To provide all secondary students with different elements of the college and career readiness strands through an ARCCS 30 minutes advisory period. To reduce secondary school drop-out rates. To eliminate anonymity. To help students find a connection to school. To provide students with the academic assistance needed. To promote a caring community of learners. College & Career Activities 3 Days a Week (MWF) Target Time: 2 Days a Week (TR) This time is designed to engage students in activities that will help support a college/career mindset and vocabulary development tied to the SAT and the new STAAR test. Vocabulary Development College Board Curriculum: College Ed NEFE High School Financial Planning Program Grade Level Focus Resource Words on the Vine KnowSYS Vocabulary 6th Vocabulary 7th Vocabulary 8th College Readiness 9th College Readiness Vocabulary 10th College Readiness 11th College Readiness College Ed for 11th 12th Career and Financial Planning NEFE High School Financial Planning Red Hot Root Words KnowSYS Vocabulary College Ed Middle School College Ed for 9th/10th KnowSYS vocabulary College Ed for 9th/10th The Knowsys Vocabulary Builder Program Levels 6 - 12 The Vocab Program Includes: •Flashcards •The Memory Box System •Firmly Research-Based •Activities for every word group •Spiraling to ensure words stay in active memory •Multiple, meaningful exposures to vocabulary •Words organized in thematic groups • Consists of: ◦ Three days of vocabulary study using KNOWSYS vocabulary program and the book, Words on the Vine. Words on the Vine includes Thirty Six Units of Greek and Latin Root Words. The lesson calendar is designed so that each week, the students will study and become familiar with one to two different roots found within ten vocabulary words. The students will examine the words for each week in context and put them to use in creative and challenging assignments through out the rest of the week. There are multiple enrichment activities at the beginning of the book for students who wish to further their academic understanding of the root being studied. Over the course of the year the students will have a fascination and better understanding of words. Consists of: ◦ Three days of vocabulary study using the KNOWSYS program and the book, Red Hot Root Words Red Hot Root Words includes 54 Lessons of extensive examination of Greek and Latin prefixes, root words, and suffixes found in the English language. The lesson calendar is designed so that each week, the students will study and become familiar with one to two different prefixes/roots/suffixes found within ten vocabulary words. At the beginning of the book there are multiple enrichment activities and additional lessons for students who wish to further their academic understanding of the prefix/root/suffix being studied. Over the course of the year the students will become familiar with the most frequently used building blocks of our language, allowing them to decipher words they encounter and to have a larger and richer vocabulary. 8th-11th Grade College Ed is: Student centered and activity based. Based on rigorous and relevant standards Designed to benefit all students, especially first-generation, historically underserved and low-income students. Flexible, allowing for effective implementation within a school’s existing schedule. Modular lessons: Can be delivered in segments of as little as 25 minutes of classroom time. Provide optional lesson extensions for both inside and outside of the classroom. Developed to encourage student ownership of the college planning process. Easy to implement, with support resources and userfriendly educator guide. A unique blend of instructional materials and online resources that connects students to free tools and information on college planning and career exploration. Basic money management curriculum Gives teens what they need in order to begin using the skills Offers opportunities for family and trusted financial professionals to play a role 2 Days: Target Time (Rocket time/ T-bird Time etc) A true study hall in which students catch up on studying, receive tutoring as needed or get ahead in their work. Students will keep a spiral in which they will write lessons and weekly reflections every Friday Students will receive a pass/fail grade and a local credit Grade will be based on participation and completion of lessons