Experiment # 12 Experimentr l, THE DIFFRACTION GRATING SPECTROMETER Purpose: 1. To becomefamiliar with theuseof a diffiactiongratingspecftometer 2. To measurethe wavelengthsof certain lines in the spectnrmof the mercury arc lamp. Apparatus:Spectrometer, gating andholder,mercuryarc lamp, sodiumtarop(optional), variousdischarge tubesandaccessories. References: Discussion:Theuseof thegratingequation N],_ dsin0 (r) implies the following experimental conditions: (i) the spectrometeris in proper adjusfinen! as specified in Part I (ii) the grating rulings are parallel to the slig i.e. , vertical (iii) the plane of the grating is perpendicular to the axis of the collimator Angular measurementson the circle must be made with respect to the stationary zero point. A single zero line would enableus to read only to the nearest one-half degree and estimateto a smaller fraction thereof. By meansof a vernier, however, it is possible to read with precisionto a small fraction of a subdivision on a circle. With the vernier on your instmment , it is possibleto read the position of the telescopeto the nearestminute. There is, however, the possibility of a slight eccentricity existing between the center of the circle and the center of the vernier scale. This eccentricity error may be rnade negligible by reading the circle by means of two verniers 180" apart and determining the average reading. The reading of verniers is facilitated by means of trvo magnifiers attached to a plate covering the circle for the purpose of keeping dust from the engraved scales. Procedure: lnspectthe spectrometerand identify its parts. Arange your data sheetas shown on page52. Part I. Adjusfinent of the Specrrometer (1) Adjust the grating to satisff the condition of the gating equafion.This is done by placing the telescopein such a position that rhe image of the stit illuminated by -50- Expenment#LZ Experlrien;;;: -2 mercurylight is locatedat the intersectionof the crosshairs. Thenput the gating into the gating holder so that the grating faces the collimatorobjectiveand is as nearly perpendicular to the opticalaxis aspossible. (2) Adjustthetelescopeasfollows: Placethe telescopesothatit is in line with the collimator.Focusthe eyepieceon the crosshairs,illuminatedby the light from the slig by sliding the eyepiecelens in and out unfil the cross hairs appearsharpest.Slide the eyepiecebackandforth pastthe best positiona numberof times,until you are surethat you know what the sharpestimagelooks like. Nex! thewholeeyepiece tube is movedin and out by rotatingthe knurled collar rurtil the imageof the collimatorslit is in focus,i.e., appetrsclearand sharp.When the adjusfinents are completelysatisfactory thereshould para[a:q be no or relativemotion of the crosshairs and slit imageas the eyeis moved slightly to and fro acrossthe eyepiecelens.If thereis parallaxfor smallmotionsof the eye, touchup the last adjusfrnentuntil parallaxdisappears. Finally,nrurowdown the slit as much as possibleand set the telescopeso that the point of intersectionof the cross hairs is symmetricallyplacedwithin this very niurow slit image.Recordthe readingsof both verniers( A andB ) with the telescopein this position.Usethe sampledatasheet. Now shift the telescopeslightly,andagainbringbackthe intersection of the crosshairsto the centerof the slit image,andrecorda secondsetof vernierreadings. PartII. Wavelengths of the MercuryLines. (1) Turn the telescope(approximatelyI9') until the bright greenmercuryline of the first order appearson the crosshairs. Make two independentsettingson this line and recordyour resultson the datasheet alwaysreadingboth verniers. (2) Repeat(1) withthe first orderonthe othersideof the centralimage. (3) Repeat(1) and(2) for all othervisiblemercurylines,takingonly onesettingon eachsideof the cental image. (a) Repeat(l) and(2) for the secondorderbright greenmercuryline. (5) Checkfor any visiblelinesin the third order. Pafi III. Specfiaof VariousElernents. As time permits,examinethe spectraof variousdischarge tubes,includingsodium andhydrogen,andrecordyour qualitativeobservations. Do not measure the wavelengths. -5 1- ExperirnentiT i2 Experirnent# 12 Calculations: Expressall wavelengttrsin Angshom units ( 1 A _ 10-tcm _ l0-r0m ). Pafi II From the data of procedures(l), (2) and (3), obtain averagevalues of 0 for each of the mercury lines observedin fust order. Using 0 as obtained above and the value of the grating spacing obtained from the number of nrlings per mm statedon the grating (it should be about 600 rulings/mm), use equation (l) to determine the wavelengths of each of the lines observed in the rnercury spectnrm. From the data of procedure(4), again determine the wavelength of the bright green mercury line, now basedon the second-orderobservation. Compareyour resultswith the acceptedwavelengthsof mercury lines given below. Tabulateyour results along with the acceptedvalues. Questionsto Be Answered in the Report: 1. Computethe longest wavelengthfor which your grating will form a third-order image. 2. You made two determinations of the wavelength of the bright green mercury line, one based on the first order interferenceand the other based on the second order interference. Which one do you think is more precise? Explain why Wavelengthsof SpectralLines Mercury uA) Color lntensity 4047 4078 4358 49t6 5461 s770 579t Violet Violet Blue-Violet Blue-Green Green Yellow Yellow VeryBright Weak Bright Weak Very-Bright Bright Bright -52- Expenment;iL2 # lZ Experiment Hydrogen 4861 Blue-Green( Hp) Weak 6s63 Red(HJ Bright Sodium Yellow (DJ Yellow (D,) 5890 5892 Bright Bright DATA SHEET 1oOrder - Hg Green,Right Side Central Image Mean Mean 2"d Order - Hg Greeq Right Side 1"' Order - Hg Greeq Left Side Vemier B Vernier A Vernier B Vernier A Vernier B Vernier A Vernier B Vernier A Mean Mean ETC -5?-