Student Book - South Pointe Elementary School

University of Miami and Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Student name ___________________________________________
Teacher ________________________________________________
School _________________________________________________
© 2011 University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
P-SELL Science
Table of Contents
P-SELL Science Laboratory Safety Contract
Chapter 1
Big Ideas 1 and 2
The Practice of Science and
the Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge
Chapter 2
Big Idea 8
Properties of Matter
25 – 46
Chapter 3
Big Idea 9
Changes in Matter
47 – 62
Chapter 4
Big Idea 13
Forces and Changes in Motion
63 – 96
Chapter 5
Big Ideas 10 and 11
Forms of Energy and Energy Transformation
Chapter 6
Big Idea 7
Earth Systems and Patterns
124 – 145
Chapter 7
Big Idea 6
Earth Structures
146 – 171
Chapter 8
Big Idea 5
Earth in Space and Time
172 – 193
Chapter 9
Big Idea 14
Organization and Development of
Living Organisms
194 – 223
Chapter 10
Big Idea 17
224 – 256
7 – 24
97 – 123
257 – 270
P-SELL Science
Project Director
Okhee Lee
University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
Curriculum Writing and Design Team
Rose Rohrer, Lead
Jill DiGiorgi Bartley, Lead, Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Brandon Diamond
Kimberly Lanier
Georgina Lindskoog
Sebastian Oddone, Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Assessment Team
Karen Adamson, Lead, Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Jaime Maerten-Rivera
Graphic Design
Donner Valle
Coordination of Supplies
Maryvelisse Carpintero
This work is supported by the Institute of Education Sciences at the US Department of
Education (R305A090281). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations
expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
position, policy, or endorsement of the funding agencies.
We appreciate the support of Miami-Dade County Public School (M-DCPS) District and
Region administrators, school administrators, teachers, and students participating in the
project. We would also like to thank those M-DCPS teachers who provided us with
feedback during the curriculum revision.
P-SELL Science
P-SELL Science Laboratory Safety Contract
Science involves hands-on inquiry. Safety in the science classroom is an important part
of the scientific process. The list of rules and responsibilities below is to ensure
everyone’s safety and to maintain a positive learning environment. In addition to any
safety rules set at the beginning of an activity, all parts of this contract must be followed
at all times.
Rules and Responsibilities
• I will follow all instructions given by my teacher.
• I will treat my teacher, my lab partners and any equipment I am using with
• I will report any accident to the teacher immediately.
• I will never eat or drink during an activity unless instructed to do so by the
• I will do my best to follow the scientific procedures so I can understand the
lesson better.
• I will make sure my hair and clothing are not in the way when I am conducting an
• I will never work in the science room alone.
• I will fully clean up after each activity unless my teacher tells me otherwise.
• I will act responsibly at all times in the classroom.
have read each of the statements in the P-SELL Science
student’s name
Laboratory Safety Contract and understand the rules and my responsibilities. I agree to
follow them for both my safety and the safety of others in the class. I also agree to
follow any additional written or verbal instructions provided by the school district or my
P-SELL Science
P-SELL Science
Big Ideas 1 and 2 The Practice of Science and
The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.5.N.1.1 –
Define a problem, use appropriate reference materials to support
scientific understanding, plan and carry out scientific investigations of
various types such as: systematic observations, experiments requiring
the identification of variables, collecting and organizing data, interpreting
data in charts, tables and graphics, analyze information, make
predictions and defend conclusions.
SC.5.N.2.1 –
Recognize and explain that science is grounded in empirical
observations that are testable; explanation must always be linked with
SC.5.N.2.2 –
Recognize and explain that when scientific investigations are carried out,
the evidence produced by those investigations should be replicable by
1. constant
2. control group
3. data table
4. experiment
5. graph
6. inference
7. inquiry
8. investigation
9. measure
10. model
11. multiple trials
12. observation
13. prediction
14. variable
dependent variable
independent variable
grupo de control
tabla de datos
ensayos/pruebas multiples
variable dependiente
variable independiente
Haitian Creole
konstan (ki pa chanje)
group ki kontwole
tab enfòmasyon
plizyè essè
varyab depandan
varyab endepandan
Science Inquiry
(SC.5.N.1.1, SC.5.N.2.1, SC.5.N.2.2)
As you progress through the unit, you will be doing science inquiry. Science inquiry
means learning to think and act like a scientist. You will:
Big Ideas 1 and 2
ask questions,
make plans to answer the questions,
carry out the plans,
find your answers,
report your findings,
ask further questions, and
When you first learn to do science inquiry, you may need help from your teacher and
peers. As you become more experienced in doing inquiry, you will need less and less
help. Eventually, you will be able to do science inquiry on your own.
Observations are important when doing science inquiry. When you make observations
during a science experiment, you are gathering data or information about your
experiment that helps you understand what is happening. Observations involve using
your five senses (hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste) to understand the world around
you. Because observations are made using your five senses, if you and a friend are
making an observation of the same things, your observations should be similar. For
example, when using the sense of touch, you both could describe a rock as rough or
bumpy. You may also make an observation that describes something you taste as
sweet or sugary.
The data you gather when observing can be recorded either quantitative or qualitative.
Quantitative observations measure what you observe using numbers, while qualitative
observations describe what you observe. For example, if you are investigating the rate
of plant growth over a three-week period, a quantitative observation would be that the
plant grew 3 inches tall. A qualitative observation could be that the plant is wilting and
small, with brown and yellow leaves.
Now you try it! Make a quantitative
observation about the picture.
Make a qualitative observation about the
Big Ideas 1 and 2
Just as observations are important in a science experiment, so are inferences. An
inference is an explanation that uses observations from an experiment to draw
conclusions. When you make an inference, you are giving meaning to your
observations. Using the plant example on the previous page, after three weeks, the
plant is only 3 inches tall and has brown and yellow leaves. Based on this observation,
you may infer that the plant will not grow very tall or it will probably die. You can make
this inference because you have observed that the plants growing in your neighbor’s
yard are tall and the leaves are green.
Remember that if two people are observing the same thing, their observations would be
similar. This is not the case for inferences. While inferences use observations to draw
conclusions about an investigation, inferences are also based on your prior knowledge
or experiences. For example, if you have never observed a plant growing around your
house, you may not infer that plants that are wilting and small, with discolored leaves,
will probably die.
Make an inference based on the picture.
While getting dressed for school in the morning, you may have heard the meteorologist
say on the news, “It’s probably going to be a rainy week, so grab your umbrella.” The
meteorologist is making a prediction about what the week’s weather will be. Based on
what the meteorologist knows about the weather patterns in your area, she makes a
prediction about what the weather will be like for the week.
Predictions are statements that forecast what will happen in the future. In science, you
make a prediction and then conduct an experiment or make an observation to see if
your prediction is accurate. You make predictions based on patterns observed (when
you see dark clouds it is likely to rain) or from previous experiences that help you to
make a more accurate conclusion.
While making accurate predictions is important, it is also important that the reasoning
behind the predictions makes sense. If the meteorologist predicted that it was going to
Big Ideas 1 and 2
rain during the week based on the number of dark-colored cars on the road, does the
reasoning behind her prediction make sense?
Imagine you are helping your mother take groceries from the car. She gives you the
carton of eggs to carry into the house. While swinging the grocery bag containing the
eggs, you drop the bag to the floor.
Predict what has happened to the eggs.
What is the reasoning behind your prediction?
Experiment or Science Inquiry
To better understand the natural world, scientists conduct science investigations. One
type of science investigation is an experiment or science inquiry. Experiments or
science inquiry involve posing questions, planning investigations, making observations,
using tools to collect and analyze data, drawing conclusions, communicating your
results, exploring further questions, and applying the knowledge in new situations.
When you use experiments or science inquiry, you are engaging in many of the same
activities and thinking processes as scientists in laboratories.
Hands-on Science
Another type of science investigation is hands-on science. Hands-on science is learning
by doing. If you want to learn how to measure temperature using a thermometer, you
would place a thermometer in different liquids and practice reading the numbers. Also,
you could investigate magnetism by placing a magnet on different objects and
observing if the objects are attracted. In both examples, you are investigating with
objects to better understand the world around you.
How is hands-on science different from an experiment or science inquiry?
Big Ideas 1 and 2
Creating models is another way that scientists understand the world around them. This
type of science investigation involves recreating a science phenomenon to examine
what or how something happens. Scientists often create models when what they want
to investigate is too far away or too dangerous to explore. For example, scientists often
create models of the solar system because it is too vast for scientists to investigate
through science inquiry. Also, although scientists have explored active volcanoes
(Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and Nyiragongo), doing so is very dangerous. So
scientists make models of volcanoes to better understand volcanic eruptions.
How is developing a model different from an experiment or science inquiry?
While there are different ways to conduct science investigations, you will be conducting
experiments or science inquiry by using the inquiry framework shown below. This
framework may look similar to the scientific method, which you may have heard about. It
is important to know that science does not always follow a rigid step-by-step process,
but does include observations and evidence. You can follow these steps to help guide
you, as you conduct experiments or other types of investigations in your science class.
Inquiry Framework
1. Questioning
State the problem
 What do I want to find out? (written in the form of a
Make a prediction (or hypothesis)
 What do I think will happen? (explain your reasoning)
2. Planning
Read the materials and procedures
 Do I have all of the necessary materials?
 Have I read the procedures?
 Summarize the procedures in your own words.
3. Implementing
Gather the materials
 What materials do I need to implement my plan?
Follow the procedures
 What steps do I need to take to implement my plan?
Big Ideas 1 and 2
Observe and record the results
 What happens after I implement my plan?
 What do I observe?
 How do I display my results? (a graph, chart, table)
4. Concluding
Draw a conclusion
 What did I find out?
 Was my hypothesis supported or not? (Remember: It is
ok if the hypothesis is not supported.)
5. Reporting
Share my results (informal)
 What do I want to tell others about the activity?
Produce a report (formal)
 How do I answer the problem statement and related
6. Inquiry Extension Reflect on your results
 If I would do this activity again, how would I improve it?
 What would be a good follow-up experiment based on
what I learned?
7. Application
Make connections
 How does this activity relate to what happens in the
real world?
 How could I apply the results in new situations?
Doing Good Science Inquiry
(SC.5.N.1.3, SC.5.N.2.1, SC.5.N.2.2)
While you are using the inquiry framework as a guide, it is important to follow good
inquiry methods. Organizing your ideas involves determining the variables in an
experiment, making accurate measurements, keeping track of the results using data
tables, and understanding your results using graphs.
First, when you conduct an experiment, you usually work with variables. Variables are
things that can be changed in an experiment. There are three types of variables:
independent variables, dependent variables, and constant variables. To make sure that
results in an experiment are valid, you should change only one variable at a time.
Second, scientists try to be as accurate as possible when doing their measurements. As
you conduct your experiments, you need to make sure that your measurements are
Big Ideas 1 and 2
accurate. Your results should be repeatable so that you can draw accurate conclusions
from your data.
Finally, when doing science inquiry, you need to conduct your experiment more than
one time. Why is this important? If you conduct the experiment only one time, you
cannot be sure that your results are correct. You need to do multiple trials of your
experiment so that you can validate your data.
How might you record the data you collect in an experiment? Scientists use data tables
to keep track of the information they gather. We will use different types of data tables
throughout this book.
Scientists call the variable that they change or test the independent variable. This is
the variable YOU manipulate. Let’s suppose you wanted to conduct an experiment to
test if the color of a container affects the temperature of water. The color of the
container is the independent variable in the experiment. This is the variable that you
change or test. In other words, you manipulate whether, for example, the container is
white, black, or red.
Remember that to make sure your results are valid, you should change only one
variable at a time. Why? If you change more than one variable, you might never know
which variable caused your results. For example, if the color of the container were
changed in the example above, you would not want to change the size of the container.
You would be changing two variables and you would not know which variable had an
effect on the temperature, the color, or the size.
Another type of variable that scientists use in an experiment is called the dependent
variable. The dependent variable is the variable that responds to the variable that you
change, the independent variable, in the experiment. This is the variable that YOU DO
NOT manipulate. The dependent variable is often what you measure. Let’s use the
example above again. What are you measuring in the experiment? You are measuring
the temperature. The temperature might change if the color of the container is changed.
The temperature would be the dependent variable in the experiment because it may or
may not respond to the change you made in the color of the container, the independent
Variables that are NOT changed in an experiment are called constants. Except for the
independent variable that you are testing, you would keep everything else constant, or
the same. For example, we already know that the color of the container would be the
independent variable. But you would keep everything else constant (for example the
size of the container, the amount of water in each container, the place to keep the
container, the time). When reporting your results, you would say that “these variables
remained constant.”
Big Ideas 1 and 2
When scientists conduct an experiment, they need to be able to compare their results to
something. Let’s take the container example above. If you wanted to add a control to
determine if the color of the container—white, blue, or red—affects the temperature of
water, a clear container can be used as your control variable. You can also have a
group of clear containers as a control group.
Take a look at the following examples and identify the independent variable, dependent
variable, constants, and control variable or control group.
Michael put 100 red seeds, 100 brown seeds, and 100 yellow seeds into his bird
feeder. He counted the number of seeds of each color that remained after 2
Independent variable: ______________________________________________
Dependent variable: ________________________________________________
Constants: _______________________________________________________
Leticia timed how fast apple slices turned brown after being dipped in different
preservatives: lemon juice, fruit freshener, and lime soda.
Independent variable: ______________________________________________
Dependent variable: ________________________________________________
Constants: _______________________________________________________
What would Leticia use as a control variable or control group?
Big Ideas 1 and 2
Let’s brainstorm some ideas about measurement:
1. Name tools you can use to make measurements in science.
2. Name units you can use to make measurements in science.
3. What would you do if you wanted to know the distance around your whole school?
4. What would you do if you wanted to know the mass of 300 M&M’s?
Big Ideas 1 and 2
5. What would you do if you wanted to know how much water is in your fish tank?
6. What would you do if you wanted to know how hot or cold the water is in your fish
7. What would you do if you wanted to know how long it would take you to run around
your whole school backwards?
Big Ideas 1 and 2
Data Tables
Data tables are used to store and organize information collected during an investigation.
In most cases, the independent variable appears in the left column. If appropriate, the
units of measurement are included in parentheses with the independent variable. The
dependent variable, which sometimes includes multiple trials, is located in the next
column. The units of measurement should be included with the dependent variable as
well. The average, if needed, is in the far right column. Remember from your math class
that rows are a series of horizontal cells and columns are a series of vertical cells. An
example of a data table is below.
Variable (unit)
Dependent Variable (unit)
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Average (unit)
The title usually appears on the top of the data table. Make sure that the title clearly
states the purpose of the experiment. You can use the following guide to create your
The Effect of _______________ (the independent variable) on ______________
(the dependent variable).
The Effect of Different Fertilizers on Lima Bean Growth
Type of
All Purpose
Miracle Grow
Day 1
0 cm
0 cm
0 cm
Plant Height (cm)
Day 2
2.0 cm
0.5 cm
1.0 cm
Average (cm)
Day 3
2.4 cm
1.0 cm
1.6 cm
1.5 cm
0.5 cm
0.9 cm
Big Ideas 1 and 2
Let’s practice reading and making data tables.
Reading a Data Table
The Effect of the Type of Bird Feed on the Number of Birds
Type of Bird
Cracked Corn
Day 1
Number of Birds
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Average Number
of Birds
Using the data table, answer the following questions.
1. Which type of bird feed was the favorite choice of most birds? _________________
2. Which type of bird feed was the least favorite choice? _______________________
3. Which three types of bird feed would you combine to attract the most birds?
4. For how many days were the data collected? ______________________________
5. What were some variables that should have been held constant (for example, the
weather, time of day that the bird feed was put out, or anything else that might have
affected the outcome)?
6. What was the independent variable in this investigation? (Remember that the
independent variable is something that the investigator changes or tests.)
7. What was the dependent variable in this investigation? (Remember that the
dependent variable is something that the investigator chooses to measure or is
dependent on the independent variable.)
8. What is the title of the data table? ________________________________________
Big Ideas 1 and 2
Making a Data Table
The following data were collected using an electromagnet that was made using a
battery, a switch, a piece of insulated wire, and a nail. The investigator used the
electromagnet to pick up paperclips. She conducted three trials for each number of
Number of Coils
Number of Paperclips in Each Trial
3, 5, 4
7, 8, 6
11, 10, 12
15, 13, 14
Complete the data table below filling in the missing information.
The Effect of _________________________on the ___________________________
Number of
Trial 1
Trial 3
Number of
Big Ideas 1 and 2
You just learned that when scientists make observations during a science experiment,
they gather data or information about the experiment that helps them understand what
is happening. Observations involve using the five senses to understand the world
around you. Therefore, observations made by different people should be similar.
Scientists also make inferences when conducting science experiments. Inferences use
observations from an experiment to draw conclusions. When you make an inference,
you give meaning to your observations based on your prior knowledge or experiences.
When doing science experiments, making predictions is very important. Predictions are
statements that forecast what will happen in the future. You make a prediction and then
conduct an experiment or make an observation to see if your prediction is accurate.
When making predictions, it is important that the reasoning behind the predictions
makes sense.
To better understand the natural world, scientists conduct science investigations. One
type of science investigation is an experiment or science inquiry. When you use
experiments or science inquiry, you are engaging in many of the same activities and
thinking processes as scientists in laboratories.
Another type of science investigation is hands-on science. Hands-on science is learning
by doing. You are investigating with objects to better understand the world around you.
Scientists also develop models to understand the world around them. This type of
science investigation involves recreating a science phenomenon to examine what or
how something happens. Scientists often create models when what they want to
investigate is too far away, like other planets or too dangerous to explore, like the eye of
a hurricane.
While there are different ways to conduct science investigations, you will be conducting
experiments or science inquiry by using the inquiry framework found in this book. When
using the inquiry framework, you will be required to do the following:
• Question
• Plan
• Implement
• Conclude
• Report
• Extend Inquiry
• Apply
Big Ideas 1 and 2
Science inquiry involves more than just following step-by-step procedures. First, science
inquiry involves identifying and testing variables. Variables are things that can change in
an experiment. You change one independent variable at a time, choose one dependent
variable to measure, and keep all other variables the same or constant. Second, you
need to make sure that your measurements are accurate. Finally, you need to do
multiple trials of your experiment so that you can trust your results.
Science inquiry requires you to keep good records of what you do and find out. It is
important to keep good records so that you can interpret your data correctly and other
scientists can repeat your experiment to see if they get similar results.
Big Ideas 1 and 2
1. Chris wanted to find out what would make his tomato plants grow best. He set up an
experiment to find out and planted three little plants. He gave each plant different
amounts of water, fertilizer, and sunlight. The amounts are shown below.
Amounts per day
Plant 1
10 ml
2 grams
3 hours
Plant 2
15 ml
5 grams
6 hours
Plant 3
20 ml
10 grams
4 hours
What is the major error with the way Chris ran his experiment? What should he have
done to get better results?
2. Mr. Brown wonders how minerals affect animal growth and decides to conduct an
experiment with his chickens. He begins with 3 buckets containing exactly the same
amount of chicken feed and then adds the same amount of 2 different minerals to
two of the buckets. He adds calcium to one bucket, magnesium to another bucket,
and he doesn’t add any minerals to the third bucket. What scientific term is used to
describe the mineral placed in each bucket?
Dependent variable
Independent variable
Big Ideas 1 and 2
Equal masses of paper towel were used to soak up water from a cup. Which
question can be answered from the information above?
Which paper
Which paper
Which paper
Which paper
towel is the best buy?
towel is most absorbent?
towel is the most colorful?
towel is safest for the environment?
The table indicates the amount of time that four different brands of batteries worked
in a flashlight. Which of the following statements is supported by this information?
Brand L caused the light to shine farther than the other brands tested.
Brand M lasted longer than the other brands tested.
Brand N gave off a stronger light than the other brands tested.
Brand O was more expensive than the other brands tested.
Big Ideas 1 and 2
5. Alejandro wants to find out whether mealworms prefer apples or pears. He places an
apple slice at one end of a cardboard box and a pear slice at the other end. He then
places 20 mealworms in the center of the box, about 15 centimeters (cm) from each
piece of fruit. After several hours, he counts the mealworms on or under the apple,
the mealworms on or under the pear, and the mealworms not touching either the
apple or the pear. Alejandro repeated his experiment four times. The data are
recorded in the table shown below.
Which of the following is the best conclusion that Alejandro can make from these
Mealworms prefer pears.
Mealworms prefer apples.
Mealworms do not prefer apples or pears.
Mealworms do not go near apples or pears.
Big Ideas 1 and 2
Big Idea 8 Properties of Matter
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.5.P.8.1 –
Compare and contrast the basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases,
such as mass, volume, color, texture, and temperature.
SC.5.P.8.3 –
Demonstrate and explain that mixtures of solids can be separated based
on observable properties of their parts such as particle size, shape,
color, and magnetic attraction.
1. balance
2. Celsius
3. centimeter
4. Fahrenheit
5. graduated cylinder
6. gram
7. gravity
8. inch
9. length
10. mass
11. matter
12. measure
13. meniscus
14. milliliter
15. mixture
16. ruler
17. spring scale
18. states of matter
19. temperature
20. thermometer
21. volume
22. weight
cilindro graduado
pesa de muelles
estados de la materia
Haitian Creole
silend kalibre
eta matyè yo
When using science inquiry, it is very important to measure accurately. You use
different tools to measure in science. Different tools use different units of measurement.
Big Idea 8
In science and throughout most of the world, people measure using the metric system.
The metric system uses units like the meter, liter, and gram. Except in science, the
United States uses a system called the customary system. The customary system uses
units like the foot, gallon, and pound. You will learn about both systems in this
introductory chapter, but will use the metric system throughout the rest of the book.
Science inquiry requires that we make different kinds of measurements. Here is an
activity to help you learn to measure how long something is, or its length.
To measure the length of an object, we would use a ruler or meter stick. Look at the
ruler shown below. See the two sets of numbers? They both are for measuring length.
One set uses the customary system, and the unit of measurement is called inches
(in). The other uses the metric system, and the unit of measurement is called
centimeters (cm). Remember that these are two different systems. They are both
correct, but use different units. Using these two systems is like speaking two languages,
just like many of us do. When doing science inquiry, you will be using the metric system.
For example, using the ruler below, the length of the arrow is 4 cm.
When you use a ruler or meter stick, it is important to use it correctly. First, it is
important to measure an object on a flat surface. Next, if there is a “0” marked on your
ruler, you need to put the edge of what you are measuring on the “0”. If there is no “0”,
you need to line up the edge of what you are measuring with the very edge of the ruler.
Let’s practice using a ruler. What is the length of each pencil to the nearest centimeter?
Big Idea 8
Activity 1: How Can You Measure the Lengths of Objects?
You will measure the lengths of items using the customary (in) and metric units (cm).
Measure the lengths to the nearest ¼ inch and 0.1 centimeter. An inch is divided into 16
parts, and a centimeter is divided into 10 parts. Which unit of measurement do you think
would be easier to use in science? Explain your reasoning.
Materials (per small group):
• 1 ruler or meter stick that measures in both metric (in) and customary (cm) units
Procedures: Look at the objects listed in the table below. Follow the steps.
1. Estimate the length of the first object in inches (in) and centimeters (cm).
2. Record the estimated length of the first object in inches and centimeters.
3. Measure the actual length of the first object in inches and centimeters.
4. Record the actual length of the first object in inches and centimeters.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the remaining objects.
Estimated length
Actual length
Length of textbook
Length of desk top
Length of student’s little finger
Distance (length) from student’s
wrist to elbow
Distance (length) from student’s
elbow to shoulder
Mass and Weight
Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Unlike weight, the mass of an object does
not change even if gravity changes. Your mass on Earth would be the same as your
mass on the moon. How would you find out the mass of an object? You would use a
balance like the one shown on the next page. The unit of mass in the metric system is a
gram (g). For your science inquiry, you will be using the unit gram to measure mass (for
example 15 g).
Big Idea 8
Activity 2: How Can You Measure the Masses of Objects?
You will measure the masses of four different objects to the nearest gram. You may
have to make several attempts using different combinations of weights to find a state of
Materials (per small group):
• 1 balance
• mass set
Procedures: Choose four small objects to measure. Follow the steps below.
1. Estimate the mass of the first object in grams (g).
2. Record the estimated mass of the first object in grams.
3. To calibrate the scale, make sure that the balance indicator is initially set at the
midpoint line without any weights or objects on the pans.
4. Measure the mass of the first object in grams (g).
5. Record the actual mass of the first object in grams.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for each object.
Estimated mass
Actual mass
grams (g)
grams (g)
Big Idea 8
Now that you know how to find the mass of an object, let’s talk about the difference
between mass and weight. Weight is the measure of the pull of the force of gravity on
an object. Unlike mass, weight changes when the force of gravity changes. Weight
scales come in different shapes and sizes. Some scales, like the one you may have
seen at a doctor’s office, are large enough for a person to stand on. Other scales, like
the ones used at a supermarket, weigh lighter objects such as fruits, vegetables, or
In order to figure out the weight of an object, you would use a spring scale shown
below. A spring scale measures how heavy an object is in grams or how many units of
force are used to lift an object.
Before using a spring scale you must always make
sure that it starts on zero. Weight is measured in
special units called Newtons (N). The amount of
change that you see in the spring scale’s length will
indicate the object’s weight in Newtons. Gently pull
down on the hook at the bottom of a spring scale
and practice reading different numbers of Newtons.
Weight can change if the mass or the force of
gravity changes. For example, since there is more
gravity on Earth than the moon, your weight on
Earth would be greater than your weight on the
Zero Newtons
Big Idea 8
To do science, you also need to understand
volume. When we want to know how much space
matter takes up, we measure the volume. Look
at the picture of a graduated cylinder. The
graduated cylinder is a tool that is used to
measure the volume of a liquid. The unit for
measuring the volume of a liquid in the metric
system is the milliliter (mL).
In order to obtain accurate measurements, it is
important that you place the graduated cylinder
on a flat surface. It is also important to observe
the liquid at eye level and read the marking at the
bottom of the curve. This curve is called the
Look at the graduated cylinder below.
The bottom of the curve is represented by the “Flat surface of water.” What is the
volume of the liquid in the graduated cylinder? If you said 38 milliliters (mL), you are
Big Idea 8
Activity 3: How Can You Measure the Volume of Solids?
Find the volume of 2 balls using the water displacement method.
Materials (per small group):
• 1 graduated cylinder
• water
• 2 balls
1. Add 100 mL of water to a 250 mL graduated cylinder. Record this amount in the
2. Add 2 balls to the cylinder and measure the volume. Record this amount in the
3. Find the difference between the two measurements and record in the table.
4. The difference between the two measurements will be the volume of the 2 balls.
Volume of Water
Before Adding
Two Balls
Volume of Water
After Adding
Two Balls
Difference in
Volume of Two
Based on the volume of the two balls, can you predict the volume of one ball? Explain
Volume is one physical property of matter. It is a measure of how much space an object
takes up. Volume of regular solids can be calculated using a ruler. For example, using
a ruler, the volume of a rectangular object can be measured by calculating length x
weight x height. The volume of an irregular solid (for example a ball or a toy car) can
be calculated using the water displacement method you just used.
Let’s think about the weather.
Is it hot outside today?
Is it usually hotter in winter or summer?
Is it usually cooler on a cloudy day or a sunny day?
Big Idea 8
Where are the coldest places on Earth?
Where are the hottest places on Earth?
We use the word temperature when we talk about how cold or hot something is. Look
at the thermometer below. You will see it has two measurement systems. One unit for
measuring temperature is called Celsius (°C) and the other is called Fahrenheit (°F).
Celsius is part of the metric system, and Fahrenheit is part of the customary system.
The top of the red liquid shows the temperature.
Below, the left thermometer shows the temperature at which water freezes – 0°C or
32°F. The right thermometer shows the temperature at which water boils – 100°C or
212°F. Although each pair of readings looks very different, they indicate the same
Materials (per small group):
• 1 thermometer that measures in both metric (°C) and customary (°F) units
Big Idea 8
Let’s investigate how the thermometer works. Place your finger gently on the bulb at the
bottom of the thermometer for 30 seconds. What happens to the red liquid in the tube?
Now take your finger off the bulb and wait 30 seconds. What happens to the red liquid?
As the temperature gets warmer, the liquid rises or goes up in the tube. As the
temperature gets colder, the liquid in the tube falls or goes down. You can see why it is
important to keep your finger off the bulb of the thermometer when you are measuring
the temperature of something. Also, when you measure from one object to the next, you
have to wait for about 2 minutes until the red liquid goes back to the original place. In
addition, it is important to read the red line on your thermometer at eye level.
Look at the 0 point on the Celsius unit and the 0 point on the Fahrenheit unit on each of
the thermometers on the previous page. The numbers below the 0 point are called
negative numbers. The further below 0 the red line gets, the colder it is. For example, 30 (minus 30) degrees Celsius is colder than -10 degrees Celsius. Numbers below zero
are read, for example, as 10 degrees below zero or -10 (minus 10) degrees.
The red liquid in your thermometer is alcohol. The silver liquid in some thermometers,
like the ones scientists use, is mercury. Both of these liquids expand when heated. This
is why you see the liquid go up when the temperature is warmer.
Activity 4: How Can You Measure Different Water Temperatures?
With the members of your group, measure the temperature of water and complete the
table below. Observe each item for 2 minutes before you read the thermometer and
record the temperature. Remember to wait 2 minutes before using the thermometer to
make other measurements.
Materials (per small group):
• 1 cup of cold water
• 1 cup of hot water
• 1 cup of warm water
• thermometer
Degrees Celsius
Degrees Fahrenheit
b. Hot water
c. Warm water
a. Cold water
Big Idea 8
The table below summarizes the measurement instruments and units used in both the
metric and customary systems. Remember to use the metric system in science and in
this textbook.
Measurement Instruments and Units
Unit (Metric)
Unit (Customary)
centimeters (cm)
inches (in)
measuring tape
meters (m)
yards (yd)
grams (g)
ounces (oz)
kilograms (kg)
pounds (lb)
measuring cup
milliliters (mL)
fluid ounces (fl oz)
graduated cylinder
liters (l)
gallons (gal)
degrees Celsius (°C)
degrees Fahrenheit (°F)
Three States of Matter
We want to answer the questions:
a. What is matter?
b. What are three states of matter? How can you tell one state from another?
c. What are some of the different tools used by scientists to measure some of the
different properties of matter? What property does each tool measure?
To determine whether an object is matter or not, you need to examine the object by
considering two questions. First, does it have mass? Second, does it take up space?
Matter has mass and takes up space.
Matter exists in three basic states: solid, liquid and gas. You will learn more about the
properties of solids, liquids and gases in Big Idea 9. To classify each object as one of
three states of matter, you need to examine its shape. Does it have a definite shape,
or does it change its shape? Shape is a physical property of matter.
Scientists use different tools such as a ruler, a balance, a graduated cylinder, or a
thermometer to measure different physical properties of matter. Other examples of
physical properties of matter are length, mass/weight, volume, and temperature.
Different tools are used to measure specific properties. For example, a balance
measures mass and a spring scale measures weight.
Big Idea 8
Activity 5: Is It Matter?
For each of the substances in the table, answer the questions in the first two columns.
Use those answers to decide if the substance is matter or not. For the substances that
are matter, decide what state of matter they are at room temperature.
Does it have
Yes or No?
Does it take
up space?
Yes or No?
Is it matter?
Yes or No?
If it is matter, what
state is it?
(solid, liquid, or gas)
ice cubes
Solids, liquids, and gases are different states of matter. These different states of matter
can form different kinds of mixtures. A mixture is made from two or more substances
that are physically blended together. Mixtures are not chemically combined. This means
that the mixing of two or more substances does not create a new substance that is
Big Idea 8
different from the ones mixed. It also means that the substances in a mixture can be
separated from one another by different physical means.
Some mixtures are made of solid ingredients, and they are called solid mixtures.
Breakfast cereal made of flakes, raisins, nuts, and bananas is a solid mixture. A bowl of
nuts containing cashews, walnuts, almonds, and pecans is also a solid mixture. In these
mixtures you can easily separate its components by picking them out.
Breakfast Cereal
Bowl of Nuts
Other mixtures are a combination of two or more liquids. For example, if you combine
lemonade with iced tea, the result is a liquid mixture. There are also mixtures that are a
combination of solid and liquid. The ocean is an example of this. Salt and other small
particles (solids) are mixed together with the water (liquid). If you put some ocean water
in a pail and look at it very closely, you may see many different small solid particles
floating in the water. Chicken noodle and vegetable soups are also mixtures of both
solid and liquid ingredients. Are you able to separate the vegetables from the broth in a
Mixtures can also be made of gases. For example, the air in the Earth’s atmosphere is a
mixture of nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases.
Are you able to tell the different gases apart with the naked eye?
Big Idea 8
When you physically combine two or more materials, you make a mixture. Mixtures can
also be taken apart or separated back into their original ingredients. Substances in a
mixture may have different physical properties. Physical properties are different
characteristics of a substance, like size, color, texture, or magnetism.
In this activity you will start with a mixture of different solid materials. Then, you will
investigate to determine if you can use the physical properties of the materials to
separate the mixture.
Activity 6: Separating Salt, Sand, and Iron Filings
1. Questioning
Inquiry Framework
State the problem
How can you use physical properties (color, size, shape,
temperature, magnetism, or state) to separate a mixture of
salt, sand, and iron filings?
Make a prediction (or hypothesis)
Physical properties can be used to separate a mixture of
salt, sand, and iron filings.
Physical properties can be used to separate some of the
solids in the mixture.
Physical properties cannot be used to separate any of the
solids in the mixture.
2. Planning
Read the materials and procedures
a. Do I have all of the necessary materials?
b. Have I read the procedures?
c. Summarize the procedures in your own words.
Big Idea 8
3. Implementing
Gather the materials
1 cup with a mixture of salt, sand, and iron filings
3 index cards
2 plastic spoons
1 magnet in a sealed plastic bag
1 cone-shaped coffee filter
100 mL of water in a graduated cylinder
1 hand lens
1 paper towel
1 pair of safety goggles
2 plastic cups
Follow the procedures
Spread out the mixture on one of the index cards. Use the
hand lens to observe the mixture and identify the salt,
sand, and iron filings. How can you tell their differences?
Place the magnet in the sealed plastic bag under the
index card. Move the magnet around under the mixture on
the index card. Slowly pull the magnet to the edge of the
index card. Make sure that you keep all the ingredients of
the mixture on the index card. Repeat this several times
until you have separated one of the ingredients from the
mixture. The student doing this part should wear the
safety goggles.
Big Idea 8
Carefully brush only the separated particles onto a
clean index card.
Use the hand lens to observe the particles that were
separated out of the solid mixture. Record your
observations in the data table below.
Put the remaining mixture back into the plastic cup. Pour
100 mL of water into the cup with the mixture. Stir it for 10
seconds with a plastic spoon.
Put the cone-shaped coffee filter in the other plastic cup.
Pour the mixture in the cup through the coffee filter in the
other cup. Use the plastic spoon to scrape out all of the
mixture from the cup.
Carefully remove the coffee filter from the cup. Open up the
filter. Use the hand lens to observe what is in the coffee
filter. Record your observations in the data table below.
Use the hand lens to observe what is in the second plastic
cup. Record your observations in the data table below.
Leave the cup in a sunny window for several days. Use
the hand lens to observe what is in the cup now. Record
your observations in the data table below.
Record and analyze your observations
• What do you observe when you use
the magnet to separate the solid
• Which particles are separated out of
the solid mixture by using the
• When you stir water into the mixture
and pour it through the coffee filter,
what do you observe?
• What is the solid material in the
coffee filter?
• What do you observe in the cup after
you pour the mixture and water
through the coffee filter?
Big Idea 8
• What do you think is left in the cup?
• What do you observe in the cup after
it has been left in the window for
several days?
4. Concluding
Draw a conclusion
What did you find out? Check the correct conclusion:
Physical properties can be used to separate a mixture of
salt, sand, and iron filings.
Physical properties can be used to separate some of the
solids in the mixture.
Physical properties cannot be used to separate any of the
solids in the mixture.
Compare what you thought would happen with what actually
happened. Did the results support your hypothesis?
5. Reporting
Share your results
What do you want to tell others about the activity?
Talk with your group members about what you did and what you
Produce a report
Record what you did so others can learn. Write the answer to
the following question:
How did you use physical properties to separate a mixture of
salt, sand, and iron filings? In your answer, be sure to describe
the physical properties that you used to separate them.
Big Idea 8
6. Inquiry Extension Reflect on your results
• If I would do this activity again, how would I improve it?
• What would be a good follow-up experiment based on
what I learned?
7. Application
Make connections
• How does this activity relate to what happens in the real
• How could I apply the results in new situations?
In this activity you learned that materials can be separated according to differences in
their physical properties. Some of the physical properties you used in this activity
included (1) whether or not a substance was magnetic and (2) whether or not a
substance dissolved in water. Iron is a magnetic solid and does not dissolve in water.
Salt is not a magnetic solid but dissolves in water. Sand is not a magnetic solid and
does not dissolve in water. Did a chemical change occur? Because you were able to
physically separate the materials back into their original components (sand, salt, iron), a
chemical change did not occur.
Big Idea 8
You learned that scientists use many different kinds of tools to carry out their
investigations. Some of these tools help you measure different physical properties of
Ruler or meter stick – to measure length
Balance – to measure mass
Spring scale – to measure weight
Graduated cylinder – to measure volume of a liquid
Thermometer – to measure temperature
The world around us is made of matter. Matter takes up space and has mass. Your
body, trees, the oceans, air, and clouds are examples of matter. These all take up
space and have mass. Things around us that do not take up space and do not have
mass are not matter. These are called forms of energy. They include electricity, heat,
light, and sound.
On Earth, most matter exists in three basic states: solid, liquid, and gas (vapor). A rock
is a solid because it retains its shape. Water is a liquid because it changes shape when
moved from one container to another. Gases also change shape easily, but completely
fill the container that they are put into. For example, when you blow air (gas) into a
balloon, the air takes the shape of the balloon and fills the balloon.
Note: Sometimes we use the word gas to refer to gasoline. The term gas in this unit
does not mean gasoline. It means the gaseous state (vapor).
In this chapter you learned about mixtures. A mixture is created when two or more kinds
of matter are physically mixed. There are many different types of mixtures. Trail mix, a
tossed salad, a bag of assorted candy, and breakfast cereal are all examples. Air is a
mixture of different gases. Different states of matter – solids, liquids, and gases – can all
be combined to form mixtures.
In Activity 6 you learned that because mixtures are physically but not chemically
combined, they can be separated back into their parts. Some mixtures can be
separated using your hands. Other mixtures can be separated with magnets. Some
mixtures can be separated using a filter, as you did in Activity 6. Mixtures can also be
separated by using nets, strainers, and evaporation (heating).
Big Idea 8
1. Joshua wants to study his pet gerbil, Gizmo, for his science fair
project. His uncle is helping him to build a cage for Gizmo.
a. What tool would Joshua use to measure the length of the
cage? ________________
b. What metric unit should he use to record the length? _____________________
c. What measuring tool would Joshua use to measure the volume of water Gizmo
drinks each day? ___________________
d. What metric unit should he use to record the volume of the water?
e. What measuring tool would Joshua use to measure the mass of food Gizmo eats
each day? ____________________
f. What metric unit should he use to record the mass
of the food?
g. Joshua needs to measure the temperature of Gizmo’s environment to make sure
it is not too hot and not too cold. What measuring tool should he use to do this?
h. What metric unit should he use to record the temperature? _________________
2. When Simòne stirred Kool-Aid® into water, the powder disappeared and she could
see through the colored liquid. How would you explain what happened to the
powdered Kool-Aid® once it was added to the water?
Big Idea 8
3. Name two examples of a mixture. Explain how you know these are mixtures.
4. Raheem is investigating the properties of several substances. He prepared a beaker
containing substances J, K, and L and filtered the contents through a funnel into a
flask, as shown below.
What term best describes substances J, K, and L inside the beaker before Raheem
poured them through the filter paper?
Big Idea 8
5. Henry is measuring the mass of four different blocks with letters on them. Look at
the pictures below.
Which block has the greatest mass?
Block A
Block B
Block C
Block D
6. Which of the following is NOT matter?
Cotton candy
Explain your reasoning.
Big Idea 8
7. A student added a small ball to a graduated cylinder containing 10 milliliters of water.
What is the volume of the ball?
a. 5 mL
b. 10 mL
c. 15 mL
d. 20 mL
8. A student pushed a toy car from Point W to Point X in 3 seconds.
Which statement best describes the distance the car traveled?
The car
The car
The car
The car
traveled 2 meters.
traveled 2.5 meters.
traveled for 3 seconds.
traveled 3 meters per second.
Big Idea 8
Big Idea 9 Changes in Matter
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.5.P.9.1 –
Investigate and describe that many physical and chemical changes are
affected by temperature.
1. atom
3. chemical change
4. chemical reaction
5. combine
6. condense
7. dissolve
8. element
9. evaporate
10. freeze
11. gas
12. liquid
13. matter
14. melt
15. molecule
16. physical change
17. solid
18. temperature
cambio químico
reacción química
cambio físico
Haitian Creole
chanjman chimik
reyaksyon chimik
chanjman fizik
Link to Prior Knowledge
You have learned that matter has mass and takes up space. You also know that matter
exists in three basic states: solid, liquid and gas. Substances can change from one form
to another. To classify which of the three states of matter an object is in, you can
examine if the object has a definite shape or if its shape changes. In this chapter we
want you to investigate changes that matter can undergo.
1. Think about a burned piece of paper. Do you think you could return it to its
original form? How could you do it?
2. Think about a crumpled-up piece of paper. Do you think you could return it to its
original form? How could you do it?
3. Think about an old rusty nail. Do you think you can separate the nail from the
rust? How could you do it?
Big Idea 9
In this chapter, you will answer the following questions:
• How is a chemical change different from a physical change?
• How can you prove that a gas has formed if it is invisible?
• How does temperature affect physical and chemical changes?
Elements, Atoms, and Molecules
Elements and Atoms
You have learned that matter is all around us. All matter is composed of elements,
which have their own set of properties. For example, gold is an element that has a
unique physical property of 19.3 g/cm3 as its density. Elements are physical substances
that are made of a single type of atom. All objects, or matter, are made up of atoms.
Objects are different because they are made up of different kinds of atoms. For
example, table salt and sugar are similar because both are made up of a combination of
atoms. They are different because table salt is a combination of sodium atoms and
chlorine atoms, and sugar is a combination of carbon atoms, hydrogen atoms, and
oxygen atoms.
Molecules are collections of atoms joined together by bonds. Bonds are the
connections between atoms that keep the atoms together. A molecule can be made of
multiple atoms of the same element. For example, a molecule of Hydrogen, H 2 , is made
of two hydrogen atoms. A molecule can also be made of atoms of more than one
element. For example, a water molecule (H 2 O) is made of two Hydrogen atoms and one
Oxygen atom.
An Oxygen atom (larger)
bonded with Hydrogen atoms
(smaller) to make a molecule
of water (H2O).
Big Idea 9
Atoms and molecules are difficult to think about because they are extremely small. Even
with the most powerful microscopes in the world, scientists cannot clearly see most
atoms. Objects at the atomic level are so small that our present-day understanding of
“small” is not enough to help us conceptualize how small atoms are.
Physical Changes
When a physical change occurs, the substance keeps its identity. In other words,
physical changes are changes that do not result in the formation of a new substance.
A physical change has occurred when a substance changes color, size, shape,
temperature, or state.
For example, if an ice cube melts, you still have water (H 2 O). You do not form a new
substance. Some common physical changes you have seen are freezing, melting,
breaking, cutting, and bending. When you do any of these things to an object, you are
changing what the object looks like, but you are not changing what the object is made of.
States of Matter
Remember that matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space. As of
1995, scientists have identified five states of matter: solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, and
Bose-Einstein condensates. However, we are going to talk only about solids, liquids,
and gases. These three states of matter exist because of the arrangement and motion
of their atoms or molecules.
Solids are usually hard. This is because their molecules are very close together. The
closer the molecules are, the harder the solid. For example, a book and a sheet of
paper are both solids. Because the molecules are closer together in the books, it is
harder than the sheet of paper. A solid also holds its own shape. A rock is an example
of a solid. If you move a rock from place to place, its shape does not change. Also, if
you break a rock in half, it is still a solid although the shape has changed. When enough
heat is added to a solid, it changes to a liquid.
The second state of matter is a liquid. Molecules in a liquid are not as closely packed
as those in a solid. They are a little more spread out and able to move past each other.
As a result, liquids take the shape of the container they are in. Water is an example of a
liquid. If you pour some water into a cup, the water will take the shape of the cup. If you
pour water, into a glass, it will take the shape of the glass. When enough heat is added
to a liquid, it changes to a gas.
The third state of matter is a gas. Unlike solids and liquids, the molecules in a gas are
very spread out. They are constantly moving and bouncing around. A gas can fill a
container of any shape or size. For example, when you blow air (gas) into a balloon, the
Big Idea 9
air takes the shape of the balloon and fills the balloon. Gases are all around us, but
many gases are invisible. Carbon dioxide and helium are examples of a gas.
Changes in States of Matter
Substances can change from one state, or phase, of matter to another by heating and
cooling. This is called a physical change. For example, when ice (a solid) is heated
enough, it becomes water (a liquid). When water is heated enough, it becomes water
vapor (a gas). When water is cooled enough, it turns back to ice. Heating or cooling
causes a substance to change from one state to another. It is the same substance, but
in a different state.
Add Heat
You have seen changes in state and probably know most of the words to describe these
changes. When a solid changes into a liquid, we say the solid melts. When a liquid
changes into a solid, we say the liquid freezes. When a liquid changes into a gas, we
say the liquid evaporates. When a gas changes into a liquid, we say the gas
condenses. The diagram on the next page illustrates this process.
Big Idea 9
Activity 1: Dissolving Sugar in Warm Water and Water at Room Temperature
In this activity you will compare what happens when you dissolve sugar in warm water
and water at room temperature.
Materials (per small group):
• 2 clear plastic cups
• 1 graduated cylinder
• 150 mL of warm water
• 150 mL of water at room temperature
• 2 sugar cubes
• 1 hand lens
• 1 paper towel
1. Place a sugar cube on a paper towel. Use the hand lens to observe the cube.
2. Fill one plastic cup with 150 mL of warm water.
3. Fill one plastic cup with 150 mL of water at room temperature.
4. Place one sugar cube into the cup with warm water and one sugar cube into the
cup with water at room temperature. Make sure to put both cubes in the cups
at the same time. Let the cups sit undisturbed for 1 minute while you make
5. Use your eyes and the hand lens to observe the cups. Note any differences in
how the sugar cubes look in each cup.
6. Record your observations in the data table.
Big Idea 9
The Effect of _________________________ on _________________________
Sugar Cube in
Warm Water
Qualitative Observations
Sugar Cube in
Water at Room
1. In what ways did the sugar behave differently when it was added to the cups with the
different water temperatures?
2. What is the purpose of the cup of water at room temperature?
Big Idea 9
3. What would you expect to happen if you put another sugar cube in a cup with cold
water? Explain your reasoning.
In this activity, you added sugar to warm water and water at room temperature. The
sugar broke down (dissolved) more quickly when placed in the cup with warm water.
The temperature of the water affected how quickly the physical change of the sugar
occurred. The sugar and water is a special mixture called a solution. A solution is an
example of a physical change because you are able to separate the water from the
sugar again.
How could you separate the water from the sugar?
There are many factors that can affect the rate of physical change. Solids dissolve more
quickly in warmer liquids. So temperature is a factor that can affect the rate of a physical
change. Can you think of other ways to make a solid dissolve more quickly?
Stirring is one way to make a solid dissolve more quickly. In the activity above, what
changes would you see if you were allowed to stir the sugar and water?
Let’s think about the experiment again. If you put a sugar cube in one cup of warm
water and a sugar packet of the same mass in another cup of warm water, which would
dissolve faster? Explain your reasoning.
If you said the sugar packet would dissolve faster, you’re right! The sugar in the packet
has a greater surface area than the sugar cube. Surface area refers to the amount of
exposed space around a substance, such as a sugar cube. The greater the surface
area of a substance, the faster it dissolves.
Big Idea 9
Chemical Changes
Remember that in a physical change, you can always find a way to get a substance
back to its original state. In the previous activity, if you let the water evaporate from the
cup, you will be left with the same amount (mass) of solid sugar you started with. If you
leave an ice cube tray out, the water melts. You can then put this water in a freezer, and
the water (liquid) will return to ice (solid). The mass of the ice will be the same as the
mass of the water.
Unlike physical changes, chemical changes are changes that result in the formation of
a new substance. For example, when an iron (Fe) nail rusts, the iron is changed into a
new substance called iron oxide (Fe2 O 3 ), which was not part of the original iron nail. A
compound is created when two or more substances (reactants) are chemically
combined. In the case of the nail, a chemical reaction takes place that combines iron
from the nail and oxygen from the air. A new substance (product) is formed, which is
rust (iron oxide). Some other chemical changes you have probably seen or heard about
are photosynthesis, cooking, digestion, burning, and decaying of animals or plants.
It is not easy to tell if a substance has undergone a chemical change. What are some
signs that a chemical change has occurred? Some signs include:
• a change in color,
• formation of a gas,
• formation of a solid, and
• a change in temperature.
For example, look at the two paragraphs above. We know that a chemical change
occurs when iron rusts, but what evidence do you have that the iron has changed
chemically? You can tell that the iron has rusted because a change of color has
occurred – the gray metal turned brownish-red. Another example of chemical change
happens when a banana turns from yellow to brown, which is a sign of decomposition.
You have to be careful, though, when identifying a chemical change. Mixing Kool-Aid™
with water changes the color of the water, but it is a physical change because you can
separate the two substances.
Big Idea 9
Activity 2: What Changes Occur When Vinegar and Baking Soda Combine?
Predict what you expect to see, hear, feel, and/or smell when vinegar and baking soda
Materials (per small group):
• 1 clear plastic soda or water bottle
• 50 mL of vinegar at room temperature
• 1 graduated cylinder
• 1 medium balloon
• 1 funnel
• 2 teaspoons of baking soda
• balance
1. Use the balance to find the mass of the empty plastic bottle. Record in the data
table below.
2. Measure 50 mL of vinegar into a graduated cylinder. Pour the vinegar into the
plastic bottle. Use the balance to find the mass of the plastic bottle plus vinegar.
3. Calculate the mass of the vinegar by subtracting column 1 from column 2.
4. Use the balance to find the mass of the empty balloon. Record.
5. Using the funnel, carefully pour 2 teaspoons of baking soda into the balloon. Use
the balance to find the mass of the balloon plus baking soda. Record.
6. Calculate the mass of the baking soda by subtracting column 1 from column 2.
Calculating the Mass
1. Mass of empty plastic
_________ g
4. Mass of empty
_________ g
2. Mass of plastic bottle + vinegar 3. Mass of vinegar
_________ g
5. Mass of balloon+ baking soda
_________ g
_________ g
6. Mass of baking soda
_________ g
Big Idea 9
7. Twist the balloon to keep the baking soda inside the top of the balloon.
8. Without spilling any of the baking soda, stretch the mouth of the balloon over the
mouth of the bottle.
9. Turn the balloon completely upright, so that the baking soda inside the balloon
pours into the bottle with the vinegar.
10. Record your observations based on what you saw, heard, felt, and/or smelled
when the vinegar and baking soda combined.
Draw a picture of before and after the vinegar and baking soda combined.
What did the bottle look like before
the vinegar and baking soda combined?
What did the bottle look like after
the vinegar and baking soda combined?
Big Idea 9
1. Did the combination of baking soda and vinegar form new product(s) in the form of a
solid, liquid, or gas? How do you know?
2. Are the vinegar and the baking soda undergoing a physical or a chemical change?
Explain your reasoning.
3. Predict how the chemical change in this activity would be affected by an increase in
temperature of the vinegar. Think back to the experiment in which you dissolved
sugar in warm water and the example of food spoiling outside of the refrigerator.
You have just observed a chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda. Signs
that a chemical reaction took place included bubbles, fizzing sound, formation of a white
solid, temperature change, and inflation of the balloon. In a chemical reaction, the
substances that you start with (the reactants) are different from the substances you
finish with (the products). In this activity, the reactants were the baking soda and
vinegar. The products were water, carbon dioxide (gas), and a kind of salt called sodium
acetate (white solid). You also thought about the effect of temperature on the rate of a
chemical change. Increasing temperatures usually increases reaction rates and
decreasing temperatures usually decreases reaction rates. Let’s look at some examples
to recognize the difference between physical and chemical change.
Big Idea 9
What is Changing?
Examine the changes that are occurring in each picture below. Tell what is changing.
Then decide if the change is a chemical change or physical change.
What is changing?
What kind of change?
A car wreck
Melting ice cream
Wood burning
Food spoiling (an example of decomposition) is a chemical change . Based on what
you know about how temperature affects physical change, explain why we store some
foods in a refrigerator rather than at room temperature.
Big Idea 9
Physical changes in matter occur when there is a change in the form or appearance of a
substance that does not change it into a new substance. For example, cutting a sheet of
paper with scissors is an example of a physical change. Tearing, bending, and phase
changes are also examples of physical changes.
You learned about the three states of matter (solids, liquids and gases) and how matter
can change from one state to another by adding or removing heat. When a solid
changes into a liquid, the solid melts. When a liquid changes into a solid, the liquid
freezes. When a liquid changes into a gas, the liquid evaporates. When a gas changes
into a liquid, the gas condenses. These are examples of physical changes.
Chemical changes are changes that produce a new substance that was not present
before the chemical reaction took place. The mixture of vinegar and baking soda in
Activity 3 is an example of a chemical change. In a chemical change you may see
changes in color or temperature or the formation of a gas or a solid. You may be familiar
with some of the common examples of chemical changes, including cooking, digestion,
photosynthesis, burning, and decaying of animals or plants.
Big Idea 9
1. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. Some of the words will not be used.
Any substance that has _________________ and takes up space is called matter.
Matter can be described and identified by physical and chemical properties.
Physical _________________ have to do with appearance. You can observe many
physical properties with your senses and by measuring the length,
_________________, mass, and temperature of a substance.
_________________properties also include color, shape, smell, texture, taste and
size. The state of matter (whether it’s a solid, _________________, or gas) and the
_________________at which a substance melts or freezes are also physical
properties. When a physical change has occurred, the new substance
_________________ be changed back to its original state. A physical change has
occurred when a substance changes size, color, shape, temperature or state. A
_________________ change has occurred when substances combine to make
something new. When a chemical change has occurred, the new substance
_________________be changed back to its original state. Digestion,
_________________, and photosynthesis are examples of chemical changes.
2. During evaporation, which change best describes what happens to water?
A gas changes to a liquid.
A gas changes to a solid.
A liquid changes to a gas.
A liquid changes to a solid.
Big Idea 9
3. Which of the following represents a chemical reaction?
A sugar cube dissolving in water
Ice cubes forming in a freezer
Ice cream melting in a bowl
A cake baking in an oven
4. Which phase of matter has definite volume, but no definite shape?
5. Which two properties of a crayon will stay about the same after the crayon is
Shape and physical state
Temperature and hardness
Color and mass
Thickness and texture
6. The circles in the bottles represent the same particles of matter.
Which pattern of particles represents a gas in a bottle?
Big Idea 9
In which beaker of water will sugar dissolve the fastest?
Beaker 2
Beaker 4
Beaker 1
Beaker 3
Big Idea 9
Big Idea 13 Forces and Changes in Motion
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.5.P.13.1 – Identify familiar forces that cause objects to move, such as pushes or
pulls, including gravity acting on falling objects.
SC.5.P.13.2 – Investigate and describe that the greater the force applied to it, the
greater the change in motion of a given object.
1. acceleration
2. attract
3. distance
4. force
balanced forces
unbalanced forces
net force
5. friction
6. gravity
7. inertia
8. magnetic
9. magnetism
10. motion
11. position
12. repel
13. pull
14. push
15. speed
fuerzas equilibradas
fuerzas desequilibradas
fuerza neta
Haitian Creole
fòs balance/fòs egal
fòs inegal
fòs nèt
inèsi (prensip fizik)
Link to Prior Knowledge
You have learned that scientists use an inquiry framework as they plan and conduct
investigations. As you do inquiry you need to make sure that your measurements are
accurate and that you keep good records. This will allow you to analyze your data well
and allow other scientists to repeat your work.
In this chapter we will be exploring how we can describe and measure the motion of
objects. We will also begin to explore the effects of forces on motion. We will be
answering the following questions:
Big Idea 13
How can we measure motion?
How do forces affect the motion of objects?
When measuring force and motion in this chapter, you will need to analyze your data in
a meaningful way. Graphs are a good way to visually represent your data. Before
displaying your data, it is important to consider which type of graph is most appropriate.
In this book you will use bar graphs and line graphs. Let’s take a closer look at reporting
accurate measurements with the help of graphs.
Before you start, be sure to do the following whenever you make a graph:
1. Give your graph a title.
You can use the following guide to create your title:
The Effect of _______________ (the independent variable) on ______________
(the dependent variable).
2. Label the x-axis with the name of your independent variable and, where appropriate,
the correct unit of measure.
3. Label the y-axis with the name of your dependent variable and, where appropriate,
the correct unit of measure.
4. When labeling the x-axis and y-axis, use a scale (number sequence) to represent
your data well.
Bar Graphs
A bar graph is used to show comparisons. Look at the bar graph below. Some students
at Jefferson Elementary had an ice cream eating contest. Notice how easy it is to see
who ate the most ice cream scoops.
Jefferson Elementary Ice Cream Eating Contest
Big Idea 13
Reading a Bar Graph
Let’s practice reading and making a bar graph.
January Weather in New York City
1. How many rainy days were there in January in New York City? _________
2. Does the scale on this graph count by 2, 3, 4, or 5 days? _________
3. How many more sunny days than snowy days were there? _________
4. How many days are there in January? ________
5. If there were two less sunny days and two more snowy days, how many snowy days
would there have been? _____________
6. Were there more rainy days or windy days? _____________
Making a Bar Graph
Make a bar graph for the set of data on the next page. Label both the x-axis (horizontal)
and y-axis (vertical) properly. Remember to give your graph a title.
Big Idea 13
Number of Hours You Slept
Title: _________________________
Line Graphs
A line graph is used to show continuous data over time (e.g., plant growth). It is used to
indicate whether something increases or decreases during a certain time period. A line
graph is often used to show the effect of an independent variable (e.g., time) on a
dependent variable (e.g., plant growth). An example of a line graph is shown below.
Big Idea 13
Reading a Line Graph
Let’s practice reading and creating a line graph.
1. What was the air temperature at noon on Wednesday?
2. What was the air temperature at 6 pm on Wednesday?
3. Did the air temperature rise or fall between 6 am and 9 am?
4. What is the difference in air temperature between midnight
and noon?
5. Was it warmer at 9 am or 9 pm?
6. At what time was the air temperature the warmest?
7. Is this more likely to be a line graph showing air temperature
in Florida or New York?
Big Idea 13
Making a Line Graph
Make a line graph for each data set below. Label both the x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis
(vertical) properly. Give each graph a title. Think carefully about the scale (number
sequence) you are going to use for each graph.
Title: _________________________
Title: _________________________
Big Idea 13
Exploring the Motion of Objects
(SC.5.P.13.1, SC.5.P.13.2)
Position refers to the location of an object. You can describe an object’s position by
comparing it to the positions of other objects. Some words that describe an object’s
position are right and left, above and below, or ahead and behind. Can you name other
words that describe the position of an object?
All objects can move. How do you know that something has moved? You know that an
object has moved because it is not in the same location or position as before. In
science, motion is the change in an object’s position from its starting position to its
ending position.
A force is a push or pull. Examples of forces are to push open a door, to push a book
across a desk, or to pull a wagon. Words that are used to describe forces include
pushing, pulling, stretching, bending, and falling. Forces can affect the way objects
move or stop. Forces can also change the shape of an object. It is easy to see the
effects of some forces, but others are not as easy to see.
Gravity is a force that you cannot see directly. Gravity is a force in nature that pulls two
objects together. The greater the mass of an object, the greater the force of gravity. The
force of Earth’s gravity can be overcome by adding an equal or greater force in the
opposite direction. For example, when a rocket launches into space, it needs to exert an
opposite force that is greater than the force of Earth’s gravity.
Magnetism is another force that cannot be seen. Think about what happens when two
magnets are near each other. As you will learn later in this chapter, magnets either
attract or repel.
The different forces that act on an object – those that we can and cannot see – affect an
object’s motion. In the following activity, you will explore the motion of objects and how
motion can be measured.
Activity 1: How Does Height Affect the Time an Object Travels?
1. Questioning
Inquiry Framework
State the problem
Using the same release, you will roll a marble down a ramp. If
you roll the marble from different heights, how will the time
change for the marble to roll?
Make a prediction (or hypothesis)
The lower the height of the ramp, the more time it will take
for the marble to roll.
The higher the height of the ramp, the more time it will take
for the marble to roll.
Changing the height of the ramp will not affect the time it
takes for the marble to roll.
Big Idea 13
2. Planning
Read the materials and procedures
a. Do I have all of the necessary materials?
b. Have I read the procedures?
c. Summarize the procedures in your own words.
3. Implementing
Gather the materials
1 ramp (ruler with a groove)
1 meter stick
1 stopwatch
1 marble
3 identical size books (to set ramp height)
masking tape
Follow the procedures
Make a ramp by placing a ruler on the edge of one book.
Measure the height of the ramp in centimeters. Record the
height in Data Table 1.
Using a meter stick, measure the distance that is one meter
from the edge of the book. Place a piece of tape at this
point. This is the finish line.
Place the marble at the 25 centimeter point on the ramp.
When the time keeper says “Go,” release the marble to
travel down the ramp.
Measure the time it takes for the marble to roll from the
starting point to the finish line. Record the time in Data
Table 1.
Repeat steps 4-6 for two additional trials.
Add a second book to the ramp. Measure the height of the
ramp. Record the height in Data Table 1.
Repeat steps 4 through 6 for a total of three trials.
Big Idea 13
Add a third book to the ramp. Measure the height of the
ramp. Record the height in Data Table 1.
Repeat steps 4 through 6 for a total of three trials.
Calculate the average travel time for each set of three trials.
Record the travel times for your class data in Data Table 2.
Record the average travel time for your class data in Data
Table 3.
The activity setup should look like the graphic below
Observe and record the results
Data Table 1: Travel Time for the Marble in Your Group
Ramp Height
1 book
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Average Travel
Time (seconds)
________ cm
2 books ________ cm
3 books ________ cm
Big Idea 13
Data Table 2: Travel Times for the Marbles in Your Class
1 Book
2 Books
3 Books
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Data Table 3: Average Travel Time for the Marbles in Your Class
Average Ramp Height
Average Travel Time
1. Identify the independent variable in the activity. Remember it is the variable that
you change or test.
Big Idea 13
2. Identify the dependent variable in the activity. Remember it is the variable that
responds to the independent variable.
3. Identify what remained constant in the activity. Remember these are the variables
that are not changed.
4. Construct a graph for the travel time of your group’s data found in Data Table 1 and
the average travel time of your class data found in Data Table 3. Do not forget to
label your title.
Travel Time (seconds)
The Effect of _________________________ on _________________________
Ramp Height (centimeters)
Big Idea 13
4. Concluding
Draw a conclusion
What did you find out? Check the correct conclusion:
The lower the height of the ramp, the more time it took for
the marble to roll.
The higher the height of the ramp, the more time it took for
the marble to roll.
Changing the height of the ramp did not affect the time it
took for the marble to roll.
Compare what you thought would happen with what actually
happened. Did the results support your hypothesis?
5. Reporting
Share your results
What do you want to tell others about the activity?
Talk with your group members about what you did and what you
Produce a report
Record what you did so others can learn. Write the answer to the
following question:
Using the same release, you rolled a marble down a ramp. When
you rolled the marble from different heights, how did the amount of
time change as you increased the ramp height?
If the mass of the marble increased, how would this affect the time
needed to reach the finish line? What would you predict?
Big Idea 13
6. Inquiry Extension Reflect on your results
• If I would do this activity again, how would I improve it?
• What would be a good follow-up experiment based on
what I learned?
7. Application
Make connections
• How does this activity relate to what happens in the real
• How could I apply the results in new situations?
In this activity, you learned that when using the same release, the height of a ramp
affected the amount of time it took for a marble to travel. The greater the height of the
ramp, the less time it took or the faster the marble traveled to the finish line.
What did you measure in the activity? _______________________________________
What tool did you use to measure? _________________________________________
What unit did you use to measure? _________________________________________
Big Idea 13
You can also measure how far an object travels or the distance it travels. Distance is
the length between two objects. To describe exactly how much something has changed
its position, we measure the distance that an object moves from one location to another
What tool did you use to measure distance in the activity? _______________________
What unit did you use to measure? _________________________________________
When an object moves from one location to another, distance and time are measured to
see how fast or slow the object is moving. This is called speed. Speed is the distance
an object travels in a certain amount of time. Speed is calculated by dividing the
distance an object travels by the time it takes for the object to travel. The following
formula describes speed:
Speed (s) = Distance (d) ÷ Time (t)
Remember that distance is measured in units of length. Time is measured in units of
time. The metric units for speed are meters per second (m/s). Kilometers per hour and
miles per hour are other units used to measure speed.
Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion
Isaac Newton lived a long time ago during the 1600s. He
experimented, made observations, and analyzed the results of
many experiments over his lifetime. His contributions and
discoveries to the world of science are extremely important. Based
on his observations he developed three laws of motion to explain
how forces affect the motion of objects.
Newton’s First Law of Motion
An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion (at a constant speed in a
straight line) will stay in motion until an unbalanced force acts on it.
Newton’s first law tells us that if all the forces on an object are balanced, then the
object’s motion will remain the same. In order to change the motion of an object, an
unbalanced force is needed.
Big Idea 13
The boxing bag will not move until an unbalanced force is applied to it.
Similar to the example in the picture above, a book resting on a desk has the force of
gravity pulling it down and the force of the desk pushing it up. Since the book is not
moving, the forces are balanced. To get the book moving, another force must push the
book. This would be an unbalanced force.
Newton’s first law is sometimes called the Law of Inertia. Inertia is an object’s
resistance to motion. An example of inertia occurs when you ride in the car. When the
car begins to move and your body is pushed back into the seat, your body’s inertia is to
remain at rest in your seat. The force of the moving car changes the motion of your
body until it is the same as the motion of the car.
Another time you experience inertia is when your body is accustomed to the motion of
the car and the car suddenly stops. Your body’s inertia keeps your body moving
forward, although the car has stopped. In order for you to stop, you need another force,
which is usually provided by a seatbelt.
Your body keeps moving forward as the car begins to stops. But to stop your
forward motion, the seatbelt provides resistance or an unbalanced force.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
For a given amount of matter, the greater the amount of applied force on that matter,
the greater the change in speed.
While Newton’s first law tells us that a force is required to change the motion of an
object, his second law can answer the question of how the motion changes when a
force is applied. It describes how mass, force, and change in speed are related. Any
Big Idea 13
change in speed is called acceleration. Acceleration can be speeding up, slowing
down, or changing the direction of motion.
Newton’s second law is expressed as a formula:
Force (F) = mass (m) x acceleration (a)
Imagine trying to push a car that is in neutral. When the car is in neutral, it is not
moving. To push a car and get it moving from the rest position, you would have to apply
a lot of force. Now, think about pushing a toy car. That would be easy, and very little
force has to be applied to move it. What is the difference in the amount of force required
to push the two objects? If you said that the toy car would be easier to push, you are
correct. The mass of a real car is many times more than the mass of a toy car. As a
result, accelerating a toy car is much easier and takes much less force.
The rocks move in the direction of the applied force.
It takes more force to move a large rock than a small rock.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Forces act in pairs.
Newton’s third law states that forces always work in pairs. When the forces are equal in
strength and in opposite directions, they cancel each other. These forces are called
balanced forces. When the forces are not equal in strength and in opposite directions,
they are called unbalanced forces. The sum of all of the forces acting on an object is
called the net force.
When the forces are equal and opposite, they cancel each other.
The forces are called balanced forces.
Big Idea 13
Think about a game of tug-of-war with your friends. If both sides are pulling and neither
side is moving, then the forces are balanced, and the net force is zero. How would you
describe the forces if one person is taken away from the game?
When the forces are not equal and opposite,
the forces are called unbalanced forces.
Friction is a force that opposes motion. Friction resists pushes and pulls. The motion of
an object is slowed or stopped because of friction. A ball stops rolling, swings stop
swinging, and a book that is pushed across a desk stops sliding. We cannot see friction
but we can feel it. Rub your hands together. How did the force of friction feel to you?
Friction occurs when two objects rub together. Different surfaces produce different
amounts of friction. Some objects move across surfaces easily and other objects do not.
Also, the amount of friction between two surfaces can be reduced. Why is it important to
drive slowly in the rain? The rain reduces the friction between the road and the tires on
the car. As a result, the road is slippery when it rains.
The rain reduces the friction between the road and the tires on the car.
Less friction may cause the car to slip while more friction will make slipping
Big Idea 13
In the next activity, you will use the inquiry framework to investigate the force of friction.
Activity 2: Do Different Surfaces Affect Friction?
1. Questioning
Inquiry Framework
State the problem
A friction block has different surfaces. Which surface, wood,
sandpaper, vinyl, or cardboard, produces the most friction?
Make a prediction (or hypothesis)
The wood surface will produce the most friction.
The sandpaper surface will produce the most friction.
The vinyl surface will produce the most friction.
The cardboard surface will produce the most friction.
There is no difference in the amount of friction produced.
2. Planning
Read the materials and procedures
a. Do I have all of the necessary materials?
b. Have I read the procedures?
c. Summarize the procedures in your own words.
2. Implementing
Gather the materials
1 ramp (a meter stick)
1 meter stick (for measuring)
1 friction block with wood, sandpaper, vinyl, and
cardboard surfaces
1 hardcover textbook
Big Idea 13
Follow the procedures
Set your ramp on a long, flat surface, such as the floor.
Place the hardcover textbook against the meter stick at
the 100 centimeter mark, so that the ramp does not slide.
Place the friction block on the ramp at the 15 centimeter
mark with the wood surface side down, as shown below.
Slowly lift the zero centimeter end of the ramp (the side
opposite the textbook), as shown below.
When the friction block begins to slide, stop lifting the
ramp and hold it in place.
Big Idea 13
Measure the height of the zero centimeter end of the
ramp, as shown below.
Record the height in the table below.
Perform steps 2-6 two additional times. Calculate and
record in the table below, the average for all three trials.
Repeat procedures 2-7 by placing the sandpaper surface
side down on the ramp.
Repeat procedures 2-7 by placing the vinyl surface side
down on the ramp.
Repeat procedures 2-7 by placing the cardboard surface
side down on the ramp.
Height of Ramp (cm)
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Big Idea 13
Using the information in the data table, construct a bar graph for your group’s average
ramp height for each surface type. Do not forget to label your graph.
The Effect of ____________________ on _____________________
4. Concluding
Draw a conclusion
What did you find out? Check the correct conclusion:
The wood surface produced the most friction.
The sandpaper surface produced the most friction.
The vinyl surface produced the most friction.
The cardboard surface produced the most friction.
There was no difference in the amount of friction produced.
Compare what you thought would happen with what actually
happened. Did the results support your hypothesis?
5. Reporting
Share your results
What do you want to tell others about the activity?
Talk with your group members about what you did and what you
Produce a report
Record what you did so others can learn. Write answers to the
following questions:
Big Idea 13
1. Examine the data table on the previous page.
What does the height of the ramp measure? _____________
How does the average height relate to the amount of friction
produced by each surface?
2. Which surface on the friction block (wood, sandpaper, vinyl,
or cardboard) produced the most friction? How do you know
based on your observations?
3. Which surface on the friction block (wood, sandpaper, vinyl,
or cardboard) produced the least friction? How do you know
based on your observations?
Big Idea 13
4. The mayor is planning to build a skateboarding park in your
neighborhood. What type of surface (rough or smooth) should
the builders use to maximize speed? Explain your reasoning.
6. Inquiry Extension Reflect on your results
• If I would do this activity again, how would I improve it?
• What would be a good follow-up experiment based on
what I learned?
7. Application
Make connections
• How does this activity relate to what happens in the real
• How could I apply the results in new situations?
Big Idea 13
In this activity, you were able to observe how different surfaces produce different
amounts of friction. You measured height in centimeters to illustrate the differences in
friction among surface types. In the activity, you also experienced how different surfaces
affect the force of friction. You should have concluded from this experiment, that the
rougher the surface, the greater the amount of friction produced or force of friction.
In the diagram below, as a surface moves in the direction of the arrow, the rough
surface has more “teeth” to get stuck on the wood surface than the smooth surface.
This means that the force of friction between the rough surface and the wood is greater
than the force of friction between the smooth surface and the wood. To reduce the
amount of friction, the contact between surfaces needs to be reduced. One way this is
commonly done is by adding oil or water between surfaces.
The force of friction is measured using a spring scale. The unit of measurement of
friction is Newtons (N).
Magnets are all around us. Think about where you have seen magnets and then talk
about them with a partner. Discuss how you know something is magnetic and other
things are not magnetic. Work with your partner and make a list of four magnetic things
that you have seen at school, at home, or in other places.
Magnetic Objects
How do you know it is magnetic?
Big Idea 13
Activity 3: What Happens When Magnets Come Together?
Let’s examine the forces of magnets. Your teacher will give your group two magnets
called bar magnets. The ends of a magnet are called poles. One end is called the north
pole (N) and the other end is called the south pole (S). Like magnetic poles (N-N or SS) repel (push apart). Opposite magnetic poles (N-S) attract (pull together).
North Pole
South Pole
Explore some common objects around your desk to see if a magnetic force exists or
not. Write the name of the object below and tell whether there is a magnetic force.
Object Name
Magnetic Force (Yes / No)
Pencil lead
Paper Clip
Now work with your group to explore the poles of the bar magnets.
1. Put the north poles (N) together and observe what happens.
2. Put the south poles (S) together and observe what happens.
3. Put one north pole (N) near the south pole (S) and observe what happens.
Big Idea 13
Below, you are going to draw what you observed about the magnets. Draw 3 pictures to
communicate what you observed with the magnets.
1. Two north poles
2. Two south poles
3. One north pole and one south pole
If a bar magnet is broken in half, each half will still have a north pole and a south pole.
You cannot have a magnet with just one magnetic pole.
One common magnet is a doughnut magnet. You may be wondering where the poles
are on a doughnut magnet. One face (top) of the doughnut magnet is the north pole (N)
and the other face (bottom) of the doughnut magnet is the south pole (S).
Big Idea 13
Another common magnet is a horseshoe magnet. One end of a horseshoe magnet is
the north pole (N) and the other end is the south pole (S).
What you feel when the magnets attract (come together) or repel (push apart) is a
magnetic force. This is sometimes referred to as magnetic energy or magnetism.
Electricity and magnetism often work together.
Explain what would happen if the two magnets in the picture below were moved close
Big Idea 13
Graphs are used to analyze data you collect in an investigation. Graphs provide a visual
representation of your data. When displaying your data, it is important to consider which
type of graph is most appropriate. A bar graph is used to show comparisons, and a line
graph is used to show continuous data over time.
You also learned about the motion of objects. You know that an object has moved
because it is not in the same location or position as before. In science, motion is the
change in an object’s position from its starting position to its ending position (the
distance that the object has moved). You can measure the distance an object travels
within a given time. This is called speed. Speed is calculated by dividing distance over
time: Speed = Distance ÷ Time.
You also read about Newton’s Laws of Motion:
1. To change the motion of an object, a force is needed. This is Newton’s first law. This
law also describes inertia, which is the tendency of objects to either remain in motion
or at rest.
2. Newton’s second law describes how a force can change the speed of an object
depending on its mass. The more mass an object has, the more force is required to
move it.
3. Forces always work in pairs. When the forces are equal in strength and acting in
opposite directions, they cancel each other. These forces are called balanced
forces. When the forces are not equal in strength and acting in opposite directions,
they are called unbalanced forces. This is Newton’s third law.
In Activity 2 you found that friction is a force that opposes motion and resists pushes
and pulls. We cannot see friction, but we can observe it when a rolling ball slows down
until it stops or a swing stops swinging.
You also learned about other forces that can’t be seen, including gravity and
magnetism. Gravity is a force in nature that pulls two bodies together. A good example
is the force of Earth’s gravity pulling on you, which allows you to walk on the ground
instead of floating away. The force of gravity can be overcome by adding an equal or
greater force in the opposite direction. In examining magnets, you learned about
magnets having two poles. You also observed a magnetic force between objects. When
you placed like poles together, they repelled each other. When you placed unlike poles
together, they attracted each other.
Big Idea 13
1. Jose is a mechanic at an automobile repair shop. He spilled a can of oil on the
concrete floor. The spilled oil will reduce which force?
2. A ball is sitting loose on a flat wagon that is going in the direction of the arrow. If the
wagon suddenly stops, the ball will
Also suddenly stop
Roll forward in the wagon
Roll backward in the wagon
Bounce up and down
3. Susan designed an experiment to determine the speed of a toy car. She released
the car from the top of a ramp. She already had a stopwatch. Which other tool
should she use to measure the car’s speed?
Inclined plane
Spring scale
Meter stick
Big Idea 13
4. The four balls below are about to be struck by a stick.
If the balls are hit with the same amount of force in the same direction, which ball will
go the farthest and why?
5. An object moving along a surface suddenly increases speed. What can cause this to
It is
It is
It is
It is
moved by balanced forces.
moved by two opposite forces.
moved by an unbalanced force.
moved by a force without direction.
6. Two people are each pulling on the opposite ends of a rope. If they are pulling on
the rope with equal but opposite forces, what will happen to the rope?
It will stay in place between the two people.
It will move toward the right.
It will move toward the left.
It will fall to the ground.
Big Idea 13
7. Which statement best describes what must happen in order for a person to lift an
The force of gravity must be greater than the mass of the object.
The mass of the object must be greater than the force of gravity.
The force of gravity must be greater than the upward pull or push on the object.
The upward pull or push on the object must be greater than the force of gravity.
8. Use the graph below to answer the question.
Two guinea pigs, I and II, were put on different diets. The graph above shows what
happened to their weights. Which statement is correct according to the information in
the graph?
a. Guinea pig I lost weight while guinea pig II gained weight.
b. Guinea pig I and guinea pig II weighed the same at the beginning of the
c. Guinea pig I and guinea pig II weighed the same on the fifteenth day of the
d. Guinea pig II lost weight at first, but started to gain weight about halfway through
the experiment.
Big Idea 13
9. Tanika wanted to know whether physical activity changed her heart rate. She took
her pulse during different activities and recorded them on the table as shown.
Heart Rate (beats per minute)
Make a bar graph for the set of data.
Title: _______________________________
Big Idea 13
10. The picture shows the results of an experiment with an electromagnet.
If the magnet had 6 turns of wire, how many pins would it probably pick up?
a. 11
b. 9
c. 10
d. 12
11. A student wants to arrange two bar magnets so that they repel each other. Which
arrangement shows the best arrangement for the magnets?
Big Idea 13
12. A student places one magnet above another magnet, as shown below.
Why does the top magnet appear to float above the bottom magnet?
The magnets are made of different material.
The like poles of the magnets repel each other.
The opposite poles of the magnets repel each other.
The magnets have a different gravitational attraction.
13. The drawing below is of three separate bar magnets. The north and south poles of
each magnet are labeled.
Which arrangement shows that the three magnets would attract one another, end to
Big Idea 13
Big Ideas 10 and 11
Forms of Energy and Energy Transformation
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.5.P.10.1 – Investigate and describe some basic forms of energy, including light,
heat, sound, electrical, chemical, and mechanical.
SC.5.P.10.2 – Investigate and explain that energy has the ability to cause motion or
create change.
SC.5.P.10.4 – Investigate and explain that electrical energy can be transformed into
heat, light, and sound energy, as well as the energy of motion.
1. absorption
2. atom
3. chemical energy
4. conductor
5. electrical energy
6. electron
7. energy
8. heat
9. heat (thermal) energy
10. heat transfer
11. insulator
12. kinetic energy
13. light energy
14. mechanical energy
15. neutron
16. nuclear energy
17. nucleus
18. potential energy
19. proton
20. reflection
21. sound energy
22. temperature
23. thermal (heat) energy
energía química
energía electrica
energía térmica
transferencia termal
energía cinética
energía luminosa
energía mecánica
energía nuclear
energía potencial
Haitian Creole
chimik, pwodi chimik
ki kondui kouran
elektwon (chaj negatif)
chalè (tèmik) enèji
transfè chalè
enèji sinetik
netwon (chaj net)
enèji atomic
enèji potansyèl
pwoton (chaj pozitif)
Big Ideas 10 and 11
Link to Prior Knowledge
Did you ride a bus to school today? Did you comb your hair? Think about all the
different things you did just to get ready to come to school today. Talk with your group
and make a list of some of the ways you use energy in one day. Record and draw your
answers in the table below. Share your answers with the other groups in your class.
Different Ways You Use Energy
Words to Describe Energy Use
Pictures to Describe Energy Use
Now that you have thought about energy and its uses, you will learn more about how
energy causes changes in everything and how it is responsible for all movement.
Energy can be classified into different forms. In this chapter, you will study the different
forms of energy and how they can be transformed from one form to another.
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:
• What are the different forms that energy can take?
• What are the properties of the different forms of energy?
• How is energy transformed as it passes through systems?
• How can energy cause changes?
Forms of Energy
It takes energy for video games and computers to work. It takes energy for people,
plants, and animals to grow. It takes energy to cook a meal. As you might realize, there
is more than one form of energy. Energy can be classified into many different forms:
Big Ideas 10 and 11
Light energy comes from any source of light, like a light bulb, TV screen, or the Sun.
Light energy helps plants make food and can be converted to electricity with solar
Sound energy is produced when an object vibrates. Some examples include singing,
whistling, or thunder. You can even feel the vibrations in your body caused by sound
energy when a car goes by playing loud music.
Electrical energy comes from power plants into the electrical outlets in your home.
Electrical energy can be produced in different ways. It can be made through the use of
chemical energy (from batteries), mechanical energy (from windmills), and nuclear
energy (from power plants). Electrical energy makes lights, iPods™, and televisions
Heat or thermal energy can boil water, make you sweaty on a hot day, or keep you
warm on a cold day. It can come from a stove, the Sun, or your body.
Chemical energy in gasoline makes cars and other motor vehicles go. The chemical
energy in charged batteries provides energy for battery-powered toys and games. Your
body also runs on the chemical energy from the food you eat.
Mechanical energy is energy from moving things. One example is water going through
a dam to run power plants. Other examples include moving your body, a moving car,
wind blowing to turn a windmill or to make a sail boat move through the water, and
water in a waterfall.
Nuclear energy is energy stored in the bonds that hold atoms together. There is a great
deal of energy in the bonds and when released, it can be used to generate electricity.
There are also nuclear reactions taking place on the Sun, which release energy.
Activity 1: Finding Energy
Find different forms of energy in your classroom. Record your examples on the chart.
When you have finished your energy search, share your answers with the other groups
in the class.
Forms of Energy
1. Light Energy
2. Sound Energy
3. Electrical Energy
4. Thermal Energy
5. Chemical Energy
6. Mechanical Energy
Big Ideas 10 and 11
As you have seen, there are lots of different forms of energy in your classroom. Think
about different forms of energy outside of your classroom. For example, a moving car
has energy, the stove in your kitchen uses energy to cook food, and a basketball player
running down the court is using energy.
Let’s take a closer look at some forms of energy: light, sound, electrical, and thermal
Light Energy
Light is a type of energy called electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy travels
through space in the form of waves. A wave is like a vibration that transfers energy from
one place to another without moving matter. Other forms of electromagnetic waves
(energy) include X-rays (used by doctors to see your bones), radio waves (used for
sending signals to your phone and television), and microwaves (used for cooking your
Light travels at the “speed of light,” 300,000,000 m/s, and can move through any known
material. This means that light can travel through solids, liquids, gases, plasma, and
even a vacuum, like in space. Depending on the material the light is traveling through,
reflection, absorption, and bending (refraction) can occur.
Reflection and Absorption of Light
Some objects absorb (take in) light, while others reflect (bounce it back). Light tends to
move in a straight line unless something reflects or bends it. When light hits an object, it
bounces off and is reflected into your eyes. It’s really the reflection of light that you see
when you’re looking at an object.
Light that includes all of the colors is called white light. The colors of light are red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, which are the same colors you see in a
rainbow. An object gets its color from the colors that are reflected from the object back
to your eyes. All other colors are absorbed by the object, so you do not see those
colors. For example, if your teacher uses a red marker on the board, the ink is reflecting
red light to your eyes and absorbing all of the other colors. An object that reflects all
colors is white. What color do you think an object that absorbs all colors is?
When an object absorbs light, it transforms the light energy into thermal energy (heat).
Black objects absorb all colors of light at the same time. That is why a black shirt gets
hot when you are in the Sun, but a white shirt does not get as hot.
What color(s) of light do you think green leaves reflect? What color(s) do they absorb?
Big Ideas 10 and 11
Bending of Light (Refraction)
Have you ever seen a straw through a clear glass full of water? Does the straw seem to
follow a straight line, or does it look like it changes angles? This effect is caused by the
different way light travels through the different materials (air, glass, and water). Light
travels faster in air and slower in water. As a result, when light moves from water to air,
the light rays get bent (refracted), and the apparent location of the object is distorted.
Have you ever tried to get an object out of a bathtub or swimming pool and the object
was not where it appeared to be?
Activity 2: Exploring the Bending of Light
In this activity you will explore the bending of light (refraction).
Materials (per small group):
• plastic cup
• pencil
• water
1. Fill a plastic cup with water and place the pencil inside the cup.
2. Move the pencil around in the cup and observe the image of the pencil above the
water and in the water.
3. Describe your observations.
Big Ideas 10 and 11
1. How does the image of the pencil change when it is upright, compared to when it
is at an angle?
2. How does the image of the pencil in the same position change if you look at it
from a different angle?
In this activity, you have learned that the apparent location of an object above water and
below water appears different due to the bending of light (refraction) caused by the
different speeds that light travels through water and air.
Sound Energy
Sound is a wave of mechanical energy that moves through matter. In the case of sound
waves, mechanical energy produces a vibration that moves through liquids, solids, or
gases. Unlike light, sound cannot travel in a vacuum.
Some ways that sounds can be described are by their loudness (or intensity) and by
their pitch. We can relate to loudness, because we often use the volume in our
televisions or iPods™ to make the sounds louder (or more intense) or quieter (or less
intense). Pitch is a little more difficult to describe, but a sound can appear to be "high”
like a chirping bird or “low” like a growling dog. When a low sound is produced, the
vibration is slower. When a high sound is produced, the vibration is faster.
Activity 3: How Does Sound Travel through Different Materials?
1. Questioning
Inquiry Framework
State the problem
How do sound waves travel through different materials?
Make a prediction (or hypothesis)
Sound is louder through a solid.
Sound is louder through a liquid.
Sound is louder through a gas.
There is no difference in the loudness that sound travels
through different materials.
Big Ideas 10 and 11
2. Planning
Read the materials and procedures
a. Do I have all of the necessary materials?
b. Have I read the procedures?
c. Summarize the procedures in your own words.
3. Implementing
Gather the materials
3 Ziploc™ bags
Follow the procedures
Fill one bag with sand, one with air, and one with water.
Make sure all three bags are filled to approximately the
same size and are well sealed.
Place the bag filled with air on a desk. Place your ear
over the bag to hear any sound through it.
Have your partner knock on the desk with a pencil as you
listen for the sound.
Repeat the same procedure with each bag and compare
the sound heard. Make sure that your partner knocks on
the desk with the same pencil and in the same manner
for all trials.
Record your observations in the data table.
Observe and record the results
Describe the intensity and pitch of the sound you heard through
each material. You may want to use words such as loud or soft
and high or low.
Big Ideas 10 and 11
Ziploc™ Bags
Air (gas)
Water (liquid)
Sand (solid)
4. Concluding
Draw a conclusion
What did you find out?
Compare what you thought would happen with what actually
happened. Did the results support your hypothesis?
Describe the differences in the sound you heard through the
bag with air, the bag with water, and the bag with sand.
5. Reporting
Share your results
What do you want to tell others about the activity?
Talk with your group members about what you did and what you
Produce a report
Record what you did so others can learn. Write answers to the
following questions:
1. How did sound waves travel through the different materials?
Big Ideas 10 and 11
2. Do you think sound waves travel better through solids,
liquids, or gases? Explain your reasoning.
6. Inquiry Extension Reflect on your results
• If I would do this activity again, how would I improve it?
• What would be a good follow-up experiment based on
what I learned?
Big Ideas 10 and 11
7. Application
Make connections
• How does this activity relate to what happens in the real
• How could I apply the results in new situations?
In this activity, you have learned that sound waves travel differently through a solid,
liquid, and gas. We use this finding as a model to demonstrate that sound travels at
different speeds through different materials. Sound was loudest when it traveled through
sand, which is a solid. When sound traveled through water, which is a liquid, it is
quieter. Sound was the quietest when it traveled through air, which is a gas.
Electrical Energy
Electrical Charges
Before talking about electrical energy, you first must be familiar with the parts of an
atom. As you learned in Big Idea 9, all matter is made up of atoms. Atoms are made up
of even smaller particles. The three main particles making up an atom are the proton,
the electron and the neutron. Electrons circle around the center, or nucleus, of an
atom. The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons.
Nucleus contains protons
and neutrons
The proton has a positive (+) charge. The electron has a negative (-) charge. The
neutron has neither a positive nor a negative charge, so it is neutral.
Big Ideas 10 and 11
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Opposites attract!”? This notion comes from the
properties of charged objects. Think back to the magnet activity in Big Idea 9. Do you
remember what happened when you put two north poles together? What happened
when you put the north and south poles together?
A positively charged object will attract a negatively charged object. A negatively charged
object will repel a negatively charged object. What do you think will happen if we have a
positively charged object with a positively charged object?
Activity 4: Exploring Electrical Charges
In this activity, you will investigate the behavior of electrically charged objects. Most
objects have equal numbers of positive and negative charges, so they are neutral. This
is why when you grab your pencil or paper, you do not get an electrical shock! There
are times when we can “charge” an object by rubbing it, which adds or subtracts
negative charges. Have you ever walked on carpet and gotten shocked when you
grabbed a door knob?
Materials (per small group):
• balloon
• sweatshirt (if available)
• pieces of paper (less than 1 cm2)
1. Inflate the balloon.
2. Move the balloon over the paper pieces and observe what happens. Draw your
observations in the box below.
3. Rub the balloon on your hair or a sweatshirt.
4. Move the balloon over the paper pieces and observe what happens. Draw your
observations in the box below.
Before rubbing the balloon
After rubbing the balloon
Big Ideas 10 and 11
1. Describe what happened the first time you held the balloon over the pieces of
2. What happened the second time you held the balloon over the pieces of paper?
Explain why the pieces of paper reacted as they did to the balloon.
In this activity, you have learned that an object can be electrically charged by rubbing it,
and that opposite charges attract.
Electrical Energy
Electrons can be made to move from one atom to another. An electrical circuit is a
closed loop, like a circle, where electrons can continuously move around.
Activity 5: Exploring Electrical Energy
In this activity, you will learn how a simple electrical circuit works. Our example of a
circuit has three parts:
(1) a battery as an energy source;
(2) metal wire to carry the electrons from one place to another; and
(3) a bulb that lights when the circuit is working. If the bulb does not light, then the
circuit is not set up correctly.
Materials (per small group):
• 2 pieces of wire
• 1 D-cell battery
• 1 low voltage light bulb
• pencil
• eraser
• paper clip
Big Ideas 10 and 11
1. Examine the battery, the bulb, and 2 pieces of wire.
2. Think about how you would use two wires and the battery to light the bulb. Predict
what the set-up would look like. Draw your prediction of the set-up.
Prediction Diagram – 2 Wires
Why do you think the circuit that you drew would make the bulb light?
3. Test your design to see if the bulb lights up. If the bulb does not light, try other
designs until you get the bulb to light up. Draw your successful circuit in the box.
Successful Circuit – 2 Wires
Big Ideas 10 and 11
4. Now think about how you would use one wire and the battery to light the bulb.
Predict what the set-up would look like. Draw your prediction of the set-up.
Prediction Diagram – 1 Wire
5. Test your design to see if the bulb lights up. If the bulb does not light, try other
designs until you get the bulb to light up. Draw your successful circuit with one wire
in the box.
Successful Circuit – 1 Wire
6. Compare your circuit diagrams to other groups in your class. Is there more than one
way to build a successful circuit? Explain your reasoning.
Objects that allow the movement of electrons are called conductors. When those
electrons move along conductors, a current of electrical energy, or electricity, is created.
Objects that slow or prevent the movement of electrons are called insulators. Have you
ever seen the tools of an electrician? The tools of electricians all have plastic or rubber
handles. Why do you think that is?
Big Ideas 10 and 11
7. Explore some common objects around your classroom to observe which are
conductors or insulators.
Object Name
Insulator or Conductor?
Pencil lead
Paper clip
In this activity, you have learned that the flow of electrical energy, or electricity, through
a circuit is like the flow of water through the pipes in your home. If a pipe is plugged or
broken, the water cannot go through the pipe and the flow of water stops. In an
electrical circuit, if the path for the electrons to flow through is not complete, the
electrons stop and the bulb will not light.
In order for a circuit to work, there must be a closed path that continues from the
positive (+) end of the battery to the negative (-) end of the battery. Electrons flow out of
the positive end of the battery, go through the wire, light up the bulb, and then return to
the negative end of the battery. When the bulb lit up, electrical energy was transformed
into light energy. What other form of energy was electricity transformed into?
Thermal Energy
In the previous activity, when the bulb got warm, some of the electrical energy was
transformed into thermal energy. This is because most things that emit light also
produce thermal energy. Thermal energy is also known as heat. Rub your hands
together. Are the palms of your hands warmer now? This is because the molecules in
your palms are moving faster than before you rubbed them together. Molecules in warm
objects move faster than molecules in cool objects.
If warm and cool objects touch each other, the energy moves from the warmer object to
the cooler object. This energy flow from warmer to cooler objects is called heat
transfer. Be careful not to confuse heat transfer with temperature. Unlike heat energy,
temperature does not depend on the amount or type of material in the object.
Temperature simply measures the amount of hotness or coldness of something.
Big Ideas 10 and 11
Heat energy flows from the warmer object to the cooler object until both objects are at
the same temperature. You already learned that electricity can flow through some
objects (conductors), but not others (insulators). The same is true for the transfer of
heat, although the objects may be different. Some objects are made of materials that
allow thermal energy to move easily. These objects are called conductors. Iron,
copper, and aluminum are good conductors of heat. Insulators are materials that do
not allow the heat energy to move easily. Plastic, wood, and Styrofoam™ are good
insulators of heat.
Stored Energy and Energy of Motion
(SC.5.P.10.2, SC.5.P.10.4)
As you can see, there are many different forms of energy. All of these forms of energy
can be classified into two categories ― stored energy (potential energy) and energy of
motion (kinetic energy). We use the terms “potential energy” and “kinetic energy” in
this book, but it is important to be familiar with both sets of terms.
Stored Energy (Potential Energy)
Potential energy is energy that is stored, waiting to be released. One example of
potential energy is the energy that an object has because of its position with respect to
the ground. Take a look at the picture below. Both books have positional potential
energy. However, the book on the top shelf has more potential energy because its
position is higher off the ground.
More Potential
Less Potential
Position is not the only factor that determines the amount of potential energy of an
object. The mass of the object also affects the amount of potential energy. If two books
are on the same shelf, the book that is heavier has more potential energy.
Another common type of potential energy is chemical potential energy. This is the type
of energy stored in batteries and in your food.
Energy of Motion (Kinetic Energy)
If a book falls off the shelf, the potential energy in the book is transformed into kinetic
energy. Kinetic energy is the energy that an object has when it is in motion. The mass
and speed of an object affect the amount of kinetic energy it possesses.
Big Ideas 10 and 11
If a train and a car are moving at the same speed, the train has more kinetic
energy than the car because the train has more mass.
On the other hand, if two trucks have the same mass, the truck that is moving faster
would have more kinetic energy than the slower moving truck.
The truck moving faster has more kinetic energy.
In the following activity, you will explore one example of how potential energy is
transformed into kinetic energy. When a ball is held in the air, it has potential energy
due to its position. When the ball is dropped, the potential energy is transformed into
kinetic energy. When the ball hits the ground and bounces, the kinetic energy is
transformed back into potential energy. This transformation can occur many times. You
will study this effect using rubber balls.
Activity 6: Transforming Potential to Kinetic Energy
1. Questioning
Inquiry Framework
State the problem
1. Is all of the potential energy stored in a ball transformed into
kinetic energy when the ball is dropped?
2. Is all the kinetic energy in a falling ball transformed back into
potential energy when the ball bounces?
Big Ideas 10 and 11
Make a prediction (or hypothesis)
1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
2. Planning
Read the materials and procedures
a. Do I have all of the necessary materials?
b. Have I read the procedures?
c. Summarize the procedures in your own words.
3. Implementing
Gather the materials
1 large rubber ball
1 small rubber ball
1 meter stick
Follow the procedures
Place the meter stick against a flat wall and measure the
height of one meter.
Estimate how high each ball will bounce when it is
dropped from the one-meter mark.
Drop each ball three times from the one-meter mark and
measure the height of each bounce.
Big Ideas 10 and 11
Place the small ball directly on top of the large ball. Then,
drop both balls together. Observe and describe what
Observe and record the results
Estimate of how high the small ball will bounce: _____________
Estimate of how high the large ball will bounce: _____________
Small ball trial 1
Small ball trial 2
Small ball trial 3
Average of small ball trials
Height of bounce
Large ball trial 1
Large ball trial 2
Large ball trial 3
Average of large ball trials
Height of bounce
Both balls together trial 1
Both balls together trial 2
Both balls together trial 3
4. Concluding
Draw a conclusion
1. How did the height of the small ball’s bounce compare to the
original height of the drop?
Big Ideas 10 and 11
2. How did the height of the large ball’s bounce compare to the
original height of the drop?
5. Reporting
Share your results
Answer the following questions. Explain your reasoning.
1. Was all the potential energy stored in a ball changed into
kinetic energy when the ball was dropped?
2. Was all the kinetic energy in a falling ball changed back into
potential energy when the ball bounced?
3. What happened when the balls were dropped on top of each
4. How was dropping the balls on top of each other different
from dropping the balls individually?
Big Ideas 10 and 11
5. What caused the small ball to bounce higher when it was
dropped on top of the large ball?
6. Inquiry Extension Reflect on your results
• If I would do this activity again, how would I improve it?
• What would be a good follow-up experiment based on
what I learned?
7. Application
Make connections
• How does this activity relate to what happens in the real
• How could I apply the results in new situations?
Big Ideas 10 and 11
In this activity, the amount of kinetic energy an object has depends on the mass of the
object. The object with more mass has more kinetic energy than the object with less
mass. This is why the large ball with a greater mass bounced back higher than the
smaller ball. In energy transformations, the transfer of energy from one form to another
is almost never 100%. Some energy is changed into other forms and some remains in
its original form. When a single ball is dropped, it does not bounce back as high as the
point from which it was released. Most of the energy is transferred from potential energy
to kinetic energy and back to potential energy. However, when the ball hits the floor,
some of the potential energy is changed to heat energy because of air resistance and
friction. Some of the potential energy is also changed into sound energy.
When stacked balls are dropped, there is an additional transfer of energy. A portion of
the kinetic energy from the bottom ball is transferred to the top ball, causing it to bounce
higher than the point from which it was released.
This experiment also showed us how energy causes changes. The positional potential
energy stored in the ball allowed the ball to change its situation and move (kinetic
energy). Can you think of other things that can produce energy? Hint, think of some
sources of energy.
Big Ideas 10 and 11
In this chapter, you learned that energy can come in many forms and that energy can
be classified into two categories:
Stored (or Potential) Energy
Energy of Motion (or Kinetic Energy)
Potential energy is energy that is stored.
Kinetic energy is energy due to motion.
Positional energy is the energy stored due to the
position of an object relative to the ground.
Heat or thermal energy is the motion of particles
in matter. Heat energy is measured with a
Chemical energy is the energy stored in food,
gasoline, or chemical bonds.
Sound energy is produced when an object
vibrates. Your voice is an example of sound
Nuclear energy is stored in the nucleus of an
atom. It can be used to generate electricity.
All moving objects have kinetic energy. Wind,
moving water, and moving cars have kinetic
In this chapter you also learned that light is a form of electromagnetic energy. When
light shines on an object, some colors are reflected and other colors are absorbed.
When an object absorbs light, it transforms the light energy into thermal energy (heat).
When light moves from one material to another, like from air to water, light is bent
A sound is produced when a wave of mechanical energy moves through matter. The
sound waves produced by mechanical energy produces a vibration that moves through
solids, liquids, or gases. Sound waves can be described by their loudness and pitch.
You built electrical circuits to investigate energy transformations. Chemical energy in a
battery is transformed into electrical energy and then into light energy and heat energy
in the bulb. When electrons move between atoms, a current of electricity is created. An
electrical circuit is a closed loop like a circle. Electrons continuously flow from the
positive to the negative end of a battery.
Thermal energy is also known as heat. One way heat is produced is when two objects
are rubbed against each other, like when you rub your hands together. Heat transfer
occurs when a warmer object touches a cooler object, and the energy moves from the
Big Ideas 10 and 11
warmer object to the cooler object. If you were to touch a friend who is sitting in from of
an air conditioner with your warm palm, you will transfer your heat energy to her.
You also learned that energy causes movement. When objects have potential energy as
a result of their position and their mass, they have the potential to move. A book on a
bookshelf and a skier on top of a hill have potential energy; the higher the object, the
greater the potential energy. Also, the greater the mass of an object, the greater its
potential energy. When the objects with potential energy move, their potential energy is
transformed into kinetic energy. The amount of kinetic energy of an object depends on
its mass and speed. If an object falls and then bounces, most of the kinetic energy is
transformed back into potential energy. However, some energy is lost to air resistance,
friction, and sound, so the object will not bounce as high as the height from which it was
Big Ideas 10 and 11
1. Describe two different transformations of energy that take place when a car battery
causes the headlights to shine.
A student plans to make this lightbulb glow. All of the following objects can be used
to complete the circuit EXCEPT
A copper penny
A plastic comb
A metal clip
An iron nail
3. Which diagram below shows a complete electrical circuit?
Big Ideas 10 and 11
4. A metal spoon was left in a pot of boiling soup. The cook burned a finger by touching
the spoon. Why did the finger get burned?
The metal spoon chemically reacted with the cook’s hand.
The metal spoon conducted electricity to the cook’s hand.
The metal spoon conducted heat to the cook’s hand.
The metal spoon insulated the cook’s hand.
5. For a special dinner, Catherine’s mom lit some candles in the living room for
What two forms of energy does the fire from a burning candle release?
Light and thermal
Sound and nuclear
Magnetic and light
Electrical and thermal
6. A beam of white light shines on an object that appears to be bright red. What
happened to the other colors of the white light?
The red light bent, while the other colors were absorbed.
The red light reflected, while the other colors were absorbed.
The red light bent, while the other colors were reflected.
The red light reflected, while the other colors were bent.
Big Ideas 10 and 11
The picture shows a clear glass marble on top of some words. Some of the letters
look different because light
Bounces as it reaches the marble
Changes color as it enters the marble
Shines less brightly behind the marble
Bends as it passes through the marble
8. This graph shows a ball rolling from A to G.
At which point does the ball have the most potential energy? _______
At which point does the ball have the most kinetic energy? _______
Big Ideas 10 and 11
Big Idea 7 Earth Systems and Patterns
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.5.E.7.1 –
Create a model to explain the parts of the water cycle. Water can be a
gas, a liquid, or a solid and can go back and forth from one state to
SC.5.E.7.3 –
Recognize how air temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, wind
speed and direction, and precipitation determine the weather in a
particular place and time.
1. air mass
2. air pressure
3. atmosphere
4. climate
5. condensation
6. evaporation
7. groundwater
8. hail
9. humidity
10. hydrosphere
11. lithosphere
12. meteorologist
13. precipitation
14. rain
15. sleet
16. snow
17. water cycle
18. weather
19. wind
masa de aire
presión del aire
agua subterranean
ciclo hidrológico
Haitian Creole
mas lè
presyon lè
dlo anba tè
idwosfè (total kantite dlo sou tè a)
sik dlo
Link to Prior Knowledge
You should already know about solids, liquids, and gases. Is there a relationship
between why it rains and how water changes states from solid to liquid to gas?
Big Idea 7
Why do you think the water cycle is called a “cycle”?
In this chapter, you will answer the following questions:
• What is the hydrosphere?
• What are the major steps of the water cycle?
• Where does our drinking water come from?
• What is the difference between weather and climate?
• What factors affect weather and climate?
Water Cycle
Water, Water, Everywhere
The Earth’s water and ice form the system called the hydrosphere (“hydro” means
water). Water is found nearly everywhere on Earth. It is found in the air, on land, and in
all living things. It is also found in oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, and ponds.
Approximately 75% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. When astronauts look
down on the Earth from space, they see a planet that is mostly water.
In Florida, much of the water is found in marshes, swamps, and wetlands. One of the
major wetlands in Florida is the Everglades. An abundant supply of water can also be
found below the ground in the form of groundwater. Most people in the United States
get their drinking water from groundwater. On average, Florida receives about 54 inches
of rain per year. Where does all that water go?
8 inches flow over the land and into streams, rivers, or lakes
10 inches are absorbed into the ground
36 inches evaporate back into the air
That is a lot of water!
Big Idea 7
Water Cycle
People use water for swimming, drinking, washing, and many other purposes. If you are
like most young people, you probably do some of the chores around the house. One of
those chores may include washing the dishes. Some people wash dishes by hand.
Others use an automatic dishwasher.
Just like your dishes are reused, so is the water you wash them with. Earth has a limited
amount of water. The water that was on Earth during prehistoric times is the same water
that is on Earth today. Since the beginning of time, water has been reused, or recycled,
from one generation to the next. How is this possible? Water goes around and around in
a process known as the water cycle. There are four major steps in the water cycle:
evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection.
Evaporation occurs when water turns from a liquid to a gas called water vapor. This
water vapor goes into the air. Besides lakes, rivers, and oceans, can you think of
anything else that releases water vapor into the air?
What about living organisms like animals and plants? People and many other animals
sweat when they get hot. This sweat, or perspiration, evaporates into the air. Plants also
release water into the air from their leaves.
Big Idea 7
This liquid water turns into water vapor and is released into the air. Water vapor rises up
in the air, and as it goes higher in the air, it cools. What happens when you pour a glass
of cold water on a hot day?
Water forms on the outside of the glass. How did the water get there? Did the water
leak through the glass? It actually came from the air. Water vapor in the air turns back
into liquid when it touches a cold glass. This process is known as condensation. This
process is also how clouds are formed. When liquid water is released into the air
through evaporation or plants’ leaves, it rises into the atmosphere. As this water vapor
enters cooler air, it changes back into a liquid and forms clouds, which is condensation.
When the air in the atmosphere cannot hold any more water, the clouds get heavy and
water falls back to the Earth as precipitation. Rain, snow, sleet, and hail are examples
of precipitation.
When water falls back to Earth as precipitation, it falls back into the oceans, rivers,
lakes, or land. This is known as collection. When the precipitation returns to the land,
one of three things happens. First, the water may be absorbed by the Earth and
become part of the groundwater that plants or animals use. Second, it may run over the
soil, as runoff, and collect in the oceans, rivers, and lakes. Third, the water may
evaporate back into the air where the whole cycle starts all over again.
Big Idea 7
Activity 1: Water Cycle Model
Materials (per small group):
1. three clear plastic cups
2. hot water
3. ice cubes
4. food coloring (preferably blue or green color)
5. masking tape
1. Pour hot water carefully in one clear plastic cup.
2. Immediately cover this cup with another cup turned upside down.
3. Using masking tape, seal the two cups tightly.
4. Place three ice cubes in another cup on top of the middle cup.
5. Observe what happens inside the bottom and middle cups.
6. Record your observations on the graphic, shown on the next page.
The water cycle simulation looks like the graphic on the next page. Using the arrows,
identify if the process you’re observing is evaporation, condensation, or precipitation
and write it on the line. Then, describe what you see happening in your model.
Big Idea 7
Top Cup
Middle Cup
Bottom Cup
Big Idea 7
Based on the activity, answer the following questions:
1. What role do the ice cubes in the top cup play in the water cycle simulation?
2. Think about the following statement: The water drops in the middle cup come from
the ice water in the top cup.
a. Based on what you observed, do you think this statement is accurate or
If you think this statement is accurate, If you think this statement is
use your observational data to support inaccurate, use your observational
your position.
data to support your position.
Big Idea 7
3. After precipitation occurs, what would you expect to happen next?
Factors Affecting Weather and Climate
Weather and Climate
You just learned about the water cycle. The water we see around us today is the same
water that our ancestors used in the past and the same water that our children’s
children will use in the future. All the water we have on the planet goes around and
around in a cycle. It may be salt water in the ocean sometimes. Other times it may be
trapped as frozen glaciers in Greenland or Antarctica. Like the water on Earth
(hydrosphere), the air that makes up our atmosphere is always in motion. Air rises
and falls. It moves as wind, sometimes in gentle breezes and other times in raging
hurricanes or tornadoes. The processes that take place in the Earth’s hydrosphere and
atmosphere are also connected to the processes that take place on Earth’s surface
Weather and climate are both results of interactions among various cycles that make up
our dynamic Earth. Water, wind, temperature, topography, latitude, seasons – all of
these features influence weather and climate. What is the difference between weather
and climate?
Weather is the variety of events in the atmosphere that we observe on a daily basis.
For example, it could be hot, dry, and sunny where you live, but in other parts of the
country it is cloudy, rainy, or snowing. Severe types of weather include hurricanes,
tornadoes, thunderstorms, and blizzards.
Big Idea 7
A Hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico
Climate is made up of the larger patterns that help us to understand weather. It is the
average weather in a location over a long period of time. For example, a location like
Florida that gets large amounts of rain over many years would have a wet climate. A
place like Nevada, which gets very little rain, would have a dry climate. A place like
Alaska, where it stays cold for most of the year, would have a cold climate.
Understanding the climate of an area can help to predict the weather in that area.
Meteorologists are scientists who study weather and climate. They record the weather
every day, and this weather information helps us to understand the climate of an area.
So, when you look out the front door in the morning, you see weather. If you keep
looking out the door every morning and keep observing the weather each day, then you
will begin to understand some things about the climate in your area.
Meteorological Factors Affecting Weather and Climate
A number of factors influence not only the everyday weather you see outside, but also
the climate patterns all over the world. Meteorological factors are factors that are
regularly measured. These include air pressure, air temperature, humidity, clouds,
precipitation, and wind speed and direction.
Air Pressure
The weight of the air pressing down on the Earth causes air pressure. Air pressure
decreases as you move higher and higher in the atmosphere. You’ve probably heard
meteorologists talking about high pressure and low pressure influencing the weather.
High pressure is generally associated with good weather and low pressure is generally
associated with deteriorating weather conditions. Look at the weather map on the next
Big Idea 7
Partly Sunny
Low Pressure
High Pressure
Based on the map, what type of weather is associated with low pressure? With high
Air pressure can be measured using a barometer.
Big Idea 7
Air Temperature
Meteorologists often describe the weather as hot or cold. Air temperature influences the
weather by determining what type of precipitation can fall to the ground. Climate can
also be described based on average annual air temperature. For example, we have a
warm-to-hot climate in Florida because the air temperature is relatively high all year
long. In the polar regions, the climate is described as cold because they have relatively
low temperatures all year long.
When measuring air temperature, meteorologists use a tool you’re familiar with – a
Humidity is a measure of how much moisture is in the air. Air temperature has an effect
on how much water vapor the air can hold. Warmer air can hold much more water vapor
than cooler air. During the day, the Sun warms the Earth and a great deal of water
vapor enters the air around us. At night, when the air temperature drops, water vapor in
the air condenses as water droplets and can be seen as dew the next morning.
Humidity can be measured using a hygrometer.
Big Idea 7
The combination of air temperature and humidity is known as the “heat index.” This is a
measure of what the temperature feels like outside. On a summer day in Florida, you
might hear that the air temperature is 88 degrees, but it feels like 100 degrees.
Photo by Przemyslaw "BlueShade" Idzkiewicz
The type of cloud you see in the sky can help you predict the weather. The four main
types of clouds are cirrus, stratus, cumulus and cumulonimbus. Each type of cloud is
associated with a different type of weather.
Cloud Types Chart
thin, feather-like or curling
patches, high in the sky
Weather Conditions
clear, sunny, dry days
thick gray sheets, little
sunlight can pass through
light rain or fog
Big Idea 7
bright white, fluffy,
sometimes like animals
and other shapes
Cumulonimbus tall, towers with low, dark
gray bottoms; sometimes
almost entirely dark, black
fair weather, often called
partly sunny or partly
heavy showers,
As the humidity rises, there is more moisture in the air, which means there is a greater
chance of precipitation. Over time, water droplets in the air come together to form
clouds. As the clouds rise and begin to cool, the water droplets begin to form larger
drops of water. When these drops become large enough, they fall. This is called
precipitation. Precipitation comes in many forms, including rain, snow, sleet and hail,
depending on the air temperature and wind. Rain forms when water droplets within a
cloud become heavy enough to fall to the ground without passing through air that would
be cold enough to make those droplets freeze. Snow starts as water droplets freeze
high up in the clouds, falling through the freezing cold air all the way to the ground.
Sleet forms when raindrops freeze quickly into ice pellets. Hail forms when the wind
speed is very high in the clouds. As the water droplets first freeze in the air, they are
blown higher into the clouds by the wind. As they fall back down, they gather more
frozen water and either repeat the cycle or fall to the ground as hail stones.
Photo by Juni
Photo by Billy Hicks
Big Idea 7
You might use a rain gauge to measure the amount of rain that falls to the ground in a
particular location.
Describe a typical summer day in Miami using the words “temperature” and “humidity.”
On a dark, slightly rainy day, the type of clouds you see in the sky is probably
Big, fluffy clouds found on a sunny day are ___________________________________.
Describe how rain forms in the water cycle.
Wind Speed and Direction
When air is heated, it expands, becomes lighter (less dense), and rises. Cooler, heavier
(more dense) air falls back toward the earth and replaces the warmer, rising air. The
Big Idea 7
cooler air is heated at Earth’s surface and rises again as it is warmed. The movement of
warmer, lighter air and cooler, heavier air forms a cycle of air movement. This cycle is
called wind.
A large body of air that shares the same temperature and water content is called an air
mass. Wind moves air masses through the atmosphere. As wind moves an air mass
from one location to another, the water vapor in the air mass may condense into clouds
and eventually form precipitation. When wind moves an air mass that does not have
much water vapor, it dries out air above the land, making it feel cooler outside.
Photo by Nevit Dilman
We can measure the direction of the wind using a weather vane and the wind speed
using an anemometer.
Weather Vane
Geographical Factors Affecting Weather and Climate
Geographical factors also influence the everyday weather outside and the climate of a
region. These factors include proximity to the equator, proximity to bodies of water, and
Proximity to the Equator
Due to the tilt of the earth, the closer a region is to the equator, the more direct sunlight
it will receive throughout the year. The average temperature in a region is higher if it is
closer to the equator. The regions closest to the equator are called tropical. Mexico and
the southern United States are closest to the equator on the North American continent,
so the climate is tropical. As you move further away from the equator, the climate
becomes more temperate. The moderate regions have lower average temperatures
than the tropical regions. The farthest points from the equator are the North and South
Poles. These polar regions are the coldest climates on Earth.
Big Idea 7
Big Idea 7
Why do we sometimes see hail in Florida, but we almost never see snow?
Proximity to Bodies of Water
Have you ever gone to the beach on a hot summer day? Maybe you noticed that it
became cooler as you travelled closer to the water. Large bodies of water also influence
the climate of a region. Water absorbs and releases heat more slowly than land does.
As a result, during the summer in Florida, the air above water is cooler than the air
above land, making it cooler near the beach. During the winter in Florida, the beach
feels warmer because the ocean releases heat more slowly, warming the air for a
longer amount of time.
Air temperature decreases as you move higher and higher in the atmosphere. Why do
you think it gets colder as you climb to the top of a mountain?
The higher you go, the further away you get from the heat being absorbed by the
Earth’s surface. More heat at lower altitudes means more evaporation of water into
water vapor. As the water vapor rises to higher altitudes, the temperature of the water
vapor decreases. Then the opposite of evaporation begins to happen. Water vapor in
the higher altitudes cools and changes back to liquid water. Tiny droplets of water begin
to form clouds. Do you remember what this is called? ______________________
Air temperature changes with altitude mostly due to the distance from the relatively hot
surface of the Earth. For example, even though Ecuador is on the equator, it has a cool
climate due to its elevation. Near the surface of the Earth, the air is warmer and there is
more evaporation of water. The higher the air goes, the colder it gets, and the water
vapor in the air condenses and forms clouds. This leads to precipitation.
Mountain ranges are an example in which elevation influences weather and climate. As
air travels up to pass over the tops of mountains, the water vapor condenses and forms
clouds. These clouds then produce rain or snow. Because wind patterns tend to blow in
the same direction, precipitation will usually be much greater on one side of a mountain
range than the other. If the mountain air is cold enough, most of the precipitation will be
in the form of snow. As the snow melts, water flows over the land. The runoff from
Big Idea 7
melting snow flows into streams and rivers in the spring. On the opposite side of the
mountain, there are dry areas called rain shadows that get much less precipitation. Why
do you think these areas are dry?
Big Idea 7
In this chapter you learned that the water that is on Earth today is the same water that
was on Earth millions of years ago. This is because water is continually recycled
through the process of the water cycle. The water cycle is a four-step process of
evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection.
Weather is the variety of events in the atmosphere that we observe on a daily basis.
Climate is made up of the larger patterns that help us to understand weather. It is the
average weather in a location over a long period of time. Understanding the climate of
an area can help to predict the weather in that area.
Weather and climate are influenced by a number of meteorological factors, including air
pressure, air temperature, humidity, clouds, precipitation, and wind speed and direction:
The weight of the air pressing down on the Earth causes air pressure. High
pressure is generally associated with good weather and low pressure is generally
associated with deteriorating weather conditions.
Air temperature also affects weather by influencing what type of precipitation is
able to fall to the ground. We also use average annual air temperature to
describe a region’s climate.
Humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air.
As the air becomes more humid, clouds are more likely to form. There are four
main types of clouds, each associated with different types of weather. Cirrus
clouds are generally found in fair, dry weather. Partly cloudy or partly sunny
describes weather with cumulus clouds. Stratus clouds are low in the sky and
sometimes bring light rain. Cumulonimbus clouds indicate stormy weather.
Precipitation forms when water vapor in the air condenses. Depending on the air
temperature, it will fall to the ground as rain, snow, sleet or hail.
Wind speed and direction also influence the weather, moving air masses from
one place to another through the atmosphere. These meteorological factors work
together to influence both weather and climate.
Big Idea 7
Geographical factors affecting weather and climate include proximity to the equator,
proximity to bodies of water, and elevation:
In general, the closer you are to the equator, the higher the average daily
temperature. As you move further away from the equator, the average daily
temperature decreases.
Large bodies of water create warming and cooling areas that moderate the
surrounding area. Water absorbs and releases heat more slowly than land does.
Elevation influences weather and climate because the higher you go, the further
away you get from the heat being absorbed by the Earth’s surface. Mountains
force air to rise and pass over the mountaintops. As the air rises, it cools and
forms clouds. As the clouds pass over, precipitation tends to fall in the
Big Idea 7
1. Which location on Earth receives the most direct sunlight?
The deserts
The South Pole
The equator
The Western Hemisphere
2. Florida receives about 54 inches of rainfall a year. What would happen if all this rain
were to fall in one day?
3. Where does the precipitation go after it falls to Earth?
Evaporates into the air
Flows over the land
Absorbed by the ground
All of the above
4. Miami has a temperature of 85 °F. Weather forecasters are predicting that the air
pressure and temperature will drop during the day. Which type of weather is most
likely for this area in the late afternoon?
a. Rainy
b. Sunny
c. Snowy
Explain your reasoning.
Big Idea 7
5. Since water is a renewable resource and so much of it falls each year, you would
think that there should be enough water for everyone on Earth. Write down TWO
reasons why not everyone has enough water.
6. On a weather map, L means low pressure and H means high pressure.
Based on this map, what type of weather is associated with low pressure? With high
Big Idea 7
Big Idea 6 Earth Structures Part I
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.4.E.6.2 –
Identify the physical properties of common earth-forming minerals,
including hardness, color, luster, cleavage, and streak color, and
recognize the role of minerals in the formation of rocks.
SC.4.E.6.4 –
Describe the basic differences between physical weathering (breaking
down of rock by wind, water, ice, temperature changes, and plants) and
erosion (movement of rock by gravity, wind, water, and ice).
1. erosion
2. igneous
3. inorganic
4. lithosphere
5. metamorphic
6. mineral
7. organic
8. physical weathering
9. rock
10. rock cycle
11. sedimentary
12. soil
13. weathering
desgaste físico
ciclo de las rocas
Haitian Creole
inòganik (ki pa soti nan bèt ou
ewozyon fizik
sik wòch
Link to Prior Knowledge
You may already know about the water cycle. The water we see around us today is the
same water that our ancestors used in the past and the same water that our children’s
children will use in the future. All the water we have on the planet goes around and
around in a cycle. It may be salt water in the ocean some times. Other times it may be
trapped as frozen glaciers in Greenland or Antarctica. Like the water on Earth
(hydrosphere), the air that makes up our atmosphere is always in motion. Air rises and
falls. It moves as wind, sometimes in gentle breezes and other times in raging
hurricanes or tornadoes. The processes that take place in the Earth’s hydrosphere and
atmosphere are also connected to the processes that take place in the lithosphere.
Big Idea 6
In this chapter you will learn about Earth’s changing surface, the lithosphere. It is full of
dense materials that surround the entire planet. What exactly does the word dense
mean? Density is a measure of how much mass is inside a certain volume. If we say
that an object is dense, that’s another way of saying that the object has a large mass
inside of a certain volume.
Even though much of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, underneath the water is
solid rock. The rock that you see on Earth is from the lithosphere. The lithosphere
includes rocks, soil, sand, and other materials.
In this chapter, you will answer the following questions:
• How do rocks form? What are they made of?
• How do scientists classify minerals?
• How is soil formed?
• What factors cause rapid change to the surface of the Earth? What factors cause
gradual change?
Rocks and Minerals
Everyone can picture a rock, but do you know what a rock really is? Rocks are naturally
occurring solid mineral deposits. The planet Earth is basically one big rock. Maybe you
have heard that the Earth is called "the third rock from the Sun." Rocks exist all over the
Earth, in the deep oceans, the vast deserts, and the high mountains.
Igneous rocks are formed from molten lava that cools and hardens when it is exposed
to the cooler temperatures of the Earth’s surface. An example of an igneous rock is
granite, which is common for making stone buildings and is sometimes used for kitchen
Metamorphic rocks are formed when other rocks are changed by great heat and
pressure deep inside the Earth. An example of a metamorphic rock is marble. Marble is
a common rock that statues are carved from, and is sometimes used to make bathtubs
and bathroom sinks.
Sedimentary rocks are formed when small particles of minerals, sand, and soil (called
sediment) settle on the bottom of lakes or oceans. The weight and pressure pushes
down on these sediments over very long periods of time and slowly turns them into a
sedimentary rock. A common example of a sedimentary rock is limestone. Limestone is
one of the most common types of rock in Florida and is sometimes used in construction.
Because it is porous, it sometimes erodes to form underground caves.
Big Idea 6
Where do the sediments come from? Every day, rocks are being worn down by wind,
rain, and ice. This process is called weathering. When the sediments are weathered,
they are washed into streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. This process is called erosion.
We will learn more about weathering and erosion later in this chapter.
Like other cycles you probably remember, such as the water cycle, the process of rocks
being created and then being destroyed by weathering is also a cycle, called the rock
Earlier we said that rocks are naturally occurring solid mineral deposits, but what does
that mean? Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. A rock is usually made up of two
or more minerals. Every mineral is made of one or more elements and has a crystal
structure. Minerals are always solid and can be found in nature. Scientists have
identified over 4,000 minerals. There are several properties scientists use to classify
different minerals. Some of these properties are listed in the table below.
Big Idea 6
Properties Used to Classify Minerals
Moh’s scale determines how hard a mineral is
using the numbers 1-10. The lower the
number, the softer the mineral. The higher
the number, the harder the mineral.
Diamonds have a hardness of 10 and are the
hardest mineral.
Color is a good way to describe a mineral as
a first step toward identifying it. Some
minerals vary in color, so this category is
often combined with luster or steak color to
make a more accurate classification.
Luster tells you how light reflects off of a
mineral's surface. A mineral can have a
metallic, glassy, pearly, dull, or earthy luster.
Streak Color
The way a mineral breaks determines its
cleavage. If it breaks along a smooth, flat
surface, the mineral has cleavage. If it is
jagged when broken, it has fracture.
To find the streak color of a mineral,
scientists take the mineral and rub it on a
rough, hard surface called a streak plate that
causes the mineral to form a powder. The
color of the powder is the mineral's streak
Big Idea 6
Properties of Some Common Minerals
7 - hard
Streak Color
light pink,
gray, green
or white
uneven or
smooth and
3 - soft
green or
pearly or
thin, flexible
3 - soft
1 - very
white, green,
brown or
waxy or
thin, flat
greenish black
1.5 - very
metallic or
thin, flexible
10 - very
blue, yellow,
waxy or
red, orange, nonmetallic octahedrons
green, brown
white or none/
diamond is
harder than the
streak plate
Weathering and Erosion
Weathering is the natural process of rock and soil material being worn away. The
process of weathering can be caused by running water, wind, ice, and waves.
Weathering breaks rocks into smaller pieces. Most weathering happens very slowly
over long periods of time, such as the formation of crystals from water that persistently
drips in the cracks of rocks and growing plant roots that break apart large rocks.
Weathering can also happen very quickly from severe floods, storms, mudslides, or
Big Idea 6
The breaking of rocks by the forces of water,
waves, wind, and ice are all examples of what is
called physical weathering. In other words, it is
the physical hitting of one object (e.g., ice, water,
wind, etc.) against another object (e.g., a rock).
The picture is an example of physical weathering.
During a storm, for example, water enters the
many holes that are in the rock. When this water
freezes, it expands. The expansion of the water
results in the holes or cracks getting wider.
Weathering is a process that helps to make soil. But what exactly is soil? Soil is another
word for dirt. We all know what dirt is, but where does it come from? Dirt, or soil, is a
mix of organic and inorganic materials. Organic means living things and inorganic
means non-living. The inorganic materials in soil come from rocks. Through the process
of weathering, rocks eventually break down into very small particles. Then these
inorganic particles mix with organic particles from dead plants and animals that are
decomposing. Decomposition is the breakdown of plants and animals after they die.
There are also living animals, like worms, in soil. Soil can look and feel different
depending on the materials that form the soil in a particular place. Whatever it looks like,
soil is necessary for plant growth, which, in turn, is essential for all animal life.
Erosion is the process of moving rocks and soil downhill or into streams, rivers, or
oceans. Water is responsible for the most erosion. Water carries away material that has
been weathered and broken down. When the land gets more water than it can absorb
from rain, melting snow, or ice, the excess water flows downward to the lowest level it
can reach, carrying loose soil and rocks with it.
Big Idea 6
Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah contains structures called hoodoos formed
from wind, ice, and water erosion on sedimentary rocks.
Wind is another cause of erosion, especially in dry climates where there are few plants.
Wind that blows across bare land can lift particles of sand and soil but leaves behind
heavier pebbles and rocks.
In many parts of the world, ice, in the form of glaciers, has caused huge amounts of
erosion over time. Although a glacier moves slowly, the heavy ice grinds down and
pushes all the loose materials that it travels over. When the ice melts, smooth, bare
rocks are left behind.
Ocean waves also cause erosion. Where the ocean meets the land, waves and currents
cause coastal erosion of cliffs and beaches. Thus, different types of erosion leave
behind different topographic features – the smooth bare rocks are left after glaciers
pass, or the more jagged rocks are eroded by wind, rain, and flooding.
There are many types of erosion, but water erosion generally causes the most
problems. Farmers, home owners, and park and beach managers all have to worry
about the possible damaging effects of water eroding away their land.
Erosion can cause a lot of damage, but some things can be done to limit or reduce the
amount of erosion. In the next activity you will explore some of the factors that can
increase or decrease erosion. These factors include slope, soil type, plants, and dams.
We’re going to look at three of these factors: slope, soil type, and plants.
Big Idea 6
Activity 1: Stream Table
1. Questioning
Inquiry Framework
State the problem
What role does slope, soil type, and plants play in the rate of
Make a prediction (or hypothesis)
1. What role does slope play in the rate of erosion?
2. What role does soil type play in the rate of erosion?
3. What role do plants play in the rate of erosion?
Big Idea 6
2. Planning
Read the materials and procedures
a. Do I have all of the necessary materials?
b. Have I read the procedures?
c. Make a plan for testing the effect of the one variable your
group will manipulate – slope, soil type, or plants – on the
rate of soil erosion as compared to the control. Explain how
you are going to keep track of your observations.
3. Implementing
Gather the materials
2 aluminum roasting pans – 1 for control and 1 for
independent variable
1 250 mL graduated cylinder
2 large cups or pails
masking tape
• for slope as independent variable – 6 textbooks
• for soil type as independent variable – 4 textbooks
• for plants as independent variable – 4 textbooks
sand (only for group testing soil type as independent
1 cup of grass (only for group testing plants as
independent variable)
Follow the procedures
Along one edge of the pan, poke
a hole
Big Idea 6
Add soil to cover 24 cm of the pan. The soil should be 2
cm deep. Do not press or pat down the soil.
24 cm of soil (length)
2 cm of soil (depth)
For your group’s control pan, raise the height of one end
of the pan filled with soil. Place 2 textbooks underneath,
so that the pan is tilted. You may use masking tape to
hold the pan in place.
Each group is testing a different independent variable –
slope, soil type, or plants.
• For slope as independent variable, fill the other pan
with soil in the same way you did for the control pan
(24 cm in length, 2 cm in depth). For the manipulated
pan, use 4 textbooks to raise the slope.
• For soil type as independent variable, fill the other
pan with sand in the same way you did for the control
pan (24 cm in length, 2 cm in depth). Use 2 textbooks
for the slope.
• For plants as independent variable, fill the other pan
with soil in the same way you did for the control pan
(24 cm in length, 2 cm in depth). Plant the grass into
the soil. Use 2 textbooks for the slope.
Arrange each pan so that the hole is slightly hanging
over the edge of the desk and aligned with pail placed
below on floor to collect runoff.
Big Idea 6
Using the space in the box below, develop a way to keep
track of your qualitative and quantitative observations.
Slowly pour 500 mL of water in one spot near the
center top of the soil. Pour the water from a height of
approximately 30 cm.
Wait 5 minutes as runoff flows into the cup or pail for
each pan.
Using a graduated cylinder, measure the amount of
runoff from each pan.
Make note of your qualitative and quantitative
observations of the pans and runoff.
Big Idea 6
4. Concluding
Draw a conclusion
What did you find out? Briefly describe what you learned:
1. What role did slope play in the rate of erosion?
2. What role did soil type play in the rate of erosion?
3. What role did plants play in the rate of erosion?
Compare what you thought would happen with what actually
happened. Did the results support your hypothesis?
Soil Type:
5. Reporting
Share your results
What do you want to tell others about the activity?
Talk with your group members and answer the following
1. What could a farmer do to reduce the erosion on his farm?
How would the data from this investigation help?
Big Idea 6
What could the managers of a beach-front park do to reduce
the erosion on their beach? How would the data from this
investigation help?
2. Answer the following questions about the experiment that you
did in your group.
In this experiment, what was the independent variable? How
do you know?
What was the dependent variable? How do you know?
Which variables were kept constant?
6. Inquiry Extension Reflect on your results
• If I would do this activity again, how would I improve it?
• What would be a good follow-up experiment based on
what I learned?
Big Idea 6
7. Application
Make connections
• How does this activity relate to what happens in the real
• How could I apply the results in new situations?
Erosion is the process by which weathered materials are carried away. In the case of
the activity above, materials were carried away by moving water. If you worked with the
variable of slope, you learned that rain or the water from melting snow forms streams
and travels from higher to lower elevations. This moving water causes erosion. If you
worked with soil type, you discovered that some soils absorb more water than others.
As a result, these soils slow down the process of erosion. If you worked with plants, you
found out that plants also help to slow down the process of erosion because the plant
roots help to hold the soil in place.
Big Idea 6
In this chapter you learned about the solid materials that compose the land surfaces of
the Earth (the lithosphere). These solid materials interact with the liquid component of
the Earth’s surface (the hydrosphere) and the gaseous component of the Earth’s
surface (the atmosphere) to shape what you see on the Earth’s surface.
Rocks are naturally occurring solid mineral deposits. There are three main types of
rocks. Igneous rocks are formed from molten lava that cools quickly when it reaches
Earth’s surface. Metamorphic rocks are formed when other rocks are changed by great
heat and pressure deep within the Earth. Sedimentary rocks are formed from small
particles called sediments that settle on the bottom of lakes or oceans. The weight and
pressure of the water slowly turn the sediments into rock.
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. Rocks are usually made up of two or more
minerals. Scientists classify different minerals based on properties, such as hardness,
color, luster, cleavage, and streak color.
The hydrosphere and atmosphere are connected to the lithosphere because water and
wind are sources of weathering that lead to rocks being broken down into sand and soil.
Weathering is the process by which material is worn away. The breaking of rocks by
forces of water, waves, wind, and ice are examples of physical weathering.
You also learned that erosion is the process of moving rocks and dirt downhill or into
streams, rivers, or oceans. You did an activity that modeled how erosion is caused by
flowing water, like a stream or river. There are many types of erosion, but erosion from
flowing water is one of the most common types. Erosion is one of the forces that cause
the surface of the Earth to constantly change its appearance. Some of these changes
are caused by slow processes (like river erosion). Other changes are caused by fast
processes (like beach erosion from a hurricane).
Big Idea 6
After a visit to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, Jamie wondered how a river could
carve such a deep canyon. Her grandfather created a model to show the formation
of the Grand Canyon. He took a glass pan and filled it with tightly packed soil. He
raised the pan slightly at one end. Then he took a beaker filled with water and slowly
began to pour it on the raised end of the pan. He filled the beaker with water several
times and repeated the process. Every time he poured more water onto the soil, the
water flow would form deeper gaps along its path into the soil.
Describe the similarities between the formation of the Grand Canyon and Jamie’s
grandfather’s model.
Big Idea 6
2. The freezing and thawing action of water affects a rock by
Transforming the rock into igneous rock
Chemically changing the rock
Gradually breaking down the rock into smaller pieces
Leaving behind sedimentary particles from evaporated solutions
3. Which of these can cause sharp, rough mountains to become rounded and smooth
over time?
Wind and rain
The sun’s rays
Light and darkness
Earth’s magnetic field
4. All of the landforms on Earth are constantly changing shape. What is most
responsible for the changes in the landforms?
Water erosion
5. On flat open farmland, farmers often plant a row of trees as a method of soil
conservation. Which statement best explains how a row of trees can help conserve
The trees provide shade, so the soil does not dry out.
The tree branches protect the soil from the force of acid rain.
The trees act as a windbreak, reducing soil erosion caused by blowing wind.
The trees attract animals whose wastes add fertilizer to help prevent soil erosion.
6. There are three types of rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Describe
how each type of rock is formed.
Big Idea 6
7. The table below shows whether or not each mineral can scratch the other minerals.
Based on the table, which mineral is the hardest?
a. Mineral A
b. Mineral B
c. Mineral C
8. Daunte performed several tests on a mineral to help identify it. The picture below
shows one of the tests he performed.
Which property of a mineral will he be able to identify using this test?
Attraction to magnets
Streak color
Big Idea 6
9. The picture below shows how a type of rock forms at the bottom of the ocean. What
type of rock is this?
Big Idea 6
Big Idea 6 Earth Structures Part II
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.4.E.6.3 –
Recognize that humans need resources found on Earth and that these
are either renewable or nonrenewable.
1. coal
2. fossil fuel
3. geothermal energy
4. hydropower
5. natural gas
6. nonrenewable resource
7. nuclear energy
8. oil
9. renewable resource
10. natural resource
11. solar energy
12. wind energy
combustible fósil
energía geotérmica
poder hidroelectrico
gas natural
recurso no renovable
energía nuclear
recurso renovable
recurso natural
energía solar
energía eólica (del viento)
Haitian Creole
fosil ki ka boule pou gaz
enèji ki soti nan fon tè
enèji idwolik
gaz natirèl
resous nonrenouvlab
enèji atomik
resous renouvlab
resous natirel
enèji solè
enèji van
Link to Prior Knowledge
You have learned that energy is the ability to do work or a force that moves an object.
Energy comes in different forms. Energy is found in our bodies. Energy can heat our
food. Energy can make our homes cooler and give us light at nighttime. Energy can be
changed from one form to another. When gasoline is burned in your car’s engine, the
chemical energy of the gasoline is transformed to mechanical energy and heat energy.
When you use a flashlight, the chemical energy from the batteries is changed to light
energy and heat energy. The Sun is the source of most of the energy on Earth.
Do you know where most of our energy that we use every day comes from to make our
lives easier?
In this chapter you will answer the following questions:
• What are the renewable and nonrenewable resources that we use?
• How much of each resource do we use for energy?
• Why is it important to use resources wisely?
• What renewable and nonrenewable resources are found in Florida?
Big Idea 6
Activity 1: What Energy Do I Use?
List the many different ways you used energy this morning to get ready for school.
Record your responses in the chart below. When you have finished your energy search,
share your answers with your group.
As you can see from your list, we use energy for many things in our lives. In fact, we
probably don’t think much about what would happen if we didn’t have energy to make
electricity so that we could keep our food cold, watch TV, and play the radio. Have you
ever had the electricity go off during a thunderstorm or a hurricane? Just imagine if we
didn’t have electricity to do all the things we wanted to do.
Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources
A natural resource is something found in nature that is valuable to humans. Natural
resources include a region’s energy, minerals, forests, wildlife, and water. We have to
limit the use of many of these resources because they cannot be replaced as quickly as
we use them.
The energy resources that we use can be classified into two different types – renewable
energy and nonrenewable energy. Renewable energy is a resource that can be used
over and over again without running out. Renewable energy resources include solar
energy from the Sun, wind energy from the wind, geothermal energy from the inside
of the Earth, and hydropower from moving water.
Nonrenewable energy is a resource that we are using up because we use it more
quickly than it can be replaced. Examples of nonrenewable energy include oil, natural
gas, coal, and nuclear energy. Oil, natural gas, and coal are called fossil fuels
because they are made of dead plants and animals. They have been formed over
millions and millions of years by pressure and heat within the Earth. We use fossil fuels
and nuclear power to make electricity.
Big Idea 6
Activity 2: How Much Energy Is Used In The U.S.?
Percent Used in the U.S.
38% or 38 out of 100
Natural Gas
26% or 26 out of 100
21% or 21 out of 100
Nuclear Energy
9% or 9 out of 100
Percent Used in the U.S.
3% or 3 out of 100
less than 1% or less than 1 out
of 100
1% or 1 out of 100
less than 1% or less than 1 out
of 100
1. List all of the renewable energy resources found in the table. Why are these
resources renewable?
2. List all of the nonrenewable energy resources found in the table. Why are these
resources nonrenewable?
Big Idea 6
3. Which energy resource(s) do we use the most in the U.S.?
4. What percent of the energy we use is renewable? What percent is nonrenewable?
5. What are the advantages of using renewable energy resources? What are the
advantages of using nonrenewable energy resources? (Think of the necessity for
energy and how it can affect the environment.)
6. One of Florida’s major resources is solar energy. Why is Florida such a good
location for the use of solar energy?
The resources you just learned about are used to make energy, but what about
resources that aren’t used for energy? Florida has resources like wood and limestone
for building. We have water for agriculture and drinking and fisheries for food. Silicon, a
mineral used to make microchips, is also abundant in Florida. In addition, Florida has
phosphate and peat, which are used in fertilizers.
Big Idea 6
Can you think of any other resources found in Florida?
Which of the Florida resources on the previous page are renewable? How do you
Which are nonrenewable? How do you know?
Big Idea 6
The energy sources that we use can be classified into two different types – renewable
energy and nonrenewable energy. Renewable energy is a resource that can be used
over and over again without running out. Renewable energy resources include solar
energy which is energy from the Sun, wind energy from the wind, geothermal energy
from the inside of the Earth, and hydropower from moving water.
Nonrenewable energy is a resource that we are using up because it takes a very long
time to make it. Examples of nonrenewable energy include oil, coal, natural gas, and
nuclear. Oil, coal, and natural gas are called fossil fuels because they are made of dead
plants and animals. They have been formed over millions and millions of years by
pressure and heat within the Earth. We use fossil fuels and nuclear power to make
The graphic below shows some of the examples of renewable and nonrenewable
resources that we can use.
You also learned that Florida has many natural resources including wood, limestone,
water, fisheries, silicon, phosphate, and peat. Some of these resources are renewable
and others are nonrenewable. These resources are used not only by the people in
Florida, but by people all over the country.
Big Idea 6
1. A renewable energy resource will not run out. Which is an example of the use of a
renewable resource?
Coal furnace heating a home
Windmill pumping water on a farm
Oil lamp lighting a room
Diesel truck traveling along a road
2. Name two renewable resources.
3. Name two nonrenewable resources.
4. Describe one advantage of using renewable resources for energy.
5. Which of the following is best classified as a nonrenewable resource?
6. Fossil fuels formed over a long period of time because heat and pressure were
applied to
Carbon filtered through limestone
Plants and animals buried in the ground
Bacteria on top of the mud
Nitrogen mixed in the water
Big Idea 6
Big Idea 5 Earth in Space and Time
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.5.E.5.1 –
Recognize that a galaxy consists of gas, dust, and many stars, including
any objects orbiting the stars. Identify our home galaxy as the Milky
SC.5.E.5.3 –
Distinguish among the following objects of the Solar System – Sun,
planets, moons, asteroids, comets – and identify Earth’s position in it.
SC.4.E.5.4 –
Relate that the rotation of Earth (day and night) and apparent
movements of the Sun, moon, and stars are connected.
1. asteroid
2. axis
3. comet
4. galaxy
5. lunar phases
6. meteor
7. moon
8. nebula
9. planet
inner planets
outer planets
10. revolution
11. rotation
12. solar system
inner solar system
outer solar system
13. star
14. star system
15. universe
fases lunares
meteoro bólido
planetas interiores
planetas exteriores
sistema solar
sistema solar interior
sistema solar exterior
systema estelar
Haitian Creole
aks (liy wotasyon)
faz linè
planèt enteryè
planèt eksteryè
sistèm solè
enteryè sistèm solèy
eksteryè sistèm solèy
system zetwal
Link to Prior Knowledge
In this chapter, you will learn about systems involving the Earth that extend beyond our
planet. Just like there are systems on the Earth, the Earth is also part of a larger
Big Idea 5
system. Some of these systems are a solar system, a nebula, a star system, a galaxy,
and the universe. Scientists use the word universe to refer to all of the matter that
exists in space. The universe includes all of the systems put together, including all the
objects in space. These cosmic systems influence one another with their movements.
Think back to when you studied force and motion.
1. What are some of the forces that can act on an object?
2. Can these forces act on an object in outer space? Why or why not?
3. How does the motion of the Earth affect our lives?
In this chapter, you will answer the following questions:
• How is the Sun similar to and different from other stars?
• Why does the Sun look so different from other stars?
• How are the planets in the solar system arranged relative to one another?
• Why does the moon look different to us on different nights?
The Milky Way
What is the Milky Way? The Milky Way is the name of our galaxy, which is the home of
our Solar System and the Earth. But the Milky Way is much larger than our Solar
System and contains many galactic objects.
A galaxy is a system that contains many stars, star systems, nebulas, any objects
orbiting stars (such as planets), and dust. Star systems are groups of stars that are
bound together by their gravitational forces. Nebulas are regions where gases like
hydrogen and helium, dust, and material from solar explosions "clump" together to form
larger masses. The more massive these clouds become the more gravitational force
they exert, attracting more matter and eventually becoming large enough to form stars.
If enough material is left after a star is formed, it can then become a solar system. The
remaining material clumps together and is able to form planets and other objects found
Big Idea 5
in a solar system such as asteroids, moons, and comets. The leftover material floats
around as dust. We will read more about our Solar System later in this chapter.
Stars are huge balls of hydrogen gas. The gravitational force of a star is large enough
to pull and push hydrogen atoms together to the point of forming helium. In this process,
large amounts of energy are released in the form of light and heat. This same
gravitational force is responsible for keeping the planets and other objects in orbit
around a star such as the Sun, the closest star to Earth.
The following table shows the distance from Earth to some of the nearest stars. The
distances between stars are so big that scientists invented some new units of length to
simplify the large numbers. One of these units is the light year. One light year is the
distance that light can travel in one year. As you can see from the table, one light year is
very, very, very far.
(in light years)
Proxima Centauri
Alpha Centauri
Barnard’s Star
Star Name
(in miles)
(in kilometers)
Next to the Sun, the closest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri, at a distance close to 25
trillion miles. This is why the Sun appears so large in our sky and the other stars appear
so small. In actuality, though stars are very different from one another, the other stars in
our galaxy and the Sun are somewhat similar in size. Have you ever taken a
photograph of a friend? If you are close to her face, it fills the whole picture. If you are
further away, your friend appears smaller. This is why the Sun looks so large in our sky
and the other stars look so small. We are much closer to the Sun than we are to the
other stars in the sky.
The universe is huge! Within the universe, the stars are spread out over great
distances. When we look up at the stars from Earth, they look like they are grouped
close together. But in reality, the stars are all far from one another. All the stars that we
see are part of our galaxy, the Milky Way, but sometimes the bright dots we see are
Big Idea 5
really nebulas or even other galaxies. If there are other life forms out there in the
Universe, they will have to travel incredible distances if we are ever going to meet them.
Our Solar System
You may have heard the term solar system, but what does it mean? If you think that it
is a system where planets revolve around a sun or star, you are correct. All the objects
that revolve around the Sun are in our Solar System. As you can see in the picture
below, the Asteroid Belt divides our Solar System into an inner solar system and an
outer solar system. In addition to planets, our Solar System includes moons, comets,
asteroids, and dust.
The way we move through the Solar system determines which stars we are able to see
at night. Because it takes one year for Earth to orbit the Sun, we are able to see
different patterns of stars in the night sky every season. Patterns of stars in the sky are
called constellations. The stars appear to move throughout the year, but it is the
movement of the Earth around the Sun that causes you to see different constellations.
You can also see different constellations depending on what part of the Earth you are
viewing the sky from. People in the southern hemisphere are able to see some
constellations people in the northern hemisphere cannot see. It is important to
remember that the patterns of stars across the night sky are not moving, but rather the
Earth is moving or revolving around the Sun.
Our Solar System
The Planets
In the picture above, you can see the order of the planets’ distance from the Sun. The
planets in our Solar System can be categorized as inner or terrestrial planets and outer
or gaseous planets. Six of the eight planets have moons revolving around them.
Big Idea 5
The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) are called terrestrial because
they resemble the Earth (Terra in Latin) and share similar characteristics. They are
rocky with similar chemical compositions surrounded by a thin layer of gas
(atmosphere). The inner planets are relatively close to the Sun and relatively close to
one another.
The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) are substantially more
spread out both from the Sun and from one another. They are also many times larger
than the inner planets and share similar characteristics. They are surrounded by a thick
layer of gas or atmosphere and have many moons orbiting them. Although we have not
been able to study the inside of the outer planets, it is believed that the center of each
planet contains a rocky core. Another characteristic of outer planets is the presence of
rings. The rings are formed by rocky and icy material found in space that is trapped by
the gravitational pull of the planet.
Why do you think the outer planets are often referred to as Gas Giants?
To remember the order of the planets, you may use the following trick: “My Very
Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles.” Notice that the first letters match the order
of the planets in relation to the distance from the Sun. Can you come up with your own
phrase to remember the order of the planets?
Other Space Objects
The division between the inner planets and the outer planets is a region called the
Asteroid Belt. The Asteroid Belt is located between Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids are
objects made up of rock and metal that are too small to be classified as a planet.
In the outer Solar System there are other objects known as comets. The difference
between an asteroid and a comet is that while asteroids are made up of rock and metal,
comets are mostly made up of frozen gas. As comets come closer to the Sun, their ice
begins to melt and creates a “tail” of gas.
Objects in the Solar System that are smaller than asteroids are called meteoroids.
When a meteoroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere and leaves a visible trail, it is called a
meteor. A meteor is also called a falling or shooting star. When the meteor continues to
burn as it travels through the atmosphere and finally lands on the ground, it is called a
Big Idea 5
Picture by Philipp Salzgeber
Activity 1: The Planets
What are some general characteristics of the planets in our Solar System? Read
through the questions below. Your teacher will assign your group a question to answer.
Circle or highlight the question your group will be answering.
Question 1
How does an inner planet’s distance from the Sun relate to the average surface
temperature of that planet?
Question 2
Does a planet’s distance from the Sun relate to the time it takes to revolve around
the Sun?
Question 3
Does a planet’s distance from the Sun relate to the type of surface on that planet?
Question 4
Does the size of a planet relate to its type of surface?
Question 5
Is the average distance between inner planets less than or greater than the average
distance between the outer planets?
Materials (per small group):
• Planet Information Tables
• A calculator or scratch paper
1. Carefully read your assigned question.
2. Examine the provided Planet Information Table. Find the data that will best help
you answer your question.
3. Record the data you gather in the table that corresponds to your group’s
4. Talk about your findings with your group.
5. Report your findings to the class.
6. Record the data from all of the other groups until all of the tables are complete.
Big Idea 5
Planet Information Tables
The Inner Planets
Big Idea 5
from Sun
(millions of
Size or
Time it takes
to Revolve
around the Sun
Time it takes
to Rotate once
on Axis
88 days
(0.24 Earth
58 Earth
-170 to 230°C
(-274 to
The average
is 67°C
Hydrogen, helium,
Very thin atmosphere
with no weather
Rocky, cratered surface
Looks like the moon
Slow rotation causes
one side of Mercury to
be very hot while the
other side is very cold.
225 days
(0.62 Earth
243 Earth
The average
is 480°C
Carbon dioxide and
sulfuric acid
Thick cloud cover
with a strong
greenhouse effect
Rocky surface.
Vast low areas and high
mountains, which may
have been active
Air pressure is 90 times
greater than Earth’s.
365 days
(1 Earth year)
24 hours
(1 Earth day)
-90 to 58°C
(-130 to
The average
is 15°C (59°F)
78% Nitrogen and
21% oxygen, <1%
carbon dioxide and
water vapor
Greenhouse effect
Rocky surface.
Liquid water
Moderate temperatures
The only planet with life
as we know it.
2 Earth years
24.5 hours
(1 Earth day)
-130 to –31°C
(-202 to 24°F)
The average
is -63°C
Thin atmosphere
composed of carbon
dioxide, nitrogen,
argon, oxygen, water
Rocky surface
Polar icecaps, rustcolored surface, and
inactive volcanoes
Channels indicate that
Mars had rivers.
The Outer Planets
Big Idea 5
from Sun
(millions of
Size or
Time it takes to
Revolve around
the Sun
Time it takes
to Rotate once
on Axis
(°C) (°F)
12 Earth years
10 hours
(0.4 Earth
Very cold
above clouds
to very hot in
Hydrogen, helium,
methane, ammonia
Great red spot (a
huge storm), violent
Large gas planet
Rocky core surrounded
by liquid-hydrogen
ocean. One of the
moons has active
29 Earth years
10.5 hours
(0.4 Earth
Very cold
above clouds
to very hot in
Hydrogen, helium,
methane, ammonia
Violent storms
Large gas planet
Many rings of ice.
Some scientists think
life could evolve on
Titan, one of Saturn’s
84 Earth years
16.8 hours
(0.7 Earth
Very cold
above clouds
to very hot in
Hydrogen, helium,
Greenish-blue gas
planet, rotates on side,
9 dark narrow rings of
methane ice, worldwide
ocean of superheated
165 Earth years
16 hours
(0.7 Earth
Very cold
above clouds
to very hot in
Hydrogen and helium
Huge clouds of
Bluish gas planet
Rocky core surrounded
by an ocean of liquid
water and methane.
Record the Findings from Your Investigation
Table 1
The Inner Planets’ Distances from the Sun Compared to their Average Surface
Name of Inner Planet
Distance from the Sun
(millions of km)
Average Surface
Temperature (˚C) (˚F)
30 (86)
Table 2
The Planets’ Distances from the Sun Compared to their Revolution Periods
Name of Planet
Distance from the Sun
(millions of km)
Time to Revolve around
(Earth years)
Big Idea 5
Table 3
The Planets’ Distances from the Sun Compared to their Types of Surface
Name of Planet
Distance from the Sun
(millions of km)
Type of Surface
(rocky, gaseous, or icy)
Table 4
The Sizes of the Planets Compared to the Types of Surfaces
Name of Planet
Size of Planet
Diameter (km)
Type of Surface
(rocky or gaseous)
Big Idea 5
Table 5
The Average Distance between the Inner Planets Compared to the Average Distance
between the Outer Planets
Name of Planet
Distance from the Sun
(millions of km)
Distance from Previous
Planet (millions of km)
Average distance between the inner planets =
Average distance between the outer planets =
Fill in the blanks with either increases or decreases.
Question 1
As an inner planet’s distance from the Sun _________________________, the
average temperature _______________________.
Question 2
As a planet’s distance from the Sun _________________________, the time the
planet takes to revolve around the Sun _______________________.
Fill in the blanks with either rocky or gaseous.
Question 3
As a planet’s distance from the Sun increases, the type of surface is more likely to
be _______________________.
Question 4
If the size of a planet is larger, the surface is more likely to be _________________.
Big Idea 5
Fill in the blank with smaller or larger.
Question 5
The average distance between the inner planets is ____________________ than
the average distance between the outer planets.
Record your findings so others can learn. Write the answer to the following questions:
Question 1: How does an inner planet’s distance from the Sun relate to the average
surface temperature of the planet?
Question 2: Does a planet’s distance from the Sun relate to the time it takes to
revolve around the Sun? Please explain.
Question 3: Does a planet’s distance from the Sun relate to the type of surface found
on the planet? Please explain.
Big Idea 5
Question 4: Is the distance between inner planets less than or greater than the
distance between the outer planets? Please explain.
Question 5: Does the size of a planet relate to its type of surface? Please explain.
In this activity, you learned the characteristics shared by the inner planets and those
shared by the outer planets. Think about what you just learned and answer the following
1. What characteristics do the inner planets have in common?
2. What characteristics do the outer planets have in common?
Big Idea 5
The Movement of the Earth around the Sun
Rotation and Revolution of the Earth
When a planet (or any other object) spins around on its axis, this is called rotation. The
Earth turns, or rotates, on its axis once every day. One rotation of the Earth is equal to
one day (24 hours).
When one object goes around another object, this is called revolution. The Earth goes
around the Sun, or revolves, once every year. One revolution of the Earth is equal to
one year (365¼ days).
When we say that the Earth spins around every day, we can say that the Earth
___________________ on its axis.
When we say that the Earth goes around the Sun every year, we can say that the Earth
___________________ around the Sun.
The rotation and revolution of the Earth are important ideas for understanding things we
experience every day, like day and night and the changing seasons. For thousands of
years, people thought that the Earth was at the center of the universe and that the Sun,
stars, and planets all revolved around the Earth. This is easy to understand because,
from our perspective, the Sun does seem to move around us. We still say that the Sun
“rises” and “sets” in the sky. We can also see constellations, or groups of stars that form
a pattern, appear to move around us. Again, this is because of our perspective as a
result of the Earth’s position, rotation, and revolution.
Describe any patterns you have noticed in the night sky.
It was not until the Polish astronomer Copernicus measured the movements of other
planets in the 1500’s that people learned the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of our
solar system. This understanding also helped to explain why the seasons change and
why the night sky changes throughout the year, including how we see the moon.
Phases of the Moon
Sometimes what we see depends on where we are standing. We see the phases of the
moon change because we are looking at the moon from the Earth. If we were far out in
space, looking down on the Earth and moon, things would look different. We would see
Big Idea 5
that as the moon rotates and revolves around the Earth, half of its surface is always
light because it is facing the Sun. The other half is always dark because it is facing
away from the Sun. This perspective is shown in the first picture below.
Moon, Earth, and Sun as Viewed from Above Our Solar System
Because of our perspective from Earth, we do not always see the moon as half light and
half dark. Some nights we see just the light half (Full Moon). Other nights we see just
the dark half (New Moon). Most nights we see something in between. This perspective
of what we see from Earth is shown in the second picture below.
The Moon as Seen from Earth
We see the various lunar phases (moon phases) from Earth because of the relative
positions of the Sun, Earth, and moon. For example, during the New Moon phase, the
moon is passing between the Earth and the Sun. During the Full Moon phase, the Earth
is between the Moon and the Sun. From our perspective on Earth, the moon travels
through a predictable series of phases approximately every 28 days.
Big Idea 5
What do you think it would be like to have several moons revolving around Earth?
Would it change our calendar? What else might it change?
What views do you think astronauts have of Earth and the moon as they orbit Earth?
Activity 2: Modeling the Movement of the Earth and the Moon
In the following activity, you will make a model to explain the motion of the Earth and the
moon with respect to the Sun.
Materials (per small group):
• 1 sharp pencil
• 1 medium Styrofoam ball or ball of clay
• 1 lamp
Big Idea 5
Procedures and Observations:
1. Push a pencil straight through the center of the Styrofoam™ ball. This represents
the Moon’s axis. Mark an X on one side of the ball.
2. Darken the room and turn on the lamp. Make sure the lamp is located centrally in
the classroom. Secure the electric cord to the floor to keep students from tripping
over it. The lamp represents the Sun.
3. Select a student to stand a few feet from the lamp. The student represents the
4. Have another student hold the ball (Moon) a few feet from the student (Earth).
5. The student (Earth) will spin on its axis to represent the 24 hour cycle. When
facing the lamp it will be noon, and when facing in the opposite direction it will be
6. The student holding the Moon will revolve around the Earth, making sure the X is
always facing the student (Earth).
7. Model the motion of the Earth and the Moon by spinning both Earth and Moon
and revolving the Moon around the Earth. (Do not model the revolution of the
Earth around the Sun, yet.)
8. Describe the pattern of light and shadow on the Moon and what is observed from
the Earth.
9. Model the motion of the moon by keeping the Earth (student) facing opposite the
Sun (lamp) and by revolving the Moon around the Earth. Keep the X on the Moon
always facing the Earth. Describe what the Earth “sees”:
In this activity, you have modeled the movement of the Earth around the Sun and the
movement of the moon around the Earth. You saw the cause of the phases of the
Big Idea 5
At the beginning of the chapter you learned that all of the stars we see at night from
here on Earth are incredibly far away, although they are still part of the Milky Way. The
Sun appears so large and bright in our sky not because it is bigger than all the other
stars, but because we are so close to it.
The inner and outer planets of our Solar System have different characteristics. You
were able to discover the characteristics shared by the inner planets and those shared
by the outer planets. Our Solar System is not only made up of planets, but also includes
objects like asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and dust.
You learned about the movements of the Sun, the Earth, and the moon. The Earth
turns, or rotates, on its axis once every day. One rotation of the Earth is equal to one
day. The Earth goes around the Sun, or revolves, once every year. One revolution of
the Earth is equal to one year. From our perspective on Earth, the moon travels through
a predictable series of phases approximately every 28 days. Together, these
movements help to explain a number of the things we observe from Earth, including the
length of the year, the passage of day and night, and the changes in the appearance of
the moon at different times of the month.
Big Idea 5
1. Which of these revolves around a planet?
An asteroid
A star
A comet
A moon
2. The largest body in our solar system is
the Sun
the Moon
3. Keisha knows that Earth rotates on its axis. What evidence indicates Earth is
rotating on its axis?
There is a day and a night.
There are 365 days in each year.
There are four phases of the moon.
There are different seasons of the year.
4. Some students wanted to make a model to show how the size of the Sun compares
with the size of the farthest star in our galaxy, Sirius. They used an orange to
represent Sirius. Which of the following would best represent the Sun?
A watermelon
A pea
An orange
A cherry
Big Idea 5
5. The following table lists several characteristics of each planet in the solar system.
What is the connection between the distance from the sun and the period of
The planets farther from the sun have longer days.
The planets farther from the sun have longer years.
The planets closer to the sun have longer days.
The planets closer to the sun have longer years.
Big Idea 5
6. A student was given the diagram below showing the size of one of the planets
compared to Earth.
The student also knew that this planet was dense, and rocky.
Choose the most likely identity of the planet shown in the student’s diagram.
7. The Solar System consists of inner and outer planets.
a. Describe two characteristics of the inner planets.
Big Idea 5
b. Describe two characteristics of the outer planets.
8. What is the name of our galaxy? Name and describe three objects found in our
9. Jacob created a diagram to show some of the common characteristics of planets in
our solar system.
Which characteristic should Jacob write in the empty circle of the diagram?
Made mostly of gas
Has a rocky surface
Revolves around a star
Is a satellite of another planet
Big Idea 5
Big Idea 14 Organization and Development
of Living Organisms Part I
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.5.L.14.1 – Identify the organs in the human body and describe their functions,
including the skin, brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, intestines,
pancreas, muscles, and skeleton, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder,
and sensory organs.
1. artery
2. bladder
3. blood
4. blood vessel
5. body system
6. brain
7. capillary
8. carbon dioxide
9. cardiac
10. cell
11. digestion
12. egg
13. esophagus
14. exhale
15. fertilization
16. heart
17. heart rate
18. inhale
19. joint
20. kidney
21. large intestine
22. liver
23. lung
24. muscle
25. nerve
26. nutrients
27. organ
28. organism
29. ovary
30. oxygen
31. pancreas
vaso sanguíneo
sistema del cuerpo
tubo capilar
carbono dióxido
ritmo cardiac
intestino grande
Haitian Creole
atè (kannal san wouj)
nan blad pipi
kannal sikilasyon san
sistèm kò
kapilè (ti kannal san)
kabòn dyosid
ekspire (lage souf)
rit kadyak
respire (pran souf)
gwo trip
nan misk
eleman nitritif
Big Idea 14
32. pulse
33. rib
34. skeletal muscle
35. skeleton
36. skull
37. small intestine
38. smooth muscle
39. sperm
40. spinal cord
41. stomach
42. tendon
43. testes
44. tissue
45. uterus
46. vein
músculo esquelético
intestino pequeño
músculo liso
médulla espinal
tejido fino
Haitian Creole
zo kòt
misk zo yo
zo tèt (kalbastèt)
ti trip
misk lis yo
kolòn vertebral
Link to Prior Knowledge
Imagine that your body is a machine like a car. A car has many different parts to make it
run. The engine provides the power to move. Gasoline feeds the engine through a fuel
system. As the gasoline powers the car, wastes are produced. The wastes are released
by the exhaust pipe.
How is your body like a machine? Does your body have different parts like a car to
make it run? Your body has many parts called organs to make it run like a machine.
Each organ does a different job, and when they all work together correctly, you are
healthy. Organs work together to make a body system, like the nervous system or
digestive system. All the body systems combine to make an organism. You are an
organism made of many body systems.
In this chapter, you will be exploring organs in some of the body systems, including
skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, nervous, and reproductive
systems. You will answer the following questions:
• What are some important organs in your body?
• What are the functions of each organ?
• How do the different organs work together?
What are Organs Made of?
You have already learned that the smallest building block of matter is the atom. In living
things, the smallest building block that is considered alive is the cell. In fact, for
something to be considered alive, it must be made of cells. Cells are usually too small to
see without a microscope, and you have trillions of them in your body. The cells in
Big Idea 14
different parts of your body have different jobs, so they have different shapes.
When a group of cells are attached to one another to perform a function, they are called
a tissue. When a group of tissues are attached to one another to perform a function,
they are called an organ. When a group of organs are attached to one another to
perform a function, they are called a body system. A group of body systems works
together to form an organism, such as a plant, a dog, or you.
Organs of the Skeletal and Muscular Systems
The skeletal system includes the bones, which is a group of
organs, in your body. An adult usually has 206 bones in his or
her body. How would your body look without a skeleton?
Because you have a skeleton, you have a definite form. But
your skeleton does a lot more for you than give your body
shape and structure.
Protection is another job of the skeletal system. Put your hands
gently on your chest. Do you feel the bones? These bones are
called ribs. The ribs form a cage around some of your internal
organs to protect these organs. Can you name three organs
found inside your chest?
Your head is formed by the bones called the skull. What organ does the skull protect?
Do your parents tell you to drink milk so you can have healthy bones? Your parents are
right! Bones store minerals such as calcium. Calcium is an element that your body
needs to maintain healthy bones and muscles and to keep your heart functioning
Big Idea 14
One part of the muscular system works very closely with the skeletal system. This part
is called skeletal muscle, which helps you move. Skeletal muscles work with your
bones to give your body power and strength, and you can usually control them.
Make a muscle by bending your lower arm at the elbow. Can
you feel the muscle in your arm? Skeletal muscles are
attached to bones with the help of tendons. Tendons are like
strong, tough strings. They work as links between bones and
muscles. Bones are rigid and do not bend. Joints enable you
to bend, twist, curl, slide, and stand straight.
In addition to skeletal muscle, there are two other types of
muscle that you cannot control: smooth muscles and cardiac
or heart muscles. A smooth muscle is found in some of your
internal organs. When you swallow a sip of water, the smooth
muscles in your throat move the water along. The cardiac or
heart muscle is found only in the heart and makes your heart
Organs of the Circulatory System
Put your index and middle fingers on the opposite wrist on the outside edge of your
thumb, and then drag them down to your wrist. Do you feel the movement below your
skin? This is your pulse. Your pulse lets you know that your heart is working to move
your blood. People count the beats of the pulse to find out their heart rate. Each beat of
the pulse is equal to one heart beat. The circulatory system is like the highway of the
body. It transports materials from one location to another within your body.
The circulatory system is made up of three main parts.
1. The blood includes:
• Red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to
the cells in the rest of the body.
• Carbon dioxide, a waste product that moves from
the whole body to the lungs.
• Nutrients which provide energy.
Big Idea 14
2. The heart is the pump that keeps the blood flowing through the blood vessels.
3. The blood vessels in your body are like tiny tubes. Blood is carried inside the blood
vessels. There are three types of blood vessels:
• Arteries carry blood away from the heart.
• Veins carry blood towards the heart.
• Capillaries are the tiniest of all blood vessels and connect the arteries and
Make a fist with your hand. Your fist is about the size of your heart. The heart is the
hardest working muscle in your body. The right side of the heart receives blood that is
low in oxygen but contains a lot of carbon dioxide from the
body. Then, the heart pumps this blood into the lungs.
Once inside the lungs, the blood picks up a fresh supply of
oxygen. Oxygen comes into the lungs when you inhale, or
breathe in. The blood also releases carbon dioxide into the
lungs. When you exhale, or breathe out, the carbon dioxide
in your lungs leaves your body. The heart pumps the
oxygen-rich blood to the rest of your body. A pulse is
caused by your heart beating. The number of beats per
minute is your heart rate.
Activity 1: How can we Measure our Heart Rate?
A pulse is caused by your heart beating. The number of beats per minute is your heart
rate. In this activity you will investigate what happens to your heart rate after exercise.
Before you begin, make sure that you can find your pulse on your left wrist. You will use
the inquiry framework to work with your group.
1. Questioning
Inquiry Framework
State the problem
How does the heart rate change after exercise?
Make a prediction (or hypothesis)
The heart rate at rest will be higher than the heart rate
after running in place.
The heart rate at rest will be lower than the heart rate after
running in place.
The heart rate at rest will be the same as the heart rate
after running in place.
Big Idea 14
2. Planning
Read the materials and procedures
a. Do I have all of the necessary materials?
b. Have I read the procedures?
c. Summarize the procedures in your own words.
3. Implementing
Gather the materials
1 stop watch
Follow the procedures
Rest for 3 minutes by sitting quietly at your desk.
Observe your breathing. This is your control
measurement. Write your observations in Data Table 1.
While sitting quietly at your desk, use your right index and
middle fingers to find your pulse on your left wrist.
Ask the time keeper to time you for 30 seconds while you
count the number of beats.
Record the number of beats in Data Table 2.
Multiply this number by 2. This will tell you the resting
heart rate per minute.
Begin running in place. The timekeeper will start the
stopwatch and say “STOP” after 2 minutes.
Immediately find your pulse on your left wrist. Record the
number of beats for 30 seconds in Data Table 2.
Multiply this number by 2. This will tell you the resting
heart rate per minute.
Observe your breathing. Write your observations in Data
Table 1.
Big Idea 14
Observe and record the results
Data Table 1: How Exercise Affects Your Breathing
Breathing Rate (Fast or Slow)
At Rest (Control)
After Running in Place
Data Table 2: How Exercise Affects Your Heart Rate
Number of Beats
for 30 Seconds
Multiple by 2 for Beats
per Minute
At Rest (Control)
After Running in Place
Using the information in Data Table 2, construct a graph of beats per minute at rest and
after running in place. Remember to label your graph.
Big Idea 14
4. Concluding
Draw a conclusion
What did you find out? Check the correct conclusion:
The heart rate at rest was higher than the heart rate after
running in place.
The heart rate at rest was lower than the heart rate after
running in place.
The heart rate at rest was the same as the heart rate
after running in place.
Compare what you thought would happen with what actually
happened. Did the results support your hypothesis?
5. Reporting
Share your results
What do you want to tell others about the activity?
Talk with your group members about what you did and what you
Produce a report
Record what you did so others can learn. Write the answer to
the following questions:
1. How did your heart rate change after exercise?
2. Why did exercise affect your heart rate?
3. What could you do to make the results of this activity more
Big Idea 14
6. Inquiry Extension Reflect on your results
• If I would do this activity again, how would I improve it?
• What would be a good follow-up experiment based on
what I learned?
7. Application
Make connections
• How does this activity relate to what happens in the real
• How could I apply the results in new situations?
In this activity, you have learned that exercise affects your breathing and heart rate. The
circulatory system and the respiratory system work together when you exercise. Your
breathing and heart rate are faster after exercise than your breathing and heart rate at
Before discussing the organs of the respiratory system, let us see what you already
know. Look at the information on the next page and fill in the blanks.
Big Idea 14
The heart works with the lungs. This is because the heart pumps blood into the lungs to
pick up a gas called _____________ and release the waste product, which is a gas
called _______________________. Now, let us take a closer look at the main organ of
the respiratory system, the lungs.
Organs of the Respiratory System
Why do we breathe? All animals (including people) need oxygen to
carry out important life functions. The air we breathe contains
oxygen, which has to be brought to the cells in the rest of the body.
The main organs of the respiratory system are the lungs. Your
lungs bring fresh oxygen to the red blood cells and remove carbon
dioxide and other waste gases from the blood.
The respiratory system includes all the structures involved in
breathing. Some of these structures are the nose, nasal cavity,
trachea, and bronchi.
• Your respiratory organs allow you to breathe in (inhale) and breathe out (exhale).
• You breathe in air containing oxygen through your nose to your lungs.
• You breathe out air containing carbon dioxide from your lungs.
Organs of the Digestive System
You need energy from the food you eat. The digestive
system is made of the organs that break down food into
smaller parts called nutrients. The digestive organs
work together to turn food into energy, so your body can
work and grow. The process is called digestion. The
organs of the digestive system do the following jobs:
• break down the food you eat into very small
• break down the very small pieces of food into
• take up, or absorb, the nutrients that your body
needs and put them into the blood
• removes wastes that your body cannot digest
The digestive system contains many structures and organs. Each has a special job.
Organs of the digestive system include:
• Teeth and tongue – break down food into smaller pieces that you can swallow
• Esophagus or food pipe – a tube which carries your food into your stomach
using a wave-like motion caused by smooth muscles
Big Idea 14
Stomach – a J-shaped bag which works like a mixer, using smooth muscles to
crush the food into smaller and smaller pieces, which are then broken down
further by acid
Small intestine – a very long, narrow tube which breaks down the food mixture
even more; digestion is completed here and then all the nutrients are absorbed
into the blood
Liver – changes food into forms that can be stored or used by the rest of the
Pancreas – Controls the amount of sugar in your blood and releases chemicals
that break down food in your small intestine
Large intestine – a fatter, shorter tube than the small intestine; it absorbs water
back into the blood; all that is left are the waste materials, which leave the body
as feces without ever entering the blood
Organs of the Urinary System
When your body is finished using the food that was absorbed
by your small intestines, the blood carries what is left over to
the kidneys. The kidneys are organs found in your back near
the bottom of your rib cage. The kidneys act like a filter to
take harmful things out of your blood. For example, the
kidneys remove ammonia. Too much ammonia is like a
poison, so the kidneys are very important. The kidneys also
regulate the amount of water in your body. They take the
ammonia, water, and some other wastes and make urine. The urine goes down long
tubes to another organ, the bladder, which is like a water balloon. When the bladder
gets full, you have to urinate.
Organs of the Nervous System
None of the body systems or organs would work without
the nervous system. You can think of the nervous
system as the “control center” for the whole body. Your
heart could not beat without it, and your legs could not
move without it. The nervous system includes the
following organs:
The brain:
• is about the size of your two fists together,
fingers facing each other
• is delicate and soft, so it is protected by the skull
• controls and coordinates everything in your body
• sends messages to the rest of the body very quickly
• is where you think
Big Idea 14
The spinal cord:
• is made of nerves
• is the highway that connects the brain and the rest of the body
• is the center from which nerves branch out to the rest of the body
The network of nerves:
• carries information back and forth between the brain and other organs
• carries information back and forth between the spinal cord and other organs
The Sensory Organs
The nerves carry information to the brain from special organs called sensory organs.
There are 5 main sensory organs in humans:
• Eyes – allow you to see light waves
• Ears – allow you to hear sound waves
• Nose – allows you to smell molecules floating in the air
• Tongue – allows you to taste molecules in your food; the sense of taste cannot
work without the sense of smell
• Skin – allows you to feel touch, pressure, hot, cold, and pain; also makes sure
everything that belongs in your body (like water) stays in, and everything that
belongs outside of your body (like germs) stays out
Organs of the Reproductive System
Males and females have different reproductive organs, and it takes all of the organs
working together to form a baby.
Male Reproductive Organs
The testes are a pair of organs found in the male body. Testes are in charge of making
sperm (male reproductive cells), and do so through out a male’s life. The testes are
outside of the body because sperm cannot form if their environment is too hot.
Female Reproductive Organs
The ovaries are a pair of organs found in the female body, and each ovary is the size of
a walnut. Inside the ovaries are eggs (female reproductive cells). A girl is born with all
of the eggs that she will ever have in her life.
Fertilization happens when a sperm joins with an egg. The fertilized egg moves to an
organ called the uterus. In the uterus, the fertilized egg will develop into a baby. The
development takes about nine months until the baby is born.
Big Idea 14
In this chapter you learned about the organs in the different body systems. These
systems often work together and depend on one another. All living things are made of
one or more cells. Similar cells work together in tissues. Different tissues work together
in organs. Organs work together in body systems. All the body systems combine to
make an organism. You learned about eight body systems:
1. The skeletal system:
• It is all the bones in your body.
• It gives your body its shape.
• It protects important internal organs.
• It stores calcium.
2. The muscular system:
• Skeletal muscle is attached to your bones. It helps you move.
• Smooth muscle moves the internal organs. The stomach grinds and crushes food
using smooth muscles.
• Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. It makes the heart beat.
3. The circulatory system:
• Blood carries nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body. It removes waste
materials, including carbon dioxide, from the cells to the lungs.
• The heart pumps the blood.
• The blood vessels carry blood to the lungs and all parts of the body.
4. The respiratory system:
• It includes organs that allow you to breathe (inhale and exhale).
• You breathe in air containing oxygen through your nose to your lungs.
• You breathe out air containing carbon dioxide from your lungs.
5. The digestive system:
• It includes teeth, tongue, the esophagus, the stomach, the small and the large
intestines, liver, and pancreas.
• These organs digest your food by breaking it up into very small pieces.
• It allows your body to get the nutrients and energy it needs from the food you eat.
• It removes wastes that your body cannot digest.
6. The urinary system:
• It removes poisons like ammonia from your blood and makes urine.
• The kidneys act as a filter to remove waste from your body.
• The bladder stores urine.
Big Idea 14
7. The nervous system:
• It contains the brain, the spinal cord, and the network of nerves.
• The brain is the control center.
• It regulates and manages every other body system.
• It sends messages to the rest of the body very quickly.
8. The sensory organs:
• Eyes – sight
• Ears – hearing
• Nose – smell
• Tongue – taste
• Skin – touch
9. The reproductive system:
• Sperm form in the testes of males.
• Eggs form in the ovaries of females.
• The fertilized egg goes to the uterus to grow.
Big Idea 14
Answer questions 1-4 using the diagram below.
1. Which letter represents the organ that uses acid to break down food into smaller
pieces? ____________
2. Which letter represents the organ that carries food into the stomach? __________
3. Which letter represents the organ that completes the digestion process? _________
4. Which letter represents the organ where water is absorbed back into the blood?
5. Which organ removes waste from the blood?
The large intestine
The small intestine
The kidney
The heart
6. Where does air go when a person breathes in?
into the heart
into the stomach
into the lungs
into the liver
7. Humans interpret seeing, hearing, tasting and smelling in the
spinal cord
Big Idea 14
Big Idea 14 Organization and Development
of Living Organisms Part II
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.5.L.14.2 – Compare and contrast the function of organs and other physical
structures of plants and animals, including humans, for example: some
animals have skeletons for support – some with internal skeletons others
with exoskeletons – while some plants have stems for support.
SC.3.L.14.1 – Describe structures in plants and their roles in food production, support,
water and nutrient transport, and reproduction.
1. amphibian
2. backbone
3. characteristic
external characteristic
internal characteristic
4. classify
5. cold-blooded
6. diversity
7. endoskeleton
8. exoskeleton
9. fertilization
10. flowering plant
11. germination
12. gills
13. invertebrates
14. mammal
15. nonflowering plant
16. pollination
17. reproduce
18. reptile
19. scales
20. seed
21. spore
22. taxonomy
23. vertebrates
24. warm-blooded
característica exterior
característica interna
de sangre fría
plantas florecientes
plantas no florecientes
de sangre caliente
Haitian Creole
batrasyen, anfibi
kolòn vètebral
karakteristik ekstèn
karakteristik entèn
san fret
plant flè
pati kote pwason respire
envètebre (san zo)
plant ki pa donen
repwodui, peple
kal, ekay
taksonomi, klasifikasyon
vètebre (ki gen zo rèl do)
san cho
Big Idea 14
Link to Prior Knowledge
Do you organize your socks? Do you separate your favorite toys from all your other
ones? Does your family place canned soup on a shelf and milk in the refrigerator? If you
do any kind of organizing, grouping, or separating, then you are classifying. The milk
went into the refrigerator to stay cold. The canned soup went onto a shelf because it did
not have to be kept cold. Where would you put butter? Butter must be kept cold and
must go into the refrigerator. You can organize food into things that are kept cold and
things that do not need to be kept cold.
Because there are so many different kinds of animals and plants, scientists find their
similar characteristics and put them into groups. To group things means to classify
them. Scientists classify living things because it provides a way to organize information.
Classification systems also make things easier to find, identify, and investigate.
In this chapter, you will be exploring how to group living things with similar
characteristics. You will answer the following questions:
• How do we classify living things?
• Why do we classify living things?
• What are some major groups of living things?
• How are living things similar and how are they different?
Internal and External Characteristics
It is easier to classify characteristics if you can see them, for example, a fingerprint, hair
color, height, or freckles. These are external characteristics. Many things are inside of
an organism, such as the presence or absence of a brain and the shape of the skeletal
system. These are internal characteristics.
Identify each of the following as either an external (E) or internal (I) characteristic.
___having feathers
___having fur
___having a heart
___having a backbone
You should have chosen “having fur” and “having feathers” as external characteristics,
and “having a heart” and “having a backbone” as internal characteristics. Perhaps you
did not know that all organisms do not have a heart or a backbone. A dog and a fish
have both. Plants and worms have neither. Scientists classify organisms based on
characteristics like these. They look at similarities and differences. They observe both
external and internal characteristics.
Big Idea 14
Classification Systems
The scientific study for how living things are classified is taxonomy. Scientists who
identify and classify organisms are called taxonomists. There are eight levels of
classification, which go from a sequence of general names to specific names. A domain
is the most general group. Next comes kingdom. A phylum is the next level below
kingdom. Phyla are divided into smaller groups called classes. Classes are divided into
orders. Orders are divided into families. A genus is the next level under family, and
species is the most specific level. As you can see, each level is divided into smaller and
smaller levels. There is an old trick to memorize the eight levels in order. Use the
phrase “Dumb Kings Play Cards On Fat Green Stools.” Remember the phrase and
notice that the first letters match the order of the naming system. Can you come up with
your own phrase to remember the eight levels in order?
Here is how scientists would use the eight levels above to describe a human. Since
most human cells have a nucleus, which is an important part within a cell, we are part of
the Domain Eukarya. Since humans are animals, we are part of the Kingdom Animalia.
Do humans have a backbone? Yes, we do. Therefore, we are in the Phylum Chordata.
Humans produce milk to give their young, which would place us in the Class Mammalia.
Since humans have opposable thumbs (we can touch our thumb to our pinky), we are in
the Order Primates. As we continue our pattern of going from more general to more
specific, humans can be further included in the Family Hominidae, Genus Homo, and
Species Homo sapiens.
Animal Kingdom
You just learned that kingdom is the second most general way to group an organism.
The four kingdoms in Domain Eukarya are Protista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia. In this
section, we are going to talk about the Animal Kingdom. Animals are the most complex
organisms on Earth. There are many types of animals in the world. This is called
diversity. Many animals are quite similar to one another. Others are very different.
Animals can be classified based on their similarities. Look at the pictures of the animals
below. Discuss with a partner how they are similar to or different from one another.
Big Idea 14
In the table below place a check-mark () next to each characteristic if it is true for all
True for animals
All animals can move parts of their body.
All animals have fur.
All animals can carry out photosynthesis.
All animals have wings.
All animal cells contain chlorophyll.
All animals have eyes.
All animals are made up of cells.
All animals live on land.
All animals have to eat to get their energy.
All animals have a backbone.
All animals share the following characteristics:
• They can move parts of their body.
• They are made up of cells.
• They have to eat to get their energy.
Other characteristics are found in only some animals. Look back at the animal pictures.
There is one major characteristic that further separates animals into two big groups.
Can you guess what it is? It is whether or not the animal has a backbone. When you
studied the skeletal systems, you learned that one job of the backbone is to give
structural support to an animal.
1. Using the pictures on the previous page, name the animals without a backbone.
2. Using the pictures on the previous page, name the animals with a backbone.
Animals without a backbone are called invertebrates. Animals like bees, snails,
earthworms, and clams are invertebrates. Invertebrates often have an exoskeleton,
which is a skeleton on the outside of the body. That is why they are hard on the outside.
Animals with a backbone are called vertebrates. Vertebrates have an endoskeleton,
which means their skeleton is inside the body and is usually made of bone.
Big Idea 14
Based on similar characteristics, vertebrates are classified into 5 smaller groups. The
names of these 5 groups are: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Below
are some of the characteristics that scientists use to classify vertebrate animals.
Scientists observe the type of skin covering of an animal.
• They observe if the animal has scales. Scales are like tiles on a roof. Scales are
usually hard and protect the animal. Many vertebrates have scales.
• They observe if the animal has moist or wet skin.
• They observe if the animal has feathers.
• They observe if the animal has hair or fur.
Scientists observe if an animal is cold-blooded or warm-blooded.
• Cold-blooded animals cannot control their body temperature. Instead, coldblooded animals take on the temperature of their surroundings. For example, a
snake lies in the sun to warm up its body after a cold night.
• Warm-blooded animals can control their body temperature, keeping it constant.
For example, the body temperature of humans does not change much. You are
able to keep it around 37oC (98.6oF), unless you have a fever.
Scientists observe how an animal reproduces, in other words, how it produces
• They observe if an animal lays eggs. If the animal lays eggs, what are they like?
Are they jelly-like? Are the eggs soft-shelled on the outside? Or are they hardshelled?
• They observe if an animal does not lay eggs but gives birth to live offspring.
Big Idea 14
Different animals have different life cycles, which are the stages they go through from
the time they are born to the time they reproduce. For example, below are the life cycles
of an alligator, which is a reptile, and a butterfly, which is an insect.
Big Idea 14
Scientists observe how an animal breathes to get oxygen.
• They observe if the animal has gills. For example, fish take in oxygen from water
through their gills.
• They observe if the animal has lungs. Vertebrates that live on land take in
oxygen from the air through their lungs.
Scientists observe where an animal lives.
• They observe if the animal lives on land.
• They observe if the animal lives in salt water like the ocean.
• They observe if the animal lives in fresh water like a lake.
Big Idea 14
The table below describes some characteristics of different vertebrates. Scientists use
this information to classify an animal.
frog, toad,
turtle, lizard
dog, whale,
cow, bat,
most have
moist, slimy
skin with
hair or fur at
some point
in their life
Warm or
How they
most lay
eggs; for
inside of
lay jelly-like
lay softshelled
lay hardshelled
most do not
lay eggs;
inside of
How they
get oxygen
skin and
Where they
salt or fresh
live part of
their lives in
water and
part on land
most live on
most live on
land, very
few live in
look like a
fish when
sea turtles,
unlike most
spend most
of their lives
in the water
bones are
all hollow
and light
milk to feed
most have
fins for
Big Idea 14
Plant Kingdom
(SC.5.L.14.2, SC.3.L.14.1)
Plants also have organs and each organ has specialized functions. Plant organs and
their functions are different from animal organs and their functions. The reproductive
organs of flowering plants are called flowers. Unlike most animals, plants do not have
to be near each other to reproduce. One way that plants reproduce is through
pollination. During pollination, pollen in one flower is brought to another flower where it
combines with an egg cell in a process called fertilization. This pollen is carried by
animals, such as bees and hummingbirds. Pollen contains the plant’s male reproductive
cells, which combine with female reproductive cells to become a seed. A seed often has
a fruit that grows around it. Animals eat the fruit and carry the seed away from the
parent plant, which is called seed dispersal. After the animal digests the fruit, the seed
leaves the animal’s body in its feces (poop). Then the seed can grow into a new plant
through the process of germination.
Seeds are not the only way plants reproduce. Plants like ferns and mosses are called
nonflowering plants because they do not have flowers. Nonflowering plants reproduce
by making spores, which do not have fruit around them and usually do not depend on
animals to spread. When conditions are ready, each spore becomes an individual plant.
A fern is a nonflowering plant.
Just like animals, plants also have life cycles. The life cycle of a common tree in Florida
is found on the next page.
Big Idea 14
Once the plant grows out of the ground, it needs parts to keep it alive. The roots allow
the plant to pick up water and nutrients from the soil. The stem and the branches keep
the plant upright, like an animal’s skeleton. The stem also transports water from the
roots to the rest of the plant. The outside of a tree’s stem is called the bark, and it acts
like the tree’s skin. Leaves have a waxy covering called the cuticle, which also acts like
skin, preventing the plant from losing too much water. The leaves are where
photosynthesis occurs, which is when the plants take carbon dioxide and sunlight and
make sugar for food. You will be learning more about photosynthesis in Big Idea 17.
Big Idea 14
You learned to use similar characteristics to put things into groups. This is called
classification. Scientists classify all living things into six big groups called kingdoms.
There is great diversity among living things. This means that there are many differences
among living things. Plants and animals are very different, but they also have many
things in common. Both plants and animals are alive and made of cells.
Most of us would recognize an animal or a plant. This is because animals have similar
structures and plants have similar structures. For example, a hawk and a dog look
different, but they have many animal structures in common. A palm tree and a daisy
look different, but they have many plant structures in common.
Animals are classified into smaller groups according to their similarities and differences.
One such difference is having or not having a backbone. Many animals do not have a
backbone. These animals are called invertebrates. Animals like bees, snails,
earthworms, and clams are invertebrates.
Animals with a backbone are called vertebrates. Vertebrate animals are further
separated into smaller groups. These groups include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds,
and mammals. Animals within the same group share similar characteristics. For
example, a duck and a robin are birds because they have feathers, have wings, and lay
hard-shelled eggs. Although a butterfly has wings, it is not a bird because it does not
have a backbone. A butterfly is an invertebrate, not a vertebrate.
Big Idea 14
Plants are also classified into smaller groups according to their similarities and
differences. Some plants reproduce with flowers and seeds, while others make spores.
Plants that reproduce with flowers are called flowering plants. You are probably familiar
with many flowering plants, such as apple trees, orange trees, and roses. Plants that
reproduce with spores are nonflowering plants, such as ferns and mosses.
You can compare many of the structures in plants and animals because they serve a
common purpose. For example, your skin provides a protective covering for your body,
much like that of a plant’s bark. Your skeleton protects your internal organs and allows
you to stand upright, just like the stem of a plant.
Big Idea 14
1. Plants and animals are different in many ways. Plants make their own food, while
animals have to find their own food to survive. Animals can move from place to
place, while plants cannot. Even though there are many differences between plants
and animals, there are also some similarities. Describe how plants and animals are
2. What major function do human skin and the waxy outer layer of a plant’s leaf share?
3. Peach trees have sweet-smelling blossoms and produce rich fruit. What is the main
purpose of the flowers of a peach tree?
To attract bees for pollination
To create flower arrangements
To protect the tree from disease
To feed migratory birds
4. George wants to teach his friends what he learned in school about different groups
of animals. He tells them about an animal that has scales and must live in water.
This animal also breathes through gills. What group does this animal belong to?
5. Which one of these animals does not lay eggs?
Big Idea 14
6. The picture below shows the life cycle for a butterfly.
Which of the following represents the beginning stage of the life cycle of the
7. Maria has a pet cat and a pet parrot. Although the two pets look very different, they
have some things in common. Describe two characteristics in which they are alike.
8. Seeds from a plant can end up a long way away from the plant. Describe one way
that this can happen.
9. Which of the following plant structures is responsible for keeping the plant upright?
Big Idea 14
10. Which part of the plant takes in the most water?
1. Look at the banana plant shown below.
Which part of this plant helps it get the most light?
Green fruit
A thick stem
Wide, long leaves
Brightly colored flowers
Big Idea 14
Big Idea 17 Interdependence Part I
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.4.L.17.3 – Trace the flow of energy from the Sun as it is transferred along the food
chain through the producers to the consumers.
1. carnivore
2. consumer
3. decompose
4. herbivore
5. leaf
6. omnivore
7. photosynthesis
8. producer
9. protist
10. roots
11. stem
12. transpiration
Haitian Creole
kanivò (ki manje vyann)
èbivò (ki manje zèb)
omnivò (ki manje tout bagay)
Link to Prior Knowledge
All organisms need energy in order to live, grow, and reproduce. In ecosystems, energy
is passed from one organism to another. Energy moves to all organisms by food chains
and food webs. You should remember that food chains can help us to understand how
animals depend on plants and sometimes on other animals.
In this chapter, you will answer the following questions:
• What are the relationships among plants, animals, and protists?
• What is photosynthesis?
• Why is recycling matter important to plants and animals?
The Cyclic Nature of Living Things in the Environment
Scientists categorize organisms into three main groups according to how they get their
energy: producers, consumers, and decomposers.
Big Idea 17
Producers are the first link in food chains. Plants, protists, bacteria, and algae are
examples of producers. Producers create their own energy through the process of
photosynthesis. Chloroplasts are parts of plant cells that contain a green pigment
known as chlorophyll. These cells are located in the leaves and stems of plants.
Chlorophyll captures the Sun’s energy, which is then used to convert carbon dioxide
molecules and water molecules into food (glucose). This glucose gives the plants
energy for their growth and other plant processes. Oxygen is released from the leaves
back into the ecosystem during photosynthesis.
Consumers are the next link in a food chain. Consumers cannot make their own food.
As a result, they eat other organisms to get energy. There are three types of
consumers: herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Herbivores eat plants. Rabbits and
deer are examples of herbivores. Carnivores eat meat. The prefix “carni-” comes from
the Spanish word “carne,” which means meat. Wolves, cougars, and sharks are
examples of carnivores. Omnivores eat both plants and animals. The prefix “omni-”
means “all.” People and bears that eat meat, fish, and vegetables are omnivores.
Big Idea 17
Decomposers are the last link in the food chain. They are organisms that feed on waste
and remains of dead organisms. Decomposers get energy by breaking down the
remains of producers and consumers into nutrients. These nutrients are released back
into the soil and are taken up through the roots of plants. Bacteria, fungi (such as
mushrooms), and earthworms are examples of decomposers.
Earthworms and mushrooms are examples of decomposers.
Activity 1: Producer, Consumer, or Decomposer?
Identify each organism listed below as a producer, consumer, or decomposer and place
it in the chart. For each consumer, place an “H” for herbivore, “C” for carnivore, and an
“O” for omnivore.
palm tree
tomato plant
pine tree
Big Idea 17
To summarize, let’s look at a food chain to see the interdependence of plants and
animals, meaning how they depend on one another for survival.
Example of a Food Chain
The grass uses energy from the Sun and water in photosynthesis to make food energy
for itself. A mouse (an herbivore) comes along and eats the grass. Later, a snake (a
carnivore) eats the mouse. The hawk (a carnivore) eats the snake. At some point, the
hawk dies. Bacteria (a decomposer) break down the remains of the hawk and release
nutrients back into the soil. Decomposers will also break down the grass when it dies
and consume the parts of the mouse that the snake left behind and parts of the snake
that the hawk left behind.
1. Where did the grass get its energy from? __________________________________
2. Where did the snake get its energy from? __________________________________
3. What would happen to the hawk population if there were no snakes?
4. What would happen to the mouse population if there were no snakes?
Big Idea 17
Why do living things need food? When a cheetah chases an antelope, it needs energy
to run fast. Even as you are reading this chapter, your brain is using energy. Every
process of life requires energy, and this energy is transferred in the form of nutrients
from what is being eaten (such as grass) to what eats it (such as rabbits).
In this chapter you reviewed food chains. A food chain shows a sequence of events that
describes how living things get their food. The food chain always starts with the Sun,
which provides the energy for plants to make food during the process of photosynthesis.
Because plants can make their own food, they are called producers.
Remember that the food chain does not stop with plants. Animals are also part of a food
chain. Anything that is not able to make its own food, but needs to eat, is called a
consumer. Some animals eat plants, others eat other animals, and yet others eat both
plants and animals. Remember the different kinds of consumers:
Herbivores, like cows, eat plants.
Carnivores, like tigers, eat other animals.
Omnivores, like humans, eat both plants and animals.
Does the food chain stop with consumers? Of course not. There are decomposers that
eat waste materials. Without the decomposers, waste would pile up and fill up all the
space in an ecosystem.
Big Idea 17
1. Jose was given these pictures by his teacher and asked to make a model of a food
Using all of the pictures above, what would a possible food chain look like?
2. This diagram shows a food chain.
Which term describes the role of the corn in this food chain?
Big Idea 17
3. A group of students is building a model of an ecosystem. Which of the following
organisms should the students select to act as a decomposer?
4. Which part of an ecosystem is alive and provides oxygen for animals?
Big Idea 17
Big Idea 17 Interdependence Part II
Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SC.5.L.17.1 – Compare and contrast adaptations by animals and plants that enable
them to survive in different environments such as life cycles variations,
animal behaviors and physical characteristics.
SC.5.L.15.1 – Describe how, when the environment changes, differences between
individuals allow some plants and animals to survive and reproduce
while others die or move to new locations.
1. adaptation
behavioral adaptation
structural adaptation
temperate deciduous
27. tropical rain forest
28. tundra
de comportamiento
adaptación estructural
nicho ecológico
bosque templado
bosque tropical lluvioso
Haitian Creole
konpòtman adaptasyon
estriktirèl adaptasyon
biyom (yon tip anviwonman)
ki fin disparèt
ibènasyon (dòmi tout live)
maren (ki gen pou wè ak lanmè)
nich (anviwonman)
predatè (ki manje lòt bèt)
forè tanpere
forè twopikal
savann glase
Big Idea 17
Link to Prior Knowledge
Dr. Smith is a scientist who studies polar bears. Polar bears live in areas where there is
a lot of snow and ice. Dr. Smith spends most of her time watching polar bears hunt and
eat. It is important for her to carefully observe how the polar bears look and behave.
She notices that polar bears are white, similar to the snow.
For several weeks, Dr. Smith has been observing a mother polar bear and her cub.
When the mother bear hunts, the cub waits in a safe area for her return. Sometimes the
mother polar bear hunts for seals. She lies very still near holes in the ice until a seal
comes out of the water. Although the seals can move very fast, the polar bear can catch
them. What adaptation does the polar bear have that helps it successfully hunt for
One of the characteristics that help the mother polar bear successfully hunt for seals is
the color of her fur. Polar bears have fur that looks white, similar to the color of the snow
around it. The white-like fur helps the polar bear blend in with the snow. For this reason,
seals coming out of the water cannot easily see the polar bear waiting to catch them.
The polar bear’s white-like fur blends in with the environment around it. Over many
generations, polar bears have come to have this white-like fur. Changes in the body of
an animal to match its environment are called adaptations.
Adaptations also happen in plants. A cactus plant’s
leaves are called spines, which help reduce water
evaporation. Why is this important? Cactus plants grow in
environments that do not receive much rainfall, so they
need to protect and store as much water as possible. The
spines also create a sharp barrier that prevents animals
from eating the plant for the sugar and water stored
A pine tree develops cones, instead of fruit, to protect its
seeds. A pine tree’s leaves are called needles. The small
shape of the needles helps prevent water loss in dry
conditions, much like a cactus’ spines. Many pine trees
live in cold climates, but we have pine trees in Florida,
too. To the right is an image of the Florida Slash Pine,
with a close up of the needles and cone.
Big Idea 17
Adaptations are characteristics of animals and plants that help them survive in their
environments. There are many different kinds of adaptations in animals and plants.
Talk with your group and list other examples of adaptations in animals.
Talk with your group and list other examples of adaptations in plants.
In this chapter you will be exploring different environments and how living things survive
in them. You will answer the following questions:
• What are different types of environments?
• What kinds of adaptations are there?
• How can we use a model to learn about adaptations?
What is an Ecosystem?
An ecosystem includes all of the living and nonliving things in a specific environment.
As geographers study the many ecosystems around the world, many similarities or
patterns become evident from one ecosystem to another. This allows scientists to group
ecosystems into categories called biomes. A biome consists of many smaller
ecosystems grouped together that contain distinctive plants and animals that have
adapted to a particular environment. The geography of a region and its climate
determine what kind of biome can exist in an area. A single biome can cover a few
continents. Examples of different types of biomes around the world are shown in the
table on the next page.
Big Idea 17
hot or cold
low to scarce
cactus, yucca,
agave, shrubs
lizards, snakes, rodents,
spiders (often nocturnal)
lichens, grasses
and mosses
polar bears, wolves,
foxes, caribou
cool season and
warm season
maple, elm, oak
deer, raccoons, squirrels
low to moderate
grasses (few or
no trees)
rain forest
always warm
palms, ferns, big
leaf evergreens
hot or cold
mangroves, wild
rice, cranberries
alligators, deer, variety of
birds, snakes
hot or cold
seaweed, kelp,
seagrass, algae
whales, dolphins, crabs,
fishes, lobsters, sharks
antelope, buffalo,
zebras, coyote,
elephants, giraffes
colorful birds, many
insects, monkeys,
snakes, bats
As you can see from the table above, biomes can be very different. Different kinds of
plants and animals live in different environments. There are also differences in the
nonliving things in environments. Some of the nonliving things in an environment are
soil, landforms, water, temperature, and weather.
Within an ecosystem, each organism has a specific place it calls home. This is the
organism’s habitat. For polar bears, habitats include areas around the North Pole,
Greenland, and the tundra. Habitats also provide the materials that organisms need to
survive. These materials include food, water, shelter, oxygen, nitrogen, and other items
that organisms need to live, grow, and reproduce. One of the largest habitats in Florida
is the Everglades, which is a wetland that used to occupy almost all of South Florida.
Since habitats are part of the Earth system and the Earth is constantly changing,
habitats are constantly changing, too. Some species react to changes in their
environment by developing adaptations.
Behavioral and Structural Adaptations
(SC.5.L.15.1, SC.5.L.17.1)
An adaptation is a change that helps an organism to survive in its environment. These
adaptations occur over many generations. Organisms that are adapted to their
environment are better able to survive and reproduce. Organisms that are not adapted
to their environment are less likely to survive and reproduce.
Big Idea 17
Do you remember reading about the mother polar bear and her cub at the beginning of
this chapter? Polar bears live in a biome called the tundra or polar region. This is a very
cold environment with a lot of ice and snow. The tundra has limited plant life because of
the harsh weather conditions. Polar bears have developed structural (physical)
adaptations that allow them to survive in the tundra. For example, the polar bear’s thick
layer of fat prevents it from freezing. Can you think of any other structural adaptations
that enable polar bears to survive in their habitat?
Some plant and animal adaptations are behavioral and others are structural.
• Behavioral adaptations are changes in the behavior of a type of plant or animal
over time.
• Structural (physical) adaptations are changes in the structure or body of a type
of plant or animal over time.
If living things do not adapt to an environment, they cannot survive. If all members of a
particular kind of plant or animal die, the plant or animal becomes extinct.
Behavioral Adaptations of Animals
are inherited
behaviors that help an animal survive. An
animal's behavior sometimes helps to protect
it from the environment or other animals. For
example, meerkats are very social within
their own groups. However, when an intruder
enters, they try to drive the intruder out of
their territory. Meerkats perform a type of
“war dance” that consists of each meerkat
jumping higher and higher in the air, crying out loudly and scratching the ground. This
behavior intimidates the intruder and allows meerkats to mark their territory.
Some behavioral adaptations are hibernation, migration, and instincts. Each is
explained below.
During winter in cold climates, there is often not a lot of food to eat. Sometimes, an
animal goes into a sleeping state that can last for months at a time, which is called
hibernation. An animal’s body functions slow down during hibernation, and the animal
uses very little energy. Bears are an example of animals that hibernate during the
winter. Before they begin their hibernation, bears eat a lot of food. This food is stored in
their bodies as fat. Bears live off this stored fat during their hibernation. Some other
mammals, insects, reptiles, and fish hibernate, each species doing it a little differently.
Do you think many animals in Florida hibernate? Explain why or why not.
Big Idea 17
Some animals travel long distances during different seasons, which is called migration.
Before it gets cold, many animals in northern regions travel south to find food. Some
animals travel long distances to mate and give birth to their babies. When winter is over,
the animals return to the northern regions. Birds, butterflies, caribou, whales, lobsters,
and fish are some of the animals that migrate. During winter, are there more or fewer
animals in and around Florida? Explain why.
Animals follow natural patterns automatically, which are called instincts. For example,
when animals migrate, they know where to go by instinct. When animals build nests and
raise their young, they know what to do by instinct. Although many behaviors are
classified as behavioral adaptations, some of these behaviors are actually learned.
Examples of learned behaviors are a dog catching a Frisbee, sitting up, and rolling over.
Instinct behaviors are different from learned behaviors. If an animal is born knowing how
to do something, this is an instinct, not a learned behavior.
Give an example of an instinct and a learned behavior. Explain what makes the one
example an instinct and what makes the other a learned behavior.
Structural (Physical) Adaptations of Animals
Structural adaptations do not develop in an organism’s lifetime, but over many
generations. The shapes of the nose, color of the fur, and thickness or thinness of the
animals’ ears are all examples of structural adaptations, which help different animals
survive. More examples of structural adaptations are explained below.
Giraffes with longer necks can eat leaves and fruits from taller trees. Few other
animals can reach these trees, so the giraffes have enough food to survive.
Big Idea 17
Different birds have beaks that can pick up or capture the type of food available in
their environment.
How does this structural adaptation of different beaks help birds survive?
Another example of structural adaptations is when animals have a color or shape which
allows them to blend in with their environment. Some animals hold very still, and others
can change colors to blend in with their background. This camouflage makes it harder
for predators (animals that want to eat the animal) to see the animal. This makes it more
likely that the animal will survive.
Mimicry is similar to camouflage. Instead of matching the surroundings they live in,
small or harmless animals sometimes look like dangerous animals. Like camouflage,
mimicry makes it less likely that the animal will be eaten. The animal has a better
chance of surviving if it looks like a dangerous animal that predators will stay away from.
For example, in the animal world, bright colors mean poison. There are a few animals
that are not poisonous but have bright colors to keep predators away, since the
predators usually don’t eat animals with bright colors.
This moth caterpillar defends itself by mimicking a snake.
Big Idea 17
Plant Adaptations
Did you know that plants can also respond to their environments? Like animals, plants
also develop many adaptations to their environment. Some of these adaptations are
different sizes and shapes of plant parts, such as of leaves, stems, roots, and flowers. If
a lot of water is available, plants grow very tall. If little water is available, plants do not
grow tall. Some plants have large leaves to take in the maximum amount of sunlight.
Other plants have leaves that allow water to drain down toward their roots. In winter,
some plants shed their leaves, so the plant will not lose water while the ground is
frozen. Plants native to Florida do not have to do this, since the ground does not freeze.
Most plants and trees grow toward the light. Some plants and vines
even have structures that reach out and wrap tightly around a support.
Other plants have thorns to help protect them from being eaten. Some
plants can even trap and digest insects.
Some plants, like sunflowers, have flowers that turn to follow the sun.
Other kinds of flowers open during the day and close at night. Flowers
on some cactus plants open at night and close during the day.
Activity 1: What Can We Learn about Plant Behavior?
In this activity you will grow bean seeds to learn about plant behavior. You will
investigate whether the direction you plant the seeds (up, down, right, left) affects the
direction of the roots of the bean plants.
1. Questioning
Inquiry Framework
State the problem
Do the roots of bean plants grow in the direction the seeds are
Make a prediction (or hypothesis)
The bean roots will grow in the direction they are planted.
The bean roots will grow toward the Earth.
The bean roots will grow randomly in any direction.
2. Planning
Read the materials and procedures
a. Do I have all of the necessary materials?
b. Have I read the procedures?
c. Summarize the procedures in your own words.
Big Idea 17
3. Implementing
Gather the materials (for the class)
1 clear plastic cup
2 coffee filters
1 paper towel
4 lima bean seeds
permanent marker or masking tape and pencil
Follow the procedures
1. Use one filter to line the cup, with open side up.
2. Place the second filter inside the first filter, pushing both of
them gently into the bottom of the cup.
3. Shape the paper towel into a wad and place it in the center of
the cup.
4. Label the cup with the letters that correspond to the position of
each bean and your group’s name.
Big Idea 17
5. Pour a small amount of water in the cup – just enough to
make the filters and paper towel moist.
6. Place the four bean seeds between the first and second filter
as follows:
A – eye up
B – eye down
C – eye facing the right
D – eye facing the left
7. Place the cup in a warm, sunny area.
8. Check the cup daily, keeping the towel and filters moist.
Remember that the setup will need a little extra moisture on a
Friday as it has to stay damp over the weekend.
9. Observe the bean seeds every other day and record your
observations in the Bean Seeds Growth Journal. You might
need to look between the filters in order to see whether or not
your beans are growing roots.
1. Identify the independent variable in the activity. Remember it is the variable that
you change.
2. Identify the dependent variable in the activity. Remember it is the variable that
responds to the change or independent variable.
3. Identify what remained constant in the activity. Remember these are the variables
that are not changed.
Big Idea 17
Bean Seeds Growt h Jour nal
Examples: (1) Are roots growing? (2) In which direction are
the roots growing?
Big Idea 17
4. Concluding
Draw a conclusion
What did you find out? Check the correct conclusion:
The bean roots grew in the direction they were planted.
The bean roots grew toward the Earth.
The bean roots grew randomly in any direction.
Compare what you thought would happen with what actually
happened. Did the results support your hypothesis?
5. Reporting
Share your results
What do you want to tell others about the activity?
Talk with your group members about what you did and what you
Produce a report
Record what you did so others can learn. Write the answer to
the following question:
1. Did the roots of bean plants grow in the direction the seeds
were planted?
2. Do you think plant roots always grow toward the Earth?
Explain your reasoning.
Big Idea 17
3. How does the adaptation of roots growing toward the Earth
help plants survive?
6. Inquiry Extension Reflect on your results
• If I would do this activity again, how would I improve it?
• What would be a good follow-up experiment based on
what I learned?
7. Application
Make connections
• How does this activity relate to what happens in the real
• How could I apply the results in new situations?
Big Idea 17
In this activity, you learned that when the roots grow out of a seed, they respond to the
force of gravity and grow toward the Earth. Plants also respond to sunlight by turning
toward a window, where the most sunlight comes in. In cold climates, some plants lose
their leaves in winter to protect from freezing. When it is warm again, the leaves come
back. These are all examples of behavioral adaptations in plants.
The plants that are best adapted to their environment will survive. These plants will
reproduce and pass on their adaptations to their offspring. The offspring will usually
have the adaptations and will pass them on to their offspring. Adaptations do not
happen quickly. They take a very long time, sometimes thousands of years.
(SC.5.L15.1, SC.5.L.17.1)
Red Poison Arrow Frog Population
Whitetail Deer Population
The pictures above are examples of populations. A population is a group of members
of a single species that lives in the same area, or habitat, at the same time. Population
can refer to a group of humans, animals, or insects. For example, you may have a
population of ants living in your yard or a population of protists living in pond water.
Many different populations living in the same area form a community. For example,
you can have a community of alligators, fish, protists, frogs, and grasses living in the
same Florida lake.
Can you give some examples of populations besides humans that make up the
community around your school?
Different populations can live in the same area because each organism, or each group
of organisms, has a specific role in its community. This is called a niche. A niche
includes many things. It includes the types of food the organism eats, the way it gets its
food, where it sleeps, and other survival needs. Although populations can live in the
same area, it is difficult for two populations to occupy the same niche at the same time.
Big Idea 17
When organisms compete for the same resources, one population might drive the other
population out of the community.
Population Size
Populations can change in size when organisms enter the population or when
organisms leave the population. The majority of organisms are added to a population
through the birth of offspring. The primary way organisms leave a population is by
The size of the population can also change when organisms move into or out of the
population. Moving into a population is called immigration and moving out of a
population is called emigration. For example, if an organism in a population cannot
meet its needs by staying in a certain area, it will move to a better area.
If the number of new organisms entering the population is greater than the number of
organisms leaving the population, at a specific time, the population size will increase. If
the number of organisms leaving the population is greater than the number of
organisms entering the population, the population size will decrease.
Factors Affecting Population Size
A number of factors affect the population size. These include environmental factors,
competition, and predator/prey relationships. Each is explained below.
Environmental factors include limits on food, space, water, light, and soil. For
example, if foxes eat rabbits, and there are more foxes than there are rabbits, many of
the foxes will starve until there are more rabbits than foxes. Another example of a
limiting factor is the space available in a fish tank. If you put too many fish in a small fish
tank, what will happen to the fish population? Why?
Weather also affects population size. Weather plays a major role in plant growth. For
example, an area that does not get much rain has limited plant growth. The number and
types of plants that grow in a specific environment determine what types of animals will
be able to live in that environment. For example, Eastern grey squirrels are found in
forests, but not in deserts. Why do you think this is the case?
Big Idea 17
Competition is a struggle among organisms to survive in a habitat that has a given
amount of resources. For example, if there is a limited number of tree branches suitable
for making nests, not every bird in the population can nest in the same tree. Some birds
will have to find different trees to make nests. What resource are the birds competing
Predator/prey relationships can also have a major effect on the size of a population.
Some organisms kill and eat other organisms for food. The organism that does the
killing is called the predator. The organism that is killed is called the prey. If many prey
are killed by predators, this can lead to the extinction of the entire population of prey. In
the following activity, you will simulate the way in which limiting factors can cause some
populations to become extinct over time.
Activity 2: Survival of the Fittest
Within every community there is a variety of populations. Usually, the size of each
population remains relatively stable over time. During times when environmental
conditions change, however, a new balance must be established. Environmental factors
favor populations with certain characteristics, or traits, while limiting the success of other
In this activity, we will model the predator/prey relationship and how survival of the fittest
works. This model will simulate how some animals survive and others die off due to
their adaptations. To represent three different prey populations, we will use black, white,
and green beans. To represent three different predator populations, we will use
students equipped with a plastic knife, fork, or spoon. The predator populations and the
prey populations will each begin at equal levels. Predators will be allowed to hunt for
whichever prey type they can find. You will observe how predator and prey populations
affect each other and how the environment affects each.
1. Questioning
Inquiry Framework
State the problem
How do the predator populations and prey populations affect
each other over time?
Make predictions (or hypotheses)
1. Which prey population (black, white, or green beans) do you
predict will be captured the most? Why?
Big Idea 17
2. Which prey population (black, white, or green beans) do you
think will be captured the least? Why?
3. Which predator population (knife, fork, or spoon) do you think
will capture the most prey? Why?
4. Which predator population (knife, fork, or spoon) do you think
will capture the least prey? Why?
2. Planning
Read the materials and procedures
a. Do I have all of the necessary materials?
b. Have I read the procedures?
c. Summarize the procedures in your own words.
Big Idea 17
3. Implementing
Gather the materials
1 plastic knife, fork, or spoon per student
1 cup per student
1 bag each of black, white, and green beans
suitable "patch" of habitat (any outdoor area)
Follow the procedures
Start with a group of three students. Each student will
receive a different adaptation (a plastic knife, fork, or
spoon). Each student represents a different predator with
one of the three types of adaptations.
Your teacher will take the class outside to an area (your
habitat) where 200 prey (beans) of each type (total of 600
beans) are scattered. Each bean represents a prey
At your teacher’s signal, predators will be allowed to hunt
for 3 minutes. Each prey animal must be scooped up with
the adaptation (picking up prey with your hands is not
allowed) and then placed into the cup ("scooping" the
prey directly into the cup is not allowed).
When the 3 minutes are up, you will count all the prey that
each predator in your group captured.
Record the group’s data in the data table.
Predator Populations
4. Concluding
Draw a conclusion
1. Which prey population was captured the most? Why?
Big Idea 17
2. Which prey population was captured the least? Why?
3. Which predator population captured the most prey? Why?
4. Which predator population captured the least prey? Why?
5. Reporting
Share your results
What do you want to tell others about the activity?
Talk with your group members about what you did and what you
Produce a report
Write the answer to the following questions:
1. How did the predator and prey populations affect each other
over time?
Big Idea 17
2. How does this activity relate to what naturally occurs with
3. What are some of the reasons that a population might
become extinct?
4. How might a group of organisms in nature avoid extinction
due to competition?
5. In this experiment, what was the independent variable?
6. What was the dependent variable?
7. Which variables were kept constant?
Big Idea 17
6. Inquiry Extension Reflect on your results
• If I would do this activity again, how would I improve it?
• What would be a good follow-up experiment based on
what I learned?
7. Application
Make connections
• How does this activity relate to what happens in the real
• How could I apply the results in new situations?
After doing the Survival of the Fittest activity, you should know that adaptations are
important because they increase the chances of an animal surviving in its environment.
The animals and plants that are best adapted to their environment will survive. These
animals and plants will reproduce and pass on their adaptations to their offspring. The
offspring will usually have the adaptations and will pass them on to their offspring.
Remember, adaptations do not happen quickly. They take a very long time, sometimes
thousands of years.
Big Idea 17
An ecosystem is all the living and nonliving things in a specific environment. There are
many different kinds of living things that compete to survive in an environment. The
organisms that are best adapted to their environment survive. Some living things can
survive only in one kind of environment. Other living things can survive in different kinds
of environments. For example, insects can be found in many different environments.
There are many different types of environments, called biomes, in the world. Each
biome has special characteristics, and these characteristics depend on where the biome
is located. In addition to the animals and plants in a biome, there are also nonliving
things, such as landforms, water, temperature, and weather.
The biomes you learned about in this chapter are:
• Desert
• Tundra
• Tropical Rain Forest
• Grassland
• Temperate Deciduous Forest
• Marine
You learned that animals have structures and behaviors that help them survive in their
environment. Plants also have structures that help them survive. Changes in the
structures of an animal or plant to match its environment are called adaptations. When
an organism survives, it can reproduce and pass its adaptations on to its offspring.
Adaptations can take a long time, sometimes thousands of years, to be dominant in a
Adaptations help organisms compete and survive. Many different animals eat similar
kinds of food, but some are better at getting food than others. The animals that are best
adapted to their environments have better chances to survive. There are behavioral
adaptations and structural (physical) adaptations.
Behavioral adaptations are inherited behaviors that help an animal survive. Some
behavioral adaptations are:
• Hibernation
• Migration
• Instinct
Structural (physical) adaptations are changes in the structure of an animal over time.
Some structural adaptations of animals are:
• Bird beaks of different shapes and sizes
• Camouflage
• Mimicry
Big Idea 17
adaptations develop in response to the environment. Some adaptations of plants
Sizes and shapes of plant parts
Plants growing toward light
Roots growing toward the Earth because of the force of gravity
A population is a group of single species that lives in the same area, or habitat, at the
same time. A population gets bigger when more individuals are born or immigrate than
die or emigrate. In contrast, a population gets smaller when more individuals die or
emigrate than are born or immigrate. A number of factors affect population size. These
• Environmental factors
• Competition
• Predator/prey relationships.
Big Idea 17
1. In some parts of the Florida Everglades, sawgrass can grow thick enough to block
the flow of water. Alligators make nests out of the sawgrass and also make travel
lanes through the grass. This helps the water flow easily. It also keeps the sawgrass
from being completely underwater, which can damage the sawgrass. What
relationship is demonstrated by the alligators and sawgrass in the Everglades?
Alligators destroy sawgrass.
Alligators feed on sawgrass.
Sawgrass helps the alligators travel.
Sawgrass and alligators depend on each other.
2. Camels can be found in the desert regions of Africa, like the Sahara. Camels in this
region have a hump made of fat that they can use when food is not available. How
does it help the camel to survive in the desert?
Big Idea 17
3. Armadillos and coral snakes both live in Florida. When an armadillo is threatened, it
curls up and looks like a ball. A coral snake curls its tail into a tight spiral and holds it
up when an enemy is near. Based on the information given, in what way are these
two animals similar?
They spend a lot of time in the water.
They have ways to protect themselves.
They use their bodies to attack their enemies.
They have hard outer layers of skin for protection.
4. The coral snake is very poisonous. The king snake is not poisonous at all. Both
snakes look very similar. Which term best describes when the harmless king snake
looks like the dangerous coral snake?
Structural change
Big Idea 17
5. Polar Bears could never live in Florida. They have two layers of fur and a layer of
blubber that can be up to four and one-half inches thick. They have small ears and
small tails. They also have rough surfaces on their paw pads.
How do these adaptations help the polar bears survive in their habitat?
6. You see an insect on a tree branch. The insect looks like a leaf, and it is hard to see
it. What adaptation is this an example of?
Behavioral adaptation
7. The brown fur of the arctic hare turns white in winter. How does this color change
most likely help the arctic hare?
It helps the animal save water.
It helps the animal hide from predators.
It helps keep the animal cool.
It helps protect the animal from disease.
Big Idea 17
1. Absorption
2. Acceleration
3. Adaptation (behavioral
and structural)
4. Air mass
5. Air pressure
6. Altitude
7. Amphibian
8. Artery
9. Asteroids
10. Atmosphere
Taking in something like a gas, solid, liquid, heat or
A change in speed.
An adjustment to environmental conditions; a
modification of an organism’s actions (behavioral
adaptation) or its parts (structural) to make it more fit to
survive under certain environmental conditions.
A large body of air that has about the same
temperature, moisture, and pressure across it.
The force exerted on you by the weight of tiny particles
of air.
The height above sea level of anything on Earth.
A vertebrate animal with moist skin and lungs. Spends
part of its life in the water.
A tube that carries blood from the heart to the rest of
the body.
Many small rocky bodies that orbit the sun mainly
between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
A thick blanket of gases that surround the Earth.
11. Atom
The smallest particle of an element that can exist either
alone or in combination.
12. Attract
To exert a force that pulls or draws near
13. Axis
15. Bacteria
An imaginary straight line that runs through the Earth
from pole to pole.
The spinal column of a vertebrate animal. Used for
support and movement.
A single-celled microorganism without a nucleus.
16. Balance
A tool or instrument that is used to measure mass.
17. Balanced forces
When all the forces add up to zero so that the net force
is equal to zero.
A graph that uses bars to display data; used to show
comparisons or relationships between groups.
The basic unit from which all living things are built.
Cells are the basic unit of life.
A storage container for electricity containing an electric
cell or a series of electric cells.
The way an organism reacts to a change in its
A major ecological community (e.g., Grassland,
A sac that collects urine in humans and other animals.
14. Backbone
18. Bar graph
19. Basic unit of life
20. Battery
21. Behavior
22. Biome
23. Bladder
24. Blood
25. Blood vessel
26. Body system
27. Brain
28. Camouflage
29. Capillary
30. Carbon dioxide
31. Cardiac
32. Carnivore
33. Cell
34. Celsius
35. Centimeter
36. Characteristics
A fluid that circulates throughout the body carrying
oxygen, nutrients, and carbon dioxide.
Any of the vessels through which blood circulates in
the body (arteries, veins, and capillaries).
Group of organs working together as a unit, such as
respiratory, circulatory, digestive.
An organ of the nervous system that controls and
coordinates almost everything in your body.
To blend in with the surroundings.
The tiniest of all blood vessels that connects the
arteries and veins.
An invisible gas with no smell, made up of carbon and
oxygen atoms, needed for plant photosynthesis.
Relating to the heart.
A type of consumer that eats meat (e.g., wolves,
cheetah, lions).
Basic unit of life.
Metric unit of temperature; temperature scale that uses
0 degrees as the freezing and melting point of water
and 100 degrees as the boiling point of water at sea
Metric unit of length.
41. Circulatory system
Traits or features that help to identify, tell apart, or
describe something.
A type of weathering that is caused by a chemical
reaction. The most common example of chemical
weathering is acid rain.
A change that involves the formation of a new chemical
substance and new molecules.
Energy that is stored in the bonds between particles
that make up food and fuel.
A process in which one or more substances are
changed into others.
The system that circulates blood throughout the body.
42. Classify/ classification
To organize or group using similarities and differences.
43. Climate
The larger patterns that help us to understand weather;
the average weather in a location over a long period of
A non-renewable energy source made from dead
plants buried underground for millions of years that is
burned in most power plants to make electricity.
An animal that cannot control its body temperature and
takes on the temperature of its surroundings.
37. Chemical
38. Chemical change
39. Chemical energy
40. Chemical reaction
44. Coal
45. Cold blooded
46. Combine
47. Comet
48. Community
49. Competition
50. Condensation
51. Conductor
52. Constant
To join two or more substances to make a single
substance, such as in a mixture.
A chunk of frozen gasses, ice, and rocks that orbits the
A group of organisms (e.g., plants and/or animals)
living in the same area under similar environmental
A contest between two or more organisms or kinds of
organisms for an environmental resource that is in
short supply.
A process by which water vapor changes to liquid
A material or object that permits heat to flow easily.
55. Cosmos
Something that is unchanging. In an experiment, the
conditions that are the same for all variables.
A group that has the same conditions as the one being
tested but without the variable being tested; group
used to compare results to.
Organisms that eat other organisms (e.g., herbivores,
carnivores, omnivores).
The world or universe.
56. Cycle
A regularly repeated event; a repeated phenomenon.
57. Data table
Used to store and organize information.
58. Decompose
To become broken down; decay.
59. Decomposer
Organisms that eat nonliving waste material and cycle
the nutrients back into the food chain.
The breakdown or decay of organic materials.
53. Control group
54. Consumer
60. Decomposition
61. Dependent variable
62. Desert
63. Digestion
64. Digestive system
A variable that responds to the change (the
independent variable) made by the experimenter.
A place on the Earth that gets very little rainfall. It has
very little plant and animal life. May be very hot or very
The process of breaking down food.
65. Dissolve
A system that is made of the organs that break down
food into smaller parts called nutrients.
To pass into a solution, such as salt stirred into water
66. Distance
The length between two objects.
67. Diversity
Having a great variety or choice.
68. Downward
To go from a higher to a lower position.
69. Earth’s surface
The top layer of the Earth.
70. Egg
The oval or round female reproductive cell.
71. Electrical circuit
75. Emigration
A circuit is made when an electric current can flow
through a complete group of conductors.
A type of energy that is created when electrons move
from one location to another location.
A subatomic particle with a negative charge. Electrons
move outside of the nucleus of the atom.
A physical substance that is made of a single type of
To leave one place and settle in another.
76. Emit
To release, give off.
77. Endoskeleton
78. Energy
Hard frame inside the body of an animal that supports
the body.
The ability to cause change. Not composed of matter.
79. Environment
The natural world which surrounds all living things.
80. Erosion
82. Estimate
A process by which products of weathering are
Tube that carries food from the mouth into the
A judgment, decision, or approximation of worth.
83. Evaporation
A process by which liquid water becomes water vapor.
84. Everglades
A special swamp environment found only in Florida.
85. Exhale
87. Experiment
To breathe out. When you exhale, you release carbon
dioxide from the lungs.
Hard frame outside the body that supports and protects
the body
A controlled procedure used to test a hypothesis.
88. External characteristic
A trait that can be seen on the outside of an organism.
89. Extinct
91. Fertilization
When all members of a particular kind of plant or
animal die or do not survive.
A measure of temperature that uses 32 degrees as the
freezing and melting point of water and 212 degrees as
the boiling point of water at sea level.
The joining of female and male reproductive cells.
92. Filter
A device used to extract impurities from a gas or liquid.
93. Float
To rest on the surface.
94. Flower
The attractive part of the plant that contains the
reproductive organs.
A plant that produces flowers and fruit.
72. Electricity
73. Electron
74. Element
81. Esophagus
86. Exoskeleton
90. Fahrenheit
95. Flowering plant
96. Food chain
97. Force
A hierarchy of different living things, in which each
feeds on the one below.
A push or pull.
98. Forest
99. Fossil fuel
100. Freeze
101. Friction
102. Galaxy
103. Gas
104. Geothermal energy
105. Germination
106. Gills
A large area of land that has trees and other plants
growing together.
A non-renewable energy source made by the heat
within the Earth and the pressure of layers of rocks and
soil on the remains of dead plants and animals over
millions and millions of years.
When matter changes from the liquid to the solid state.
A force that works against motion; a rubbing force
between two surfaces.
A group of many, many stars, gas, and dust held
together by gravity; our Solar System is in the Milky
Way Galaxy
Phase of matter in which the molecules are very
spread out.
A renewable energy source that comes from the heat
inside of the Earth.
When a seed begins to grow or sprout.
108. Gram
The part of a fish’s body that it uses to breathe by
taking oxygen out of the water.
A tool or instrument that can be used to measure
Metric unit of mass.
109. Graph
An easy way to show data.
110. Grassland
111. Gravity
An ecological community that is comprised mainly of
plants and grasses
A force that pulls an object toward another object.
112. Groundwater
Water that soaks deep into soil and rock.
113. Habitat
A place where an organism lives.
114. Hail
Precipitation in the form of ice.
115. Hand lens
A tool used to make an object appear bigger.
Commonly called a magnifying glass.
An organ in the circulatory system that pumps blood
throughout the body.
The number of heart beats per minute.
107. Graduated cylinder
116. Heart
117. Heart rate
118. Heat
121. Humidity
A form of energy created by the movement of
A type of consumer that eats only plants (e.g., sheep,
horses, rabbits).
When an animal goes into a sleeping state that can last
for months at a time.
Moistness; water vapor in the air.
122. Hydropower
A renewable energy source coming from moving water.
119. Herbivore
120. Hibernation
123. Hydrosphere
All of Earth’s water.
124. Iceberg
A large floating mass of ice that detaches from a
glacier and is carried out to sea.
Rock that is formed from cooled and hardened magma.
125. Igneous
126. Immigration
127. Inch
128. Independent variable
To enter or settle into an unfamiliar area that is not
Customary unit of length.
130. Inference
The variable that is changed or manipulated by the
A property of matter that causes it to resist changes in
speed or direction (velocity).
A conclusion made based on evidence.
131. Inhale
To take oxygen into the lungs.
132. Inorganic
Does not contain organic material; not formed from
living things or the remains of living things.
Looking for information by asking questions.
129. Inertia
133. Inquiry
134. Instinct
136. Internal characteristic
When animals follow natural patterns automatically,
e.g., knowing how to build a nest.
A material that is a poor conductor of heat and/or
A trait that cannot be seen; it is inside the organism.
137. Invertebrate
An animal that does not have a backbone.
138. Investigation
The process of inquiring into something or following up
on a question.
A British scientist who lived from 1643-1727. He is
known for developing the law of universal gravitation,
three laws of motion, and calculus.
The place where two parts or things are joined.
135. Insulator
139. Isaac Newton
140. Joint
141. Kidneys
142. Kinetic energy
Paired organs that remove waste products from the
blood and produce urine.
Energy of objects in motion.
143. Kingdom
One of the primary groups used to classify organisms.
144. Large intestine
146. Learn
An organ of the digestive system that absorbs water
back into the blood.
Usually a green, flattened structure that is attached to
the stem and participates in photosynthesis and
To acquire a skill.
147. Length
A measure of distance.
148. Light
Energy that can be used to help plants make food.
149. Limiting factor
Environmental factors that prevent the population size
145. Leaf
from increasing (e.g., predator-prey interactions)
150. Line graph
156. Magnetism
Used to show continuous data, such as changes over
Phase of matter in between a solid and gas; takes the
shape of the container it is in.
The thin outer shell of the Earth that consists of the
crust and upper mantle.
A large organ in vertebrate animals that helps in
digestion, stores fats and sugars, and converts harmful
substances to less harmful forms.
The portion of the moon that is illuminated by the Sun
depending on the relative positions of the Sun, the
Earth, and the moon.
Two organs within the body’s chest that take in oxygen
from the air. They exchange oxygen and wastes with
the blood and then release waste gases into the air.
A force that pulls magnetic objects over a distance.
157. Magnify
To make larger.
158. Mammal
159. Marine
A vertebrate animal that has hair/fur, produces milk to
feed its young, usually nourishes the growing baby
inside the mother, and is warm-blooded.
Relating to the water.
160. Mass
A measure of how much matter something contains
161. Matter
164. Mechanical energy
The material that everything is made up of; something
that has mass and exists as a solid, liquid, gas, or
The process of accurately determining the
characteristics of an object or phenomenon, such as
length or mass.
A type of weathering caused by the physical hitting of
one object (e.g., ice, wind, water, etc.) against another
object (e.g., rock, soil, etc.)
Energy from moving things.
165. Melt
When matter changes from a solid to a liquid state.
166. Meniscus
The surface of a liquid that curves inward or downward
as a result of surface tension; the bottom of the
meniscus is used to measure the volume of a liquid in
a graduated cylinder.
A type of rock that is formed from existing rock that is
changed by heat, pressure, or chemical reactions.
A meteoroid that enters earth’s atmosphere and is
heated such that it is seen as a fiery streak of light in
the sky.
151. Liquid
152. Lithosphere
153. Liver
154. Lunar phases
155. Lungs
162. Measure
163. Mechanical
167. Metamorphic
168. Meteor
169. Meteorite
170. Meteorologist
A fallen meteoroid that has reached the earth from
outer space.
A person who studies atmospheric conditions.
171. Meteoroid
Small bodies traveling through space.
172. Migration
When some animals travel long distances during
different seasons to get out of the cold, mate, or find
Metric unit of volume.
173. Milliliter
174. Mimicry
175. Mineral
176. Mixture
When a small or harmless animal looks like a
dangerous or poisonous animal.
Naturally occurring inorganic substance.
179. Moon
A composition of two or more substances that are not
chemically combined with each other and are capable
of being separated.
A representation of an object or system; for example, a
diagram of a cell.
The smallest particle of a substance that retains the
chemical and physical properties of the substance and
is composed of two or more atoms.
Earth’s natural satellite.
180. Motion
The change in an object’s position.
181. Multiple trials
The number of times an experiment is conducted.
182. Muscle
A tissue able to contract to make parts of the body
A non-renewable energy source that is a fossil fuel gas
used for heating and cooking in homes.
Things that we use that are supplied by nature; for
example water, minerals, fuel, and soil.
A cloud of gas and dust in outer space.
177. Model
178. Molecule
183. Natural gas
184. Natural resource
185. Nebula
186. Nerve
187. Nervous system
Sends impulses of sensations and motion between the
brain or spinal cord and other parts of the body.
The control system of the human body.
188. Net force
The sum of all the forces acting on an object.
189. Neutron
190. Newton
A subatomic particle with no charge. The other
component of the nucleus along with the proton.
The unit of force in the metric system; N or kg·m / s2
191. Niche
The role an organism plays in its community.
192. Non-flowering plant
A plant that does not have flowers and reproduces by
A source of energy that we are using up because it
takes a very long time to make it.
Non-renewable energy that is released from the
193. Non-renewable
194. Nuclear energy
nucleus of an atom when it breaks apart.
195. Nucleus
202. Organic
The center of an atom, made up of neutrons and
protons, place where most of the mass of an atom is
A substance that is needed for growth and survival of
an organism.
To watch and study carefully so as to understand what
you are looking at.
The great bodies of salt water that cover almost ¾ of
the Earth’s surface.
A non-renewable energy source that is a liquid fossil
fuel. It is obtained from wells drilled in the ground and
is the source of gasoline, fuel oils, and other products.
A type of consumer that eats both plants and animals
(e.g., chickens, humans, chimpanzees, bears).
A structure made of tissues that perform a specific
A characteristic of living organisms.
203. Organism
A living thing.
204. Ovary
A female reproductive organ where eggs are produced.
205. Oxygen
A product of photosynthesis; an element that is
necessary for survival. A colorless gas.
An organ near the stomach that helps with digestion
and secretes insulin to help process sugars.
A process by which plants use the energy from the
Sun, carbon dioxide, and water to make oxygen and
A change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to
another without a change in chemical composition.
A property used to characterize physical objects, such
as color, shape or texture.
Breaking down of rocks through natural physical
Any one of the nine major bodies that orbit the Sun.
196. Nutrients
197. Observation
198. Ocean
199. Oil
200. Omnivore
201. Organ
206. Pancreas
207. Photosynthesis
208. Physical change
209. Physical property
210. Physical weathering
211. Planet
212. Inner planets
The four planets closest to the sun: Mercury, Venus,
Earth & Mars.
213. Outer planets
The four planets outside the asteroid belt: Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
This is one of two areas on the Earth that are very cold
environments with a lot of ice and snow. Very few
organisms can live there because of the harsh weather
conditions. Another name for it is tundra.
214. Polar
215. Polar bear
216. Pollination
217. Pollutant
218. Pollution
219. Population
220. Position
221. Potential energy
222. Precipitation
223. Predator
224. Prediction
A bear that lives where there is a lot of ice and snow.
Their fur looks white in color.
The process by which pollen is moved in plants from
one part of the flower to another resulting in
Any harmful substance or chemical that contaminates
soil, water, or air
The contamination of the environment with pollutants
(harmful substances).
All of the individuals of one species in the same area,
or habitat.
The location of an object.
Energy that comes from position or because of the
arrangement of its parts; energy waiting to be used;
stored energy.
The process by which water falls from clouds to the
Earth as rain, snow, sleet, and hail.
An organism that preys on other organisms.
225. Prey
To tell beforehand; a scientific prediction is based on
known facts.
An organism that is hunted or caught for food.
226. Producer
Organisms that make their own food (e.g., plants).
227. Protist
A unicellular organism with a nucleus.
228. Proton
230. Pulse
A subatomic particle with a positive charge. Part of the
nucleus of an atom.
To apply force to an object that tends to cause motion
towards the source of force.
The number of beats over a specific time.
231. Push
To move an object by applying force against it.
232. Rain
Water that is condensed in the atmosphere and falls to
earth as drops.
A rain shadow is an area of dry land that lies on the
leeward (or downwind) side of a mountain.
A cell in the circulatory system that carries oxygen.
229. Pull
233. Rain shadow
234. Red blood cell
235. Reflection
236. Renewable resource
237. Repel
238. Reptile
239. Reproduce
Throwing back by a body or surface without absorbing
such things as light, heat, or sound.
A resource that can be used over and over again
without running out of the resource.
To exert a force that pushes away.
A vertebrate animal that has scales, lays eggs,
breathes by lungs, and is cold-blooded.
To produce new offspring.
240. Resource
A supply.
241. Respiratory system
System of the body responsible for breathing.
242. Revolution
The movement of a planet around the Sun.
243. Rhythm
A pattern during which a recurring sequence of events
Bones which form a cage around some of the internal
organs of the body.
A large mass of stone.
244. Rib
245. Rock
246. Rock cycle
247. Roots
248. Rotation
249. Ruler
250. Runoff
251. Sand
252. Scales
253. Season
254. Sedimentary
255. Separate
256. Similar/similarity
257. Sink
258. Skeletal muscle
The process, or cycle, of rocks being created and then
being destroyed by weathering.
The part of the plant that anchors the plant and
absorbs nutrients and moisture.
The spinning of a planet on its axis.
A tool or instrument that can be used to measure
The water that flows over the land into streams and
A loose material made up of many tiny particles of
rocks or minerals, usually created by weathering.
The skin of many different vertebrates is made-up of
scales. They look like tiles on a roof and they are
usually hard to protect the animal.
A period of the year that is characterized by specific
weather or climatic conditions.
Type of rock that is formed from the hardened remains
of plants and animals that have been pressed and
cemented together.
To remove from a mixture.
This is when things are alike and share common traits
or characteristics.
To go to the bottom.
260. Skeleton
One of the three major muscle types; most is attached
to bones by tendons, is voluntarily controlled, and is
involved in the movement of body parts.
A system in the body made of bones that give the body
shape and structure.
A structure that gives an organism its shape.
261. Skull
Bones that protects the brain.
262. Sleet
When snow melts as it falls and the rain contains ice.
263. Slope
A slant or incline.
264. Small intestine
An organ of the digestive system that removes
nutrients from food.
259. Skeletal system
265. Smooth muscle
266. Snow
267. Soil
268. Solar collector
269. Solar energy
270. Solar system
One of the three major muscle types; contracts without
conscious control and is mainly found in the walls of
internal organs such as the throat, intestines, and
Water that freezes in the atmosphere and falls to earth
as white flakes.
The top layer of Earth’s surface that consists of rocks,
minerals, and organic material mixed together.
Any kind of object used to absorb solar radiation for the
heating of water or buildings or for the production of
A renewable energy source that is given off by the
Sun's light or heat.
The Sun and the bodies that revolve around it.
271. Inner solar system
The planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, which
are rocky in composition.
272. Outer solar system
275. Sound energy
The planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune,
which are gaseous in composition.
Phase of matter that is usually hard; molecules are
very close together.
Vibrations transmitted by a medium; invisible waves
moving through the air around us.
A type of energy made by vibrations.
276. Specialized
Having a specific function or purpose.
277. Sperm
The male reproductive cell.
278. Speed
The distance an object moves dependent on time; a
rate: distance/time.
The bundle of nerves in the spine that connects nearly
all parts of the body to the brain.
A reproductive body, usually a single cell, released by
fungi, algae, or many non-flowering plants.
Used to find the weight of an object. An object pulls
down on a spring; the spring moves and the marker
points to the object’s weight.
Something established as a rule for the measure of
quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality.
A body of gases that gives off a lot of radiant energy in
the form of light and heat.
A small number of stars which orbit each other held
together by gravity.
The principal conditions in which matter exists; for
example gas, liquid, and solid.
273. Solid
274. Sound
279. Spinal cord
280. Spore
281. Spring scale
282. Standard
283. Star
284. Star system
285. States of matter
286. Stem
The part of the plant supports and connects plant parts.
287. Stomach
An organ of the digestive system that mixes food.
288. Structure/ structural
289. Subatomic
A part of an organism that can be identified by its
shape and other properties.
Particles that are smaller than an atom.
290. Survival
To stay alive and live.
291. System
A combination of things or parts that form a complex
Classification system used to group organisms.
292. Taxonomy
293. Temperate deciduous
294. Temperature
295. Tendon
An area on the Earth that has warm summers and mild
winters. It has trees and other plants growing together.
A number on a scale that measures how hot or how
cold something is.
A tissue that connects muscles to bones.
296. Testes
Male reproductive organs where sperm is produced.
297. Thermal
Involving heat.
298. Thermal energy
299. Thermometer
A type of energy that is transferred by a difference in
A tool or instrument used to measure temperature.
300. Tissue
A group of cells that work together.
301. Topography
Earth’s surface features.
302. Transfer
To move from one place to another place.
303. Transformation
To change forms.
304. Transparent
309. Universe
Capable of transmitting light so that objects or images
can be seen as if there were no intervening material.
The process by which water vapor is released by the
leaves of plants.
An area on the Earth that has hot, wet weather and lots
of different kinds of plants and animals.
An area on the Earth that is very cold and is covered
with ice and snow. Another name for polar region.
When the forces are not the same size or the net force
is greater than zero.
Everything in existence.
310. Upward
To move in a direction from lower to higher.
311. Uterus
A muscular organ in most female mammals that
contains the developing baby during pregnancy.
Something that can be changed in an experiment.
305. Transpiration
306. Tropical rain forest
307. Tundra
308. Unbalanced forces
312. Variable
313. Dependent variable
What will be measured; what is expected to be affected
in the experiment by the independent variable.
316. Vertebrates
What is being changed; what is expected to affect the
dependent variable in the experiment
Tubes that carry mainly low-oxygen blood back to the
Animals that have a backbone.
317. Volume
The amount of space objects take up.
318. Waning
To decrease in size.
319. Warm-blooded
321. Water cycle
An animal that can control its body temperature and
keeps the same temperature all the time.
A clear, colorless liquid that has no smell and falls from
the clouds as rain; it makes streams, lakes, and seas; it
is a major part of all living things; it is made up of the
elements hydrogen and oxygen.
Describes the continuous movement of water.
322. Waxing
To increase in size.
323. Weather
The generalized conditions of the atmosphere at a
particular time and place.
A natural process of rock and soil material being worn
away. Can be caused by running water, wind, ice, and
The heaviness of an object; depends on the force of
The noticeable movement of air.
314. Independent variable
315. Vein
320. Water
324. Weathering
325. Weight
326. Wind
327. Wind energy
328. Windmill
329. Woodland
A renewable energy source that comes from the wind;
usually uses a windmill to transform the energy.
A wind-driven wheel that can be used to generate
electricity or move water.
Land covered by woody vegetation.