The A to Z of Old-World Gods. - CHURCH OF CREATIVITY SOUTH

A to Z of
Old-World Gods.
By Colin Campbell 3rd
Abaddon-Judeo/Christian: The Destroying Angel, he is Chief of the Demons of the
Seventh Hierarchy and King of the Grasshoppers.
Abaris-Greek and Celtic: Pythagoras's instructor who, it is said, was a Druid.
Abigor-Judeo/Christian: A Demon of the Superior Order, he responds readily to
questions concerning war, instructing leaders how to make themselves respected by
their soldiers.
Abraxas-Judeo/Christian: This Demon has three hundred and sixty five Demons
under his command, one for each day of the year.
Abred-Celtic: The Earth.
Adam-Judeo/Christian: The first man, Adam was created by Jehovah from dirt. He
was the husband of Lilith and then Eve, and the father of Cain and Able. (See also, the
Fruit of Knowledge and Life.) (Compares with Ask.)
Adramelech-Judeo/Christian: The Grand Chancellor of Hell, Keeper of the Wardrobe
of the Demon King, and President of the High Council of the Devils.
Aegir-Teutonic/Germanic: God of the Sea. His wife is Ran and their hall is under the
waves. (Compares with Njord, Lir, Poseidon and Mannanen.)
Aeolus-Greek and Roman: Son of Poseidon and Arne, Aeolus is the Guardian of the
Winds. To the Romans, he is the God of Wind.
Aesculapius-Roman: The Roman equivalent of the Greek Asclepius.
Aesir-Teutonic/Germanic: The race of Warrior Gods who inhabit Asgard. (Compares
with the Vanir.)
Afi, Grandfather-Teutonic/Germanic: Grandfather of Karl, Afi is the husband of
Amma and ancestor of the Race of Karls.
Agaberte-Teutonic/Germanic: Daughter of the Giant, Vangnoste, dwelling in
Scandinavia. Agaberte is an enchantress and is rarely seen in her true shape.
Agares-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel of the order of Virtues, Agares is a Grand
Duke of the Eastern region of Hell, with thirty one Legions under his command.
Agares protects armies by dispersing enemies and putting new courage into the hearts
of cowards. He also distributes place and power, titles and prelacies and teaches all
Agathademon-Judeo/Christian: A good Demon.
Agathion-Judeo/Christian: A Familiar spirit who only appears at midday.
Ahazu Demon-Judeo/Christian: Giver of Seizures.
Ahrimanes-Judeo/Christian: Chief of the Cacodaemons, a band of deposed Angels
who live in the air.
Ai, Great Grandfather-Teutonic/Germanic: Ancestor of the Race of Thralls, Ai is
the husband of Edda, and father of Thrall.
Aine-Celtic: Love Goddess. (Compares with Venus.)
Air-Roman: The personification of air.
Akhenaton, The Glory of Aten, Amenhotep IV, Amon is Satisfied-Egyptian: Born
Amenhotep IV (Amon is Satisfied), but known by his assumed name, Akhenaton (The
Glory of Aten), reigned as Pharaoh from 1353 BCE to 1335 BCE. The husband of
Nefertiti, brother of Tuthmosis and father of Tutankhaten (Living image of Aten),
Akhenaton worshipped the monotheistic God, Aten, bringing about the first recorded
occurrence of monotheism in history. (See also, Aten and Moses.)
Alastor-Judeo/Christian: An evil Demon, Alastor is Chief Executioner of the
Monarch of Hell.
Aldinach-Judeo/Christian: A Demon who controls tempests, earthquakes, cyclones,
tornadoes, and cetera. It is Aldinach also, who sinks ships.
Algron, All Green-Teutonic/Germanic: The island where Odin stayed for five years
as Harbard.
Alocer-Judeo/Christian: A Grand Duke of Hell, Alocer is said to give family
happiness to those whom he takes under his protection. He teaches astronomy and the
liberal arts. Thirty six Legions are under his command.
Alpiel-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel who presides over fruit trees.
Alrunes-Teutonic/Germanic: Female Demons or Sorceresses. Small statues were
made in their image, which are used to foretell the future.
Alsvid, All Swift-Teutonic/Germanic: Driven by Sun, Alsvid is one of the horses that
pulls the sun along its course. (See also, Arvark.)
Alu Demon-Judeo/Christian: Once human, this Demon functions as a Bogey Man.
Alvis, All Knowing-Teutonic/Germanic: A wise Dwarf who outwitted Thor.
Amaymon-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel, who is a Lord of the South.
Ambarvalia-Roman: An agricultural festival, held on the 29th of May, in honour of
Amduscias-Judeo/Christian: A Grand Duke of Hell, Amduscias gives concerts at the
command of men, where one hears the sound of all the musical instruments, but can
see nothing. He commands twenty Legions.
Amma, Grandmother-Teutonic/Germanic: Impregnated by Heimdall, Amma is the
ancestress of the Race of Karls. She is the grandmother of Karl and the wife of Afi.
Amon, Amun, Ammon, King of the Gods-Egyptian and Judeo/Christian: A mighty
Egyptian deity, Amon is the patron of the most powerful Pharaohs, acknowledging
them as his sons and giving them victory over their enemies. He survives in
Judeo/Christian lore as a Marquise of Hell, he knows the past and the future, and can
reconcile friends who have quarreled. (Compares with, Zeus.)
Amoymon-Judeo/Christian: A Demon Grand Duke of the East. Amoymon may be
invoked in the morning from nine o' clock till midday, and in the evening from three
o' clock till six. Asmodeus is Amoymon's Lieutenant, and the First Prince of his
Amphitrite-Greek: Wife of Poseidon.
Amy-Judeo/Christian: A Grand President of Hell and one of the Princes of the
Infernal Monarchy, Amy is a deposed Angel, who hopes that at the end of 200,000
years, he shall return to Heaven to occupy the Seventh Throne. Amy teaches the
secrets of astrology and the liberal arts, and honors faithful servants. He will also
reveal, to those who possess his favor, the hiding place of treasures guarded by
Demons. Amy commands thirty six of the deposed Angels.
Anamelech-Judeo/Christian: The Demon Bearer of Ill News.
Anarazel-Judeo/Christian: One of the Demons charged with the guardiancy of
subterranean treasures. It is Anarazel, who along with his companions, shakes the
foundations of houses, rings bells, raises tempests, cause's specters to appear and the
inspirer of a thousand terrors.
Andraste-Celtic (Britonic): Described as "Mysterious and terrible," this Goddess was
invoked by Queen Boudicca when she rebelled against Roman rule. (Compares with
Andvari-Teutonic/Germanic: A Dwarf who owned a treasure hoard and cursed it
when it was extracted from him by Loki to pay the ransom for Otter's death.
Angels, the Hierarchy of Heaven-Judeo/Christian: Situated above the clouds,
Heaven is the realm of Jehovah, the Angels and the blessed souls of the Christian
dead-a place of blissful happiness. There is a hierarchical system for ranking the
Angels ruled over by Jehovah: 1. The first and highest are the Seraphim. 2. Cherubim.
3. Thrones. 4. Dominions. 5. Virtues. 6. Powers. 7. Principalities. 8. Archangels. 9.
The ninth and lowest are the Angels. (See also, Demons.) (Compares with
Otherworld, Hades, Asgard, Valhalla and Sides.)
Angerona-Roman: The Goddess of Silence-the hidden name of Rome, which it is
forbidden to pronounce.
Angrboda, Distress Bringer-Teutonic/Germanic: A Giantess who is a mistress of
Loki and the mother of Fenrir, Jorgmungand and Hel.
Angus Og, Angus Young, Oengus MacOc, Angus MacOg-Celtic (Gaelic): Son of
the Dagda and Boanna. (Compares with Mabon ap Madron.)
Annona-Roman: A Goddess connected with incidents particularly desirable for the
city of Rome-the arrival of corn. (Compares with Laetitia.)
Annwn, Annwvyn-Celtic (Britonic): The Celtic Underworld, realm of the dead, the
fiery abyss where all Earthly life was formed. (Compares with Hel, Hell and Hades.)
Ansitif-Judeo/Christian: A minor Demon.
Aphrodite-Greek: Goddess of Love, she is the daughter of Uranos and Gaia, and the
mother of Eros and Hermaphroditus. An unfaithful wife to Hephaistos, she had
children to Ares, Hermes, Poseidon, Dionysos and Zeus.
Apollo, Apollon, Phoebus Apollon, Nomios, the Herdsman-Greek and Roman: The
Greeks thought of Apollo as the God of Light, Prophesy, Music, Poetry and Dance,
and Protector of Flocks from wolves. He presides over Law and makes men aware of
their guilt. He also cleanses them of it. Apollo also carries a bow, with which he
dispenses justice, and a lyre, on which he plays his music. He is the son of Phoebe and
Koios (both Titans). In Rome the cult of Apollo was introduced through Italy from
Greece (according to the Sibylline Books in 431 BCE), where it was established at
Cumae. During a famine Rome imported grain from Cumae and the cult was adopted.
Apollo as Sun God drives the Chariot of the Sun, and in controlling the sun governs
over the planets and therefore is able to control the length of a day, night, year, and
cetera. He is the son of Jupiter and Latona. Otherwise, he differs little from his Greek
counterpart. (Compares with Sun.)
Arawn-Celtic (Britonic): Prince of Annwn. He was Lord of Arawn before Pwyll.
Ardat Lile-Judeo/Christian: She is the Demon who weds human beings and works
great harm in the dwellings of men.
Ares, Aries-Greek: God of War, son of Zeus and Hera, and father of Deimos and
Phobos. (Compares with Mars, Tue and Taranis.)
Arianrod, Arionhod, Arianrhod, Silver Wheel-Celtic (Britonic): One of the race of
Gods known as the Children of Llyr, she is the Goddess of Time and Dimension.
Mother of Manawyddan and Bran, and wife of Llyr. She is also the third incarnation
of the Triple Goddess-the Virgin aspect. (See also, Ceridwen and Blodeuwydd.)
(Compares with Brigit.)
Arioch-Judeo/Christian: The Demon Lord of Vengeance.
Artemis, the Virgin Huntress, Mistress of the Animals-Greek: Goddess of the
Moon and daughter of Phoebe and Koios. She is the Goddess of Nature in its wilder
form, presiding over the Hunt, the Hunted and vegetation. She is also associated with
chastity and, paradoxically, childbirth. Like her twin brother Apollo, she is armed
with a bow, and her arrows are sent out to bring sudden death to mortal women.
(Compares with Diana and Moon.)
Arvak, Early Waker-Teutonic/Germanic: Driven by Sun, Arvak is one of the horses
that pulls the sun. (See also, Alsvid.)
Asclepius-Greek: God of Healing, he carries a staff with a snake twine round it.
Originally a hero, he later elevated to the rank of a God. Asclepius is the son of
Apollo and the nymph Coronis, and the father of Hygiea. He was taught healing by
the centaur, Chiron. Zeus feared that on account of his skill he might make men
immortal, so he killed him with a thunderbolt. (Compares with Diancecht.)
Asgard-Teutonic/Germanic: The home of the Elder Gods. (Compares with Olympus,
Otherworld and Heaven.)
Ask, Ash Tree-Teutonic/Germanic: The first man, Ask was created by the Gods from
a fallen ash tree. He is the husband of Embla. (Compares with Adam and Eve.)
Asmodeus-Judeo/Christian: Labeled as the Demon of Lust, a seraphim of the first
hierarchy of Hell, Asmodeus prevented marriages, promoted adultery and troubled
men and women with thoughts of lechery. Asmodeus, unlike many other demons, will
answer any question a magician puts to him.
Astaroth, Ashtoreth, Asherah-Judeo/Christian: The Grand Treasurer of Hell,
Astaroth is a Demon with the face of an ugly Angel, who specialized in Sloth. His
minions discouraged men-causing lassitude, indifference, irresponsibility. As the
Spirit of Prophecy, he holds the key to the past, present and future and, can reveal all
secrets. One of the Demons who changed sexes, originally he was the wife of the old
Semite God, El, and the mother of Baal or He. (Compares with the Fates.)
Astraeus-Greek: Personification of the starry sky, he is the husband of Eos and father
of Boreas, Eurus, Zephyrus and Notus.
Astrea-Roman: Goddess of Justice.
Aten-Egyptian: A Solar God, Aten is the first monotheistic deity in known history
and the precursor of the Jewish God, Jehovah. During the reign of the Pharaoh,
Amenhotep IV (1353-1335 BCE), it was decreed that the official religion of Egypt
was the religion of Aten. After the declaration of officialdom, it was proclaimed that
all men were equally the children of Aten, and all other Gods were proscribed. Shortly
after the death of Akhenaton, the new Pharaoh (his own son) denied the cult of Aten,
restoring the previous multitudes of divinities to their former status, and changing his
name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamon (Living image of Amon). Henceforth, the
Pharaoh Akhenaton would only be referred to as the Heretic. (See also, Akhenaton
and Moses.)
Athene, Kore, Maiden, Parthenos, Unsullied, Pallas-Greek: Daughter of Zeus and
Metis. She is the Goddess of Weaving, Agriculture, and in some cases Warfare.
Inventor of the plough, the rake and the ox-yoke. (Compares with Neith, Minerva,
Fodla and the Triple Goddess.)
Atlas-Greek: A Titan, he is the son of Iapetus and Themis, the husband of Pleione and
father of Maia, Electra and Taygete-who were all pursued amorously by Zeus. In
punishment for his part in the revolt against Zeus, Atlas was condemned to stand
forever bearing upon his shoulders the vault of the sky.
Audumla-Teutonic/Germanic: The cow created out of ice in the void of
Ginnungagap. She gave suck to Ymir, the first being, and then licked ice blocks into
the shape of Buri.
Auger, College of Augurs-Roman: A priest whose duties concerned divination. He
and his fellows comprised the College of Augurs, an official State body which had
numbered twelve members until 81 BCE, when it was increased to fifteen members.
The augur did not predict the future, nor did he pursue his auguries at his own whim;
he inspected the proper objects or signs to ascertain whether or not the projected
undertaking was one meeting with the approval of the Gods, be the undertaking war, a
new law, or any other State business, including elections. There was a standard
manual of interpretation to which the augur referred.
Augustus Gaius Octavius Caesar, Octavian-Roman: Nephew and successor of
Gaius Julius-44 BCE, Gaius Octavius declared himself divine in 27 BCE, and
assumed the title of Augustus (from which we get the name for our eighth month,
August. Augustus was succeeded by Tiberius Caesar.
Aurora, Dawn-Roman: A Goddess. (Compares with Eos and Eastre.)
Aurvandil-Teutonic/Germanic: Husband of the seeress, Groa. Thor made a star out of
one of his toes.
Austatikco Pausligaur-Persian: A class of Spirits, they are eight in number, and their
names are as follows: 1. Indiren, the King of these Spirits; 2. Augne Baugauven, God
of Fire; 3. Eemen, King of Death and Hell; 4. Nerudee, Earth; 5. Vaivoo, God of the
Air and Winds; 6. Varoonon, God of Clouds and Rain; 7. Gooberen, God of Riches;
8. Essaunien or Shivven.
Ayperor-Judeo/Christian: A Count of the Infernal Empire.
Azail-Judeo/Christian: An Angel who revolted against Jehovah, he is chained on
stones in the desert, awaiting the last judgement.
Azazel-Judeo/Christian: A Demon of the Second Order, he is the Principal Standard
Bearer of the Infernal Empire.
Baal, Ba'al, Bael-Canaanite and Judeo/Christian: Originally meaning no more than
deity or Lord in the Canaanite world (the Canaanites were Semites as are the Jews),
Baal is an ancient Semite Fertility God, the son of El and Astaroth. The Jews waged a
continuous struggle against Baal, seeing him as a threat to their own God, Jehovah.
The Christians kept alive the Old Testament image of Baal as a force of evil, and
believe him to be the Grand Duke of Hell, the Commander of the Armies of Satan.
Baal has sixty six Legions under his command.
Baalberith-Judeo/Christian: A Demon of the Second Order. He is the Secretary and
Keeper of the Archives of Hell.
Baalzephon-Judeo/Christian: Captain of the Guard and Sentinels of Hell.
Bad-Persian: A Jinn who is supposed to have command over the winds and tempests.
He presides over the twenty second day of the year.
Badhbh, Crow/Raven-Celtic (Gaelic): See Morrigon.
Bahaman-Persian: A Jinn who, according to tradition, appeased anger. He also
governed over all animals of a peaceful disposition.
Balan-Judeo/Christian: Ruling over finesse, ruses and middle courses, he commands
forty Legions.
Balder, Baldur, Baldar-Teutonic/Germanic: Son of Odin and Frigg. Beautiful, wise
and gentle. Killed by Hod, he is to return after Ragnarok. Balder's followers wear a
pendant of the sun. (Compares with Jesus.)
Baltazo-Judeo/Christian: A minor Demon.
Banba-Celtic (Gaelic): An ancient Goddess of the Land, she married MacCuill, a son
of Ogma. Her name means Women of the Cows-the cow was a common unit of Celtic
Bar Lgura-Judeo/Christian: A Demon who sits on the roofs of houses and leaps on
the inhabitants.
Barbas-Judeo/Christian: A Demon who is extremely interested in mechanics.
Barbatos-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel of the order of Virtues.
Barqu-Judeo/Christian: The Demon in who's keeping, is the secret of the
Philosophers' Stone.
Bathym-Judeo/Christian: A Duke of the Infernal Regions, he is well versed in the
virtues of herbs and precious stones. He is able to transport men from one place to
another with amazing speed. He commands thirty Legions.
Baugi-Teutonic/Germanic: A Giant, he is the brother of Lutting, who employs Odin,
disguised as Bolverk.
Bayemon-Judeo/Christian: A powerful Demon who is a Lord in the Western parts of
Bearded Demon-Judeo/Christian: The Demon who teaches the secret of the
Philosophers' Stone.
Bechard-Judeo/Christian: A Demon who has power over the winds and tempests. He
makes hail, thunder and rain.
Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies-Judeo/Christian: Originally a Phoenician deity, a Baal,
who in a particular locality took the form of a fly, Zebub, from where he derives his
name. The Medieval ruler of Hell (& once a rival to Satan), he is one of the Lords of
Hell, thought to be second in command only to Satan.
Behemoth, Enormous Animal-Judeo/Christian: The Old Testament-The Book of
Job-describes Behemoth as one of the first creations of Jehovah, the embodiment of
evil. In Christian times his function is seen to be that of Headwaiter or Controller of
the Wine Cellars. But on occasions he seems to have roused himself.
Bel, Beli, Belenos, Belinus-Celtic (Gaulic): A Sky God, he is the personification of
the sun and the God of Herds and Harvest. His festival is Beltaine. (Compares with
Mabon, Angus Og, the Dagda and Apollo.)
Beleth-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel and powerful Demon Lord, he command's
eighty five Legions.
Belgae, Belgique, Belgica-Celtic/Teutonic/Germanic: A race of Gauls who were a
hybrid mixture of Celt and German. Linguistically Britonic, they were the ancestors
of today's Belgians.
Belial, Lord of the Earth (Land), Lord of the North-Judeo/Christian (Hebrew): A
deposed Angel of the Order of Virtues, Belial is one of the four Crown Princes of
Hell, and the Lord of the Land and the Northern regions of Hell. The name Belial
comes from the Hebrew for independence. (See also, Satan, Lucifer and the
Bellerophon-Greek: A mortal hero, Bellerophon slew the Chimaera and fought the
Amazons. He is the son of the King of Corinth and the husband of the King of Lycia's
Bellona-Roman: Companion-sister, wife or daughter of Mars.
Belphegor-Judeo/Christian: Originally a Moabite deity-a Baal. Christians believe he
is the Demon of Ingenious Discoveries and Inventions, and the Distributor of Wealth.
Belphegor-Judeo/Christian: The Demon of Discoveries, and Bestower of Riches.
Beltaine-Celtic: See Festivals-Celtic.
Bergelmir-Teutonic/Germanic: The only Giant to escape the flood caused by Ymir's
blood. (The flood compares with the Judeo/Christian flood.)
Berserkers, Bear Shirts-Teutonic/Germanic: Human warriors who went into battle
and fought wearing animal skins. It is believed that Odin gave them special
Bestla-Teutonic/Germanic: A Giantess, she is the wife of Bor, and the mother of
Odin, Vili and Ve. (Compares with Rhea.)
Biffant-Judeo/Christian: A Demon Chief commanding one Legion.
Bifrons-Judeo/Christian: A Demon who excels in geometry, is acquainted with the
virtues of herbs, precious stones and plants, and it is said that he is able to transport
corpses from one place to another. Twenty six Legions obey his commands.
Bifrost-Teutonic/Germanic: The rainbow bridge between Asgard and Midgard.
Bileth-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel of the order of Thrones.
Bitru, Sytry-Judeo/Christian: A great Prince of Hell, it is he who awakes lust in the
human heart. Seventy Legions obey his command.
Blodeuedd, Blodeuwydd, Blodeuedd, Flower Face-Celtic (Britonic): Wife of Lew
and the second incarnation of the Triple Goddess-the Mother aspect. (See also,
Arianrod and Ceridwen.)
Boanna-Celtic (Gaelic): Wife of the Dagda and mother of Angus Og.
Bolverk, Evil Doer-Teutonic/Germanic: The name adopted by Odin on his journey to
Jotunheim to get the Mead of Poetry.
Bona Dea-Roman: Ancient Roman Women celebrated the cult of the Bona Dea
(Fauna) at the beginning of December with a festival which was forbidden for men to
attend and degenerated into a lesbian and masturbatory orgy.
Bonus Eventus-Roman: The God of Success in Enterprise.
Bor-Teutonic/Germanic: Son of Buri, husband of Bestla, and father of Odin, Vili and
Ve. (Compares with Saturn and Cronos.)
Boreas-Greek: God of the North Wind, he is the son of Astraeus and Eos. (See also,
Zephyrus, Eurus and Notus.)
Bran the Blessed, Bendegeit Bran, Bendigeid Bran, the Blessed Raven-Celtic
(Britonic): The son of Arianrod and Llyr, he was of enormous size and strength
having the body of a mountain and eyes like lakes. He is the God of Warriors,
Hunting and Masculinity. In addition, he was a skilled harpist and poet. Bran had a
cauldron (which he gave to his Irish in-laws) that could restore the dead to life, but
without the power of speech. He was mortally wounded in a battle with Matholwch,
King of Ireland, and requested that his head be severed and buried at the White Mount
(the present site of Tower Hill, the Tower of London), there to act as a paladin against
invasion. (See Tower of London.) (Compares with the Dagda.)
Branwen-Celtic (Britonic): Daughter of Llyr, sister of Bran. It was for Branwen's
honour, that Bran fought Matholwch, King of Ireland.
Brigit, Brigid, Brighid, Bigitania-Celtic (Gaelic): Daughter of the Dagda, Goddess
of Flocks and Fertility, Beer Brewing, Smiths and Metal Work. She holds the keys to
the gateways to Annwn and the Celtic Heavens. The festival of Imbolc is dedicated to
her. Among the Gaels, a Goddess was called Brighid, from breo aigit, fiery arrow.
(Compares with Arianrod, Ceridwen and Blodeuwydd.)
Brising's Necklace-Teutonic/Germanic: A necklace worn by Freyja.
Briton, Brython, Britons, ancient Britons, Britonic, Brythonic-Celtic: The
linguistic group of Celts that includes the modern day Welsh, Cornish, Breton and the
ancient Britons (that is, those that lived in England before the arrival of the
Teutonic/Germanic races), and the Continental Gauls and Belgae. (See also,
Buer-Judeo/Christian: A Demon of the Second Order, Buer is gifted with a
knowledge of philosophy and the virtues of medicinal herbs. He gives domestic
felicity and health to the sick.
Bui-Celtic (Gaelic): One of the Goddess wives of Lug.
Bune-Judeo/Christian: A Grand Duke of the Infernal Regions, he removes corpses,
haunts cemeteries, and marshals the Demons around tombs and the places of the dead.
He enriches and renders eloquent those who serve him. Thirty Legions obey his call.
Buri-Teutonic/Germanic: Created by Audumla, he is the father of Bor. (Compares
with Uranos.)
Caacrinolaas, Caasimolar, Glasya-Judeo/Christian: A Grand President of Hell, he is
supposed to inspire knowledge of the liberal arts, and to incite homicides.
Caacrinolaas can also render man invisible. He commands thirty six Legions.
Caesars, Emperors, Consuls, Dictators-Roman: Gaius Julius Caesar, Augustus
Gaius Octavius Caesar, Tiberius Caesar, Gaius Caligula Caesar, Claudius Caesar:
Roman Emperors who were deified while alive or after death.
Cailleach-Celtic: The all-knowing God of Intellect and Knowledge.
Caligula Caesar, Gaius Caligula (Little Boot) Caesar-Roman: Emperor from 37
CE, after having his grandfather, Tiberius Caesar, murdered. Deified before his
assassination in 41 CE, Caligula was succeeded by his uncle, Claudius.
Carman-Celtic: Mother Goddess and sorceress.
Carmenta-Roman: Carmenta had a son, Evander, by Mercury, who went to Italy and
founded the town of Pallantium. Carmenta came with him, and changed the fifteen
Greek letters brought by Evander into Roman letters. After her death, she received
divine honors.
Cartouche-Egyptian: The personal hieroglyphs peculiar to each individual Pharaoh,
enclosed within an oval (or rectangular with rounded corners) framing line. The
practice continued until the last Pharaoh of all, Cleopatra VII.
Cassiphone-Greek: Daughter of Circe.
Castor and Pollux, De Penates, Heavenly Twins-Roman: Roman equivalent of the
Greek Heavenly Twins. They too are the constellation Gemini, and are worshipped as
deities of household victuals.
Catabolignes-Judeo/Christian: Demons, who after dealing with men, bare them away,
kill, brake and crush them.
Cauldron of the Dagda-Celtic: The Cauldron of the Dagda has an inexhaustible
supply of food from which-although it would not feed a coward-nobody left hungry.
The Cauldron is guarded by Pwyll, as is the Lia Fail, to symbolize belief in
reincarnation and immortality. (Compares with the Holy Grail and the Tarot/playing
card suit known as Cups or Hearts.)
Celi-Celtic (Britonic): The Invisible Creator, he is the husband of Ceridwen.
Celt, Celtae: One branch of the Aryan people, known collectively as Celts and
separately as: Gaels, Britons, Bretons (Britons who left Britain for Brittany as
refugees to escape the Angles, Saxons, and cetera), Cumbric, Welsh, Manxmen,
Cornish and Pict; and the Continental: Celtiberian, Galatian, Belgae, Veneti and
Gauls. The Teutonic/Germanic peoples are also sometimes spoken of as Celts,
depending on the point of view of the historian, whether the Proto-Celtic-Teutonic
people are thought of as Celtic or otherwise.
Celtiberian-Celtic: Celts that lived on the Iberian peninsula- modern day Spain and
Portugal-and in 61 BCE were driven to their capital Brigantium, in the north western
corner of modern Spain, where they were defeated by Julius Caesar. This corner of
Spain, which is still very Celtic in character, is now called Galicia and has its own
dialect, Gallego.
Centaurs-Greek: Centaurs are creatures with human foreparts and horse hindquarters.
Quarrelsome and fierce, they are the offspring of Ixion, the son of a king of the
Lapiths and a cloud.
Ceres-Roman: An Italic Goddess who came from Campania, she was Hellenised as a
Roman Demeter. By Jupiter, she mothered Proserpine-the Roman Persephone.
Ceridwen-Celtic (Britonic): The wife of Celi, she is the Lunar Goddess who presides
over the Matriarchal Trinity of Mother, Lover, Son. She is the first incarnation of the
Triple Goddess-the Old Age aspect. The Virgin is Arianrod and the Mother is
Blodeuwydd. (Compares with Madron, Diana and Artemis.)
Cernnunos, the Horned One, Lord of the Animals-Celtic: The horned God of
Animals and Hunting.
Ceugant-Celtic: The cosmic home of Celi.
Chaos-Greek: The limitless emptiness that existed before creation, from which came
Gaia, the Underworld, Erebus and Night.
Charon, Kharon-Greek: The boatman/ferryman of the dead. Charon takes souls
accross the River Styx to Hades. He does this at a price, normally paid by placing
coins on the eyes or under the tongue of the dead.
Cherusci-Teutonic/Germanic: A tribe occupying the lands around the sources of
those German rivers emptying into the North Sea.
Chevalier de l' Enfer-Judeo/Christian: These are Demons more powerful than those
of no rank, but less powerful than titled Demons. They may be evoked from dawn to
sunrise, and from sunset to dark.
Children of Don-Celtic (Britonic): The name given by the Britons to one of their two
races of Gods. The other being the Children of Llyr. (Compares with the Tuatha De
Children of Llyr-Celtic (Britonic): The name given by the Britons to one of their two
races of Gods. The other being the Children of Don.
Chimaera-Greek: A monster with the head of a lion, a goat's body, a serpent's tail,
and breathed fire.
Chiron-Greek: A centaur who is renowned for his wisdom and medical knowledge.
Cian-Celtic (Gaelic): Cian is an even greater physician than his father, Dianchecht.
He was able to replace Nuada's silver hand with a real one. Cian is also the father of
Cimbri-Teutonic/Germanic: A people who originally inhabited the northern half of
the Jutland Peninsula-modern Denmark.
Circe-Greek: A sorceress daughter of Helios and mother of Cassiphone.
Claudius Caesar-Roman: Born-1st August 10 BCE, died-54 CE. Uncle and
successor of Caligula. Emperor from 41 CE.
Coel-Celtic (Britonic): Coel, the son of Cyllin, was the bard who made the first mill
wheel. (See also, Corvinwr and Morddal.) Coeus, Koios-Greek: A Titan. Husband of
Phoebe, father of the Goddesses Leto, Artemis, Hekate and the God Apollo.
Coligny Calendar-Celtic: A bronze Gaulish tablet of the 1st century CE.
Consus-Roman: A Fertility God presiding over sowing. His festivals, the Consualia,
consisted of two distinct ceremonies. The first, held on the 1st of August after the
harvest, and the second, held on the 15th of December after the sowing.
Corvinwr-Celtic (Britonic): The bard who gave the Britons their first ship with sails
and rudder. (See also, Morddal and Coel.)
Cronos, Kronos, Father Cronos, Father Time, Time-Greek: The personification of
time, and the youngest and King of the Titans. Son of Gaia and Uranos, brother and
husband of Rhea and father of Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon, each of
whom was swallowed by Cronos at their birth. The only child that escaped this was
his youngest, Zeus. It was Zeus, who after defeating Cronos, liberated the rest of
Cronos's children, and eventually replaced him as King of the Gods. (Compares with
Saturn and Bor.)
Cu Chulainn, the Hound of Culann, Setanta, the Ulster Champion, Celwc-Cetic
(Gaelic): The son of Lug and a mortal women, he is one of the great mythical heroes
of the Gaels. The Britons call him Kulhwch. (Compares with Herakles.)
Cultarius, Cultrarius-Roman: A public servant attached to religious duties, his only
job appears to have been that of cutting the sacrificial victim's throat.
Cupid-Roman: Son of Mars and Venus, he is the Roman equivalent of the Greek
Cyclops, Kyklopes-Greek: One eyed giants who are the children of Gaia and Uranos.
Dagda (the), the Good God, Eochaid Ollathair, Father of All, Ruad Ro-fhessa,
Lord of Perfect Knowledge-Celtic (Gaelic): Father of Angus Og and Brigit, and
husband of Boanna, the Dagda is an omnipotent sky God and the patriarchal founder
of the Druids. In appearance he is ugly and overweight and carries a large wooden
club which with one end he can slay nine men at a time and with the other restore
them to life. He is therefore the lord of life and death. The Dagda also possesses a
cauldron which can never be emptied and from which no one ever goes away
unsatisfied, and a harp with which he is able to call into existence the seasons of the
year. The feast of Samhain is dedicated to him. The Dagda was peacefully displaced
by Lug. (Compares with Odin, Thor, Jupiter, Zeus and Herakles.)
Dairmid the Boar, Dairmait-Celtic (Gaelic): After being incited (by Finn mac
Cumhail) to hunt a dangerous boar, which he kills, Finn persuades Dairmid to pace
out the size of its skin with his bare feet. A bristle pierces the flesh, inflicting a
poisoned wound from which Dairmid dies. Dairmid the Boar is the mythical character
from whom the Scots family, Clan Campbell is derived, another name for that clan
being Clan Dairmid or the Race of Dairmid of the Boar. To this day, the crest for Clan
Campbell is a boar's head.
Day-Greek: The personification of the day, she is the daughter of Night and Erebus.
(Compares with the Teutonic/Germanic, Day.)
Day-Teutonic/Germanic: The personification of the day, he is the son Night and
Delling, Day rides around the world on his horse, Skinfaxi. (Compares with the
Greek, Day.)
Dea, Dia-Roman: A rural Goddess, closely related to Ceres. (See also, Bona Dea.)
Death-Judeo/Christian: The anthropomorphic personification of death. Come's from
the Book of Revelation, 6,8: "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name
that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him...." (Compares with Hades,
Pwyll and Februus.)
Deimos, Panic-Greek: Son and companion of Ares.
Deiotarus, Bull God-Celtic (Galatian): A bull deity.
Demeter, Earth Mother, Grain Mother-Greek: Similar to Gaia, she is the Goddess
who presides over all Vegetation, Health, Birth and Marriage. Daughter of Cronos
and Rhea, and after being raped by Zeus is mother of Persephone, whom for a third of
the year Demeter is in mourning. During this mourning, nothing is able to grow on
Earth, hence winter. (Compares with Ceres.)
Demons, the Hierarchy of Hell-Judeo/Christian: Situated below the ground, the
Christian Hell is populated by Angels that have been expelled from Heaven, and by
the deities of religions overcome by Christianity. The hierarchy of Hell is a monarchy,
divided into a great many classes and into regular Kingdoms and Principalities with
both nobles and commoners, with Satan as their Great Sovereign. There are-to counter
balance the Orders of Heaven-nine Orders of Hell, with a total of 6666 Legions, each
composed of the same number of Demons, to preserve the Infernal Balance. Hell is
also the place where the souls of those whom the Christian Church has damned, reside
for eternity. The name, Hell, derives from the Teutonic/Germanic Hel. (See also,
Angels.) (Compares with Hades, Hel, Asgard, Otherworld and Sides.)
Deus Fidius-Roman: Guardian of hospitality. (See also, Fides, Deus ....)
Di Manes, Indiges-Roman: Household Gods, who are the Spirits of the Dead.
Diana-Roman: A Hellenised Italic Moon Goddess (see Artemis), Diana is the
daughter of Jupiter and Latona, and sister to Apollo.
Dianchecht, Dian Cecht-Celtic (Gaelic): God of Healing. As physician to the Tuatha
he replaced Nuada's lost hand with a silver one. Dianchecht is also the father of Cian
and the grandfather of Lug.
Dies Nefasti-Roman: Some fifty eight days of the Republican calendar were marked
nefasti. On them, citizens could not initiate a lawsuit in the urban praetor's court or
jurisdiction, nor could voting meetings of the comitia be held. However, the Senate
could meet on dies nefasti, lawsuits in the standing courts could proceed, and
contiones could take place in the comitia.
Dies Agonales-Roman: There were four dies agonales in the Republican calendar:
January 9, March 17, May 21 and December 11. The exact meaning of agonalis is
disputed, but what can be established is that on all four dies agonales the Rex
Sacrorum sacrificed a ram in the Regia. The Gods involved seem to have been Jupiter,
Janus, Mars, Vediovis and Sol Indiges.
Dies Religiosi-Roman: Unlucky and ill omened days. There are several kinds, which
include the three days of the year on which the mundus is opened to allow the dead to
wander; the days when Vesta's shrine is open in June; and the rites of the Salii, priests
of Mars. On dies religiosi it is wrong or unlucky to do anything deemed unnecessary,
from beginning a marriage or a journey, to recruiting soldiers or holding meetings in
the comitia. Three of these days each month (the days after the Kalends, Nones and
the Ides) are considered so ill omened they have a special name, dies atri, or black
Dionysos, Dionysus-Greek: God of Wine, Fruitfulness, Vegetation and Tragic Art.
Son of Zeus and a mortal woman. (Compares with Bacchus.)
Dis Pater-Roman: The Roman equivalent of Hades. Dis Pater was directly modelled
on him. (Compares with Hades, Hel, Pwyll.)
Droupnir, Dropper-Teutonic/Germanic: Odin's self replicating gold arm ring.
Druid-Celtic: A priest of the Druidic religion, which dominated spiritual and often
earthly thought among the Celtic peoples. It took twenty years to train a Druid, who
was required to memorize every aspect of his calling from lays to rituals to laws.
Nothing was written down. Druids once consecrated as Druids held the position for
life. They were permitted to marry. As directors of thought, they paid no taxes or
tithes, did not do military service, and were fed and housed at the expense of the tribe.
They provided the priests, lawyers and doctors.
Dryads, Wood Nymphs-Greek, Roman and Celtic: The spirits who live in trees
(most especially, oak trees). To the Greeks, they are children of Uranos. To the Celts
they are believed to be agents of Celi and that after being created with the first rays of
the sun, they then helped to create human kind.
Dvalin-Teutonic/Germanic: A Dwarf who was turned to stone by the sun.
Eastre, Eostre, Easter, Dawn-Teutonic/Germanic: A Goddess who is worshipped at
a festival of the spring equinox. (Compares with Eos and Aurora.)
Edda, Great Grandmother-Teutonic/Germanic: Impregnated by Heimdall, Edda is
the ancestress of the Race of Thralls. She is the wife of Ai and the mother of Thrall.
Eire, Erin, Ayr-Celtic (Gaelic): An ancient Goddess of the Land, her name signifies
"One who is Elevated." She married MacGreine, a son of Ogma. Her name is given to
the island of Ireland-Eire and to the Scots county, Ayr.
Eitri-Teutonic/Germanic: The brother of Brokk. Two Dwarfs who, as smiths,
fashioned gifts for the Elder Gods.
El-Judeo/Christian: The husband of Astaroth and the father of Baal.
Elder or Northern Gods/Goddesses: Refers to the deities of the peoples known as
Elli, Old Age-Teutonic/Germanic: Elli wrestled with and beat Thor in the court of
Elysian Fields, Elysium-Greek and Roman: A special place in the Underworld
reserved for those who had connections with the Gods.
Embla, Elm Tree-Teutonic/Germanic: The name of the first woman, created by the
Gods from a fallen tree. She is the wife of Ask. (Compares with Adam and Eve.)
Enyalius-Greek: Minor Deity of War who sometimes accompanies Ares.
Enyo-Greek: Minor Deity of War who sometimes accompanies Ares.
Eos, the Dawn-Greek: Personification of the dawn and daughter of Hyperion and
Theia, wife of Astraeus and mother of Boreas, Eurus, Zephyrus and Notus. (Compares
with Eastre and Aurora.)
Epimetheus, Who Reflects (the after event)-Greek: A Titan, he is the son of Iapetus
and Themis.
Epona-Celtic (Gaulic): A Horse Goddess. (Compares with Macha and Rhiannon.)
Erinyes, the Eumenides, the Well-Meaning Ones, the Furies-Greek: Goddesses of
Vengeance who follow miscreants and drive them mad. They are daughters of Gaia
and Uranos.
Eris, Strife-Greek: Daughter of Zeus and Hera. Sister and companion to Ares.
Eros-Greek: God of Love and the son of Aphrodite and one of the other Olympians
(Ares, Zeus or Hermes). Eros is usually depicted as a winged boy, carrying a torch
and a quiver with arrows. (Compares with Cupid, Amor.)
Euphemus-Greek: The son of Poseidon and Europa, he has the power to walk on
water. Euphemus was the second pilot during the expedition of the Argonauts.
Europa-Greek: Daughter of Phoenix. From Zeus she gave birth to Minos,
Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon. From Poseidon, Euphemus. She gave her name to the
continent of Europe.
Eurus-Greek: God of the East Wind, he is the son of Astraeus and Eos. (See also,
Boreas, Zephyrus and Notus.)
Eve-Judeo/Christian: The second woman, she was created by Jehovah from one of
Adam's ribs. Eve was the wife of Adam and the father of Cain and able, and
supposedly all mankind. (See also, Lillith, Fruit of Knowledge and Life.) (Compares
with Embla.)
Fafnir-Teutonic/Germanic: Son of Hreidmar.
Fates-Greek, Roman and Teutonic/Germanic: Three Goddesses of Destiny, known as:
(Greek) the Moerae, (Roman) the Parcae, and (Teutonic/Germanic) the Norns.
Fauna, Faunus, the Speaker-Roman: The equivalents of the Greek Pan, Fauna is the
wife or daughter of Faunus-the male. They are the voices of the forest-God and
Goddess of the Forest Animals and Fertility. Faunus is also known under the name,
Lupercal, and Fauna under the name of Bona Dea. (See also, Lupercalia and Bona
Februus-Etruscan: The Etruscan Dis Pater, from whom the month February, was
called-the month of the dead.
Felicitas-Roman: The personification of happy events.
Fenrir-Teutonic/Germanic: Wolf son of Loki, Fenrir is bound by the Gods and will
remain so until Ragnarok.
Feronia-Roman: Sharing some duties with Flora and watching over spring flowers
and vegetation, Feronia is the wife of Soranus.
Festivals-Celtic: The four main festivals of the Celtic year are the fire festivals:
Beltaine, traditionally the 1st of May; Lugnasad, traditionally the 1st of August;
Samhain, traditionally the 1st of November; Imbolc, traditionally the 1st of February.
Fides, Deus Fidius and Semo Sancus-Roman: Three divinities responsible for the
sincerity of public and private transactions.
Fides-Roman: The personification of good faith, especially in verbal contracts. (See
also, Fides, Deus ....)
Field of Happiness-Celtic: See Otherworld.
Fimbulveter-Teutonic/Germanic: A winter of three years duration that will precede
Finn Mac Cumhail, Fionn-Celtic (Gaelic): One of the great mythical heroes of the
Gaels. Finn led a band of warriors whom Dairmid the Boar was a component of. By
Sadb, he was the father of Oisin.
Fir Bolgs-Celtic (Gaelic): Sometimes thought to be the Belgae, the Fir Bolgs were the
third race of divine beings to settle in Ireland and the successors of the Race of
Nemed, they joined forces with the Fomorians and divided Ireland into four
provinces, giving one to each (Fir Bolg) tribe. When the Tuatha De Danann arrived,
the Fir Bolgs were confined to a single province. (See also, Tuatha De Danann,
Fomors, Partholonians and the Race of Nemed.)
Fjalar-Teutonic/Germanic: A Dwarf, Fjalar is the brother of Galar, and with him, the
murderer of wise Kvasir, whose blood they used to make the Mead of Poetry.
Flora-Roman: Goddess of Budding Springtime-cereals, fruit trees, vines and flowers.
Her festivals, the Floralia, last from the 28th of April to the 3rd of May. On the 23rd
of May another festival is held in her honour, the Rose Festival. (Compares with
Pomona, Feronia, Venus and Ceres.)
Focalor-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel of the order of Thrones.
Fodla-Celtic (Gaelic): An ancient Goddess of the Land, she married MacCecht, a son
of Ogma. Her name has connotations of loam or soil-possibly meaning that she is a
Farming/Fertility Goddess.
Fomors-Celtic (Gaelic): A malevolent race of giants who lived in Ireland in mythical
times. They fought the Partholonians and the Nemedians, joined forces with the Fir
Bolg and were conquered by the Tuatha De Danann. (Compares with the Titans.) (See
also, Tuatha De Danann, Race of Nemed, Partholonians and the Fir Bolgs.)
Fortuna, Fors Fortuna, Fors-Roman: Goddess of Fortune and Patroness of Cities.
(Compares with Tyche.)
Freyja-Teutonic/Germanic: Of the race of Gods known as the Vanir, she is the
daughter of Njord and the sister of Freyr. Freyja is the Goddess of Fertility and the
commander of the Valkyries.
Freyr-Teutonic/Germanic: The God of Fertility, Freyr is one of the race of Gods
known as the Vanir. He is the son of Njord, the husband of Gerd and the brother of
Freyja. The followers of Freyr wear a pendant in the shape of a penis.
Frigg-Teutonic/Germanic: Wife of Odin and mother of Balder, she is the first among
the Goddesses. It is from Frigg that the sixth day of the week derives it name, Friday.
Fruit of Knowledge, Tree of Knowledge and the Fruit of Life, Tree of LifeJudeo/Christian: In the Garden of Eden, where the first man and woman (Adam and
Eve) were created, there grew two trees that bore the Fruit of Knowledge and the Fruit
of Life. This fruit was forbidden to the first man and woman. However, they ate fruit
from the Tree of knowledge, thereby acquiring the consciousness of a God. Adam and
Eve were then evicted from the Garden of Eden, to ensure that they did not eat from
the Tree of Life and gain the longevity of a God. (Compares with the Golden Apples.)
Furcas-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel, Furcas is a Knight commanding twenty
Gaels, Gaelic-Celtic: The linguistic branch of Celts that include the modern day
Scots, Irish and Manxmen (Isle of Man). (See Milesians.)
Gaia, Ge, Gaea, the Earth, Mother Earth, Mother Nature-Greek: A female
personification of the Earth who came out of Chaos. The mother and wife of Uranos,
mother of the Titans, the Gigantes, the Cyclops, the Hekatoncheires, the Erinyes and
Pontus. In classical Greece, Gaia was the Goddess who presided over Growing Plants
and Children.
Galar-Teutonic/Germanic: A Dwarf and smith, Galar is the brother of Fjalar.
Galatian-Celtic: Celts that lived in Galatia (modern day Turkey).
Garm-Teutonic/Germanic: The hound chained at the entrance to Niflheim. He will
break loose at Ragnarok and kill, and be killed, by Tue.
Gauls, Gallic, Gaulish-Celtic: Linguistically Britonic, the Gauls were a branch of
Celts that lived in central Europe: from modern day Italy to Switzerland, France,
Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Germany and Turkey. Due to massive migrations by
other Aryans-the Teutons/Germans-the Gauls were forced to at first contend for their
land, and eventually either merge or migrate.
Gefion, Giver-Teutonic/Germanic: A fertility Goddess, especially connected with the
plough. She tricked the King of Sweden out of a tract of his land, Zealand.
Geirrod-Teutonic/Germanic: A Giant who tried to kill Thor.
Genii Cucullati, the Hooded Ones-Celtic: A hierarchy of Hooded Gods.
Genius-Roman: The anonymous deity who protects all groups of people and the
places of their group activities.
Gerd, Field-Teutonic/Germanic: A Frost Giantess, Gerd is the wife of Freyr.
Ghodi-Teutonic/Germanic: Translates as Priest.
Gigantes, Giants-Greek: Giants named Alkyoneus, Porphyrion, Ephialtes, Pallas and
Enkelados, who are the children of Gaia and Uranos.
Gilling-Teutonic/Germanic: A Giant, Gilling and his wife were murdered by Fjyalar
and Galar.
Gimli Hall-Teutonic/Germanic: Inhabited by the ruling Gods after Ragnarok.
Ginnungagap, Seeming Emptiness-Teutonic/Germanic: The void between Muspell
and Niflheim before creation. (Compares with Chaos.)
Gjall, Ringing Horn-Teutonic/Germanic: The horn of Heimdall which can be heard
throughout the nine worlds.
Gjalp, Howler-Teutonic/Germanic: A Giantess daughter of Geirrod. She tried to
crush Thor against the roof.
Gladsheim, Place of Joy-Teutonic/Germanic: The sanctuary of the Elder Gods.
Glaucus-Greek: Originally a mortal man, Glaucus eventually became an immortal sea
Gleipnir-Teutonic/Germanic: The magic fetter used to bind Fenrir.
Goap-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel, Goap is a Lord of the West.
Gobniu-Celtic (Gaelic): God of Smiths and Brewers of Beer. Gobniu is associated
with initiation ceremonies that free the spirit. (Compares with Govannan.)
Gog-Judeo/Christian: A high ranking Demon.
Gold Mane-Teutonic/Germanic: Hrungnir's horse. It is renowned for its speed.
Golden Apples-Teutonic/Germanic: The Elder Gods are not naturally long lived, they
must eat the Golden apples in order to be so. Although they can still die from a mortal
wound. (Compares with the Fruit of Life.)
Golden Age-Greek and Roman: The name given to the peaceful and bountiful age
(for man) under the rule of Cronos/Saturn.
Govannan, Govannan ap Don, ... son of Don-Celtic (Britonic): God of Smiths and
Brewers of Beer. He is associated with initiation ceremonies which free the spirit.
(Compares with Gobniu.)
Great Plain-Celtic: See Otherworld.
Greip, Grasper-Teutonic/Germanic: A Giantess, she is the daughter of Geirrod and
sister of Gjalp.
Grid-Teutonic/Germanic: A mistress of Odin. She lent Thor her weapons to fight
Groa-Teutonic/Germanic: The seeress who tried to remove the whetstone fragments
from Thor's head. She is the wife of Aurvandil.
Gualpian-Celtic (Gaelic): Torture God.
Gungnir-Teutonic/Germanic: Odin's magic spear. (Compares with the Spear of
Destiny and the Spear of Lugh.)
Gunnlod-Teutonic/Germanic: Daughter of Suttung and guardian of the Mead of
Gwydion, Gwidion-Celtic (Britonic): The Celtic name for the Elder God, Odin, the
Magician God of Knowledge. (Thought to be an import from Teutonic/Germanic
culture.) (Compares with Lug and Dagda).
Gwynn ap Ludd, Gwyn-Celtic (Britonic): This son of Ludd guards the entrance to
Annwn. Gwynn goes on the Wild Hunt on the 30th of April. (Compares with Bran.)
Gylfi-Teutonic/Germanic: The King of Sweden who was tricked by Gefion.
Gymir-Teutonic/Germanic: Father of Gerd.
Habondia-Judeo/Christian: Queen of the fairies, witches, harpies, furies, and ghosts
of the wicked.
Hades, the Unseen, Plouton, Pluto, the Wealth, Clymenos, the Illustrious One,
Eubuleus, the Giver of Good Advice-Greek: Son of Rhea and Cronos, husband of
Persephone, this severe and pitiless God presides over the Underworld and Death. He
carries a staff with which he drives the spirits, and the Helmet of Darkness which the
Cyclops had given him. (Compares with Pwyll, Hel, Dis Pater.) Hades is also another
name for the Greek Underworld.
Ham-Teutonic/Germanic: A Norwegian Storm Fiend.
Harbard, Gray Beard-Teutonic/Germanic: Odin, in the guise of the ferry man on the
island of Algron, who goads Thor.
Hati-Teutonic/Germanic: The wolf that chases the moon and will swallow it before
Heavenly Twins, the Dioscouroi, Caster and Polydeuces-Greek: Castor and
Polydeuces were twins who cared for shipwrecked sailors. Sons of Leda and Zeus.
Polydeuces and Caster fought and Polydeuces was killed. Though immortal,
Polydeuces refused immortality and Zeus transformed them into the constellation
Gemini. (Compares with De Penates, Castor and Pollux.)
Hecate-Greek: Daughter of Phoebe and Coeus, Goddess of Witchcraft, Hecate is
worshipped with offerings at crossroads, and with sorcery. She sits on the right of
Hades in the Underworld.
Heimdall-Teutonic/Germanic: The God who is the son of nine mothers, the owner of
Gjall and watchman of the Gods. He disguised himself as Rig, to create the three
races of man-Jarls, Thralls and Karls.
Hekatoncheires, the Hundred Armed-Greek: Gyes (the Bemembered), Kottos (the
Striker) and Briareos (the Strong), three sons of Gaia and Uranos, who had one
hundred arms each.
Hel-Teutonic/Germanic: Daughter of Loki, she is half alive, half dead and rules over
the realm of the dead, Helheim. (Compares with Hades, Hell, Dis Pater and Pwyll.)
Helheim-Teutonic/Germanic: The realm of the dead, the lowest point in the universe.
(See also, Realm.) (Compares with Hades and Underworld.)
Helios, the Sun-Greek: Personification of the sun and son of Hyperion and Theia,
brother to Selene, and Father of Circe. (Compares with Sol.)
Hell-Judeo/Christian: See Demons and Sheol.
Hephaistos-Greek: Husband of Aphrodite. God of Fire, and by extension, the patron
of smiths. Although a crippled dwarf, Hephaistos is a master metalworker. He created
young virgins made of gold which moved, thought and talked as if they were alive.
He is the creator of Pandora. (Compares with Vulcan, Wayland the Smith.)
Hera-Greek: Daughter of Rhea and Cronos. Queen of the Olympians, sister and wife
of Zeus. Mother of Ares and Hebe. Patroness of marriage and women in general.
(Compares with Juno.)
Herakles, Hercules-Greek and Roman: The heroic son of Zeus and the mortal
Alcmene. On his death, he joined the Gods on Olympus as an immortal. He assures
the fruitfulness of the countryside, watches over families and guard's their heritage.
The Romans call him Hercules. (Compares with Cu Chulainn.)
Hercules-Roman: See Herakles.
Hermes-Greek: The son, by Maia, and Messenger of Zeus. Inventor of the lyre
(which he gave to Apollo). Protector of Flocks and Travellers. God of Prudence,
Cunning and Theft. Hermes presides over Dice and other matters of Luck and
Dreams. (Compares with Mercury, Esus.)
Hermod-Teutonic/Germanic: The son of Odin who rode to Hel to bring back his
brother Balder.
Hestia-Greek: Goddess of the Hearth and the Goddess who presided over sacrifices.
Daughter of Cronos and Rhea. (Compares with Vesta.)
Heyd-Teutonic/Germanic: A Norwegian Storm Fiend.
Hlidskjalf-Teutonic/Germanic: Odin's High Seat in Valaskjalf, from where he can see
the entire nine worlds.
Hod-Teutonic/Germanic: The blind God, who unwittingly killed his brother Balder.
Hod will return after Ragnarok.
Holy Grail-Christian: The cup used in the last supper of Christ, and in which drops of
blood from were caught in after he had been stabbed while on the cross of crucifixion.
The Grail is said to contain a never ending supply of food, and to drink from the Grail
is supposed to heal all mortal wounds. (Compares with the Cauldron of the Dagda and
the Tarot/playing card suit known as cups or hearts.)
Honir-Teutonic/Germanic: The long legged God known for his indecisiveness. Honir
will survive Ragnarok.
Horae, the Seasons-Greek and Roman: The Horae were sired by Zeus(Jupiter) and
Themis. They are Eunomia (Good Order), Dike (Justice) and Eirene (Peace).
Hraesvelg, Corpse Eater-Teutonic/Germanic: The Giant who disguised as an eagle,
causes the wind.
Hreidmar-Teutonic/Germanic: A farmer and magician, he is the father of Otter,
Fafnir and Regin, and once trapped Odin, Honir and Loki.
Hrungnir-Teutonic/Germanic: Strongest of the Giants, Hrungnir lost a horse race
with Odin and was subsequently killed by Thor in a dual.
Hugi, Thought-Teutonic/Germanic: The personification of Utgard Loki's thought, he
beat Thialfi in a running race.
Hutjin-Judeo/Christian: A high ranking Demon.
Hygiea-Greek: Daughter of Asclepius. It is from Hygiea that the word hygiene
Hymir-Teutonic/Germanic: A Giant, Hymir's massive cauldron is used by the Gods
for brewing.
Hyperion-Greek: A Titan. Husband of Theia, father of Helios, Selene, and Eos.
Iapetus-Greek: A Titan, Iapetus is the husband of Themis and the father of
Menoetius, Atlas, Prometheus and Epimetheus.
Idun-Teutonic/Germanic: The Goddess who is the custodian of the Golden Apples.
Imbolc-Celtic: See Festivals-Celtic.
Incubus-Judeo/Christian: Demons that have sexual intercourse with mortal women.
Ivaldi-Teutonic/Germanic: Two Dwarfs known as the sons of Ivaldi. They made three
presents for the Elder Gods.
Iving-Teutonic/Germanic: The river that divides Asgard from Jotunheim.
Janus-Roman: God of Beginnings. The beginning of days, months and years are
sacred to Janus, and he gave his name to January. Originally he presided over
doorways in a private home, but later the state adopted him. Janus' temple gates are
closed when the state is at peace and open during war. His description shows him with
two faces, to observe both the interior and exterior of buildings.
Jarl, Earl, Noble Born-Teutonic/Germanic: Progenitor of the Race of Jarls. Jarl is
the son of Mothir, Heimdall claimed him as his son and taught him the secrets of the
Runes. Jarl is the father of Kon.
Jason-Greek: A mortal hero and the son of the rightful claimant to the throne of
Iolcus, he was sent by his uncle, the pretender Pelias, to fetch the Golden Fleece. This
hung on an oak in the grove of Ares at Colchis, and was guarded by a dragon which
never slept. Jason set sail in the Argo accompanied by most of the heroes, including
Herakles and Orpheus (the Argonaughts). After many adventures, Jason reached
Colchis where the king promised him the Fleece, provided he ploughed the Field of
Ares with two brass footed fire breathing bulls, and sewed it with dragons' teeth.
Jason accomplished this task with the help of the witch Medea, and subsequently set
sail with her and the fleece.
Jehovah, Yahweh, God, the Word-Judeo/Christian/Islamic: Yahweh, which is a
form of the four consonants of the Hebrew YHWH. Y represents El the father, H
represents Asherah the mother, W represents He the son and H represents the
daughter Anath. The name Yahweh, or Jehovah, is just a combination of several
deities into the One (as is Jesus and Jehovah: Father, Son and Holy Ghost). Jehovah is
now the accepted name given to the monotheistic Judeo/Christian/Islamic God. (See
also, Jesus and Aten.)
Jesus, Christ, the Chosen One-Judeo/Christian/Islamic: Born of a virgin birth, he is
the son of Jehovah and a mortal woman, Mary. Christianity began in the 1st century
CE, with a small cult of Jews following the teachings of their Messiah, Jesus, who
was crucified and came back to Earth a few days later, proving his God status.
Jormungand-Teutonic/Germanic: The serpent offspring of Loki and Angrboda.
Jormungand encircles Midgard biting his own tail.
Jotunheim, Joltenheim-Teutonic/Germanic: The eastern realm of the Giants. (See
also, Realm.)
Julius Caesar, Gaius Julius Caesar, Gaius Julius Caesar Flamen Dialis, Gaius
Julius Caesar Flamen Dialis Pontifex Maximus-Roman: 12th of July, 100 BCE, to
44 BCE. Of the gens (clan) Iulia (Julia), Gaius Julius was the direct descendant of
Venus-through thirty nine generations. Created Consul in 59 BCE, he was elected
Dictator for an unprecedented ten years, and in 44 BCE he was elected Dictator for
life-becoming the archetype for the Roman Emperors. The year 46 BCE, saw the
advent of the Julian Calendar (developed by Caesar, in which he renamed the month
Quinctilis, July), exchanging the Roman Lunar Calendar for the Solar Julian
Calendar. Deified after his assassination, he was succeeded by his nephew Gaius
Octavius Caesar (Augustus).
Juno-Roman: The sister and consort of Jupiter, and the mother, by Jupiter, of Mars.
She is the Goddess and symbol of the Roman matron.
Jupiter-Roman: After deposing his father, Saturn, Jupiter became the King of
Heaven. By his sister and consort, Juno, he is the father of Mars; by Ceres,
Proserpine; by Dione, Venus; by Maia, Mercury; by Latona, Apollo and Diana; he
also fathered a range of minor Gods and Goddesses, he is the Father of the Gods.
Jupiter is a Warrior God, symbolizing the virtues of justice, good faith and honour,
punishing those who transgresses with a thunderbolt. (Compares with Zeus, Thor and
Juturna, Diuturna-Roman: Goddess of still waters and rivers. A festival, the
Juturnalia, was held in her honour on the 11th of January.
Karl, Peasant, Servant, Slave-Teutonic/Germanic: Progenitor of the Race of Karls,
he is the grandson of Ai and Amma and the husband of Snor. Karl is also the name of
the Race of Peasants, servants and slaves.
Kon-Teutonic/Germanic: Of the Race of Jarls, Kon is the son of Jarl, he learned the
Runes and understood the speech of birds.
Kulhwch-Celtic (Britonic): See Cu Chulainn.
Kvasir-Teutonic/Germanic: A wise man, he was created from the spit of the Gods in
order to give them his advice. Kvasir was murdered by the Dwarfs, Fjalar and Galar,
who brewed the Mead of Poetry from his blood.
Laetitia-Roman: A Goddess connected with incidents particularly desirable for the
city of Rome-the arrival of corn. (Compares with Annona.)
Lara-Roman: A Nymph, who talked so much that Jupiter cut her tongue out. For this
reason she is also known as Muta or Tacita.
Lares-Roman: Household Gods. Divine ancestors venerated in family shrines.
Eventually they were taken over by the state and became Guardian Spirits of the
Laverna-Roman: See Summanus.
Leda-Greek: Daughter of Thestius King of Aetolia, wife of Tyndareus, mother of the
Heavenly Twins.
Lemures, Larvae-Roman: Ghosts of the dead, whose activities were mischievous.
Festivals, the Lemuria, were held on the 9th, 11th and 13th of May to placate them.
Leonard-Judeo/Christian: The Demon Grand Master of the Sphere.
Lerai-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel, he is a great Marquise, commanding thirty
Leviathan-Judeo/Christian: The Serpent from the Sea or the Deeps, in Revelations,
the Leviathan is one of the four Crown Princes of Hell. He is the Lord of Water and
the Western regions of Hell. (See also, Satan, Lucifer and Belial.)
Lew Llaw Gyffes, Lew of the Strong Arm, Lew of the Skilful Hand, Lugh, Leu,
Light-Celtic (Britonic): Son of Arianrod and Llyr, husband of Blodeuedd. He carries
a spear and a sling. (Compares with Lug, Odin and Mercury.)
Lia Fail, Stone of Destiny-Celtic: Brought from Ireland by Saint Columba, and now
kept at Scone Abbey in Scotland (giving rise to its nickname of the Stone of Scone), it
has been used as the coronation seat of Scots royalty for nearly two millennium, and
before that, was purportedly used for coronations on Tara Hill in Ireland. In Celtic
mythology, it is guarded by Pwyll-God of the Underworld-to symbolise belief in
reincarnation and immortality of the soul.
Liber Pater-Roman: A Fertility God presiding over fields and fecundity. He is
honoured in the Liberalia, a festival held on the 17th of March. Liber Pater's consort is
Libera, an Italic Goddess.
Libitina-Roman: The Goddess of Funerals, whenever anyone died, money has to be
taken to her temple.
Lif, Life-Teutonic/Germanic: The man who, with his wife Lifthrasir, will hide in
Yggdrasill and survive Ragnarok. Together they will produce children to repopulate
Lifthrasir, Eager for Life-Teutonic/Germanic: The woman who, with her husband
Lif, will hide in Yggdrasill and survive Ragnarok. Together they will produce
children to repopulate Midgard.
Lillith-Judeo/Christian: The first wife of Adam, she was banished from the Garden of
Eden for refusing to submit to him. Following her banishment she became a Demon
of the night air, apt to swoop out of the darkness and suck the blood of children. She
is also renowned for transmitting licentious dreams to men, and believed to be the
Queen of the Succubi.
Lir, Ler-Celtic (Gaelic): Old God of the sea and father of Mannanan. (Compares with
Llyr, Poseidon, Njord and Aegir.)
Llassar Laes Gyngwyd-Celtic (Britonic): A Giant who was associated with saddlery
and enameling.
Llyr-Celtic (Britonic): Progenitor of the race of Gods known as the Children of Llyr.
Father of Manawyddan, Branwen, Lew and Bran, and husband of Arianrod.
(Compares with Lir.)
Logi, Flames-Teutonic/Germanic: The personification of fire, Logi is the Giant who
beat Loki in an eating contest at the court of Utgard Loki.
Loki, Sly One, Trickster, Sky Traveller, Shape Changer- Teutonic/Germanic: The
son of two Giants, Loki is an attractive, ambivalent, mischief making God, who grows
progressively evil. He causes the death of Balder and is bound until Ragnarok.
(Compares with Lucifer.)
Lucifer, Bringer of Light, 'of Enlightenment-Roman and Judeo/Christian:
Originally an ancient Roman personification of the Morning Star, with the advent of
Christianity, Lucifer was equated with Satan, the Hebrew name for the Morning Star.
Christianity regards Lucifer as a deposed Angel of the order of Seraphim, he is one of
the four Crown Princes of Hell and the Lord of the Air and the Eastern regions of
Hell, and the Grand Justiciary of Hell. (See also, Satan, Belial and the Leviathan.)
(Compares with Loki.)
Ludd Llaw Ereint, Ludd Silver Hand, Llud-Celtic (Britonic): One of the race of
Gods known as the Children of Don. It is from Ludd that the name London derivesCaer Llundein. (Compares with Nuada, Nodens.)
Lug, Lugas, Leu, Lugh, Lamfhada, of the Long Arm, Samildanach, Many
Skilled-Celtic (Gaelic): Son of Cian, husband of the Goddesses Nas and Bui. Lug is
the God of all trades and skills, is able to shapeshift into an eagle, handsome and
armed with a spear and sling, Lug's appearance is in direct contrast to that of the
Dagda and eventually displaced the Dagda in a peaceful transition. The festival of
Lugnasad is dedicated to him. (Compares with Lew, Odin and Mercury.)
Lugnasad-Celtic: See Festivals-Celtic.
Luna-Roman: Personification of the moon. (Compares with Selene.)
Lupercalia-Roman: A festival celebrated on the 15th of February, in honour of the
wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus and the God, Faunus.
Lusitani-Celtic: A Celtiberian tribe.
Mabon ap Madron, Son of the Mother, Mapon, Maponus-Celtic (Britonic): The
personification of the sun, Mabon ap Madron is the son and husband of Madron and
therefore his own father. (See Matriarchal Trinity.) (Compares with Angus Og and
Macha-Celtic (Irish): A horse Goddess. (Compares with Rhiannon and Epona.)
Madron, Modron, Mother-Celtic (Britonic): Known as the Mother of all Creation,
she is the personification of the moon, and the mother and wife of Mabon. (See
Matriarchal Trinity and the Triple Goddess.) (Compares with Ceridwen, Diana and
Magni, Might-Teutonic/Germanic: The son of Thor and the Giantess, Jornsasca.
Magni and his brother Modi will inherit Mjollnir after Ragnarok.
Magog-Judeo/Christian: A high ranking Demon.
Maia-Greek: The daughter of Atlas and Pleione, by Zeus she is mother of Hermes.
Maia, Maja-Roman: Honoured in May-the 5th month of the year which acquired its
name from Maia-she is the Goddess or Mother of Springs and the wife of Vulcan.
Malphas-Judeo/Christian: A Grand Marquise of the Infernal Regions, Malphas builds
impregnable citadels and towers, overthrows the ramparts of his enemies, finds good
workmen, gives Familiars and receives sacrifices. Forty Legions are under his
Mammon-Judeo/Christian: A high ranking Demon.
Manawyddan ab Llyr-Celtic (Britonic): Son of Llyr and Arianrod. (Compares with
Manes, the Good Ones, Di Parentes-Roman: Underworld deities. Whenever a town
is founded a round hole must first be dug. In the bottom of it a stone which represents
a gate to the Underworld, should be embedded. On the 24th of August, the 5th of
October and the 8th November this stone should be removed to permit the Manes to
pass through. The object of the ritual was to appease their anger. Their festivals, the
Parentalia and the Feralia, are celebrated in February. From the 13th to the 26th
business cease and temples are closed.
Mania-Roman: An Ogress who frightens small children.
Mannanen MacLir-Celtic (Gaelic): God of the sea, son of Lir and father of Niamh.
He gave his name to the Isle of Man. (Compares with Manawyddan, Aegir, Njord and
Mars-Roman: God of War, son of Jupiter and Juno, brother and wife of Venus, and
the father of Cupid. By a Vestal Virgin, Mars is the father of Romulus and Remus.
(Compares with Ares, Tue and Taranis.)
Martinet-Judeo/Christian: A high ranking Demon.
Math-Celtic (Britonic): A British deity, Math is the son of Mathonwy.
Mathonwy-Celtic (Britonic): A British deity, Mathonwy is the father of Math.
Matriarchal Trinity-Celtic (Britonic): Mother, lover and son, refers to the solar year,
Madron as the moon is the mother of the sun, Mabon. As Mabon is born, so is the sun.
As Mabon matures, so the sun warms the Earth after the winter. Mabon matures into
manhood (summer) and takes his mother as a wife, impregnating her with their son.
As Mabon reaches old age, so the sun wanes and winter returns. In the coldest part of
the winter Mabon dies, and is reborn as his son Mabon. And so the sun returns to
begin a new solar cycle. This characteristic of the old and new God, Father and Son,
Mother and Lover or Triple Goddess, is constantly repeated throughout Celtic
Matronalia-Roman: A festival dedicated to Juno, celebrated at the Kalends of March,
by Roman matrons.
Mead of Poetry-Teutonic/Germanic: Made by the Dwarfs, Fjalar and Galar, from the
blood of Kvasir. Whoever drinks the Mead of Poetry becomes both a poet and a sage.
Menoetius-Greek: A Titan, he is the son of Iapetus and Themis. Menoetius was
plunged into darkest Erebus, in punishment for his part in the revolt against Zeus.
Mercury-Roman: The son of Jupiter, by Maia, Mercury is the God of Merchants and
Trade. (Compares with Hermes.)
Midas-Greek: After doing a favor for Dionysos, the God asked him to make a wish
and Midas asked that everything he touched be turned into gold. Dionysos took pity
on him and sent him to purify himself in the river Pactolus, which thenceforth flowed
with gold dust. Asked to arbitrate between Apollo and Marsyas as to which played the
lyre better, Midas voted against Apollo who, as a reward, gave him a pair of ass's
ears. In disgrace, Midas killed himself.
Midgard-Teutonic/Germanic: The middle realm of men. (See also, Realm.)
Milesians, Goidels, Gaels, Gaelic-Celtic (Irish and Scots): Named after their king,
Mile, these mortal settlers to Ireland (the ancestors of today's Irish and Scots Gaels)
conquered the Tuatha De Danann. However, as the Milesians failed to make a peace
treaty, the remaining Tuathans continued to harass them with their magic, curdling the
milk in the buckets and blighting crops. Only when the Milesians undertook to pay
the homage due to divinities did the Tuatha cease these annoyances. From this time
on, relation between men and Gods continued on a reasonably amicable basis.
Minerva-Roman: A Warrior Goddess, she is the protectress of commerce, industry
and schools. Minerva was adopted from the Etruscans, to whom she was known as
Menrva, Menrfa, Meneruva and Menarva. (Compares with Athene.)
Mis Calf-Teutonic/Germanic: A nine league tall Giant, who is made of clay.
Mjollnir-Teutonic/Germanic: Thor's hammer, made by the Dwarfs, Brokk and Eitri.
It is a symbol of destruction, fertility and resurrection.
Mnemosye, Memory-Greek: A Titan who, by Zeus, was mother of the Muses.
Modi-Teutonic/Germanic: The son of Thor and the Giantess, Jornsasca. Modi and his
brother Magni will inherit Mjollnir after Ragnarok.
Moerae, Moirai, the Fates-Greek: Daughters of Zeus and Themis they are old
women in white robes, who sit on the right of Hades. Clotho spins the thread of life,
Lachesis measures it and Atropos cuts it off with her shears.
Moloch, Bel Marduk-Judeo/Christian: Originally the God of the Ammonites, Bel
Marduk is worshipped in the shape of a huge, bronze, bull headed statue seated on a
bronze throne. His arms are open in token of his readiness to receive offerings-these
take the form of human sacrifice, usually the first born child because Bel Marduk can
only be appeased by the smell of burning human flesh. The Jews call him the
Abomination of the Ammonites-Moloch. Moloch is known to Christians as the
Demon of Human Sacrifices. Christians claim that one of the offerings demanded by
the Devil in return for his patronage is a human (unbaptized) child. Christians also
believe that witches sacrifice and eat babies at Sabbaths for this reason.
Moon-Teutonic/Germanic: The son of Mudifari and brother of Sun, he drives the
moon on its course. It is from Moon, that the second day of the week derives its name,
Monday. (Compares with Diana and Artemis.)
Morax-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel, Morax is a great Earl and a President
commanding thirty six Legions.
Morddal-Celtic (Britonic): The bard who taught the use of stone and lime. (See also,
Corvinwr and Coel.)
Morrigon, Morrigan, Phantom Queen, Great Queen-Celtic (Gaelic): A Goddess of
war, seer and sorceress, Morrigon is a Triple Goddess who in her other forms is
known as Nemhain and Badhbh. (Compares with Andraste.)
Moses, Mosis, Moshe-Judeo/Christian, Egyptian: The Pharaoh Akhenaton had a
brother named Tuthmosis (Son of the God-Thoth) who disappeared from known
history. It has been speculated that the Prince, Tuthmosis, was exiled from Egypt, and
that if that was the case, then his name would most certainly have been altered to
erase all trace of royalty, therefore his name would be Mosis. The Old Testement
claims that Moses was a Jew brought up as a son by Pharaoh. After realising his true
identity, Moses leaves Egypt, speaks to Jehovah and returns to lead the Jew or Isralite
slaves out of Egypt to the promised land (present day Palestine), performing many
miracles along the way. (See also, Aten.)
Mothir, Mother-Teutonic/Germanic: Impregnated by Heimdall, she is the ancestress
of the Race of Jarls. Mothir is the mother of Jarl.
Mundilfari, Turner-Teutonic/Germanic: The human father of Sun and Moon.
Murmur-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel of the order of Thrones and Angels.
Muses-Greek: Daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, they are the nine divinities who
look after the arts and sciences. Their names are: Clio (History), Euterpe (Lyric
Poetry), Thalia (Comedy), Melpomene (Tragedy), Terpsichore (Choral Dance), Erato
(Erotic Poetry and Mime), Polymnia (Sublime Hymn), Calliope (Epic Poetry) and
Urania (Astronomy). They live on Mount Helicon.
Muspellheim-Teutonic/Germanic: The realm of fire in the south, guarded by the
Giant, Surt. The fusion of Muspellheim's heat with Niflheim's ice, led to creation.
(See also, Realm.)
Naiads-Greek: Water Nymphs who preside over springs, lakes and rivers.
Nanna-Teutonic/Germanic: Balder's wife.
Narvi-Teutonic/Germanic: Son of Loki and Sigiyn, and the father of Night. He was
killed by his brother Vali, and Loki was bound by his entrails.
Nas-Celtic (Gaelic): One of the Goddess wives of Lug.
Neith-Libya: The personification of the moon, she is the Libyan Moon Goddess. The
Greeks took her as their own and renamed her Athene, giving her a heritage deserved
of the Olympians.
Nemesis, Queen of all Causes, Arbiter of Events-Greek: Goddess of Justice.
Daughter of Night. (Compares with Astrea.)
Nemhain, Frenzy-Celtic (Gaelic): See Morrigon.
Neptune, Neptunus-Roman: God of the Sea, his festival, the Neptunalia, is held on
the 23rd of July. (Compares with Poseidon.)
Nereus-Greek: The son of Pontus and Gaia, and the husband of Doris, with whom he
had fifty daughters called, the Nereids, one of which was Thetis. Nereus is an old sea
divinity-living at the bottom of the Aegean Sea, and is often called the Old Man of the
Sea. He is a kind God, who will happily give advice to sailors in need.
Nergal-Judeo/Christian: Chief of the Secret Police of Hell.
Niamh-Celtic (Gaelic): Daughter of Mannanen.
Niflheim-Teutonic/Germanic: A realm of freezing mist and darkness, under one root
of Yggdrasill. Helheim lies within it. (See also, Realm.)
Night-Greek: Daughter of Chaos, she bore Aether, Day, Doom, Fate, Death, Sleep,
Dreams, the Hespirides, Blame, Woe, the Fates, Nemesis, Deceit, Friendship, Age
and Strife. (Compares with the Teutonic/Germanic, Night.)
Night-Teutonic/Germanic: Daughter of Narvi, the mother of Day, she is the
personification of the night and rides her horse Hrimfaxi around the world. (Compares
with the Greek, Night.)
Njord-Teutonic/Germanic: The father of Freyr and Freyja, Njord is the Vanir Fertility
God associated with the wind and the sea. (Compares with Aegir, Poseidon,
Mannanen and Lir.)
Nodens-Celtic (Gaulic): The Gaulic version of Nuada/Ludd.
Norns, Fates-Teutonic/Germanic: The three Goddesses of Destiny. Urd (Past),
Verdandi (Present) and Skuld (Future). (See also, Fates.)
Notus-Greek: God of the South Wind, he is the son of Astraeus and Eos. (See also,
Boreas, Zephyrus and Eurus.)
Nuada Argatlam, Nuada of the Silver Hand-Celtic (Gaelic): After having lost a
hand in battle with the Fomorians, the physician Diancecht replaced it with a silver
one. Later the physician Cian was able to replace it with a real one. King of the
Tuatha, he carried the Sword of Nuada which, when unsheathed no enemy could
escape it. (Compares with Ludd, Nodens.)
Oceanus-Greek: A Titan, he is the water which circles the Earth. From where the
moon, stars and sun arise, only to plunge back again at the end of the night or day.
With Tethys, he is the father of Proteus.
Odin, Woden, Wotan, All Father, God of Gods, One Eyed, Terrible One, Father
of Battle, Raider, Gwydion-Teutonic/Germanic: Son of Bor, father of Thor, Balder
and Vali, and first among the Aesir. It is from Woden that the fourth day of the week
derives its name, Wednesday. The followers of Odin wear a pendant in the shape of a
spear. (See also, Gwydion.) (Compares with Zeus, Jupiter, the Dagda, Lew and
Ogma, Oghm, Ogham-Celtic (Gaelic): Champion of the Tuatha and inventor of
Oghm script, an ancient form of Celtic alphabet. He also acts as a guide to lead
departed souls safely through the Celtic Underworld to reincarnation. Ogma has three
sons named MacCuill, MacCecht and MacGreine. These three sons are married to the
ancient Goddesses of the land, named Banba, Fodla and Eire.
Oisin, Ossean-Celtic (Gaelic): Son of Finn mac Cumhail and Sadb, Oisin was as
great a hero as his father.
Olwen-Celtic: A fertility God.
Olympians-Greek: Name normally given to the twelve major deities whose home is
on Mount Olympus-Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Ares, Athene, Artemis, Apollo,
Hephaistos, Aphrodite, Dionysos, Hermes, and Hades (who, although an Olympian,
lives in the Underworld). On Mount Olympus, the Gods formed a society with its own
laws and hierarchy. First came the twelve great Gods and Goddesses. Next came such
as-Demeter, Helios, Selene, Leto, Dione, Themis and Eos. Then a lower rank forming
as it were the courtiers of the Olympians and sworn to their service-the Horae, the
Moerae, Nemesis, the Graces, the Muses, Iris, Hebe and Ganymede. Persephone and
Hecate remain with Hades in his Subterranean Empire.
Ops-Roman: A very ancient Sabine Goddess whom Rome adopted, she is the
personification of creative force and agricultural fertility. She is venerated in the
Opalia on the 19th of December and invoked by sitting down and touching the Earth
with the hand.
Orcus-Roman: Orcus represented Death. His name is also applied to the Underworld.
Orcus carries off the living by force and conducts them to the Infernal regions.
Oreads-Greek: Mountain Nymphs.
Orion-Greek: A Giant, he was killed by the Gods and transported into the heavens,
where he remains-hence the constellation, Orion.
Orpheus-Greek: A Man-God rather than a deity, he is the son of King Oeagrus and
Calliope. Orpheus traveled with Jason and the Argonauts in search of the Golden
Fleece. The followers of Orpheus seek mystic union with their God, and believe in the
transmigration of souls and an afterlife.
Otherworld, Fairyland, Paradise-Celtic: In Celtic mythology, there is more than
one abode for the Gods and the dead. Although known collectively as the Otherworld,
they are known respectively as Sides, the Field of Happiness, the Great Plain, Tir na
n'Og (the Land of Youth), the undersea world of Tir Tairngire (Land of Promise),
Emain Abhlach (Island of Apples) or Avallon (a land of apple trees bearing fruit)-all
places like Earth, but where you want for nothing, Paradise. (Compares with Heaven,
Otter-Teutonic/Germanic: A son of Hreidmar, he was killed by Loki.
Pal-Celtic: God of intoxication.
Pales-Roman: At first a male divinity, he later took on feminine form and became the
protectress of flocks. Her festival, the Palilia, is celebrated on the 21st of April.
Pan-Greek: The God who presides over shepherds and their flocks, and of the
countryside. He is also a fertility God and taught Apollo prophecy. Pan is represented
as having goats feet, tail and horns (pictorially the modern Satan/Lucifer) and
accompanied by nymphs. From his name comes the word panic. (Compares with
Faunus, Fauna.)
Parcae, the Fates-Roman: Roman version of the Greek Moirai.
Partholonians-Celtic (Gaelic): The first in a succession of divine settlers of Ireland.
Constantly at war with the Fomorians, they lived in Ireland for five thousand years
and were wiped out within a week by plague. (See also, Tuatha De Danann, Fomors,
Race of Nemed and Fir Bolgs.)
Pax-Roman: Goddess of Peace.
Persephone, Persipnei-Greek: Daughter of Demeter and wife of Hades. Persephone
was kidnapped by Hades and taken to the Underworld, where she now spends a third
of the year as his wife. (Compares with Proserpine and Rhianon.)
Perseus-Greek: Son of Danae and Zeus was sent by Polydectes of Seriphos to fetch
the head of Medusa, one of the Gorgans whose glance turned men to stone. Athene
gave Perseus a polished shield in which to watch the reflection of Medusa, and
Hermes told him where to find a pair of winged sandals, a magic bag to carry the head
in, and a helmet of invisibility. So equipped, Perseus accomplished his task. On his
way back he rescued Andromeda from a sea monster, for which she had been chained
to a rock on the coast. Arriving at Seriphos, he turned Polydectes to stone by showing
him the Gorgon's head. He then gave it to Athene who mounted it in her shield, the
Phaethon-Greek: He was killed while driving the Chariot of the Sun-to prove his
divine origin to a doubter-of which he lost control, and to save the universe, Zeus
struck him down with a thunderbolt.
Phobos, Rout-Greek: Son and companion of Ares.
Phoebe-Greek: A Titaness. Wife of Koios, mother of the Goddesses Leto, Artemis,
Hekate and the God Apollo.
Phoenix-Judeo/Christian: A deposed Angel of the order of Thrones.
Phoenix-Greek: Son of Agenor, King of Tyre.
Pontus, the Sea-Greek: A personification of the sea Pontus is the son of Gaia, and the
outcome of a virgin birth. By Gaia, he was the father of Nereus.
Poseidon-Greek: God of the Sea, creator of the horse. Son of Cronos and Rhea,
husband of Amphitrite, father of Pegasus, Theseus and Triton. (Compares with Aegir,
Njord, Lir and Mannanen.)
Prometheus, Who Foresees-Greek: A Titan become immortal, he is the son of
Themis and Iapetus.
Proserpine-Roman: Roman counterpart of Persephone. Daughter of Ceres and wife
of Dis Pater. (Compares with Rhianon.)
Proteus-Greek: The son of Oceanus and Tethys, his task is to guard Poseidon's herd
of seals.
Pryderi-Celtic (Britonic): Son of Pwyll and Rhiannon and a Lord of Annwn.
Pwyll Pen Annwn, Pwyll Head of Annwn-Celtic (Britonic): Husband of Rhiannon
and father of Pryderi. Pwyll guards the four treasures of the Celts-symbols of powerthe sword of Nuada and the spear of Lugh to defend their divine right, and a chalice
(the cauldron of the Dagda) and crystal (the Lia Fail) to symbolize belief in
reincarnation and immortality of the soul. (See also, Holy Grail and Spear of Destiny.)
(Pwyll compares with Dis Pater and Hades.)
Quinquatrus-Roman: A festival dedicated to Mars and Minerva lasting five days
during the spring equinox.
Race of Nemed-Celtic (Gaelic): Second of the divine settlers of Ireland, they were the
successors to the Partholonians. Due to plague and war with the Formorians they were
reduced to a mere thirty. They then left Ireland. (See also, Tuatha De Danann,
Fomors, Partholonians and the Fir Bolgs.)
Ragnarok, Fatal Destiny-Teutonic/Germanic: The apocalyptic final battle between
the Giants and the Gods.
Ran-Teutonic/Germanic: The wife of Aegir, God of the Sea. She drags drowning men
down with a net.
Realm, the Nine Realms/Worlds-Teutonic/Germanic: Linked by Yggdrasil, the Nine
Realms are:
1. Asgard-Home of the Elder Gods.
2. Alfheim-Realm of Light and Beautiful Elves.
3. Niflheim-Northern realm of Cold and Dark.
4. Jotunheim-Eastern realm of the Giants.
5. Midgard-Middle realm of men.
6. Vanaheim-Western realm of the Vanes (Vanir).
7. Muspellheim-Southern realm of fire.
8. Svortalfheim-Underground realm of Dark Elves.
9. Helheim-The lowest point in the universe, the realm of the dead.
Red Man-Judeo/Christian: A Demon of tempests. He becomes furious when the rash
voyager intrudes on his solitude, and shows his anger in the winds and storms.
Regin-Teutonic/Germanic: A son of Hreidmar.
Rhea-Greek: A Titaness. Wife of Cronos. It was Rhea who deceived Cronos into
swallowing a clothed stone rather than Zeus (see Cronos). (Compares with Bestla.)
Rhiannon-Celtic (Britonic): A horse Goddess, she is the wife of Pwyll and the
mother of Pryderi. (Compares with Epona, Macha, Persephone and Proserpine.)
Rimmon-Judeo/Christian: A high ranking Demon.
Rind-Teutonic/Germanic: A Goddess mistress of Odin. Their son was Vali.
Romulus and Remus-Roman: Twin sons of Mars by Rhea Silvia, daughter of
Numitor, King of Alba. After birth, they were placed in a basket and set afloat on the
Tiber. The river deposited the basket before the grotto Lupercal. There a she wolf
came to suckle the infants who were sheltered and brought up by a shepherd. In 753
BCE, they founded the city of Rome.
Roskva-Teutonic/Germanic: Servant of Thor, and sister of Thialfi.
Sadorn-Celtic: Grandfather of the Gods. (Compares with Saturn, Cronos.)
Samhain-Celtic: See Festivals-Celtic.
Satan, Adversary, Opponent-Judeo/Christian: The deposed Angel of the Morning
Star, of the order of Seraphim, Satan is the Lord of Fire, the Inferno and the Southern
regions of Hell. One of the four Crown Princes of Hell, he is the Sovereign Lord of
Hell. (See also, Lucifer, Belial and the Leviathan.) (Compares with Loki, Hel, Pwyll,
Hades and Dis Pater.)
Saturn-Roman: Saturn, from whom the seventh day of the week derives its nameSaturday, once reigned over both Earth and Heaven in a time known as the Golden
Age. To prevent deposer, he ate his children. He was deposed by his son Jupiter. (See
also, Saturnalia.) (Compares with Cronos.)
Saturnalia-Roman: A festival celebrated in honour of Saturn, from the 17th to the
23rd of December.
Scathach-Celtic (Gaelic): A warrior Goddess, she tutored Cuchulainn on the Isle of
Sky, which is named after her.
Selene, the Moon-Greek: Personification of the moon and daughter of Hyperion and
Theia, and sister to Helios. (Compares with Luna.)
Semo Sancus-Roman: God of Oaths. (See also, Fides, Deus ....)
Sequanna-Celtic: Goddess of Healing.
Sheol-Judeo/Christian: The ancient Hebrew term meaning, Grave (that is, the burial
plot of the dead-underground). The concept of a place of paradise or torment for the
eternal soul was unfamiliar to the ancient Hebrews. Once a person died, they were
buried, and that is where their soul stayed, as if resting or sleeping. With the arrival of
Christianity, there was a blending of both Aryan and Semitic mythology, the result of
this was the advent of Heaven and Hell, eternal damnation, salvation, and cetera.
Orthodox Jews still accept the Sheol interpretation of death as an absolute. (See also,
Demons and Angels.)
Side, Sidh-Celtic (Gaelic): Prehistoric burial mounds which are the abode of some of
the Gods. (See also, Otherworld.) (Compares with Asgard, Valhalla and Heaven.)
Sif-Teutonic/Germanic: Thor's wife.
Silvanus-Roman: A Forest God who watches over the work of clearing land for
pastures in wooded country. His appearance was that of Faunus and Pan.
Sinann, Shannon-Celtic (Gaelic): Goddess of the river.
Sindri Hall-Teutonic/Germanic: A hall in the world to come after Ragnarok.
Skald-Teutonic/Germanic: Translates as Bard.
Skoll-Teutonic/Germanic: The wolf that pursues the sun and will swallow it before
Skuld, Future-Teutonic/Germanic: One of the three Norns.
Sleipnir-Teutonic/Germanic: Odin's eight legged horse with Runes carved on its
teeth. Sired by the stallion Svadilfari and borne by Loki.
Snor-Teutonic/Germanic: Wife of Karl and ancestress of the Race of Karls.
Sol, Sol Indiges, Sol Invictus, Sun the Invincible-Roman: Husband of Tellus, he is
the Roman equivalent of Helios.
Soranus-Roman: The husband of Feronia, Soranus is a Sabine divinity who became a
Solar God after first having been a God of the Underworld.
Spear of Destiny, Longinus, Spear of Longinus-Christian: Longinus was the
Roman Centurion who, using this spear, was said to have pierced the side of Christ
while he was on the cross of crucifixion. It is said that whoever owns the Spear of
Destiny has the power to rule the world and change the course of history. (Compares
with Gungnir, the spear of Lugh and the Tarot/playing card suit known as clubs,
wands or staves.)
Spear of Lugh-Celtic: The fiery blood dripping spear which is guarded by Pwyll as
one of the symbols of power to defend the divine right of the Celts. (Compares with
Gungnir, the Spear of Destiny, and the Tarot/playing card suit known as wands, staves
or clubs.)
Succubus, Succubi-Judeo/Christian: Nubile female demons who have sexual
intercourse with sleeping men. Their Queen was Lillith.
Suebi, Wanderers-Teutonic/Germanic: A people who inhabited the forested regions
of Europe from south of the rivers Rhine and Moselle to Switzerland.
Sugambri-Teutonic/Germanic: A people who inhabited the lands adjacent to the
rivers Rhine and Moselle.
Summanus-Etruscan: A Thunder God who presides over the night sky. He and the
Goddess Laverna, together accept the prayers of thieves and impostors. (Compares
with Jupiter, Zeus and Thor.)
Sun-Teutonic/Germanic: Daughter of Mundilfari and sister of Moon, she drives the
sun on its course. It is from Sun, that the first day of the week derives its name,
Sunday. (Compares with Apollo.)
Surt-Teutonic/Germanic: The Giant who has guarded Muspell since before creation.
Surt will set fire to the world at Ragnarok.
Suttung-Teutonic/Germanic: The son of Gilling, and for some time, the keeper of the
Mead of Poetry.
Svadilfari-Teutonic/Germanic: The stallion that assisted the Giant mason to build the
walls of Asgard. Svadilfari is the father of Sleipnir.
Sword of Nuada-Celtic: Fatal at every stroke, the Sword of Nuada is guarded by
Pwyll as one of the symbols of power to defend the divine right of the Celts.
(Compares with the Tarot/playing card suit known as swords or spades.)
Taranis-Celtic (Gaulic): Gaulic God of War. (Compares with Ares, Mars, Tue.)
Tartarus-Greek: The deepest part of the Underworld, where those who have offended
the Gods are to toil at a task in perpetuity.
Tellus Mater-Roman: Earth Goddess and Goddess of Fecundity. Tellus Mater
protects the fruitfulness of the soil and watches over marriage and the procreation of
children. She is the wife of Sol.
Terminus-Roman: A deity who watches over property, and presides over the fixing
of boundaries and frontiers.
Teutatis-Celtic (Gaulic): Teutatis originated as an Aryan sky God, indeed his name
means Sky God. In this he compares with Tue, Zeus and Jupiter.
Thamuz-Judeo/Christian: A high ranking Demon.
Theia-Greek: A Titaness. Wife of Hyperion, mother of Helios, Selene and Eos.
Themis-Greek: The Goddess of Justice. A Titan, she is the wife of Iapetus and mother
of the Menoetius, Atlas, Prometheus and
Epimetheus, and-with Zeus-the Moerae and Horae.
Theseus-Greek: A mortal hero, he was the son of King Aegeus of Athens and heir to
the throne. He volunteered to go as one of the seven youths and seven maidens that
were sent as a tribute to King Minos of Crete, who fed them to the Minotaur, a half
man, half bull. This monster was contained in a maze, the Labyrinth, devised by the
master craftsman Daedalus. With the aid of a sword and a ball of thread to find his
way back out of the labyrinth, Theseus slew the Minotaur. He escaped, already having
arranged with his father to change his black sail of his ship for a white one had his
mission been successful, but he forgot. King Aegeus on seeing the black sail at sea
threw himself into the Aegean, which is named after him.
Thetis-Greek: Daughter of Nereus, whom Zeus courted.
Thialfi-Teutonic/Germanic: A farmer's son who, with his sister, Roskva, became
Thor's servant.
Thir, Drudge-Teutonic/Germanic: The wife of Thrall.
Thokk-Teutonic/Germanic: The Giantess who prevented Balder's return from Hel.
Thor, Thunder God, the Charioteer, Hurler, Donar, Donner-Teutonic/Germanic:
God of the Sky, Thunder, Fertility, Law and Order. Thor is the son of Odin and
husband of Sif, he is second in the hierarchy of Gods, and their guardian. It is from
Thor that the fifth day of the week derives its name, Thursday. The followers of Thor
wear a pendant in the shape of a hammer. (Compares with Zeus, Herakles and the
Thrall, Serf-Teutonic/Germanic: Progenitor of the Race of Thralls, Thrall is the son
of Ai and Edda, and the husband of Thir. Thrall is also the name of the Race of Serfs.
Thrud-Teutonic/Germanic: Daughter of Thor.
Thrym-Teutonic/Germanic: The Giant who stole Thor's hammer.
Tiberinus-Roman: The God of the river Tiber. To prevent him from overflowing the
Vestals, on the 15th of May, throw images of wicker mannequins. On the 17th of
June, the Ludi Piscatorii-the festival of fishermen and divers-takes place, and on the
17th of August, the Tiberinalia.
Tiberius Caesar-Roman: Born-November 16, 42 BCE. The successor of Augustus,
Tiberius was deified after his assassination in 37 CE, and succeeded by his grandson
Gaius Caligula.
Tir na n'Og, the Land of Youth-Celtic (Gaelic): See Otherworld.
Titans-Greek: Twelve giant children of Gaia and Uranos. They are Oceanus, Coius,
Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus and Cronos (the males), and Thea, Rhea, Themis,
Mnemosyne, Phoebe and Thetys (the females).
Tower of London-Celtic (Britonic) and Teutonic/Germanic (English): There is a
legend concerning the Tower of London, which proclaims that its resident ravens
represent the sovereignty of Britain, and that if the ravens leave, the British monarchy
will fall. (See also, Bran.)
Triple Goddess-Celtic: Old Age, Mother and Virgin, a feature that was repeated by
all Celts, using their own names for the various Goddesses. See Ceridwen,
Blodeuwydd and Arianrod. (Compares with the Holy Trinity.)
Triton-Greek: Son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. His lower body is a fish's tail. There
is also a group of mythical sea creatures called, Tritons. (Compares with Neptune.)
Tuatha De Danann, People of the Goddess Danu, Ana, Anu-Celtic (Gaelic): The
name given to the divine settlers of Ireland who conquered the Fir Bolgs and the
Fomorians and were themselves conquered by the Milesians. (See also, Fir Bolgs,
Fomors, Partholonians, the Race of Nemed and the Milesians.) (Compares with the
Children of Don.)
Tue, Tyr, Tew, Tiw, Tiwaz, Teu-Teutonic/Germanic: God of War. Originating as an
Aryan Sky God (Tue means Sky God as is Zeus, Jupiter and Teutatis), he was
displaced by Odin and Thor, and is considered to be the son of Odin or Hymir. It is
from Tue that the third name of the week derives its name, Tuesday. The followers of
Tue wear a pendant in the shape of a shield. (Compares with Mars, Ares and Taranis.)
Tyche-Greek: Patroness of cities and Goddess of Fortune. (Compares with Fortuna.)
Underworld, Hades, Annwn-Greek, Celtic, Roman: The realm of the dead, governed
over by the Gods (Greek) Hades and Persephone, (Celtic) Pwyll and Rhianon,
(Roman) Dis Pater and Proserpine. (See also, Elysian Fields and Tartarus.) (Compares
to Helheim.)
Uranos, Uranus, Ouranos, Heaven-Greek: The personification of Heaven. The son
(from a virgin birth) and husband of Ge. Father of the Cyclops, the Gigantes, the
Hekatoncheires, the Erinyes, the Tree Nymphs (Dryads) and Aphrodite. In a war with
his sons, Uranos began by throwing the three Cyclops into Tartarus. But the Titans
(encouraged by their mother) castrated Uranos using an iron sickle which Gaia had
given to Cronos. Some of Uranos's blood fell on Gaia, prompting her to give birth to
the Erinyes, the Gigantes, and Aphrodite was born from Uranos' manhood that had
landed in the sea. (Compares with Buri.)
Urd, Past-Teutonic/Germanic: One of the three Norns.
Utgard-Teutonic/Germanic: A stronghold of Jotunheim, ruled by Utgard Loki (a
master of illusion).
Valaskjalf, Shelf of the Slain-Teutonic/Germanic: Odin's hall in Asgard.
Valhalla, Hall of the Slain-Teutonic/Germanic: An immense hall where the
Einherjar (Dead Warriors) feast and carouse until Ragnarok, when they will fight for
Vali-Teutonic/Germanic: The son of Loki and Sigyn. The Gods turned him into a
wolf and he killed his brother Narvi.
Vali-Teutonic/Germanic: The son of Odin and his Giant mistress, Rind, expressly
conceived to take vengeance for Balder's death.
Valkyries, Valkaries Choosers of the Slain-Teutonic/Germanic: Beautiful young
women, they choose the men who are to die in battle, and take them back to Valhalla,
for Odin. Their commander is Freyja.
Vanir-Teutonic/Germanic: A race of Fertility Gods who, after a war against the
Aesir, become integrated with them. The only Vanir spoken of are Njord, Freyja and
Freyr. (Compares with the Aesir.)
Var, Oath-Teutonic/Germanic: The Goddess who overhears marriage oaths, and
punishes those who do not keep them.
Ve-Teutonic/Germanic: Son of Bor and brother of Odin and Vili.
Veltis-Judeo/Christian: An evil minor Demon.
Veneti-Celtic: The original Celtic inhabitants of Brittany (before the arrival of the
Venus Erucina-Roman: The protector of prostitutes, the aspect of Venus which rules
the act of love.
Venus Libitina-Roman: The aspect of Venus (who is the Goddess of the Life-Force)
which rules the extinction of Life-Force.
Venus-Roman: Daughter of Jupiter and Dione, mother of Aeneas, King of Dardania,
and the thirty nine times great grandmother of Gaius Julius Caesar, Venus is the
Goddess of Love, and symbolizes spring and fruitfulness. She has her place in the
Floralia with Flora and Feronia, and in the Vinalia Rustica on the 9th of August. (See
also, Venus ....) Compares with Aphrodite.)
Verdandi, Present-Teutonic/Germanic: One of the three Norns.
Verdelet-Judeo/Christian: A Demon of the Second Order and Master of Ceremonies
at the Infernal Court. He is charged with taking witches to the Sabbath.
Vertumnus-Roman: God of Fruit Trees.
Vesta-Roman: The virgin Goddess of the Hearth, the Earth and Fertility. (See also,
Vestal Virgins.) (Compares with Hestia.)
Vestal Virgins-Roman: Female servants of the cult of Vesta. (Compares with the
Nuns who serve the cult of Jesus.)
Vestalia-Roman: A festival dedicated to Vesta, celebrated on the 7th of June, by
mothers of families who bring a plate of food.
Veur-Teutonic/Germanic: The name taken by Thor, when he visited Hymir.
Vica Pota-Roman: A Goddess who presides over victory celebrations. (See also,
Victoria and Vitula.)
Victoria, Victory-Roman: Goddess of War. (See also, Vica Pota and Vitula.)
Vidar-Teutonic/Germanic: Son of Odin and Grid, he will avenge Odin's death and
survive Ragnarok.
Vigrid, Battle Shaker-Teutonic/Germanic: The vast plain where the final battle of
Ragnarok will take place.
Vili-Teutonic/Germanic: Son of Bor, brother of Odin and Ve.
Vingolf Hall-Teutonic/Germanic: The hall in which the Goddesses have their High
Vitula, Vitellia-Roman: A Goddess who presides over victory celebrations. (See also,
Victoria and Vica Pota.)
Vulcan, Vulcanus-Roman: The God of Fire and the river Tiber, he is the husband of
Maia. The three festivals dedicated to Vulcan are the Portunalia (celebrated on the
17th of August in honour of Vulcan's role as God of the Tiber), the Vulcania
(celebrated on the 23rd of August), and the Volturnalia (celebrated on the 27th of
August, again in his role of God of the Tiber). (Compares with Hephaistos.)
Water-Roman: The personification of water.
Wayland the Smith, Wayland Smith-Teutonic/Germanic: A human smith of such
great ability, that the Gods claimed and hamstrung him to prevent his escape. His
followers wear a single central piece ladder with staggered rungs as a pendant.
(Compares with Hephaistos.)
Yggdrasil-Teutonic/Germanic: The world tree, an ash, that links and shelters the nine
realms. (See also, Realms.)
Ymir-Teutonic/Germanic: The first Giant, formed from fire and ice. The world was
formed from his body.
Ysbaddaden-Celtic: The domain of Giants.
Zabulon-Judeo/Christian: A minor Demon.
Zaebos-Judeo/Christian: A Grand Count of the Infernal Regions, he is of gentle
Zagam-Judeo/Christian: A Grand President of the Infernal Regions, Zagam changes
water into wine, blood into oil, the fool into a wise man, lead into silver, and copper
into gold. Thirty Legions obey him.
Zepar-Judeo/Christian: A warrior, this Grand Duke of the Infernal Empire has twenty
eight Legions under his command.
Zephyrus-Greek: God of the West Wind, he is the son of Astraeus and Eos. (See also,
Boreas, Eurus and Notus.)
Zernebooch-Teutonic/Germanic: A dark God, to the ancient Germans he was the
Emperor of the Empire of the Dead.
Zeus, Sky God, Father of Gods and Men-Greek: Principle God of the Greeks, he
presides over the other Olympians. Zeus is a sky God associated with the weather,
particularly in its stormy aspects. (Compares with Jupiter, Tue, Teutatis, the Dagda,
Lugh, Lew, Thor and Odin.)
Zimimar-Judeo/Christian: Demon Lordly Monarch of the North.