Inc.
h e a lt h c a r e
1021 E 83rd Street..................773-483-0900
Mental Heath Clinics
8704 S Constance Avenue......773-734-4033
Private Preschool
La Rabida Children’s Hospital
Tots Express Learning Center
South Central Community Service, Inc.
8949 S Stony Island Avenue....773-374-3748
8950 S Cottage Grove............773-723-8687
Disability Services and
Public Elementary School
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation
Avalon Park
8505 S Ingleside Avenue.........773-535-3550
Ashe Elem School
8316 S Ellis Avenue.................773-483-0900
8850 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-483-7251
501 E 90th Place.....................312-747-6763
Commonwealth Community
140 W 81st Street...................773-873-2077
Harvey Memorial Community
8400 S Maryland Avenue........773-488-6500
Healy South Alternative High
8007 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-602-4492
SCORE! Chatmam Village
740 E 87th Street
South Central Community
Services, Inc. - Academic Betterment/Teen Reach
1021 E 83rd Street..................773-483-0900
8500 S Maryland Avenue........773-994-2700
Management Planning Institute,
Housing Assistance
1140 E 87th Street..................773-375-0700
South Central Community Services, Inc. - Branch
Burnside Community Baptist
New Bethlehem #4 Missionary
Baptist Church Pantry
Chicago Park District - Tuley Park
Food Pantries
650 E 91st Place.....................773-535-3300
8058 S Maryland Avenue........312-663-3574
St. Stephen’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Extracurricular Youth Activities
8601 S State Street.................773-723-8579
Chicago Area Project
social services
Chatham-Avalon Ministries
8306 S Saint Lawrence............773-535-3834
8300 S Cottage Grove............312-744-4016
8545 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-873-3000
Burnside Elementary Scholastic
Dixon Elementary School
8545 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-873-3000
Larrys Barber College II
social services
8840 S Stoney Island Avenue..773-768-6700
Mathers More Than A Cafe
8545 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-873-3000
Rescue Missionary Christian Sch
Community Mental Health
Senior Congregate Dining
645 E 91st Place.....................773-994-5367
Neighborhood Housing Services
of Chicago - Auburn Gresham/
449 W 79th Street...................773-488-2004
Parenting Training
Diversified Behavioral Comprehensive Care
1140 E 87th Street..................773-375-0700
Chatham Fields Lutheran Church
Substance Abuse Resources
8050 S Saint Lawrence Avenue.......................
Henry’s Sober Living House
8032 S Ingleside Avenue.........773-752-1300
Chatham-Avalon Church-Christ
8601 S State Street.................773-723-8579
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
social services
2300 W 64th Street.................773-535-8110
Olive Branch Mission
Eberhart Elem School
Ada S. McKinley Community
Claremont Math and Science
3400 W 65th Place.................773-535-9190
El Valor
2656 W 71st Street
McKay Early Childhood Center
Community Mental Health Council, Inc
Substance Abuse Resources
Westside Youth Network
Metropolitan Family Services Children’s Center
2406 W 63rd Street.................773-847-3784
3215 W 63rd Street.................773-737-4790
DFSS Community
Service Center
2454 W 71st Street.................773-918-6100
Southwest Women Working
6239 S Western Avenue..........773-863-9749
7050 S Washtenaw.................773-535-9505
Disability Services and
Private Elementary School
Chicago Park District - Marquette
Hope Lutheran
Englewood Center
6416 S Washtenaw Avenue....773-776-9849
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
Nativity BVM School
6700 S Kedzie Avenue.............312-747-6469
6820 S Washtenaw Avenue....773-476-0571
Ed u c a t i o n
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Private Preschool
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Hope Lutheran
Arab American Action Network
Youth Program
Arab American Action Network
3148 W 63rd Street.................773-436-6060
Latino Organization of the
6400 S Kedzie.........................773-925-0397
Chicago Public Library
Chicago Lawn
6120 S Kedzie Avenue.............312-747-0639
Child Care
3148 W 63rd Street.................773-436-6060
6416 S Washtenaw Avenue....773-776-9849
Nativity BVM School
6820 S Washtenaw Avenue....773-476-0571
Public Elementary School
Claremont Math and Science
2300 W 64th Street.................773-535-8110
Eberhart Elementary School
3400 W 65th Place.................773-535-9190
Fairfield Elementary Academy
Workforce Development
Catholic Charities Chicago - Chicago Lawn Childhood Center
3001 W 59th Street.................773-925-1085
Goodwill Industries of Metropolitan Chicago
2435 W 63rd Street.................773-863-6030
6201 S Fairfield Avenue..........773-535-9500
Catholic Charities Chicago Lawn
Marquette Elementary School
h e a lt h c a r e
3001 W 59th Street.................773-925-1085
6550 S Richmond Street..........773-535-9260
Metropolitan Family Services Children’s Center
McKay Elementary School
3215 W 63rd Street.................773-884-2350
Morrill Elementary Math & Sci
Community Partnership Program
Hope Lutheran
6416 S Washtenaw Avenue....773-776-9849
Metropolitan Family Services Children’s Center
3215 W 63rd Street.................773-737-4790
6901 S Fairfield Avenue..........773-535-9340
6011 S Rockwell Street...........773-535-9288
Tarkington Elementary School
3330 W 71st Street.................773-535-4700
Public Preschool
Mother’s Touch I School
Claremont Math and Science
2501 W 71st...........................773-436-3177
2300 W 64th Street.................773-535-8110
Salvation Army Lawn School
Marquette Elementary School
5900 S Spaulding....................312-733-2533
6550 S Richmond Street..........773-535-9260
Early Head Start
Catholic Charities Chicago Lawn
3001 W 59th Street.................773-925-1085
Head Start
Catholic Charities Chicago Lawn
3001 W 59th Street.................773-925-1085
McKay Elementary School
6901 S Fairfield Avenue..........773-535-9340
Morrill Elementary Math & Sci
6011 S Rockwell Street...........773-535-9288
Tarkington Elementary School
3330 W 71st Street.................773-535-4700
Holy Cross Hospital
2701 W 68th Street.................773-884-9000
Mental Heath Clinics
Ada S. McKinley Community
2454 W 71st Street.................773-434-5577
Ada S. McKinley Community
2659 W 59th Street.................773-434-5577
Ada S. McKinley Community
2715 W 63rd Street.................773-434-5577
Calvary Hill Baptist Church
2617 W 71st Street.................773-776-7299
Jesus Christ Food Pantry
3500 W 63rd Place.................773-436-3806
Men & Women of God Who Are
Food Pantries
Abundant Life Missionary Baptist
2306 W 69th Street.................773-343-7875
6845 S Western Avenue..........773-737-2500
Ada S. Mckinley Community
2454 W 71st Street.................773-434-5577
Alliance Behavioral Services, Inc.
5906 S Troy Street...................773-777-8635
Brighter, Behavior, Choices Inc.,
6525 S Campbell Avenue........773-434-5526
Elite House Of Sober Living,Inc.
6830 S Talman Avenue............773-994-8353
The Sky Is The Limit Recovery
Facilities, Inc., NFP
2615 W 63rd Street.................773-994-8244
Chicago Park District - Marquette
6734 S Kedzie Avenue.............312-747-6469
Inner City Muslim Action Network
3344 W 63rd Street..................... 773-434-IM
Private Elementary School
social services
St. Rene Goupil School
Extracurricular Youth Activities
6340 S New England Avenue.. 773-586-4414
St. Symphorosa School
6125 S Austin Avenue.............773-585-6888
Chicago Park District - Hale Park
6258 W 62nd Street................773-229-1032
Resurrection United Methodist
6649 S Artesian Avenue..........773-778-1851
Latino Organization of the
Salvation Army Chicago Lawn
6507 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-925-0397
5950 S Spaulding Avenue.......773-434-0488
St. Rene Goupil School
Maria High School
6340 S New England Avenue.. 773-586-4414
Sanad Organization
6727 S California Avenue........773-925-8686
Substance Abuse Resources
3302 W 63rd Street.................773-436-7989
Southwest Community Congress
Public Elementary School
Sisters of St. Casimir Pantry
6400 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-436-6150
The Gate To Recovery & Alternative Community
2601 W Marquette Road........773-776-1324
Southwest Youth Collaborative
Word of Truth Deliverance Min.
6400 S Kedzie................ 773-476-3534 x231
DFSS Community
Service Center
3510 W 63rd Street.................312-744-4016
Victory Outreach Spanish
Englewood Center
2809 W 59th Street.................773-476-9428
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
Hale Elementary School
3506 W 63rd Place.................773-434-2001
Ed u c a t i o n
Public Preschool
6117 S Kedzie.........................312-744-4016
Housing Assistance
Blair Early Childhood Center
Soup Kitchen
Neighborhood Housing Services
of Chicago - Chicago Lawn/Gage
Chicago Public Library
Senior Congregate Dining
Southwest Senior Regional
Olive Branch Mission
6310 S Claremont Avenue......773-476-6200
Southwest Chicago PADS
3121 W 71st Street.................773-737-7070
senior services
Parenting Training
KKP - Little Learners Daycare
Grimes Elementary School
Southwest Regional Senior Center
6239 S Western Avenue..........773-863-9749
6108 S Natoma Avenue..........773-535-2080
2424 W Lithuanian Plaza Court......................
Southwest Regional Senior Center
6117 S Kedzie Avenue.............312-744-4016
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
6751 W 63rd Place.................773-535-2076
Fleming/ Grimes Br.
General Senior Services
Golden Diner Program
6140 S Melvina Avenue..........773-535-2265
Community Partnership Program
3001 W 59th Street.................773-925-1085
5612 W 63rd Street.................773-573-0879
5450 W 64th Place.................773-535-2364
2609 W 63rd Street.................773-434-9632
5923 W 63rd Street.................773-581-5541
5171 W 63rd Place.................773-585-5198
Grimes Elementary School
Dore Elementary School
Head Start
Agape Apostolic Assembly
6108 S Natoma Avenue..........773-535-2080
6423 W 63rd Place.................312-747-5657
Community Mental Health
Council, Inc
6117 S Kedzie Avenue.............312-747-0440
Private Preschool
Dore Elementary School
West Lawn Youth Center
Catholic Charities Chicago
6310 S Claremont Avenue......773-476-6200
6108 S Natoma Avenue..........773-535-2080
4918 W 64Th Street................773-535-2405
5450 W 64th Place.................773-535-2364
Hale Elementary School
6140 S Melvina Avenue..........773-535-2265
Dore Elementary School
Little Learners Preschool
5923 W 63rd Street
Food Pantries
Resurrection United Methodist
5717 W 63rd Place.................773-585-5198
Centers for New Horizons
Raymond School
DFSS Community
Service Center
King Center
4314 S. Cottage Grove Avenue.......................
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Tolton Center - Bee Branch
3647 S State St 2nd Floor.......312-747-3468
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
Tolton Center - Bee Branch
3663 S Wabash.......................773-373-5673
Food Pantries
Coretta King Child Center
6th Grace Presbyterian Church
436 E 39th Street....................773-538-0212
600 E 35th Street....................312-225-5300
Henry Booth Near South School
St. James Catholic Church
2929 S Wabash.......................773-791-0424
2907 S Wabash Avenue.312-842-1919 x211
Early Head Start
Senior Congregate Dining
Coretta King Child Center
Lincoln/Perry Apartments
3757 S Wabash Avenue..........773-924-9270
Ada S. McKinley Community
Matthew House
3801 S Wabash.......................773-285-0617
3728 S Indiana Avenue...........773-536-2528
Attucks Elementary School
Henry Booth House
3813 S Dearborn.....................773-535-1270
2850 S Michigan.....................773-225-1982
Centers For New Horizons
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
3601 S Rhodes
2907 S Wabash.......................312-326-5020
Centers for New Horizons Ida B.
3641 S Rhodes........................773-373-3460
Centers for New Horizons Raymond School
3663 S Wabash.......................773-373-5673
Doolittle Elementary School
535 E 35th Street....................773-535-1040
Henry Booth Near South School
2929 S Wabash.......................312-791-0424
Pershing Elementary Humanities
3113 S Rhodes Avenue...........773-534-9272
Public Elementary School
Doolittle Elementary School
3641 S Rhodes........................773-373-3460
2722 S King Drive...................773-534-9129
Drake Elem School
Centers for New Horizons Raymond School
Mayo Elementary School
3663 S Wabash.......................773-373-5673
Pershing Elementary Humanities
249 E 37th Street....................773-535-1260
3113 S Rhodes Avenue...........773-534-9272
Public Preschool
Doolittle Elementary School
Drake Elem School
2722 S King Drive...................773-534-9129
Mayo Elementary School
249 E 37th Street....................773-535-1260
Pershing Elementary Humanities
3113 S Rhodes Avenue...........773-534-9272
Williams Multiplex Elementary
2710 S Dearborn Street...........773-534-9226
Workforce Development
Advanced Career Institute
2929 S Wabash Suite 200.......312-528-0700
Henry Booth House
10 W 35th Street Suite 3F3-1.. 312-225-3800
Substance Abuse Resources
Henry Booth House Family Health
2850 S Michigan Avenue........312-225-1982
2850 S Michigan Avenue........312-949-2174
116 E Pershing Road...............773-538-4886
General Senior Services
Indiana Avenue Pentecostal
h e a lt h c a r e
Hull House Association - Southside
Office/Rothschilds Building
Community Health Centers
Henry Booth House Family
Health Center
2850 S Michigan.....................312-949-2177
Near South Health Center
3525 S Michigan Avenue........312-945-4010
Henry Booth House Family
Health Center
2850 S Michigan Avenue........312-225-1982
Hull House Association
2901 S Federal Street..............312-842-3659
Coalition For United Community
Action - ORTC, Inc.
Metropolitan Family Services Wabash Office
2925 S Wabash Avenue..........312-225-2085
2925 S Wabash Avenue..........773-371-3580
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation
Illinois Institute of Technology
10 W 35th Street.....................312-328-2900
3200 S Calumet Avenue..........773-534-9240
2929 S Wabash.......................312-791-0424
Wells Preparatory Elem Academy
Jordan Evans Institute
2816 S Ellis Avenue.................312-791-2322
3424 S State Street.................312-567-5280
Mathew House Turner Memorial
3722 S Indiana Avenue...........773-536-3661
2600 S Michigan Avenue........312-567-0318
249 E 37th Street....................773-535-1260
Golden Diner Program
Lincoln Perry Apartments
3245 S Prairie Avenue.............312-744-4016
social services
Disability Services and Education
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation Illinois Institu
10 W 35th Street.....................312-328-2900
Legal Assistance Foundation of
Metropolitan Chicago - South Side
10 W 35th Street.....................312-949-5390
Mayo Elementary School
Mt Carmel Baptist Church
2976 S Wabash Avenue..........312-225-0510
Open Book Positive Learning
435 E 35th Street....................773-924-9802
Pilgrim Baptist Church
3300 S Indiana Avenue...........312-842-4417
South Side Community Art
3831 S Michigan Avenue........773-373-1026
The Urban Photographers’ Forum
3831 S King Drive Suite 34.....312-674-3757
Young Women’s Leadership Charter
School Mentoring Program
2641 S Calumet Avenue..........312-222-9350
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Ada S. McKinley Community
2920 S Wabash Avenue..........312-949-5010
Ada S. McKinley Youth Academic
10 W 35th Street.....................312-326-6370
100 E 34th Street....................312-328-3543
Matthew House
Black Star Project-S King Drive
3722 S Indiana Avenue...........773-536-3661
3509 S King Drive...................773-285-9600
Renaissance Collaborative
Camp Fire Boys & Girls
3757 S Wabash Avenue..........773-924-9270
3520 S Indiana Avenue...........312-842-1809
National Caucus and Center on
Black Aged
Mental Heath Clinics
Henry Booth Near South School
2710 S Dearborn Street...........773-534-9235
Dime Child Foundation
3241 S Federal Street..............312-567-3000
Your School of Beauty Culture, Inc.
3424 S State Street.................312-835-4080
Illinois Institute of Technology
Williams Multiplex Elementary
3517 S Calumet Avenue..........312-842-2004
senior services
535 E 35th Street....................773-535-1040
Pershing West Elem Magnet
244 E Pershing Road...............773-535-1204
Diamonds in the Ruff Children’s
Illinois Institute of Technology
2850 S Michigan.....................312-949-2151
3641 S Rhodes........................773-373-3640
The Renaissance Collaborative
3424 S State Street 4th Floor..312-567-0998
Passages Alternative Living
535 E 35th Street....................773-535-1040
Centers for New Horizons Ida B. Wells
Chicago Urban League
3455 S Wabash Avenue..........312-842-7355
Centers for New Horizons Ida B.
Community Partnership Program
3424 S State Street Suite 1A8-1......................
De La Salle Institute
Henry Booth Family Rescue
3647 S State Street.................312-747-6872
Soup Kitchen
2710 S Dearborn Street...........773-534-9245
436 E 39th Street....................773-955-3100
Partners In Community Building, Inc.
Head Start
Williams Multiplex Elementary
Coretta King Child Center
Chicago Bee Branch
3763 S Wabash Avenue..........773-285-1685
Parenting Training
3647 S State Street.................312-747-6872
Child Care
2929 S Wabash.......................312-949-5900
3813 S Dearborn Street...........773-535-1270
249 E 37th Street....................773-535-1260
3436 S King Drive...................312-747-7543
Chicago Area Project (CAP)
Genesis Housing Development
3245 S Prairie Avenue.............312-225-2464
Tolton Center - South
Chicago Bee
244 E Pershing Road...............773-373-5700
Housing Assistance
436 E Pershing Road...............773-955-3100
Mayo Elementary School
Chicago Public Library
Center for New Horizons - Anderson Park
Crispus Attucks School
3647 S State St 2nd Floor.......312-747-3468
3455 S Wabash.......................312-842-7355
3748 S Prairie Avenue.............312-263-6218
Tachyon Communications, Inc.
3301 S Dearborn Street...........312-835-4080
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Messiah Lutheran School
YMCA Marshall School
6200 W Patterson Avenue.......773-736-6600
3250 W Adams.......................773-265-0022
Our Saviour
7151 W Cornelia Avenue........773-736-1157
St. Francis Borgia School
3535 N Panama Avenue.........773-589-1000
St. Pascal School
6143 W Irving Park Road........773-736-8806
7001 W Addison Street...........773-685-3581
Public Elementary School
3800 N New England.............773-534-3718
DFSS Community
Service Center
Trina Davila Center
Canty Elementary School
Garfield Center
Wright College
4300 N Narragansett..............773-481-8821
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
Wright College
4300 N Narragansett..............773-481-8821
Chicago Public Library
West Addison
7536 W Addison Street...........312-746-4704
3740 N Panama Avenue.........773-534-1238
845 W. 69th Street..................312-745-8285
Chicago Academy Elementary
Ed u c a t i o n
2950 W Washington Street.....312-638-5464
Fifth City Chicago Child Development Institute
Thorp O A Elementary Scholastic
6024 W Warwick Avenue........773-534-3640
Public Preschool
Bridge Elementary School
Food Pantries
St. Cyprian Food Pantry
6535 W Irving Park Road........773-283-9178
Senior Congragate Dining
3800 N New England.............773-534-3718
United in Faith Church
Canty Elementary School
6525 W Irving Park..................312-744-4016
3740 N Panama Avenue.........773-534-1238
Chicago Academy Elementary
3436 N Osceola Avenue..........773-534-3090
6535 W Irving Park Road........773-283-9178
Head Start
Special Education
Senior Congragate Dining
Onward Neighborhood House
New Horizon Center for the
Developmentally Disabled
United in Faith Church
6525 W Irving Park..................312-744-4016
6737 W Forest Preserve...........773-286-6226
senior services
Golden Diner Program
New Horizon Center for the
Developmentally Disabled
Workforce Development
United in Faith Church
Mid-City Truck Driving Academy
6525 W Irving Park Road........312-744-4016
6737 W Forest Prsrve..............773-286-6226
6740 W Belmont Avenue........773-725-3000
7151 W Cornelia Avenue........773-736-1157
St. Francis Borgia School
3535 N Panama Avenue.........773-589-1000
Tukiendorf Training Institute (TTI)
6615 W Irving Park Road........773-774-2222
Wright College
4300 N Narragansett..............773-777-7900
St. Pascal School
6143 W Irving Park Road........773-736-8806
St. Priscilla School
7001 W Addison Street...........773-685-3581
Private Preschool
Jolly Fun House Playschool
7559 W Addison Street...........773-202-3540
Dodge Elementary School
Faraday Elementary School
7559 W Addison Street
Our Saviour
3210 W Arthington.................312-567-7669
Boys and Girls Club of Chicago Dr Martin Luther King Jr Club
3436 N Osceola Avenue..........773-534-3090
St. Cyprian Food Pantry
6200 W Patterson Avenue.......773-736-6600
10 S Kedzie Avenue.................312-746-5400
Dever Elementary School
Dever Elementary School
Messiah Lutheran School
Chicago Department of Human
Services - Garfield Center
Child Care
Jolly Fun House Playschool
Private Elementary School
2908 W Washington...............773-534-6780
3400 N Austin Avenue............773-534-3885
Food Pantries
3800 N Austin Avenue
3030 W Arthington Street.......773-534-6890
Childserv Lawndale
3400 N Austin Avenue............773-534-3885
Child Care
Bethune Elementary School
Cather Elementary School
Bridge Elementary School
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
3151 W Walnut Street.............773-534-6811
2950 W Washington Street.....312-638-5464
DFSS Community
Service Center
Ed u c a t i o n
Beidler Elementary School
Boys and Girls Club of Chicago Dr Martin Luther King Jr Club
St. Priscilla School
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
Head Start
h e a lt h c a r e
Mental Heath Clinics
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Mental
Health Chicago Read Ment
social services
Disability Services and Education
Chicago Park District Shabbona Park
6935 W Addison Street...........773-685-6205
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Mental
Health Chicago Read Ment
4200 N Oak Park Avenue........773-794-4895
New Horizon Center for the
Developmentally Disabled
6737 W Forest Preserve Avenue......................
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Belmont Assembly of God
6120 W Belmont Avenue........773-725-2116
Chicago Department of Human
Services - Garfield Center
2651 W Washington...............773-534-6640
3250 W Monroe......................773-534-6670
3411 W Fifth Avenue
10 S Kedzie Avenue.................312-746-5400
Marillac Social Center
Childserv Lawndale
212 S Francisco Avenue...........773-722-7440
3210 W Arthington.................312-567-7669
YMCA Garfield School
Fifth City Chicago Child Development Institute
7 N Homan Avenue.................773-265-3900
3411 W Fifth Avenue..............773-826-8686
Private Elementary School
7430 W Forest Preserve Avenue......................
Marillac Social Center
Providence-St Mel School
Polish Youth Association In USA
Forest Preserve Bible Church
6434 W Belmont Avenue........773-481-2718
Watson Park Church
6337 W Cornelia Avenue........773-685-4151
Wright College
4300 N Narragansett Avenue.. 773-481-8979
Youth Outreach Services
6417 W Irving Park Road.773-777-7112 x282
Interpretation and Translation
Eureka Foreign College Evltrs
Private Preschool
Beidler Elementary School
2822 W Jackson Boulevard.....773-722-7440
YMCA Garfield School
Marillac Social Center
212 S Francisco Avenue...........773-722-7440
7 N Homan Avenue.................773-265-3900
Public Elementary School
Child-Parent Center
Beidler Elementary School
Miller CPC
3030 W Harrison Street...........773-534-6594
Community Partnership Program
Marillac Social Center
3151 W Walnut Street.............773-534-6811
Bethune Elementary School
3030 W Arthington Street.......773-534-6890
Calhoun North Elementary
10 S Kedzie.............................773-533-9011
2908 W Washington...............773-534-6780
YMCA Garfield School
Dodge Elementary School
7 N Homan Avenue.................773-265-3900
2651 W Washington...............773-534-6640
YMCA Marshall School
Ericson Elementary Scholastic
3520 W Adams.......................773-265-0145
3600 W 5th Avenue................773-534-6660
Early Head Start
Youth Outreach Services
Childserv Lawndale
3250 W Monroe Street............773-534-6670
3210 W Arthington.................312-567-7669
YMCA Garfield School
Gregory Math & Sci Elementary
7 N Homan Avenue.................773-265-3900
3715 W Polk Street.................773-534-6820
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Workforce Development
Marillac Social Center Supportive
3821 N Harlem Avenue...........773-777-2696
4200 N Oak Park Avenue........773-794-4895
Locke A Elementary Charter
Garfield Workforce Center
Cather Elementary School
6417 W Irving Park Road........773-777-6377
212 S Francisco Avenue...........773-722-7440
NLU - Effie O. Ellis HS School
The Way Back Inn
751 S Sacramento Boulevard..773-534-6602
Public Preschool
Eureka Polish Translators
6254 W Addison Street...........773-481-9750
3049 W Harrison Street...........773-638-2107
119 S Central Park Boulevard.. 773-722-4600
2833 W Adams Street.............773-534-6940
DUI-Metropolitan Services, Inc.
Kellman Corporate Community
Hillside Academy East
Deborah’s Place
212 S Francisco Avenue...........773-722-7440
Substance Abuse Resources
3030 W Harrison Street...........773-534-6840
Special Education
3141 W Jackson Boulevard.....773-265-7232
6601 W Irving Park Road 15...773-545-1700
6601 W Irving Park Road........773-545-1716
Jensen Elementary Scholastic
Faraday Elementary School
2822 W Jackson Boulevard.....773-722-5080
10 S Kedzie Avenue.................773-722-3885
3151 W Walnut Street.............773-534-6811
Marillac Social Center
Bethune Elementary School
212 S Francisco Avenue...........773-722-7440
3030 W Arthington Street.......773-534-6890
Calhoun North Elementary
2833 W Adams Street.............773-534-6940
Cather Elementary School
North Lawndale Employment
3726 W Flournoy Street..........773-638-1825
Safer Foundation - Crossroads
Adult Transition Center
2908 W Washington...............773-534-6780
3210 W Arthington Street.......773-533-5000
Dodge Elementary School
Safer Foundation - Kedzie Office
2651 W Washington...............773-534-6640
808 S Kedzie Avenue...............773-533-3034
Ericson Elementary Scholastic
Safer Foundation - Safer Return
3600 W 5th Avenue................773-534-6660
742 S California Avenue..........773-826-9240
Gregory Math & Sci Elementary
h e a lt h c a r e
3715 W Polk Street.................773-534-6820
Jensen Elementary Scholastic
Community Health Centers
Bethany Hospital
3030 W Harrison Street...........773-534-6840
3435 W Van Buren Street........773-265-0300
Kellman Corporate Community
751 S Sacramento Boulevard..773-534-6602
Locke A Elementary Charter
Bethany Hospital
3435 W Van Buren Street........773-265-7700
3141 W Jackson Boulevard.....773-265-7232
Mental Heath Clinics
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Bethany Hospital
Agape Youth Center Victory Club
3435 W Van Buren Street........773-265-7700
320 S Spaulding......................773-265-0150
Bobby E Wright Mental Health
Albany Chapel Youth Center
9 S Kedzie Avenue...................773-722-7900
Bobby E. Wright Comprehensive
Behavioral Health Center
139 S Albany Avenue..............773-638-6903
9 S Kedzie Avenue...................773-722-7900
Food Pantries
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoCather Club
Greater Holy Temple C.O.G.I.C.
2908 W Washington...............773-534-6780
246 N California Avenue.........773-722-9430
Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago-Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Club
Marillac House Food Pantry
2859 W Jackson Boulevard.....773-722-7440
2950 W Washington...............773-638-5464
Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist
Church Food Pantry
Breakthrough Urban Ministries
Tutoring Program of First Evangelical Free Church
2841 W Washington Boulevard.......................
773-826-8099 x21
Our Lady of Sorrows Church
3129 W Jackson Boulevard.....773-638-1152
Sunlight of The Spirit
312 N Kedzie Avenue Rear......773-252-2877
Walls Memorial Cme Church
200 S Sacramento Boulevard..773-533-2721
Senior Congregate Dining
Fifth City
3350 W Jackson Boulevard.....773-265-1900
Garfield Apartment
3700 W Congress Parkway.....773-722-9650
Soup Kitchen
Walls Memorial Cme Church
Westside Baptist Teen Set
Westside Community Services
325 S California Avenue..........773-265-7636
Housing Assistance
Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance
300 N Central Park........... 773-638-1766 x14
515 S Washtenaw Avenue.......312-746-5001
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Club
2950 W Washington Street.....773-638-5464
Fifth City/Introspect Tutoring
3350 W Jackson Boulevard 2nd Floor.............
Garfield Park Conservatory
100 N Central Park Avenue
2700 W Wilcox Street..............773-722-7555
Bethany Hospital
3250 W Adams Street.............773-534-6455
3410 W Van Buren..................773-265-5065
Monroe Street Church of Christ
3300 W Monroe Street............773-826-1872
2810 W Washington Boulevard.......................
DFSS Community
Service Center
Voices Of Community Ministerial
South Chicago Center
3456 W Flournoy Street..........773-265-0477
9 S Kedzie Avenue...................773-722-7900
Marillac Social Center
Annunciata School
Deborah’s Place
2822 W Jackson Boulevard.....773-722-5080
Franciscan Outreach - House of
Mary and Joseph
2715 W Harrison Street...........773-265-6683
Genesis House
2815 W 5th Avenue................773-533-5600
General Senior Services
Providence-St. Mel School
2813 W 5th Avenue................773-533-5600
119 S Central Park Boulevard.. 773-722-4600
Jack Clark’s Family Recovering
Bobby E. Wright Comprehensive
Behavioral Health Clinic
9 S Kedzie Avenue...................773-722-7900
Marillac Social Center
212 S Francisco Avenue...........773-722-7440
10155 S Ewing Avenue...........773-731-7272
10347 S Ewing Avenue...........773-535-6540
Taylor Elementary School
9912 S Avenue H....................773-535-6240
Washington G Elementary
3611 E 114th Street................773-535-5010
Addams Elementary School
3355 W 5th Avenue................773-638-6718
3210 W Arthington Street.......773-533-5000
Gallistel Elementary Language
2935 W Polk Street.................773-534-8877
St. Frances de Sales High School
Gallistel Elementary Language
Teen Town
Umoja Student Development
11128 S Avenue G..................773-221-1040
10810 S Avenue H..................773-535-6210
Public Preschool
3121 W Jackson Boulevard.....773-638-0159
Church of Annunciata
10809 S Avenue F...................773-406-0617
Safer Foundation/Crossroads
Tutorial Services - Our Lady
of Sorrows Basilica Tutoring
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Little House Montessori
3200-06 W Fulton Street.........773-638-0364
2935 W Polk Street.................773-534-6900
social services
3750 E 112th Street................773-375-5711
Addams Elementary School
9 S Kedzie Avenue...................773-722-7900
10160 S J Avenue...................773-768-2850
Annunciata School
Public Elementary School
Bobby E. Wright Comprehensive
De Sales Senior Community
Private Preschool
2715 W Harrison Street.. 773-265-6683 x102
Substance Abuse Resources
General Senior Services
3750 E 112th Street................773-375-5711
House of Mary & Joseph
Christian Community Health
3710 E 106th Street................312-747-5500
3570 W 5th Avenue................773-535-5170
Scholarship And Guidance Association
Vodak-East Side
Private Elementary School
People’s Church of the Harvest
social services
8759 S. Commercial Avenue...312-747-0331
212 S Francisco Avenue...........773-722-7440
senior services
3700 W Congress Parkway.....312-744-4016
senior services
Tru-Source Assisted Living Facilities
Chicago Public Library
Chicago Park District - Altgeld
Senior Congregate Dining
10160 S Avenue J...................773-768-2850
2822 W Jackson Boulevard.....773-722-2260
Bobby E. Wright Comprehensive
Behavioral Health Clinic
212 S Francisco Avenue...........773-722-7440
10150 S Avenue J...................773-734-1383
DeSales Senior Center
Deborah’s Place
Catholic Charities
Marshall High School
Gaines Apartments
east side
Ed u c a t i o n
Golden Diner Program
St. Francis De Sales: SVDP
Parenting Training
Landmark Baptist Church
10 S Kedzie Avenue.................312-746-5400
Food Pantries
3330 W Carroll........................773-722-0179
200 S Sacramento Boulevard..773-533-2721
Chicago Family Assistance
325 S California Avenue..........773-265-1855
10810 S Avenue H..................773-535-6210
10347 S Ewing Avenue...........773-535-6540
Taylor Elementary School
9912 S Avenue H....................773-535-6240
Washington G Elementary School
3611 E 114th Street................773-535-5010
Victory Club
320 S Spaulding Avenue.........773-638-0966
Walls Memorial Cme Church
200 S Sacramento Boulevard..773-533-2721
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Jane Addams Hull House Association
senior services
1020 W Bryn Mawr.................773-769-5753
General Senior Services
Kids Hope United - Kids Hope
Child Development Center
5244 N Lakewood Avenue......773-907-0278
Edgewater Satellite Senior
Private Elementary School
HOME - Pat Crowley House
5917 N Broadway Avenue......312-742-7502
North Lakeside Cultural Center Bold Chicago
Golden Diner Program
6219 N Sheridan Road............773-743-4477
Edgewater Satellite Senior
5445 N Clark Street................773-737-8822
5525 N Magnolia Avenue.......773-271-2008
Northside Catholic Academy
5917 N Broadway Avenue......312-744-4016
Fischer Apartments
5821 N Broadway Avenue......312-744-4016
6250 N Sheridan Road............773-262-4446
Ed u c a t i o n
Private Preschool
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Lake Shore School
1020 W Bryn Mawr Avenue....773-769-5753
Vietnamese Association of Illinois
5252 N Broadway 2nd Floor...773-989-6156
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
Centro Romero
6216 N Clark Street......... 773-508-5300 x15
Literacy Works
6216 N Clark Street................773-334-8255
Schneider Apartments
1750 W Peterson Street..........312-744-4016
5611 N Clark Street................773-561-6707
social services
Northside Catholic Academy
5525 N Magnolia Avenue.......773-271-2008
Northside Catholic Academy
6216 N Glenwood Avenue......773-743-6277
Public Elementary School
Hayt Elementary School
1518 W Granville Avenue........773-534-2040
Passages Elementary Charter
1643 W Bryn Mawr Avenue....773-433-3530
Peirce Elementary Intl Studies
1423 W Bryn Mawr Avenue....773-534-2440
Swift Elementary Specialty
5900 N Winthrop Avenue........773-534-2695
5543 N Broadway.......... 773-826-7066 x226
Community Counseling Centers
of Chicago (C4) - Ridge
Anixter Center - Residential
5691 N Ridge Avenue.............773-303-3000
6248 N Clark Street................773-761-1501
Interpretation and Translation
Extracurricular Youth Activities
6171 N Sheridan Road 2212..773-508-0352
Community Counseling Centers
of Chicago (C4)
5710 N Broadway Avenue......773-728-1000
Goldie’s Place
6230 N Clark Street................773-274-1212
Great Paragon Health Services
1251 W Devon Avenue...........773-973-1753
Neumann Association - Career
Food Pantries
Care For Real
6044 N Broadway Street.........773-769-6182
Bosnia And Herzegovinian American Community Center
1257 W Devon Avenue...........773-764-7014
Centro Romero
5459 N Broadway Street.........773-784-2225
Fischer Apartments
5749 N Kenmore Avenue........773-271-2727
Vietnamese Association of Illinois
5821 N Broadway...................773-271-7690
Ebenezer Lutheran Church
Mathers More Than A Cafe
1650 W Foster Avenue............773-561-8496
5252 N Broadway Avenue......773-728-3700
1020 W Bryn Mar....................773-769-0299
Edgewater Baptist Church- EDGE
Safe Place After School Program
Lake Shore School
5611 N Clark Street................773-561-6707
Community Partnership Program
YWCA Northside School
5244 N Lakewood..................773-271-6120
Head Start
Catholic Charities Ebenezer
1652 W Foster.........................773-878-9925
1423 W Bryn Mawr Avenue....773-534-2440
Community Health Centers
Swift Elementary Specialty
Heartland Health Center at Senn
High School
5900 N Winthrop Avenue........773-534-2695
5900 N Glenwood Avenue......773-989-8322
Trumbull Elementary School
Dental Clinics
5200 N Ashland Avenue.........773-534-2430
5917 N Broadway...................312-742-7502
1333 W Devon........................773-761-5119
1401 W Hollywood.................773-784-3040
Schneider Senior Apartments
Edgewater Community Council,
Youth Outreach
1750 W Peterson Avenue........773-743-4311
Soup Kitchen
1610 W Highland Avenue.......773-583-4673
Heartland Health Center at Senn
High School
5900 N Glennwood Avenue....773-989-8322
Japanese Business Legal
Translation Services
5200 N Winthrop Avenue........773-506-9176
Substance Abuse Resources
Hayt Elementary School
h e a lt h c a r e
Vital Bridges
Chicago Park District - Broadway
Armory Park
Child Care
Samaritan Family Services
6044 N Broadway...................773-334-5609
REST - Warming Center
Church of the Atonement
1643 W Bryn Mawr Avenue....773-433-3530
Edgewater Community Council
6216 N Clark Street................773-508-5300
5917 N Broadway...................312-744-4016
Peirce Elementary Intl Studies
Housing Assistance
Disability Services and Education
5249 N Ashland Avenue.........773-989-4382
Service Is Us
5244 N Lakewood Avenue......773-907-0278
5252 N Broadway Street ........773-728-3700
Mental Heath Clinics
Breakthrough Urban Ministries
Public Preschool
Kids Hope United - Kids Hope
Child Development Center
Vietnamese Association of Illinois
5710 N Broadway Avenue......773-728-1000
1210 W Elmdale Avenue.........312-744-0718
Passages Elementary Charter
1420 W Granville Avenue........773-764-3621
6130 N Sheridan Road............773-381-1222
Edgewater Senior Satellite
1652 W Foster.........................773-878-9925
St. Gertrude Parish
Kindred Hospital Lake Shore
5347 N Clark Street................773-784-2225
Catholic Charities Ebenezer
1118 W Foster.........................773-989-6927
Workforce Development
Service Is Us
1518 W Granville Avenue........773-534-2040
South-East Asia Center - SchoolAge Programs Foster
Community Counseling Centers
of Chicago (C4) - Broadway
5200 N Ashland Avenue.........773-534-2430
Philadelphia Church
Senior Congregate Dining
Trumbull Elementary School
5900 N Glenwood Avenue......773-989-0288
5547 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-769-4313
Chicago Public Library
Kidstart Youthnet
5700 N Sheridan Road............773-728-2603
Sacred Heart Schools
Uptown Head Start/Even Start
5715 N Ridge..........................773-561-4759
Lake Shore School
4740 N. Sheridan Road...........312-744-2580
6216 N Clark Street................773-334-8255
Inspired Youth, Inc.
Hellenic Foundation
6216 N Glenwood Avenue......773-743-6277
Literacy Works
5700 N Sheridan Road............773-728-2603
5959 N Sheridan Road............773-271-8845
North Area Center
6216 N Clark Street................773-508-5300
Hellenic Foundation
1537 W Rosemont Avenue......773-465-3685
Northside Catholic Academy
Centro Romero
5255 N Ashland Avenue.........773-561-4175
C A L A - North
5611 N Clark Street................773-561-6707
DFSS Community
Service Center
First Evangelical Free Church
5253 N Kenmore Avenue........773-506-4960
Community Counseling Center Of
Chicago (C4)
5691 N Ridge Avenue.............773-765-0810
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
- Passages
5517 N Kenmore Avenue........773-275-7962
1042 W Bryn Mawr............ 773-334-5609 x5
Edgewater Tutoring Program,
Inc., c/o Immanuel Lutheran
1500 W Elmdale Avenue.........773-728-0137
Epworth Tutoring Program
5253 N Kenmore Avenue........773-561-4759
Spang Center at Goldie’s Place
6230 N Clark Street................773-728-7265
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Partnership Program
Mental Heath Clinics
Salvation Army Red Shield
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois - Far Northwest Counseling
6321 N Avondale....................773-774-7555
945 W 69th Street...................312-733-2533
Head Start
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Abraham Lincoln Centre
Edison Park Lutheran Church
5659 S Union..........................773-783-2828
6626 N Oliphant Avenue.........773-631-9131
Trina Davila Center
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
Salvation Army South Deering
845 W 69th Street...................312-733-1371
social services
DFSS Community
Service Center
Early Head Start
Substance Abuse Resources
DUI-Metropolitan Services, Inc.
7506 N Harlem Avenue...........773-481-9750
Banneker Elementary School
DFSS Community
Service Center
6656 S Normal Boulevard.......773-535-3020
Englewood Center
7050 S May Street..................773-535-3480
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
Chicago Department of Human
Services - Englewood
Ed u c a t i o n
Ed u c a t i o n
Child Care
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Children’s Campus
7250 W Touhy Avenue............773-631-3632
Happy Child Day Center
7750 W Devon........................773-775-7969
Private Elementary School
St. Juliana School
7400 W Touhy Avenue............773-631-2256
Private Preschool
Children’s Campus
7250 W Touhy Avenue............773-631-3632
Edison Park Lutheran Church
6626 N Oliphant Avenue.........773-631-9131
Kennedy-King College
6301 S Halsted Street.............773-602-5340
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
Alpha Temple Baptist Church
6701 S Emerald Avenue..........773-723-5500
Kennedy-King College
6301 S Halsted Street.............773-602-5340
Chicago Public Library
6151 S Normal Boulevard.......312-747-8418
Happy Child Day Center
Child Care
7750 W Devon........................773-775-7969
Abraham Lincoln Centre
St. Juliana School
5659 S Union..........................773-783-2828
7400 W Touhy Avenue............773-631-2256
Chicago Department of Human
Services - Englewood
Public Elementary School
Ebinger Elementary School
7350 W Pratt Avenue..............773-534-1070
Public Preschool
Ebinger Elementary School
7350 W Pratt Avenue..............773-534-1070
Stock Early Childhood Center
7507 W Birchwood Avenue.....773-534-1215
Workforce Development
Expert Driving School, Inc.
7644 W Touhy Avenue............773-763-5700
641 W 63rd Street...................312-747-0200
Kennedy King College
6301 S Halsted Street.............773-602-5000
Kinara Community Services Day
Care Center
6201 S Sangamon Street........773-371-0720
Salvation Army South Deering
845 W 69th Street...................773-382-4706
South Central Community Service, Inc.
7001 S Union..........................773-602-8120
Child-Parent Center
Parker CPC
328 W 69Th............................773-535-3853
Bond Elementary School
641 W 63rd Street...................312-747-0200
Guggenheim Elementary School
7141 S Morgan Street.............773-535-3587
Hinton Elementary School
644 W 71st Street...................773-535-3875
Holmes Elementary School
Bond Elementary School
Hinton Elementary School
7050 S May Street..................773-535-3480
644 W 71st Street...................773-535-3875
Guggenheim Elementary School
Holmes Elementary School
7141 S Morgan Street.............773-535-3587
955 W Garfield Boulevard.......773-535-9025
Hinton Elementary School
Kershaw Elementary School
644 W 71st Street...................773-535-3875
6450 S Lowe Avenue..............773-535-3050
Holmes Elementary School
Mays Elementary Academy
955 W Garfield Boulevard.......773-535-9025
838 W Marquette Road..........773-535-3892
Nicholson Elementary Math &
Kershaw Elementary School
6006 S Peoria Street................773-535-3285
6450 S Lowe Avenue..............773-535-3050
Nicholson Elementary Math &
Mays Elementary Academy
6006 S Peoria Street................773-535-3285
838 W Marquette Road..........773-535-3892
Parker Elementary Community
955 W Garfield Boulevard.......773-535-9025
Kennedy-King College
6301 S Halsted Street.............773-602-5000
Kershaw Elementary School
6450 S Lowe Avenue..............773-535-3050
Little Angels Family Day Care
6701 S Emerald Avenue
Reed Elementary School
6350 S Stewart Avenue...........773-535-3075
Salvation Army Red Shield
945 W 69th Street
Reed Elementary School
6350 S Stewart Avenue...........773-535-3075
845 W 69th Street...................312-733-1371
Parker Elementary Community
Sherwood Elementary School
6800 S Stewart Avenue...........773-535-3375
245 W 57th Street...................773-535-0829
245 W 57th Street...................773-535-0829
Reed Elementary School
Stagg Elementary School
Stagg Elementary School
6350 S Stewart Avenue...........773-535-3075
7424 S Morgan Street.............773-535-3565
7424 S Morgan Street.............773-535-3565
Sherwood Elementary School
Wentworth Elementary School
Private Elementary School
245 W 57th Street...................773-535-0829
6950 S Sangamon Street........773-535-3394
Academy of St. Benedict the
African - Stewart Campus
6547 S Stewart Avenue...........773-994-6100
Private Preschool
Academy of St. Benedict the
African – Stewart Campus
6547 S Stewart Avenue...........773-994-6100
Public Elementary School
Sherwood Elementary School
Stagg Elementary School
7424 S Morgan Street.............773-535-3565
Wentworth Elementary School
6950 S Sangamon Street........773-535-3394
Workforce Development
Public Preschool
Ada S. McKinley Community
Service - Englewood
Banneker Elementary School
6656 S Normal Boulevard.......773-535-3020
Bass Elementary School
6033 S Wentworth Avenue.....773-955-2900
Kennedy-King College
6301 S Halsted Street.............773-602-5290
1140 W 66th Street.................773-535-3275
Bond Elementary School
6656 S Normal Boulevard.......773-535-3020
7050 S May Street..................773-535-3480
Bass Elementary School
Guggenheim Elementary School
1140 W 66th Street.................773-535-3275
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
6800 S Stewart Avenue...........773-535-3375
6006 S Peoria Street................773-535-3285
Salvation Army South Deering
Banneker Elementary School
Nicholson Elementary Math &
7141 S Morgan Street.............773-535-3587
Senior Congregate Dining
Disability Services and Education
Community Health Centers
Ada Niles Senior Center
Beloved Community Family Wellness Center
653-657 W 63rd Street...........312-745-3328
Ada S. McKinley Community
Service - Adult Services
Bethel Terrace
6033 S Wentworth Avenue.....773-955-2900
Salvation Army Red Shield
Community Center
900 W 63rd Parkway...............773-873-8703
Ada S. McKinley Community
Service - Residential Services
St. Stephen’s Parish Hall
h e a lt h c a r e
326 W 69th Street...................773-651-3629
Prayer & Faith Outreach Ministries
945 W 69th Street...................773-385-3260
Englewood Health Center of
Cook County
Vivian Carter Apartments
6401 S Yale.............................312-744-4016
6600 S Stewart Avenue...........773-994-0775
6455 S Peoria Street................773-994-1463
1135 W 69th Street.................773-483-5011
Soup Kitchen
Ada S. McKinley Community
Service - Residential Services
Teen Reach
Englewood Neighborhood Health
641 W 63rd Street...................312-747-7831
Dental Clinics
Englewood Center Dental Clinic
Catholic Charities Chicago Senior Aides Program
6412 S Halsted Street.............312-874-2400
Will Feed Community Organization
641 W 63rd Street...................312-747-5817
6401 S Sangamon Street........773-651-9220
Spang Oral Health Care Center
641 W 63rd Street...................773-488-4277
St. Bernard Hospital
326 W 64th Street...................773-962-3998
St. Bernard Hospital
Englewood Neighborhood
Health Center
Englewood Family Health Center
1135 W 69th Street.................773-483-5090
Englewood Neighborhood Health
641 W 63rd Street...................312-745-1000
Mental Heath Clinics
Englewood Mental Health Center
641 W 63rd Street...................312-747-7496
6401 S Sangamon Street........773-651-9220
6455 S Peoria Street................773-651-9288
Lifelink - Orchard Place of Englewood
Zion City M. B. Church
6212 S Sangamon Street........773-374-8165
senior services
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoEnglewood Club
General Senior Services
Englewood Satellite Senior
653-657 W 63rd Street...........312-745-3328
Lifelink - Greencastle of Englewood
6344 S Peoria Street................773-488-4999
Lifelink - Orchard Place of Englewood
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoReed Club
The Sky Is The Limit Recovery
Facilities, Inc., NFP
6350 S Stewart.......................773-535-3075
6857 S Halsted Street.............773-994-8244
By the Hand/Kids Club - Englewood
Yana House
C-CAP Careers Through Culinary
Arts Program
6301 S Halsted Street.............773-281-8559
Bethel Imani Lutheran Pantry
5701 S Shields Avenue............312-747-6688
6201 S Sangamon Street........773-487-8136
Senior Aides
Canaan M.B.C. Food Ministry
6202 S Halsted Street.............773-729-3922
6659 S Harvard Avenue..........773-480-7990
Golden Diner Program
651 W 69th Street...................773-723-7374
Pickens Memorial Temple COGIC
5659 S Union Avenue.............773-488-0300
Shepherd’s Hope
Vivian Carter Apartments
6401 S Yale Avenue................312-744-4016
5732 S Lowe Avenue..............773-846-9494
social services
Visitation Parish Food Pantry
843 W Garfield Boulevard.......773-846-3570
Will Feed Community Organization
6401 S Sangamon Street........773-651-9220
Zion Temple Missionary Baptist
7010 S Union Avenue.............773-874-1176
Salvation Army of Chicago
845 W 69th Street...................773-382-4616
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago
641 W 63rd Street, Lower Level......................
7120 S Normal Boulevard.......773-874-7120
832 W 68th Street...................312-305-2622
845 W 69th Street...................773-382-4650
653-657 W 63rd Street...........312-744-4016
People Overwhelmed, Inc.
326 W 64th Street...................773-851-9361
Food Pantries
Englewood Senior Satellite
Substance Abuse Resources
6201 S Stewart.......................773-535-0010
5848 S Princeton Avenue........773-684-0444
Holy Willing Workers of Christ
845 W 69th Street...................773-382-4616
Forever Free Program
Salvation Army Corps Community Center Red Shield Complex,
Englewood Community Services
6400 S Stewart Avenue...........773-225-8387
Salvation Army of Chicago
326 W 64th Street ..................773-962-0366
Chicago Embassy Church
Englewood UMC Food Pantry
Parenting Training
6202 S Halsted........................773-488-6800
6333 S Sangamon Street........773-488-4999
950 W 69th Street...................773-723-4063
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
641 W 63rd Street...................312-747-4814
Chicago Park District - Sherwood
Christ Center of Truth
402 W 71st Street...................773-487-3088
Englewood United Methodist
6400 S Stewart Avenue...........773-846-0665
Good Hope Foundation
7101 S Union Avenue.............773-488-4900
Great Englewood Parish United
6401 S Sangamon Street........773-651-1235
Hallelujah Faith Ministries
672 W Marquette Road..........773-488-4717
John Hope College Prep High
5515 S Lowe Avenue..............773-535-3160
New Canaan Land Church
5957 S Peoria Street................773-488-6867
New Eden Baptist Church
634 W 59th Street...................773-721-7815
New Friendship Baptist Church
Caliber Computer Technology
5901 N Cicero Avenue............773-794-1222
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation
6200 N Hiawatha Avenue.......773-794-4800
social services
Will Feed Community Organization
6344 S Peoria..........................773-488-4999
21st Century Community Learning Center - Family Focus of
326 W 64th Street...................773-962-3900
Will Feed Community Organization
Lifelink - Greencastle of Englewood
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Workforce Development
7101 S Union Avenue.............773-488-9530
6701 S Morgan Street.............773-994-0833
6333 S Sangamon...................773-488-4999
6907 S Halsted Street.............773-445-7600
DFSS Community
Service Center
Trina Davila Center
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
Affiliated Psychologists, Ltd.
4801 W Peterson Avenue Suite 525................
Disability Services and Education
Ed u c a t i o n
Chicago Public Library
5331 W Devon Avenue...........312-744-8313
Child Care
Care-a-Lot, Inc.,
Child Development Center
6441 N Central.......................773-763-8888
Private Elementary School
Queen of All Saints School
6230 N Lemont Avenue..........773-736-0567
Sauganash Montessori School
5750 N Rogers Avenue...........773-330-3353
St. Mary of the Woods School
7033 N Moselle Avenue..........773-763-7577
Private Preschool
All Aboard Learning Express
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation Hiawatha
6200 N Hiawatha Avenue.......773-794-4800
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Edgebrook Evangelical Covenant
6355 N Spokane Avenue........773-763-4230
Interpretation and Translation
Korean Consulting
5901 N Cicero Avenue 202.....773-283-8900
Polish Connection Inc
5728 N Kostner Avenue..........773-202-8345
Parenting Training
Affiliated Psychologists, Ltd.
4801 W Peterson Avenue Suite 525................
4008 W Rosemont Avenue......773-202-0554
Substance Abuse Resources
Care-a-Lot, Inc.,
Child Development Center
Bilingual DUI Counseling And
Clinical Services, Inc.
6441 N Central.......................773-763-8888
4001 W Devon Avenue...........773-725-8140
Edgebrook Preschool
6736 N Loleta.........................773-631-9759
Queen of All Saints School
6230 N Lemont Avenue..........773-736-0567
Sauganash School for the Y
oung Years
4600 W Peterson Avenue........773-283-4330
St. Mary of the Woods School
7033 N Moselle Avenue..........773-763-7577
Public Elementary School
Edgebrook Elementary School
6525 N Hiawatha Avenue.......773-534-1194
Sauganash Elementary School
6040 N Kilpatrick Avenue........773-534-3470
Wildwood Elementary School
6950 N Hiawatha Avenue.......773-534-1188
844 W 71st Street...................773-488-9237
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Christopher Elementary School
h e a lt h c a r e
5042 S Artesian Avenue..........773-535-9375
Community Health Centers
Grand Boulevard Family
Health Center
5401 S Wentworth Ave...........773-288-6900
Mental Heath Clinics
Hernandez Middle School
3510 W 55th Street.................773-535-8850
Nightingale Elementary School
5250 S Rockwell Street...........773-535-9270
Sandoval Elementary School
5534 S Saint Louis Avenue......773-535-0457
Ada S. McKinley Community
Sawyer Elementary School
5248 S Sawyer Avenue...........773-535-0440
5401 S Wentworth Ave...........773-434-5577
Talman Elementary School
DFSS Community
Service Center
King Center
4314 S. Cottage Grove Ave.....312-747-2300
Food Pantries
Fellowship Missionary Baptist
DFSS Community
Service Center
Englewood Center
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
Child Care
Ada S. McKinley Community
Senior Congregate Dining
Minnie Ripperton Apartments
4250 S Princeton ....................312-744-4016
4543 S Princeton Ave..............773-624-9799
Soup Kitchen
Head Start
Fellowship Missionary Baptist
Ada S. McKinley Community
4543 S Princeton Ave..............773-624-9799
Firman Community Services
5401 S Wentworth Ave
Hendricks Elementary
Community Academy
4316 S Princeton Ave..............773-535-1696
Jones Academy
4344 S Wentworth Ave
Public Elementary School
Hendricks Elementary
Community Academy
4316 S Princeton Ave..............773-535-1696
Parkman Elementary School
245 W 51st Street ..................773-535-1739
Public Preschool
Hendricks Elementary
Community Academy
Public Preschool
Ed u c a t i o n
5516 S Maplewood Avenue....773-535-9222
Chicago Public Library
Nightingale Elementary School
Gage Park
Talman Elementary School
2807 W 55th Street.................312-747-0032
5250 S Rockwell Street...........773-535-9270
5450 S Talman Avenue............773-535-7850
Community Partnership Program
social services
4534 S Princeton Ave..............773-924-3232
2649 W 51st Street.................773-476-0700
Disability Services and Education
Firman Community Services
Young Scholars Develop Inst
Workforce Development
CARC - Southwest Senior Services
Catholic Charities Chicago Grace Mission Childhood Center
Gage Park
144 W 47th Street ..................773-373-3400
3038 W 59th Street.................773-918-1944
senior services
Early Head Start
Golden Diner Program
El Hogar Del Nino
Minnie Ripperton Apartments
3448 W 59th Street
4250 S Princeton Ave..............312-744-4016
Gads Hill Center
social services
Head Start
3021 W 53rd Street
5332 S Western Avenue..........773-476-1990
h e a lt h c a r e
5843 S Western.......................773-737-6348
Carson Elementary School
Food Pantries
144 W 47th Street ..................773-373-3400
Third Sunday Food Pantry
El Hogar Del Nino
5443 S Washtenaw Avenue....773-436-2558
Extracurricular Youth Activities
3448 W 59th Street
Parkman Elementary School
Bronzeville Academic Center
220 W 45th Place ..................773-538-0059
Chicago Park District - Fuller Park
331 W 45th Street ..................312-747-6144
Firman Community Services 3E Tutorial Program
144 W 47th Street ..................773-373-3400
Housing Assistance
Catholic Charities Chicago
5332 S Western Avenue..........773-476-1990
Sandoval Elementary School
5534 S Saint Louis Avenue......773-535-0457
Teddy Bear 1 School
2649 W 51st Street
Private Elementary School
St. Gall School
5515 S Sawyer Avenue...........773-737-3454
Private Preschool
St. Gall School
5515 S Sawyer Avenue...........773-737-3454
South Side Community Federal
Credit Union
Public Elementary School
5401 S Wentworth Ave Unit 25 .....................
Carson Elementary School
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
St. Simon the Apostle
Parenting Training
2718 W 59th Street
Beatrice Caffrey
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Friend Family Health Center West
Firman Community Services
2411 W 55th Street.................312-747-6147
5157 S California Avenue........773-436-1045
Easter Seal Society of Metropolitan Chicago
5401 S Wentworth Suite 1S ...773-693-0300
5644 S Oakley Boulevard........773-436-5144
Community Health Centers
5516 S Maplewood Avenue....773-535-9222
5401 S Wentworth Ave...........773-285-8644
5815 S Homan Avenue...........773-535-9280
Teddy Bear 1 School
4316 S Princeton Ave..............773-535-1696
245 W 51st Street ..................773-535-1739
Tonti Elementary School
Carson Elementary School
4543 S Princeton Ave..............773-924-3232
Ed u c a t i o n
5450 S Talman Avenue............773-535-7850
5516 S Maplewood Avenue....773-535-9222
Our Lady of the Snows School
4810 S Leamington Avenue....773-735-4810
Firman Community Services School Age Program
St. Daniel the Prophet School
4644 S Dearborn Street...........773-373-3400
5337 S Natoma Avenue..........773-586-1225
Progressive Community Center
St. Jane De Chantal School
5201 S McVicker Avenue.........773-767-1130
Private Preschool
Gloria Dei Lutheran
4935 S Indiana........................773-535-1811
Our Lady of the Snows School
Woodson South Elementary
4810 S Leamington Avenue....773-735-4810
St. Daniel the Prophet School
Englewood Center
St. Jane De Chantal School
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Polish American Association Southside
6276 S Archer Avenue.............773-767-7773
Chicago Public Library
Garfield Ridge
6348 S Archer Avenue.............312-747-6094
Child Care
Hull House Association LeClaire Hearst Community Center
4340 S Lamon Avenue............773-767-1516
Hull House Association
4410 S LaPorte........................773-767-5170
Community Partnership Program
KKP - Kidz Colony School
5337 S Natoma Avenue..........773-586-1225
El Hogar Del Nino
King Center
4314 S. Cottage Grove Ave.....312-747-2300
Public Elementary School
Ed u c a t i o n
4647 W 47th Street.................773-582-1100
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Byrne Elem School
5329 S Oak Park Avenue.........773-535-2170
5001 S Long Avenue 708-458-1152
Hearst Elementary School
4640 S Lamon Avenue............773-535-2376
Kinzie Elementary School
5625 S Mobile Avenue............773-535-2425
Twain Elem School
5134 S Lotus Avenue..............773-535-2290
Public Preschool
Charles J Sahs Elementary School
Food Pantries
Emmaus Outreach Food Pantry
Salvation Army Midway Citadel
5036 W 47th Street.................773-838-8005
Salvation Army of Chicago Midway Center
4525 S King Drive...................773-538-4037
Senior Congregate Dining
Chicago Department on Aging
Southwest Side Senior
Garfield Ridge Senior Satellite
5674 S Archer.........................312-744-4016
Soup Kitchen
Workforce Development
5117 S Kilpatrick
Prestige Driving School Inc.
Hearst Elementary School
5442 S Archer Avenue.............773-505-1781
4640 S Lamon Avenue............773-535-2376
Centers for New Horizons
Edison Hoard
Jane Addams Hull House Association
- Family Resource Center
4439 S La Crosse Avenue........773-767-1709
senior services
Firman Community Svcs East
4910 S King Drive...................773-373-3400
Ounce of Prevemtopm EC Center
5044 S Wabash.......................773-924-2334
Progressive Community Center
Chicago Youth Centers Elliott Donnelley
3947 S Michigan Avenue........773-268-3815
Firman Community Services
37 W 47th Street.....................773-373-3400
Firman Community Services
4910 S King Drive...................773-373-2083
Child Care
4526 S Wabash.......................773-285-8721
Abraham Lincoln Centre Lincoln/
Early Head Start
4935 S Indiana........................773-535-1811
St. Paul-Chaney Ford Child
Care School
221 E 49th Street
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
5259 S Major Avenue.............773-767-2771
Hull House Association - Leclaire
Hearst Community Center
4340 S Lamon Avenue............773-767-1709
John F. Kennedy High School
6325 W 56th Street.................773-535-2325
Neighborhood Technology
Resource Center - LeClaire Courts
4446-4448 S Laporte..............773-735-1187
Polish American Association Southside
4340 S Lamon Avenue............773-767-1516
Doctors Medical Group
Garfield Ridge Satellite Senior
Hull House Association
6240 W 55th Street.................773-284-2200
4410 S LaPorte........................773-767-5170
6649 W Archer Avenue...........773-586-2100
KKP - Kidz Colony School
Southwest Family Health Center
6287 S Archer Avenue.............773-767-0844
4839 W 47th Street.................773-735-2345
Golden Diner Program
Addiction Recovery Services, Inc.
Private Elementary School
Gloria Dei Lutheran
Southwest Family Health Center
Garfield Ridge Senior Satellite
Polish American Association Addictions Counseling
5259 S Major Avenue.............773-581-5259
4839 W 47th Street.................773-735-2345
5674 S Archer Avenue.............312-744-4016
37 W 47th Street.....................773-373-3400
St. Paul-Chaney Ford Child
Care School
Community Health Centers
5036 W 47th Street.................773-838-8005
Firman Community Services
4801 S Michigan Avenue........312-747-2541
General Senior Services
Salvation Army Corps Community
Center Midway Citadel
226 E 43rd Street....................773-624-0061
Extracurricular Youth Activities
h e a lt h c a r e
5674B S Archer Avenue...........312-745-4255
Centers for New Horizons
James Pitts
Chicago Public Library
Hull House Association LeClaire Hearst Community
Community Partnership Program
5045 W 47th Street.................773-735-6773
6276 S Archer Avenue.............773-767-7773
Macneal Family Health Care Center
Adult Literacy - General
Education Development
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
6012 S Archer Avenue.............312-744-4016
3901 S State Street.................773-451-2000
4405 S LaCrosse Avenue.........312-745-3089
Hearst Elementary School
5625 S Mobile Avenue............773-535-2425
Dawson Technical Institute
6061 S Archer Avenue.............773-581-1563
Service Organization
Kinzie Elementary School
social services
Jane Addams Hull House Association
5001 S Long Avenue 708-458-1152
4640 S Lamon Avenue............773-535-2376
4511 S Evans..........................773-535-1822
3948 S State...........................773-536-2187
Academy for Global Citizenship
6287 S Archer Avenue.............773-767-0844
Head Start
DFSS Community
Service Center
5201 S Mcvicker Avenue.........773-767-1130
Charles J Sahs Elementary School
Child-Parent Center
Overton CPC School
5259 S Major Avenue.............773-581-5259
DFSS Community
Service Center
56 E 48th Street......................773-924-6564
St. Paul-Chaney Ford Child Care School
4528 S Wabash.......................773-285-8721
Salvation Army Corps Community
Center Midway Citadel
5036 W 47th Street.................773-838-8005
Substance Abuse Resources
5514 S Archer Avenue.............773-581-2930
6814 W Archer Avenue...........773-586-9511
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
4314 S Cottage Grove............773-747-2310
Ada S. McKinley Maggie Drummond
4301 S Wabash.......................773-373-8200
Centers for New Horizons Head Start
56 E 48th Street......................773-924-6561
4528 S Wabash.......................773-285-8721
Head Start
Fuller Elementary School
4214 S Street Lawrence..........773-535-1687
4421 S State Street.................773-535-1793
Overton CPC School
Overton Elementary School
St. Paul-Chaney Ford Child
Care School
4526 S Wasbash.....................773-285-8721
Abraham Lincoln Centre
Woodson South Elementary
Centers for New Horizons
Edison Hoard
4314 S Cottage Grove............773-747-2310
4511 S Evans..........................773-535-1280
3948 S State...........................773-536-2187
Ada S. McKinley Maggie Drummond
4301 S Wabash.......................773-373-8200
Private Elementary School
226 E 43rd Street....................773-624-0061
Chicago Youth Centers Elliott Donnelley
Beethoven Elementary School
3947 S Michigan Avenue........773-268-3815
Centers For New Horizons
Dawson Technical Institute
3901 S State Street.................773-451-2000
Educare Center
5044 S Wabash Avenue..........773-924-2334
Firman Community Services
25 W 47th Street.....................773-535-1480
Holy Angels School
750 E 40th Street....................773-624-0727
St. Elizabeth School
3901 S State
4052 S Wabash Avenue..........773-548-4100
Centers for New Horizons Head Start
Private Preschool
226 E 43rd Street....................773-624-0061
37 W 47th Street.....................773-373-3400
Centers for New Horizons
Edison Hoard
Firman Community Services
3948 S State...........................773-536-2187
Holy Angels School
750 E 40th Street....................773-624-0727
St. Elizabeth School
4052 S Wabash Avenue..........773-548-4100
Public Elementary School
Attucks Elementary School
5055 S State Street.................773-535-1270
Beethoven Elementary School
25 W 47th Street.....................773-535-1480
Bronzeville Lighthouse
Elem Chrtr
8 W Root Street.......................773-535-1460
Fuller Elementary School
4214 S Street Lawrence..........773-535-1687
Mollison Elementary School
4415 S King Drive...................773-535-1804
Overton Elementary School
221 E 49th Street....................773-535-1430
Woodson South Elementary
4414 S Evans Avenue..............773-535-1280
Public Preschool
Attucks Elementary School
5055 S State Street.................773-535-1270
Beethoven Elementary School
25 W 47th Street.....................773-535-1480
Fuller Elementary School
4214 S Street Lawrence..........773-535-1687
Mollison Elementary School
4415 S King Drive...................773-535-1804
Overton Elementary School
221 E 49th Street....................773-535-1430
Woodson South Elementary
4414 S Evans Avenue..............773-535-1280
4910 S King Drive...................773-373-2083
Workforce Development
Chicago Urban League
4510 S Michigan Avenue........773-285-5800
Human Resources Development
Institute - Minority
social services
HIV/AIDS Mental Health Services
Beatrice Caffrey Youth Service, Inc.
340 E 51st Street....................773-869-0300
Dawson Technical Institute
3901 S State Street.................773-451-2146
Illinois Employment and Training
Center - Mid-South
715 E 47th Street....................773-538-9811
Manpower Tech Reach Chicago
at Charles A Hayes
Family Investment Center
4859 S Wabash Avenue..........773-285-0200
Mid-South Workforce Center
4314 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-538-5627
TEC Services, Inc
4859 S Wabash Avenue 630-305-7486
h e a lt h c a r e
Food Pantries
Ebenezer Missionary Baptist
Church Food Pantry
450 E 51st?_ Street................312-572-2900
South State Family Health Center
5050 S State...........................773-624-2700
Taylor Medical Center Family
Health Center
4501 S State...........................773-548-0600
Dental Clinics
South State Family Health Center
5050 S State Street.................773-624-2700
Mental Heath Clinics
Chicago Division of Mental
Health - Greater Grand/MidSouth Center
4314 S Cottage Grove Avenue.312-747-0036
Harris Temple A.O.H. Church
4301 S Wabash Street.............773-373-8200
4910 S King Drive...................312-226-7984
4138 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-536-9138
Ada S. McKinley Community
Service - Residential
St. Elizabeth Church SVDP
50 E 41st Street......................773-268-1518
Tabernacle Missionary Baptist
Church Food Pantry
Langley Apartments
4930 S Langley.......................773-373-8368
Paul G. Stewart Apartments
400 E 41st Street....................773-924-2100
Tabernacle/Willa Rawls Manor
4120 S Indiana........................312-744-4016
Soup Kitchen
Firman Community Services
4540 S Michigan Avenue........773-373-1073
Centers for New Horizons Sankofa Counseling Program
4305A S King Drive.................773-451-1356
Extracurricular Youth Activities
340 E 51st Street....................773-869-0300
State Of Mind Mental Health &
400 E 41st Street....................773-285-0804
4314 S. Cottage Grove Ave ...312--747-2300
7239 S Dobson.......................773-493-4496
Ada S. McKinley Community
Appeal for Charities Ebenezer
7058 S LaFayette.....................773-651-5400
Appeal for Charities Emmanuel
50 W 71st Street.....................773-651-5400
Catholic Charities Maria’s Garden
7320 S Yale.............................773-994-3016
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Chicago Youth Centers Joanie’s
GIVE Community Services
City Colleges Kennedy King
7151 S Wabash Avenue..........773-651-5785
Beatrice Caffrey Youth Service
City Colleges Kennedy King School
4924 S King Drive...................773-624-5087
6800 S Wentworth..................773-602-5340
Blackwell Memorial A.M.E. Zion
GIVE Community Services
Brass Foundation - Youth Services
Abraham Lincoln Centre Carefare
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy General Education Development
3956 S Langley Avenue...........773-624-4573
Head Start
514 E 75th Street
624 E 47th Street....................773-624-5087
Beatrice Caffrey
6800 S Wentworth..................773-602-5481
All About Kids Learning Academy
Substance Abuse Resources
Human Resources Development
Institute - Grand Boulevard
Professional Counseling
City Colleges Kennedy King School
7640 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-602-2660
King Center
7151 S Wabash Avenue..........773-651-5785
Child Care
854 E 79th Street....................773-994-3480
Private Preschool
Public Preschool
Chicago S D A Academy
Brownell Elementary School
7008 S Michigan Avenue........773-873-3005
6741 S Michigan Avenue........773-535-3030
Institute of Positive Education
Deneen Elementary School
7825 S Ellis Avenue.................773-651-9599
7240 S Wabash Avenue..........773-535-3035
Reach Christian Academy
Dulles Elementary School
7400 S Michigan Avenue........773-224-9060
6311 S Calumet Avenue..........773-535-0690
St. Columbanus School
Harvard Elementary School
7120 S Calumet Avenue..........773-224-3811
7525 S Harvard Avenue..........773-535-3045
St. Dorothy School
Park Manor Elementary School
7740 S Eberhart Avenue.........773-783-0555
7037 S Rhodes Avenue...........773-535-3070
Park Manor Elementary School
Public Elementary School
Revere Elementary School
7037 S Rhodes Avenue...........773-535-3070
Brownell Elementary School
Revere Elementary School
6741 S Michigan Avenue........773-535-3030
Ruggles Elementary School
1010 E 72nd Street.................773-535-0618
Deneen Elementary School
Ruggles Elementary School
7240 S Wabash Avenue..........773-535-3035
7831 S Prairie Avenue.............773-535-3085
Dulles Elementary School
6800 S Wentworth..................312-553-3475
Deneen Elementary School
7240 S Wabash Avenue..........773-535-3035
Dulles Elementary School
6311 S Calumet Avenue..........773-535-0690
Harvard Elementary School
7525 S Harvard Avenue..........773-535-3045
Henry Booth House
7419 S Cottage Grove Avenue
4644 S Dearborn Street...........773-373-3400
340 E 51st Street....................773-869-0300
Abraham Lincoln Centre Carefare
Second Faith Temple C.O.G.I.C.
Center for New Horizons Bronzeville Lighthouse Charter
7239 S Dobson.......................773-493-4496
8 W Root Street.......................773-373-5700
Appeal for Charities Emmanuel
Centers For New Horizons
50 W 71st Street.....................773-651-5400
3950 S State Street.................773-373-5700
Bray Temple Day Care
Chicago Urban League
1049 E 73rd Street..................773-493-7092
4510 S Michigan Avenue........773-285-5800
Catholic Charities Maria’s Garden
Christian Tabernacle Baptist
7320 S Yale.............................773-994-3016
Tanner Elementary School
6311 S Calumet Avenue..........773-535-0690
4712 S Prairie Avenue.............773-548-2500
City Colleges Kennedy King
7350 S Evans Avenue..............773-535-3870
Harvard Elementary School
Yale Elementary School
7525 S Harvard Avenue..........773-535-3045
Special Education
7025 S Princeton Avenue........773-535-3190
Park Manor Elementary School
New Direction Outreach
Private Elementary School
7037 S Rhodes Avenue...........773-535-3070
6857 S State Street.................773-483-2226
424 E 49th Street....................773-624-0799
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
5060 S State...........................773-548-5011
senior services
General Senior Services
Elliott Donnelley Youth Center
Appeal for Charities Ebenezer
7058 S LaFayette.....................773-651-5400
3947 S Michigan Avenue........773-268-3815
6800 S Wentworth..................312-553-3475
Chicago Family Assistance
Holy Angels Boys & Girls Club
Edsel A Ammons Nursery
750 E 40th Street....................773-268-4819
549 E 76th Street....................773-483-7040
4314 S Cottage Grove Avenue.312-747-2300
Hug A Book
Kinder Care Kiddy College
Trinity Acres Apartments
3939 S Calumet Avenue..........773-373-8480
Golden Diner Program
Langley Apartments
4930 S Langley Avenue...........312-744-4016
Paul G. Stewart Apartments
400 E 41st Street....................312-744-4016
Tabernacle/Willa Rawls Manor
4120 S Indiana Avenue...........312-744-4016
4510 S Michigan Avenue........773-285-1500
Haymarket Center
4501 S State Street.................773-548-0600
Disability Services and Education
Chicago Urban League
4510 S Michigan Avenue........773-285-5800
416 E 43rd..............................773-924-7041
500 E 51st Street....................312-572-2000
Housing Assistance
Ada S. McKinley Community
Service - Head Start/Child Care
5050 S State 2nd Floor...........773-624-6700
Provident Hospital
4305A S King Drive.................773-451-1356
4644 S Dearborn Street...........773-373-3400
South State Family Health Center
Dental Clinic
417 E 48th Place.....................773-536-3787
DFSS Community
Service Center
Taylor Medical Center Family
Health Center
Chicago Urban League
Firman Community Services Food Pantry
Senior Congregate Dining
John Sengstacke Health Center
of Cook County
4526 S Wabash Avenue..........773-285-8721
Parenting Training
ACCESS Medical Specialists
654 E 47th Street....................773-624-4800
Centers for New Horizons Sankofa Counseling Program
St. Paul Church Of God In Christ
4455 S King Drive...................773-493-1140
4501 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-373-6144
4130 S Indiana Avenue...........773-624-6722
Booker Family Health Center
4924 S King Drive...................773-624-5087
500 E 51st Street....................312-572-2000
Abraham Lincoln Centre Residential Programs
Community Health Centers
400 E 41st Street....................773-624-2660
Community Partnership Program
Provident Hospital
3901 S State Street.................312-421-5200
7536 S Stewart.......................773-224-3569
Israelite Baptist Church
New Concept School
4500 S Prairie Avenue.............773-624-8254
7825 S Ellis Avenue.................773-651-9599
Liberty Baptist Church
Child-Parent Center
4849 S King Drive...................773-268-6757
New Galilee Technical Center
5001 S Wabash Avenue..........773-538-0277
New Life Covenant Oakwood
710 E 47th Street....................773-285-1731
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Yale Elementary School
7025 S Princeton Avenue........773-535-3190
Love N Learn Academy
723-725 E 75th Street
Chicago S D A Academy
7008 S Michigan Avenue........773-873-3005
Masters Academy
6620 S King Drive...................773-326-4206
Reach Christian Academy
7400 S Michigan Avenue........773-224-9060
St. Columbanus School
7120 S Calumet Avenue..........773-224-3811
St. Dorothy School
7740 S Eberhart Avenue.........773-783-0555
1010 E 72nd Street.................773-535-0618
7831 S Prairie Avenue.............773-535-3085
Tanner Elementary School
7350 S Evans Avenue..............773-535-3870
Yale Elementary School
7025 S Princeton Avenue........773-535-3190
Revere Elementary School
1010 E 72nd Street.................773-535-0618
Ruggles Elementary School
7831 S Prairie Avenue.............773-535-3085
Workforce Development
Shabazz International Chrtr Schls
Rich Wooten & Associates, Inc.
7823 S Ellis Avenue.................773-651-1221
547 E 75th Street....................773-651-3826
Tanner Elementary School
Safer Foundation - Sheridan/
SWICC South Side Office
7350 S Evans Avenue..............773-535-3870
Yale Elementary School
7025 S Princeton Avenue........773-535-3190
7335 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-994-4739
Star Detective & Security
Agency, Inc.
813 E 75th Street....................773-874-1900
h e a lt h c a r e
social services
Parenting Training
Mental Heath Clinics
SOS Children’s Villages Illinois
Food Pantries
Community Mental Health
Council - Chatham/Avalon
A Knock at Midnight
110 E 79th Street....................773-651-4954
Lakeside Community Committee
400 W 76th Street Suite 209...773-488-2960
7418 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-224-9217
Food Pantries
Carey AME Temple Food Pantry
7157 S Greenwood Avenue....773-324-7767
Englewood Service Center
7320 S Yale.............................773-483-3508
Greater Acquaintance Religious
6758 S Wabash Avenue..........773-488-2991
Inner-City Missions Network
7445 S South Chicago Avenue.773-947-9315
Israel Methodist Community
7606-14 S Cottage Grove Avenue..................
Parkway Garden Christian Church
6600 S King Drive...................773-667-0700
Salem House Food Pantry
7359 S Prairie Avenue.............773-873-3400
Shiloh SDA Dorcas Society
7000 S Michigan Avenue........773-224-7700
St. Columbanus
331 E 71st Street............. 773-224-1022 x14
Senior Congregate Dining
Park Manor Congregational
7000 S King Drive...................773-224-4700
Vincennes Senior Center
7326 S Yale.............................312-744-4016
SOS Children’s Villages Illinois
7600 S Parnell Avenue............773-783-0500
Disability Services and Education
Ada S. McKinley Community
Service - Therapeutic and Educational Services
7600 S Parnell Avenue............773-783-0500
Shelter Institute of Women Today
- Maria Shelter
7320 S Yale Avenue................773-994-5350
St. Frances De Paula Shelter
Mann Park at Hegewich
Substance Abuse Resources
3035 E 130th Street................773-646-0210
Bridging The Tys To Jordan, Inc.
7122 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-488-9460
Emages, Inc.
7640 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-602-2660
Extracurricular Youth Activities
200 E 75th Street 708-344-0884
Enhanced Clinical Solutions, Inc.
DFSS Community
Service Center
South Chicago Center
8759 S. Commercial Avenue...312-747-0331
Hardin House
7640 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-602-2660
7249 S Saint Lawrence Avenue.......................
Carter Temple CME Church
Henry’s Sober Living House
Chicago Public Library
3048 E 130th Street................312-747-0046
Chicago Park District - Mann Park
Private Elementary School
Hegewisch Community
7140 S Dr Martin Luther King Jr......................
7225 S Yale Avenue................773-892-3155
Israel Methodist Community
659 E 75th Street....................773-723-2790
7616 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-483-1131
Lakeside Community Committee
- 74th Street
Nuway Community Services, Inc.
13260 S Brandon Avenue.......773-646-4488
13110 S Baltimore Avenue......773-646-2868
Lebanon Lutheran Church
Renewed Hope Community
Private Preschool
626 E 71st Street....................773-783-3579
13110 S Baltimore Avenue......773-646-2868
St. Florian School
7414 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-224-9217
Public Elementary School
Muntu Dance Theatre
Clay Elementary School
6800 S Wentworth Avenue.....773-602-1135
Shell Oil Company
7859 S State Street.................773-371-1050
South Shore Drill Team &
Performing Arts Ensemble
13231 S Burley Avenue...........773-535-5600
Grissom Elementary School
13100 S Manistee Avenue......773-646-1747
St. Florian Church
13145 S Houston Avenue.......773-646-4877
Interpretation and Translation
Alex Voytchin Interpreting Svc
2812 E 138th Place 4w...........312-375-8445
12810 S Escanaba Avenue......773-535-5380
Public Preschool
Grissom Elementary School
12810 S Escanaba Avenue......773-535-5380
7326 S Yale Avenue................312-744-4016
3035 E 130th Street................773-646-0210
St. Florian School
St. Dorothy Catholic Church
Vincennes Senior Center
Extracurricular Youth Activities
N’ The Spirit Transformational
331 E 71st Street....................773-224-1022
7000 S King Drive...................312-744-4016
social services
Chicago Park District - Meyering
General Senior Services
Park Manor Congregational
13000 S Carondolet Avenue...312-744-4016
13231 S Burley Avenue...........773-535-5600
Golden Diner Program
Mann Park
7143 S Harvard Avenue..........773-488-1716
Clay Elementary School
7359 S Prairie Avenue.............773-873-3400
Golden Diner Program
7841 S Wabash Avenue..........773-874-0175
St. Columbanus Church
Lutheran Social Services of
Illinois - Salem House
senior services
Ed u c a t i o n
7705 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-651-0220
7320 S Yale Avenue................773-483-3508
Senior Congregate Dining
13501 S Burley Avenue...........773-646-0472
senior services
Catholic Charities Chicago Englewood Service Center
13145 S Houston Avenue.......773-646-4877
Hegewisch Methodist Church
7811 S Ellis Avenue.................773-487-8615
110 E 79th Street....................773-224-7386
Ada S. McKinley Community
St. Florian: SVDP Food Pantry
450 E 78th Street....................773-651-7000
Housing Assistance
h e a lt h c a r e
Agora Community Services
Corporation, NFP
Community Health Centers
400 W 76th Street ..................773-483-3888
GRANDFamilies Program of
Southeast Side Community
Health Center
3550 E 118th Street................773-646-0480
400 W 76th Street Suite 120...773-651-8800
Genesis Housing Development
7735 S Vernon Avenue............773-994-6670
Sankofa Safe Child Initiative
200 E 75th Street Suite 404....773-740-7234
Vital Bridges
151 W 75th Street...................773-224-1444
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Chicago Youth Centers Centro Nuestro
social services
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Bethesda Church
4538 W Fullerton Avenue........773-252-5727
Chicago Park District - Hermosa
3222 W Division Avenue.........773-489-3157
2240 N Kilbourn Avenue.........312-742-7540
Family Focus
Trina Davila Center
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
Miracle Center
2100 N Kildare Avenue...........773-276-5933
Young Life
2100 N Kildare Avenue...........773-489-5949
730 N Pulaski Road................773-826-1090
DFSS Community
Service Center
Salvation Army New Hope School
Garfield Center
St. Timothy Day Care Center
845 W. 69th Street..................312-745-8285
Ed u c a t i o n
Ed u c a t i o n
Child Care
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Chicago Department of Human
Services - Trina Davila
4345 W Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
Head Start
Catholic Charities St. Phlomena
4131 W Cortland....................773-486-6466
Chicago Department of Human
Services - Trina Davila
4345 W Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
Nixon Elementary School
2121 N Keeler Avenue............773-534-4375
Private Preschool
A Caring World, Inc.
4310 W Fullerton....................773-489-4545
Public Elementary School
Barry Elementary School
2828 N Kilbourn Avenue.........773-534-3455
McAuliffe Elementary School
Association House
1116 N Kedzie Avenue............773-772-7170
Casa Central - La Posada
3209 W Evergreen Avenue......773-782-8820
Chicago Commons - Employment
Training Center
3645 W Chicago Avenue.........773-826-4280
Chicago Commons E.T.C.
3441 W Chicago Avenue.........773-826-4280
Providence Family Services
1540 N Monticello Avenue......773-235-8264
1116 N Kedzie Ave.......773-772-7170 x9003
Chicago Commons E.T.C.
3441 W Chicago Avenue.........773-826-0739
Chicago Public Library
Humboldt Park
Barry Elementary School
1605 N Troy Street..................312-744-2244
2828 N Kilbourn Avenue.........773-534-3455
North Pulaski
McAuliffe Elementary School
4300 W North Avenue............312-744-9573
2121 N Keeler Avenue............773-534-4375
Food Pantries
FaithWorld International Church
4047 W Fullerton Avenue........773-489-7601
St. Philomena Church
Chicago Commons NIA School
744 N Monticello....................312-722-0115
Chicago Commons Taylor
Center School
1633 N Hamlin.......................773-227-8551
Chicago Youth Centers
Mt. Moriah-Taylor
1501 N Harding Avenue..........773-278-5837
First Congregational Church
DC School
1305 N Hamlin.......................773-384-8118
Northwest Institute School
4040 W Division......................773-278-8261
Salvation Army New Hope School
4255 W Division......................773-772-4908
Early Head Start
3945 W Division Street............773-921-4183
Nixon Elementary School
Community Partnership Program
Association House
Nixon Elementary School
1841 N Springfield..................773-534-4400
3555 W Huron Street..............773-854-1662
Terry Town Nursery School School
Comprehensive Community
Public Preschool
4255 W Division......................312-722-4908
Adult Literacy - General Education
1841 N Springfield..................773-534-4400
2121 N Keeler Avenue............773-534-4375
Children’s Place Association
Hull House Association Orr Infant and Family
Development Center
4438 W Wrightwood...............312-742-7547
4145 W Armitage Avenue.......773-276-0940
1501 N Harding Avenue..........773-278-5837
3059 W Augusta Boulevard....773-826-1230
Chicago Park District - Kelvyn Park
DFSS Community
Service Center
Chicago Youth Centers
Mt. Moriah-Taylor
Child Care
Chicago Commons
3645 W Chicago Avenue.........773-638-5600
Chicago Commons NIA School
744 N Monticello....................312-722-0115
Chicago Commons Taylor
Center School
1633 N Hamlin.......................773-227-8551
817 N Hamlin..........................773-489-4271
It Takes a Village
4000 W Division
Workforce Development
Able Career Institute
Morton Elementary Career
431 N Troy Street.....................773-534-6791
3100 W Grand Avenue............312-782-3335
Piccolo Elementary Specialty
Association House
1040 N Keeler Avenue............773-534-4425
1116 N Kedzie Avenue............773-772-8250
Ryerson Elementary School
Chicago Anti-hunger Federation
646 N Lawndale Avenue.........773-534-6700
4345 W Division Street............773-252-3663
Salvation Army Incarnation
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation
North Pulaski
1345 N Karlov Street...............773-276-4118
743 N Pulaski Road................773-638-3070
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation Oak Park
500 N Pulaski Road................773-265-5258
Salvation Army New Hope School
4255 W Division......................312-722-4908
Stowe Elementary School
3444 W Wabansia Avenue......773-534-4175
Ward Elementary School
410 N Monticello Avenue........773-534-6440
Illinois Employment and Training
Center - Grand
Private Elementary School
1234 N Monticello Avenue......773-534-4290
3500 W Grand Avenue............773-227-7117
1537 N Lawndale Avenue.......773-227-1140
Casals Elementary School
Chicago Youth Centers
Centro Nuestro
Private Preschool
3208 W North.........................773-489-3157
St. Timothy Day Care Center
Chicago Youth Centers
Mt. Moriah-Taylor
3555 W Huron Street..............773-268-3053
1501 N Harding Avenue..........773-278-5837
Cameron Elementary School
Head Start
Cameron Elementary School
3501 W Potomac Avenue........773-534-4444
Chicago Commons
3645 W Chicago Avenue.........773-638-5600
Chicago Commons NIA School
744 N Monticello....................312-722-0115
Chicago Commons Taylor
Center School
It Takes a Village
4000 W Division
1633 N Hamlin.......................773-227-8551
Kimball Day Care
Chicago Youth Centers Centro Nuestro
Lowell Elementary School
3222 W Division Avenue.........773-489-3157
1636 N Kimball
3320 W Hirsch Street..............773-534-4300
McNair Elementary School
4220 W Walton
Maternity BVM School
Public Elementary School
1234 N Monticello Avenue......773-534-4290
Casals Elementary School
3501 W Potomac Avenue........773-534-4444
Galapagos Elementary
Charter School
3814 W Iowa Street................773-384-9400
Lowell Elementary School
3320 W Hirsch Street..............773-534-4300
Morse School
620 N Sawyer.........................773-534-6680
1921 N Kedvale Avenue..........773-489-1100
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Morton Elementary Career
PrimeCare Community Health, Inc.
431 N Troy Street.....................773-534-6791
4235 W North.........................773-278-6868
Nobel Elementary School
Ryerson Elementary School-Based
Association House of Chicago
4127 W Hirsch Street..............773-534-4365
646 N Lawndale Avenue.........773-666-3494
1116 N Kedzie Avenue............773-772-7170
Piccolo Elementary Specialty
West Division Family Health Center
Circle Family HealthCare Network
1040 N Keeler Avenue............773-534-4425
Polaris Elementary Charter
620 N Sawyer Avenue.............773-534-0820
Ryerson Elementary School
646 N Lawndale Avenue.........773-534-6700
Stowe Elementary School
3444 W Wabansia Avenue......773-534-4175
Ward Elementary School
410 N Monticello Avenue........773-534-6440
West Park Elementary Academy
1425 N Tripp Avenue...............773-534-4940
4401 W Division......................773-252-3122
Dental Clinics
Salvation Army Child Care
Head Start Incarnation
1345 N Karlov Street...............773-276-4118
Salvation Army Child Care
Head Start New Hope
4255 W Division Street............773-772-4908
Hartgrove Hospital
520 N Ridgeway Avenue 800-478-4783
Sacred Heart Hospital
Public Preschool
3240 W Franklin Boulevard.....773-722-3020
Cameron Elementary School
1234 N Monticello Avenue......773-534-4290
Casals Elementary School
3501 W Potomac Avenue........773-534-4444
Lowell Elementary School
3320 W Hirsch Street..............773-534-4300
Humboldt Park Family
Health Center
3202 W North Avenue............312-278-1880
Mental Heath Clinics
Morton Elementary Career
Association House
431 N Troy Street.....................773-534-6791
Hartgrove Hospital
Nobel Elementary School
520 N Ridgeway Avenue.........773-722-3113
1116 N Kedzie Avenue............773-772-7170
4127 W Hirsch Street..............773-534-4365
Piccolo Elementary Specialty
Food Pantries
Ryerson Elementary School
Association House Food Pantry
646 N Lawndale Avenue.........773-534-6700
1116 N Kedzie Avenue.773-772-7170 x3302
Stowe Elementary School
Breakthrough Urban Ministries
3444 W Wabansia Avenue......773-534-4175
402 N Saint Louis Ave.... 773-346-1785 x278
Ward Elementary School
Marina Fontanez Food Pantry
410 N Monticello Avenue........773-534-6440
1710 N Central Park Ave.........773-227-9960
West Park Elementary Academy
Mission of Christ Lutheran Church
1425 N Tripp Avenue...............773-534-4940
1345 N Karlov Avenue............773-252-6254
Special Education
Our Lady of the Angels
700 N Sacramento Suite 220..773-265-1539
824 N Hamlin Avenue.............773-235-3132
Soup Kitchen
Uhlich Academy
Chicago Anti-Hunger Federation
3110 W Grand Avenue............773-722-3097
4345 W Division Street............773-252-3663
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
Humboldt Park Family Health
3202 W North Avenue............773-489-6333
Louise Landau Community
Health Center
1633 N Hamlin 2nd Floor........773-276-1200
Little City Foundation
700 N Sacramento Avenue......773-265-1539
Youth Service Project
3942 W North Avenue............773-772-6270
WIC Food Center Warehouse
4500 W Chicago.....................773-772-4427
Private Preschool
Sembrando El Futuro
1305 N Hamlin Avenue...........773-384-8118
Akiba-Schechter Day School
St. Francis of Assisi/Our Lady of
the Angels Church
932 N Kostner Avenue............773-235-3132
Taylor Youth Center
1633 N Hamlin Avenue...........773-227-8551
Youth Service Project
Harte Elementary School
1556 E 56th Street..................773-535-0870
Association House
1116 N Kedzie........................773-722-7170
King Center
La Casa Norte
3533 W North Avenue............773-276-4900
4314 S. Cottage Grove Avenue.......................
Latin United Community Housing
Ed u c a t i o n
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation
North Pulaski
743 N Pulaski Road................773-638-3070
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation
Oak Park
500 N Pulaski Road................773-265-5258
Little City Foundation
700 N Sacramento Boulevard.. 773-265-1539
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Association House - After School
Chicago Commons
3645 W Chicago Avenue.........773-638-5600
Chicago Commons West Humboldt Park
746 N Lawndale Avenue.........773-826-9505
Chicago Commons Association
Nia Family Center
744 N Monticello Avenue........773-722-0115
Chicago Youth Centers, Centro
3208 W North Avenue............773-489-3157
Circle Family Care
1633 N Hamlin Avenue...........773-227-9015
City Wide Community Church
1657 N Karlov Avenue............773-235-1613
I C.A.R.E Ministries
3800 W Iowa Street................773-227-0099
Mose Vines Prep Academy
730 N Pulaski Road................773-534-8808
Noble Association
1345 N Karlov Avenue............773-252-8524
The University of Chicago Labaratory Schools
Public Elementary School
Anixter Center - Addiction Recovery
of the Deaf (Outpatient)
1116 N Kedzie Avenue............773-772-7170
5467 S Woodlawn Avenue......773-667-1142
3753 W Division Street............773-772-0775
DFSS Community
Service Center
Association House
St. Thomas the Apostle School
Youth Trained Forever
Housing Assistance
1706 N Kedzie Avenue............773-227-8530
5235 S Cornell Avenue............773-493-8880
1362 E 59th Street..................773-702-9450
3942 W North Avenue... 773-772-6270 x162
Disability Services and Education
1116 N Kedzie........................773-772-7170
1040 N Keeler Avenue............773-534-4425
Little City Foundation
social services
3541 W North Avenue............773-276-5338
Neighborhood Housing Services
of Chicago - West Humboldt
Kozminski Elementary Community Academy
936 E 54th Street....................773-535-0980
Murray Elementary Language
5335 S Kenwood Avenue........773-535-0585
Child Care
Ray Elementary School
5631 S Kimbark Avenue..........773-535-0970
Centers for New Horizons Hyde
Public Preschool
3601 W Chicago Avenue.........773-533-5570
Nobel Neighbors
5600 S Woodlawn..................773-667-2525
1556 E 56th Street..................773-535-0870
1345 N Karlov Avenue............773-252-8524
Smart Money Housing (Smart
Women Smart Money)
Chicago Child Care Society
5467 S University Avenue........773-643-0452
Little City Foundation
700 N Sacramento Avenue......773-265-1539
Shelter Interfaith House
3456 W Franklin Boulevard.....773-533-6013
Mother’s House
Hyde Park Neighborhood Club
5480 S Kenwood.....................773-643-4062
5200 S Hyde Park Boulevard...773-753-3080
Ray Elementary School
5631 S Kimbark Avenue..........773-535-0970
Parent Cooperative for Early
5300 S South Shore Drive.......773-684-6363
Child-Parent Center
5631 S Kimbark Avenue..........773-535-0970
Chicago Child Care Society
3809 W Grand Avenue............773-276-0200
5467 S University Avenue........773-256-2450
Head Start
Hyde Park Neighborhood Club
Computer Training Institute of
1424 E 53rd Street..................773-952-6030
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
Friend And Family Health Center
800 E 55th Street....................773-702-0660
5480 S Kenwood Avenue........773-643-4062
1706 N Kedzie Avenue............773-227-2158
Private Elementary School
University of Chicago Hospitals
and Health System
Gateway Foundation, Inc. /
Chicago Outpatient
Akiba-Schechter Day School
5841 S Maryland Avenue........773-702-1000
4301 W Grand Avenue............773-862-2279
St. Thomas the Apostle School
Louise Landau Community
Health Center
5467 S Woodlawn Avenue......773-667-1142
5235 S Cornell Avenue............773-493-8880
Providence Family Services
Homework Club
3645 W Chicago Avenue.........773-826-3450
The University of Chicago
Labaratory Schools
1540 N Monticello Avenue......773-235-8264
Youth Service Project
1362 E 59th Street..................773-702-9451
3942 W North Avenue............773-772-6270
Friend Family Health Center Inc.
800 E 55th Street....................773-702-3719
Mental Heath Clinics
Alternative Behavior Treatment
Centers - Hyde Park Outpatient
1525 E 53rd Street..................773-324-1151
5516 S Cornell Avenue.............773-324-KICK
Atoms to Stars
5405 S Woodlawn Avenue......773-667-3710
Big Buddies
5845 S Ellis Avenue Suite B.....773-702-8288
Chicago Child Care Society
Workforce Development
Gateway Foundation, Inc. Kedzie
5333 S Greenwood Avenue....773-241-5700
Jewish Community Centers of
Chicago - Hyde Park
Substance Abuse Resources
El Rincon Community Clinic
936 E 54th Street....................773-535-0980
Hyde Park Kenwood Interfaith
American Youth Soccer
Organization (AYSO) Region 751
Community Partnership Program
1116 N Kedzie Avenue............773-772-8009
CARC - Foster and Respite Care
Senior Congregate Dining
904 N Saint Louis....................773-252-5360
Association House Of Chicago
Food Pantries
5335 S Kenwood Avenue........773-535-0585
5480 S Kenwood Avenue........773-643-4062
1116 N Kedzie 5th floor..........773-489-9081
Kozminski Elementary Community Academy
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Spanish Coalition For Housing
Chicago Abused Women Coalition
Disability Services and Education
5600 S Woodlawn Avenue......773-363-6063
Hyde Park Neighborhood Club
Parenting Training
Murray Elementary Language
3510 W Franklin Boulevard.....773-533-0243
4035 W North Avenue............773-342-7575
Harte Elementary School
senior services
General Senior Services
5467 S University Avenue........773-643-0452
Friend And Family Health Center
800 E 55th Street....................773-702-0042
Jewish Community Centers of
Chicago - Hyde Park
Gregg Tutoring Ltd
5200 S Hyde Park Boulevard...773-753-3080
Hyde Park Art Center
University of Chicago Hospitals
and Health System - Windermere
5307 S Hyde Park Boulevard...773-325-5520
1642 E 56th Street..................773-702-8840
Golden Diner Program
Hyde Park Neighborhood Club
5480 S Kenwood Avenue........312-744-4016
1525 E 53rd Street..................773-667-9129
Hyde Park Jewish Community
5200 S Hyde Park Boulevard...773-753-3080
Hyde Park Neighborhood Club
5480 S Kenwood Avenue........773-643-4062
Hyde Park Union Church
5600 S Woodlawn Avenue......773-363-6063
social services
University of Chicago Child
and Adolescent Department of
5841 S Maryland Avenue........773-702-9708
Lawrence Jordan Foundation
5443 S Ridgewood Court........773-548-2299
Next Step
5440 S Drexel Avenue.............773-834-4504
Office of Special Programs College Prep (Upward Bound)
5845 S Ellis Avenue.................773-702-8288
3645 W Chicago.....................773-826-3450
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Extracurricular Youth Activities
1525 E 53rd Street..................773-288-5167
Workforce Development
Chicago Tabernacle
Sankofa Youth Development Inst
Korean American Community
Iglesia Face De Dios Pentecostal
Providing Artistic Cultural &
Career Awareness For Youth
5201 S Cornell Avenue Suite 1.773-542-8634
United Church of Hyde Park
Tutoring Program
4300 N California Avenue.......773-583-5501
Marco Polo Esthetics School
4201 N Troy Street..................773-583-7344
3802 N Elston Avenue............773-276-7013
Immaculate Heart of Mary
1448 E 53rd Street..................773-793-3083
4011 W School Street..............773-205-5400
3834 N Spaulding Avenue......773-478-1157
United Church of Hyde Park
Youth Ministry Programs
Samland Institute of Allied
Health and Technology
3938 W Belle Plaine Avenue...773-267-1666
4320 W Montrose Avenue......773-283-0440
1448 E 53rd Street..................773-363-1620
Young Life
5421 S Dorchester Avenue......773-752-2897
Interpretation and Translation
h e a lt h c a r e
DFSS Community
Service Center
Trina Davila Center
Kindred Hospital Chicago Central
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
4058 W Melrose Street...........773-736-7000
Domenech & Assoc
5401 S Hyde Park Boulevard...773-684-2949
Parenting Training
Chicago Child Care Society
5467 S University Avenue........773-643-0452
University of Chicago Child
and Adolescent Department of
5841 S Maryland Avenue........773-702-9708
Substance Abuse Resources
Indiana Avenue DUI Service
1525 E 53rd Street..................773-684-8507
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Korean American Community
4300 N California Avenue.......773-583-5501
Adult Literacy - General Education
Korean American Community
4300 N California Avenue.......773-583-5501
Chicago Public Library
3548 W Irving Park Road........312-744-0900
Child Care
Bateman Elementary School
4220 N Richmond Street.........773-534-5055
Cleveland Elementary School
3121 W Byron Street...............773-534-5130
Korean American Community
4300 N California Avenue.......773-583-5501
Private Elementary School
Park View Lutheran School
St. Viator School
4140 W Addison Street...........773-545-2173
Public Elementary School
Bateman Elementary School
Cleveland Elementary School
3121 W Byron Street...............773-534-5130
Disney II Elementary School
Henry Elementary School
St. Viator School
Marshall Middle School
3023 W Montrose Avenue......773-539-7422
4140 W Addison Street...........773-545-2173
4300 N California Avenue.......773-583-5501
Lydia Learn and Care
(A Preschool Program of Lydia
Home Association)
4300 W Irving Park Road........773-736-1447
Saint Paul’s House and Health
Care Center - Byron
2815 W Byron Street...............773-583-8385
Community Partnership Program
Irving Park Early Learning
Center School
3023 W Montrose Avenue......773-539-7422
Kidwatch Plus
3901 N Ridgeway...................773-539-5431
Salvation Army Corps Community
Center Irving Park
Food Pantries
4056 N Pulaski Road..............773-545-2948
Irving Park Early Learning
Center School
3801 N Keeler Avenue............773-283-6296
Northwest Church of Christ
4602 N Kilbourn Avenue.........773-283-2586
Salvation Army Irving Park
Food Pantry
Schurz High School
3601 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-534-3420
St. Viator Church
4170 W Addison Street...........773-286-4040
UCAN Uhlich Children’s Advantage
4251 W Irving Park Road........773-777-7500
4257 N Tripp Avenue...............773-534-3590
St. Edward School
3855 N Elston Avenue............773-267-7660
3753 N Troy Street..................773-539-3652
Senior Congragate Dining
3815 N Kedvale Avenue..........773-534-3750
ABC Nursery School
New Apostolic Church Chicago Branch
Belding Elementary School
4250 N Saint Louis Avenue.....773-534-5060
Korean American Community
3850 N Tripp Avenue...............773-545-3234
3737 N Mozart Street.............773-588-0180
4343 W Sunnyside Avenue......773-736-9133
3901 N Ridgeway...................773-539-5431
Mt Olive Church
4056 N Pulaski Road..............773-685-7676
3919 N Monticello Avenue......773-267-0072
Private Preschool
4300 N California Avenue.......773-583-5501
4220 N Richmond Street.........773-534-5055
Irving Park Early Learning Center
Kidwatch Plus
Korean American Community
Irving Park Community Food Pantry
Head Start
Irving Park Lutheran Church
3900 N Lawndale Avenue.......773-534-5200
Murphy Elementary School
3539 W Grace Street...............773-534-5223
Scammon Elementary School
4201 W Henderson Street.......773-534-3475
Korean American Community
4300 N California Avenue.......773-583-5501
senior services
General Senior Services
Christian Churches Caring
Housing Assistance
Korean American Community
4300 N California Avenue.......773-583-5501
Interpretation and Translation
4011 N Avers Avenue..............773-539-8950
Seoul Consulting Co
Salvation Army Corps Community
Center Irving Park
Parenting Training
4056 N Pulaski Road..............773-685-7676
4403 W Lawrence Avenue......773-777-0797
Korean American Community
Public Preschool
social services
3023 W Montrose Avenue......773-539-7422
Bateman Elementary School
Kidwatch Plus
Lydia Home Association
4220 N Richmond Street.........773-534-5055
Lydia Home Association
Tuesday’s Child
3901 N Ridgeway...................773-539-5431
Belding Elementary School
Lydia Learn and Care (A Preschool Program of Lydia Home
4257 N Tripp Avenue...............773-534-3590
4300 W Irving Park Road.773-736-1447 x231
Disney II Elementary School
Park View Lutheran School
3815 N Kedvale Avenue..........773-534-3750
Disability Services and Education
3919 N Monticello Avenue......773-267-0072
Henry Elementary School
4250 N Saint Louis Avenue.....773-534-5060
Independence Park
Rainbow School
3250 W Irving Park Road........773-478-8182
Murphy Elementary School
St. Edward School
3539 W Grace Street...............773-534-5223
4343 W Sunnyside Avenue......773-736-9133
Scammon Elementary School
Cleveland Elementary School
3121 W Byron Street...............773-534-5130
4300 W Irving Park Road........773-653-2200
UCAN Uhlich Children’s Advantage
4300 N California Avenue.......773-583-5501
4300 W Irving Park Road........773-653-2200
4028 W Irving Park Road........773-282-5274
3737 N Mozart Street.............773-588-0180
3945 N Springfield Avenue.....312-478-3538
Kindred Hospital Chicago Central
4058 W Melrose Street...........773-736-7000
4201 W Henderson Street.......773-534-3475
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Public Elementary School
Workforce Development
Ariel Elementary Community
Northwestern College
4829 N Lipps Avenue..............773-777-4220
social services
1119 E 46th Street..................773-535-1996
Canter Middle School
4959 S Blackstone Avenue......773-535-1410
Price Lit & Writing Elementary
Extracurricular Youth Activities
4351 S Drexel Boulevard.........773-535-1300
Chicago Park District - Gladstone Park
Reavis Elementary Math & Sci
Spec School
5421 N Menard Avenue..........773-631-7859
Mike Amundsen Sports Center
834 E 50th Street....................773-535-1060
DFSS Community
Service Center
6125 W Foster Avenue............773-775-4041
Trina Davila Center
New Life Jefferson Park
DFSS Community
Service Center
5518 W Gettysburg Street.......773-777-3360
King Center
Northwest Fellowship Baptist Church
4314 S. Cottage Grove Ave.....312-747-2300
Public Preschool
Ed u c a t i o n
Ariel Elementary Community
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
6125 W Foster Avenue............773-763-5300
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
St. Constance Church
5843 W Strong Street..............773-545-8581
PNA Polish Information Center
Interpretation and Translation
5711 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-763-8520
Bilingual Communications Inc
Child Care
5646 N Major Avenue.............773-631-6895
Chicago Public Library
4904 S Lake Park Avenue........312-747-0511
Child Care
Care-A-Lot Child Development Center
Centers for New Horizons Dr.
King High School
5522 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-763-0888
4445 S Drexel.........................773-285-3327
Private Elementary School
Child-Parent Center
St. Constance School
5841 W Strong Street..............773-283-2311
Reavis Elementary Math & Sci
Spec School
St. Cornelius School
5252 N Long Avenue..............773-283-2192
Private Preschool
Care-A-Lot Child Development
5522 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-763-0888
St. Constance School
5841 W Strong Street..............773-283-2311
St. Cornelius School
5252 N Long Avenue..............773-283-2192
Public Elementary School
Beaubien Elementary School
5025 N Laramie Avenue..........773-534-3500
Farnsworth Elementary School
5414 N Linder Avenue............773-534-3535
Public Preschool
Beaubien Elementary School
5025 N Laramie Avenue..........773-534-3500
Farnsworth Elementary School
5414 N Linder Avenue............773-534-3535
Shoesmith Elementary School
1330 E 50th Street..................773-535-1764
1119 E 46th Street..................773-535-1996
Reavis Elementary Math & Sci
Spec School
834 E 50th Street....................773-535-1060
senior services
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
Cottage View Health Center
General Senior Services
Lifelink - Greencastle of Kenwood
4909 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-624-6300
4829 S Cottage Grove............773-548-1170
834 E 50th Street....................773-535-1060
Heartland Human Care Services,
Disability Services and Education
Community Partnership Program
4657 S Drexel Boulevard.........773-624-6148
4745 S Ellis.............................773-268-6066
Head Start
Food Pantries
Centers For New Horizons
Kenwood Oakland Community
4301 S Cottage Grove
Reavis Elementary Math & Sci
Spec School
1005 E 43rd Street..................773-548-7500
834 E 50th Street....................773-535-1060
Soup Kitchen
Private Elementary School
4608 S Drexel Boulevard.........773-373-2909
Hyde Park SDA Soup Kitchen
4770 S Dorchester Avenue......773-924-2356
Kenwood Oakland Community
The Cambridge School Chicago
1005 E 43rd Street..................773-548-7500
Ancona School Society Inc
4611 S Ellis Avenue.................773-924-1200
Private Preschool
Ancona School Society Inc
4770 S Dorchester Avenue......773-924-2356
Just For Kids
5036 S Blackstone..................773-841-3730
The Cambridge School Chicago
4611 S Ellis Avenue.................773-924-1200
Kenwood United Church of Christ
4608 S Greenwood Avenue....773-373-2861
5001 S Ellis.............................773-268-4910
Young Life Hyde Park
4524 S Ellis Avenue.................312-285-3364
Youth As Possibility Chicago, Inc.
1365 E 48th Street..................773-285-3839
social services
Creative Mansion School
Lifelink - Greencastle of Kenwood
4909 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-624-6300
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Ariel Exploratorium
1119 E 46th Street..................773-285-2687
Center for New Horizons Wendell Phillips High School
4301 S Cottage Grove............773-373-5700
Chicago Park District Kennicot Park
4434 S Lake Park Avenue........312-747-7138
God Squad Inc
4941 S Drexel Boulevard.........773-548-0400
Hyde Park Art Center
5020 S Cornell Avenue............773-324-5520
Hyde Park Seventh Day Adventist
4608 S Drexel Boulevard.........773-373-2909
KAM Isaiah Israel Congregation
1100 E Hyde Park Boulevard...773-924-1234
Kenwood Academy
5015 S Blackstone Avenue......773-535-1350
Kenwood Oakland Community
1238 E 46th Street..................773-548-7500
Kenwood United Church of Christ
4608 S Greenwood Avenue....773-373-2861
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Mental Heath Clinics
Mount Carmel Academy
720 W Belmont Avenue..........773-525-8779
Advocate Northside
St Luke Academy
836 W Wellington Avenue.......773-296-3220
1500 W Belmont Avenue........773-472-3837
Chicago Division of Mental
Health - Lakeview Testing
St. Andrew School
1710 W Addison Street...........773-248-2500
2861 N Clark Street................312-744-0167
The Chicago City Day School
Counseling Center of Lake View
541 W Hawthorne Place.........773-327-0900
3225 N Sheffield Avenue........773-549-5886
Thresholds - Bridge North
Private Preschool
4101 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-572-5500
Alphonsus Academy and Center
for the Arts
DFSS Community
Service Center
1439 W Wellington Avenue.....773-348-4629
Apple Tree Learning Center
North Area Center
1733 W Irving Park..................773-665-4405
4740 N. Sheridan Road...........312-744-2580
Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day Sch
Food Pantries
Faith Tabernacle Church: North
3750 N Halsted Street.............773-525-8480
3751 N Broadway Street.........773-281-1858
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
Lakeview Learning Center
3310 N Clark..........................773-907-4400
Chicago Public Library
Lincoln Belmont
1659 W Melrose Street...........312-744-0166
644 W Belmont Avenue..........312-744-1139
Lakeview Pantry
Florence Heller Jewish Community Center
3831 N Broadway Street.........773-525-1777
Lakeview Pantry - West
524 W Melrose Avenue...........773-871-6780
1414 W Oakdale Avenue........773-404-6333
JCYS Lakeview Family Center
Open Arms United WorshipCenter
957 W Grace Street.................773-281-2533
Mount Carmel Academy
720 W Belmont Avenue..........773-525-8779
St. Andrew School
1710 W Addison Street...........773-248-2500
St. Luke Academy
1500 W Belmont Avenue........773-472-3837
The Chicago City Day School
Public Preschool
Agassiz Elementary School
Workforce Development
2851 N Seminary Avenue........773-534-5725
Blaine Elementary School
1420 W Grace Street...............773-534-5750
Burley Elementary School
1630 W Barry Avenue.............773-534-5475
Pyramid Career Institute
Lakeview Pantry
4101 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-572-5500
Florence Heller Jewish Community Center
Public Elementary School
Courtenay Elementary Language
Arts Ctr
524 W Melrose Avenue...........773-871-6780
Agassiz Elementary School
1726 W Berteau Avenue.........773-534-5790
2851 N Seminary Avenue........773-534-5725
Greeley Elementary School
h e a lt h c a r e
Blaine Elementary School
832 W Sheridan Road.............773-534-5800
1420 W Grace Street...............773-534-5750
Hamilton Elementary School
Community Health Centers
Burley Elementary School
1650 W Cornelia Avenue........773-534-5484
1630 W Barry Avenue.............773-534-5475
Inter-American Elementary Magnet School
Hull House Association Child
3212 N Broadway...................773-534-5814
JCYS Lakeview Family Center
957 W Grace Street.................773-281-2533
Community Partnership Program
Thresholds Mothers’ Project
1110 W Belmont.....................773-472-0328
Head Start
Courtenay Elementary Language
Arts Ctr
1726 W Berteau Avenue.........773-534-5790
Nettelhorst Elementary School
Greeley Elementary School
3252 N Broadway Street.........773-534-5810
832 W Sheridan Road.............773-534-5800
Ravenswood Elementary School
Hamilton Elementary School
4332 N Paulina Street.............773-534-5525
1650 W Cornelia Avenue........773-534-5484
Tuition-Based Preschool
Hawthorne Elem Scholastic
3319 N Clifton Avenue............773-534-5550
LeMoyne Elementary
Inter-American Elementary Magnet School
851 W Waveland.....................773-534-5736
851 W Waveland Avenue........773-534-5490
Private Elementary School
Nettelhorst Elementary School
Alphonsus Academy and Center
for the Arts
Ravenswood Elementary School
1439 W Wellington Avenue.....773-348-4629
851 W Waveland Avenue........773-534-5490
3252 N Broadway Street.........773-534-5810
4332 N Paulina Street.............773-534-5525
Agassiz Elementary School
Work Wise Foundation
3057 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-975-9898
3831 N Broadway Street.........773-525-1777
Senior Congregate Dining
Triad Health Practice
3000 N Halsted.......................773-296-8400
Dental Clinics
Lake View School-Based Health
4015 N Ashland Avenue.........773-404-0447
3801 N Pine Grove Avenue.....773-477-4160
1456 W Oakdale Avenue........773-348-9011
Presbyterian Homes Lake View Place
Illinois Masonic Medical Center
416 W Barry Avenue...............773-477-4160
Golden Diner Program
836 W Wellington Avenue.......773-975-1600
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Center on Halsted - Youth Programs
Center on Halsted
3656 N Halsted.......................773-472-6469
3656 N Halsted.......................773-472-6469
Chicago Park District - Gill Park
Clark/Irving Apartments
825 W Sheridan Road.............312-742-7802
3920 N Clark Street................312-744-4016
Counseling Center of Lakeview
Filipino American Council
3225 N Sheffield Avenue........773-549-5886
1332 W Irving Park Road........312-744-4016
Lakeview Presbyterian Church
2855 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-472-6469
716 W Addison Street.............312-744-4016
Howard Brown Health Center Broadway Youth Center
social services
3179 N Broadway.......... 773-935-3151 x234
Lake View High School,
ETC Business Programs
Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical
Center, Mental Health Center
4015 N Ashland Avenue.........773-534-5440
3040 N Wilton Avenue 2nd floor.....................
3000 N Halsted Street.............773-296-8400
Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Mental Health Center
Housing Assistance
1700 W Irving Park..................773-404-6467
4101 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-572-5500
Center on Halsted
Interpretation and Translation
Filipino American Council of
3656 N Halsted Street.............773-472-6469
1722 W Nelson Street.............773-404-8016
Counseling Centers of Lakeview
Esperanto Language Svc Co
3225 N Sheffield.....................773-549-5886
452 W Aldine Avenue..............773-549-0982
Lakeview Presbytarian Church
Howard Brown Health Center Broadway Youth Center
German Language Svc
716 W Addison.......................773-281-2655
Soup Kitchen
3179 N Broadway Street.........773-935-3151
Spanish Educational Publishing
Live Oak
1000 W Diversey Parkway.......773-477-6196
Lakeview Pantry
1300 W Belmont Suite 400.....773-880-1310
Translegal Inc
3831 N Broadway Avenue......773-525-1777
National Runaway Switchboard
834 W Diversey Parkway.........773-348-2309
Illinois Masonic Medical Center
Lakeview Neighborhood Health
2849 N Clark Street................312-744-1027
Rom-Rymer & Associates
2835 N Sheffield Avenue Suite 203................
senior services
General Senior Services
Chicago Department of Public
Health - Lakeview Clinic
Counseling Center of Lake View
3225 N Sheffield Avenue........773-549-5886
825 W Wellington Avenue.......773-327-9921
835 W Addison Street.............773-327-1389
2861 N Clark Street................312-744-5507
Hull House Association - Senior
Association of Horizon
Northside Housing
3712 N Broadway Avenue......773-477-5170
835 W Addison Street.............773-327-1389
501 W Surf Street....................312-922-2183
CARC - Lakeview Early Intervention
Program (0-3)
Open Door Shelter
Burley Elementary School
1630 W Barry Avenue.............773-534-5475
Hamilton Elementary School
1650 W Cornelia Avenue........773-534-5484
Ravenswood Elementary School
4332 N Paulina Street.............773-534-5525
3751 N Broadway Street.........773-281-1858
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Lakeview Presbyterian Church
716 W Addison Street.............773-281-2655
Alexian Brothers - Bonaventure
Magnolia House Counseling Center
3717 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-871-4717
Resurrection Addiction Services Lincoln Park
2913 N Commonwealth Ave...847-493-5500
938 W Nelson Street...............773-296-3220
2900 N Lake Shore Drive.........773-665-3000
1420 W Grace Street...............773-534-5750
3225 N Sheffield Avenue........773-549-5886
Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical
Center, Mental Health Center
Blaine Elementary School
Disability Services and Education
Counseling Center Of Lakeview
Parenting Training
2851 N Seminary Avenue........773-534-5725
4101 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-572-5500
938 W Nelson Street...............773-296-3220
3844 N Kenmore Avenue........312-642-4454
Saint Joseph Hospital and Health
Care Center
Behavioral Health Services At
Aimmc - Advocate Health
American Playwrights
1332 W Irving Park Road........773-281-1210
825 W Wellington...................773-327-9921
3333 N Marshfield Avenue.....773-248-3333
Canine Therapy Corps
3080 N Lincoln Avenue 800-786-2929
Alexian Brothers - Bonaventure
938 W Nelson Street...............773-296-3220
2855 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-472-6469
Substance Abuse Resources
3920 N Clark..........................773-348-8869
836 W Wellington Avenue.......773-975-1600
Deborah’s Place - Marah’s Permanent Housing Program
Center on Halsted (formerly Horizons
Community Services)
Clark/Irving Apartments
Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day Sch
1511 W Irving Park Road........773-296-4532
Home Delivered Meals
541 W Hawthorne Place.........773-327-0900
615 W Wellington Avenue.......773-751-1870
Philipino American SSHRC
3057 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-975-9898
Child Care
Heartland Alliance for Human
Needs and Human Rights - Learning Center
3750 N Halsted Street Entrance on Side..........
Presbyterian Homes Crowder Place
4101 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-472-3558
Lakeview Shelter
3262 N Clark Street................773-296-1485
1733 W Irving Park Road........773-248-6622
St. Clement School
senior services
2524 N Orchard Street............773-348-8212
General Senior Services
St. Josaphat School
Anixter Center - Community
Resources and Support
2245 N Southport Avenue.......773-549-0909
Private Preschool
2032 N Clybourn Avenue........773-929-8200
Cardinal Bernardin Early Childhood Center
Golden Diner Program
Dickens/Burling Apartments
1651 W Diversey Parkway.......773-975-6330
2111 N Halsted Street.............312-744-4016
Christopher House
Lathrop Senior Apartments
2507 N Greenview Avenue.....773-472-1083
2717 N Leavitt Street..............312-744-4016
Creme de la Creme
DFSS Community
Service Center
Lincoln/Sheffield Apartments
2230 N Dominick Street..........773-598-5462
2640 N Sheffield.....................773-549-8450
Lincoln Park Coop Nursery School
North Area Center
1753 N Fern Court..................312-944-5469
4740 N. Sheridan Road...........312-744-2580
Montessori Dela Citta
social services
1501 W Fullerton Avenue........773-348-7340
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Christopher House
2507 N Greenview Avenue.....773-472-1083
Adult Literacy - General Education
2524 N Orchard Street............773-348-8212
St. James Lutheran
2101 N Fremont Street............773-525-4990
St. Josaphat School
Christopher House
450 W Menomonee................773-266-2573
2507 N Greenview Avenue.....773-472-1083
The Lincoln Park Preschool
312 W Belden Avenue.............773-665-0110
Lincoln Park
Public Elementary School
1150 W Fullerton Avenue........312-744-1926
Alcott Elementary School
Saint Vincent DePaul Center
2145 N Halsted Avenue..........312-943-6776
Community Partnership Program
Christopher House
2507 N Greenview Avenue.....773-472-1083
2032 N Clybourn Avenue 733-929-8200
St. Clement School
The Chalkboard
2507 N Greenview Avenue.....773-472-1083
Anixter Center
2145 N Halsted Avenue..........312-943-6776
2032 N Clybourn............ 773-929-8200 x265
Christopher House
2222 N Racine........................773-248-9436
Saint Vincent DePaul Center
Anixter Center
Child Care
A Home Within
2335 N Orchard......................773-327-1115
2245 N Southport Avenue.......773-549-0909
Chicago Public Library
Park West Coop Nursery School
2625 N Orchard Street............773-534-5460
LaSalle Elementary Language
Children’s Memorial Hospital/
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Tuition-Based Preschool
Mental Heath Clinics
Alcott Elementary School
2625 N Orchard Street............773-534-5460
De Paul University Community
Mental Health Center
Mayer Elementary School
2219 N Kenmore Avenue........773-325-7780
Christopher House
2250 N Clifton Avenue............773-534-5535
Thresholds - Dincin Center for
2507 N Greenview..................773-472-1083
Newberry Elementary Math &
Science Acad
2700 N Lakeview Avenue........773-281-3800
Workforce Development
Anixter Center
DePaul Family and Community
2219 N Kenmore Avenue........773-325-7780
700 W Willow Street...............773-534-8000
700 W Fullerton Avenue..........773-880-4800
2145 N Halsted Street.............312-943-6776
Disability Services and Education
2400 N Sheffield Avenue........312-362-6300
1010 W Webster Avenue.........773-327-1113
Lifelink - North Orchard Place
2145 N Halsted Street.............312-943-6776
924 W Montana Street............773-306-8665
Lincoln Park Zoo
2150 N Cannon Drive.............312-742-2460
Menomonee Club For Boys & Girls
244 W Willow Street...............312-664-4631
Peggy Notebart Museum
2430 N Cannon Drive.............773-468-1645
Snow City Arts Foundation Children’s Memorial Hospital
2300 N Children’s Plaza..........312-942-6991
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
2335 N Orchard Street............773-348-3829
Tutorial Services - Lincoln Park
High School
2001 N Orchard Street... 773-534-8130 x183
Interpretation and Translation
International Language Svc
2707 N Halsted Street.............773-525-8590
Japan Intercultural Consulting
2637 N Marshfield Avenue.....773-528-1370
Anixter Center
Saint Vincent DePaul Center Food
Lincoln Elementary School
St. Vincent de Paul Center
KnowledgePoints of Chicago
Parenting Training
Anixter Center
Newberry Elementary Math &
Science Acad
1726 N Orchard Street............312-482-9517
St. Vincent de Paul Center
St. Vincent DePaul Parish Food
2250 N Clifton Avenue............773-534-5535
Jewish Council for Youth Services
1707 N Halsted Street.............312-440-1203
DePaul University
2320 N Kenmore Avenue........773-325-7740
2314 N Clark Street................773-388-1010
Food Pantries
1734 N Orleans Street.............773-534-8470
Mayer Elementary School
Huntington Learning Center,
Lincoln Park
Juvenile Protective Association
2145 N Halsted Street.. 312-943-6776 x2130
DePaul University School of
2320 N Kenmore Avenue........773-325-4712
2001 N Clybourn Avenue........773-248-6500
615 W Kemper Place...............773-534-5720
Depaul University, School of
Education, GEARUP Program
Senior Congregate Dining
Clark Webster Apartments
2140 N Clark..........................312-674-3366
2032 N Clybourn............ 773-929-8200 x270
1600 N Orchard Street............312-787-0303
National Lekotek Center
2001 N Clybourn Avenue........773-528-5766
2001 N Clybourn Avenue 2nd Fl.....................
DePaul Family and Community
2219 N Kenmore Avenue........773-325-7780
St. Vincent de Paul Center
2145 N Halsted Street.............312-943-6776
Lincoln Park Community Shelter
Dickens/Burling Apartments
Extracurricular Youth Activities
2111 N Halsted.......................312-744-4016
h e a lt h c a r e
Anixter Center
Larrabee Apartments
2001 N Clybourn Avenue........773-248-6500
Substance Abuse Resources
Dental Clinics
1845 N Larrabee.....................312-751-9450
Anixter Center - Outpatient
Alcott Elementary School
Children’s Memorial Hospital Division of Dentistry
Cabrini Green Tutoring Program,
2717 N Leavitt........................773-248-5342
2145 N Halsted Street.............312-397-9119
2001 N Clybourn.....................773-549-0208
2625 N Orchard Street............773-534-5460
467 W Deming Suite 900........773-327-2950
Lincoln/Sheffield Apartments
Christopher House
New Hope Recovery Center
Cardinal Bernardin Early
Childhood Center
Mayer Elementary School
Pediatric Dentistry
2250 N Clifton Avenue............773-534-5535
2300 Children’s Plaza Suite 75.773-880-4593
1651 W Diversey Parkway.......773-975-6330
Prescott Elementary School
Francis W. Parker Schools
1632 W Wrightwood Avenue..773-534-5505
Special Education
2300 Children’s Plaza.............773-880-4000
Saint Vincent DePaul Center
2145 N Halsted Avenue..........773-943-6776
Head Start
Christopher House
2507 N Greenview Avenue.....773-472-1083
Private Elementary School
330 W Webster Avenue...........773-797-5110
St James Lutheran
2101 N Fremont Street............773-525-4990
700 W Willow Street...............773-534-8000
Prescott Elementary School
1632 W Wrightwood Avenue..773-534-5505
Public Preschool
Anixter Center
Children’s Memorial Hospital
Lathrop Senior Apartments
2640 N Sheffield.....................312-674-4393
2507 N Greenview.......773-472-1083 x3069
Little Sisters of the Poor
Church of Our Saviour
2325 N Lakewood Avenue......773-935-9600
530 W Fullerton Parkway........773-549-3832
Soup Kitchen
Cognitive Solutions Learning
Center, Inc.
Christopher House
2409 N Clybourn Avenue........773-755-1775
642 W Deming Place...............312-549-6111
2451 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-883-3916
2507 N Greenview Avenue.....773-472-1083
2032 N Clybourn.....................773-929-8200
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Early Head Start
St. Augustine College
Food Pantries
2443 W Foster.........................773-878-8756
North Shore SDA Church
Head Start
5220 N California Avenue.......773-561-0282
Hull House Association Lincoln
SDA Church Food Pantry
2120 W Sunnyside Avenue......773-989-8140
4754 N Leavitt........................773-878-8651
Senior Congregate Dining
McPherson Elementary School
4728 N Wolcott Avenue..........773-534-4625
Northeast Levy Senior
Regional Center
Private Elementary School
2019 W Lawrence...................312-744-4016
DFSS Community
Service Center
Lawrence Hall Youth Services
North Area Center
Little Angels
4740 N. Sheridan Road...........312-744-2580
5117 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-334-1414
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Jane Addams Resource Corporation
4432 N Ravenswood 2nd Floor.......................
773-728-9769 x64
senior services
General Senior Services
Northeast Levy Senior
Regional Center
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
Alternative Schools Network
1807 W Sunnyside Suite 1D....773-728-4030
Cambodian Association of Illinois
2831 W Lawrence Avenue......773-878-7090
Jane Addams Resource Corporation
4432 N Ravenswood 2nd Floor.......................
773-728-9769 x64
Chicago Public Library
Sulzer Regional
4455 N Lincoln Avenue...........312-744-7616
Child Care
Cambodian Association of Illinois
2831 W Lawrence Avenue......773-878-7090
Hull House Association Lincoln
4754 N Leavitt........................773-878-8651
Rogers Park Montessori School
1800 W Balmoral Avenue........773-271-1700
Swedish Covenant Hospital
Child Care
5220 N California Avenue.......773-769-0733
Ravenswood Baptist Christian
Rogers Park Montessori School
Public Preschool
Budlong Elementary School
St. Matthias/Transfiguration
Chappell Elementary School
4910 N Claremont Avenue......773-784-0999
Private Preschool
Adler Schools, Inc.
2239 W Lawrence Avenue......773-728-1200
Little Angels
2135 W Foster Avenue............773-534-2390
McPherson Elementary School
4728 N Wolcott Avenue..........773-534-2625
Waters Elementary School
4540 N Campbell Avenue.......773-534-5090
Special Education
Little Fox Day School
Gateway to Learning School
5014 N Lincoln Street.............773-561-7206
4925 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-784-3200
North Shore SDA Junior Academy
Lawrence Hall-Day
5220 N California Avenue.......773-769-0733
4833 N Francisco Avenue........773-769-3500
Queen of Angels School
Tuition-Based Preschool
4520 N Western Avenue.........773-769-4211
Rogers Park Montessori School
1800 W Balmoral Avenue........773-271-1700
St. Matthias/Transfiguration
4910 N Claremont Avenue......773-784-0999
Swedish Covenant Hospital Child
5140 N California....................773-907-1008
Child-Parent Center
2701 W Foster Avenue............773-534-2591
4908 N Damen.......................773-271-4495
Chappell Elementary School
Community Partnership Program
McPherson Elementary School
Ravenswood Community CCC
4728 N Wolcott Avenue..........773-534-2625
2135 W Foster Avenue............773-534-2390
Waters Elementary School
4540 N Campbell Avenue.......773-534-5090
The Enterprising Kitchen
Waters Elementary School
4540 N Campbell Avenue.......773-534-5090
Workforce Development
Alternative Schools Network Main Office
1807 W Sunnyside Avenue......773-728-4030
Cambodian Association of Illinois
2019 W Lawrence Avenue......312-744-4016
4426 N Ravenswood..............773-506-3880
2701 W Foster Avenue............773-534-2591
5117 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-334-1414
Budlong Elementary School
Northeast Levy Senior
Regional Center
1800 W Balmoral Avenue........773-271-1700
Public Elementary School
4908 N Damen.......................773-271-4495
Golden Diner Program
4520 N Western Avenue.........773-769-4211
5140 N California....................773-907-1008
Ravenswood Community CCC
2019 W Lawrence Avenue......312-744-0784
Queen of Angels School
4437 N Seeley Avenue............773-561-6576
4925 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-784-3200
Hull House Association Lincoln
4754 N Leavitt Street..............773-878-9651
JHP Community Center
5110 N Western Avenue.........312-952-2126
Lawrence Hall Therapeutic Day
4833 N Francisco Avenue........773-769-3511
Lawrence Hall Youth Services/Hit
the Books
4833 N Francisco Avenue........312-456-6056
4833 N Francisco Avenue........773-769-3511
North Shore SDA Junior Academy
Ed u c a t i o n
Gateway to Learning School
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
4455 N Seeley Avenue............773-561-6576
Ravenswood Evangelical
Covenant Church
4900 N Damen Avenue...........773-784-7091
Saint Matthias School
4910 N Claremont..................773-784-0999
St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox
2727 W Winona Street............773-561-5992
social services
Young Women’s Empowerment
2334 W Lawrence Avenue......773-728-0127
Cambodian Association of Illinois
Substance Abuse Resources
Erie Teen Health Center
2831 W Lawrence Avenue......773-878-7090
1945 W Wilson........................312-491-2404
Lawrence Hall Youth Services
Theraputic Day School
Lincoln Square
Ravenswood Baptist Christian
Avance, Inc.
4765 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-293-1770
2645 W Lawrence...................773-275-1680
4833 N Francisco Avenue........773-769-3500
DUI Counseling Center At
Lawrence &
Dental Clinics
Disability Services and Education
2334 W Lawrence...................773-271-4858
Advocate Illinois Masonic Mobil
Friedman Place
1945 W Wilson Avenue Suite 5106
Kindred Hospital Chicago North
Heartland Health Center - Lincoln
2544 W Montrose Avenue......773-267-2622
2456 W Lawrence Avenue......773-275-1680
4833 N Fransisco Avenue........773-769-0106
Illinois Masonic Dental Van at
Admunsen High School
Search Developmental Center
5110 N Damen Street.............773-275-1358
Welles Park
2333 W Sunnyside Avenue......312-742-7511
5527 N Maplewood Avenue...773-989-9800
Lawrence Hall Youth Services
4930 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-271-8282
Kindred Hospital Chicago North
Extracurricular Youth Activities
2544 W Montrose Avenue......773-267-2622
A-Class Learning System After
School Program at JHP
Community Center
Swedish Covenant Hospital
5145 N California Avenue.......773-878-8200
2831 W Lawrence Avenue......773-878-7090
Illinois Employment and Training
Center - Lawrence
2444 W Lawrence Avenue......773-334-6646
Jane Addams Resource Corp
4432 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-728-9769
Lawrence Hall Youth Services
4833 N Francisco Avenue........773-769-3500
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
5110 N Western Avenue.........773-293-3621
Asian Youth Services
2801 W Lawrence Avenue......773-517-8525
Cambodian Association of Illinois
- ‘’Reach for the Stars’’ Youth
2831 W Lawrence Avenue......773-878-7090
Chicago Park District - River Park
5100 N Francisco Avenue........312-742-7516
Lutheran Day Nursery School
Pulaski Elementary Fine Arts
Humboldt Park: Social Services
Food Pantry
Kosciuszko Park
Salem Youth Services
1802 N Fairfield Avenue..........773-486-4222
2732 N Avers Avenue..............312-742-7546
2825 W Mclean Avenue..........773-227-0127
St. Augustine College Flamboyan
2230 W Mclean Avenue..........773-534-4391
2120 N Mozart Street.............773-342-0441
St. John Berchmans Youth Center
3401 W McLean Avenue.........773-276-3423
Von Goethe
Logan Square Service Center
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois - Augustana Palmer Square
YMCA McCormick Tribune School
2236 N Rockwell
3110 W Armitage Avenue.......773-395-1010
3120 W Palmer Square...........773-342-2054
St. Sylvester Parish
1834 N Lawndale...................773-235-2525
Yates Elementary School
SVD: Our Lady of Grace Conference
Extracurricular Youth Activities
2157 N Humboldt Boulevard..773-235-3646
1839 N Richmond Street.........773-534-4550
Early Head Start
3749 W Altgeld Street.... 773-772-5900 x102
Hull House Association LeClaireHearst II
St. John UC Food Pantry
1880 W Fullerton
Workforce Development
St. Sylvester Parish
North Avenue Day Nursery
DFSS Community
Service Center
Trina Davila Center
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Heartland Alliance for Human
Needs and Human Rights El Centro de Educacion y Cultura
3452 W Fullerton Avenue........773-252-8715
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
2642 N Fairfield
Head Start
Casa Central - Casa Infantil Child
Development Center
2222 N Kedzie Avenue............773-772-1170
Christopher House Logan Square
2610 N Francisco....................773-235-4073
Christopher House Palmer Square
2140 N Richmond...................312-948-0010
Lutheran Day Nursery School
1802 N Fairfield Avenue..........773-486-4222
Resurrection Day Care Center
1849 N Hermitage Avenue......773-384-7142
St. Augustine College Flamboyan
3401 W McLean Avenue.........773-276-3423
YMCA McCormick Tribune School
1834 N Lawndale...................773-235-2525
Community Partnership Program
Children’s Place Family Center School
1800 N Humboldt...................773-395-9193
Christopher House Logan Square
2610 N Francisco....................773-235-4073
Christopher House Palmer Square
2140 N Richmond...................773-772-8693
3220 W Armitage Avenue.......773-235-3161
Christopher House Palmer Square
2140 N Richmond...................312-948-0010
Funston Elementary School
Chicago Park District - Holstein
2200 N Oakley Avenue...........312-742-7554
A Karrasel Nursery School &
Drummond Elementary School
3600 W Fullerton....................773-782-2800
Bethel WIC - Tendercare
3420 W Fullerton Avenue........773-772-4333
1845 W Cortland Street..........773-534-4120
Logan Square Health Center
3109 W Armitage....................773-292-1388
Monroe Elementary School
Diversey Day Care Center &
Funston Elementary School
2840 W Fullerton....................773-395-7400
Logan Square WIC
2010 N Central Park................773-534-4125
PrimeCare Community Health,
Inc. ?_ Fullerton
2840 W Fullerton....................773-782-8902
YMCA - First Lutheran
3500 W Fullerton....................773-862-5960
YMCA McCormick Tribune School
1834 N Lawndale...................773-235-2525
Yates Elementary School
1839 N Richmond Street.........773-534-4550
Private Elementary School
1847 N Humboldt Boulevard..773-278-6330
Monroe Elementary School
Jehovah Lutheran School
3651 W Schubert....................773-534-4155
Dental Clinics
3740 W Belden Avenue...........773-342-5854
Mozart Elementary School
La Progresiva Preschool
2200 N Hamlin Avenue...........773-534-4160
2609 N Kimball Avenue..........773-342-6690
Lutheran Day Nursery School
Pulaski Elementary Fine Arts
1802 N Fairfield Avenue..........773-486-4222
2230 W Mclean Avenue..........773-534-4391
Our Lady of Grace School
Yates Elementary School
Humboldt Comm Christian School
2446 N Ridgeway Avenue.......773-342-0170
1839 N Richmond Street.........773-534-4550
1847 N Humboldt Boulevard..773-278-6330
Salem Christian School
Jehovah Lutheran School
2018 N Richmond Street.........773-227-5580
Public Preschool
3740 W Belden Avenue...........773-342-5854
St. John Berchmans School
Lutheran Day Nursery School
2511 W Logan Boulevard........773-486-1334
1802 N Fairfield Avenue..........773-486-4222
St. Mary of the Angels School
Our Lady of Grace School
1810 N Hermitage Avenue......773-486-0119
2446 N Ridgeway Avenue.......773-342-0170
St. Sylvester School
Salem Christian School
3027 W Palmer Boulevard.......773-772-5222
2018 N Richmond Street.........773-227-5580
St. John Berchmans School
2511 W Logan Boulevard........773-486-1334
St. Mary of the Angels School
1810 N Hermitage Avenue......773-486-0119
St. Sylvester School
3027 W Palmer Boulevard.......773-772-5222
Brentano Elementary Math &
Science Acad
2021 N Point Street.................773-534-4185
3600 W Fullerton Avenue........773-782-2800
General Senior Services
Mental Heath Clinics
Chicago Division of Mental
Health - Northwest Center
2354 N Milwaukee Avenue.....312-744-0993
Infant Welfare Society of Illinois
Food Pantries
2235 N Hamilton Avenue........773-645-3321
Abrigo Del Altisimo
Darwin Elementary School
2501 N Maplewood Avenue...773-772-8563
3116 W Belden Avenue...........773-534-4110
Armitage Baptist Food Pantry
1920 N Hamlin Avenue...........773-534-4970
Drummond Elementary School
2505 N Kedzie Boulevard........773-384-6800
Brentano Elementary Math &
Science Acad
1845 W Cortland Street..........773-534-4120
Celestial Vision Food Pantry
Funston Elementary School
3023 W Fullerton Avenue........773-862-8402
2723 N Fairfield Avenue..........773-534-4100
2010 N Central Park................773-534-4125
Christopher House - Logan Square
Chase Elementary School
Goethe Elementary School
3255 W Altgeld.......................773-235-4073
2021 N Point Street.................773-534-4185
2236 N Rockwell Street..........773-534-4135
Elijah’s Pantry
Chicago International Charter
Mozart Elementary School
Ames Middle School
2235 N Hamilton Avenue........773-645-3321
2200 N Hamlin Avenue...........773-534-4160
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
2649 N Francisco Avenue........773-772-2045
Children’s Home and Aid
Chicago Park District - Mozart
2021 N Milwaukee..................312-455-5200
2036 N Avers Avenue..............312-742-7535
1856 N Humboldt Boulevard..773-252-3253
Children’s Place Association
1800 N Humboldt Boulevard..773-395-9193
Childserv, Kids Place Program
1845 N Kedzie........................773-772-8305
Christopher House Logan Square
2610 N Francisco Avenue........773-235-4073
social services
3265 W Armitage Avenue.......773-862-4675
3600 W Fullerton Avenue........773-782-2800
2140 N Richmond Street.........773-772-8693
2418 W Bloomingdale Avenue.773-278-8500
Covenant Presbyterian Church
2012 W Dickens Avenue.........773-486-9590
Good News Bible Church
2038 N California Avenue.......773-252-7789
1800 N Humbolt Boulevard....773-395-9193
Hermosa Community Organization/Youth Mentoring Program
Disability Services and Education
Humboldt Park United Methodist
ACCESS - Armitage Family Health
Jehovah El Buen Lutheran Church
The Children’s Place Association
2105 N Pulaski Road..............773-252-6729
2120 N Mozart Street.............773-342-0178
2957 W Armitage Avenue.......773-772-4319
3740 W Belden Avenue...........773-342-5854
Anixter Center - CALOR
Midtown Center
3220 W Armitage Avenue.......773-235-3161
1819 N Wood Street...............773-292-2660
Anixter Center - National Lekotek
Midtown Educational Foundation Boys program at Midtown Center
3204 W Armitage Avenue.......773-276-5164
CARC - Westtown Center
1801 N Spaulding Street.........773-276-0444
Parenting Training
2732 N Avers Avenue..............312-742-7546
Community TV Network-Hard
Cover after school program
Forward P.C.
3501 W Armitage Avenue.......773-235-2144
Casa Central
Christopher House Palmer Square
Westtown Concerned Citizens
Chicago Park District - Kosciuszko Park
2619 W Armitage Avenue.......773-278-5130
3600 W Fullerton Avenue........773-782-2800
Chicago International Charter
Public Elementary School
3110 W Armitage....................773-395-1010
senior services
2723 N Fairfield Avenue..........773-534-4100
Chase Elementary School
WIC Food and Nutrition Center Logan Square Service Center
Angel Harvey Infant Welfare
Society Dental Clinic
Infant Welfare Society of Chicago
3228 W Palmer.......................773-342-8800
2120 N Mozart Street.............773-342-1751
Infant Welfare Society of Chicago
3924 W Fullerton....................773-252-3122
3909 W Fullerton Avenue........773-252-0970
3051 W Armitage Ave.... 773-342-6210 x230
2957 W Armitage....................773-772-4319
2236 N Rockwell Street..........773-534-4135
Youth Development Center
Humboldt Park Social Services
3116 W Belden Avenue...........773-534-4110
Humboldt Comm Christian School
1834 N Lawndale Avenue.......773-235-2525
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoLogan Square Club
2010 N Central Park................773-534-4125
3401 W McLean Avenue.........773-276-3423
YMCA McCormick Tribune School
Housing Assistance
Darwin Elementary School
Goethe Elementary School
3601 W Cortland Street..........773-772-2211
2451 N Kedzie Boulevard........773-384-6800
Private Preschool
3007 W Diversey.....................773-342-7777
Teen Challenge Illinois - Chicago
Armitage Baptist Church
Humboldt Park: Social Services
Soup Kitchen
Armitage Family Health Center
Anixter Center - CALOR
2610 N Francisco....................773-235-1161
1834 N Lawndale Avenue.......773-235-2525
Community Health Centers
2610 N Francisco....................773-235-4073
Alliance Of Logan Square
Study Center- Church of the
McCormick Tribune YMCA
3255 W Altgeld Avenue..........773-235-4073
St. Augustine College Flamboyan
Child Care
Senior Congregate Dining
Soup Kitchen
2436 N Ridgeway...................773-384-0659
3030 W Fullerton Avenue........312-744-5295
2665 W Fullerton Avenue........773-235-5705
h e a lt h c a r e
Dominican Literacy Center-Chicago
Logan Square
New Moms, Inc.
2157 N Humboldt...................773-235-3259
Christopher House - Logan Square
3651 W Schubert....................773-534-4155
Chicago Public Library
St. Sylvester Service Center
2021 N Point Street.................773-534-4185
Christopher House Logan Square
2435 N Western Avenue.........773-252-0970
3265 W Armitage Avenue.......773-862-4675
3051 W Armitage Avenue.......773-342-6210
Chase Elementary School
ASPIRA of Illinois
Forward P.C.
The Center for Changing Lives
3228 W Palmer.......................773-252-4161
3909 W Fullerton....................773-770-1940
2915 W Palmer Street.............773-235-3646
1856 N Humboldt Boulevard..773-252-3253
Boys and Girls Clubs Logan Square
2442 W Moffat Street.............773-772-4161
ASPIRA Inc. of Illinois - Miguel
DellValle Youth Center
2524 W Altgeld Street.............773-278-7268
2222 N Kedzie........................773-772-1170
New Moms, Inc.
Catholic Charities Chicago Saint Sylvester Center
2915 W Palmer Street.............312-655-7000
Substance Abuse Resources
A Safe Haven -Wrightwood
3821 W Wrightwood Avenue..773-395-6841
DUI Counseling Center At The
Diversey - Kimball
3411 W Diversey Avenue........773-289-4841
Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc.
1942 N California Avenue.......773-292-4242
Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc.
2755 W Armitage Avenue.......773-252-3100
Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc.
- Recovery Home
1866 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-782-4734
Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc.
- Residence
1949 N Humboldt Boulevard..773-252-2666
Jack Clark’s Family Recovering
2915-17 W Armitage..............773-252-2877
PDSSC - Chicago, Inc.
2260 N Elston Avenue............773-772-2450
1819 N Wood.........................773-292-2662
New Moms
2825 W Mclean Avenue..........773-252-3253
Child Care
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation
Ada S. McKinley Community
725 S Wells Street...................312-385-2000
Illinois Tax Training Institute
180 N Michigan Avenue..........312-346-7120
Chicago Metropolitan Association for the Education of Young
845 W. 69th Street..................312-745-8285
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Harold Washington College
226 W Jackson Boulevard 6th Floor................
Heartland Alliance for Human
Needs and Human Rights
208 S La Salle Street...............312-629-4500
Illinois Department of Labor
160 N LaSalle Street Suite 1300......................
Illinois Migrant Council
28 E Jackson Boulevard...........312-663-1522
Jewish Child and Family Services
216 W Jackson Boulevard.......312-357-4800
Jobs For Youth Chicago, Inc
50 E Washington Fourth Floor.312-499-4778
Literacy Chicago
Institute for Positive Mental Health
318 W Adams Street...............312-263-2460
30 E Adams Street...................312-427-5399
Jewish Vocational Service
Childrens Home and Aid Society
216 W Jackson Boulevard.......312-673-3400
125 S Wacker Drive.................312-424-0200
Jobs For Youth Chicago, Inc
City County Child Care Center/
Bright Horizon
17 N State Street.....................312-499-4778
Joint Action in Community Service
40 N Dearborn........................312-335-0643
111 N Wabash Avenue............312-279-7500
Cook County/City of Chicago
Child Development Center
National Immigrant Justice Center
208 S LaSalle Street Suite 1818......................
40 N Dearborn 877-624-4532
National School of Clinical
Massage Therapy
Jewish Child and Family Services
216 W Jackson Boulevard.......312-357-4800
Jewish Community Centers of
Private Preschool
30 S Wells Street.....................312-357-4700
78 W Van Buren......................312-427-3342
Kids Hope United
111 E Wacker Drive.................312-922-6733
Literacy Chicago
17 N State Street Street...........312-870-1100
The Honey Tree Child Care
201 N Clark Street Floor 2.......312-553-9100
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago
360 N Michigan Avenue..........312-372-6600
Head Start
Ada S. McKinley Community
C.C.C. Learning Center
Cook County/City of Chicago
Child Development Center
40 N Dearborn 877-624-4532
Loop Lab School
318 W Adams Street...............312-565-1699
Village Leadership Academy
800 S Wells Street...................312-675-0053
Public Preschool
Gregory Multiplex
125 S Clark
725 S Wells Street...................312-385-2000
Special Education
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
Chicago Youth Centers
104 S Michigan Avenue..........312-795-3500
Ada S McKinley Community
Childrens Home and Aid Society
725 S Wells Suite 1A...............312-554-0600
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant &
Refugee Rights
125 S Wacker Drive.................312-424-0200
Childrens Home and Aid Society
City County Child Care Center/
Bright Horizon
125 S Wacker Drive.................312-424-6801
40 N Dearborn........................312-335-0643
65 E Wacker Place...................773-973-1809
17 N State Street Street...........312-870-1100
55 E Jackson Suite 2075.........312-332-7360
Illinois Department of Labor
160 N LaSalle Street Suite 1300......................
Jobs For Youth Chicago, Inc.
17 N State Street 6th Floor......312-499-4778
Literacy Chicago
111 E Wacker Drive.................312-922-6733
Metropolitan Family Services
1 N Dearborn..........................312-986-4000
Private Elementary School
YMCA Training Alliance
Loop Lab School
Chicago Public Library
Harold Washington-HWLC
400 S State Street...................312-747-4300
Lawrence Hall-Ashland
Kids Hope United
17 N State Street Street...........312-870-1100
11 E Adams Street...................312-913-2150
318 W Adams Street...............312-565-1699
Workforce Development
Able Career Institute
180 N Wabash........................312-782-3335
Ada S. McKinley Community
725 S Wells Street...................312-554-0600
BIR Training Center
828 S Wabash Avenue............773-866-0111
Chicago Federation of Labor
Citi College of Allied Health
55 E Jackson Boulevard...........312-939-2723
134 N La Salle Street...............312-236-9000
National-Louis University
City of Chicago Careers Service
122 S Michigan Avenue..........312-261-3872
121 N La Salle Street...............312-744-4962
New Horizons Computer Learning Centers of Chicago
25 E Washington Suite 1454...312-855-0556
Mental Heath Clinics
Adler Psychological Services
65 E Wacker Place...................312-201-5900
Chicago Center for Family Health
35 E Wacker Drive...................312-372-4731
Institute for Positive Mental
318 W Adams Street...............312-263-2460
Pastoral Counseling Service
180 N Michigan Avenue..........773-493-1330
Chicago Department on Aging Renaissance Court
Mental Health Association of
Greater Chicago
77 E Randolph Street..............312-744-4550
125 S Clark Street...................312-781-7780
Jewish Community Centers of
Metropolitan Family Services
30 S Wells Street.....................312-357-4700
Ninfa Martinez
Metro Seniors in Action
220 S State Street...................312-435-3855
55 E Washington Street Suite 1341.................
Metropolitan Family Services
Prevent Blindness America
One N Dearborn Street............312-986-4000
211 W Wacker Drive 800-331-2020
National ABLE
Rape Victim Advocates
180 N Wabash Avenue............312-782-3335
Older Women’s League of Illinois
211 W Wacker Drive 800-331-2020
Renaissance Court Regional
Senior Center
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago
Prevent Blindness America
78 E Washington.....................312-744-4550
Chicago Department on Aging
social services
121 N LaSalle Street Room 100......................
208 S LaSalle Suite 1900........312-207-5290
Soup Kitchen
180 N Michigan Avenue Suite 600..................
SGA Youth and Family Services
(Scholarship and Guidance Association)
28 E Jackson Boulevard...........312-957-0011
Senior Congragate Dining
Community Nutrition Network
One N Dearborn Street............312-986-4000
Ada S. McKinley Community
11 E Adams Street Suite 1500.312-663-0305
360 N Michigan Avenue Suite 800..................
Youth Guidance
122 S Michigan Room 1510...312-253-4900
Youth Guidance
53 W Jackson Boulevard Suite 950.................
725 S Wells Street...................312-385-2000
Disability Services and Education
Adler School of Professional
Ada S. McKinley Community
200 W Monroe Street..............312-726-2366
CEDA Administrative Office
230 W Monroe Street..............312-334-0900
Robert Morris College
208 S La Salle Street...............312-795-8844
65 E Wacker Place 22nd floor.. 312-201-5900
DePaul University
401 S State Street...................312-935-6600
Barr Harris Children’s Grief Center
- Michigan Ave
Equip for Equality
Coyne American Institute
14 E Jackson Boulevard...........312-362-5295
Success Schools LLC
Heartland Alliance for Human
Needs and Human Rights
DeVry University - Chicago Loop
214 S Wabash Avenue............312-386-9100
208 S La Salle Street...............312-629-4500
122 S Michigan Avenue..........312-922-7474
The Appraisal Education Center
Illinois Hunger Coalition
225 W Washington Street.......312-372-4900
225 W Washington Street.......312-924-2886
205 W Monroe Street..............312-629-9580
Chicago Academy for Learning
and Theater Laboratory
Employment & Employer Services, Inc.
The French Pastry School
Second Harvest
226 W Jackson Boulevard.......312-726-2419
35 E Wacker Drive...................312-263-2303
Chicago Center for Family Health
200 W Adams Street...............312-629-5627
The Insurance School of Chicago
Everest College
330 S Wells Street...................312-427-2520
Chicago Youth Centers
247 S State Street 714-348-7287
Utilivate Technolgies, LLC
Flashpoint Academy
203 N La Salle Street...............312-558-1685
28 N Clark Street.....................312-506-0649
Women Employed
Forte’ Knowledge
111 N Wabash Avenue............312-782-3902
200 S Wacker Drive.................312-521-0880
Women’s Self Employment Project
Future Media Concepts
11 S La Salle Street..................312-606-8255
200 S Michigan Avenue..........312-566-0400
YMCA Alliance
Goodwill Industries of Metropolitan Chicago
11 E Adams Street...................312-913-2150
819 S Wabash Avenue............312-212-1290
eConsulting Group Inc.
(AON Building)
200 E Randolph Street............312-644-8699
14 E Jackson Boulevard...........312-612-7600
Harold Washington College
30 E Lake Street......................312-553-5940
Harrington College of Design
200 W Madison Street............312-939-4975
Illinois CareerPath Institute
2 N La Salle Street...................312-346-3662
130 W Randolph.....................312-922-2200
Illinois Hospitality Academy
Colgate Dental Van Mobile Unit
11 E Adams Street...................312-913-1230
78 W Van Buren......................312-427-3342
Garfield Center
Dental Clinics
Illinois School of Health Careers Inc
219 S Dearborn.......................312-353-8687
C.C.C. Learning Center
DFSS Community
Service Center
100 W Randolph Street...........312-814-2934
200 N La Salle Street...............312-787-4000
C.C.C. Learning Center
h e a lt h c a r e
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
CEDA of Cook County
208 S LaSalle Street Suite 1900......................
123 W Madison Suite 300......312-634-0175
20 N Wacker Drive Suite 1442.312-372-4731
104 S Michigan Avenue 14th Fl......................
Children’s Research Triangle
Chicago Department of Public
180 N Michigan Avenue Suite 700..................
333 S State Street 2nd Floor...312-747-9140
Family Institute, The
senior services
General Senior Services
Ada S. McKinley Community
725 S Wells Street...................312-385-2000
Blind Service Association
17 N State Street.....................312-236-0808
53 W Jackson Boulevard.........312-461-0812
Chicago Department of Housing
33 N La Salle Street.................312-742-8780
Chicago Department on Aging
121 N La Salle Street...............312-744-4016
8 S Michigan Avenue Suite 500......................
Human Effective Living Programs
28 E Jackson Boulevard Suite 1306.................
Illinois Department of Veterans
Affairs - Cook County 01
100 W Randolph Street...........312-814-2460
Jewish Child and Family Services
216 W Jackson Boulevard Suite 700 &............
Latino Family Services
30 N Michigan Ave Suite 925.. 312-236-7077
725 S Wells Street...................312-385-2000
8 S Michigan Avenue..............312-346-6230
20 N Michigan Avenue............312-341-0022
Family Resource Center on Disabilities
20 E Jackson Boulevard...........312-939-3513
Jewish Child and Family Services
216 W Jackson Boulevard.......312-357-4800
Mayor’s Office for People with
121 N La Salle Street...............312-744-7050
Single Room Housing Assistance
407 S Dearborn Street.............312-566-0090
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Alumni for Public Schools
125 S Clark Street...................773-553-1549
American Academy of Art
332 S Michigan Avenue..........312-461-0600
28 E Jackson Boulevard...........312-786-0890
Camp Fire Boys & Girls
203 N Wabash Avenue Suite 151....................
Center For Excellence In Education
801 S Wells Street...................312-588-5960
Chicago Education Alliance
430 S Michigan Avenue..........312-341-3868
Chicago Summer Business
Community And Economic Development Association Of Cook
County Inc.
Interprenet Ltd
Gads Hill Center
33 W Monroe Street Suite 2400......................
27 N Wacker Drive 270...........312-928-1188
1919 W Cullerton Street..........312-226-0963
Posse Foundation, Inc.
208 S La Salle Street Ste 1900 800-571-2332
542 S Dearborn Street.............312-427-5450
330 S Wells Street Suite 6.......312-566-9790
77 W Washington Street Floor 2......................
Public Allies Chicago
20 N Wacker Drive Suite 1928 888-860-4167
Chicago Youth Advocacy, c/o
Family Resource Center on Disabilities
200 N Michigan Avenue Suite 520..................
HCP Of Illinois, Inc.
Rape Victim Advocates
Heartland Housing
One N Wacker Drive................312-525-4662
Chicago Temple 1st United
Ounce of Prevention Fund
20 E Jackson Room 300..........312-939-3513
180 N Michigan Avenue Suite 600..................
ChildServ Tutoring Center
Robert Morris College
77 W Washington....................773-867-7362
401 S State Street 800-762-5960
City Year Chicago
SGA Youth & Family Services
36 S Wabash Suite 1500.........312-451-5556
11 E Adams Street Suite 1500.312-447-4365
College Bound
Scholarship Chicago
30 S Wacker Drive 29t Fl.........312-207-6425
30 S Wacker Drive 29th Fl.......312-917-6868
College Summit Chicago
Scholarship Chicago
333 W Wacker Drive................312-917-8350
55 E Jackson Suite 1010.........312-784-3300
Columbia College Upward Bound
Shedd Aquarium
600 S Michigan Avenue..........312-344-7161
Daniel Murphy Scholarship
28 E Jackson Blvd Suite 1109.312-386-1009
208 S LaSalle Street Suite 1818......................
Legal Assistance Foundation Of
Metropolitan Chicago
111 W Jackson Boulevard Suite 300...............
Mercy Housing Lakefront
Moira Pujols-Quall
Sdl Intl
1 N La Salle Street...................312-658-0258
Transperfect Translations Inc
150 N Michigan Avenue 2935.312-578-0887
Community Partnership Program
Chicago Commons - Guadalupano
Family Center
1814 S Paulina........................312-666-3883
El Hogar Del Nino
1718 S Loomis........................773-563-0662
Parenting Training
El Hogar del Nino
Adler School of Professional
1854 S Racine Avenue............773-243-0011
65 E Wacker Place 22nd floor.. 312-201-5900
Children’s Research Triangle
180 N Michigan Avenue Suite 700..................
120 S LaSalle Street ...............312-447-4611
Human Effective Living Programs
Metropolitan Housing
28 E Jackson Boulevard Suite 1306.................
1200 S Lake Shore Drive.........312-692-3173
8 S Michigan Avenue..............312-236-9673
Jewish Child and Family Services
Supervised Independent Living
Program (SILP)
Money Management International
Chicago Downtown
216 W Jackson Boulevard Suite 700 &............
DFSS Community
Service Center
Garfield Center
845 W. 69th Street..................312-745-8285
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Casa Aztlan
1831 S Racine.................... 312-666-5508 x7
Early Head Start
Gads Hill Center
1919 W Cullerton Street..........312-226-0963
Gads Hill Center
2318 S Hoyne
2700 S Western Avenue
Head Start
Chicago Commons - Guadalupano
Family Center
1814 S Paulina........................312-666-3883
65 E Wacker Place Suite 700...312-346-3383
70 E Lake Street Suite 1115 888-527-3328
Latino Family Services
228 S Wabash.........................312-455-7800
Taskforce AIDS Prevention
Family Resource Center on
1130 S Wabash Avenue..........312-986-0661
Single Room Housing Assistance
30 N Michigan Avenue Suite 925....................
El Valor Corporation
1850 W 21st Street.................312-666-4511
Cooper Elementary Dual
Language Academy
The Family Institute
Gads Hill Center
1624 W 19th Street.................773-534-7205
20 E Jackson Boulevard Suite 300...................
55 E Jackson Boulevard Suite 900...................
8 S Michigan Avenue Suite 500......................
1919 W Cullerton Street..........312-226-0963
El Hogar Del Nino
Instituto del Progreso Latino
1718 S Loomis........................312-563-9796
Youth Guidance
2570 S Blue Island Avenue......773-890-0055
122 S Michigan Room 1510...312-253-4900
El Hogar del Nino
Poder Learning Center
1854 S Racine Avenue............312-243-0011
1637 S Allport Street...............312-226-2002
El Valor Corporation
Spanish Coalition for Jobs Pilsen Community Center
1850 W 21st Street.................312-666-4511
1737 W 18th Street.................312-243-3030
1951 W 19th Street.................312-997-2021
French Pastry School
226 W Jackson Boulevard.......312-726-2419
Harold Washington College
30 E Lake Street......................312-553-3159
Hispanic Alliance For Career
25 E Washington Street...........312-435-0498
Teen Reach
The Art Institute Of Chicago
111 S Michigan Avenue..........312-857-7142
Union League Boy’s and Girl’s
Interpretation and Translation
65 W Jackson Boulevard.312-427-7800 x347
University Of Illinois At UrbanaChampaign
200 S Wacker Drive.................312-575-7860
1104 S Wabash Suite 403.......312-235-0161
Working In The Schools
200 W Adams Suite 1205.......312-606-2031
25 E Washington Suite 801.....312-553-5000
YMCA Alliance
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs Or Tzedek
11 E Adams Street...................312-913-2150
Jobs For Youth Chicago, Inc
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development - Chicago
77 W Jackson Boulevard.........312-353-5680
618 S Michigan Avenue..........312-663-0960
407 S Dearborn Street.............312-566-0090
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago
180 N Wabash........................312-372-6600
Youth Communications
200 W Madison Street 930.....312-641-0441
Berlitz Translation Svc
2 N La Salle Street...................312-782-7778
Burg Translation Inc
29 S La Salle Street 936..........312-263-3379
150 N Wacker Drive 1310.......312-895-4300
Comadres Inc
307 N Michigan Avenue 1818.312-853-8000
Communica International Inc
Junior Great Books
619 S Wabash Avenue Room 207...................
35 E Wacker Drive Suite 2300.312-332-5870
Youth Guidance
Cosmopolitan Translation
Law Explorers
122 S Michigan Avenue Suite 1510................
Dhe Enterprises
50 E Washington Street 4th Fl.312-499-4778
321 S Plymouth Court.............312-554-2032
Literacy Volunteers of Illinois Project VOCAL
30 E Adams Street Suite 1130.312-857-1582
Metropolitan Technology
601 S La Salle Street...............312-327-4161
Office Of Community Arts
600 S Michigan Avenue..........312-344-8873
Housing Assistance
Affordable Housing Centers of
209 W Jackson Boulevard Suite 301...............
Chicago Department of Housing
33 N La Salle Street.................312-742-8780
79 W Monroe Street 1310......312-236-3366
Illinois Migrant Council
28 E Jackson Boulevard...........312-663-1522
Substance Abuse Resources
Agape Headquarters
70 W Madison Street..............312-214-3162
Central States Institute Of Addiction
69 W Washington Street..........312-603-8880
DUI Professional Providers, Inc.
113 N Wabash........................312-443-9402
Resurrection Addiction Services Chicago (Loop)
1900 W 23rd Street.................773-535-4590
Casa Aztlan
1919 W Cullerton Street..........312-226-0963
St. Paul - Our Lady of Vilna
Public Preschool
Jungman Elementary School
2114 W 22nd Place.................773-847-6078
1746 S Miller Street................773-534-7375
St. Pius V School
Perez Elementary School
1919 S Ashland Avenue..........312-226-1590
1241 W 19th Street.................773-534-7650
St. Procopius School
Pickard Elementary School
1625 S Allport Street...............312-421-5135
1831 S Racine.................... 312-666-5508 x7
Instituto del Progreso Latino
2570 S Blue Island Avenue......773-890-0055
Poder Learning Center
1637 S Allport Street...............312-226-2002
Chicago Public Library
2301 W 21st Street.................773-535-7280
30 S Wacker Drive 2200..........312-621-1500
1718 S Loomis........................312-563-9796
1900 W 23rd Street.................773-535-4590
German-American Bsnss Trnsltn
El Hogar del Nino
YMCA Pilsen
333 N Michigan Avenue 405..312-201-1626
1854 S Racine Avenue............312-243-0011
1608 W 21st Street.................312-738-0282
Inlingua Intl School
El Valor Guadalupe Reyes
200 W Madison Street 910 630-572-8282
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
2317 W 23rd Street.................312-432-1170
2211 W 18th Place.................312-829-4153
Whittier Elementary School
8 S Michigan Avenue..............312-493-3530
The South Side School
St. Ann School
El Hogar Del Nino
First Metropolitan Translation
1625 S Allport Street...............312-421-5135
UNO Network Elementary Charter
Gads Hill Center
2410 S Leavitt Street...............773-535-4825
18 W Jackson Boulevard.........312-922-2300
Wendy Stebbins Counseling
St. Procopius School
2410 S Leavitt Street...............773-535-4825
Whittier Elementary School
1814 S Paulina........................312-666-3883
Farsi/Persian Translation Svc
1919 S Ashland Avenue..........312-226-1590
Ruiz Elementary School
2332 S Western Avenue..........773-535-5850
2700 S Western Avenue
111 W Washington Street.......312-263-1131
St. Pius V School
1420 W 17th Street.................773-534-7675
Adult Literacy - General Education
Chicago Commons - Guadalupano
Family Center
104 S Michigan Avenue 330...312-236-2788
The IDS Group, Inc. - Chicago
2211 W 18th Place.................312-829-4153
Private Preschool
71 W Madison Street..............312-214-3163
St. Ann School
Pilsen Elementary Community
Finkl Elementary School
Child Care
53 W Jackson Boulevard 1260.312-726-2610
2114 W 22nd Place.................773-847-6078
2301 W 21st Street.................773-535-7280
Walsh Elementary School
1805 S Loomis Street..............312-746-4329
The Counseling Center, Inc.
St Paul - Our Lady of Vilna
Pickard Elementary School
1601 S Halsted Street C4........312-733-5337
El Valor Guadalupe Reyes
Pilsen Elementary Community
10 S Michigan Avenue............312-563-4602
Private Elementary School
1951 W 19th Street.................312-997-2021
1420 W 17th Street.................773-534-7675
Ruiz Elementary School
2015 S Peoria Street................773-534-7950
Cooper Elementary Dual
Language Academy
1624 W 19th Street.................773-534-7205
De La Cruz
2317 W 23rd Place.................773-535-4585
Finkl Elementary School
Public Elementary School
2332 S Western Avenue..........773-535-5850
Cooper Elementary Dual
Language Academy
1746 S Miller Street................773-534-7375
Jungman Elementary School
1624 W 19th Street.................773-534-7205
Perez Elementary School
Finkl Elementary School
1241 W 19th Street.................773-534-7695
2332 S Western Avenue..........773-535-5850
Pickard Elementary School
Jungman Elementary School
2301 W 21st Street.................773-535-7280
1746 S Miller Street................773-534-7375
Orozco Elementary Fine Arts &
Pilsen Elementary Community
1420 W 17th Street.................773-534-7675
1940 W 18th Street.................773-534-7215
Ruiz Elementary School
Perez Elementary School
2410 S Leavitt Street...............773-535-4825
1241 W 19th Street.................773-534-7695
Walsh Elementary School
2015 S Peoria Street................773-534-7950
Whittier Elementary School
1900 W 23rd Street.................773-535-4590
Food Pantries
Unity Parenting & Counseling
Housing Assistance
600 W Cermak Road Suite 300.......................
Eighteenth St. Development
The Resurrection Project
Pilsen Little Village Community
Mental Health Center II
Workforce Development
2319 S Damen Avenue...........773-579-0832
Disability Services and Education
Pilsen Service Center
El Valor Corporation
1818 S Paulina Street..............312-666-1323
Parenting Training
Arturo Velasquez Institute
2800 S Western Avenue..........773-843-4500
1643 W Cermak......................312-747-1650
1850 W 21st Street.................312-666-4511
Chicago Workforce Center at
St. Pius Parish Pantry
Harrison Park
1901 S Ashland Avenue..........312-226-6161
1824 S Wood Street................312-746-5491
1700 W 18th Street.................312-243-5100
St. Procopius Church
Instituto Del Progreso Latino
El Valor Corporation
1641 S Allport Street...............312-226-7887
2570 S Blue Island......... 773-890-0055 x213
Home Delivered Meals
Extracurricular Youth Activities
1850 W 21st Street.................312-666-4511
Instituto del Progresso Latino
2570 S Blue Island Avenue......773-890-0055
Mexico Juarez Driving School
Open Kitchens
1151 W 21st Street.................312-666-5334
1151 W 18th Street.................312-243-1841
Senior Congregate Dining
Mujeres Latinas en Accion
Harrison Park
1823 W 17th Street.................312-226-1544
National Center for Latinos with
Disabilities, Inc.
1921 S Blue Island Avenue......312-666-3393
1824 S Wood Street................312-744-4016
Las Americas / Racine Apartments
1611 S Racine Avenue............312-829-9205
Pilsen Wellness Center, Inc.
Soup Kitchen
2319 S Damen Avenue...........773-579-0832
St. Pius Parish Soup Kitchen
1901 S Ashland Avenue... 312-226-6161 x38
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
Alivio Medical Center Morgan
966 W 21st Street...................773-254-1400
Alivio Medical Center Western
2355 S Western.......................773-254-1400
Lower West Side Neighborhood
Health Center
Alivio Medical Center
1100 W Cermak Road.............312-377-4735
Casa Aztlan - Youth Program
1831 S Racine Avenue..... 312-666-5508 x22
Chicago Park District- Harrison Park
1824 S Wood Street................312-746-5491
El Hogar Del Nino Social Services
1718 S Loomis Street..............312-829-5419
El Valor School-Age Programs
1951 W 19th Street........ 312-997-2021 x241
Gads Hill Center - Club Learn
1843 S Carpenter Street..........312-733-2287
3525 S Honore Street..............773-535-4560
3525 S Honore Street..............773-535-4560
Thomas Early Childhood Center
1823 W 17th Street.................312-226-1544
San Jose Obrero Mission
1856 S Loomis Street..............312-243-4347
Substance Abuse Resources
Human Resources Development
Institute - Near West Professional
2207 W 18th Street.................312-226-6989
Guadalupano Family Center
Pilsen Wellness Center, Inc.
2319 S Damen Avenue...........773-579-0832
DFSS Community
Service Center
Englewood Center
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
3625 S Hoyne Avenue.............773-535-4088
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
Ed u c a t i o n
Cabrini Family Health Center
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Aquinas Literacy Center
3525 S Hermitage Avenue......773-927-0512
Adult Literacy - General Education
Aquinas Literacy Center
3540 S Hermitage Avenue......773-927-0512
2355 S Western Avenue..........773-843-4220
Jungman Elementary School
WIC Food and Nutrition Center Lower West Side Neighborhood
Health Center
1746 S Miller..........................773-534-7375
Chicago Public Library
Latin American Youth Center
McKinley Park
1643 W Cermak......................773-523-0409
Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum
731 W 17th Street...................312-243-8508
Public Preschool
Greene N Elementary School
Mujeres Latinas en Accion
600 W Cermak Road Suite 300.......................
3737 S Paulina Street..............773-715-9558
3419 S Bell Avenue.................773-535-4550
1919 W Cullerton Street..........312-226-0963
Unity Parenting & Counseling
Namaste Elementary Charter
Everett Elementary School
Gads Hill Center
1919 W Cullerton Street.312-226-0963 x227
1814 S Paulina Street..............312-666-3883
Greene N Elementary School
1858 W 35th Street.................773-523-1000
Food Pantries
St. Maurice Church
3615 S Hoyne Avenue.............773-523-3917
Senior Congregate Dining
Our Lady of Good Counsel
3528 S Hermitage Avenue......312-847-9453
1915 W 35th Street.................312-747-6082
social services
1401 W 18th Street.................312-738-1503
Community Partnership Program
Extracurricular Youth Activities
KKP - Little Tykes I School
1713 S Ashland.......................312-746-7831
senior services
Mujeres Latinas En Accion
1711 W 35th Street.................773-254-8396
Pilsen Family Health Center
35th Street Studio/Teen Patrol
General Senior Services
1823 W 17th Street.................312-850-1768
Pros Arts Studio
KKP - Little Tykes II School
1658 W 35th Street.................773-254-3333
Our Lady Of Good Counsel
1817 S Loomis........................312-666-6511
Dental Clinics
Alivio Dental
Chicago Family Assistance Centers
1119 W Cullerton Street..........312-226-7767
1723 W 35th Street.................773-579-1793
1657 S Blue Island Avenue......312-243-5100
SBTI Central States SER Business
Head Start
Gads Hill Center
966 W 21st Street...................312-829-6303
1919 W Cullerton Street..........312-226-0963
Lower West Side Dental Clinic
Golden Diner Program
1713 S Ashland.......................312-764-5152
Lower West WIC
1643 W Cermak......................312-747-1650
Mental Heath Clinics
Human Resources Development
Institute - 18th Street
2207 W 18th Street.................312-226-6989
Pilsen Little Village Community
Ment al Health Center
1858 W Cermak Road.............312-226-1120
Harrison Park
1824 S Wood Street................312-744-4016
Racine Apartments
1710 S Loomis Street..............773-542-9030
Saint Pres Youth Center
El Valor
1723 W 35th Street.................773-579-1793
2020 S Blue Island..................312-421-7647
Thomas Early Childhood Center
St. Pius V Parish / Casa Juan
Diego Youth Center
Private Elementary School
2020 S Blue Island Avenue......312-421-7647
3625 S Hoyne Avenue
Union League Boys and Girls
Clubs/ Unit One
social services
2157 W 19th Street.................312-829-6840
Private Preschool
YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago
- Pilsen
St. Andrew Lutheran
1608 W 21st Place..................312-738-0282
2520 S Western Suite 202 630-653-6400
1401 W 18th Street.................312-455-9652
Yollocalli Youth Services
3659 S Honore Street..............773-523-0130
St. Peter and Paul Church
3745 S Paulina Street..............773-523-3410
3659 S Honore Street..............773-376-5370
3659 S Honore Street..............773-376-5370
Public Elementary School
Everett Elementary School
Mujeres Latinas en Accion
3419 S Bell Avenue.................773-535-4550
2124 W 21st Place..................773-890-7676
Evergreen Academy Elementary
Mujeres Latinas en Accion Sexual Assault Program
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
St Andrew Lutheran
1611 S Racine Avenue............312-744-4016
Evangelical Child & Family
3528 S Hermitage Avenue......773-523-3917
3537 S Paulina Street..............773-535-4836
1823 W 17th Street.................312-226-1544
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
social services
Public Elementary School
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Clissold Elementary School
Bethesda Home and Retirement
2833 N Nordica Avenue..........773-622-6144
Chicago Park District Rutherford Sayre Park
2350 W 110th Place...............773-535-2560
Esmond Elementary School
1865 W Montvale...................773-535-2650
Shoop Math-Sci Tech Elementary
6871 W Belden.......................312-746-5368
1460 W 112th Street..............773-535-2715
Mont Clare Congregational Church
Public Preschool
6935 W Medill Avenue............773-889-8174
Esmond Elementary School
1865 W Montvale...................773-535-2650
DFSS Community
Service Center
DFSS Community
Service Center
Trina Davila Center
South Chicago Center
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
8759 S. Commercial Avenue...312-747-0331
Ed u c a t i o n
Ed u c a t i o n
Chicago Public Library
Chicago Public Library
Galewood-Mont Clare
6969 W Grand Avenue............312-746-5032
11071 S Hoyne Avenue...........312-747-1920
Workforce Development
Private Elementary School
Community Partnership Program
Oak Park Christian Academy
Children’s Dev Inst Morgan Pk
3105 N Oak Park Avenue 708-445-3030
10928 S Halsted.....................773-995-0600
h e a lt h c a r e
St. William School
2559 N Sayre Avenue..............773-637-5130
Head Start
Mental Heath Clinics
Private Preschool
Esmond Elementary School
1865 W Montvale...................773-535-2650
Beverly Morgan Park Mental
Health Center
Shoop Math-Sci Tech Elementary
1460 W 112th Street..............773-535-2715
Vick Early Childhood & Family Ctr
2554 W 113th Street..............773-535-2671
St. William School
2559 N Sayre Avenue..............773-637-5130
Public Elementary School
Morgan Park Pentecostal Church
11300 S Halsted Street...........773-928-4186
1657 W Monterey Avenue......773-785-6491
Catholic Youth Ministry
1825 W Monterey Avenue......773-881-0193
1987 W 111th Street..............312-747-1100
Locke J Elementary School
St. Cajetan School
11741 S Western Avenue........773-445-8850
2447 W 112th Street..............773-233-8844
Tabernacle Christian Academy
1233 W 109th Place...............773-445-3007
Senior Congregate Dining
Private Preschool
Montclare Senior Residences
Council Oak Montessori School
11030 S Longwood Drive........773-779-7606
Just for Kids
6650 W Belden Avenue...........312-744-4016
American Martial Arts Science
Association, Inc.
2153 W 111th Street..............773-881-6700
St Walter School
Montclare Senior Residences
11159 S Loomis Street............773-238-6800
Morgan Park Academy
Public Preschool
Golden Diner Program
Holy Name of Mary
General Senior Services
11156 S Hoyne Avenue...........773-238-2603
senior services
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Chicago Division of Mental
Health - Beverly/Morgan Center
Private Elementary School
2845 N Newcastle Avenue......773-534-3300
6650 W Belden.......................312-744-4016
Soup Kitchen
senior services
P L A I D Academy
2760 W 111th Street..............773-239-6060
1971 W 111th Street..............312-747-1180
Locke J Elementary School
2845 N Newcastle Avenue......773-534-3300
Unity Parenting and Counseling
11024 S Bell Avenue...............773-779-9070
Little Hands Learning Center
2324 W 111th Street..............312-925-0689
Morgan Park Academy
10860 S Vincennes Avenue.....773-238-8380
Food Pantries
Apostolic Pentecostal Church of
Morgan Park
Lifelink - Orchard Place of Morgan Park/Beverly
11230 S Vincennes Avenue.....773-779-6938
11401-13 S Vincennes Avenue.773-881-6900
social services
Maple Morgan Park Food Pantry
11030 S Longwood Drive........773-239-3013
Morgan Park SDA Community
1543 W 110th Street..............773-445-2909
Mt. Calvary Family Needs
1257 W 111th Street..............773-445-9022
New Hope Baptist Church
11021 S Ashland Avenue........773-445-5178
2153 W 111th Street..............773-881-6700
Senior Congregate Dining
St. Cajetan School
Ada Park
2447 W 112th Street..............773-233-8844
Lifelink - Greencastle of Morgan
Chicago Park District - Ada Park
11250 S Ada Street.................312-747-6002
Community Supportive Living
1701 W Monterey Avenue......773-881-1767
Esmond School Tutor/Mentor
1865 W Montvale...................773-535-2650
Greater New Testament Missionary Baptist Church
1222 W 108th Street..............773-881-8723
Holy Name of Mary Church
11159 S Loomis Street............773-238-6800
Management Planning Institute, Inc.
Morgan Park Baptist Church
11070 S Western Avenue........773-239-9700
11024 S Bell Avenue...............773-445-9443
Disability Services and Education
Reigers’ Reading & Tutoring
Lifelink - Greencastle of Morgan
Steps to Life
10860 S Vincennes..................773-238-8380
11636 S Artesian Avenue........773-239-3895
11740 S Western Avenue........773-371-2700
Lifelink - Orchard Place of
Morgan Park/Beverly
11230 S Vincennes..................773-779-6938
11250 S Ada Street.................312-742-7529
St. Walter School
11741 S Western Avenue........773-445-8850
Tabernacle Christian Academy
1233 W 109th Place...............773-445-3007
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Head Start
Food Pantries
ChildServ - Saint Matthew Head Start
Salvation Army Community Center Mount Greenwood
11355 S Central Park Avenue.. 773-445-4377
Senior Congregate Dining
1000 N Orleans Street.............312-944-3403
Ferguson CPC School
1420 N Hudson.......................773-534-8580
Jenner Elementary Academy of
the Arts
1119 N Cleveland Avenue.......773-534-8440
Salvation Army Community Center Mount Greenwood
Lutheran Social Services Trinidad
11355 S Central Park..............773-445-4377
29 W Division
DFSS Community
Service Center
South Chicago Center
8759 S. Commercial Avenue...312-747-0331
Ed u c a t i o n
senior services
DFSS Community
Service Center
General Senior Services
North Area Center
Branch Family Institute
4740 N. Sheridan Road...........312-744-2580
3139 W 111th Street..............773-238-1100
Salvation Army Community Center Mount Greenwood
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
11355 S Central Park Ave ......773-445-4377
Chicago Public Library
Golden Diner Program
Near North
Salvation Army Corps Community
Center Mount Greenwood
Salvation Army Community Center
Mount Greenwood
11355 S Central Park Avenue.. 773-445-4377
Chicago Public Library
Mount Greenwood
11010 S Kedzie Avenue..........312-747-2805
Private Elementary School
Queen of Martyrs School
3550 W 103rd Street 708-422-1540
St. Christina School
3333 W 110th Street..............773-445-2969
Private Preschool
Queen of Martyrs School
3550 W 103rd Street 708-422-1540
St. Christina School
3333 W 110th Street..............773-445-2969
Public Elementary School
Cassell Elem School
11314 S Spaulding Avenue.....773-535-2640
Keller Elem Gifted Magnet School
3020 W 108th Street..............773-535-2636
Mount Greenwood Elementary
511 W Elm..............................312-943-2120
Private Elementary School
Frances Xavier Warde Schools
751 N State Street...................312-466-0700
Immaculate Conception School
1431 N North Park Avenue.....312-944-0304
Lake Shore Preparatory School
Salvation Army Corps Community
Center Mount Greenwood
Bright Horizons at Fourth Presbyterian Children’s Center
Latin School of Chicago Lower
11355 S Central Park Avenue.. 773-445-4377
126 E Chestnut Street 877-624-4532
Substance Abuse Resources
Catholic Charities Chicago
E. M. Branch & Associates, Inc.
Prevention Classes, Inc.
ChildServ - Saint Matthew Head
social services
3139 W 111th Street..............773-238-1100
10435 S Kedzie Avenue..........773-239-2830
Disability Services and Education
CARC - Community Connections Community Living Services
721 N LaSalle Street................312-655-7000
1000 N Orleans Street.............312-944-3403
Downtown Children’s Learning
10444 S Kedzie Avenue..........773-429-0203
400 N McClurg Court..............312-828-9590
Mount Greenwood Park
LaSalle Street Cycle
3721 W 111th Street..............312-747-6564
Extracurricular Youth Activities
CHSAS (Chicago High School for
Agricultural Sciences)
3857 W 111th Street..............773-535-2500
Chicago High School For Agricultural Science
3857 W 111th Street..............773-535-2500
Digital One Technology
4101 W 127th Street Suite 6 708-250-2595
Public Preschool
11000 S Saint Louis Avenue....773-298-3180
University of Illinois Extension Horticulture and Urban Garden
3807 W 111th Street..............773-233-0476
Parenting Training
E. M. Branch & Associates, Inc.
3139 W 111th Street..............773-238-1100
735 W Division Street..............312-664-2880
Lake Shore Preparatory School
300 W Hill Street.....................312-266-2020
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois - Cabrini
264 W Oak..............................312-664-2690
Near the Pier Development
540 N Lake Shore Drive...........312-527-2223
Sinai Preschool
15 W Delaware Place..............312-867-7010
Wayman Daycare Center
511 W Elm..............................312-943-2120
Child-Parent Center
Ferguson CPC School
1531 N Dearborn Parkway......312-582-6200
The Catherine Cook School
226 W Schiller.........................312-266-3381
The Latin School of Chicago
59 W North Boulevard.............312-582-6060
Franklin Elementary Fine Arts
Interaction Dynamics
444 N Wabash Avenue............312-923-2100
225 W Evergreen Avenue........773-534-8510
1 E Superior Street Suite 310...312-988-7792
Jenner Elementary Academy of
the Arts
Loyola University Chicago Institute for Paralegal Services
1119 N Cleveland Avenue.......773-534-8440
820 N Michigan Avenue..........312-915-6820
Manierre Elementary School
The New School for Massage,
Bodywork and Healing
Bright Horizons at Fourth Presbyterian Children’s Center
24 W Walton Street.................773-534-0866
eConsulting Group Inc.
Salazar Elementary Bilingual
eConsulting Group, Inc.
126 E Chestnut Street 877-624-4532
Downtown Children’s Learning
400 N McClurg Court..............312-828-9590
Early Learning Foundations Inc
1455 N Clark..........................312-787-9021
Frances Xavier Warde Schools
751 N State Street...................312-466-0700
Immaculate Conception School
1431 N North Park Avenue.....312-944-0304
Lake Shore Preparatory School
300 W Hill Street.....................312-266-2020
Latin School of Chicago Lower
1531 N Dearborn Parkway......312-582-6200
Sinai Preschool
15 W Delaware Place..............312-867-7010
Ogden Elementary School
160 W Wendell Street.............773-534-8310
Public Preschool
Community Health Centers
Jenner Elementary Academy of
the Arts
Flannery Senior Clinic
1119 N Cleveland Avenue.......773-534-8440
Seton Family Health Center
Manierre Elementary School
711 W North Avenue..............312-377-1982
1420 N Hudson Avenue..........773-534-8456
Winfield Moody Health Center
Salazar Elementary Bilingual
1276 N Clybourn.....................312-337-1073
1531 N Clybourn.....................312-664-9920
160 W Wendell Street.............773-534-8310
Dental Clinics
General Practice Residency/Galter
Pavilion Program
640 W Scott Street..................773-534-8490
The Catherine Cook School
AlliedBarton Security Services
511 W Elm Street....................312-943-2120
405 N Wabash Avenue............312-644-8699
h e a lt h c a r e
Workforce Development
Wayman Day Care Center
401 N Michigan Avenue..........312-804-0772
640 W Scott Street..................773-534-8500
1000 N Orleans Street.............773-944-3403
226 W Schiller.........................312-266-3381
800 N Wells Street..................312-654-0900
Skinner North Elementary School
St. Chrysostom’s Day School
St. Matthew Day Care Center
Community Partnership Program
Computer Training Source, Inc.
1420 N Hudson Avenue..........773-534-8456
Schiller/Truth CPC
1409 N Ogden........................773-534-8126
Public Elementary School
Private Preschool
1420 N Hudson.......................773-534-8580
1000 N Orleans Street.............312-944-3403
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
300 W Hill Street.....................312-266-2020
1424 N Dearborn....................312-642-3422
ChildServ - Saint Matthew Head Start
Wayman Daycare Center
Child Care
St. Xavier University/Merwick
10841 S Homan Avenue.........773-535-2786
264 W Oak..............................312-664-2690
11355 S Central Park Ave.......312-744-4016
10841 S Homan Avenue.........773-535-2786
Mount Greenwood Elementary
310 W Division Street..............312-744-0991
Lutheran Social Services of
Illinois - Cabrini
500 N Michigan Avenue..........312-755-0200
Chicago Portfolio School
25 W Hubbard Street..............312-321-9250
251 E Huron Street Suite 2-246......................
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
251 E Huron Street..................312-926-2000
VA Chicago Health Care System
Lakeside Medical Center
333 E Huron Street..................312-560-8387
Mental Heath Clinics
Cathedral Counseling Center
671 N Wabash Avenue............312-337-5874
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
251 E Huron Street..................312-926-2000
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
446 E Ontario Street...............312-926-8744
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
- Suicide Hotline
Chicago Park District - Seward Park
375 W Elm Street....................312-742-7895
Working in the Schools - Jenner
446 E Ontario Street...............312-926-8100
Chicago Park District - Stanton Park
1009 N Cleveland...................312-751-9487
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
618 W Scott Avenue................312-742-7896
345 E Superior Street 866-999-3344
Chicago Youth Programs, Inc.Cabrini Green Youth Program
Working in the Schools - Schiller
Sue Bae, Ph.D.
405 N Wabash Avenue Suite 4507..................
303 E Chicago Avenue... 773-924-0220 x126
Working in the Schools - Triton School
150 E Huron Suite 900............312-751-9487
Winfield Moody Health Center
City Year
545 N Michigan Avenue..........312-464-9899
Housing Assistance
1276 N Clybourn Avenue........312-337-1073
Cycle Wiz Factory
Food Pantries
Disability Services and Education
735 W Division Street..............312-664-2880
Elam Davies Social Service Center
Apostolate of the Handicapped
126 E Chestnut Street.............312-981-3590
Emergency Assistance Program
721 N La Salle Street...............312-655-7188
721 N LaSalle Drive.................312-655-7514
Catholic Charities Emergency
Assistance Department
St. Matthew Child Advocate
Earnfare Food Stamp Employment
1000 N Orleans Street.............312-613-5740
YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago
801 N Dearborn Street............312-932-1212
Senior Congragate Dining
Division/LaSalle Apartments
116 W Elm Street....................312-744-4016
Soup Kitchen
4th Church Monday Supper
721 N LaSalle Drive.................312-981-3382
Breaking Bread Ministries
1111 N Wells Street Suite 500.312-573-8836
Elam Davies Social Service Ctr
721 N LaSalle..........................312-655-7506
Center for Disability and Elder Law
710 N Lake Shore Drive...........312-908-4463
Deborah’s Place - Patty Crowley
1530 N Sedgwick Avenue.......312-944-9227
Make a Wish Foundation of Illinois
640 N La Salle Street...............312-602-9474
Northwestern University Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Cleft Lip/Palate
240 E Huron Street..................312-503-5855
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Drucker House
1535 N Dayton Street.............312-664-4631
First St Paul’s Lutheran Church
1301 N La Salle Drive..............312-642-7172
Girls on the Run-Chicago
1415 N Dayton Suite 1S..........312-266-8200
HighJump at Latin School of Chicago
59 W North Boulevard.............312-582-6000
1107 N Orleans Street.............312-787-9824
Holy Family Ministries Foundation
- Buddies Program
542 W Hobbie.........................312-337-5443
I.C. Stars
212 W Superior Street.............312-640-3851
Insight Academic Program
315 W Walton Street...... 312-787-9824 x225
Jesse White Tumblers
126 E Chestnut Street.............312-981-3590
345 E Superior Street..............312-238-1000
1445 N State Parkway Suite 604....................
LaSalle Street Church Seniors
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Marion Stamps Youth Initiative
1111 N Wells Street Suite 500.312-573-8840
Near North Health Service Corporation
1276 N Clybourn.....................312-337-1415
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
907 N Larrabee.......................312-951-1966
senior services
General Senior Services
Catholic Office of the Deaf
640 N La Salle Street...............312-655-7899
Fourth Presbyterian Church
126 E Chestnut Street.............312-787-4570
Golden Diner Program
Division/LaSalle Apartments
116 W Elm Street....................312-744-4016
Access Living
115 W Chicago Avenue...........312-253-7000
Alliance for Community Peace
509 W Elm Street....................312-243-8530
Alvin Carter Youth Foundation
880 N Hudson.........................312-440-3606
Am I My Brother’s Keeper Outreach
283 E Lincoln Highway 708-758-1840
Athletes Against Drugs
445 N Cityfront Plaza 15th fl...312-321-3400
By The Hand/Kids Club - CabriniGreen
Interaction Dynamics
1 E Superior Street Suite 310...312-988-7792
Marshall Field Garden - Apartment
1448 N Sedgwick....................312-335-1436
Marwen Foundation
833 N Orleans Street...............312-944-2418
Moody Bible Institute - Solheim
Urban Outreach Tutoring Program
1235A N Clybourn Suite 362..312-649-5551
700 E Grand Avenue...............312-527-1000
Chicago Fellowship of Friends
515 W Oak Street....................312-944-4493
Chicago Lights Tutoring and
Scholarship Program
Chicago Park District - Lake Shore Park
808 N Lake Shore Drive...........312-742-7891
Interpretation and Translation
845 W. 69th Street..................312-745-8285
Allied Enterprises
300 N State Street 6005.........312-836-0421
Als Intl Conference Intrprtg
645 N Michigan Avenue 800..312-755-0030
Atlas Translation Svc Inc
1550 N State Parkway............312-654-8866
Chicago Area Translators Assn
300 N State Street...................312-836-0961
Greek Translation Svc
Ed u c a t i o n
Child Care
Henry Booth House - Dearborn
2326 S Dearborn Street...........312-225-4818
Henry Booth House - Hilliard
Head Start
2401 S Wabash Street.............312-663-9450
1501 S State Street.................312-913-1557
Community Partnership Program
Public Preschool
National Teachers Elementary
South Loop Elementary School
1212 S Plymouth Court...........773-534-8690
Tuition-Based Preschool
South Loop Elementary School
1212 S Plymouth Court...........773-534-8690
Food Pantries
Workforce Development
Hilliard Apartments
Ada S. McKinley Community
Service - Adult Rehabilitation
54 W Cermak..........................312-225-6691
Quinn Chapel AME Church
Second Presbyterian Church
500 N Michigan Avenue 538..312-255-0876
Head Start
Henry Booth House - Dearborn
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Teen Parent Services
Main Office
senior services
2326 S Dearborn Street...........312-225-4818
2014 S Michigan Avenue........312-793-6000
Henry Booth House - Hilliard
Head Start
Parenting Training
Interaction Dynamics
1 E Superior Street Suite 310...312-988-7792
2401 S Wabash Street.............312-663-9450
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Loop Learning Center
Catholic Charities Chicago
2014 S Michigan Avenue........312-793-5991
721 N La Salle Street...............312-655-7000
National Teachers Elementary
Substance Abuse Resources
Berrios & Rivera, Inc. / DBA Gutierrez & Associates, Inc.
55 W Cermak Road.................773-534-9970
South Loop Elementary School
1212 S Plymouth Court...........773-534-8690
857 N Cleveland Avenue.........312-642-4191
505 N La Salle Drive................312-222-1075
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Center For Addictive Problems, Inc.
Private Elementary School
710 N Lake Shore Drive...........312-238-5001
609 N Wells Street..................312-266-0404
Daystar School
Sonny Parker’s Youth Foundation
Family Guidance Centers, Inc.
1550 S State Street.................312-791-0001
401 N Michigan Avenue..........312-822-3439
310 W Chicago Avenue...........312-943-6545
Old St Mary’s School
St. Matter United Methodist Church
Hazelden Chicago
1532 S Michigan Avenue........312-386-1560
1000 N Orleans Street.............312-337-7111
867 N Dearborn......................312-943-3534
Working in the Schools - George
Manierre School
Near North Health Service
1276 N Clybourn.....................312-337-1073
T.A.S.C., Inc.
1500 N Halsted Street.............312-787-0208
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
1331 S Michigan Avenue........312-554-0060
1936 S Michigan Avenue........312-225-4951
ACCESS at Illinois Eye Institute
3241 S Michigan.....................312-949-7770
Mercy Family Health Center
2525 S Michigan.....................312-567-2237
Mercy Hospital and Medical
2525 S Michigan Avenue........312-567-2000
Department of Family & Support
Services Neighborhood Resource
Directory Near South Side
Mental Heath Clinics
Mercy Hospital and Medical Center
2525 S Michigan Avenue........312-567-2000
2221 S State Street.................312-225-5465
The Black Star Project
57 E 16th Street......................312-939-1109
Urban Solutions
Golden Diner Program
Hilliard Apartments
54 W Cermak Road.................312-744-4016
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
Link Unlimited
True Rock Ministries
1863 S Wabash Avenue..........312-326-1229
300 N State Street...................312-836-9966
1910 S Calumet Avenue..........312-842-7729
1333 S Wabash Avenue Box 20......................
2326 S Dearborn.....................773-791-0051
Spanish Business Tech & Legal
Lincoln’s Challenge Program
2401 S Wabash Avenue..........312-791-1846
Henry Booth House Gentry School
Northeastern Illinois University
1420 N Hudson Avenue..........312-751-9487
National Teachers Elementary
Interlingua Worldwide
126 E Chestnut Street.............312-787-4570
Public Elementary School
1400 N Halsted Street.............312-320-1645
820 N LaSalle..........................312-329-4451
770 N Halsted Street...............312-563-7123
1532 S Michigan Avenue........312-386-1560
55 W Cermak Road.................773-534-9970
Marcy Newberry Association Parent Child Education Center
Project Education Plus
Camp of Dreams
Garfield Center
175 E Delaware Place 7912....312-856-1964
Old St. Mary’s School
1212 S Plymouth Court...........773-534-8690
DFSS Community
Service Center
1333 N Kingsbury...................312-337-5339
Aaa Interpreting
1501 S State Street.................312-913-1557
South Loop Elementary School
115 W Chicago Avenue.312-640-2100 x2197
Holsten Real Estate Development
55 W Cermak Road.................773-534-9970
Access Living
2001 S Michigan
CHIC Cooking & Hospitality Institute of Chicago
361 W Chestnut Street............312-944-0882
345 E Superior Street 866-999-3344
1000 N Sedgwick....................312-305-2622
126 E Chestnut Street.............312-981-4565
735 W Division Street..............312-335-9830
Partners in Education Tutoring at
Fourth Presbyterian Church
Chicago Children’s Museum
social services
640 W Scott Street..................312-751-9487
Private Preschool
social services
1326 S Michigan Avenue Suite 10..................
Parenting Training
Illinois Department of Human
2014 S Michigan Avenue........312-793-6000
Nia Comprehensive Center for
Developmental Disabilities, Inc.
Illinois Department of Human
Specialized Assistance Services, NFP
1808 S State Street.................312-949-1808
2014 S Michigan Avenue........312-793-6000
2101 S Indiana Avenue 1st Fl..312-808-3210
Mercy Hospital and Medical
Substance Abuse Resources
2525 S Michigan Avenue........312-567-2291
Disability Services and Education
Ada S. McKinley Community
Service - Adult Rehabilitation
1863 S Wabash Avenue..........312-326-1229
Mercy Hospital And Medical Center
2525 S Michigan Avenue........312-567-2297
Mercy Housing Lakefront / South
Loop Apartments
1521 S Wabash Avenue..........312-447-4500
Specialized Assistance Services, NFP
2101 S Indiana Avenue...........312-808-3210
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Black Star Project
1333 S Wabash Avenue..........773-285-9602
Henry Booth House
2328 S Dearborn Street...........312-225-0800
City Colleges Malcolm X School
Irving Elementary School
Inner Voice
2020 W Roosevelt Road..........312-243-7300
1900 W Van Buren..................773-326-2282
749 S Oakley Boulevard..........773-534-7295
1621 W Walnut Street.............312-226-2730
Catholic Charities Cordia Marian
King Elementary School
1100 S May Street..................773-666-3787
Frances Xavier Warde School: Old
St. Patrick Campus
740 S Campbell Avenue..........773-534-7898
Jane Addams Hull House Association
City Colleges Malcolm X School
120 S Des Plaines....................312-466-0700
Rudolph Elementary Learning Center
1030 W Van Buren..................312-906-8600
1900 W Van Buren..................312-850-7000
Marcy Newberry Association
110 N Paulina Street...............773-534-7460
Malcolm X College
1073 W Maxwell Street...........773-829-7555
Skinner Elementary School
1900 W Van Buren Street........312-850-7273
1835 W Harrison Street 1st Floor....................
222 S Jefferson........................773-468-6959
St. Malachy School
1260 W Adams Street.............773-534-7790
Smyth J Elementary School
Mayor’s Office for People with
Disabilities - Field Office
2150 W Harrison Avenue........312-942-6501
2252 W Washington Boulevard.......................
Mile Square Health Center
Laurance Armour Day School
1059 W 13th Street.................773-534-7180
2102 W Ogden Avenue...........312-744-6673
2045 W Washington Boulevard.......................
Marcy Newberry Association
Public Elementary School
Suder Montessori Elementary
Magnet School
Mercy Home for Boys and Girls
Pacific Garden Mission
2022 W Washington...............773-534-7685
Michael Barlow Center/St. Leonard’s Ministries
1073 W Maxwell Street...........312-829-7555
DFSS Community
Service Center
Garfield Center
845 W. 69th Street..................312-745-8285
Brown W Elementary School
Marcy Newberry Association Ashland Community Center
54 N Hermitage Avenue..........773-534-7250
Chicago Virtual Elem Charter Schl
1440 S Ashland Avenue..........312-666-2036
38 S Peoria Street....................312-676-3889
Marcy Newberry Rockwell Center
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
2020 W Roosevelt Road..........312-243-7300
Center for Literacy
Salvation Army Temple School
Marcy Newberry Association
222 S Jefferson........................773-468-6959
1073 W Maxwell Street...........312-829-7555
Marcy Newberry Association
1073 W Maxwell Street...........312-829-7555
Marcy Newberry Association Fosco
Marcy Newberry Association - Fosco
1312 S Racine.........................312-746-6024
Community Partnership Program
1312 S Racine.........................312-746-6024
Marcy Newberry Rockwell Center
Boys and Girls Clubs James
Jordan Center
North Avenue Day Nursery
2540 W Jackson Boulevard.....312-666-2931
2020 W Jackson
Medill Elementary School
1001 W Roosevelt Road..........312-738-5456
1040 W Harrison Street...........312-413-1914
Child-Parent Center
City Colleges Malcolm X School
Joyner CPC
1900 W Van Buren..................312-850-7300
Safer Foundation/Pace Institute
571 W Jackson Boulevard.......312-575-3271
United Neighborhood Organization
954 W Washington Boulevard.312-432-6301
1315 S Blue Island..................773-534-7903
2102 W Monroe......................773-432-4294
Adult Literacy - General Education Development Center for
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
City Colleges Malcolm X School
City Colleges Malcolm X School
1040 W Harrison Street...........312-413-1914
1900 W Van Buren..................312-850-7300
Greater West Town
2021 W Fulton Street..............312-563-9570
Safer Foundation/Pace Institute
571 W Jackson Boulevard.......312-575-3271
United Neighborhood Organization
954 W Washington Boulevard.312-432-6301
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
2020 W Roosevelt Road..........312-243-7300
Chicago Public Library Manning
6 S Hoyne Avenue...................312-746-6800
1101 W Taylor Street...............312-746-5656
Child Care
ABLA Child Development Center
1342 S Racine Avenue............312-733-5992
Boys and Girls Clubs James
Jordan Center
2102 W Monroe......................312-432-4294
C.C.C. Learning Center
610 S Canal............................312-353-8687
2020 W Roosevelt Road..........312-243-7300
Catholic Charities Cordia Marian
1100 S May Street..................773-666-3787
1900 W Van Buren..................773-850-7176
Easter Seals Windy City Kids School
600 W Madison......................773-575-6550
Head Start
ABLA Child Development Center
1342 S Racine Avenue............312-733-5992
Boys and Girls Clubs James
Jordan Center
2102 W Monroe......................773-432-4294
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
2020 W Roosevelt Road..........312-243-7300
Catholic Charities Cordia Marian
1326 W 14th Place.................773-534-7760
Salvation Army Family Outreach
1548 W Adams.......................312-733-2533
Salvation Army Midwest
20 S Campbell.........................312-733-4802
Salvation Army Temple School
1 N Ogden Avenue..................312-226-2649
YMCA Duncan School
1001 W Roosevelt Road..........312-738-5456
1100 S May Street..................773-666-3787
Private Elementary School
Chicago Commons - Mile Square
Children of Peace School
2312 W Warren Boulevard......312-226-8606
University of Illinois at Chicago
Children’s Cent I East School
Rush Day School
City Colleges Malcolm X School
2150 W Harrison Street...........312-942-6627
728 W Roosevelt Road............773-413-5331
1900 W Van Buren..................312-850-7000
St. Malachy School
Crane Achievement Academy
2252 W Washington Boulevard.......................
Laurance Armour Day School
2150 W Harrison Avenue........312-942-6501
Salvation Army Temple School
1 N Ogden..............................312-226-2649
University of Illinois at Chicago
Children’s Cent II West School
1919 W Taylor.........................773-413-5326
YMCA Duncan School
2245 W Jackson Avenue.........773-534-7066
Dett Elementary School
2306 W Maypole Avenue........773-534-7160
1001 W Roosevelt Road..........773-738-5443
Galileo Elementary Math & Sci
Schol Acd
Early Head Start
820 S Carpenter Street............773-534-7070
ABLA Child Development Center
1342 S Racine Avenue............312-733-5992
Early HS Daycare Homes Hull House
1030 W Van Buren
222 S Jefferson........................773-468-6959
Herbert Elementary School
2131 W Monroe Street............773-534-7806
Joseph Medill Elementary School
1900 W Taylor Street...............312-243-8186
Private Preschool
C.C.C. Learning Center
Project Match West Haven
20 S Campbell Avenue............312-733-4802
Easter Seals Therapeutic
2102 W Monroe Street............312-850-9370
1939 W 13th Street.................312-432-1751
Safer Foundation
Salvation Army Child Care Head
Start Temple Wrap Around
Mercy Home for Boys and Girls
609 W Adams Street...............312-575-3270
1 N Ogden Avenue..................312-226-2649
1140 W Jackson Boulevard.....312-738-7560
Safer Foundation - Youth Education and West Loop
Salvation Army Dental Clinic
2150 W Harrison Street...........312-942-6627
Jackson A Elementary Language
Learning Center
Union Dental Center
Tuition-Based Preschool
609 W Adams Street...............312-575-3271
1657 W Adams.......................312-738-0762
1340 W Harrison Street...........773-534-7000
Skinner Elementary School
Strategic Human Services
University of Illinois Dental Clinics
King Elementary School
1260 W Adams Street.............773-534-7790
2131 W Monroe Street............773-534-7806
Irving Elementary School
749 S Oakley Boulevard..........773-534-7295
Montefiore Special Elementary
1900 W Taylor Street...............312-243-8186
1301 W 14th Street.................773-534-7750
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
801 S Paulina Street................312-996-8071
UCAN Uhlich Children’s Advantage
1340 S Damen Avenue...........312-738-5910
University of Illinois at Chicago
Workforce Development
Rudolph Elementary Learning Center
110 N Paulina Street...............773-534-7460
Autism Therapeutic School
Skinner Elementary School
1939 W 13th Street.................312-432-1751
h e a lt h c a r e
1260 W Adams Street.............773-534-7790
Cara Program
Smyth J Elementary School
703 W Monroe Street..............312-798-3300
Community Health Centers
1059 W 13th Street.................773-534-7180
Cathedral Shelter of Chicago
Suder Montessori Elementary
Magnet Schl
1668 W Ogden Avenue...........312-997-2222
2022 W Washington...............773-534-7685
100 N Western Avenue...........773-533-3140
Public Preschool
Ashburn School
Cordi-Marian Childhood Center
832 S Carpenter Street............773-535-7860
Brown W Elementary School
54 N Hermitage Avenue..........773-534-7250
Crane Achievement Academy
2245 W Jackson Avenue.........773-534-7570
Dett Elementary School
Galileo Elementary Math & Sci
Schol Acd
Children of Peace School
820 S Carpenter Street............773-534-7070
Center For Employment Training
10 S Riverside Plaza 888-513-3476
1100 S May Street 2nd Floor...312-733-5661
Coyne American Institute
330 N Green Street.................773-577-8100
Greater West Town Community
Development Project - Training
CORE Center
2020 W Harrison.....................312-572-4500
Ergo Medica
401 S Clinton Street................312-793-3610
Rush University Medical Center
1653 W Congress Parkway.....312-942-5000
University of Illinois Medical
Center at Chicago
1740 W Taylor Street (866)600-CARE
VA Chicago Health Care System
West Side Medical Center
820 S Damen Avenue..............312-569-8387
Warren Family Health Center
621 S Winchester....................312-864-6126
James Jordan Family Life Center
2102 W Monroe......................312-996-2000
Mile Square Health Center
2409 W Warren Boulevard......312-733-4475
Mental Heath Clinics
Chicago Division of Mental
Health - Lawndale Center
2045 W Washington...............312-996-2000
1201 S Campbell Avenue........312-746-5905
Near West Family Center
Grand Prairie Services - Lincoln
2310 W Roosevelt...................312-996-2000
Sidney Hillman Health Centre
2131 W Monroe Street............773-534-7806
1835 W Harrison Street...........312-864-6000
Fantus Health Center of Cook
Human Resources Development
Herbert Elementary School
Cook County Stroger Hospital
311 N Aberdeen Street 100B 317-330-909
Near West Family Health Center
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Family Community
Resource Center
1231 S Damen........................773-534-7266
1333 S Halsted Street.............312-355-0423
2021 W Fulton Street..............312-563-9570
222 S Jefferson Street.............312-441-9009
1515 W Monroe Street............312-733-0500
1211 S Western Avenue..........312-492-9090
1310 S Ashland Avenue..........773-534-7825
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
1100 S May Street..................773-666-3787
Rush Day School
740 S Campbell Avenue..........773-534-7898
2306 W Maypole Avenue........773-534-7160
Catholic Charities Cordia Marian
1725 W Harrison Room 717-PB......................
1900 W Taylor Street...............312-243-8186
610 S Canal............................312-353-8687
2020 W Roosevelt Road..........312-243-7300
Rush University Medical Center General Practice Residency
Salvation Army Child Care Head
Start Midwest
Herbert Elementary School
YMCA Duncan School
1458 S Canal Street................312-492-9410
123 N Hoyne Avenue..............312-633-9217
820 S Carpenter Street............773-534-7070
1 N Ogden Avenue..................312-226-2649
2120 W Warren Boulevard......312-226-6270
Fantus Health Center at John H.
Stroger Hospital
Children of Peace School
Galileo Elementary Math & Sci
Schol Acd
1515 W Monroe Street............312-733-2533
Chicago Lighthouse Develmnt Cntr
2020 W Harrison.....................312-572-4500
1850 W Roosevelt Road..........312-666-1331
2306 W Maypole Avenue........773-534-7160
Salvation Army Child Care
Special Education
1140 W Jackson Boulevard.....312-738-7560
Core Dental Clinic
Near West Side Community
Development Corp
Dett Elementary School
2540 W Jackson Boulevard.....312-666-2931
Ed u c a t i o n
Dental Clinics
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
1158 W Taylor.........................312-455-8640
333 S Ashland.........................312-738-6175
Specialty Care Center
1901 W Harrison Street...........312-864-7589
Warren Family Health Center
2409 W Warren.......................312-773-4475
450 W 14th Street 708-503-9670
Mount Sinai/Mile Square Health
2040 W Washington Blvd........312-850-5800
Rush University Medical Center
1653 W Congress Parkway.....312-942-5000
University of Illinois Medical
Center at Chicago
1740 W Taylor Street (866)600-CARE
senior services
Food Pantries
General Senior Services
Cathedral Shelter of Chicago
Food Pantry
Cathedral Shelter of Chicago
1668 W Ogden Avenue...........312-997-2222
Catholic Charities Chicago - Keen
Ager News
First Baptist Congregational
1668 W Ogden Avenue...........312-997-2222
1613 W Washington Boulevard.......................
126 N Desplaines Street..........312-655-7425
Holy Family Notre Dame Pantry
2102 W Ogden Avenue...........312-746-5300
1080 W Roosevelt Road N Door.....................
Methodist Youth Services
954 W Washington Boulevard Suite 4E...........
312-733-8810 x2222
Salvation Army Chicago Temple
1 N Ogden Avenue..................312-492-6803
Salvation Army Midwest Corps
20 S Campbell Avenue............312-733-4801
St. Pius Parish Soup Kitchen
1901 W Washington Boulevard.......................
Sullivan Apartments
1633 W Madison....................312-744-4016
The Salvation Army Harbor
Light Center
1515 W Monroe......................312-421-5753
Home Delivered Meals
First Baptist Congregational
1613 W Washington Boulevard.......................
Little Brothers Friends of the
Central West Regional Senior Center
Jane Addams Hull House
Association - RSVP
1030 W Van Buren Street........312-235-5359
Little Brothers Friends of the
355 N Ashland Avenue............312-455-1000
Marcy Newberry Association
1073 W Maxwell Street...........312-829-7555
Marcy Newberry Association Collins Home for Seniors
1401 S Blue Island Avenue......312-243-5991
Rush University Medical Center
Fantus Health Center of Cook County
621 S Winchester Avenue........312-864-8682
Haymarket Center
120 N Sangamon Street..........312-226-7984
In-Touch Hotline
1200 W Harrison Street...........312-996-5535
Jane Addams Hull House Association
1030 W Van Buren..................312-906-8600
Mile Square Health Center
2040 W Washington Boulevard.......................
Rape Victim Advocates - Stroger
1901 W Harrison Street...........312-864-6111
Resurrection Behavioral Health
American Hearing Impaired
Hockey Association
1143 W Lake Street.................312-226-5880
American Red Cross of Greater
2200 W Harrison Street...........312-729-6100
Aspire Center
1211 S Western Avenue..........312-226-1177
Bethlehem Healing Temple
12 S Oakley Boulevard............312-563-1920
Better Days For Youth
Rush University Medical Center
Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Chicago
2150 W Harrison.....................312-942-5047
The Youth Campus
901 W Jackson Boulevard 5th Floor................
Salvation Army Booth Manor
1340 S Damen Avenue...........312-738-5910
1500 W Madison Street..........312-243-1271
University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Psychiatry
Salvation Army Corps Community
Center Temple
614 W Roosevelt Road............312-253-7000
2150 W Harrison Street...........312-942-5375
1653 W Congress Parkway.....312-942-5000
20 S Campbell Avenue............312-733-4801
Access Living
2022 W Washington Boulevard.......................
UCAN Uhlich Children’s Advantage
Salvation Army Corps Community
Center Midwest
Extracurricular Youth Activities
1747 W Roosevelt Road Suite 160 (MC..........
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago
1 N Ogden Avenue..................312-492-6803
300 S Ashland Avenue Suite 301....................
Golden Diner Program
Disability Services and Education
Central West Regional Senior Center
Access Living
560 W Lake Avenue................312-427-0637
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoDett Club
2306 W Maypole....................312-226-2323
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoJames Jordan Club
2102 W Monroe......................312-226-2323
Carole Robertson Center for
Learning - School Age
Tutoring Program
2020 W Roosevelt...................312-243-7300
Chicago Housing Authority
626 W Jackson Boulevard.......312-742-8500
Chicago North Unit - University
of Illinois Extension
355 N Ashland Avenue............312-455-1000
2102 W Ogden Avenue...........312-744-4016
614 W Roosevelt Road............312-253-7000
300 N Elizabeth Street Suite 500C..................
Senior Congregate Dining
Sullivan Apartments
1633 W Madison Street..........312-744-4016
City of Chicago, Mayor’s Office
for People with Disabilities
Chicago Park District - Sheridan
Central West Senior Regional Center
2102 W Ogden Avenue...........312-744-4016
Greater Union Baptist Church
social services
1956 W Warren.......................312-421-6546
Soup Kitchen
Autism Program Service Center
at Easter Seals - Metro
Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly
355 N Ashland Avenue............312-455-1000
1001 W Roosevelt...................312-492-7402
2102 W Ogden Avenue...........312-744-6673
Disabled American Veterans
2122 W Taylor Street...............312-980-4242
20 S Campbell Avenue............312-733-4802
1501 W Randolph Street........312-633-GME4
Greater Bethlehem Baptist Church
2400 W Warren Boulevard......312-733-6832
Greater West Town Community
Development Project
2021 W Fulton Street..............312-563-9044
Horizons for Youth
703 W Monroe Street..............312-627-9031
Illinois Latino Educational Alliance
750 S Halsted Street M/C 041.312-413-4013
James “Major” Adams Youth &
Family Net 11th Dist
Snow City Arts Foundation - John
H Stroger Hospital Location
1900 W Harrison Street...........312-942-6991
Snow City Arts Foundation - Rush
University Location
1653 W Congress Parkway.....312-942-6991
St. Leonard’s
2120 W Warren Boulevard Michael Barlow Center.
312-226-6270 x20
Strategic Human Services & Living
2 Learn
1211 S Western Avenue..........312-492-9090
2102 W Monroe Street............312-226-2323
Jump Start at IYC-Chicago, a
program of Literacy Volunteers
of Illinois
1950 W Roosevelt Road..........312-433-3103
136 N Western Avenue 630-584-0506 x287
1200 W Harrison Street Suite 2640.................
Junior Achievement Of Chicago
651 W Washington Boulevard Suite SU...........
Juvenile Court Volunteer Programs/Probation Dept.
1100 S Hamilton Avenue 3rd floor..................
Malcolm-X College-Upward Bound
The Latin American Recruitment
and Educational Services Program
The Youth Campus - Chicago
901 W Jackson Boulevard 5th Fl.....................
Trio Programs University Of Illinois
At Chicago, Mc 343
728 W Roosevelt Road............312-996-5045
Youth Campus - Service Site
901 W Jackson Boulevard.......312-243-0533
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Near Westside Community
Development Corproation
2145 W Maypole....................312-733-9403
Parenting Training
1100 S May Street 2nd Floor...312-733-5661
651 W Lake Street...................312-655-7103
Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center
1240 S Damen Avenue...........312-492-3700
1123 S Western Avenue..........312-846-6442
Jane Addams Hull House Association
1030 W Van Buren..................312-906-8600
UIC Department of Psychiatry Institute for Juvenile Research
1747 W Roosevelt Road Suite 160 (MC..........
University of Illinois at Chicago
Division of Specialized Care for
1668 W Ogden Avenue...........312-997-2222
Chicago Treatment And Counseling
Center, Inc.
1223-1225 S Ashland Avenue.312-738-3200
Community Counseling Centers
Of Chicago (C4)
121 N Campbell Avenue.........312-633-3838
Gateway Foundation / Cook
County Juvenile Temporary
1100 S Hamilton.....................312-738-8200
H.A.S. / Illinois Department Of
Corrections ATC Westside
121 N Campbell Avenue.........773-252-3100
Harbor Light Alcoholism And
Drug Dependence
1515 W Monroe Street............312-421-5753
Haymarket Center - Mater
Hall A (Integrated Parenting In
932 W Washington Boulevard.312-226-7984
Healthcare Alternative Systems,
Inc. / Nexa
210 N Ashland Avenue............312-948-0200
Marriot Foundation
901 W Jackson Boulevard.......312-432-6240
University of Illinois at Chicago
Center for Literacy
1668 W Ogden Avenue...........312-997-2222
1100 S Hamilton.....................312-666-7339
Catholic Charities Chicago - Joseph Cardinal Bernandin
2320 W Roosevelt Road..........312-738-8933
Metro Achievement Center
Near West Side Community
Development Corp.
1100 S Hamilton Avenue........312-433-4401
1030 W Van Buren Street........312-235-5426
Cathedral Shelter Of Chicago
Adult Outpatient
954 W Washington Boulevard Suite 3R...........
1314 S Racine.........................773-510-2139
2245 W Jackson Boulevard.....773-534-7144
Jane Addams Hull House
Association - Independent
Living Program
207 S Ashland Avenue............312-997-3144
United Neighborhood Organization
Midtown Education Foundation
Crane High School
1617 W Washington...............312-243-3328
1073 W Maxwell Street...........312-829-7555
Community Building Tutors Fosco Park
1603 W Taylor St Room 862....312-996-0812
Cathedral Shelter Of Chicago Higgins Halfway House
Interfaith Organizing Project of
Greater Chicago
140 N Ashland Avenue............312-850-9411
Marcy-Newberry Association
310 S Peoria................... 312-226-4886 x226
Community Outreach Interventions/
Uric Corp
1621 W Walnut.......................312-666-8110
217 N Jefferson Street.. 312-669-8200 x2316
2102 W Ogden Avenue...........312-744-6673
1740 W Taylor Street (866)600-CARE
Caritas - Central Intake
1900 W Van Buren Street........312-850-7000
City of Chicago, Mayor’s Office
for People with Disabilities
1240 S Damen Avenue...........312-492-3700
Inner Voice, Inc. - Homeless
Alternative Behavior Consultations, Inc.
UCAN Uhlich Children’s Advantage
38 S Peoria Street....................312-786-9428
University of Illinois Medical
Center at Chicago
216 S Jefferson Street.............312-813-7009
Catholic Charities Chicago
Merit Music Program of Chicago
815 W Van Buren Street 305...312-829-6807
1123 S Western Avenue..........312-846-6442
The Illinois Center For Rehabilitation
and Education
University of Illinois at Chicago
Educational Talent Search
Center for Contextual Change
651 W Lake Street...................312-655-7453
Catholic Charities Chicago
118 N Canal Street..................773-921-1446
1 N Ogden Avenue..................312-226-2649
Childlink - Homeless Youth
1200 W Harrison Street Student Services
Building,............................. 312-996-5046
Circle Urban Ministries
651 W Lake Street...................312-655-7103
Addiction Counseling Educational
Services (Aces)
651 W Lake Street...................312-655-7700
James R. Jordan Boys & Girls
Club and Chicago Bulls Family
Life Center
1640 W Roosevelt Room 646.312-355-4227
Substance Abuse Resources
Catholic Charities Chicago
TRIO Programs, University of
Illinois at Chicago,
1140 W Jackson Boulevard.....312-738-7554
1127 W Adams Street.............312-942-1367
Housing Assistance
1832 W Washington Boulevard.......................
600 W Van Buren Street..........312-454-9002
Salvation Army Child Care Head
Start Temple Wrap Around
Girls in the Game
Salvation Army Corps
Jewish Vocational Service - Van Buren
Catholic Charities Chicago
Cook County Juvenile Probation
and Court Services Department
609 W Adams Street...............312-575-3270
Mercy Home for Boys and Girls/
Friends First
1900 W Van Buren Street........312-850-7342
1123 S Western Avenue..........312-846-6442
Safer Foundation
1613 W Washington Boulevard.......................
14 S Ashland Avenue..............312-243-5190
Malcolm X College Disability Access
2310 W Roosevelt...................312-666-4193
First Baptist Congregational
Christ Temple Apostolic Faith
1939 W 13th Street.................312-432-1751
Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center
1653 W Congress Parkway.....312-942-5961
1919 W Taylor Street...............312-996-6380
Autism Therapeutic School Chicago
WIC Food and Nutrition Center Near West
1501 W Randolph...................312-746-5494
1101 W Taylor Suite 310.........312-996-2549
Chicagoland Bible Fellowship
1458 S Canal Street................312-492-9410
2045 W Washington Boulevard.......................
Chicago Park District - Union Park
Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke’s
Medical Center
Division of Specialized Care for
Pacific Garden Mission
Mile Square Health Center
910 S Aberdeen......................312-746-5369
Early Outreach Program, University
of Illinois at Chicago
718 S Loomis Street................312-738-8300
216 S Hoyne Avenue...............312-666-5139
Project Impact
703 S Morgan St Suite MC......312-413-4018
Refugee Resettlement Program
651 W Lake Street Suite 500...312-655-7860
728 W Roosevelt Road............312-996-5045
University of Illinois at Chicago
Upward Bound Program
728 W Roosevelt Road............312-996-5045
Urban Passage Mentoring Program,
University of Illinois at Chicago
1801 W Taylor Street - 2 East..312-996-7202
Cathedral Shelter of Chicago
Family Shelter Program
126 N Desplaines Street..........312-655-8743
Friendship House Chicago
700 S Morgan Street...............773-777-4954
Inner Voice - Emergency Shelter
Response Network
1639 W Walnut Street.............312-226-2730
1640 W Roosevelt Road M/C 626...................
Mercy Home for Boys and Girls
West Town Academy
Methodist Youth Services
1140 W Jackson Boulevard.....312-738-7590
2021 W Fulton Street..............312-563-9044
954 W Washington Street.......312-733-8810
YMCA Duncan School
Pacific Garden Mission
1001 W Roosevelt Road..........312-421-7800
Professional Diagnostic Services, S.C.
821 W Van Buren Street..........312-491-0404
St. Leonard’s Ministries
2110 W Warren Boulevard......312-738-1414
T.A.S.C., Inc.
T.A.S.C., Inc.
The McDermott Center / Haymarket Center Umisa Cotownship
932 W Washington Boulevard.312-226-7984
The McDermott Center/Haymarket Ctr.
124 N Sangamon Street..........312-226-7984
The Ruth M. Rothstein Core Center
2020 W Harrison Street...........312-572-4505
The Wells Center IYC - Chicago
136 N Western Avenue...........312-633-5219
The Women’s Treatment Center
140 N Ashland Avenue............312-850-0050
1458 S Canal Street................312-492-9410
Community Partnership Program
Soup Kitchen
Catholic Charities-Grace Mission
Workforce Development
Port Ministries
Chicago Women in Trades
5332 S Western.......................773-476-1990
new city
4425 S Western Boulevard......773-376-1450
Chicago Commons Association
New City
Instituto del Progreso Latino
4600 S Wood Street................773-927-7712
4600 S McDowell....................773-376-1657
Back of the Yards Career Center
at Instituto del Progreso Latino
Chicago Commons Association
Paulo Freire
4600 S Wood Street................773-927-7712
1653 W 43rd Street.................773-826-6260
National Latino Education Institute
Chicago International CharterBasil Campus School
DFSS Community
Service Center
Englewood Center
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
2011 W Pershing Road............773-247-0707
Saint Joseph Childhood Center
1824 W Garfield Boulevard.....773-863-0652
4800 S Paulina Avenue...........773-927-2524
Early Head Start
Chicago Commons Association
Paulo Freire
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
1653 W 43rd Street.................773-826-6260
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
National Latino Education
2011 W Pershing Road... 773-247-0707 x253
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
National Latino Education
Ashland Family Health Center
Head Start
Chicago Commons - Adult Day
1258 W 51st Street.................773-373-2900
social services
5114 S Elizabeth Street...........773-446-6244
Housing Assistance
Neighborhood Housing Services
of Chicago - Back of the Yards
1823 W 47th Street.................773-579-0032
Parenting Training
Catholic Charities Chicago
4313 S Ashland.......................312-747-3560
5332 S Western.......................773-476-1990
San Miguel School
Disability Services and Education
Chicago Commons Association
New City
Chavez Elementary Multicultural
Acad Ct
Central American Martyrs Ctr.
1949 W 48th Street.................773-890-1481
4600 S McDowell....................773-376-1657
St. Gabriel School
4747 S Marshfield Avenue......773-535-4600
607 W 45th Street...................773-268-6636
Daley Elementary Academy
Visitation School
5024 S Wolcott Avenue...........773-535-9091
900 W Garfield Boulevard.......773-373-5200
Dewey Elementary Academy of
Fine Arts
Chicago Commons Association
Paulo Freire
642 W 43rd Street...................312-747-0644
Dewey School
4747 S Marshfield Avenue......773-535-4600
Sherman Park
638 W 54th Place...................773-535-1671
Daley Elementary Academy
Hamline Elementary School
5440 S Racine Avenue............312-747-0477
Fulton Elementary School
5024 S Wolcott Avenue...........773-535-9091
5300 S Hermitage Avenue......773-535-9000
Graham Head Start
Public Elementary School
Andersen H C Elem Community Acad
Dewey Elementary Academy of
Fine Arts
745 W 45th Street...................773-535-1694
5415 S Union Avenue.............773-535-1666
Hamline Elementary School
Fulton Elementary School
4747 S Bishop Street...............773-535-4565
5300 S Hermitage Avenue......773-535-9000
Libby Elementary School
Graham A Elementary School
5300 S Loomis Boulevard........773-535-9050
4436 S Union Avenue.............773-535-1308
Seward Elementary Communication Arts Ac
Hamline Elementary School
4747 S Bishop Street...............773-535-4565
4600 S Hermitage...................773-535-4890
Hedges Elementary School
4747 S Winchester Avenue......773-535-7360
1935 W 51st Street
Children’s Home + Aid - Englewood Family Center
Private Elementary School
1701 W 53rd Avenue..............773-476-6998
1949 W 48th Street.................773-890-1481
General Senior Services
Youth Outreach Services
Public Preschool
Graham A Elementary School
638 W 54Th Place...................773-535-1671
4130 S Halsted Street.............773-376-3089
senior services
Private Preschool
Chavez Elementary Multicultural
Acad Ct
Dewey CPC
Westside Youth Network
5114 S Elizabeth.....................312-655-7103
5024 S Wolcott Avenue...........773-535-9091
Child-Parent Center
4350 S Union Avenue.............773-924-5060
5332 S Western.......................773-778-1292
St. Basil’s Free People’s Clinic
Daley Elementary Academy
1633 W 43rd Street.................773-826-2669
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
Catholic Charities-Grace Mission
4747 S Winchester..................773-534-4276
Chicago Commons Association
Paulo Freire
Union Avenue Community Outreach
2034 W 51st Street.................773-778-3068
Catholic Charities Chicago
1701 W 53rd Avenue..............773-476-6998
4600 S McDowell....................773-376-1657
CDPH-Back of the Yards Mental
Health Clinic
4650 S Damen Avenue...........312-747-8367
Chicago Commons Association
New City
Repairer of the Breach Ministry
Dental Clinics
Back of the Yards
5332 S Western.......................773-476-1990
5045 S Laflin Street.................773-376-9263
4800 S Paulina........................773-927-2524
Chicago Public Library
Catholic Charities-Grace Mission
1159 W 51st Street.................773-536-3374
4800 S Paulina........................773-927-2524
Children’s Home + Aid - Englewood Family Center
4800 S Paulina........................773-927-2524
R.B.C. Community Service Center
Catholic Charities St. Joseph
1633 W 43rd Street.................773-826-2669
Catholic Charities St. Joseph
Su Casa
4609 S Ashland Avenue..........773-890-0055
5256 S Ashland.......................773-434-9216
2011 W Pershing Road... 773-247-0707 x253
Child Care
5013 S Hermitage Avenue......773-778-5955
Instituto Del Progreso Latino
San Miguel School
St. Gabriel School
607 W 45th Street...................773-268-6636
Visitation Catholic School
900 W Garfield Boulevard.......773-373-5200
1850 W Garfield Boulevard.....773-436-4758
Mental Heath Clinics
Chicago Department of Mental
Health - Back of the Yards Mental
Health Center
4313 S Ashland Avenue..........312-747-3560
Genesis House - Southside
5415 S Union Avenue.............773-535-1666
1434 W 51st Street.................773-376-2488
Fulton Elementary School
Thresholds - South
5300 S Hermitage Avenue......773-535-9000
4436 S Union Avenue.............773-535-1308
4747 S Bishop Street...............773-535-4565
Hedges Elementary School
4747 S Winchester Avenue......773-535-7360
Lara Elementary Academy
4619 S Wolcott Avenue...........773-535-4389
Libby Elementary School
5300 S Loomis Boulevard........773-535-9050
Seward Elementary Communication
Arts Ac
4600 S Hermitage Avenue......773-535-4890
Sherman Elementary School
1000 W 52nd Street................773-535-1757
734 W 47th Street...................773-536-8400
Food Pantries
CSFP/MAC Warehouse
1965 W Pershing.....................773-523-0299
Christ Temple COC Food Pantry
5252 S Ashland Avenue..........773-776-3834
For Your Consciousness
1923 W 51st Street.................773-476-0847
Holy Cross IHM Food Pantry
4537 S Ashland Avenue..........773-376-9425
Iglesia Casa de Dios
Saint Rose Day Care Center
4911 S Hoyne Avenue.............773-436-1433
Genesis House - Southside
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Port Ministries
5013 S Hermitage...................773-778-5955
1751 W 47th Street.................773-523-4416
Su Casa
Big Picture High School at Back
of the Yards
5045 S Laflin Street.................773-376-9263
4946 S Paulina Street..............773-535-9219
Substance Abuse Resources
Bishop Shepard
Youth Outreach Services
5230 S Halsted Street.............773-451-6630
4800 S Paulina Street..............773-254-2366
Chicago Commons
1335 W 51st Street.................773-256-2441
Chicago Commons - New City
Development Community Partners
4825-27 S Ashland Avenue.....773-376-0367
Chicago Commons - Paul Freire
Family Center
1653 W 43rd Street.................773-826-6260
Chicago Commons Association
New City
NTO-OTONG Association USA, Inc
4600 S McDowell Avenue.......773-927-8380
1809 W 51st Street.................773-776-7349
Chicago Park District - Cornell
Square Park
New Life SDA Community Serv.
4619 S Wolcott Avenue...........773-535-4389
5001 S Hermitage Avenue......773-651-2494
1809 W 50th Street.................312-747-6097
Libby Elementary School
Union Avenue UMC Food Pantry
Daniel J Nellum Youth Services
5300 S Loomis Boulevard........773-535-9050
4350 S Union Avenue.............773-373-0577
Seward Elementary Communication
Arts Ac
Senior Congregate Dining
Sherman Elementary School
4501 S Ashland Avenue..........312-247-9465
5114 S Elizabeth Street...........773-446-6244
Catholic Charities St. Joseph
4558 S Laflin Street.................773-715-6947
Holy Cross/Immaculate Heart of Mary
1434 W 51st Street.................773-376-2488
Back Of The Yards
Lara Elementary Academy
4600 S Hermitage Avenue......773-535-4890
5045 S Laflin Street.................773-376-9263
1458 W 51st Street.................773-927-9277
Good Seed Ministries
600 W Garfield Boulevard.......773-548-4795
Holy Cross IHM Parish
4541 S Wood..........................773-376-3900
1000 W 52nd Street................773-535-1757
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Child-Parent Center
Pilgrim Lutheran School
4300 N Winchester Avenue.....773-477-4824
Herzl CPC School
St. Benedict School
3920 N Leavitt Street..............773-463-6797
Public Elementary School
Audubon Elementary School
3500 N Hoyne Avenue............773-534-5470
3701 W Ogden Avenue...........773-522-8400
Coonley Elementary School
Gads Hill Child Care School
4046 N Leavitt Street..............773-534-5140
4740 N. Sheridan Road...........312-744-2580
2653 W Ogden.......................773-521-1196
Jahn Elementary School
DFSS Community
Service Center
3149 N Wolcott Avenue..........773-534-5500
Garfield Center
Public Preschool
Child Care
Concordia Child Care Center
1800 W Cuyler........................773-871-1151
Audubon Elementary School
Bell Elementary School
3855 N Seeley Avenue............773-935-3739
3730 N Oakley Avenue...........773-534-5150
Mary Crane Family and Day Care
Coonley Elementary School
4046 N Leavitt Street..............773-534-5140
Senior Congragate Dining
Ed u c a t i o n
1449 S Keeler..........................773-521-3126
2905 N Clybourn Avenue........773-348-5528
Jahn Elementary School
Mary Crane North School
3149 N Wolcott Avenue..........773-534-5500
North Center Senior Satellite
2905 N Leavitt........................773-975-3322
Special Education
Community Partnership Program
Mary Crane League
4219 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-537-3025
2974 N Clybourn Avenue........773-348-5528
Tuition-Based Preschool
Mary Crane North School
2905 N Leavitt........................773-348-5528
Audubon Elementary School
3500 N Hoyne Avenue............773-534-5470
Head Start
Mary Crane League
2974 N Clybourn Avenue........773-348-5528
Mary Crane League (West)
2820 N Leavitt
Schneider Elementary School
2957 N Hoyne Avenue............773-534-5510
Private Elementary School
Workforce Development
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
4040 N Oakley........................312-744-4016
senior services
Chicago Public Library
4040 N Oakley........................312-744-4015
Golden Diner Program
North Center Senior Satellite
3300 N Campbell Avenue.......773-929-8500
social services
Pilgrim Lutheran School
Chicaco Montessori
2205 W Belmont Avenue........773-895-4025
Concordia Child Care Center
3855 N Seeley.........................773-935-3739
h e a lt h c a r e
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Mental Heath Clinics
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoDaniel A. Cotter Club
Thresholds - Young Adult Program
4219 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-472-9802
Mary Crane Family and Day Care
Food Pantries
2905 N Clybourn Avenue........773-348-5528
3744 N Damen Avenue...........773-327-0553
2101 W Belmont.....................773-929-1611
4219 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-471-9802
Young Life
2170 W Warner Avenue..........773-327-5262
Parenting Training
Northwestern Counseling
Services, Inc.
2101 W Belmont.....................773-929-1611
Substance Abuse Resources
Intervention Instruction, Inc.
2001 W Addison.....................773-248-6628
4219 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-472-9802
4300 N Winchester Avenue.....773-477-4824
Common Pantry
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
Thresholds Young Adult Program
4219 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-472-9802
Private Preschool
3900 N Leavitt Street..............773-539-0066
3701 W Ogden Avenue...........773-522-8400
2017 W Montrose Avenue......773-327-3144
3920 N Leavitt Street..............773-463-6797
St. Benedict High School
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
2215 W Irving Park Road........773-588-6484
Northwestern Counseling Services, Inc.
St. Benedict School
2501 W Addison Street 534-614 x6145
2153 S Millard Avenue............773-277-3111
North Center Senior Satellite
Thresholds - Loren Juhl Young
Adult Program
North Park Elementary School
Lane Technical College Preparatory
High School
Learning Center/House of
St. Benedict Parish
4040 N Oakley........................312-744-4015
3826 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-327-9249
3300 N Campbell Avenue.......773-929-6550
3701 W Ogden Avenue...........773-522-8400
General Senior Services
DeVry University - Chicago
Elegante School of Beauty
DeVry University
2915 N Leavitt........................773-348-1866
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoSchneider Club
2957 N Hoyne.........................773-534-5510
Chicago Park District - Revere Park
2509 W Irving Park..................312-742-7594
Daniel A. Cotter Club
2915 N Leavitt........................773-348-1866
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
1539 S Springfield...................773-762-2300
Our Lady of Lourdes Early Childhood Center
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
3500 N Hoyne Avenue............773-534-5470
Marcy Newberry Marcy Center
845 W. 69th Street..................312-745-8285
Addams Elem School
Ed u c a t i o n
Boys and Girls Clubs Ida Mae
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
3730 N Oakley Avenue...........773-534-5150
North Area Center
Community Partnership Program
3140 W Ogden Avenue...........773-847-5172
Bell Elementary School
DFSS Community
Service Center
1401 S Hamlin........................773-534-1751
3353 W 13th Street.................312-747-3725
Child Care
Boys and Girls Clubs Ida Mae
3140 W Ogden Avenue...........773-762-7383
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
3701 W Ogden Avenue...........773-522-8400
Chicago Youth Centers - ABC
Youth Center
3415 W 13th Place.................773-762-5655
Chicago Youth Centers - BBR
Youth Center
1530 S Hamlin Avenue............773-762-1140
Hull House Association Humboldt Park
1132 S Spaulding....................773-276-7968
Hull House Association Lawndale
1401 S Sacramento.................312-906-8600
Marcy Newberry Association
1539 S Springfield...................773-761-2300
YMCA North Lawndale School
3449 W Arthington.................773-638-0773
Early Head Start
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
3701 W Ogden Avenue...........773-522-8400
Gads Hill Center
1831 S Kedzie
Gads Hill Center
2653 W Ogden.......................773-521-1196
YMCA North Lawndale
3449 W Arthington.................773-638-0773
Howland School
1616 S Spaulding....................773-534-1753
Hull House Association - Lawndale Child Care Center
2641 W 12th Place.................773-521-4811
Head Start
Boys and Girls Clubs Ida Mae
Johnson Elementary School
3140 W Ogden Avenue...........773-762-7383
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
3701 W Ogden Avenue...........773-522-8400
Chalmers Specialty Elementary
2745 W Roosevelt Road..........773-534-1720
Chicago Youth Centers
3430 W Roosevelt Road
Chicago Youth Centers - ABC
Youth Center
1132 S Spaulding....................773-276-7968
1504 S Albany.........................773-534-1833
Lathrop Elementary School
1440 S Christiana Avenue.......773-534-1812
Lawndale Elementary Community
3500 W Douglas Boulevard.....773-534-1635
Marcy Newberry Association
Private Elementary School
Chicago West Side Christian Sch
1240 S Pulaski Road...............773-542-0663
Holy Family Lutheran School
3415 W Arthington Street.......773-265-0550
Saint Agatha Catholic Academy
3151 W Douglas Boulevard.....773-762-1809
St Gregory Episcopal School
2130 S Central Park................773-277-4447
Private Preschool
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
3701 W Ogden Avenue...........773-522-8400
Chicago West Side Christian Sch
1240 S Pulaski Road...............773-542-0663
Saint Agatha Catholic Academy
3151 W Douglas Boulevard.....773-762-1809
1539 S Springfield...................773-761-2300
Public Elementary School
Marcy Newberry Association Claire Christian Headstart
Catalyst Elementary Charter
3415 W 13th Place.................773-762-5655
1339 S Pulaski Road...............773-762-7946
1616 S Spaulding Avenue.......773-535-1460
Chicago Youth Centers - BBR
Youth Center
Mason Elementary School
4217 W 18th Street.................773-534-1530
Chalmers Specialty Elementary
1530 S Hamlin Avenue............773-762-1140
Dvorak Elementary Specialty
Our Lady of Lourdes Early Childhood Center
1449 S Keeler..........................773-521-3126
3615 W 16th Street.................773-534-1690
Penn Elementary School
Frazier Prep Acad Elementary
YMCA North Lawndale
4027 W Grenshaw Street........773-534-6880
Gads Hill Center
1449 S Keeler..........................773-521-3126
Henson Elementary School
3449 W Arthington.................773-638-0773
1401 S Hamlin........................773-534-1751
Hull House Association Humboldt
Our Lady of Lourdes Early Childhood Center
YMCA North Lawndale
Herzl CPC School
2653 W Ogden.......................773-521-1196
1326 S Avers Avenue..............773-534-1804
1616 S Avers Avenue..............773-534-1665
3449 W Arthington.................773-638-0773
2745 W Roosevelt Road..........773-534-1720
Crown Elementary Comm Acd
Fine Arts Ctr
2128 S Saint Louis Avenue......773-534-1680
Dvorak Elementary Specialty
3615 W 16th Street.................773-534-1690
Frazier Prep Acad Elementary
4027 W Grenshaw Street........773-534-6880
Henson Elementary School
1326 S Avers Avenue..............773-534-1804
Herzl Elementary School
3711 W Douglas Boulevard.....773-534-1480
Legacy Elementary Charter
Midwest Dental Clinic at Mt.
Sinai Hospital
Hughes C Elementary School
4217 W 18th Street.................773-542-1640
2720 W 15th Street.................773-257-6485
4247 W 15th Street.................773-534-1762
Mason Elementary School
Ogden Dental Clinic
Johnson Elementary School
4217 W 18th Street.................773-534-1530
3860 W Ogden Avenue...........773-521-8243
1420 S Albany Avenue............773-534-1829
Penn Elementary School
Kipp Ascend Elementary Charter
1616 S Avers Avenue..............773-534-1665
1616 S Avers Avenue..............773-521-4399
1852 S Albany Avenue............773-534-1795
LEARN Elementary Charter
1132 S Homan Avenue...........773-826-6330
Lathrop Elementary School
1440 S Christiana Avenue.......773-534-1812
Lawndale Elementary Community
Pope Elementary School
Workforce Development
Better Boys Foundation Family
1512 S Pulaski........................773-277-9582
3500 W Douglas Boulevard.....773-534-1635
CARES Chicago
Legacy Elementary Charter
3333 W Arthington Street.......773-265-3300
4217 W 18th Street.................773-542-1640
Mason Elementary School
Catholic Charities Chicago - Our
Lady of Lourdes Family Strengthening Center
4217 W 18th Street.................773-534-1530
1449 S Keeler..........................773-521-3126
Penn Elementary School
Citizens Professional Health
1616 S Avers Avenue..............773-534-1665
Plamondon Elementary School
1851 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-522-5056
2642 W 15th Place.................773-534-1789
Jewish Vocational Services
Pope Elementary School
2653 W Ogden Avenue...........773-257-2756
1852 S Albany Avenue............773-534-1795
Public Preschool
Safer Foundation - North Lawndale Adult Transition Center
2128 S Saint Louis Avenue......773-534-1680
Dvorak Elementary Specialty
3615 W 16th Street.................773-534-1690
Frazier Prep Acad Elementary
4027 W Grenshaw Street........773-534-6776
Henson Elementary School
1326 S Avers Avenue..............773-534-1804
Herzl Elementary School
3711 W Douglas Boulevard.....773-534-1480
Hughes C Elementary School
4247 W 15Th Street................773-534-1762
Johnson Elementary School
1420 S Albany Avenue............773-534-1829
LEARN Elementary Charter
1132 S Homan Avenue...........773-826-6330
Lathrop Elementary School
1440 S Christiana Avenue.......773-534-1812
Lawndale Elementary Community
3500 W Douglas Boulevard.....773-534-1635
2839 W Fillmore Street............773-638-8480
Sankofa Safe Child Initiative
4041 W Roosevelt Road..........773-542-9900
Lawndale Christian Health Center
3860 W Ogden.......................773-843-3001
Lawndale Christian Health Center Homan Square
3517 W Arthington.................773-843-3002
3333 W Arthington Street.......773-722-5057
Mount Sinai Hospital - Community Institute
3701 W Ogden Avenue...........773-522-8400
Chicago Park District - Homan
Square Park
3559 W Arthington.................312-746-6650
Chicago Youth Centers - BBR
Youth Center
1530 S Hamlin Avenue............773-762-1140
social services
Collins High School- Education to
Careers (ETC)
2653 W Ogden Avenue.773-542-2000 x3225
1313 S Sacramento Drive........773-534-1500
Westside Family Health Center
Better Boys Foundation Family
Sinai Health System - Sinai Community Institute
3752 W 16th Street.................773-762-2435
1237 S Homan Avenue...........773-762-4417
Greater Open Door Baptist
1512 S Pulaski........................773-277-9582
1301 S Sawyer Avenue...........773-762-8753
Lawndale Mental Health Center
I AM ABLE Center for Family
Development Inc.
Greater St Paul AME Church
1201 S Lawndale Avenue........312-746-5905
3410 W Roosevelt Road..........773-826-2929
Mount Sinai Hospital - Psychiatry
and Mental Health Center
Lawndale Christian Health Center
1500 S California Avenue........773-257-4750
Mental Heath Clinics
4236 W Cermak Road.............773-522-4812
Lawndale Christian Health Center
3860 W Ogden Avenue...........773-843-3001
Lawndale Christian Health Center
?_ Homan Square
3517 W Arthington Avenue.....773-843-3002
Neighborhood Housing Services
of Chicago - North Lawndale
3555 W Ogden Avenue...........773-522-4637
Sankofa Safe Child Initiative
4041 W Roosevelt Road..........773-542-9900
Parenting Training
Catholic Charities Chicago
1449 S Keeler..........................773-521-3126
Chicago West Side Christian
1240 S Pulaski Road...............773-542-0663
Family Focus
3517 W Arthington Avenue.....773-722-5057
3860 W Ogden Avenue...........773-843-3001
1516 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-762-0413
Lawndale Christian Health Center Homan Square
I AM ABLE Center for Family
Lawndale Christian Health Center Homan Square
3860 W Ogden Avenue...........773-843-3001
3517 W Arthington Avenue.....773-843-3002
3410 W Roosevelt Road..........773-826-2929
Mount Sinai Hospital
1500 S California Avenue........773-542-2000
Lawndale Community Church Youth Ministry
2153 S Millard Avenue... 773-521-5595 x215
Westside Association for Community Action
Marcy Newberry Association
Christian Industrial League
3600 W Ogden Avenue 2nd Floor...................
1539 S Springfield Avenue......773-762-2300
Neighborhood Tech
Christian Industrial League
2750 W Roosevelt Road..........773-435-8300
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago
3517 W Arthington Street.......773-722-5653
2750 W Roosevelt Road..........773-435-8331
Douglas Park Baptist Church
Pathfinders Prevention Education
1838-1846 S Kedzie Avenue...773-762-0611
3333 W Arthington Street Suite 150...............
Substance Abuse Resources
Fillmore Christian House Pantry
Disability Services and Education
Sankofa Safe Child Initiative
Blessed Sacrament Church
1625 S Lawndale Avenue........773-287-9827
Harmony Community Baptist
1908 S Millard Avenue............773-762-9673
Jireh Food Pantry
4224 W 13th Street.................773-762-2432
Lawndale Christian Reformed
1241 S Pulaski Road...............773-521-0309
CARES Chicago
3333 W Arthington Street.......773-265-3300
Habilitative Systems - Westside
Developmental Training
3759 W Ogden Boulevard.......773-522-1200
Habilitative Systems - Westside
Parents of Exceptional Children
3827 W Ogden Avenue...........773-762-6389
3333 W Arthington Street.......773-533-5755
1500 S Keeler Avenue.............773-542-8634
Sinai Community Institute
2653 W Ogden Avenue...........773-257-6508
St. Agatha Family Empowerment
3147 W Douglas Boulevard.....773-522-3050
St. Anthony Church
1451 S Kostner Avenue...........773-521-5995
1819 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-522-8112
Tribe 13
Legal Assistance Foundation of
Metropolitan Chicago - West Side
Urban Art Retreat
3333 W Arthington Street.......773-321-7900
2653 W Ogden Avenue...........773-257-2599
1957 S Spaulding Avenue.......773-542-9126
Extracurricular Youth Activities
1230 S Millard Avenue............773-522-1138
ABC Center
3600 W Ogden Avenue...........773-277-4400
Dental Clinics
Siloam Baptist Church
3415 W 13th Place.................773-762-5655
Young Men’s Educational Network
Lawndale Christian Health Center
- Homan Square Dental Clinic
1522 S Sawyer Avenue...........773-521-9402
BBF Family Services
1241 S Pulaski Road...............773-522-9636
St. Agatha’s Food Pantry
1512 S Pulaski Road...............773-277-9582
3147 W Douglas Boulevard.....773-522-3050
BBF Family Services
United Baptist Church
4220 W 18th Street.................773-277-9582
3517 W Arthington Street.......773-843-3000
3812 W Ogden.......................773-650-3200
Lawndale Christian Health Center
Manna Food Pantry
3752 W 16th Street.................773-762-2435
Lawndale Christian Health Center
Holy Sanctuary Community
Westside Association for
Community Action
Westside Family Health Center
Housing Assistance
3517 W Arthington Avenue.....773-843-3002
Greater Progressive Missionary
Baptist Church
2720 W 15th Street.................773-257-6892
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
3860 W Ogden Avenue...........773-843-3000
Community Health Centers
Kling Medical Center
Family Focus - Lawndale
Christian Valley Baptist Church
2918 W Fillmore Street............773-533-2084
1326 S Avers...........................773-565-6909
1231 S Pulaski Road...............773-762-2272
2653 W Ogden Avenue.773-542-2000 x3225
Lawndale Christian Health Center
h e a lt h c a r e
Henson Elementary School-Based
3333 W Arthington Street.......773-265-3300
2750 W Roosevelt Street.........773-435-8300
General Senior Services
1401 S California Avenue........773-522-2010
Food Pantries
2745 W Roosevelt Road..........773-534-1720
CCC Academy
Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital
2653 W Ogden Avenue...........773-257-6936
3745 W Ogden Avenue...........773-522-0433
Chicago Christian Industrial
senior services
Operation Brotherhood
CARES Chicago
1500 S California Avenue........773-542-2000
Mount Sinai Hospital - Community Institute
Chalmers Specialty Elementary
Crown Elementary Comm Acd
Fine Arts Ctr
Mount Sinai Hospital
Soup Kitchen
Mount Sinai Hospital
2653 W Ogden Avenue...........773-522-2010
Sinai Parenting Institute
2653 W Ogden Avenue...........773-257-6936
A Safe Haven - Roosevelt
2750 W Roosevelt Road..........312-372-6707
Anixter Center / Schwab Rehabilitation Center
1414 S Fairfield Avenue..........773-522-2010
Deer Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
3936 W Roosevelt Road..........773-826-0398
Family Guidance Centers At
Chicago Christian
2750 W Roosevelt Road..........773-435-8419
Hope House Of Chicago, Inc.
1207 S Central Park Avenue....773-521-8442
New Age Services Corporation
1330 S Kostner Avenue...........773-542-1150
Safer Foundation North Lawndale
2839 W Fillmore Street............773-638-8480
4220 W Roosevelt Road..........773-722-4357
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov Elem
St. Monica Academy
3200 W Peterson Avenue........773-465-8889
5115 N Mont Clare Avenue....773-631-7880
Wonder Montessori School
St. Paul Lutheran
5644 N Pulaski Road..............773-509-1296
Private Preschool
Children’s Playhouse
3342 W Bryn Mawr.................773-478-3888
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Albany Park Community Center
- Kimball
5121 N Kimball Avenue..........773-509-5650
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
Albany Park Community Center
- Kimball
North Park Church Nursery
5250 N Christiana Avenue......773-463-0055
Chicago Public Library
Workforce Development
5150 N Kimball Avenue..........312-744-1933
Child Care
Albany Park Community Center
- Kimball
Oriole Park
6206 N Hamlin Avenue...........773-534-5226
6206 N Hamlin Avenue...........773-534-5226
BIR Training Center
3601 W Devon Avenue...........773-866-0111
h e a lt h c a r e
7454 W Balmoral Avenue........312-744-1965
senior services
General Senior Services
Catholic Charities Chicago Northeast/Northwest Case
5801 N Pulaski Road..............773-583-9224
3553 W Peterson Avenue........773-463-1313
social services
Disability Services and Education
Mental Heath Clinics
3553 W Peterson Avenue........773-463-1313
Children’s Playhouse
Chicago Division of Mental
Health - North River Center
6316 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-478-4773
3342 W Bryn Mawr.................773-478-3888
5801 N Pulaski Road..............312-744-1906
5121 N Kimball Avenue..........773-509-5657
Community Partnership Program
Albany Park Community Center
- Kimball
5121 N Kimball Avenue..........773-583-5111
Northeastern Illinois University
Child Care Center School
5500 N Saint Louis..................773-539-0570
Private Elementary School
Immaculate Conception School
7263 W Talcott Avenue...........773-775-0545
St Paul Lutheran
5650 N Canfield Avenue 708-867-5044
St Sava Academy
5701 N Redwood Drive...........773-693-3366
St. Eugene School
7930 W Foster Avenue............773-763-2235
St. Monica Academy
St. Tarcissus School
6040 W Ardmore Avenue........773-763-7080
Albany Park Community Center
Food Pantry
5800 N Kimball Avenue..........773-539-2202
North Park Covenant Church
Private Preschool
Soup Kitchen
Salvation Army Chicago
Metropolitan Division
5040 N Pulaski Road..............773-205-3520
3305 W Foster.........................773-327-5262
Interpretation and Translation
Korean English Interpreter Svc
3530 W Peterson Avenue 207.773-588-5820
Chicago Latvian Childcare &
Oriole Park Elementary School
5424 N Oketo Avenue.............773-534-1201
6445 W Strong Street..............773-534-1228
Edison Park Elementary School
Senior Congregate Dining
Mathers More Than A Cafe
7134 W Higgins Avenue..........773-774-4804
senior services
6200 N Olcott Avenue.............773-534-0960
General Senior Services
Hitch Elementary School
Norwood Crossing
5625 N Mcvicker Avenue........773-534-1189
6016 N Nina Avenue...............773-631-4856
Norwood Park Elementary School
Norwood Park Senior Satellite
5900 N Nina Avenue...............773-534-1198
Onahan Elementary School
6634 W Raven Street..............773-534-1180
Oriole Park Elementary School
5424 N Oketo Avenue.............773-534-1201
5801 N Natoma......................773-775-6071
Golden Diner Program
Norwood Park Senior Satellite
5801 N Natoma......................773-775-6071
h e a lt h c a r e
social services
Resurrection Hospital
7435 W Talcott Avenue...........773-774-8000
Resurrection Hospital
7435 W Talcott Avenue...........773-774-8000
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Immaculate Conception School
New Hope United Methodist
7601 W Foster Avenue............773-775-2355
7263 W Talcott Avenue...........773-775-0545
7115 W Hood Avenue.............773-775-1215
Holy Resurrection Serbian Church
Mt. Ararat Day Care Center
Windy City Community Church
5701 N Redwood Drive...........773-693-3367
6514-16 W Higgins Avenue....773-593-9763
6112 N Navarre Avenue..........773-631-9222
Immaculate Conception Church
Norwood Park PreK
Home Delivered Meals
5849 N Nina Avenue...............773-631-3333
Resurrection Child Care Center
Chicago Christian Montessori
Salvation Army Suburban Service
7435 W Talcott Avenue...........773-792-5253
5040 N Pulaski Road..............773-205-3520
7930 W Foster Avenue............773-763-2235
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
6634 W Raven Street..............773-534-1180
6201 W Peterson Avenue........773-308-4977
Onahan Elementary School
Food Pantries
Private Elementary School
5700 N Pulaski Road..............773-509-1296
5900 N Nina Avenue...............773-534-1198
5115 N Mont Clare Avenue....773-631-7880
Albany Park Community Center
Young Life Chicago North Side
Norwood Park Elementary School
Beard Elementary School
7435 W Talcott Avenue...........773-792-5253
Extracurricular Youth Activities
5250 N Christiana Avenue......773-463-0055
5625 N Mcvicker Avenue........773-534-1189
Resurrection Child Care Center
6323 N Newcastle Avenue......773-763-3380
North Park Friendship Center
5225 N Oak Park Avenue........773-534-1185
Public Preschool
Food Pantries
5101 N Kimball Avenue..........773-509-5657
6200 N Olcott Avenue.............773-534-0960
Child Care
St. Thecla School
Albany Park Community Center
5510 N Christiana Avenue......773-534-5070
6083 N Northwest Highway....312-744-1478
Congregation Shaare Tikvah
Head Start
Peterson Elementary School
New Life Social Services
5121 N Kimball.......................773-509-5650
3448 W Foster Avenue............773-267-8395
5121 N Kimball Avenue..........773-509-5650
Garvy J Elementary School
Chicago Public Library
Solomon Elementary School
Solomon Elementary School
Trina Davila Center
Hitch Elementary School
5510 N Christiana Avenue......773-534-5070
5510 N Christiana Avenue......773-534-5070
Edison Park Elementary School
Ed u c a t i o n
Peterson Elementary School
Peterson Elementary School
DFSS Community
Service Center
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
Public Elementary School
5121 N Kimball Avenue..........773-509-5650
Albany Park
Public Elementary School
3250 W Foster Avenue............773-463-7195
Public Preschool
St. Tarcissus School
6323 N Newcastle Avenue......773-763-3380
Luna Park Nursery School &
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
5701 N Redwood Drive...........773-693-3366
St. Thecla School
3200 W Peterson Avenue........773-465-8889
Trina Davila Center
St. Sava Academy
6040 W Ardmore Avenue........773-763-7080
Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov Elem
DFSS Community
Service Center
5650 N Canfield Avenue 708-867-5044
Norwood Seniors Network
6009 N Nina Avenue...............773-631-5673
Bethel Community Church
7211 W Talcott Avenue...........773-775-3833
Windy City Community Church
6131 N Newark Avenue..........773-631-9222
St. Eugene School
Public Elementary School
Disability Services and Education
Robinson Elementary School
Community Alternatives Unlimited
4225 S Lake Park Avenue........773-535-1777
8765 W Higgins Road.............773-867-4000
Public Preschool
Robinson Elementary School
4225 S Lake Park Avenue........773-535-1777
Atlas Language Svc Inc
8700 W Bryn Mawr Avenue Suite 800 630562-1691
Special Education
St Joseph Carondelet
Substance Abuse Resources
739 E 35th Street....................773-624-7702
DFSS Community
Service Center
DFSS Community
Service Center
King Center
Workforce Development
4314 S. Cottage Grove Ave.....312-747-2300
Abraham Lincoln Centre
Interpretation and Translation
Haymarket Center - O’Hare
O’Hare International Airport....773-686-6480
Trina Davila Center
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
3858 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-373-6600
Ed u c a t i o n
Child Care
Heartland Human Care Services, Inc.
Abraham Lincoln Centre
Passages Alternative Living
3858 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-373-6600
3858 S Cottage Grove............312-225-3800
Abraham Lincoln Centre Lincoln
Near South
h e a lt h c a r e
4210 S Berkeley......................773-451-3360
Grant AME Church Day Care
4025 S Drexel Boulevard.........773-285-8440
Community Partnership Program
North Kenwood Day Care Center
Community Health Centers
Komed Holman Health Center
Wells Family Health Center
3747 S Cottage Grove............773-536-1000
Dental Clinics
Early Head Start
4259 S Berkeley Avenue..........773-268-7600
Abraham Lincoln Centre Lincoln
Near South
4210 S Berkeley......................773-451-3360
4259 S Berkeley Avenue..........773-268-7600
Komed Holman Health Center
Head Start
Abraham Lincoln Centre
3858 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-373-6600
Food Pantries
Donaghue Head Start
707 E 37th Street
Brickton Montessori School
8622 W Catalpa Avenue.........773-714-0646
Golden Diner Program
Operation Pull Grant Memorial
4017 S Drexel Boulevard.........773-285-5819
West Point Baptist Church
3566-72 S Cottage Grove.......773-538-7590
Komed Holman Health Center
Public Elementary School
4259 S Berkeley......................773-268-7600
8601 W Foster Avenue............773-534-1090
Disability Services and Education
Public Preschool
Abraham Lincoln Centre
Dirksen Elementary School
3858 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-373-6600
8601 W Foster Avenue............773-534-1090
Abraham Lincoln Centre - Developmental Training Cottage Grove
3500 S Lake Park Avenue........773-538-0595
Workforce Development
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Illinois School of Health Careers Inc.
Abraham Lincoln Centre
3858 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-285-1390
Christ the King Lutheran Church
3701 S Lake Park....................773-536-1984
Donoghue School
707 E 37th Street....................773-285-5301
Evening Star Missionary Baptist
Grant Memorial AME Church
Soup Kitchen
Ida B. Wells
Operation Pull Grant Memorial
3740 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-373-3460
4017 S Drexel Boulevard.........773-285-5819
Lakeside Community Committee
Christ the King Lutheran School
3701 S Lake Park Avenue........773-536-1984
Private Preschool
Christ the King Lutheran School
3701 S Lake Park Avenue........773-536-1984
Komed Holman Health Center
4259 S Berkely........................773-624-1313
Dirksen Elementary School
social services
4030 S Lake Park....................312-744-4016
Private Elementary School
Brickton Montessori School
4030 S Lake Park Avenue........312-744-4016
857 E Pershing Road...............773-268-2223
4225 S Lake Park Avenue........773-535-1777
Private Preschool
8622 W Catalpa Avenue.........773-714-0646
Senior Congregate Dining
Robinson Elementary School
3566 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-538-7590
Judge Green Apartments
North Kenwood Day Care Center
Judge Green Apartments
West Point Baptist Church
Substance Abuse Resources
4259 S Berkeley Avenue..........773-268-7600
Komed Holman Dental Clinic
4210 S Berkeley......................773-451-3360
Private Elementary School
senior services
857 E Pershing Road...............773-268-2223
Abraham Lincoln Centre Lincoln
Near South
Ed u c a t i o n
3500 S Lake Park.........312-660-1890 x6421
4235 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-924-5574
4017 S Drexel Boulevard.........773-285-5819
3515 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-924-4154
Little Black Pearl Workshop
4200 S Drexel Boulevard.........773-285-1211
8750 W Bryn Mawr Avenue....773-444-0300
New Horizons Computer Learning
Centers of Chicago
8550 W Bryn Mawr Avenue....773-693-6000
senior services
General Senior Services
American Association of Retired
8750 W Bryn Mawr Avenue....773-714-9800
social services
University of Illinois at Chicago
Children’s Habilitation Clinic
1801 W Taylor Street - 2 East..312-996-7202
3824 S Lake Park Avenue........773-268-8903
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Private Preschool
St. John’s Lutheran Church
4939 W Montrose Avenue......312-641-5944
Academy of Early Learning
This is Me Inc. Portage Park Center
for the Arts
6116 W Irving Park Road........773-286-4660
Midwestern Christian Academy
3914 N Menard Avenue..........773-282-0344
3465 N Cicero Avenue............773-685-1106
Housing Assistance
Mosaic Early Childhood Academy
5334 W Addison Street...........773-777-7411
Metropolitan Family Services North Center
Our Lady of Victory School
4434 N Laramie Avenue..........773-283-2229
3249 N Central Avenue...........773-371-3700
St. Bartholomew School
Northwest Side Housing Center
4941 W Patterson Avenue.......773-282-9373
DFSS Community
Service Center
Trina Davila Center
4357 W. Armitage Avenue.......312-744-2014
Ed u c a t i o n
4939 W Montrose Avenue......773-736-1196
Interpretation and Translation
St. Ladislaus School
Translations Usa
3330 N Lockwood Avenue......773-545-5600
Public Elementary School
6100 W Irving Park Road........312-744-6222
Jefferson Park
5363 W Lawrence Avenue......312-744-1998
5108 W Belmont Avenue........312-744-0152
Child Care
Sr. Bonaventure Children’s Center
3522 N Central Avenue...........773-202-3540
Community Partnership Program
Mosaic Early Childhood Academy
5334 W Addison Street...........773-777-7411
Head Start
North Children’s Center
3249 N Central Avenue
Private Elementary School
Midwestern Christian Academy
Gray Elementary School
3730 N Laramie Avenue..........773-534-3520
Portage Park Elementary School
5330 W Berteau Avenue.........773-534-3576
Prussing Elementary School
4650 N Menard Avenue..........773-534-3460
Reinberg Elementary School
3425 N Major Avenue.............773-534-3465
Smyser Elementary School
4310 N Melvina Avenue..........773-534-3711
Public Preschool
4515 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-777-6767
h e a lt h c a r e
Golden Diner Program
Our Lady of the Resurrection
Medical Center
Montrose Baptist Church
5645 W Addison Street...........773-282-7000
Mental Heath Clinics
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois - Portage Cragin
4840 W Byron Street...............773-282-7800
3730 N Laramie Avenue..........773-534-3520
Food Pantries
Portage Park Elementary School
5330 W Berteau Avenue.........773-534-3576
Prussing Elementary School
4650 N Menard Avenue..........773-534-3460
Polish American Association
3834 N Cicero Avenue... 773-282-8206 x326
4242 N Central Avenue...........312-744-4016
4411 N Melvina Avenue..........312-744-4016
Portage Park Satellite Senior Center
4100 N Long Avenue..............312-744-4016
Counseling Center of Illinois
4515 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-777-6767
Portage Cragin Counseling
4840 W Byron Street...............773-282-7347
Disability Services and Education
South Chicago Center
8759 S. Commercial Avenue...312-747-0331
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Olive-Harvey College
10001 S Woodlawn................773-291-6700
Disability Services and Education
Workforce Development
3229 N Cicero Avenue............773-777-8635
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
Chicago Family Health Center Roseland
Counseling Center Of Illinois
Olive-Harvey College
10001 S Woodlawn Avenue....773-291-6100
Substance Abuse Resources
Alliance Behavioral Services, Inc.
4515 N Milwaukee..................773-777-6767
Polish American Association
Starting Point
3834 N Cicero Avenue............773-282-8206
social services
DFSS Community
Service Center
Polish/American Substance Abuse
5146 W Belmont.....................773-283-3121
Procare Centers at Our Lady Of
5645 W Addison.....................773-282-7000
Child Care
Olive-Harvey College
Community Health Centers
10001 S Woodlawn................773-291-6100
Community Partnership Program
744 E 103rd Street..................773-535-5689
Head Start
Chicago Family Health Center
Parenting Training
Olive-Harvey College
10001 S Woodlawn................773-291-6100
Public Elementary School
3235 N Central Avenue...........773-205-3300
4310 N Melvina Avenue..........773-534-3711
Sunshine Activity Center
Montrose Baptist Church
6206 W Montrose Avenue......773-283-0089
Poe Elem Classical School
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Pullman Elementary School
4100 N Long...........................312-744-4016
Chicago Park District - Portage Park
11311 S Forrestville.................773-535-5395
4100 N Long Avenue..............773-685-7235
Schmid Elementary School
senior services
Child Evangelism Fellowship of
9755 S Greenwood Avenue....773-535-6235
General Senior Services
3441 N Cicero Avenue............312-259-4752
744 E 103rd Street..................773-535-5689
North Side Gospel Center
Public Preschool
4941 W Patterson Avenue.......773-282-9373
Workforce Development
St. Ladislaus School
3330 N Lockwood Avenue......773-545-5600
Academy of Business and Career
St. Robert Bellarmine School
4200 N Central Avenue...........773-777-2223
6036 W Eastwood Avenue......773-725-5133
Polish American Association
3834 N Cicero Avenue............773-282-8206
Progressive Truck Driving School, Inc.
5538 W Belmont Avenue........773-736-5522
Metropolitan Family Services North Center
3859 N Central Avenue...........773-736-1700
3249 N Central Avenue...........773-371-3700
Rico Music and Dance
Portage Park Satellite Senior Center
4821 W Irving Park Road........773-794-9978
4100 N Long Avenue..............312-744-9022
Saint Patrick High School
5900 W Belmont Avenue........773-282-8844
St. Baratholomew Church
4949 W Patterson Avenue.......773-286-7871
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
10909 S Cottage Grove..........312-235-8000
Dental Clinics
Smyser Elementary School
St John Ev Lutheran School
Roseland Pullman Boys & Club
10001 S Woodlawn................773-291-6315
Olive-Harvey College
5104 W Belmont Avenue........773-777-4111
5104 W Belmont Avenue........773-777-4111
10001 S Woodlawn Avenue....773-284-1467
Smith Elementary School - Mentor
Mathers More Than A Cafe
Portage Park Senior Satellite
Chicago Family Health Center
Chicago South Swim Club
556 E 115th Street..................773-785-6800
Senior Congragate Dining
4411 N Melvina......................312-744-4016
556 E 115th Street..................773-785-6800
Extracurricular Youth Activities
h e a lt h c a r e
3425 N Major Avenue.............773-534-3465
North Center
Olive-Harvey College
10001 S Woodlawn................773-291-6770
Reinberg Elementary School
North Center for the Handicapped
Counseling Center of Illinois
Our Lady of Victory School
St. Bartholomew School
Parenting Training
Gray Elementary School
Special Education
4939 W Montrose Avenue......773-736-1196
4200 N Central Avenue...........773-202-9112
6036 W Eastwood Avenue......773-725-5133
3465 N Cicero Avenue............773-685-1106
4434 N Laramie Avenue..........773-283-2229
3834 N Cicero Avenue............773-282-8206
St. John Ev Lutheran School
Polish American Association
Chicago Public Library
Polish American Association
3522 N Central Avenue...........773-226-2323
St. Robert Bellarmine School
3834 N Cicero Avenue............773-282-8206
5007 W Addison Street...........773-283-3888
St. Bonaventure Children’s
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Nkrumah Academy Elem School
901 E 95th Street....................773-535-8664
10538 S Langley Avenue.........773-535-5525
Smith W Elementary School
Pullman Elementary School
11311 S Forrestville.................773-535-5395
Schmid Elementary School
9755 S Greenwood Avenue....773-535-6235
556 E 115th Street..................773-785-6800
One Hope United (formerly Kids
Hope United)
9501 S Dorchester Avenue......312-949-5500
Chicago Family Health Center
556 E 115th Street..................773-785-6800
Food Pantries
House of Chloe Inc.
10701 S Champlain Avenue 708-372-4762
social services
One Hope United (formerly Kids
Hope United)
9501 S Dorchester...................312-949-5500
Smith W Elementary School
744 E 103rd Street..................773-535-5689
Private Elementary School
Early Head Start
Public Preschool
Our Lady of the Gardens School
Howard Area Community Center
13300 S Langley Avenue.........773-568-4099
7510 N Ashland......................773-262-6622
Gale Elementary Community
Promise Christian Academy
Howard Area Community Center
1631 W Jonquil Terrace...........773-534-2100
13560 S Indiana Avenue 708-201-9088
7648 N Paulina Street.............773-262-6622
Private Preschool
Head Start
Jordan Elementary Community
Our Lady of the Gardens School
Christopher House Rogers Park
13300 S Langley Avenue.........773-568-4099
7059 N Greenview Avenue.....773-274-5477
Promise Christian Academy
Gale Elementary Community
13560 S Indiana Avenue 708-201-9088
DFSS Community
Service Center
1631 W Jonquil Terrace...........773-534-2100
Public Elementary School
Aldridge Elementary School
South Chicago Center
630 E 131st Street..................773-535-5614
8759 S. Commercial Avenue...312-747-0331
Carver Primary School
901 E 133rd Place...................773-535-5674
Ed u c a t i o n
Chicago Public Library
950 E 132nd Place..................312-747-5952
Child Care
Centers for New Horizons Altgeld Gardens II Early Learning
939 E 132nd Street.................773-468-6033
Centers for New Horizons Altgeld I
941 E 132nd Street.................773-468-3055
Chicago Youth Centers Dorothy
975 E 132nd Street.................773-291-1000
Child-Parent Center
Dubois Elementary School
330 E 133rd Street..................773-535-5582
Wheatley CPC
Dubois Elementary School
330 E 133rd Street..................773-535-5582
Public Preschool
Aldridge Elementary School
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
DFSS Community
Service Center
951 E 132nd Place..................773-468-6033
social services
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Christopher House Rogers Park
Lutheran Social Services Rogers
Community Partnership Program
Chicago Youth Centers Dorothy
7648 N Paulina Street.............773-262-6622
Eyes on the Future
Centers for New Horizons Altgeld I
13116 S Ellis Avenue...............773-533-6877
Substance Abuse Resources
TCA Health, Inc.
1029 E 130Th Street...............773-995-6300
Lester and Rosalie Anixter Center
6610 N Clark Street................773-973-7900
7648 N Paulina Street.............773-262-6622
PACTT Learning Center
Jordan Elementary Community
7101 N Greenview Avenue.....773-338-9102
7414 N Wolcott Avenue..........773-534-2220
7356 N Winchester.................773-274-6013
Lutheran Social Services Rogers
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
Howard Area Community Center
7510 N Ashland......................773-262-6622
Howard Area Community Center
7648 N Paulina Street.............773-262-6622
Chicago Public Library
Rogers Park
6907 N Clark Street................312-744-0156
Mary Craine Center
1545 W Morse Avenue............773-262-1390
New Field Elementary School
1707 W Morse Avenue............773-534-2760
Private Elementary School
Chicago Waldorf School
1300 W Loyola Avenue...........773-465-2371
Eyes on the Future Child Care
6969 N Ravenswood..............773-973-0771
Howard Area Early Childhood
7638 N Paulina.......................773-262-4309
Little People Day Care School
1052 W Loyola Avenue...........773-508-3444
Northshore Academy for Children
6711 N Sheridan Road............773-743-4744
Public Elementary School
1329 W Loyola........................773-973-0771
Field Elem School
Eyes on the Future II School
7019 N Ashland Boulevard.....773-534-2030
1773 W Lunt...........................773-762-8045
Howard Area Early Childhood
7638 N Paulina.......................773-262-4309
Little People Day Care School
Thresholds-Mary Hill House
Workforce Development
Hamdard Center for Health and
Human Services
Chicago Division of Mental Health
- Northtown/Rogers Park Center
1607 W Howard Street............312-744-7617
Gale Elementary Community
1631 W Jonquil Terrace...........773-534-2100
Jordan Elementary Community
Anixter Center
7648 N Paulina Street.............773-262-6622
1331 W Albion Avenue...........773-381-4070
Loyola University Chicago
Trilogy, Inc.
Center for Grief Recovery and
Institute for Creativity
1032 W Sheridan Road...........312-915-6501
1400 W Greenleaf Avenue......773-508-6100
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
Food Pantries
Asian Family Health Center Rogers Park
Chicago Community Ministry
1400 W Greenleaf...................773-761-0300
Christopher House - Rogers Park
Howard Greenview Medical
7059 N Greenview..................773-274-5477
social services
1506 W Howard Street............773-465-0695
Holy Apostolic Catholic
7201 N Ashland Boulevard.....773-465-4777
Rogers Park Family Health Center
1555 W Howard......................773-764-7146
Dental Clinics
6525 N Clark Street................773-968-1696
Howard Area Community Center
7648 N Paulina Street.... 773-262-6622 x232
St. Ignatius Parish
1263 W Loyola Avenue...........773-274-4600
7320 N Sheridan Road............773-262-3308
Golden Diner Program
Devon/Sheridan Apartments
6400 N Sheridan Road............312-744-4016
Haitian American Community
1637 W Morse Avenue............773-764-2209
6559 N Glenwood Avenue.773-764-5936 x14
Hamdard Center for Health and
Human Services
7648 N Paulina Avenue...........773-262-6622
Senior Congragate Dining
1542 W Devon Avenue...........773-465-4600
Family Health Center Dental
Devon/Sheridan Apartments
Eleanor Dental Clinic
1555 W Howard......................773-764-3425
Howard Area Community Center
7648 N Paulina Street.............773-262-6622
6400 N Sheridan.....................312-744-4016
Soup Kitchens
Howard Area Community Center
1631 W Jonquil Terrace...........773-534-2100
Howard Area Community Center
7414 N Wolcott Avenue..........773-534-2220
A Just Harvest
Trilogy, Inc.
7649 N Paulina Street.............773-262-2297
1400 W Greenleaf Avenue......773-508-6100
Howard Area Community Center
Disability Services and Education
Mental Heath Clinics
7648 N Paulina Street.............773-262-6622
Panda Montessori Academy
Kilmer Elementary School
6700 N Greenview Avenue.....773-534-2115
Center for Grief Recovery and
Institute for Creativity
1545 W Morse Avenue............773-761-2500
New Field Elementary School
1263 W Loyola Avenue...........773-274-4600
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
6610 N Clark Street................773-973-7900
HOME - Nathalie Salmon House
7414 N Wolcott Avenue..........773-534-2220
1707 W Morse Avenue............773-534-2760
General Senior Services
Marjorie Kovler Center for the
Treatment of Survivors of Torture
7428 N Rogers Avenue...........773-761-2305
6921 N Ridge..........................773-338-6755
senior services
Howard Area Community Center
1542 W Devon Avenue...........773-465-4600
Private Preschool
Loyola University Chicago Preschool/Day Care
6711 N Sheridan Road............773-743-4744
1707 W Morse Avenue............773-534-2760
Howard Area Community Center
Mary Craine Center
Northshore Academy for Children
New Field Elementary School
Special Education
7428 N Rogers Avenue...........773-761-2305
1545 W Morse Avenue............773-262-1390
6700 N Greenview Avenue.....773-534-2115
7510 N Ashland......................773-262-6622
1754 W Devon 847-635-4600
Howard Area Community Center
People For Community Recovery
4740 N. Sheridan Road...........312-744-2580
1052 W Loyola Avenue...........773-508-3444
939 E 132nd Street.................312-747-6047
951 E 132nd Place..................773-291-1000
902 E 133rd Place...................773-535-5718
North Area Center
Loyola University Chicago Preschool/Day Care
7059 N Greenview Avenue.....773-274-5477
939 E 132nd Street.................773-468-6033
Wheatley CPC School
7428 N Rogers Avenue...........773-761-2305
1029 E 130th Street................773-995-6300
Centers for New Horizons Altgeld Gardens II Early Learning
330 E 133rd Street..................773-535-5582
Little People Day Care School
Altgeld Dental Clinic
Chicago Park District - Carver Park
Dubois Elementary School
7610 N Ashland......................773-764-7610
Dental Clinics
630 E 131st Street..................773-535-5614
975 E 132nd Street.................773-291-1000
Howard Area Community Center
Howard Area Community Services
941 E 132nd Street.................773-468-3055
Chicago Youth Centers Dorothy
6969 N Ravenswood..............773-973-0771
7648 N Paulina Street.............773-262-6622
Altgeld Gardens
941 E 132nd Street.................773-468-3055
Eyes on the Future Child Care Center
1029 E 130th Street................773-995-6300
Community Partnership Program
Aldridge Elementary School
7059 N Greenview Avenue.....773-274-5477
TCA Health, Inc.
Senior Congregate Dining
Head Start
Christopher House Rogers Park
901 E 133rd Place...................773-535-5674
902 E 133rd Place...................773-535-5718
Centers for New Horizons Altgeld I
Child Care
Carver Primary School
Kilmer Elementary School
Howard Area Community Center
1754 W Devon 847-635-4600
630 E 131st Street..................773-535-5614
7414 N Wolcott Avenue..........773-534-2220
United Church of Rogers Park
Anixter Center
6610 N Clark Street................773-973-7900
Chicago Park District - Loyola Park
1230 W Greenleaf Avenue......773-262-8605
LEEDA Services of Illinois
1607 W Howard Street............773-274-9760
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
- Augustana House - Sherwin
1412A W Sherwin Avenue......773-274-6261
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois - Housing Opportunities
1710 W Lunt Avenue..............773-338-9044
PACTT Learning Center
7101 N Greenview Avenue.....773-338-9102
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Chicago Waldorf School
1300 W Loyola Avenue...........773-828-8464
Christopher House Rogers Park
Rogers Park Community Development
Hughes L Elementary School
Haley Elementary Academy
226 W 104Th Street................773-535-5075
11411 S Eggleston Avenue.....773-535-5340
Human Resources Development
Institute - State Street II
1411 W Lunt.................... 773-262-2290 x13
Kohn Elementary School
Kohn Elementary School
11352 S State Street...............773-785-4955
Interpretation and Translation
10414 S State Street...............773-535-5489
10414 S State Street...............773-535-5489
Lavizzo Elementary School
Lavizzo Elementary School
138 W 109th Street.................773-535-5300
138 W 109th Street.................773-535-5300
Private Elementary School
Special Education
Resurrection Lutheran School
Banner School
Russian Communications
9349 S Wentworth Avenue.....773-928-6312
9538 S Harvard Avenue..........773-568-8115
1532 W Birchwood Avenue.....773-761-0027
Roseland Christian School
Parenting Training
314 W 108th Street.................773-264-2174
DFSS Community
Service Center
St. John de la Salle Academy of
Fine Arts
Workforce Development
South Chicago Center
10212 S Vernon Avenue..........773-785-2331
Bishop Translations
1440 W North Shore Avenue Suite 2...............
Hamdard Center for Health and
Human Services
7059 N Greenview Avenue.....773-274-5477
1542 W Devon Avenue...........773-465-4600
Family Matters
7731 N Marshfield Avenue.....773-465-6011
Good News Community Church
7649 N Paulina Street.............773-262-2277
Housing Opportunities for
Women (HOW)
1607 W Howard Street............773-465-5770
Howard Area Community Center
1527 W Morse Avenue............773-308-4086
Howard Area Community Center
Good News Partners Shelter
7632-36 N Paulina Street........773-743-3859
Substance Abuse Resources
A Safe Haven - Damen
7349 N Damen.......................773-764-6836
A Safe Haven - Jarvis
2049 W Jarvis Avenue.............773-381-4742
8759 S. Commercial Avenue...312-747-0331
Ed u c a t i o n
Chicago Public Library
11001 S Indiana Avenue.........312-747-2033
Child Care
Ada S. McKinley Roseland
11410 S Edbrooke...................773-468-1918
7648 N Paulina Street.............773-381-3652
GW & Associates - A Wellness
Organization, Inc.
Insight Arts
6924 N Glenwood Avenue......773-338-9999
461 E 111th Street..................773-468-4660
1545 W Morse Avenue............773-973-1521
Lutheran Social Services Of Illinois
Community Learning Center
Jewish Big Sisters
1710 W Lunt Avenue..............773-981-0174
10612 S Wentworth................773-928-4104
1316 W Fargo Avenue.............312-458-9003
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
- Devon
Metropolitan Family Services Calumet Center
Living Water Community Church
Chicago Youth Centers
6808 N Ashland Boulevard.....773-764-5872
1758 W Devon Avenue...........773-764-4350
235 E 103rd Street..................773-371-3600
Music Theater Workshop
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
- Men’s Residence North
Roseland Christian Ministries
7359 N Greenview Avenue.....773-973-7266
1640 W Morse Avenue............773-338-5105
10858 S Michigan Avenue......773-264-5665
7655 N Ashland Avenue.........773-262-4979
Northwestern Counseling Services, Inc.
V and J Day Care Center
Rogers Park Community Council
1771 W Greenleaf Avenue......773-338-8913
1530 W Morse Avenue............773-338-7733
Trilogy, Inc.
St. Paul’s Church by the Lake
1400 W Greenleaf Avenue......773-508-6100
Northpoint Activity Center
7100 N Ashland Boulevard.....773-764-6514
Sullivan High School - After
School Program
6631 N Bosworth Avenue.......773-338-7722
101 W 108th Street.................773-374-2338
Christ Cathedral Baptist Ch.
Covennant Faith Church of God
10505 S Halsted Street...........773-568-2685
Evangelism Outreach Ministries
214 E 115th Street..................773-264-2800
Faith United Family Enrichment
120 E 115th Street..................773-568-7612
Greater Tabernacle Missionary
Baptist Church - Roseland
11240 S Indiana Avenue.........773-928-7737
RCDC Health & Education Center
11409 S Michigan Avenue......773-821-5319
10212 S Vernon Avenue..........773-785-2331
Community Health Centers
Roseland Christian Ministries Center
Public Elementary School
Chicago Family Health Center ?_
Sheldon Heights COC Pantry
Bennett Elementary School
10115 S Prairie Avenue...........773-535-5460
Cullen Elementary School
10650 S Eberhart Avenue.......773-535-5375
Curtis Elementary School
32 E 115th Street....................773-535-5050
Dunne Elementary Math Sci &
Tech Acad
10845 S Union Avenue...........773-535-5517
Gillespie Elementary School
9301 S State Street.................773-535-5065
Chicago State University
226 W 104th Street.................773-535-6510
9501 S King Drive...................773-995-2556
Kohn Elementary School
Happy Holiday Nursery School
10414 S State Street...............773-535-5489
401 E 111th Street..................773-821-7009
Lavizzo Elementary School
Ada S. McKinley Roseland
Beacon of Joy
h e a lt h c a r e
136 W 111th Street.................773-995-3416
Roseland Neighborhood Health
138 W 109th Street.................773-535-5300
Turner-Drew Elementary Language Academy
9300 S Princeton Avenue........773-535-5720
11410 S Edbrooke...................773-468-1918
Public Preschool
Chicago State University
Bennett Elementary School
9501 S King Drive
10115 S Prairie Avenue...........773-535-5460
Chicago Youth Centers
Curtis Elementary School
461 E 111th Street..................773-468-4405
32 E 115th Street....................773-535-5050
Community Learning Center
10612 S Wentworth................773-928-4104
Dunne Elementary Math Sci &
Tech Acad
Curtis Elementary School
10845 S Union Avenue...........773-535-5517
32 E 115th Street....................773-535-5050
Gillespie Elementary School
Haley Elementary Academy
9301 S State Street.................773-535-5065
10858 S Michigan Avenue......773-264-5665
11325 S Halsted Street...........773-568-2929
St. James A.M.E. Church
senior services
General Senior Services
Abbot Park Senior Satellite
9255 S Perry Avenue...............773-785-9733
49 E 95th Street......................312-745-3493
200 E 115th Street..................312-747-9500
True Vine of Holiness Church
Metropolitan Family Services Calumet Center
Dental Clinics
World Outreach Conference
Roseland Clinic Dental Clinic
4 E 111th Street......................773-264-2589
200 E 115th Street..................312-747-2817
Senior Congregate Dining
Roseland Community Hospital
124 E 113th Street
1530 W Morse Avenue............773-338-7722
St. John de la Salle Academy of
Fine Arts
Hughes L Elementary School
1721 W Wallen Avenue...........773-262-9935
Rogers Park Community Council
11004 S Michigan...................773-233-4364
314 W 108th Street.................773-264-2174
Community Partnership Program
Youth With A Mission
1652 W Wallen Avenue...........773-381-5253
Chicago Career Center
11411 S Eggleston Avenue.....773-535-5340
Academy of Early Education
Lakeside Community Development Corporation
Roseland Christian School
10809 S State Street...............773-995-1737
1 E 113th Street......................773-785-3940
1545 W Morse Avenue............773-338-7722
6610 N Clark Street................773-973-7900
9349 S Wentworth Avenue.....773-928-6312
Catholic Charities Chicago Roseland Adolescent Parenting
Proejct (RAPP)
45 W 111th Street...................773-995-3000
Head Start
Anixter Center
Resurrection Lutheran School
Food Pantries
445 W 111th Street.................773-660-0580
Haley Elementary Academy
United Church of Rogers Park
Housing Assistance
Private Preschool
Roseland Community WIC
400 E 111th Street..................773-995-1004
Abbot Park Senior Satellite
49 E 95th Street......................312-744-4016
235 E 103rd Street..................773-371-3600
Roseland Christian Ministries Center
10858 S Michigan Avenue......773-264-5665
Golden Diner Program
Abbot Park Senior Satellite Center
49 E 95th Street......................312-744-4016
Christ Temple Church
62 W 111th Place...................773-821-0088
Saint James AME Church
social services
9256 S Lafayette Avenue........773-785-9733
Mental Heath Clinics
Soup Kitchen
235 E 103rd Street..................773-371-3600
Chicago Division of Mental
Health - Roseland Center
Roseland Christian Ministries
11255 S Michigan Avenue......773-785-1173
28 E 112th Place.....................312-747-7321
Human Resources Development
Institute - 114th Street
33 E 114th Street....................773-660-4630
10858 S Michigan Avenue......773-264-5665
Roseland Neighborhood Health
Metropolitan Family Services
Youth 1st Counseling
11335 S Michigan Avenue......773-785-7012
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Agape Community Center - S.A.Y. Yes!
342 W 111th Street.................773-821-7060
200 E 115th Street..................312-747-0054
Beulah A.G. Smith (BAGS) Scholarship Foundation
10901 S Edbrooke Avenue......773-995-1908
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
255 W 103 Street....................773-821-9151
Human Resources Development
Institute - King I
11255 S Michigan...................773-785-1786
Chicago Park District - Fernwood Park
Human Resources Development
Institute - Edbrooke
10436 S Wallace Street...........312-747-6132
Christ Temple Cathedral, SAY
Y.E.S! Youth Center
62 W 111th Place...................773-821-0088
Clergy For Youth
11410 S Union Avenue...........773-568-5445
Community Assistance Program
150 W 107th Street.................773-468-1993
Donald Peterson Foundation
525 E 103rd Street..................312-752-5944
God’s Gang
11428 S Prairie Avenue...........773-264-2652
Harlan Community Academy High
9652 S Michigan Avenue........773-535-9998
Jadonal E. Ford Center for Adolescent
11255 S Michigan Avenue......773-995-1737
Job Corps Outreach and Admissions
- Career Transition Service
11004 S Michigan Avenue......773-468-1605
Lilydale Progressive Baptist
10706 S Michigan Avenue......773-785-1976
Metropolitan Family Services Calumet Center
235 E 103rd Street..................773-371-3637
New Progressive Baptist Church
9406 S Perry Avenue...............773-568-1091
Pullman Christian Reformed
424 E 103rd Street..................773-785-9855
Pullman Presbyterian Church
550 E 103rd Street..................773-928-9568
11316 S King Drive.................773-785-1648
Chicago Park District - Palmer Park
Human Resources Development
Institute - State Street I
301 E 111th Street..................312-747-6576
Southside Educational Center
Chicago State University - William Science Center Bldg, Room
Soweto Center Chicago
11335 S State Street...............773-291-2651
9501 S King Drive...................773-995-2511
720 W 111th Street.................773-821-9970
19 E 103rd Street....................773-264-1298
11411 S Eggleston Avenue.....773-535-5340
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Special Education
St. Thaddeus Catholic Church
9540 S Harvard Avenue..........773-568-7077
Temple of Glory International
311 E 95th Street....................773-468-6006
Trinity United Church of Christ
400 W 95th Street 532 West 95th..................
Mckinley Highland School
2647 E 88th Street..................773-375-1999
Workforce Development
Upward Bound
CRC Technical Institute
9501 S King Drive...................773-995-2566
2055 E 79th Street..................773-321-0233
Housing Assistance
Metropolitan Family Services Calumet Center
Le Penseur Youth Services
235 E 103rd Street..................773-371-3600
DFSS Community
Service Center
Neighborhood Housing Services
of Chicago - Roseland
King Center
11001 S Michigan Avenue......773-568-1020
Parenting Training
Catholic Charities Chicago
10809 S State Street...............773-995-1737
Human Resources Development
11352 S State Street...............773-785-4955
Metropolitan Family Services
235 E 103rd Street..................773-371-3600
Youth 1st Counseling
11335 S Michigan Avenue......773-785-7012
4314 S. Cottage Grove Ave.....312-747-2300
8235 S Shore Drive.................773-221-0620
Chicago Public Library
South Chicago
9055 S Houston Avenue..........312-747-8065
Child Care
Ada S. McKinley Community
2647 E 88th Street..................773-375-1999
Catholic Charities St. Michael
Higher Love Ministries
2705 E 83rd Street..................773-768-7984
SE Emergency FP Ada Mckinley
2938 E 91st Street..................773-768-5452
7877 S Coles Avenue..............773-734-2933
8959 S Commercial Avenue....773-978-6235
Southeast Chicago Development
Trinity Resurrection United
Brandon Family Health Center
8300 S Brandon Avenue.........773-721-7600
Chicago Family Health Center
Private Preschool
9119 S Exchange Avenue........773-768-5000
9050 S Burley Avenue.............773-768-0999
8152 S Saginaw Avenue.........773-933-7851
3055 E 92nd Street.................773-291-6770
8231 S South Shore Drive.......773-221-0212
Our Lady of Guadalupe School
Gospel Way Covenant Church
Southeast Service Center
Community Health Centers
St. Michael School
8521 S Commercial Avenue....773-978-5822
Olive Harvey College - South
Chicago Campus
h e a lt h c a r e
Head Start
Corner Stone Church of Chicago
South Shore Baptist Church
Ed u c a t i o n
Corazon a Corazon
8157 S Exchange Avenue........773-721-2119
8550 S Manistee Avenue........773-375-8637
2938 E 91st Street..................773-731-8785
Adult Literacy - General Education
Christ Apostolic Church of IL
South Chicago Maternal & Child
Health Center
9046 S Mackinaw Avenue......773-768-9645
Senior Congregate Dining
91st and South Chicago Apartments
9177 S South Chicago............312-744-4016
South Chicago Neighborhood House
8458 S Mackinaw...................312-744-4016
South Chicago YMCA
3039 E 91st Street..................312-744-4016
South Chicago
8759 S Commercial Avenue....312-747-0331
Public Elementary School
South Chicago Clinic
El Valor Rey Gonzalez Child Care
3050 E 92nd Street.................773-721-9311
Chicago Department of Human
Services - South Chicago
Coles Elementary Language
Henry Booth House
8441 S Yates Boulevard...........773-535-6550
1845 E 79th Street
103 W 112Th Street................773-613-6884
8759 S Commercial Avenue....312-747-0331
Mann Elementary School
8050 S Chappel Avenue..........773-535-6640
Cornerstone Recovering Community
El Valor Rey Gonzalez Child Care
Our Lady of Guadalupe Early
Childhood Center
9129 S Burley..........................773-978-5320
10858 S Michigan Avenue......773-264-5665
Substance Abuse Resources
Cornerstone Recovering Community
11001 S Wentworth Avenue...773-909-2424
Cornerstone Recovering Community
28 W 113Th Place...................773-821-8608
Human Resources Development
Institute - Harriet Tubman Women And Children
2647 E 88th Street..................773-375-1999
Catholic Charities St. Michael
8235 S Shore Drive.................773-933-7676
3050 E 92nd Street.................773-721-9311
Our Lady of Guadalupe Early
Childhood Center
9129 S Burley..........................773-978-5320
8716 S Colfax.........................312-655-7305
Shining Star
YMCA Bowen School
2710 E 89th Street..................773-933-0166
YMCA South Chicago II
441 E 103rd Street..................773-468-8002
8902 S Brandon......................773-721-7230
YMCA South Chicago School
3039 E 91st Street..................773-721-9100
Community Partnership Program
Dorsey Developmental Institute III
2938 E 91st Street..................773-933-0053
YMCA Bowen School
2710 E 89th Street..................773-933-0166
YMCA South Chicago School
3039 E 91st Street..................773-721-9100
8716 S Colfax.........................312-655-7305
Sheridan Head Start
Human Resources Development
Institute - West Pullman
Professional Counseling
Rosemoor Assessment Substance
Abuse Program,
Saint Bronislava Early Childhood
Saint Bronislava Early Childhood
11352 S State Street...............773-785-4955
33 E 114th Street....................773-660-4630
Chicago Department of Human
Services - South Chicago
9035 S Escanaba Avenue........773-978-2279
St. Michael School
9119 S Exchange Avenue........773-768-5001
8959 S Commercial.................773-978-6235
Ada S. McKinley Community
Service - Therapeutic and
Educational Services
2647 E 88th Street..................773-375-1999
Chicago Family Health Center
8930 S Muskegon Avenue......312-747-6023
Extracurricular Youth Activities
2938 E 91st Street..................773-768-5452
2710 E 89th Street..................773-535-6493
Calvary Baptist Church
8247 S Jeffery Boulevard.........773-374-3681
Centro Communitario Juan Diego
- Family Literacy Program
8812 S Commercial Avenue....773-731-0109
Changing Lives Inc
2938 E 91st Street..................773-221-9926
Ninos Heroes Elementary Academic Center
8732 S Burley Avenue.............773-721-4141
Chicago Family Health Center
8458 S Mackinaw Avenue......773-768-5452
8344 S Commercial Avenue....773-535-6694
9119 S Exchange Avenue........773-768-5000
Guadalupe Senior Services
Sullivan Elementary School
South Chicago Maternal & Child
Health Center
3201 E 91st Street..................773-933-0344
3039 E 91st Street..................773-721-9100
Coles Elementary Language
Private Elementary School
Mann Elementary School
8441 S Yates Boulevard...........773-535-6550
Immaculate Conception School
8050 S Chappel Avenue..........773-535-6640
8739 S Exchange Avenue........773-375-4674
Mireles Elementary Academy
McKinley School East Campus
9000 S Exchange Avenue........773-535-6360
2647 E 88th Street..................773-375-1999
Sullivan Elementary School
Our Lady of Guadalupe School
8331 S Mackinaw Avenue......773-535-6585
9050 S Burley Avenue.............773-768-0999
Thorp J N Elementary School
8914 S Buffalo Avenue............773-535-6250
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
2938 E 89th Street..................312-747-3121
Metropolitan Family Services South Chicago Center
3062 E 91st Street..................773-371-2900
Southeast Atlas Regional Senior
1767 E 79th Street..................312-747-0189
Metropolitan Family Services South Chicago Center
Golden Diner Program
3062 E 91st Street..................773-371-2900
9177 S South Chicago............312-744-4016
91st & South Chicago Apartments
South Chicago Neighborhood House
Food Pantries
Centro Comunitario Juan Diego
8812 S Commercial Avenue....773-731-0109
7953 S Escanabe.....................312-374-5481
Chicago Park District - Bessemer
Ada S. McKinley Community
Service - Senior Services
YMCA South Chicago School
2938 E 91st Street..................773-731-8785
9204 S Commercial Avenue....773-768-5417
8300 S Brandon Avenue.........773-721-7600
Chicago Division of Mental
Health - Southeast Center
Southeast Chicago Development
Unity Social Services, Inc
Brandon Family Health Center
Public Preschool
9108 S Brandon Avenue.........773-734-9181
9000 S Exchange Avenue........773-535-6360
8914 S Buffalo Avenue............773-535-6250
Claretian Associates
Chicago Family Health Center Commercial
8930 S Muskegon Avenue......312-747-6023
Mental Heath Clinics
3217 E 91st Street..................773-731-9287
9119 S Exchange Avenue........773-768-5000
General Senior Services
8914 S Buffalo Avenue............773-535-6250
9231 S Houston Avenue..........773-768-0558
Housing Assistance
9135 S Brandon Avenue.........773-731-4033
8331 S Mackinaw Avenue......773-535-6585
South Chicago Pentecostal
Church of God
Ada S. McKinley Community
Service - Residential Services
senior services
Mireles Elementary Academy
9050 S Burley Avenue.............773-768-0999
The South Chicago Art Center
8012 S Crandon Avenue.........773-356-5000
2938 E 89th Street..................312-747-5285
Thorp J N Elementary School
WIC Food and Nutrition Center Southeast Side Service Center
South Shore Hospital
Thorp J N Elementary School
3012-16 E 92nd Street
2938 E 89th Street..................312-747-7969
Our Lady of Guadelupe Parish
Disability Services and Education
Bowen High School
Dental Clinics
Ada S. McKinley Community
3062 E 91st Street..................773-371-2900
1767 E 79th Street..................312-744-4016
8231 S South Shore Drive.......773-221-0212
Roseland Christian Ministries
Metropolitan Family Services South Chicago Center
Ada S. McKinley - Family Services
8235 S Shore Drive.................773-933-7676
Southeast Atlas Senior Regional
2938 E 89th Street..................312-747-5285
social services
Chicago Park District - Bessemer Park
Germano Millgate Community Center
Haven of Rest Missionary Baptist
7925 S South Chicago Avenue.773-375-4489
Impact Beyond Incorporated
8606 S Muskegon Avenue......773-671-1611
La Causa Community Committee
8930 S Muskegon Avenue......773-612-3499
Le Penseur Youth and Family
8550 S Manistee Avenue........773-375-8637
Metropolitan Family Services
3029 E 91st Street..................773-371-2916
Metropolitan Family Services South Chicago Center
3062 E 91st Street..................773-371-2900
8458 S Mackinaw...................312-744-4016
New Calvary Baptist Church
South Chicago YMCA
8247 S Jeffery Boulevard.........773-375-1600
3039 E 91st Street..................312-744-4016
Southeast Atlas Regional Center
1767 E 79th Street..................312-744-4016
Olive Harvey College South Chicago Campus
3055 E 92nd Street.................773-291-6770
Community Partnership Program
Burnham Elementary Inclusive
B & G Club General R.E. Wood
1903 E 96th Street..................773-535-6530
Lawrence Elementary School
9928 S Crandon Avenue.........773-535-6320
Marsh Elementary School
9822 S Exchange Avenue........773-535-6430
2950 W 25th Street.................773-762-7383
Carole Robertson Center for
2929 W 19th Street.................773-521-1600
El Hogar Del Nino Cuidar
2325 S California Avenue........773-523-1629
Salvation Army La Villita School
3621 W 24th Street.................312-733-2355
Workforce Development
Early Head Start
Best Way Truck Training Inc.
DFSS Community
Service Center
South Chicago Center
8759 S. Commercial Avenue...312-747-0331
12655 S Doty Avenue.............773-646-1546
h e a lt h c a r e
DFSS Community
Service Center
Garfield Center
845 W. 69th Street..................312-745-8285
Mental Heath Clinics
Ed u c a t i o n
Chicago Public Library
Human Resources Development
Institute - 98th Street
2311 E 98th Street..................773-933-5570
Jeffery Manor
2401 E 100th Street................312-747-6479
Child Care
Ada S. McKinley McKinley Trumbull
10530 S Oglesby.....................773-375-7022
Catholic Charities St. Kevin
10509 S Torrence....................773-374-6466
Head Start
Ada S. McKinley McKinley - Trumbull
10530 S Oglesby.....................773-375-7022
Catholic Charities St. Kevin
10509 S Torrence....................773-374-6466
Private Elementary School
L L Performing Arts Academy
9511 S Commercial.................773-933-3330
Sacred Heart School
2926 E 96th Street..................773-768-3728
Private Preschool
Food Pantries
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Carole Robertson Center for
Cardenas Elementary School
2345 S Millard Avenue............773-534-1465
Private Elementary School
Epiphany School
2338 E 99th Street..................773-375-3059
St. Kevin Food Pantry
4225 W 25th Street.................773-521-0055
Carole Robertson Center for
Grace Lutheran School
10509 S Torrence Avenue........773-721-2563
Tolton Center, Site #3
2929 W 19th Street.................773-521-1600
4106 W 28th Street.................773-762-1234
Catholic Charities Chicago - Our
Lady of Tepeyac Family Strengthening Center
Our Lady of Tepeyac School
2414 S Albany.........................773-522-0024
social services
Tolton Center, Site #4
Disability Services and Education
Universidad Popular
South Chicago Parents and
Friends of Retarded Children
10241 S Commercial Avenue..773-734-2222
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Chicago Park District - Trumbull Park
2400 E 105th Street................312-747-6759
La Causa Community Committee
9832 S Manistee Avenue........773-512-1953
Mr. Malo Youth Center
2708 S Pulaski Road...............312-745-1660
Human Resources Development
Institute - Adolescent & Family
Life Program
2311 E 98th Street..................773-933-5570
Corkery Elementary School
Private Preschool
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
El Hogar Del Nino Cuidar
Tolton Center, Site #3
El Valor
Tolton Center, Site #4
Gary Elementary School
2708 S Pulaski Road...............312-745-1660
3740 W 31st Street.................773-534-1455
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
Hammond Elementary School
2929 W 19th Street.................773-521-1600
2819 W 21st Place..................773-535-4580
Lazaro Cardenas Elementary
2724 W Cermak Road.............312-747-0061
2345 S Millard........................773-534-1465
Little Village Elementary School
2620 S Lawndale Avenue........773-534-1880
2708 S Pulaski Road...............312-745-1660
McCormick Elementary School
Child Care
2712 S Sawyer Avenue...........773-535-7252
Carole Robertson Center for Learning
El Hogar Del Nino Cuidar
Marsh Elementary School
2325 S California Avenue........773-523-1629
9822 S Exchange Avenue........773-535-6430
Our Lady of Tepeyac Early Childhood
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
2325 S California Avenue........773-523-1629
2434 S Kildare
9928 S Crandon Avenue.........773-535-6320
10740 S Calhoun Avenue.......773-535-6215
2510 S Kildare Avenue............773-534-1650
2414 S Albany.........................773-522-0024
2929 W 19th Street.................773-521-1600
Bright Elementary School
St. Agnes of Bohemia School
2801 S Hamlin Avenue............773-733-5055
Lawrence Elementary School
Public Preschool
2235 S Albany Avenue............773-522-0024
2643 S Central Park Avenue....773-522-0143
Marshall Square
Substance Abuse Resources
4223 W 25th Street.................773-762-1542
2414 S Albany.........................773-277-5888
2455 E 106th Street................773-568-6760
2950 W 25th Street.................773-638-4678
2406 S Central Park Avenue....773-534-1475
Chicago Public Library
1903 E 96th Street..................773-535-6990
Boys and Girls Clubs of Chicago
Instituto del Progreso Latino Little Village Office
Our Lady Gate of Heaven Church
Burnham Elementary Inclusive
Head Start
Cardenas Modular School
9511 S Commercial.................773-933-3330
10740 S Calhoun Avenue.......773-535-6215
El Hogar Del Nino Cuidar
2929 W 19th Street.................773-521-1600
L L Performing Arts Academy
Bright Elementary School
2929 W 19th Street.................773-521-1600
2325 S California Avenue........773-523-1629
Ed u c a t i o n
10614 S Torrence Avenue........773-768-7750
Public Elementary School
Carole Robertson Center For
2414 S Albany.........................773-277-5888
Paderewski Elementary Learning
2221 S Lawndale Avenue........773-534-1821
Saucedo Elementary Scholastic
2850 W 24th Boulevard..........773-534-1770
St. Augustine College
2610 W 25th Place.................773-878-8756
Zapata Elementary Academy
2728 S Kostner Avenue...........773-534-1390
Carole Robertson Center for
Kanoon Elementary Magnet School
2233 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-534-1736
Little Village Elementary School
2620 S Lawndale Avenue........773-534-1880
Madero Middle School
3202 W 28th Street.................773-535-4466
McCormick Elementary School
2712 S Sawyer Avenue...........773-535-7252
Ortiz De Dominguez Elementary
3000 S Lawndale Avenue........773-534-1600
Paderewski Elementary Learning
2929 W 19th Street.................773-521-1600
2221 S Lawndale Avenue........773-534-1821
El Hogar Del Nino Cuidar
Saucedo Elementary Scholastic
2325 S California Avenue........773-523-1629
Epiphany School
4223 W 25th Street.................773-762-1542
Grace Lutheran School
2850 W 24th Boulevard..........773-534-1770
Spry Elementary Community
4106 W 28th Street.................773-762-1234
2400 S Marshall Boulevard.....773-534-1700
Our Lady of Tepeyac School
Telpochcalli Elementary School
2235 S Albany Avenue............773-522-0024
2832 W 24th Boulevard..........773-534-1402
St. Agnes of Bohemia School
Whitney Elementary School
2643 S Central Park Avenue....773-522-0143
Public Elementary School
Cardenas Elementary School
2815 S Komensky Avenue.......773-534-1560
Zapata Elementary Academy
2728 S Kostner Avenue...........773-534-1390
2345 S Millard Avenue............773-534-1465
Public Preschool
Castellanos Elementary School
Cardenas Elementary School
2524 S Central Park................773-534-1620
2345 S Millard Avenue............773-534-1465
Corkery Elementary School
Corkery Elementary School
2510 S Kildare Avenue............773-534-1650
2510 S Kildare Avenue............773-534-1650
Gary Elementary School
3740 W 31st Street.................773-534-1455
2345 S Christiana....................773-534-1300
Hammond Elementary School
Gary Elementary School
2819 W 21st Place..................773-535-4580
3740 W 31st Street.................773-534-1455
Hammond Elementary School
2819 W 21st Place..................773-535-4580
Kanoon Elementary Magnet School
2233 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-534-1736
Little Village Elementary School
2620 S Lawndale Avenue........773-534-1880
McCormick Elementary School
2712 S Sawyer Avenue...........773-535-7252
Ortiz De Dominguez Elementary
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
Salvation Army La Villita Corps
Fine Arts Christian Youth Academy
Cermak Health Services Of Cook
2325 S California Avenue........773-523-1629
2800 S California Avenue........773-869-5641
General Robert E. Wood Boys &
Girls Club
Gateway Foundation, Inc. / Cook
County Sheriff DCSI
2950 W 25th Street.................773-247-0700
3026 S California Avenue........773-869-7892
Illinois Manufacturing Foundation
Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc.
2101 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-277-2343
3026 S California Avenue........773-869-3590
La Villita Community Church - Sr
Seuedo Afterschool Tutoring &
Human Resources Development
Institute - Impact Incarceration
2300 S Millard........................773-277-8517
2700 S California Avenue........773-869-7631
Our Lady of Tepeyac
Pilsen Wellness Center, Inc.
3059 W 26th Street.................312-747-8126
2226 S Whipple Street............773-522-0023
3113 W Cermak Road.............773-277-3413
DFSS Community
Service Center
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
Paderewski Boys & Girls Club
T.A.S.C., Inc.
King Center
2221 S Lawndale....................312-656-2321
2600 S California Avenue........773-376-0950
Paul Simon Chicago Job Corps
The McDermott Center/Haymarket Ctr.
3348 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-890-3100
Project Vida
Westcare Cook County Jail Impact
2659 S Kedvale Avenue...........773-522-4570
2717 S Sacramento Avenue....773-869-7744
3621 W 24th Street.................773-257-0700
Centro Medico Family Health Center
Senior Congregate Dining
3700 W 26th Street.................773-542-5203
Millard Congregational Church
Centro de Salud Esperanza
2301 S Central Park Avenue....312-026-0525
2001 S California....................773-584-6200
Soup Kitchen
Dr. Jorge Prieto Health Center of
Cook County
2424 S Pulaski........................773-521-0750
3000 S Lawndale Avenue........773-534-1600
Plaza Medical Center
Paderewski Elementary Learning
San Rafael Family Health Center
2507 W Cermak......................773-523-0900
2221 S Lawndale Avenue........773-534-1821
3204 W 26th Street.................773-927-3100
Saucedo Elementary Scholastic
Servicios Medicos La Villita
Family Health Center
La Cruzada Misionera, Inc.
2624 W Cermak Road Entrance in the............
South Lawndale
2400 S Kedzie.........................773-522-7220
2850 W 24th Boulevard..........773-534-1770
3303 W 26th Street.................773-277-6589
Spry Elementary Community School
South Lawndale Maternal &
Child Health Center
social services
3059 W 26th Street.................312-747-0066
La Familia Unida
2400 S Marshall Boulevard.....773-534-1700
Whitney Elementary School
2815 S Komensky Avenue.......773-534-1560
Zapata Elementary Academy
2728 S Kostner Avenue...........773-534-1390
Saint Anthony Hospital
2875 W 19th Street.................773-521-1710
Workforce Development
Dr. Jorge Prieto Health Center of
Cook County
Catholic Charities Chicago - Our
Lady of Tepeyac Family Strengthening Center
2424 S Pulaski Road...............773-521-0750
2414 S Albany.........................773-277-5888
3303 W 26th Street.................773-277-6589
Erie Neighborhood House
Servicios Medicos La Villita Family
Health Center
4225 W 25th Street.................773-542-7617
Mental Heath Clinics
Healthy Families Chicago - Westside Family Advocacy Center
Pilsen Little Village Community
Mental Health Center - Crisis
2100 S Marshall Boulevard Unit 201..............
2635 W 23rd Street.................773-927-1228
Illinois Manufacturing Foundation
2101 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-277-2343
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois - Hispanic Outreach
Food Pantries
2759 S Karlov Avenue.............773-277-7330
Amor De Dios UMC
Paul Simon Chicago Job Corps
2356 S Sawyer Avenue...........773-521-3737
3348 S Kedzie Avenue.............773-890-3100
2622 W Cermak Road.............773-247-4458
Safer Foundation - PACE Institute
Epiphany Food Pantry
2600 S California Avenue........773-927-1536
2524 S Keeler Avenue.............773-521-1112
Ser Services Inc
International Childrens Relief
3948 W 26th Street.................773-542-9030
3346 W 25th Street.................773-847-6293
St. Augustine College
LCFS Hispanic Project
2610 W 25th Place.................773-878-3620
2759 S Karlov Avenue Bsmt....773-277-7330
Centro Familiar LaGran Esperan
La Cruzada Misionera, Inc.
2624 W Cermak Road Entrance in the............
Liberty in Christ Ministry
3001 S Kildare Avenue............773-247-7331
Pilsen Little Village
2635 W 23rd Street.................773-927-1228
4314 S. Cottage Grove Avenue.......................
2700 S California Avenue........773-869-2590
Ed u c a t i o n
Chicago Public Library
South Shore
3047 W Cermak Road.............773-522-7798
St. Agnes of Bohemia
Pilsen Little Village Community
Mental Health Center - Crisis
2651 S Central Park Avenue....773-522-0142
2505 E 73rd Street..................312-747-5281
St. Augustine College
Child Care
2635 W 23rd Street.................773-927-1228
Disability Services and Education
Chicago Park District - Piotrowski Park
4247 W 31st Street.................312-747-6608
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Academic College & Career
Explorers (ACES)
2610 W 25th Place.................773-579-2930
4115 W 26th Street.................773-521-6347
Universidad Popular
2801 S Hamlin Avenue............773-772-0836
Housing Assistance
Healthy Families Chicago - Westside
Family Advocacy Center
3948 W 26th Street.................773-542-9030
Chicago Park District - Douglas
Park Cultural & Community Center
1401 S Sacramento Avenue....773-762-2842
Chicago Park District - Piotrowski Park
4247 W 31st Street.................312-747-6608
Crawford Bible Church
4155 W 31st Street.................773-254-1672
El Hogar Del Nino
2325 S California Avenue........773-523-1629
Epiphany Church
2524 S Keeler Avenue.............773-521-1112
Dr. Deton J. Brooks Head Start
2550 E 73rd Street
7601 S Phillips........................773-731-0444
6921 S Stony Island
Dr. Deton J. Brooks Head Start
Family Rescue Ridgeland
6921 S Stony Island................773-955-2818
6824 S Ridgeland....................773-667-1073
Family Rescue Ridgeland
Fermi Elementary School
Ahadi Early Learning Center
2257 E 71st Street..................773-324-5497
Faulkner School
1750 E 78th Street..................773-221-3578
Muhammad University
7351 S Stony Island................773-643-0700
St. Paul Lutheran School
2345 W Cristiana Avenue........773-843-3003
2334 E 75th Street..................773-221-3777
Madison Elementary School
Little Village Community Development Corporation
South Shore Bible Baptist Church
7433 S Dorchester...................773-535-0551
OKeeffe Elementary School
1300 E 75th Street..................773-493-0000
1631 E 71st Street..................773-493-7500
6940 S Merrill Avenue.............773-535-0600
Public Elementary School
Community Partnership Program
Parkside Elementary Community
2950 W 25th Street.................773-247-0700
Central States SER
Chicago Youth Centers Rebecca
Private Preschool
Kenyatta’s Day Care and Learning Center
Lawndale Christian Health Center
2929 W 19th Street.................773-521-1600
Color For Tots
Henry Booth House
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoGeneral Robert E. Wood Club
Carole Robertson Center for
Learning-Lawndale Programs
7222 S Exchange....................773-221-9711
2110 E 72nd Street.................773-288-1138
1415 E 70th Street..................773-535-0540
2100 S Marshall Boulevard Unit 201..............
2801 S Ridgeway....................773-277-1800
7601 S Phillips........................773-731-0444
St. Philip Neri School
6824 S Ridgeland....................773-667-1073
4355 W 26th Street.................773-277-2513
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoLittle Village Club
Ada S. McKinley Ersula Howard
Chicago Youth Centers Rebecca
2756 S Harding Avenue..........773-542-9233
Interpretation and Translation
Quintana Multi-Lingual Svc Inc
3050 W Cermak Road.............773-277-0000
Parenting Training
Catholic Charities Chicago - Our
Lady of Tepeyac Family
Strengthening Center
2414 S Albany.........................773-277-5888
La Familia Unida
3047 W Cermak Road.............773-522-7798
Rainbow House
4149 W 26th Street.................773-521-1815
Substance Abuse Resources
Access Behavioral Services, Inc.
3950 W 27th Street.................312-659-3572
Children’s Dev Inst South Shore
7037 S Stony Island................773-363-3200
Dr. Deton J. Brooks Head Start
6921 S Stony Island................773-955-2818
Kenyatta’s Day Care and Learning Center
2334 E 75th Street..................773-221-3777
Head Start
Ada S. McKinley Ersula Howard
7222 S Exchange....................773-221-9711
Bouchet Elementary Math & Science
7355 S Jeffery Boulevard.........773-535-0501
Bradwell Comm Arts & Sci
Elementary Sch
2550 E 73rd Street
6938 S East End Avenue.........773-535-0940
South Shore Bible Baptist Church
1631 E 71st Street..................773-493-7500
South Shore UMC
7350 S Jeffery
Stepping Stones Early Childhood
1300 E 75th Street
Private Elementary School
Faulkner School
1750 E 78th Street..................773-221-3578
Muhammad University
7351 S Stony Island................773-643-0700
St Paul Lutheran School
7621 S Dorchester...................773-721-1438
7621 S Dorchester...................773-721-1438
St. Philip Neri School
2110 E 72nd Street.................773-288-1138
Stepping Stones Early Childhood
Bouchet Elementary Math & Science
7355 S Jeffery Boulevard.........773-535-0501
Bradwell Comm Arts & Sci
Elementary Sch
7736 S Burnham Avenue........773-535-6600
Fermi Elementary School
1415 E 70th Street..................773-535-0540
Madison Elementary School
7433 S Dorchester...................773-535-0551
OKeeffe Elementary School
6940 S Merrill Avenue.............773-535-0600
Parkside Elementary Community
6938 S East End Avenue.........773-535-0940
Powell Elementary Paideia Comm
7530 S South Shore................773-535-6650
7736 S Burnham Avenue........773-535-6600
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
South Shore Fine Arts Elementary
1415 E 70th Street..................773-534-8690
Public Preschool
Bouchet Elementary Math & Science
7355 S Jeffery Boulevard.........773-535-0501
Bradwell Comm Arts & Sci Elementary Sch
7736 S Burnham Avenue........773-535-6600
Fermi Elementary School
1415 E 70th Street..................773-535-0540
Madison Elementary School
7433 S Dorchester...................773-535-0551
OKeeffe Elementary School
6940 S Merrill Avenue.............773-535-0600
Parkside Elementary Community
6938 S East End Avenue.........773-535-0940
Powell Elementary Paideia Comm
7530 S South Shore................773-535-6650
South Shore Fine Arts Elementary
social services
Chicago Public Library
Jackson Park Hospital
7531 S Stoney Island Avenue..773-947-7500
Mental Heath Clinics
Jackson Park Hospital
7531 S Stoney Island Avenue..773-947-7500
Food Pantries
ABJ Community Services
1818 E 71st Street......... 773-667-2100 x243
Bryn Mawr Community Church
7000 S Jeffery Boulevard.........773-324-2403
Chosen Tabernacle Full Gospel
7401 S Yates Boulevard...........773-768-0466
South Shore UMC
7350 S Jeffery Boulevard.........773-752-6233
St. Phillip Neri Lady of Peace
2132 E 72nd Street.................773-363-1700
Temple of Brotherly Love
1843 E 77th Street..................773-221-3676
Windsor Park Lutheran Church
2619 E 76th Street..................773-768-1812
Special Education
Soup Kitchen
7550 S Phillips........................773-374-2223
Bryn Mawr Community Church
7000 S Jeffery Boulevard.........773-324-2403
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
1802 E 71st............................773-667-3932
Workforce Development
ABJ Community Services, Inc.
senior services
1818 E 71st Street..................773-947-6940
General Senior Services
Illinois Employment and Training
Center -Woodlawn
1515 E 71st Street..................773-947-2500
New Phoenix Assistance Center
7624 S Phillips Avenue............773-734-7380
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
ACCESS at Jackson Park
7501 S Stony Island................773-947-7310
Mile Square Health Center
7131 S Jeffrey.........................312-996-2000
Dental Clinics
1818 E 71st............................773-667-2100
HTHA Family Services
Jackson Park Hospital
7531 S Stoney Island Avenue..773-947-7500
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois - Kingston Place
7435 S Kingston Avenue.........773-933-9333
4208 N Broadway Street.........773-404-8664
ABC & Me Day Care Center
Disability Services and Education
1100 W Lawrence...................773-561-4488
CARC - Lombard Center
2255 E 75th............................773-721-7088
Lake View Living Center
DFSS Community
Service Center
North Area Center
4740 N. Sheridan Road...........312-744-2580
7270 S South Shore Drive.......773-721-7700
South Central Community
Services, Inc.
7550 S Phillips........................773-374-2223
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Annie B Jones Community Services, Inc
929 W Buena Avenue.............312-744-8400
A Step Ahead Day Care Center
7531 S Stoney Island Avenue..773-947-7500
7811 S Stony Island Avenue....773-731-5700
Child Care
2011 E 75th Street Suite 112.. 773-955-4777
Jackson Park Hospital
1415 E 70th Street..................773-534-8690
South Central Community
Services, Inc.
1226 W Ainslie Street..............312-744-0019
ABJ Community Services, Inc.
Chicago Department of Human
Services - North Area
4740 N Sheridan Road............312-744-2580
Christopher House - Lakeshore
850 W Eastwood Avenue........773-271-9403
Christopher House Buena Park
Ed u c a t i o n
4303 N Kenmore.....................773-883-0288
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Christopher House Uptown Child
Development Center
Asian Human Services
Greenview Children’s Center
4753 N Broadway Suite 700...773-293-8430
4701 N Winthrop Avenue........773-769-4540
1507 W Sunnyside Avenue......773-728-1777
Lutheran Social Services Winthrop
4848 N Winthrop Avenue........773-878-3210
4554 N Broadway Avenue......773-334-9101
Jane Addams Hull House Association - Uptown Center
St Augustine College - Canillatas
4520 N Beacon.......................773-561-3500
South-East Asia Center
1333 W Argyle........................773-878-3231
Chicago Uptown Ministry
1134 W Ainslie Street..............773-989-6927
4720 N Sheridan Road............773-271-3760
Stewart Elementary School
Lutheran Social Services Winthrop
4525 N Kenmore Avenue........773-534-2640
Chinese Mutual Aid Association
4848 N Winthrop Avenue........773-878-3210
South-East Asia Center
7601 S Phillips Avenue............773-731-0444
5120 N Broadway Avenue......773-989-0960
Stockton School
Nehemiah Urban Church Ministers
1016 W Argyle Street..............773-784-2900
South-East Asia Center
Christopher House - Lakeshore
1134 W Ainslie Street..............773-989-7433
St. Philip Neri Church
850 W Eastwood Avenue........773-271-9403
St Augustine College - Canillatas
4425 N Magnolia Avenue.......773-534-2510
7359 S Chappel Avenue..........773-955-1377
South-East Asia Center
1333 W Argyle........................773-878-3231
Ethiopian Community Association
of Chicago
5120 N Broadway Avenue......773-989-6927
1818 E 71st Street..................773-947-6940
Association-Positive Dev-Black
6757 S Jeffery Boulevard.........773-493-0110
Chicago Youth Centers Rebecca
2132 E 72nd Street.................773-363-1700
Casa Guatemala
4750 N Sheridan Road............773-728-0303
St Augustine College - Canillatas
Harry S. Truman College
1333 W Argyle........................773-878-3231
1145 W Wilson Avenue...........773-907-4350
Teach 21 Day Care Inc
HTHA Family Services
Lao American Community Services
4343 N Clarendon Avenue......773-281-0069
2011 E 75th Street Suite 112.. 773-955-4777
4750 N Sheridan Suite 369.....773-271-0004
Serving At Risk Families
Literacy Education for Adults and
Families (LEAF)
Truman College Child Development
The Parkways Activity Center
6720 S East End Avenue.........773-752-1361
Parenting Training
1745 E 71st Street..................773-667-7258
Substance Abuse Resources
A Safe Haven - Kingston
7342 S Kingston......................773-375-2115
Ijegba Community, Inc.
1950 E 75th Street..................773-684-8422
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
- Men’s Residence South
7843 S Essex Avenue..............773-933-0666
South Shore Lakefront, Inc.
2619 E 75th Street..................773-375-1900
Mile Square Health Center
7131 S Jeffrey Boulevard.........312-996-2000
Jackson Park Hospital
7531 S Stoney Island Avenue..773-947-7500
4800-02 N Broadway.............773-293-8130
South-East Asia Center
1145 W Wilson Avenue...........773-907-4740
Community Partnership Program
5120 N Broadway Avenue......773-989-6927
A Step Ahead Day Care Center
Adult Literacy - General Education Development
Christopher House Buena Park
Chinese Mutual Aid Association
1016 W Argyle Street..............773-784-2900
Harry S. Truman College
4208 N Broadway Street.........773-404-8664
4303 N Kenmore.....................773-883-0788
Christopher House Eastwood
850 W Eastwood.....................773-271-9403
1145 W Wilson Avenue...........773-907-4350
Christopher House Uptown
Heartland Human Care Services, Inc.
4701 N Winthrop....................773-769-4540
4411 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-336-6011
Harry S. Truman College
Interfaith Refugee & Immigration
1145 W Wilson Avenue...........773-907-4741
4753 N Broadway Suite 401...773-989-5647
Prologue Adult Learning Center
640 W Irving Park....................773-935-9925
Jane Addams Hull House
Association - Uptown Center
4520 N Beacon.......................773-561-3500
Early Head Start
St Augustine College - Canillatas
Truman College Child Development
1145 W Wilson Avenue...........773-878-1700
Private Elementary School
Lycee Francais De Chicago
1333 W Argyle........................773-878-3231
613 W Bittersweet Place.........773-665-0066
Head Start
Our Lady of Lourdes
Chicago Department of Human
Services - North Area
St. Mary of the Lake School
4740 N Sheridan Road............312-744-2580
Christopher House Eastwood School
850 W Eastwood.....................773-271-9403
Christopher House Uptown
4701 N Winthrop....................773-769-4540
4641 N Ashland Avenue.........773-561-9346
1026 W Buena Avenue...........773-281-0018
St. Thomas of Canterbury School
4827 N Kenmore Avenue........773-271-8655
Teach 21 Day Care Inc
4343 N Clarendon Avenue......773-281-0069
Goudy Elementary School
Private Preschool
5120 N Winthrop Avenue........773-534-2480
A Step Ahead Day Care Center
Jane Addams Hull House Association - Uptown Center
4208 N Broadway Street ........773-404-8664
4520 N Beacon
1100 W Lawrence...................773-561-4488
Lutheran Social Services Winthrop
4848 N Winthrop Avenue........773-878-3210
McCutcheon Elementary School
4865 N Sheridan Road............773-534-2680
ABC & Me Day Care Center
Christopher House - Lakeshore
850 W Eastwood Avenue........773-271-9403
Christopher House Uptown Child
Development Center
Salvation Army Child Care Head
Start Emergency Lodge
4701 N Winthrop Avenue........773-769-4540
4800 N Marine Drive..............773-271-8535
4848 N Winthrop Avenue........773-878-3210
Lutheran Social Services Winthrop
South-East Asia Center
1134 W Ainslie Street..............773-989-7433
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Our Lady of Lourdes
Chicago Community Learning Center
Ravenswood Community Service
ManagCare - Carmen Manor
Kuumba Lynx
Vietnamese Translation Services
4753 N Broadway Street.........773-506-1503
Robert R. McCormick Club and
Child Care
ManagCare - Carmen Manor
4641 N Ashland Avenue.........773-561-9346
1470 W Carmen Avenue.........773-878-7000
1470 W Carmen Avenue.........773-878-7000
4702 N Beacon Street.............773-550-4229
1022 W Argyle Street 201.......773-561-5627
Park View Montessori School
Ezra Multi-Service Center
4835 N Sheridan Road............773-271-8400
1757 W Wilson Avenue...........773-769-0282
ManagCare - Mid America Care Center
ManagCare - Mid America Care Center
640 W Irving Park Road..........773-477-6122
909 W Wilson Avenue.............773-275-0866
Salvation Army Child Care Head
Start Emergency Lodge
St. Mary of the Lake CC Food Pantry
4920 N Kenmore Avenue........773-769-2700
4920 N Kenmore Avenue........773-769-2700
Literacy Education for Adults and
Families (LEAF)
Parenting Training
4220 N Sheridan Road............773-525-8610
Pegasus Players
Pegasus Players
4802 N Broadway Street.........773-293-8127
St. Thomas of Canterbury
1145 W Wilson Avenue...........773-878-9761
1145 W Wilson Avenue...........773-755-5100
Lycee Francais de Chicago
4827 N Kenmore Avenue........773-878-5507
South-East Asia Center
Senior Congregate Dining
5120 N Broadway Avenue......773-989-6927
St. Mary of the Lake School
Harry S. Truman College
1026 W Buena Avenue...........773-281-0018
1145 W Wilson Avenue...........773-907-4760
4800 N Marine Drive..............773-271-8535
St. Thomas of Canterbury School
Uptown Center Dental Clinic
4827 N Kenmore Avenue........773-271-8655
1007 W Lawrence Avenue......773-769-9080
Teach 21 Day Care Inc
Inspiration Corporation
4343 N Clarendon Avenue......773-281-0069
4554 N Broadway Street.........773-878-0981
Truman College Child Development
Jane Addams Hull House Association
- Uptown Center
1145 W Wilson Avenue...........773-907-4740
4520 N Beacon Street.............773-561-3500
Public Elementary School
Northside Workforce Center
Brennemann Elementary School
Northwestern Institute of Health
and Technology
4251 N Clarendon Avenue......773-534-5766
Disney Elementary Magnet School
4140 N Marine Drive..............773-534-5840
Goudy Elementary School
5120 N Winthrop Avenue........773-534-2480
McCutcheon Elementary School
4865 N Sheridan Road............773-534-2680
Stewart Elementary School
4525 N Kenmore Avenue........773-534-2640
Stockton Elementary School
4420 N Beacon Street.............773-534-2450
Public Preschool
Brennemann Elementary School
4251 N Clarendon Avenue......773-534-5766
Disney Elementary Magnet School
4140 N Marine Drive..............773-534-5840
Goudy Elementary School
4740 N Sheridan Road............773-334-4747
4641 N Ashland Avenue.........773-506-2136
Saint Augustine College
1345 W Argyle Street..............773-878-5712
Saint Augustine’s Center for
American Indians
4512 N Sheridan Road............773-784-1050
Salvation Army of Chicago
800 W Lawrence Avenue.........773-275-9383
Sarah’s Circle
PO Box 408061......................773-728-1991
St. Augustine College
1345 W Argyle Street..............773-878-8756
Truman College
1145 W Wilson........................773-907-4714
Voice of the People in Uptown
1456 W Montrose Avenue......773-769-2442
5120 N Winthrop Avenue........773-534-2480
McCutcheon Elementary School
h e a lt h c a r e
4865 N Sheridan Road............773-534-2680
Community Health Centers
Stewart Elementary School
4525 N Kenmore Avenue........773-534-2640
Stockton Elementary School
4420 N Beacon Street.............773-534-2450
Stockton School
American Indian Health Service
of Chicago
4085 N Broadway...................773-883-9100
845 W Wilson..........................312-744-1355
Alternatives, Inc.
Japanese American Service Center
Golden Diner Program
Louis A Weiss Memorial Hospital
4427 N Clark Street................773-275-7212
4646 N Marine Drive..............773-878-8700
Castleman Apartments
American Indian Center of Chicago
Sheridan/Argyle Apartments
4945 N Sheridan Road............312-744-4016
1630 W Wilson Avenue...........773-275-5871
Methodist Hospital of Chicago
4945 N Sheridan.....................773-728-7635
5025 N Paulina Street.............773-271-9040
Japanese American Service Center
Sheridan/Leland Apartments
4427 N Clark Street................312-744-4016
American Youth Soccer Organization
(AYSO) Region 418
Saint Jude Children’s Research
4645 N Sheridan.....................773-784-7063
Sheridan/Leland Apartments
4619 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-784-6704
South-East Asia Center
4645 N Sheridan Road............312-744-4016
5120 N Broadway...................312-744-4016
South-East Asia Center
Soup Kitchen
5120 N Broadway Avenue......773-989-6927
Thorek Hospital and Medical Center
850 W Irving Park Road..........773-525-6780
Cornerstone Outreach SK
4626 N Clifton Avenue..... 773-271-8163 x25
social services
American Indian Health Service
of Chicago
Inspiration Cafe
4081 N Broadway...................773-883-9100
Neon Street Center For Youth
Chicago Department of Public
Health - Uptown
845 W Wilson Avenue.............312-744-1938
Heartland Health Outreach
1325 W Wilson Avenue...........773-728-3701
South-East Asia Center
5120 N Broadway Boulevard..773-989-6927
Mental Heath Clinics
American Indian Health Service
of Chicago
4081 N Broadway...................773-883-9100
Asian Human Services
4753 N Broadway Street.........773-728-2235
Community Counseling Centers
of Chicago (C-4)
4740 N Clark Street................773-769-0205
Heartland Health Outreach
1015 W Lawrence 4th Floor....773-751-4109
Extracurricular Youth Activities
4554 N Broadway Avenue......773-878-0981
4750 N Sheridan Road............773-334-6006
Our Lady of Lourdes
4641 N Ashland Avenue.........773-561-2141
Preston Bradley Center
941 W Lawrence Avenue 2nd Fl......................
Ravenswood Community Service
Soup Kitchen
1757 W Wilson Avenue...........773-769-0282
Saint Augustine’s Center for
American Indians
4512 N Sheridan Road............773-784-1050
Sarah’s Circle
4750 N Sheridan Road Suite 220....................
St. Thomas of Canterbury
4827 N Kenmore Avenue........773-878-5507
Uptown Café
Alternatives, Inc.
4730 N Sheridan Road............773-506-7474
American Indian Health Services
of Chicago
4079 N Broadway...................773-883-9100
Asian Human Services
4730 N Sheridan Road............773-506-7474
4507 N Ravenswood Avenue Suite 101
Asian Human Services/SAFE
Mentoring Program
4753 N Broadway Suite 700...773-728-2235
4865 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-728-7150
Beacon St. Gallery
4131 N Broadway Street.........312-212-1323
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoMcCutcheon Club
4865 N Sheridan.....................773-271-8400
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoRobert R. McCormick Club
Community Counseling Centers
of Chicago (C4) - Recovery Point
4007 N Broadway Avenue......773-305-1101
Heartland Health Outreach
4501 N Clarendon Avenue......312-742-7512
Chinese Mutual Aid Association
1016 W Argyle Street..............773-784-2900
4750 N Sheridan Road Suite 500....................
Christopher House Buena Park
Howard Brown Health Center
Christopher House Lakeshore
4303 N Kenmore Avenue........773-883-0788
4025 N Sheridan Road............773-388-1600
850 W Eastwood Avenue........773-271-9403
Jane Addams Hull House Association
- Uptown Center
Christopher House Uptown
4520 N Beacon Street.............773-561-3500
Ethiopian Community Association
of Chicago
4701 N Winthrop Avenue........773-769-4540
4800 N Marine Drive..............773-275-6233
4750 N Sheridan Road............773-728-0303
1630 W Wilson Avenue.... 773-275-5871 x14
The Day School
Heartland Human Care Services, Inc.
4867 N Broadway...................773-561-6640
Chicago Uptown Ministries
845 W Wilson..........................312-744-0073
Tuition-Based Preschool
Uptown Neighborhood Health Center
4720 N Sheridan Road............773-271-3760
Disney Elementary Magnet School
845 W Wilson..........................312-744-1938
4140 N Marine Drive..............773-534-5840
Dental Clinics
Alternatives, Inc.
4730 N Sheridan Road............773-506-7474
Asian Human Services
4820 N Broadway...................773-293-8119
Cafe Too
American Indian Heath Services
Dental Clinic
4085 N Broadway Street.........773-883-1551
Arai-Middle School Dental Clinic
900 W Wilson Avenue.............773-534-2848
Christopher House - Uptown
4701 N Winthrop....................773-769-4540
Cornerstone Outreach Pantry
General Senior Services
4626 N Clifton Avenue............773-271-8163
Cornerstone Community Outreach
New Seed Pantry
4628 N Clifton Avenue............773-271-8163
4716 N Malden Street.............312-951-6631
Homeland Center
North Side Church of God
4558 N Kenmore Avenue........773-506-9570
5145 N Broadway Street.........773-334-4893
ManagCare - Brightview Care Center
4538 N Beacon Street.............773-275-7200
4715 N Sheridan Road............773-275-0626
800 W Buena Avenue.............773-327-6000
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago
senior services
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Pegasus Players
1145 W Wilson Avenue...........773-878-9761
Robert R. McCormick Boys &
Girls Club
4835 N Sheridan Road............773-271-8400
South-East Asia Center
1134 W Ainslie Street..............773-989-4871
South-East Asia Center
4411 N Ravenswood 3rd Floor.......................
4753 N Broadway Street.........773-596-5490
Howard Brown Health Center
Disability Services and Education
Hull House
4025 N Sheridan Road............773-388-1600
CARC - Community Connections
1136 W Wilson Avenue...........312-906-8600
4919 N Clark Street................773-334-3626
Interfaith Refugee & Immigration
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
-Winthrop Children’s Center
4753 N Broadway Suite 401...773-989-5647
4730 N Sheridan Road............773-506-7474
Asian Human Services
4753 N Broadway Suite 700...773-293-8430
Chicago Lakeshore Hospital
4840 N Marine Drive..............773-907-4610
Community Counseling Centers
of Chicago
4740 N Clark Street................773-769-0205
Haymarket Center
4753 N Broadway Street Suite 612.................
Heartland Health Outreach
4750 N Sheridan Road Suite 500....................
South-East Asia Center
5120 N Broadway Street.........773-989-6927
5120 N Broadway Street.........773-989-0960
South-East Asia Center - School
Age Programs Uptown
Cornerstone Community Outreach
1124-1134 W Ainslie..............773-989-6927
Harper House
St. Augustine College Main Campus
1333 W Argyle Street..............773-878-6895
St. Thomas of Canterbury
Thai Foundation of Illinois
Uptown Neighborhood Health
800 W Buena Avenue.............773-327-6000
640 W Irving Park Road..........773-556-9993
Chicago Park District - Clarendon
Community Center
4740 N Clark Street................773-769-0205
Day School
Pakistan Federation of America
Sunlight African Community Center
American Indian Center
Near North Uptown Community
Health Center
4711 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-784-9000
4701 N Ashland Avenue.........312-742-7518
Chicago Park District - Chase Park
Food Pantries
4025 N Sheridan.....................773-388-1600
Night Ministry
Community Counseling Centers
of Chicago (C4)
Salvation Army of Chicago
Special Education
4822 N Broadway 2nd Floor...773-271-6366
4753 N Broadway Avenue......773-728-2235
4000 N Sheridan Road............773-871-2360
Howard Brown Health Center
Neon Street Center For Youth
4835 N Sheridan.....................773-271-8400
4425 N Magnolia Avenue.......773-534-2510
613 W Bittersweet Place.........773-665-0066
Alternatives, Inc.
4827 N Kenmore Avenue........773-878-5507
4554 N Broadway Suite 226...773-506-8061
5014 N Broadway Street.........312-236-1909
Tibetan Alliance of Chicago
4750 N Sheridan Road............773-275-7454
United Church of Rogers Park
Tutoring Program
4730 N Sheridan Road............773-506-7474
Uptown Baptist Church Tutoring
1011 W Wilson Avenue...........773-784-2922
Uptown/Edgewater Welfare To
Work Project
1105 W Lawrence Avenue......773-728-2358
4628 N Clifton Avenue............773-271-8163
4715 N Sheridan Road............773-784-9635
Homeland Center
4558 N Kenmore Avenue........773-506-9570
Howard Brown Health Center
4025 N Sheridan Road............773-388-1600
Jesus People USA
920 W Wilson Avenue.............773-561-2450
REST - Support Center
941 W Lawrence Avenue.........773-989-9882
REST - Women’s Shelter
1011 W Wilson Avenue...........773-728-1458
Saint Francis Catholic Worker House
4652 N Kenmore Avenue........773-561-5073
Salvation Army Corps Community
Center Uptown
1025 W Sunnyside Avenue......773-271-6182
Salvation Army of Chicago
Emergency Lodge
Housing Assistance
800 W Lawrence Avenue.........773-275-9383
Chinese Mutual Aid Association
Substance Abuse Resources
1016 W Argyle Street..............773-784-2900
Heartland Alliance Heartland
Alliance for Human Needs and
Human Rights - Families Building
4411 N Ravenswood..............773-728-5960
North Side Community Federal
Credit Union
1011 W Lawrence Avenue......773-769-5800
4848 N Winthrop Avenue........773-878-3210
Japanese American Service Committee
ManagCare - Brightview Care Center
4427 N Clark Street....... 773-275-0097 x229
4538 N Beacon Street.............773-275-7200
Interpretation and Translation
Services Communicaid Translations
Karen Cruz Children’s Center
4343 N Clarendon Avenue......312-240-1221
Alternatives, Inc.
4730 N Sheridan Road............773-506-7474
American Indian Health Service
Of Chicago
4079 N Broadway Street.........773-883-9100
Asian Human Services, Inc.
4753 N Broadway...................773-293-8437
Chicago Treatment And Counseling
Center, Inc.
4453 N Broadway...................773-506-2900
1507 W Sunnyside Avenue......773-728-1777
Community Counseling Centers
Of Chicago (C4)
Food Pantries
4740 N Clark Street................773-769-0205
DUI Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
4108 N Sheridan Road............773-490-4357
Heartland Health Outreach Pathways Home
Baptist Church Without Spot
9322 S Halsted Street.............773-779-9707
Beverly Hills SDA Church
9356 S Justine Street...............773-233-7264
4750 N Sheridan Road............773-334-7117
Gil Gal Ministries NFP
Heartland Human Care Services, Inc.
9050 S Ashland Avenue..........773-407-7076
4411 N Ravenswood Avenue.. 773-751-4000
Greater Tabernacle Missionary
Baptist Church - Vincennes
Howard Brown Health Center
9712 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-238-7850
4025 N Sheridan Road............773-388-1600
New Hope Recovery Center, LLC
850 W Irving Park Road..........773-883-3916
Sundance Methadone Treatment
Center, LLC
DFSS Community
Service Center
Oakdale Covenant Church
9440 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-779-9440
DFSS Community
Service Center
South Chicago Center
Third Baptist Church of Chicago
King Center
8759 S. Commercial Avenue...312-747-0331
1500 W 95th Street.................773-779-1800
Whole Fold Ministries
4545 N Broadway...................773-784-1111
The McDermott Center/Haymarket Ctr.
4753 N Broadway...................773-506-2839
Ed u c a t i o n
958 W 103rd Street........ 773-445-7600 x313
Adult Literacy - General Education
Senior Congregate Dining
Brainerd Community Development
1234 W 95th Street.................773-238-8763
Chicago Public Library
Woodson Regional
9525 S Halsted Street.............312-747-6900
Child Care
Salvation Army Shiloah School
9211 S Justine.........................773-881-4142
Trinity Day Care Center
532 W 95th Street...................773-488-3511
St. Margaret of Scotland School
9833 S Throop Street...............773-238-1088
United Educational Cultural Acad
1236 W 103rd Street 42.........773-238-2707
Private Preschool
Beverly Hills SDA School
9356 S Justine Street...............773-779-5158
Evangelical Christian School
9130 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-881-8008
Oakdale Christian Academy
9440 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-779-9440
Community Partnership Program
St. Helena of the Cross School
Salvation Army Shiloah School
10115 S Parnell Avenue..........773-238-5432
9211 S Justine.........................773-881-4142
St. Margaret of Scotland School
Head Start
Henry Booth House
1318 W 95th Street
Public Preschool
Evers Elementary School
Brainerd Senior Center
Child Care
8915 S Loomis Street..............773-429-1501
Boys and Girls Clubs Yancey
6245 S Wabash.......................773-363-4733
social services
Fernwood Elementary School
10041 S Union Avenue...........773-535-2700
Christian Community Health
Centers for New Horizons Robert
Taylor II
Fort Dearborn Elementary School
9718 S Halsted Street.............773-233-4100
5120 S Federal........................773-624-0666
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Centers for New Horizons
Washington Park
9025 S Throop Street...............773-535-2680
Garvey M Elementary School
10309 S Morgan Street...........773-535-2763
Mount Vernon Elementary School
10540 S Morgan Street...........773-535-2825
Wacker Elementary School
9746 S Morgan Street.............773-535-2821
United Educational Cultural Acad
Workforce Development
Larry’s Barber College
Chicago Park District - Brainard Park
Burke Elementary School
Community Partnership Program
Carter Elementary School
Boys and Girls Clubs Yancey
5740 S Michigan Avenue........773-535-0860
6245 S Wabash.......................773-363-4733
Ross Elementary School
Centers For New Horizons Robert
Taylor School
6059 S Wabash Avenue..........773-535-0650
Greater Bethesda Baptist Church
Public Preschool
Robert Taylor B
855 W 103rd Street.................773-445-5829
Messiah Baptist Church
10400 S Halsted Street...........773-881-4548
Oakdale Covenant Church
9440 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-779-9440
Percy L. Julian High School
10041 S Union Avenue...........773-535-2700
Community Health Centers
St. Helena’s Rectory
532 W 95th Street...................773-488-3511
Fort Dearborn Elementary School
Whiz Kidz Nursery 518 W 103rd
9025 S Throop Street...............773-535-2680
Christian Community Health
Third Baptist Church of Chicago
518 W 103rd Street
Garvey M Elementary School
9130 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-881-8008
Oakdale Christian Academy
9440 S Vincennes Avenue.......773-779-9440
St. Helena of the Cross School
10115 S Parnell Avenue..........773-238-5432
10330 S Elizabeth Street.........773-728-5106
South Side Health Authority
10420 S Halsted Street...........773-445-5445
10121 S Parnell Avenue..........773-779-2243
9718 S Halsted........................773-233-4100
1551 W 95th Street.................773-445-8500
Midwest Physician Center
Wendell Green Boys & Girls Club
5140 S Federal Street..............773-536-0510
Centers for New Horizons
Washington Park
6225 S Wabash.......................773-667-2065
Love Learning Center School
362 E 61st Street....................773-752-0243
Ounce -Garfield Head Start School
30 W Garfield..........................773-373-0234
Green W Elementary School
10242 S Vincennes Avenue.....773-238-1676
9600 S Vincennes....................312-235-8000
Head Start
1150 W 96th Street.................773-535-2575
Dental Clinics
Willing Workers Church of Faith
Community Center
Boys and Girls Clubs Yancey
9050 S Ashland Avenue..........773-233-3177
Substance Abuse Resources
Mount Vernon Elementary School
10540 S Morgan Street...........773-535-2825
9718 S Halsted Street.............773-233-4100
Wacker Elementary School
9746 S Morgan Street.............773-535-2821
Beatrice Caffrey
5255 S State Street.................773-535-1230
Fernwood Elementary School
9351 S Lowe Avenue..............773-535-3151
Extracurricular Youth Activities
30 E 61st.................................773-535-0798
Make A Difference
Trinity Day Care Center
Evangelical Christian School
Cockrell School
Beasley Elem Magnet Academic Ctr
9040 S Vincennes Avenue
Christian Community Health
Center Dental Clinic
social services
9247 S Eggleston Avenue.......312-747-6648
Kids R First
Kipling Elem School
6225 S Wabash.......................773-667-2065
Beasley Elem Magnet Academic Ctr
9811 S Lowe Avenue..............773-535-2565
9356 S Justine Street...............773-779-5158
5700 S Prairie Avenue.............773-684-6561
Child-Parent Center
Evers Elementary School
Beverly Hills SDA School
Centers for New Horizons
Washington Park
Church Of The Good Shepherd
Chicago Park District - Robichaux Park
1126 W 99th Street.................773-445-6714
h e a lt h c a r e
5120 S Federal........................773-624-0666
Senior Congregate Dining
Public Elementary School
1246 W 92nd Street................312-747-6027
Humpty Dumpty
10350 S Halsted Street...........773-779-2100
5140 S Federal Street..............773-536-0510
Centers for New Horizons Robert
Taylor II
6225 S Wabash Avenue..........773-667-2065
Public Elementary School
Private Elementary School
Centers For New Horizons Robert
Taylor School
10309 S Morgan Street...........773-535-2763
Ed u c a t i o n
9811 S Lowe Avenue..............773-535-2565
9833 S Throop Street...............773-238-1088
1236 W 103rd Street 42.........773-238-2707
4314 S. Cottage Grove Avenue.......................
Christian Community Health Center
9718 S Halsted Street.............773-233-4100
6245 S Wabash.......................773-363-4733
5255 S State Street.................773-535-1230
5356 S King Drive...................773-535-1325
5102 S Dearborn Street...........773-487-8644
Chicago Youth Programs Washington Park Youth Program
5350 S Prairie Avenue.............773-924-0220
Coppin Memorial Ame Church
5627 S Michigan Avenue........773-667-5881
Dyett Recreation Center
513 E 51st Street....................312-745-1211
5301 S Michigan Avenue........773-373-3188
Beasley Elem Magnet Academic Ctr
5135 S Federal Street..............312-745-2130
5255 S State Street.................773-535-1230
Saint Anselm’s - Jim Fisher
Development Center
Carter Elementary School
5740 S Michigan Avenue........773-535-0860
6045 S Michigan Avenue........773-955-0950
Cockrell School
30 E 61st.................................773-535-0798
5128 S Michigan Avenue........773-924-1328
Ross Elementary School
Yancey Boys & Girls Club
6059 S Wabash Avenue..........773-535-0650
6245 S Wabash.......................773-535-0010
Door of Hope
Burke Elementary School
Food Pantries
5313 S Indiana Avenue...........773-624-0586
5356 S King Drive...................773-535-1325
Good Life
Carter Elementary School
208 E 61st Street....................773-955-1750
Substance Abuse Resources
5740 S Michigan Avenue........773-535-0860
Metro Community Outreach
Centers For New Horizons Robert
Taylor School
5856 S Wabash Avenue..........773-667-2205
King Drive Counseling,
Assessment And Referral
370 E 63rd Street....................773-324-5500
5140 S Federal Street..............773-536-0510
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Greater Lawn WIC
4150 W 55th Street.................312-747-5416
Mental Heath Clinics
Church of God Community Day
Care Center
Woods Elementary Math & Science Academy
1738 W Marquette Street.......773-471-5222
6206 S Racine Avenue............773-535-9250
Copernicus Elementary School
Public Preschool
6010 S Throop.........................773-535-9180
Davis Miles Academy School
Chicago Division of Mental
Health - Greater Lawn Center
4150 W 55th Street.................312-747-1020
1340 W 71st Street.................773-535-3250
Earle Elementary School
1241 W 58th Street.................773-535-9175
6121 S Hermitage Avenue......773-535-9130
Goodlow Elementary Magnet
DFSS Community
Service Center
2040 W 62nd Street................773-535-9365
Greater Lawn Health Center
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois - Messiah Head Start
4150 W 55th Street.................312-747-5415
Englewood Center
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
1910 W 64th Street.................773-436-5110
social services
Marcy Newberry Association
Ed u c a t i o n
1500 W 69th Street.................773-471-0699
Community Partnership Program
CDPH-Greater Lawn Mental
Health Clinic
Teddy Bear 5 School
O’Toole Elementary School
4150 W 55th Street.................312-747-1020
5160 S Pulaski........................773-284-7030
Gads Hill Center
3737 W 51St
Head Start
El Valor
1711 W Garfield Boulevard.....773-867-7350
1248 W 69th Street.................773-483-3555
Chicago Urban Day School
West Englewood Christian Comm
7326 S Racine Avenue............773-224-7083
Private Preschool
3826 W 58th Street.................773-535-2450
1910 W 64th Street.................773-436-5110
Academy of St Benedict
Private Elementary School
Community Partnership Program
Peck Elementary School
Chicago Urban Day School
St. Turibius School
4120 W 57th Street.................773-585-5150
Private Preschool
St. Turibius School
4120 W 57th Street.................773-585-5150
Public Elementary School
Pasteur Elementary School
5825 S Kostner Avenue...........773-535-2270
Peck Elementary School
3826 W 58th Street.................773-535-2450
Public Preschool
Pasteur Elementary School
5825 S Kostner Avenue...........773-535-2270
Peck Elementary School
3826 W 58th Street.................773-535-2450
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
Mercy Medical on Pulaski
5525 S Pulaski Road...............773-585-1955
DFSS Community
Service Center
Englewood Center
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - General Education
Mitzi Freidheim Englewood Child
& Family Center
1701 W 63rd Street.................773-476-6998
Chicago Public Library
Thurgood Marshall
7506 S Racine Avenue............312-747-5927
West Englewood
1745 W 63rd Street.................312-747-3481
Child Care
Abraham Lincoln Centre
1354 W 61st Street.................773-471-5100
Chicago Urban Day School
1248 W 69th Street.................773-483-3555
1248 W 69th Street.................773-483-3555
ChildServ West Englewood
Davis M Magnet Elementary
6740 S Paulina Street..............773-535-9120
Earle Elementary School
6121 S Hermitage Avenue......773-535-9130
Goodlow Elementary Magnet
2040 W 62nd Street................773-535-9365
5650 S Wolcott Avenue...........773-535-9080
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois - Messiah Head Start
5160 S Pulaski Road
6010 S Throop.........................773-535-9180
Private Elementary School
6020 S Laflin Street.................773-776-3316
1738 W Marquette Road........773-471-5222
Copernicus Elementary School
Henderson Elementary School
ChildServ West Englewood
Church of God Community Day
Care Center
Bontemps Elementary School
6550 S Seeley Avenue.............773-535-9040
Academy of St Benedict
Early Head Start
Altgeld Elementary School
6723 S Wood..........................773-535-9120
6020 S Laflin Street.................773-776-3316
Chicago Urban Day School
1248 W 69th Street.................773-483-3555
Public Elementary School
Altgeld Elementary School
Langford A Elementary School
6010 S Throop Street...............773-535-9180
O’Toole Elementary School
6550 S Seeley Avenue.............773-535-9040
Randolph Elementary School
7316 S Hoyne Avenue.............773-535-9015
Woods Elementary Math & Science
New Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
1850 W Marquette Road........773-577-1090
Uncle Shack Food Pantry
Chicago Urban Day School
1248 W 69th Street.................773-483-3555
2050 W 59th Street.................773-925-6160
2000 W 68th Street.................312-720-7489
United Faith Temple Pantry
6005 S Marshfield Avenue 708-798-6363
Children’s Home Englewood Family Center School
Bontemps Elementary School
1241 W 58th Street.................773-535-9175
1213 W 59th Street 888-622-6410
5958 S Marshfield...................773-476-6998
Davis M Magnet Elementary
TEECH - Southwood Interventions
1711 W Garfield Boulevard.....773-867-7350
6201 S Throop Street...............773-925-2262
Special Education
Positive Action, Inc.
ChildServ West Englewood
Greater St. John AME Church
6206 S Racine Avenue............773-535-9250
Workforce Development
Early Head Start
6959 S Elizabeth Street...........773-391-1203
Operation Blessing/Evening Street
1340 W 71st Street.................773-535-3250
1711 W Garfield Boulevard.....773-867-7350
Gethsemane COGIC
5701 S Wood Street................773-928-3933
6740 S Paulina Street..............773-535-9120
Women’s Small Business Exchange
Earle Elementary School
PO Box 368042......................773-436-7710
We Do Care
1540 W 69th Street.................773-776-1875
Soup Kitchen
FCHN Soup Kitchen
1234 W 59th Street.................773-436-8277
Operation Blessing/Evening Street
2050 W 59th Street.................773-925-6160
social services
6121 S Hermitage Avenue......773-535-9130
2040 W 62nd Street................773-535-9365
Food Pantries
Tilman’s Community Health, Inc.
1354 W 61st Street.................773-471-5100
Henderson Elementary School
All Things Through Christ
Ada S. McKinley Community
5650 S Wolcott Avenue...........773-535-9080
6600 S Hermitage Avenue......773-778-9478
Langford A Elementary School
Back To God Church
Head Start
Abraham Lincoln Centre
Goodlow Elementary Magnet
7146 S Ashland
6010 S Throop Street...............773-535-9180
7326 S Racine Avenue............773-224-7083
Allison’s Infant Toddler
O’Toole Elementary School
Beautiful Zion Baptist Church
5522 S Racine
6550 S Seeley Avenue.............773-535-9040
1406 W 64th Street.................773-778-7271
Altgeld Elementary School
Providence-Englewood Elem
Englewood Cares Outreach PY
6516 S Ashland Avenue..........773-434-0202
FCHN Food Pantry
Randolph Elementary School
1234 W 59th Street.................773-436-8277
1340 W 71st Street.................773-535-3250
Bunche School
6515 S Ashland.......................773-535-9060
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
6005 S Ashland Avenue..........773-918-1946
Extracurricular Youth Activities
21st Century Community Learning
6520 S Wood Street................773-535-9119
Academy of St. Benedict School
6020 S Laflin Street.................773-776-3316
Beautiful Zion Baptist Church
1406 W 64th Street.................773-778-7271
Boulevard Arts Center
6011 S Justine Street...............773-436-4400
Bread of Life Missionary Baptist
1924 W 63rd Street.................773-778-4121
Chicago Park District - Lindblom Park
6054 S Damen Avenue...........312-747-6443
Chicago Park District - Ogden Park
6500 S Racine Avenue............312-747-6572
Englewood Family Center
5958 S Marshfield Avenue......773-476-6998
Evening Star Baptist Church
2050 W 59th Street.................773-925-6160
Harper High School
6520 S Wood Street................773-535-9150
Holy Angels Baptist Church
5638 S Ashland Avenue..........773-776-6437
7318 S Racine Avenue............773-874-8083
Hope Presbyterian Church
Disability Services and Education
Liberation Christian Center
1354 W 61st Street.................773-737-8394
Chicago Urban Day School
6810 S Ashland Avenue..........773-436-7940
1248 W 69th Street.................773-483-3555
Mobilizing Partners For Action
Church of God Community Day
Care Center
6011 S Justine Street...............773-778-3414
1738 W Marquette Road........773-471-5222
1701 W 63rd Street.................773-476-6998
Pregnancy Prevention Center
Southeast Youth Guidance
6520 S Wood Street................773-535-9211
7316 S Hoyne Avenue.............773-535-9015
West Englewood Youth and Teen
Center - Reach out and Touch
5510 S Paulina Avenue...........773-436-3176
Youth Guidance/West Englewood
Community, Harper H.S.
6520 S Wood Street................773-535-9150
Housing Assistance
Clara’s House Shelter
Cornell Interventions Southwood
5701 S Wood Street................773-737-4600
Elite House Of Sober Living, Inc.
1236 W 72nd Place.................773-994-8353
Human Resources Development
Institute - Women’s Residential
1223 W Marquette Road........773-651-2720
Bethel New Life
Bethel New Life
Habilitative Systems
4006 W Lake Street.................773-826-8430
4133 W Madison....................773-265-2969
Gateway Foundation
Disability Services and Education
Habilitative Systems - Behavioral
Health Services
Garfield Center
Madison Family Health Center
845 W. 69th Street..................312-745-8285
3800 W Madison....................773-826-6600
3800 W Madison Street 708-344-5300
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Tolton Center - West - Legler
Branch Library
115 S Pulaski..........................312-746-7744
Adult Literacy - General Education
Head Start
Delano Elementary School
3937 W Wilcox Street..............773-534-6620
Goldblatt Elementary School
4257 W Adams.......................773-534-6860
Hansberry CPC School
4540 W Washington Boulevard.......................
4055 W Arthington.................773-534-6931
Tolton Center - West - Legler
Branch Library
3863 W Harrison
115 S Pulaski..........................312-746-7744
Chicago Public Library
Little Giants
Sumner Math & Science
Community Acad
4320 W Fifth Avenue..............773-534-6730
Private Elementary School
115 S Pulaski Road.................312-746-7730
Bethel Christian School
Child Care
4215 W West End...................773-533-3635
Ruthie Ann’s Day Care Center
Private Preschool
423 S Central Park Avenue......773-722-2827
Bethel Christian School
Urban Family and Community
4215 W West End...................773-533-3636
4241 W Washington Boulevard.......................
Child-Parent Center
Cole Cpc
412 S Keeler............................773-534-6857
Delano Elementary School
3937 W Wilcox Street..............773-534-6620
Hansberry CPC School
4055 W Arthington.................773-534-6931
Community Partnership Program
Catholic Charities-St Mel Holy
Ghost School
4215 W West End...................773-533-1556
Public Elementary School
Delano Elementary School
3937 W Wilcox Street..............773-534-6620
Goldblatt Elementary School
Tilton Elementary School
223 N Keeler Avenue..............773-534-6746
Webster Elementary School
4055 W Arthington Street.......773-534-6925
Public Preschool
Delano Elementary School
3937 W Wilcox Street..............773-534-6620
Goldblatt Elementary School
4257 W Adams Street.............773-534-6860
Hefferan Elementary School
4409 W Wilcox Street..............773-534-6192
Marconi Elementary Community
230 N Kolmar Avenue.............773-534-6210
Melody Elementary School
412 S Keeler Avenue...............773-534-6850
Sumner Math & Science Community Academy
4508 W Harrison Street...........773-638-0059
Independence SDA Community
3808 W Polk Street.................773-826-1447
Keystone Baptist Church
4035 W Maypole Avenue........773-638-7383
New Morning Star Missionary
Baptist Church Pantry
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
Webster Elementary School
3932 W Madison....................773-533-9003
4055 W Arthington Street.......773-534-6925
Tuition-Based Preschool
senior services
Hefferan Elementary School
Delano Elementary School
General Senior Services
Melody Elementary School
412 S Keeler Avenue...............773-534-6850
Sumner Math & Science Community
Lifelink - Greencastle of Garfield I
3811 W Washington Boulevard.......................
Off the Street Club
25 N Karlov Avenue................773-533-3253
Hand-N-Hand Outreach Not For Profit
4207 W Carroll Avenue...........773-722-7148
351 S Kilbourn........................312-751-4837
Greater Rock Missionary Baptist
Nathan Goldblatt Elementary
School - Paideia Program
4349 W Washington...............773-261-3533
3828 W Taylor Street...............773-826-1916
FunDay School at SunRise Community Total Living Ministry
734 S Springfield Avenue........312-909-4527
223 N Keeler Avenue..............773-534-6746
Gateway Foundation, Inc. Westside Treatment Center
425 S Central Park Avenue......773-493-2209
Keystone Baptist Church
4132 W Madison Street..........773-533-0433
First Church of the Brethren New
Horizon Youth Club
Presentation Covenant Food
4241 W Washington Boulevard.......................
Garfield Counseling Center Full
Service Program
4400 W Maypole Avenue........773-287-3056
718 S Independence Boulevard.......................
Primo Center for Women & Child
Gateway Foundation
Boys & Girls Clubs of ChicagoTilton Club
206-208 S Hamlin Boulevard..773-826-3410
Tilton Elementary School
230 N Kolmar Avenue.............773-534-6210
425 S Central Park Avenue......773-533-9799
Church of Christ
Bethel WIC - Rice
Marconi Elementary Community
Bethany Brethren Community Center
Food Pantries
4320 W Fifth Avenue..............773-534-6730
3937 W Wilcox Street..............773-534-6620
Extracurricular Youth Activities
223 N Keeler...........................773-947-8766
4257 W Adams Street.............773-534-6860
4409 W Wilcox Street..............773-534-6192
3833 W Washington Boulevard.......................
Holy Temple Community Church
Parenting Training
Substance Abuse Resources
Lifelink - Greencastle of Garfield II
Madison Family Health Center
4121 W Lake Street.................773-826-7066
Lifelink - Greencastle of Garfield I
Community Health Centers
Ed u c a t i o n
Vital Bridges
3828 W Taylor Street...............773-826-1916
DFSS Community
Service Center
4006 W Lake Street.................773-826-8430
4133 W Madison Street..........773-265-2960
3811 W Washington Boulevard.......................
Allison United Foundation For
Better Living
h e a lt h c a r e
1650 W 62nd Street................773-778-2811
Substance Abuse Resources
Workforce Development
4133 W Madison....................773-265-2969
Parenting Training
Housing Assistance
Habilitative Systems - Children
and Family Services Annex
6909 S Ashland.......................773-424-0267
6010 S Throop.........................773-535-9180
social services
3828 W Taylor Street...............773-826-1916
S & S Development Group, NFP
Children’s Home and Aid
4035 W Maypole Avenue........773-638-7383
4257 W Adams Street.............773-534-6860
25 N Karlov Avenue................773-533-3253
Safe Haven Ministries, Mentoring
Pre-school and School Age
814 S Kedvale Avenue.............773-533-5209
Servants Of The Word Youth
4320 W Madison Street..........773-626-1451
Westside Youth Technical
4213 W Madison Street..........773-533-3500
Working in the Schools - Tilton
223 N Keeler Avenue..............312-751-9487
Worldwide Family Center
367 N Karlov Avenue..............773-722-4968
Youth Employment Services, Inc.
4540 W Washington Boulevard.......................
4320 W Fifth Avenue..............773-534-6730
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Private Elementary School
Sanders Academy of Excellence
11515 S Prairie Avenue...........773-568-7240
Queen of the Universe
7130 S Hamlin Avenue............773-582-4266
St. Mary Star of the Sea School
6424 S Kenneth Avenue..........773-767-6160
St. Nicholas of Tolentine School
3741 W 62nd Street................773-735-0772
Salem Christian Acad
11816 S Indiana Avenue.........773-925-0145
St. Mary Star of the Sea School
DFSS Community
Service Center
6424 S Kenneth Avenue..........773-767-6160
St. Nicholas of Tolentine School
South Chicago Center
3741 W 62nd Street................773-735-0772
8759 S. Commercial Avenue...312-747-0331
Public Elementary School
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Azuela Elem School
Ed u c a t i o n
4707 W Marquette Road........773-535-8207
Chicago Public Library
Hurley Elementary School
3849 W 69th Street.................773-535-2068
West Pullman
Richard J. Daley College
Lee Elementary School
830 W 119th Street.................312-747-1425
7500 S Pulaski Road...............773-838-7803
6448 S Tripp Avenue...............773-535-2255
senior services
Housing Assistance
Child Care
Adult Literacy - General Education
Public Preschool
General Senior Services
Greater Southwest Development
Abraham Lincoln Centre
Richard J. Daley College
7500 S Pulaski Road...............773-838-7803
Chicago Public Library
West Lawn
4020 W 63rd Street.................312-747-7381
Child Care
Richard J. Daley College
7500 S Pulaski Road...............773-838-7562
Community Partnership Program
Mother’s Touch II School
2547 W 69th Street.................773-471-2532
Richard J. Daley College
7500 S Pulaski Road...............773-838-7562
Teddy Bear 3 School
6401 S Pulaski........................773-284-2292
Hurley Elementary School
3849 W 69th Street.................773-535-2068
Lee Elementary School
4546 W 67th Street
3843 W 63rd Street.................773-884-3310
Workforce Development
Greater Southwest Development
Affiliated Psychologists, Ltd.
7601 S Kostner Avenue Suite 304...................
6155 S Pulaski Road...............773-735-6727
Metropolitan Family Services
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation,
Ford City
3843 W 63rd Street.................773-884-3310
7600 S Pulaski Road...............773-838-5745
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation
Ford City
Richard J Daley College
7500 S Pulaski Road...............773-838-7551
Disability Services and Education
Southwest Workforce Center
7600 S Pulaski Road...............773-838-5745
7500 S Pulaski Road...............773-884-7000
Extracurricular Youth Activities
h e a lt h c a r e
Hurley Elementary School
Metropolitan Family Services Midway Center
Ida B. Wells
3849 W 69th Street.................773-535-2068
3843 W 63rd Street.................773-884-3310
3843 W 63rd Street.................773-884-3310
Teddy Bear 3 School
Senior Congregate Dining
6401 S Pulaski
Saint Nicholas of Tolentine Church
3721 W 62nd Street................773-735-1121
Parenting Training
Affiliated Psychologists, Ltd.
Bunnyland Developmental Day
Care Center
545 W 119th Street.................773-568-5200
Community Partnership Program
Kiddie Korner
645 W 127th Street.................773-821-5437
Early Head Start
Metropolitan Family Services
St. Paul Church of God
3843 W 63rd Street.................773-884-3310
11516 S Yale
Sanders Academy of Excellence
11515 S Prairie Avenue...........773-568-7240
Public Elementary School
Brown R Elementary Community
12607 S Union Avenue...........773-535-5385
Colemon J Elementary Academy
1441 W 119th Street..............773-535-3975
Gompers Elem Fine Arts Opt
12302 S State Street...............773-535-5475
Higgins Elementary Community
Songhai Elementary Learning
11725 S Perry Avenue.............773-535-5547
11710 S Morgan Street...........773-535-5625
West Pullman Elementary School
Metcalfe Elementary Community
Whistler Elementary School
11941 S Parnell Avenue..........773-535-5500
12339 S Normal Avenue.........773-535-5590
11533 S Ada Street.................773-535-5560
Owens Elementary Community
12450 S State Street...............773-535-5661
Songhai Elementary Learning
11725 S Perry Avenue.............773-535-5547
West Pullman Elementary School
Workforce Development
Senior Congregate Dining
Phoebe’s Place
11705 S Elizabeth Street.........773-928-3440
senior services
General Senior Services
Catholic Charities Chicago Calumet Park Service Center
12400 S Ada Street 708-597-7088
Illinois Employment and Training
Center - Halsted
social services
837 W 119th Street.................773-821-4100
Disability Services and Education
11941 S Parnell Avenue..........773-535-5500
Substance Abuse Resources
Head Start
DUI Alternatives Treatment
Center, Inc.
Abraham Lincoln Centre
7 E 119th Street......................773-264-7633
11533 S Ada Street.................773-535-5560
5935 S Pulaski Road...............773-581-1970
Brown R Elementary Community
White Elem Career Academy
1136 W 122nd Street..............773-535-5672
Bethel Community Center
Extracurricular Youth Activities
12607 S Union Avenue...........773-535-5385
Public Preschool
16 E 117th Street....................773-928-1001
Beacon Therapeutic
Glory to Glory Christian Ctr
12440 S Ada Street 708-388-3183
Brown R Elementary Community
12238 S Parnell Avenue..........773-568-0074
Chicago Park District - West Pullman Park
12607 S Union Avenue...........773-535-5385
11636 S Halsted Street...........773-785-3319
401 W 123rd Street.................312-747-7090
Miracle Deliverance Church
Community Assistance ProgramW 119th St
7500 S Pulaski Road...............773-838-7500
7500 S Pulaski Road...............773-838-7783
Metropolitan Family Services Midway Center
3843 W 63rd Street.................773-881-3310
Metropolitan Family Services Teen Center
3843 W 63rd Street......773-884-2200 x2220
New Hope Community Service Center
7601 S Cicero Avenue.............773-284-7590
7 E 119th Street......................773-264-7633
7601 S Kostner Avenue Suite 304...................
6149 S Kenneth Avenue..........773-767-7400
Mental Heath Clinics
Metropolitan Family Services Midway Center
Neighborhood Assistance
Corporation Of America
Calvary Lutheran Church
Daley College
Head Start
6155 S Pulaski 2nd Floor.773-735-6727 x12
4425 W 63rd Street.................773-723-6222
social services
Early Head Start
Gads Hill Center
Metropolitan Family Services Midway Center
6448 S Tripp Avenue...............773-535-2255
Educate Empower Academy
1335 W 115th Street..............773-264-4649
7130 S Hamlin Avenue............773-582-4266
10 S. Kedzie Avenue................312-743-0213
12803 S Halsted Street...........773-264-5171
Holy Spirit Academy
Queen of the Universe
Englewood Center
Childrens Center Outreach
12900 S Halsted Street...........773-629-8867
Private Preschool
DFSS Community
Service Center
Private Preschool
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Higgins Elementary Community
11710 S Morgan Street...........773-535-5625
Songhai Elementary Learning
11725 S Perry Avenue.............773-535-5547
West Pullman Elementary School
11941 S Parnell Avenue..........773-535-5500
Private Elementary School
Childrens Center Outreach
Whistler Elementary School
Colemon J Elementary Academy
1441 W 119th Street..............773-535-3975
Lights of Zion Church
401 E Kensington Avenue.......773-785-3565
Noble Evangelistic Ministries
11710 S Morgan Street...........773-535-5625
Redeeming Grace Food Pantry
Metcalfe Elementary Community
12339 S Normal Avenue.........773-535-5590
Educate Empower Academy
Owens Elementary Community
Salem Christian Academy
Food Pantries
Higgins Elementary Community
12803 S Halsted Street...........773-264-5171
12900 S Halsted Street...........773-629-8867
12450 S State Street...............773-535-5661
711 W 120th Street.................773-660-1100
Chicago Park District - West Pullman Park
12300 S Stewart Avenue.........312-747-2090
435 W 119th Street.................773-468-1993
Greater Cannan Missionary Baptist
11801 S Sangamon Street......773-995-7721
35 W 119th Street...................773-785-2200
Stratford Memorial Church
Greater New Mt Eagle Baptist
500 W 119th Street.................773-821-8862
12301 S Michigan Avenue......773-995-0131
Temple of Praise Binding and
Loosing Ministries
Grow Power - Christ Universal
12900 S Halsted Street...........773-629-8867
11801 S Ashland Avenue........773-568-2282
11816 S Indiana Avenue.........773-925-0145
Kids Off The Block Educational
11621 S Michigan Avenue......773-995-9077
Lights Of Zion Missionary Baptist
Bible Church
11636 S Halsted Street...........773-785-2996
Men Expressing Christ - Male
Mentoring Program - Christ
Universal Temple
North Area Center
Successful Living Community
4740 N. Sheridan Road...........312-744-2580
New Christian Joy Full Gospel
Baptist Church
11594 S State Street 708-790-7502
Indo-American Center
6014 N California 847-412-4365
6328 N California Avenue.......773-973-4444
2020 W Devon Avenue...........773-761-9000
Metropolitan Asian Family Services
7541 N Western Avenue.........773-465-3105
Jewish Vocational Services
Jewish Community Centers of
Chicago - Bernard Horwich
6526 N California....................773-743-5638
3003 W Touhy Avenue............773-761-9100
2543 W Devon Ave Suite 2.....773-764-1686
Korean American Association of
Jewish Vocational Service Sampson Katz Center
5941 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-878-1900
2020 W Devon Avenue...........773-761-9000
5650 N Mozart Street.............773-534-2395
h e a lt h c a r e
Korean American Association of
Rogers Elementary School
Community Health Centers
The Ark
6710 N Washtenaw Avenue....773-534-2160
Clinton Elementary School
Jamieson Elementary School
7345 N Washtenaw Avenue....773-534-2125
Stone Elementary Scholastic
Ed u c a t i o n
6239 N Leavitt Street..............773-534-2045
West Ridge Elementary School
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
6328 N California Avenue.......773-973-4444
Jewish Vocational Service
6526 N California Avenue.......773-743-5638
2534 W Devon Avenue 2nd Floor...................
Adult Literacy - General Education
Jewish Vocational Service
Luv N Care Day School
5776 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-745-9591
Sunshine Preschool
2100 W Devon Avenue...........773-764-9815
High Ridge YMCA Educational
Bethesda Lutheran School
2424 W Touhy Avenue............773-271-6120
Chicago Public Library
High Ridge YMCA Educational
2424 W Touhy Avenue............773-262-8300
Private Elementary School
6435 N California Avenue.......312-744-2292
Bethesda Lutheran School
Child Care
Cheder Lubavitch Hebrew Day
ABC Academy
6803 N Campbell Avenue.......773-743-0800
2714 W Pratt...........................773-338-1033
2809 W Jarvis Avenue.............773-465-0863
Bernard Horwich Jewish Community Center
Hajirah Education Program
3003 W Touhy.........................773-761-9100
ICC Full Time School
Congregation K.I.N.S. Nursery
5933 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-989-9330
2800 W North Shore Avenue..773-761-4000
2060 W Granville Avenue........773-273-4744
6400 N Artesian Avenue.........773-381-0600
Misericordia Mcauley Residence
High Ridge YMCA Educational
St Philip Lutheran
2424 W Touhy Avenue............773-262-8300
St. Hilary School
Jewish Child and Family Services Joy Faith Knapp Children’s Center
3145 W Pratt Boulevard..........773-467-3700
Little Angels Day Care Center
6407 N Maplewood................773-338-9770
Little Harvard Academy
2708 W Peterson Avenue........773-973-1500
2714 W Pratt...........................773-338-1033
Community Partnership Program
6526 N California Avenue.......773-743-5638
5630 N Lincoln Avenue...........312-742-9590
ABC Academy
Bernard Horwich Jewish Community Center
Head Start
Budlong Woods
Private Preschool
2500 W Bryn Mawr Avenue....773-561-9830
5614 N Fairfield Avenue..........773-561-5885
St. Margaret Mary School
7318 N Oakley Avenue...........773-764-0641
Yeshiva Shearis Yisroel
2620 W Touhy Avenue............773-262-0885
Yeshivas Tiferes T2V1
3003 W Touhy.........................773-761-9100
6803 N Campbell Avenue.......773-743-0800
Congregation K.I.N.S. Nursery
Asian Human Services Family
Health Center
Golden Diner Program
Cal-Devon Urgent Care
Indo-American Center
6328 N California Avenue.......773-465-3105
Public Preschool
Heartland Health Center Rogers
Metropolitan Asian Family
Armstrong G Elementary IntL
Peterson Family Health Center
2110 W Greenleaf Avenue......773-534-2150
Boone Elementary School
6710 N Washtenaw Avenue....773-534-2160
Clinton Elementary School
6110 N Fairfield Avenue..........773-534-2025
Jamieson Elementary School
5650 N Mozart Street.............773-534-2395
Rogers Elementary School
2200 W Touhy.........................773-751-1875
2655 W Peterson.....................773-271-8880
Rogers Park
Little Harvard Academy
2708 W Peterson Avenue........773-973-1500
Luv N Care Day School
5776 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-745-9591
Misericordia Mcauley Residence
2060 W Granville Avenue........773-273-4744
St. Hilary School
5614 N Fairfield Avenue..........773-561-5885
St. Margaret Mary School
7318 N Oakley Avenue...........773-764-0641
St. Philip Lutheran
2500 W Bryn Mawr Avenue....773-561-9830
Sunshine Preschool
2100 W Devon Avenue...........773-764-9815
Yeshiva Shearis Yisroel
2620 W Touhy Avenue............773-262-0885
6122 N California....................773-465-8889
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
6300 N Ridge Avenue.............773-273-4744
Jewish Bureau-Cummings
6552 N Sacramento................773-467-3700
Jewish Bureau-Price
6107 N Mozart Street.............773-467-3700
Jewish Bureau-Rosenberg
6135 N Talman Avenue...........773-467-3700
Jewish Bureau-Talman
6618 N Talman Avenue...........773-467-3718
Jewish Child and Family Services Joy Faith Knapp Children’s Center
Zam’s Hope
6401 N Artesian Avenue.........773-764-6064
Housing Assistance
CJE Senior Life
3003 W Touhy Avenue............773-508-4928
ZAM’S Hope
6401 N Artesian Avenue.........773-719-9267
Interpretation and Translation
5705 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-271-1212
Disability Services and Education
Heartland Health Center - Rogers
2200 W Touhy.........................773-751-1875
6450 N California Avenue.......773-973-1000
Kiran Foundation
2551 W Peterson Avenue........773-262-9700
Peterson Family Health Center
2655 W Peterson.....................773-271-8880
Anixter Center - Stuart G. Ferst
Jewish Child and Family Services
3145 W Pratt Boulevard..........773-467-3700
Latino Intervention Center
3145 W Pratt Boulevard..........773-467-3700
2608 W Peterson Avenue........773-465-1161
Jewish Vocational Service Sampson Katz Center
2020 W Devon Avenue...........773-761-9000
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
- Augustana House - Artesian
6255 N Artesian Avenue.........773-274-9102
Misericordia Heart of Mercy
CJE Senior Life
Extracurricular Youth Activities
Indo-American Center
Parenting Training
Substance Abuse Resources
6300 N Ridge Avenue.............773-973-6300
Senior Congragate Dining
6405 N California Avenue.......773-262-0550
Jewish Child and Family Services Joy Faith Knapp Children’s Center
Home Delivered Meals
3003 W Touhy.........................773-508-1000
7033 N Kedzie Avenue............773-973-1211
6050 N California Avenue.......773-761-4651
Anixter Center
6140 N Oakley Avenue...........773-465-3195
Chicago Park District - Green
Briar Park
6328 N California....................312-744-4016
Misericordia Mcauley Residence
2060 W Granville Avenue........773-273-4744
Metropolitan Asian Family
Stuart G Ferst School-Intensive
7541 N Western Avenue.........773-465-3105
Chicago Park District - Indian
Boundary Park
6050 N California Avenue.......773-761-4651
Chicago Park District - Warren Park
2041 W Arthur Avenue............773-743-8379
2424 W Touhy Avenue............773-262-8300
2525 W Peterson Avenue........773-506-2525
3145 W Pratt Boulevard..........773-467-3900
Thresholds-Dianes House
YMCA High Ridge School
Goldie’s Place
6407 N Maplewood................773-338-9770
6450 N California Avenue.......773-973-1000
Russian Siti Bureau
Att-P Tach Special Education
Little Angels Day Care Center
The Ark
Dental Clinics
The ARK Dental Clinic
Chicago-Catholic Charities
7416 N Ridge Boulevard.........773-764-5715
Community Counseling Centers
of Chicago (C4) - Peterson
Special Education
2828 W Pratt Boulevard..........773-973-2828
social services
St. Scholastica Academy
Lipservice Unlimited
High Ridge YMCA Educational
5933 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-989-9330
7541 N Western Avenue.........773-478-8851
Muslim Woman Resource Center
2200 W Touhy Avenue............773-751-1875
7345 N Washtenaw Avenue....773-534-2125
ICC Full Time School
6450 N California Avenue.......773-973-1000
2820 W Peterson.....................773-293-8454
2800 W North Shore Avenue..773-761-4000
2424 W Touhy Avenue............773-262-8300
5941 N Lincoln Avenue...........773-878-1900
6415 N California Avenue.......773-381-9000
6700 N Whipple Street............773-534-1100
Indo-American Center
Midwest Asian American Center
General Senior Services
Jewish Vocational Service Sampson Katz Center
7030 N Sacramento Avenue...773-534-2201
12483 S Michigan Avenue......773-568-1460
Housing Assistance
Workforce Development
Decatur Classical Elementary
Roseland Little League
332 W 119th Street.................773-785-4244
Armstrong G Elementary IntL
Jewish Children’s Bureau - Tutoring Program at West Rogers Park
6110 N Fairfield Avenue..........773-534-2025
DFSS Community
Service Center
West Pullman Church Of God
senior services
Boone Elementary School
Project New Life, Christ Universal
Temple - Life Links
35 W 119th Street...................773-264-2186
2110 W Greenleaf Avenue......773-534-2150
11901 S Ashland Avenue........773-568-2282
11901 S Ashland Avenue........773-568-2282
Public Elementary School
2650 W Peterson Avenue........773-761-0582
2500 W Lunt Avenue..............312-742-7887
Asian Human Services
6601 N Western Avenue.........773-262-6314
2424 W Peterson Avenue........773-761-0011
Jewish Children and Family Services
3145 W Pratt 2nd Floor...........773-467-3746
Erie Neighborhood House
LaSalle II Lang Acad Elementary
Pritzker Elementary School
1701 W Superior.....................312-563-5800
North Avenue Day Nursery
1148 N Honore Street.............773-534-0490
Talcott Elementary School
2001 W Pierce Street...............773-342-4499
Lafayette Elementary School
1840 W Ohio Street................773-534-7130
Onward Neighborhood House
2714 W Augusta Boulevard....773-534-4326
Von Humboldt Elementary School
600 N Leavitt Street................312-666-6726
Lozano Elementary Bilingual &
Intl Ctr
2620 W Hirsch Street..............773-534-4480
Onward Neighborhood House After School
2158 W Ohio Street................312-243-7920
Child-Parent Center
Chopin Elementary School
DFSS Community
Service Center
Garfield Center
845 W. 69th Street..................312-745-8285
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Casa Central - CSC Child Development Center
1343 N California Avenue.......773-645-2300
Erie Neighborhood House
1347 W Erie Street..................312-666-3430
Mayor’s Office of Work Force
1615 W Chicago Avenue.........312-746-7777
Northwestern University Settlement House School
1400 W Augusta Boulevard....773-278-7471
Adult Literacy - General Education
Erie Neighborhood House
1347 W Erie Street..................312-432-2257
Chicago Public Library
Bucktown-Wicker Park
1701 N Milwaukee Avenue.....312-744-6022
Eckhart Park
1330 W Chicago Avenue.........312-746-6069
2335 W Chicago Avenue.........312-744-7788
Child Care
Casa Central - CSC Child
Development Center
1343 N California Avenue.......773-645-2458
Catholic Charities St. Mark
1041 N Campbell....................773-772-6606
Consuelo Lee Corretjer Day Care Center
2739 W Division Street............773-342-8866
Easter Seal Society Gilchrist
2345 W North Avenue............773-276-4000
Erie Neighborhood House
1347 W Erie Street..................312-666-3430
Special Education
Mitchell Elementary School
Esperanza School
2233 W Ohio Street................773-534-7655
520 N Marshfield Avenue.......312-243-6097
Moos Elementary School
Oak Therapeutic School
739 N Ada Street....................773-534-7846
1345 N Rockwell.....................773-534-4668
Otis Elementary School
Community Partnership Program
Catholic Charities St. Mark
1041 N Campbell....................773-772-6606
Children’s Home Viva Family
Center School
2516 W Division......................773-252-6313
Workforce Development
Peabody Elementary School
Casa Central
Roque De Duprey Elem School
Greater West Town Community
Development Project
1347 W Erie Street..................312-432-2257
1255 N Noble Street...............773-278-4560
1454 W Superior Street...........773-445-5870
Erie Neighborhood House
Erie Neighborhood House
The Chicago Academy of the Arts
Sabin Elementary Magnet School
1701 W Superior.....................773-563-5800
1701 W Superior.....................312-563-5800
1010 W Chicago Avenue.........312-421-0202
2216 W Hirsch Street..............773-534-4491
North Avenue Day Nursery
Lafayette Elementary School
Private Preschool
Talcott Elementary School
Near North Montessori School
Von Humboldt Elementary School
1501 N Greenwood Avenue
1400 W Augusta Boulevard....773-278-7471
Lozano Elementary Bilingual & Intl Ctr
Onward Neighborhood House
1424 N Cleaver Street.............773-534-4150
Early Head Start
Erie Neighborhood House
1347 W Erie Street..................312-666-3460
North Avenue Day Nursery
1743 N Francisco
North Avenue Day Nursery
2001 W Pierce Street...............773-342-4499
Head Start
Carpenter Elementary School
1250 W Erie Street..................773-534-7385
Casa Central - CSC Child
Development Center
1343 N California Avenue.......773-645-2458
Catholic Charities St. Mark
1041 N Campbell....................773-772-6606
Chopin Elementary School
2450 W Rice Street.................773-534-4080
Consuelo Lee Corretjer Day Care
2739 W Division Street............773-342-8866
Easter Seal Society Gilchrist
2345 W North Avenue............773-276-4000
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
2921 W Division......................773-278-9332
North Avenue Day Nursery
2001 W Pierce Street...............773-342-4499
Northwestern University Settlement
House School
1400 W Augusta Boulevard....773-278-7471
Onward Neighborhood House
600 N Leavitt Street................312-666-6726
Peabody Elementary School
1444 W Augusta Boulevard....773-534-4170
Von Humboldt Elementary School
2620 W Hirsch Street..............773-534-4480
YMCA LS - Humboldt Park
1626 N California....................773-384-5334
Private Elementary School
Esperanza School
520 N Marshfield Avenue.......312-243-6097
Near North Montessori School
1434 W Division Street............773-384-1434
St. Helen School
2347 W Augusta Boulevard....773-486-1055
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Cathedral
1434 W Division Street............773-384-1434
North Avenue Day Nursery/
School Age Program
1840 W Ohio Street................773-534-7130
600 N Leavitt Street................312-666-6726
Carpenter Elementary School
St. Helen School
1250 W Erie Street..................773-534-7385
2347 W Augusta Boulevard....773-486-1055
Chopin Elementary School
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Cathedral
2450 W Rice Street.................773-534-4080
2200 W Rice Street.................773-384-7243
1003 N Leavitt Street..............773-534-4350
1621 W Wabansia Avenue......773-534-4090
Carpenter Elementary School
1250 W Erie Street..................773-534-7385
Chopin Elementary School
2450 W Rice Street.................773-534-4080
Columbus Elementary School
1003 N Leavitt Street..............773-534-4350
De Diego Elementary Community
1313 N Claremont Avenue......773-534-4451
Erie Elementary Charter School
2510 W Cortez Street..............773-486-7161
2200 W Rice Street.................773-384-7243
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
2418 W Division Street............773-252-6413
Senior Congregate Dining
Casa Central
Norwegian American Hospital
Columbus Elementary School
De Diego Elementary Community
1313 N Claremont Avenue......773-534-4451
LaSalle II Lang Acad Elementary
1148 N Honore Street.............773-534-0490
Lafayette Elementary School
2714 W Augusta Boulevard....773-534-4326
Lozano Elementary Bilingual & Intl Ctr
1424 N Cleaver Street.............773-534-4150
Mitchell Elementary School
2233 W Ohio Street................773-534-7655
Moos Elementary School
1711 N California Avenue.......773-534-4340
Otis Elementary School
525 N Armour Street...............773-534-7665
Peabody Elementary School
1444 W Augusta Boulevard....773-534-4170
1048 N Campbell Avenue.......773-342-1516
1343 N California Avenue.......773-645-2300
1044 N Francisco Avenue........773-292-8200
Greenview Apartments
Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical
847 N Greenview....................312-666-1990
Saint Elizabeths Hospital
1431 N Claremont Avenue......312-633-5930
1431 N Claremont Avenue......773-278-2000
Soup Kitchen
Casa Central
1343 N California Avenue.......773-645-2300
Erie Family Health Center - Humboldt Park
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation Milwaukee
Erie Family Health Center Humboldt Park
Erie Neighborhood House
2750 W North Avenue............312-666-3494
1279 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-292-4400
Erie West Town Health Center
Franciscan Outreach - Marquard
Nghia Sinh International
1701 W Superior Street...........312-666-3494
1652 N Rockwell Street..........773-235-9838
Mental Heath Clinics
University of Aesthetics
1621 W Wabansia Avenue......773-534-4090
Burr Elementary School
St. Mark Church Food Pantry
2750 W North Avenue............312-666-3494
Public Preschool
Onward Neighborhood House
Public Elementary School
Heartland Center for Oral Health
- West Town
2611 W Chicago Avenue.........773-395-9900
2620 W Hirsch Street..............773-534-4480
Burr Elementary School
1255 N Noble Street...............773-278-4560
1516 N Claremont..................773-486-5901
790 N Milwaukee Avenue.......312-432-1300
The College Of Office Technology
2001 W Pierce Avenue............773-342-4499
St. Stanislaus Kostka School
St. Aloysius Service Center
1406 N Washtenaw Avenue....773-342-7221
2750 W North Avenue............312-432-4550
2233 W Division Street............312-770-2000
2345 W North Avenue............773-276-4000
Lozano Annex
Erie Dental Health Center
Humboldt Park
Gospel League Home
2009 W Schiller Street.............773-534-4415
528 N Ada Street....................312-421-3122
St. Aloysius Church
Pritzker Elementary School
955 W Grand Avenue..............312-243-2480
Santa Maria Adolorata
2632 W Division Street............773-235-0980
1335 N California Avenue.......773-645-2431
Rowe Elementary
Northwestern University
Settlement House School
Division Dental Clinic
1444 W Augusta Boulevard....773-534-4170
St. Stanislaus Kostka School
2714 W Augusta Boulevard....773-534-4326
Dental Clinics
Saints Mary and Elizabeth’s
1405 N Washtenaw Avenue....773-534-4230
2001 W Pierce Street...............773-342-4499
525 N Armour Street...............773-534-7665
Erie Neighborhood House
600 N Leavitt Street................312-666-6729
1135 N Cleaver Street.............312-342-8230
Near North Special Ed Center
Von Humboldt CPC
Easter Seal Society Gilchrist
1424 N Cleaver Street.............773-534-4150
1711 N California Avenue.......773-534-4340
2450 W Rice Street.................773-534-4080
2009 W Schiller Street.............773-534-4415
1520 W Division Street............773-278-0042
1357 N Milwaukee Avenue 800-825-6776
Wright College - Humboldt Park
Vocational Educational Center
1645 N California Avenue.......773-489-8989
h e a lt h c a r e
Community Health Centers
Erie De Diego School-Based
Health Center
1313 W Claremont..................312-666-3494
Erie Humboldt Park Health Center
2750 W North.........................312-666-3494
Erie West Town Health Center
1701 W Superior.....................312-666-3494
PCC West Town Health Center
1347 W Erie Street..................312-666-3430
1645 W Le Moyne Street.........773-278-6724
St. Stanislaus Kostka SK
1351 W Evergreen Avenue......773-278-2470
Community Counseling Centers
of Chicago (C4) - North
2542 W North Avenue............773-365-7277
Erie Health Center
Resurrection Healthcare/St Mary
of Nazareth
1701 W Superior Street...........312-432-7372
2233 W Division Street............312-770-2606
1734 W Chicago.....................312-455-8595
Food Pantries
Erie Neighborhood House
1347 W Erie Street..................312-666-3430
WIC Food and Nutrition Center
West Town Neighborhood Health
2418 W Division......................312-744-8118
senior services
European American Association
General Senior Services
2827 W Division Street............773-342-5868
Casa Central - Adult Day Care
First Bethlehem Lutheran Church
1649 W LeMoyne Street..........773-276-2338
1343 N California Avenue.......773-645-2485
Greater Exodus Baptist Church
Casa Central - Center Home for
Hispanic Elderly
1356 N Rockwell Street..........773-306-6957
1401 N California Avenue.......773-782-8700
1044 N Mozart.......................773-292-8300
Iglesia De Dios Peniel Pantry
PrimeCare Community Health,
Inc. West Town
2536 W Division Street............773-278-8653
Casa Central - Over 55 Employment
New Life Family Services
1335 N California Avenue.......773-645-2431
1431 N Western......................312-633-5841
Saint Mary/Saint Elizabeth Family
1127 N Oakley........................312-770-2040
West Town Neighborhood Health
2418 W Division......................312-744-0943
1665 N Mozart Street.............773-384-2200
Northwestern University Settlement
Catholic Charities Chicago - Saint
Aloysius Service Center
1516 N Claremont Avenue......773-342-7221
1400 W Augusta Blvd.... 773-278-7471 x104
Erie Neighborhood House - Branch
Onward Neighborhood House
1701 W Superior Street...........312-563-5800
600 N Leavitt Street................312-666-6726
San Lucas Food Pantry
2914 W North Avenue............773-227-5747
Northwestern University
Settlement Association
1400 W Augusta Boulevard....773-278-7471
Onward Neighborhood House
600 N Leavitt Street................312-666-6726
West Town/Logan Square Senior
1613 W Chicago Avenue.........312-743-1016
Golden Diner Program
West Town/Logan Square Senior
1613 W Chicago Avenue.........312-744-4016
social services
Adelante, P.C.
1608 N Milwaukee Avenue ....773-486-0031
Casa Central
1349 N California....................773-645-2400
Chicago Children’s Center for
Behavioral Health
1431 N Claremont 3rd Floor...312-491-5000
Chicago Department of Human
1615 W Chicago Avenue.........312-746-8545
Community Counseling Centers
of Chicago (C4) - North
2542 W North Avenue............773-365-7277
Erie Family Health Center
1701 W Superior Street...........312-666-3494
Resurrection Behavioral Health
1127 N Oakley Boulevard 3rd Fl.....................
Disability Services and Education
Chicago Department of Human
1615 W Chicago Avenue.........312-746-8545
Extracurricular Youth Activities
826 CHI
1331 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-772-8108
Added Chance Program
1116 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-342-4243
AmericaCorps Project YES!
1400 W Augusta Boulevard....773-278-7471
American Ukrainian Youth Association Inc.
2457 W Chicago Avenue.........773-486-4204
Association House, After School
2150 W North Avenue... 773-276-0084 x210
BUILD - Broader Urban Involvement/
Leadership Dev
1223 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-227-2880
Cabrini Connections Tutor/Mentor
Illinois Department of Human
Services - Office of Rehabilitation Milwaukee
1279 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-292-4400
Legal Assistance Foundation of
Metropolitan Chicago - Northwest
1279 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-572-3200
Neighborhood Technology
Resource Center, c/o Northwest
Tower Apartments
1170 W Erie............................312-633-9057
Onward Neighborhood House
600 N Leavitt Street................312-666-6726
Partnership to Educate & Advance Kids
1658 N Milwaukee Suite 301.. 773-975-6540
Redmoon Theater’s Dramagirls
1463 W Hubbard....................312-850-8440
Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center
1632 N Milwaukee Avenue.....773-235-3988
St. Aloysius Church
528 N Ada Street....................312-421-3122
1343 N California Avenue.......773-645-2465
2300 W Le Moyne Street.........773-278-4808
Catholic Youth Organization
St. Joseph Services
Housing Assistance
YMCA South Side
Neighborhood Housing Services
Of Chicago - Citywide Office
Community Partnership Program
1279 N Milwaukee Avenue 5th Floor..............
Interpretation and Translation
2515 W Cortez Street..............773-251-4416
Spanish Educational Publishing
2258 W Huron Street..............312-275-0015
Terra Media Intl Inc
Parenting Training
Community Counseling Centers
of Chicago
2542 W North Avenue............773-365-7277
St. Mark’s Church
1127 N Oakley Boulevard 3rd Fl.....................
Chicago Park District - Pulaski Park
1351 W Evergreen Avenue......773-278-2470
1419 W Blackhawk Street.......312-742-7559
Street-Level Youth Media
Chicago Park District - Wicker Park
1856 W Chicago Avenue.........773-862-5331
1425 N Damen.......................312-742-7553
Children’s Home and Aid Society
Suzuki Orff School for Young
1279 N Milwaukee Avenue.....312-424-0200
1148 W Chicago Avenue.........312-738-2646
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos
The Right Angle Educational
2739 W Division Street Suite 41......................
1010 N Noble Street...............773-975-8571
Tutor/Mentor Connection
Woodlawn Organization - Early
Childhood Development Center
950 E 61st Street....................773-667-3300
DFSS Community
Service Center
Chicago Department of Human
1615 W Chicago Avenue.........312-746-8545
YMCA South Side
6330 S Stony Island................773-947-0700
Ed u c a t i o n
Adult Literacy - English as a
Second Language
Jane Addams Hull House Association
- Parkway Community House
500 E 67th Street....................773-493-1306
Adult Literacy - General Education
Jane Addams Hull House Association
- Parkway Community House
500 E 67th Street....................773-493-1306
Fiske Elementary School
6145 S Ingleside Avenue.........773-535-0990
6543 S Champlain Avenue......773-535-0570
Jane Addams Hull House Association - Parkway Community House
Wadsworth Elementary School
500 E 67th Street....................773-955-8027
Woodlawn Elementary Community School
Sexton Elementary School
955 W Grand Avenue..............312-243-2480
Victory Outreach
2745 W North Avenue............773-486-8583
Child Care
First Presbyterian Church
Kids Hope United - Harris Child
Development Center
Wells High School
936 N Ashland Avenue............773-534-7117
Erie Neighborhood House - TEAM
Working in the Schools - Peabody
The Chicago Center For Recovery
& Empowerment
Inner City Impact
Till Elementary Math & Science
731 E 63rd Street....................312-747-7760
1701 W Superior Street...........312-666-3430
1443 W Division Street............773-278-4212
6400 S Kimbark......................773-363-0505
Gospel League Home
500 E 67th Street....................773-955-8027
Holy Trinity High School
First Presbyterian Church
6020 S Langley Avenue...........773-535-0640
6200 S Drexel Avenue.............773-324-5612
1431 N Claremont Avenue......312-770-2590
1121 N Leavitt Street..............773-486-6064
Sexton Elementary School
Resurrection Behavioral Health
Holy Trinity Cathedral Church
Head Start
1645 W LeMoyne Street..........773-278-6724
2745 W North Avenue............773-486-8583
1448 W Superior Street...........312-666-3675
6330 S Stony Island................773-947-0700
Chicago Public Library
Victory Outreach
Holy Innocents Church
YMCA South Side
Kids Hope United - Harris Child
Development Center
East Village Youth Program
1419 W Blackhawk Street.......773-772-7248
Early Head Start
Franciscan Outreach - Marquard
Substance Abuse Resources
Free Street Programs
YWCA Harris School
6200 S Drexel.........................773-667-0014
1665 N Mozart Street.............773-384-7113
1347 W Erie............................312-563-5800
1445 E 65th Street..................773-493-1311
4314 S. Cottage Grove Avenue.......................
800 W Huron First Floor..........312-492-9614
Erie Neighborhood House
Woodlawn Organization Infant
Toddler School
King Center
2136 W Le Moyne Street.........773-252-3190
Chicago Heights Community
Youth Committee (CHCYC)
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church
500 E 67th Street....................773-493-1306
1626 N Francisco Avenue........773-276-6683
Polish Communications Pro
Jane Addams Hull House Association - Parkway
Community House
European Language Center
Resurrection Behavioral Health
1048 N Campbell Avenue.......773-342-1516
1220 N Hoyne Avenue............773-276-6683
2516 W Cortez Street..............773-278-0484
1601 N Honore Street 708-758-3371
6330 S Stony Island................773-947-0700
European Language Center
1658 W Grand Avenue............312-491-3535
1819 W Grand Avenue............312-275-0440
520 N Marshfield Avenue.......312-243-6097
1450 W Chicago Avenue.........312-243-2342
Casa Central, Youth Options
2345 W North Avenue............773-276-4000
Esperanza Community Services
Near NW Civic Committee - Mr.
Moose’s Youth Center
Santa Maria Addolorata Church
Driven Youth Ministries
1330 W Chicago Avenue.........312-746-5490
1371 W Chicago Avenue.........312-664-4462
800 W Huron First Floor..........312-492-9614
Easter Seal Society of Metropolitan Chicago - Gilchrist Marchman
Head Start Progr
Eckhart Park
Junior League Tutoring - Eckhart
Park Library
700 N Green Street.................312-929-4234
6400 S Kimbark......................773-363-0505
Jane Addams Hull House Association
- Parkway Community House
6200 S Drexel Avenue.............773-324-5612
6420 S University Avenue........773-535-0730
6657 S Kimbark Avenue..........773-535-0801
Public Preschool
Saint Martin De Porres House of Hope
6423 S Woodlawn Avenue......773-643-5843
1427 E 60th Street..................773-702-0467
Dumas Elementary School
Woodlawn Organization
6650 S Ellis Avenue.................773-535-0750
6040 S Harper Avenue............773-288-5840
6543 S Champlain Avenue......773-535-0570
Woodlawn AME
6456 S Evans..........................773-667-1400
Woodlawn Comm
Fiske Elementary School
6145 S Ingleside Avenue.........773-535-0990
Sexton Elementary School
h e a lt h c a r e
6020 S Langley Avenue...........773-535-0640
Community Health Centers
6330 S Stony Island................773-947-0700
Till Elementary Math & Science
Woodlawn Health Center of Cook
6543 S Champlain Avenue......773-535-0570
6337 S Woodlawn..................773-753-5500
6434 S University....................773-535-0801
YMCA South Side
Private Elementary School
Wadsworth Elementary School
Woodlawn Organization
6420 S University Avenue........773-535-0730
Young Chicago Authors/Glencoe
Study Center
6040 S Harper Avenue............773-288-5840
Hyde Park Day School - Chicago
1501 N Oakley Boulevard.......773-276-1261
950 E 61st Street Suite 209....773-290-2313
1414 E 61st Place...................773-535-0530
6456 S Evans..........................773-667-1400
Josephinum Academy
Metropolitan Area Group for
Igniting Civilization, Inc. (MAGIC)
Till Elementary Math & Science
2049 W Division Street 2nd.....773-486-4331
2704 W North Avenue............773-384-4200
500 E 67th Street....................773-493-1306
6020 S Langley Avenue...........773-535-0640
Young Chicago Authors
1347 W Erie Street..................312-666-3430
Jane Addams Hull House Association
- Parkway Community House
University of Chicago Graham
School of Continuing Studies
Woodlawn AME
Youth Option Unlimited
Workforce Development
Carnegie Elementary School
1444 W Augusta Boulevard....312-751-9487
1180 N Milwaukee Avenue 2nd FL 847835-5430
La Rabida Children’s Hospital
Woodlawn Organization - Early
Childhood Development Center
1375 E 60th Street 877-477-5665
Woodlawn Elementary Community
Liberty School of Christrian Educ
6657 S Kimbark Avenue..........773-535-0801
6450 S Champlain Avenue......773-363-1238
6207 S University Avenue........773-643-0123
Woodlawn Organization - Early
Childhood Development Center
Public Elementary School
Special Education
Chicago Department of Public
Health -Woodlawn Clinic
Hyde Park Day School - Chicago
950 E 61st Street....................773-667-3300
Carnegie Elementary School
Woodlawn Organization Infant
Toddler School
1414 E 61st Place...................773-535-0530
1375 E 60th Street..................773-834-5080
Dumas Elementary School
The Sonia Shankman Orthogenic
1445 E 65th Street..................773-324-5880
6650 S Ellis Avenue.................773-535-0750
Fiske Elementary School
6501 S Promontory Drive........773-363-6700
6337 S Woodlawn Avenue......312-747-7700
1365 E 60th Street......... 773-702-1203 x100
6145 S Ingleside Avenue.........773-535-0990
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
Mental Heath Clinics
Ada S. McKinley Community
950 E 61st Street....................773-434-5577
Woodlawn Mental Health Center
6337 S Woodlawn Avenue......312-747-0059
social services
Housing Assistance
Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois
Barr Harris Children’s Grief Center at La Rabida Hospital
6501 S Promontory Drive........312-922-7474
Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois
6127 S University Avenue........773-753-0600
Food Pantries
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago
First Presbyterian: Kimbark
6600 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-955-3100
2 0 1 0 N e i g h b o r h o o d R e s o u r c e D i r e c t o ry S o u r c e L i s t
Web Location
Public Preschool
CPS Office of Early Childhood Education Web site
Public Preschool
Illinois State Board of Education
Parenting Training
Private Preschool
Archdiocese of Chicago
Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois
Private Preschool
Chicago Independent Schools
6127 S University Avenue........773-753-0600
Woodlawn East Community and
Neighbors, Inc.
6540 S Stony Island................773-288-3000
6400 S Kimbark Avenue..........773-363-0505
Disability Services and Education
6127 S University Avenue........773-753-0600
Private Preschool
Alternative Schools Network
LCFS Refugee Settlement
Chicago Park District - Jackson
Substance Abuse Resources
Private Preschool
Illinois State Board of Education
6127 S University Avenue........773-753-0600
Ministry of the Faithful to God
6401 S Stoney Island Avenue..773-256-0903
Henry’s Sober Living House
Early Childhood Partnerships CPS Office of Early Childhood Education Web site
602 E 61st Street....................773-456-5637
6634 S Drexel Avenue.............773-752-1300
La Rabida Children’s Hospital
Early Head Start
CPS Office of Early Childhood Education Web site
Project Care
6501 S Promontory Drive........773-363-6700
710 E 62nd Street...................773-684-9688
Lifelink - Greencastle of Woodlawn I
Head Start
CPS Office of Early Childhood Education Web site
Elementary School
Alternative Schools Network
Elementary School
Archdiocese of Chicago
Elementary School
Chicago Independent Schools
Elementary School
Illinois State Board of Education
Adult Literacy - GED
Illinois LINC
Adult Literacy - GED
City Colleges of Chicago
Adult Literacy - GED
America’s Literacy Directory
Adult Literacy - ESL
Illinois LINC
Adult Literacy - ESL
America’s Literacy Directory
6736 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-643-4305
Adult Literacy - ESL
City Colleges of Chicago
Fund For Community Redevelopment & Revitalization
Special Education
Alternative Schools Network
830 E 63rd Street....................773-288-7331
Special Education
Illinois State Board of Education
Jane Addams Hull House Association - Parkway Community House
City of Chicago website
MCHC Hospital Locator
Community Health Centers
City of Chicago website
Community Health Centers
Stroger Hospital Department of Medicine: Ambulatory
and Community Health Network of Cook County
Community Health Centers
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Community Health Centers
Chicago Asthma Consortium
Community Health Centers
US Health Resources and Services Administration
Community Health Centers
Leslie’s List - Chicago-area free or low-cost health
Mental Health Centers
City of Chicago website
Mental Health Centers
Say It Out Loud
IFLOSS Coalition
City of Chicago website
808 E 61st Street....................773-643-8100
The Living Room Cafe
Extracurricular Youth Activities
806 E 64th Street........... 773-643-6018 x204
Senior Congregate Dining
Ada S. McKinley Apartments
6401 S Stony Island Avenue.....773-324-KICK
Chicago Park District - Harris Park
6200 S Drexel Boulevard.........312-747-2706
Kenneth Campbell
Child And Family Connections
Soup Kitchen
First Presbyterian:Kimbark SK
6400 S Kimbark Avenue..........773-363-0505
Martin Temple Community Ftn
6930 S Cottage Grove Avenue.773-493-8624
Woodlawn Organization
1518 E 63rd Street..................773-288-5840
senior services
General Senior Services
950 E 61st Street....................773-324-7434
Christ Way Baptist
1210 E 62nd Street.................773-363-9563
Cottage Kids Learning Lab
822 E 63rd Street....................773-363-4300
First Paradise Baptist Church
500 E 67th Street....................773-493-1306
Jane Addams Hull House Association
- Parkway Community House
Mt Pleasant Baptist Church
500 E 67th Street....................773-493-1306
New State Theater
Lifelink - Greencastle of Woodlawn I
808 E 61st Street....................773-643-8100
With Sincerity
6200 S Drexel Avenue.............773-493-3659
Golden Diner Program
Ada S. McKinley Apartments
661 E 69th Street....................312-744-4016
Kenneth Campbell
6360 S Minerva Avenue..........312-744-4016
1447 E 65th Street..................773-493-6116
661 E 69th Street....................312-744-4016
6360 S Minerva.......................312-744-4016
The Woodlawn Organization/
Entry House
Ed u c a t i o n
6232 S Eberhart Avenue.........773-493-3865
6620 S Evans Avenue..............773-744-7163
6614 S Blackstone Avenue......773-955-3172
500 E 67th Street....................773-493-0901
Woodlawn A.M.E. Church
6456 S Evans Avenue..............773-667-1400
Woodlawn Employment Center
6101 S Evans Avenue..............773-324-0619
6330 S Stony Island Avenue....773-947-0700
YWCA Of Chicago Rise Children’s Center
6200 S Drexel Avenue.............773-955-3100
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory
H e a lt h c a r e
St. Phillip Lutheran Church
Prosperity Housewn
Web Location
Web Location
Food Pantries
Greater Chicago Food Depository
International Homeless and Homelessness Directory
Food Pantries
Catholic Charities of Chicago
Greater Chicago Food Depository
Food Pantries
Direct 2 Food
Direct 2 Food
Food Pantries
Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Food Pantries
Feeding Illinois
General Senior Services
Catholic Charities of Chicago
Soup Kitchens
Greater Chicago Food Depository
General Senior Services
City of Chicago
Soup Kitchens
Cook County Sheriff’s Office
WIC centers
Bethel New Life
WIC centers
Chicago Department of Public Health-WIC
WIC centers
Catholic Charities of Chicago
Senior Congregate Dining
Direct 2 Food
Catholic Charities of Chicago
DCFS Statewide Provider Database
Extracurricular Youth Activities Chicago Park District
Extracurricular Youth Activities Tutor/Mentor Connection
Extracurricular Youth Activities Alternative Schools Network
Extracurricular Youth Activities Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago
Parenting Training
Direct 2 Food
Disability Services and
Disability Services and
DCFS Statewide Provider Database
Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Alternative Schools Network
Chicago Public Library
Soup Kitchens
General Senior Services
Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Golden Diner Locations
City of Chicago
Workforce Development
LISC/ Chicago
Workforce Development
Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Workforce Development
City of Chicago website
Workforce Development
IWDS (Illinois Workforce Development System)
WIA Certified Training Program Providers
Workforce Development
Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Workforce Development
Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Housing Assistance
Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Housing Assistance
Chicago Department of Community Development
Housing Assistance
Chicago Technical Assistance-Community
Housing Assistance
HUD Approved Housing Counselors
Housing Assistance
IDCFS Database - search: housing search assistance
Housing Assistance
Direct 2 Housing
Homeless Resources
Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Substance Abuse Resources
Illinois Department of Human Services
Substance Abuse Resources
Interpretation and
Translation Services
Warm Wishes
Chicago 2010 Children of Chicago Community Assessment and Chicago Neighborhood Resource Directory